View Full Version : Working on Thanksgiving = evil

11-28-2013, 05:29 PM
When did it suddenly become evil for a store to be open on Thanksgiving? For as long as I can remember I remember stores being open on Thanksgiving. Sure a lot of stores were closed and most of the ones that were open closed early but still. Everywhere I look this year all I see is how evil stores are for wanting to be open on Thanksgiving. When did this start? Who is to blame? Why does Latrin hate turkey?

I think the thing that confuses me the most is that no one complains that there is a football game on Thanksgiving, don't those people have families to go home to?

11-28-2013, 05:33 PM
When I bartended I always worked thanksgiving night. I made bank cause everyone wants to get wasted after dealing with the family all day.

11-28-2013, 05:43 PM

11-28-2013, 07:49 PM
I think the issue is more specifically with businesses that begin Black Friday sales earlier and earlier and pull all their employees in on Thanksgiving. I think it's shitty, but kinda comes with working in retail. Most of everyone has been called in on days off or had to work holidays at one point or another, so... eh.

11-28-2013, 08:02 PM
As long as its optional and they get holiday double time pay I see no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill. Frankly hearing people whine about these stores being open on Thanksgiving is annoying. Don't shop there, mind your own business, and enjoy turkey with the family.

11-28-2013, 08:18 PM
As long as its optional and they get holiday double time pay I see no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill. Frankly hearing people whine about these stores being open on Thanksgiving is annoying. Don't shop there, mind your own business, and enjoy turkey with the family.

LOL at optional and double time. There is not such thing as optional in retail. And you would get time and a half normally.

Know what I find is funny... people that complain about stores being open on Thanksgiving.. then call their cell phone company to find out if minutes are free because it's a holiday. OMG stores can't be open.. but heaven forbid if you need customer service and they are closed.

11-28-2013, 08:25 PM
I don't think anyone would mind if the employees had options but they often don't. When I worked in a corporate environment for a while, it was mandatory that everyone be there, nevermind any problems it caused from crowding an entire team meant to work in shifts into an area only equipped for half of them to work at one time. If you didn't go in, you were fired.

Except for the overcrowding, I didn't mind, but that's because I hate family-oriented holidays. I would have been one of the people volunteering to go in on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day and Easter. But a lot of my co-workers had families they actually liked and wanted to spend time with. They were frustrated by the fact that they kept getting invited on family trips or events but could never go because of work. They felt trapped in the jobs though because of poor employment in the city or health insurance factors or whatever so they could not afford to get fired or quit.

I don't know about anyone else, but that's why I feel supportive of those who HAVE to work on Thanksgiving. Plus, I miss my boyfriend, who is at work right now, pulling a 5 pm to 2 am shift.

11-28-2013, 08:40 PM
As long as its optional and they get holiday double time pay I see no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill. Frankly hearing people whine about these stores being open on Thanksgiving is annoying. Don't shop there, mind your own business, and enjoy turkey with the family.

Optional and double time pay?

Why are you making a mountain out of a molehill?

11-28-2013, 08:42 PM
It is illegal for a retail store to be open on Thanksgiving in Massachusetts, so I feel pretty justified in thinking it's shitty for stores in other states to be open.

11-28-2013, 08:43 PM
The turnkey is a filthy animal. Part rat, part cat, and the rest is dog.

11-28-2013, 09:17 PM
It is illegal for a retail store to be open on Thanksgiving in Massachusetts, so I feel pretty justified in thinking it's shitty for stores in other states to be open.

Should it be illegal for stores to be open on Christmas, 4th of July and Easter as well?

11-28-2013, 09:28 PM
Thread: Working on Thanksgiving = evil

Im disgusted that I agree with you

Good. Good. Soon all shall join the dark side.

11-28-2013, 09:39 PM
LOL at optional and double time. There is not such thing as optional in retail. And you would get time and a half normally.

This is not technically correct... everywhere I have ever worked, we paid people time and half, plus they get the standard holiday pay... so it's basically 2 1/2x pay.

Granted, the holiday pay is separate, but I've never seen people complain about the pay - just whine about working the hours.

11-28-2013, 09:44 PM
I was very distressed that Subway was closed today. I really wanted a sandwich.

11-28-2013, 09:46 PM
Personally, I think we shouldn't stop at retail...let the firefighters, police and hospital staff have the day off too.

Tsk Tsk
11-28-2013, 10:10 PM
Personally, I think we shouldn't stop at retail...let the firefighters, police and hospital staff have the day off too.

I don't really see how this is comparable. First responders and hospitals are a bit higher on the necessity level than buying a 30% off t-shirt a day early.

