View Full Version : Democrats fleeing from Obama

01-31-2014, 12:33 PM

How do you spell "racist"?

Apparently it's now spelled L - a - n - d - r - i -e -u.

How else would you explain her decision to abandon Obama in this crucial time?

"Spooked by President Barack Obama's low approval ratings, some of his fellow Democrats in tough November election races have begun their campaigns by distancing themselves from the White House and asserting their independence from Obama's policies.

In what amounts to a survival-first strategy among embattled Democrats crucial to the party's effort to keep control of the Senate, some candidates in conservative states Obama lost in 2012 are aggressively criticizing his healthcare, energy and regulatory policies.

The group includes three incumbent senators, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Mark Begich of Alaska, as well as Natalie Tennant, who is seeking to replace retiring Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia."

Just because Obama has "low poll numbers" (which is secretly code for "low pheomelanin count") these Democrats think it's okay to "distance" themselves from him?

Remember this at the voting booths this year everyone. Anyone but those Democrats who have turned their back on our president!

01-31-2014, 01:01 PM
As dumb as people down here are, I'll be shocked if anyone still can't see through Mary Landrieu's bullshit.