11-28-2013, 10:11 PM
I don't really see how this is comparable. First responders and hospitals are a bit higher on the necessity level than buying a 30% off t-shirt a day early.

What about 40%?

Tsk Tsk
11-28-2013, 10:13 PM
What about 40%?

Well now you may have an argument.

11-28-2013, 10:18 PM
yo I got a Furby Boom for 55% off

11-28-2013, 10:27 PM
I don't really see how this is comparable. First responders and hospitals are a bit higher on the necessity level than buying a 30% off t-shirt a day early.

Hello...have we met?

Tongue was firmly in cheek.

11-28-2013, 10:28 PM
We pay our workers time and a half. People enjoy our product on the holiday. How is this evil?

11-28-2013, 10:28 PM
We pay our workers time and a half. People enjoy our product on the holiday. How is this evil?

I thought you were a teacher?

11-28-2013, 10:29 PM
Let's go back to how Tsk Tsk ruined my joke by making me explain it.

11-28-2013, 10:31 PM
Let's go back to how Tsk Tsk ruined my joke by making me explain it.

Tsk Tsk made you work on Thanksgiving?!

11-28-2013, 10:36 PM
I thought you were a teacher?

I do about four things, really. One is teaching. One is doing some management for my family's winery. One involves working for another family business (some of the work involves emissions markets, some land use). The final involves speculation.

The winery pays time and a half on Turkey Day.


It's also run by the most liberal part of my family. Conspiracy!

11-28-2013, 10:38 PM
It might or might not be the wine talking right now but, for god's sake, don't stop selling wine on Thanksgiving!

11-28-2013, 10:38 PM
It's kind of scary seeing the Democrats and Republicans of this forum agreeing on something.

Someone hold me :(

The final involves speculation.

You an oil speculator? Are you why gas prices are so high?!

11-28-2013, 10:45 PM
It might or might not be the wine talking right now but, for god's sake, don't stop selling wine on Thanksgiving!

We won't! It's a really great day to sell wine.

You an oil speculator? Are you why gas prices are so high?!

Gas prices, uranium prices, and betting against America. It's a hearty mix.

11-28-2013, 10:52 PM
I think if you have the option to work for the double pay, key word being option, it's fine. If it's mandatory and you'd rather be at home with your family, then yeah, it's BS.

11-29-2013, 12:46 AM
Should it be illegal for stores to be open on Christmas, 4th of July and Easter as well?It is already illegal for them to be open on Christmas. July 4 and Easter aren't the same thing.

11-29-2013, 12:54 AM
Cops, firefighters, military, etc have to work over the holidays. It sucks, yes. I was in Iraq during Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years. I was in Afghan during the 4th of July. I think I had a little more on the line than retail workers. Police officers work of the same days. The point I'm making, you have a job. Do it. If you don't like your hours, quit. Simple as that. Sometimes it sucks... You are getting paid though. Suck it the fuck up.

11-29-2013, 01:17 AM
Cops, firefighters, military, etc have to work over the holidays. It sucks, yes. I was in Iraq during Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years. I was in Afghan during the 4th of July. I think I had a little more on the line than retail workers. Police officers work of the same days. The point I'm making, you have a job. Do it. If you don't like your hours, quit. Simple as that. Sometimes it sucks... You are getting paid though. Suck it the fuck up.

That's a pretty dumb post actually. You sign up to be a cop or in the armed forces knowing that you may have to be working on holidays and away from your family. That's a choice you make. I think this is the first year that so many stores are opening on Thanksgiving day, and chances are people started working at these stores long before this change, with the understanding that they'd be off on these holidays to spend with family. Once again - if they're given the option of working for OT/holiday pay and they take it, great. If they're told it's mandatory or they're fired, that's fucking bullshit.

11-29-2013, 01:28 AM
That's a pretty dumb post actually. You sign up to be a cop or in the armed forces knowing that you may have to be working on holidays and away from your family. That's a choice you make. I think this is the first year that so many stores are opening on Thanksgiving day, and chances are people started working at these stores long before this change, with the understanding that they'd be off on these holidays to spend with family. Once again - if they're given the option of working for OT/holiday pay and they take it, great. If they're told it's mandatory or they're fired, that's fucking bullshit.

Okay, and you sign up to work at a store. Knowing they may be open on Thanksgiving, Christmas, or whatever. Generally, you get paid extra for it too. I have no sympathy for them. And no, it isn't the first year. Good friend of mine works at a Casino, she worked on Thanksgiving. She had off on Tuesday, we did Thanksgiving with her on that day. It was fun.

Oh, and PS, when I signed up, there was no war. I signed up August 27th 2001.

11-29-2013, 01:36 AM
Okay, so have no sympathy for them. It doesn't make much difference - it's still absolutely ridiculous for people to be forced into a thankless shit job selling TVs and toys and clothing on Thanksgiving, when they should be home enjoying the time with their family and remembering what they're actually thankful for, if that's what they choose.

So last year all of these clothing, electronics, etc. stores opened on Thanksgiving? Which ones? Cause frankly I don't really remember that being an issue. I went shopping last year on BF too. I remember waiting out until stores opened at midnight. I think there were maybe one or two stores that opened earlier than that, and Walmart I think was one of them.

11-29-2013, 01:41 AM
Then they should get a different job. Got to college. Improve their situation. Walmart is a big one that was open last year.

I don't have any sympathy because I put my ass on the line, do you think I knew I'd be working during those days when I enlisted? No. And I bet my pay check wasn't any better than theirs. Someone has to be working. Sorry, but it has to happen. PS, movie Theaters have also been open as far back as I can remember on Thanksgiving days.

You gotta do what you gotta do, whether it is working during Thanksgiving or other holidays.

11-29-2013, 02:47 AM
It is already illegal for them to be open on Christmas. July 4 and Easter aren't the same thing.

They aren't national Holidays?

Thanksgiving isn't a Religious one, neither is 4th of July. East is, and Christmas is, so if they CAN be open one day, then it's a subjective reason why they can't be open the other.

Using the phrase, "people want to be home with their families on those holidays" is not valid. Since people want to be home with their families on Easter and 4th of July. Sorry, but there is ZERO valid arguments why one holiday is ok to be open, and another isn't.

11-29-2013, 02:52 AM
Okay, so have no sympathy for them. It doesn't make much difference - it's still absolutely ridiculous for people to be forced into a thankless shit job selling TVs and toys and clothing on Thanksgiving, when they should be home enjoying the time with their family and remembering what they're actually thankful for, if that's what they choose.

So last year all of these clothing, electronics, etc. stores opened on Thanksgiving? Which ones? Cause frankly I don't really remember that being an issue. I went shopping last year on BF too. I remember waiting out until stores opened at midnight. I think there were maybe one or two stores that opened earlier than that, and Walmart I think was one of them.

Are gas stations open on Thanksgiving? They sure are where I live. Are you going to lump those in with valid stores, or invalid ones?

Do people NEED to go to a store on Thanksgiving and go shopping? No, do people WANT to? Apparently, yes they do. What the consumer demands, the stores supply. Simple as that. Thanksgiving is the same as any other fucking holiday to me. Shit's open, and sometimes you work. When i worked at T-Mobile, we were open 365, 24/7. Cause stupid fucking idiots always want to call customer service. Do people need to call customer service about a bill on Thanksgiving? No. But guess what, they can, so they do.

I take it all you people against shopping on thanksgiving are FOR Blue Laws, huh?

11-29-2013, 06:39 AM
You knocked over a bunch of straw men very loudly and then announced that you worked at a T-Mobile call center. Unsurprisingly, I'm not going to bother having this discussion any further.

11-29-2013, 08:19 AM
I think if you have the option to work for the double pay, key word being option, it's fine. If it's mandatory and you'd rather be at home with your family, then yeah, it's BS.

There are many industries where this simply isn't possible. Hotel employees is one. Sometimes, the holidays are the busiest days of the year and it's all hands on deck.

11-29-2013, 08:26 AM
Okay, so have no sympathy for them. It doesn't make much difference - it's still absolutely ridiculous for people to be forced into a thankless shit job selling TVs and toys and clothing on Thanksgiving, when they should be home enjoying the time with their family and remembering what they're actually thankful for, if that's what they choose.

So last year all of these clothing, electronics, etc. stores opened on Thanksgiving? Which ones? Cause frankly I don't really remember that being an issue. I went shopping last year on BF too. I remember waiting out until stores opened at midnight. I think there were maybe one or two stores that opened earlier than that, and Walmart I think was one of them.

Most retail places that are open on Thanksgiving, this isn't a shock to the employees that they have to work that day when they accept the position. For many of those types of stores, it's the busiest 4 days for the store.

If it is a shock.. well, we know why they are working in retail...

11-29-2013, 08:41 AM
You gotta do what you gotta do, whether it is working during Thanksgiving or other holidays.On the other hand, if you have sufficient leverage you can negotiate.
What the consumer demands, the stores supply.There are (at least) two other parties to take into account: the workers and the government. For instance, if the workers refuse to work unpaid overtime (and are able to make that refusal stand up), the store will be less able to supply goods regardless of demand. If the government absolutely forbids the selling of crack, the store will be less able to provide it, fellatio be damned.

11-29-2013, 08:53 AM
You knocked over a bunch of straw men very loudly and then announced that you worked at a T-Mobile call center. Unsurprisingly, I'm not going to bother having this discussion any further.

LOL, I am surprised you have conversations with anyone since you seem to think you are better then every single human on the planet.

Yeah, I worked at one, 12 years ago. I fixed computer billing errors. Generally worked on corporate accounts. Actually, was fun fixing errors when a company with 500+ phones had an issue. Not to mention having the power to credit up to 1 million dollars was neat. For more then that I needed VP approval.

As for Holidays, I really don't see how any holiday is different then any other. Not to mention, really, if you are all gung ho about them being closed on Thanksgiving, why wouldn't you be pushing for being closed every national holiday, huh?

Also.. go choke on a dick.

11-29-2013, 10:56 AM
You knocked over a bunch of straw men very loudly and then announced that you worked at a T-Mobile call center. Unsurprisingly, I'm not going to bother having this discussion any further.


11-29-2013, 11:08 AM
There are many industries where this simply isn't possible. Hotel employees is one. Sometimes, the holidays are the busiest days of the year and it's all hands on deck.

That is definitely understandable. However no one NEEDS to buy a TV on Thanksgiving, in my opinion. I see no reason for the black Friday sales to start earlier and earlier every year, to where they're now black Thursday sales. It just doesn't make sense. If you really want to start your sales on Thursday, how about just having them be online? That way you still make money on Thanksgiving but you aren't forcing people to work away from their families. I think retail is a pretty miserable and thankless job, so if they get two holidays a year to spend with family (Thanksgiving and Christmas), I don't really think that's a horrible thing. Maybe that's against American culture, but oh well. I'm ok with that too I guess.

11-29-2013, 11:12 AM
Jesus didn't get thanksgiving off.

11-29-2013, 12:03 PM
That is definitely understandable. However no one NEEDS to buy a TV on Thanksgiving, in my opinion. I see no reason for the black Friday sales to start earlier and earlier every year, to where they're now black Thursday sales. It just doesn't make sense. If you really want to start your sales on Thursday, how about just having them be online? That way you still make money on Thanksgiving but you aren't forcing people to work away from their families. I think retail is a pretty miserable and thankless job, so if they get two holidays a year to spend with family (Thanksgiving and Christmas), I don't really think that's a horrible thing. Maybe that's against American culture, but oh well. I'm ok with that too I guess.

Not everyone shops online. Unless you are advocating that everyone in America be given a free computer and free internet access just so stores don't have to be open on Thursday. I just don't see how you can say that. Not to mention some people get a kick out of planning out and heading out to shop on the Busy days. I once sat in line at a Best Buy for 2 days, Wednesday and Thursday (missed Turkey day completely) so I could be first in line to get my mom the Washer/Dryer combo she wanted, and a New french door fridge. Did I need to? No, but there were limited quantities, and she really needed new stuff. If that sale had started Thursday, it just means I would have had to go out sooner. Also, I saved 3,000 on them. So frankly, it was worth 2 days of my life, considering I just sat there and read some books, no big deal.

Dear fucking god people, you act like them opening on Thanksgiving is the end of the fucking world. There was a time when no stores were open on Sunday, nor almost any National holiday. I don't see you bitching up a storm that people can't be home with their families on Sunday. Now you are perfectly happy with them open on Sundays, and 4th of July, Easter, New Years day, President's day, Columbus day.. etc etc.

One reason why I don't give a shit, I don't have to go if I don't want to. Here is another thing.. there are LESS shopping days till Christmas this year. The economy is still shit. They need as many sale days as possible.

11-29-2013, 12:26 PM
If you're going shopping on Thanksgiving you're probably going with family. That's the only thing that matters about our largely created holidays anyways.

11-29-2013, 12:53 PM
I am actually astonished that 2 of our Liberal elite are this upset about a made up holiday that they should really be against. After all what do the Indians have to be thankful for? Sharing their food with the pilgrims, then having their land stolen and their sons murdered? I am surprised Diethx isn't marching in protest.

11-29-2013, 01:08 PM
I thought you were a teacher?

I thought he was a lawyer?


Maybe invisible WB is the teacher, and visible WB is the lawyer. Or vice versa.

Only both WBs know for sure.

ON TOPIC: Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

11-29-2013, 01:37 PM
Everyone isn't the same. Attempting to project our ideals on each other is the root of a lot of our problems as a society.

11-29-2013, 01:38 PM
Just an FYI. But a lot of people don't get off for Blackfriday to go shopping. My Mom and Aunt both work at hospitals, differnt ones and different departments, but they always work on Blackfriday. So neither of them get to go shopping that day. So why shouldn't they be able to go shopping on their day off? Thursday.

11-29-2013, 01:57 PM
I am actually astonished that 2 of our Liberal elite are this upset about a made up holiday that they should really be against. After all what do the Indians have to be thankful for? Sharing their food with the pilgrims, then having their land stolen and their sons murdered? I am surprised Diethx isn't marching in protest.

Liberal doesn't mean what it used to. Then again, neither does conservative. They've spent so many years opposing each other on specific issues and ignoring the ideals behind them that both platforms are pretty much fucked up. Time for a reboot.

11-29-2013, 02:06 PM
Having been at one of the biggest retailers for Black Friday for near two years now, I knew when I got hired, working the Black Friday sale was a given. This is having been in retail for 13+ years now. Last year, Toys R Us was among the first to open at 8 pm on Thanksgiving where most were doing 10 pm or midnight. This year was 5 pm. I had to be at work at 4pm and this was after having worked 12.5 hours into Thanksgiving morning (leaving at 9:30 am with my manager and the three assistants I had for the evening) just setting up the ad. I had no real Thanksgiving and I was lucky to get 1.5 hours of sleep in between shifts.

It's shitty, yeah, but it's a job, which after being unemployed for little under a year, is better than no paycheck at all. I may've been slightly delirious from lack of sleep, overly caffeinated to make up for the delirium, but all in all, it wasn't a horrible day. I had fun, the customers had fun for the most part. I didn't get the crappy cranky ones, and I'm pretty certain I managed to score 13.5 hours of time and a half on top of my seemingly usual overtime pay during the season. Would I prefer to not have to deal with working on a holiday, sure... but it comes with the territory.

I also found out that my old retail job opened at 8 pm on Thanksgiving when in years past, we didn't open until 6 AM. This made me /sadface.

11-29-2013, 02:22 PM
I wonder What Diethx and Bob think about restaurants open for Thanksgiving. There is something that doesn't need to be open either. Shouldn't those people get to spend the day with their family, instead of cooking for everyone else?

11-29-2013, 02:25 PM
I think we all glossed over something very important in this thread and quite frankly I think we should all be ashamed of ourselves for letting this slip by.

Warriorbird's family owns a winery and he hasn't offered us free wine for the holidays or at the very least a very steep discount? What the fuck?

Aren't we like your internet family? We all fight and bicker just like a real family.

11-29-2013, 02:27 PM
I thought he was a lawyer?


Maybe invisible WB is the teacher, and visible WB is the lawyer. Or vice versa.

Only both WBs know for sure.

ON TOPIC: Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

I went to law school. Said law school got its accreditation removed for granting civil law degrees, which is the reason why I went. I left Louisiana because of that. A "civil law certificate" does not entitle you to practice in Europe. EU law miraculously changed (I still don't know why, it's actually bad for the EU) so I could do what I wanted the degree for without the degree. I have never taken the bar exam. I do not practice law.


I could blame the French or Louisiana. I choose to blame the French, no matter what you think about me.

I think we all glossed over something very important in this thread and quite frankly I think we should all be ashamed of ourselves for letting this slip by.

Warriorbird's family owns a winery and he hasn't offered us free wine for the holidays or at the very least a very steep discount? What the fuck?

Aren't we like your internet family? We all fight and bicker just like a real family.

I offer free wine festival admission. Four of you have taken me up on that. Second weekend in October, every October.

11-29-2013, 02:40 PM
My mother worked either Christmas or Thanksgiving for years, as did I. Yep, we made the choice to get an education and work in nursing, just like some made a decision to work in retail. Them's the breaks!

11-29-2013, 03:44 PM
Just an FYI. But a lot of people don't get off for Blackfriday to go shopping. My Mom and Aunt both work at hospitals, differnt ones and different departments, but they always work on Blackfriday. So neither of them get to go shopping that day. So why shouldn't they be able to go shopping on their day off? Thursday.

Because Thursday should be a day off for the people that have to work Black Friday.

11-29-2013, 04:31 PM
That is definitely understandable. However no one NEEDS to buy a TV on Thanksgiving, in my opinion. I see no reason for the black Friday sales to start earlier and earlier every year, to where they're now black Thursday sales. It just doesn't make sense. If you really want to start your sales on Thursday, how about just having them be online? That way you still make money on Thanksgiving but you aren't forcing people to work away from their families. I think retail is a pretty miserable and thankless job, so if they get two holidays a year to spend with family (Thanksgiving and Christmas), I don't really think that's a horrible thing. Maybe that's against American culture, but oh well. I'm ok with that too I guess.

The women in my family make a night out of it. We finish eating around 4 and since the men are generally sleeping/watching football/etc... they go out at 8PM and get in line for shopping. I personally think it's dumb as hell, but every year they love doing it.

Anyone who works in those types of stores already know that they are working for 4 straight days of meyhem and that it's just the beginning. But I'm sure they are happy to have a job and getting the ability to make money.

If they don't want to work... they should find another line of work IMO. There are PLENTY of people who will be happy to take their position.

11-29-2013, 04:32 PM
If you're going shopping on Thanksgiving you're probably going with family. That's the only thing that matters about our largely created holidays anyways.


I agree. :(

11-29-2013, 04:34 PM
Because Thursday should be a day off for the people that have to work Black Friday.


I used to have to work 5 days in ROW... EVERY WEEK!

Tsk Tsk
11-29-2013, 05:28 PM
Let's go back to how Tsk Tsk ruined my joke by making me explain it.


11-29-2013, 05:33 PM
It is illegal for a retail store to be open on Thanksgiving in Massachusetts, so I feel pretty justified in thinking it's shitty for stores in other states to be open.

You also get mandatory time and a half on Sundays. Oh how I miss MA.

Tsk Tsk
11-29-2013, 06:46 PM
Putting on the OK and supporting retail shops to open on a significant national holiday is a slippery slope. Some people just want to fight to keep it one of the very very few days out of the year people can freely maintain their traditions and spend time with family. I wouldn't call it evil so much as I would consider it a depressing trend where our compulsion for consumption wins over tradition and family values.

I know arguing on an internet forum isn't going to win anyone over so I simply refuse to go shop on that day. Sadly, the only thing that works in this country is speaking with your dollar.

11-29-2013, 06:58 PM
Putting on the OK and supporting retail shops to open on a significant national holiday is a slippery slope. Some people just want to fight to keep it one of the very very few days out of the year people can freely maintain their traditions and spend time with family. I wouldn't call it evil so much as I would consider it a depressing trend where our compulsion for consumption wins over tradition and family values.

I understand where you're coming from but as I questioned in the first post who exactly is the one who started this campaign; the people who have to work on Thanksgiving or those who don't want people to work on Thanksgiving.

I'm not saying the following examples speak for everyone but it makes me question who is behind this sudden campaign. I have one friend who said she actually likes working Thanksgiving because her family has always celebrated Thanksgiving on the weekend because a lot of people come from out of town and it's easier that way so she gets paid double time to be working on Thanksgiving when normally she would just be sitting home twiddling her thumbs.

Another friend of mine just said she didn't care one way or the other. To be fair though I think she's a communist.

Are people worried we as a nation are losing our way or are they really concerned about these people working on Thanksgiving? Latrin, would you like to weigh in?

11-29-2013, 07:16 PM
Nobody said it was (or rather, would be) easy... nobody said it would be this hard.


I am not in love with this mix, but 1:20-1:50 restores my faith in humanity.


Do you notice how there is no main artist, but all are featured? While too many cooks spoil the broth, aye, perhaps the same is true of too few. Someone clearly should have said "this weak faux drum shizzz has got to go" and while we're on the subject "we all love fiddlin' but you must emulate Clarence, God rest him, and be Flagstaff rather than Hamlet; absence makes the heart grow fonder, hesitate to praise no longer".


This is what you asked for. This is what you deserve. God bless us, every one! VENUS

11-29-2013, 07:21 PM
Alright no more eggnog for Latrin this year.

11-29-2013, 07:52 PM
I offer free wine festival admission. Four of you have taken me up on that. Second weekend in October, every October.

It'd take you up on this but my palate is extremely uneducated and anything I tasted would be a waste on me. I would like to spit into a cup in public, though. Hmmm.

11-29-2013, 09:15 PM

I used to have to work 5 days in ROW... EVERY WEEK!

While walking in the snow uphill to and from work?

11-29-2013, 09:17 PM
It'd take you up on this but my palate is extremely uneducated and anything I tasted would be a waste on me. I would like to spit into a cup in public, though. Hmmm.

Take up dipping.

11-29-2013, 09:23 PM
Spit AND get mouth cancer at the same time!

That's what I call multitasking.

11-30-2013, 12:46 AM
I don't see you bitching up a storm that people can't be home with their families on Sunday.

Um, wut? How is that even comparable? Were you drunk when you posted that?

I am actually astonished that 2 of our Liberal elite

Once again, lolwut? I'm a "PC liberal elite"? Ok I know you tend to have a habit of labeling anything you disagree with as liberal, but you really sound stupid right now. Ok, more stupid than normal.

11-30-2013, 01:47 AM
Once again, lolwut? I'm a "PC liberal elite"? Ok I know you tend to have a habit of labeling anything you disagree with as liberal, but you really sound stupid right now. Ok, more stupid than normal.

You mean that you don't burn your bras along with refusing to shave and shower? Great! Now, my mental image of you is all ruined!

11-30-2013, 09:58 AM
I usually work Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Christmas. It would be a lot easier if every person that came into my place wasn't filled with rage. I took more complaints over the last 2 days than I have in the last 2 months, most of them so ridiculous I don't even know what to say.

Holidays bring out the best in everyone. Yesterday I was pretty sure a dude was about to deck me until our security guard showed up. He was parked illegally and had been towed (not by me). Last year on Christmas I got to call the cops because two women were going to get in a fist fight in front of their families (husbands and children all gathered 'round).

11-30-2013, 10:14 AM
It is already illegal for them to be open on Christmas. July 4 and Easter aren't the same thing.

So what is the "same thing?" Bob, you're really smart, you know this, most people know this... but being smart doesn't mean what you think is never wrong. I'm really smart too, but when I'm wrong, I admit it and accept it, and look to make sure that I'm not wrong on that subject matter again. Christmas and Easter are religious holidays. I see no reason to mandate those days be national holidays because of that little separation of church and state clause. Thanksgiving is hardly a holiday anymore. In today's day and age, all it does is boost the sales of turkeys and officially kick off the holiday shopping season which leads up to... a religious holiday... Christmas.

As for the MA laws making it illegal to be open on those days, well... When the government starts to make it illegal for someone to make $$$ on a particular day, I feel that's overstepping their boundaries. Our capitalist society and current poor economy tell me that every opportunity to make $$$ should be embraced, not made illegal.

LOL, I am surprised you have conversations with anyone since you seem to think you are better then every single human on the planet.

I don't think Bob's ever actually had a conversation with anyone. All he does is talk AT people, not to them. Pretty sure if he'd do that to me IRL he'd have his jaw wired shut for a month or so.

Jesus didn't get thanksgiving off.

He didn't get Christmas off either... It wasn't even his birthday, it's just the day the church decided to celebrate it.

Everyone isn't the same. Attempting to project our ideals on each other is the root of a lot of our problems as a society.

DING! That's the whole reason I think liberal politics are bullshit. They hear a single voice shouting about special interests and they force that voice on everyone.

I could blame the French or Louisiana. I choose to blame the French, no matter what you think about me.

I offer free wine festival admission. Four of you have taken me up on that. Second weekend in October, every October.

Where is your wine festival? I like wine! I also like to blame the French.

OH, and for the record, I had to work the optional Black Friday shift this year... because despite never signing up for it, my name ended up on the staffing list. I went to work and just accepted it. It's more $$$ in my pocket. No sense complaining. I actually got some "good" out of it in the form of a bribe to get me to work the optional Sundays... they're giving me a "preferred" job if I show up instead of one of the grunt jobs. Even more $$$ in my pocket..

11-30-2013, 10:40 AM
You mean that you don't burn your bras along with refusing to shave and shower? Great! Now, my mental image of you is all ruined!

Hehe. Sorry. :(

11-30-2013, 10:49 AM
Pretty sure if he'd do that to me IRL he'd have his jaw wired shut for a month or so.

Internet badass alert.

11-30-2013, 10:52 AM
Hehe. Sorry. :(

I am not sure if you really mean it, I'll have to think on it.

11-30-2013, 11:27 AM
He didn't get Christmas off either... It wasn't even his birthday, it's just the day the church decided to celebrate it.

Actually, The catholic church wanted to convert "pagans" so they co-opted a pagan holiday and said it was the birth of their savior. That way they could slowly get the people to start celebrating "their" holiday instead of the original one. Tactically brilliant really.

But yeah, I am not sure how Bob could say that Thanksgiving and 4th of July are not the same. Frankly, 4Th of July is more important really. As for Christmas and Easter.. duh.

11-30-2013, 12:02 PM
Where is your wine festival? I like wine! I also like to blame the French.

Central Virginia. Second weekend of October every year.


11-30-2013, 12:51 PM
Central Virginia. Second weekend of October every year.


Please tell me this is you:


11-30-2013, 01:00 PM
Central Virginia. Second weekend of October every year.


You have a garlic festival with the wine festival? Slightly different.

11-30-2013, 01:48 PM
I don't think Bob's ever actually had a conversation with anyone. All he does is talk AT people, not to them. Pretty sure if he'd do that to me IRL he'd have his jaw wired shut for a month or so.

The only danger to his jaw is from dislocating it while laughing at your idiotic internet tough guy posturing.

11-30-2013, 01:50 PM
The only danger to his jaw is from dislocating it while laughing at your idiotic internet tough guy posturing.

I dunno, they're both pretty skinny little dudes...would be a scrappy fight.

11-30-2013, 01:50 PM
You mean that you don't burn your bras along with refusing to shave and shower?

Stop confusing liberal elitism with radical feminism.

11-30-2013, 01:51 PM
I dunno, they're both pretty skinny little dudes...would be a scrappy fight.


My money's on Bob. He can use his MIT ring to batter Gibrefecal to death.

11-30-2013, 03:28 PM
Please tell me this is you:


If only. He's epic though.

And yes. Our wine festival is a garlic festival. Our garlic festival is a wine festival. It works to distinguish us a touch still.

11-30-2013, 04:30 PM
The only danger to his jaw is from dislocating it while laughing at your idiotic internet tough guy posturing.

Pretty sure the reality of Bob and Gib fighting would be like this, minus about 100 lbs. in total combined weight.


Unless Bob brings his katana/dildo TWC combo, which would change everything.

11-30-2013, 04:42 PM
Pretty sure the reality of Bob and Gib fighting would be like this, minus about 100 lbs. in total combined weight.

Looks about right.

11-30-2013, 04:46 PM
Can someone please point me towards a pic of Gibreficul so I can be in on the joke too?!

11-30-2013, 04:47 PM
He looks like something you find when you turn over a rock. Pale and sickly.

11-30-2013, 04:50 PM

11-30-2013, 05:04 PM
Can someone please point me towards a pic of Gibreficul so I can be in on the joke too?!

He's on Ponderland...as are a lot of us (myself included)...but it's like 13 years old, so...

11-30-2013, 05:13 PM
I have no idea what that is.

11-30-2013, 05:14 PM
Toy's old pic site...I think you can still find it on photobucket...i'll look.

11-30-2013, 05:23 PM
I have no idea what that is.

flickr, sorry...found it. http://www.flickr.com/groups/62109359@N00/pool/

My wife and I's wedding pic is about half way down the first page, labeled Thelena_Lyshia....Gib is about half way down the second page, the shirtless guy next to the dude with the red star on his beanie.

11-30-2013, 05:30 PM
Can you give me a direct link to it? I tried scrolling through but there are just too many pics that aren't labeled unless you hover. Fuck hovering over 700 pics.

11-30-2013, 05:33 PM
Oh nevermind, I found it. Jesus fuck this site hahaha.

11-30-2013, 05:38 PM
That gallery is chock full of goodness from many moons ago, and has alot of history in it with players who have long since stopped playing. Good times

11-30-2013, 05:45 PM
I noticed. Saw a bunch of long-gone friends.

11-30-2013, 07:48 PM
Sweetsugar's pics disturb the fuck out of me.

11-30-2013, 07:51 PM
Zybo is scary.

11-30-2013, 08:06 PM
Damnit people, include direct links. I'm not wading through that shitstorm of pics again.

11-30-2013, 08:10 PM
Search for the name you want to see. It's not that difficult.

11-30-2013, 08:11 PM
There are a lot more shirtless pictures than one would expect. I like Kupoa's picture. Nothing says special occasion picture like making the effort to hold your cat for it. With a cast no less.

11-30-2013, 08:13 PM
Search for the name you want to see. It's not that difficult.

Oh. You can search within that one mess of pics.

Shut your porky mouth.

Also, thanks.

11-30-2013, 08:21 PM

11-30-2013, 08:21 PM
Kupoa is me when i was 17. the cast is when i got hit by a jeep on my ninja, the cat is Frankie, she is one of 3.

11-30-2013, 08:23 PM
You could just google Gibreficul.

Or go here:

But anyway, what do we need to do to make this featherweight glass jaw fight happen?

11-30-2013, 08:25 PM
Oh jeez, and that pic of Paradii is gold. Just gold.

11-30-2013, 08:37 PM
That only matters if his dog is in the shot.

11-30-2013, 08:38 PM
Oh this was so pre-dog. He almost looks SASSY in the pic.

11-30-2013, 08:54 PM
I think the dude in the tree is my favorite...either him or the mongoloid-looking fellow with the horizontally-held sword

11-30-2013, 09:10 PM
I should have held my dog for my picture.

11-30-2013, 09:24 PM

I am ashamed to admit that I was scrolling aimlessly through and somehow missed the picture of Showal even though it was of a balding guy with a dog and a friggin' Red Sox van behind him. It's pretty much a self-Paradii!!!

12-01-2013, 01:17 AM
Can someone please point me towards a pic of Gibreficul so I can be in on the joke too?!

Just click my profile here... I have nothing to hide.

12-01-2013, 01:29 AM
Yeah you weren't the first to suggest that. I generally don't think to check profiles.. although I guess I should. Haha.

12-01-2013, 02:06 AM
Yeah you weren't the first to suggest that. I generally don't think to check profiles.. although I guess I should. Haha.

Now diethx is going to become a profile stalker.