View Full Version : A backpack full of gowns!

09-23-2016, 09:29 AM
To lighten my lockers I will be auctioning off backpacks full of similar items. To start- A backpack full of gowns! The bidding will start at 750k. It will go once, twice, sold! Pick up for the backpack full of gowns will be Landing, Solhaven, Icemule or FWI. Special gowns will have descriptions below them. The rest are as is or with simple zests.

A backpack full of gowns- 750k mb going SOLD! time4fun.

gold-shot turquoise dress of cascading cendal layers

gold-shot turquoise dress of cascading cendal layers cannot be detailed to indicate that it is anything but long. It cannot be altered to indicate that the lower portion of the garment (below the knees) is tight-fitting in any way; the upper portion can be, but not the lower.

The a gold-shot turquoise dress of cascading cendal layers can be customized in the following manner, where any talented merchant can customize the bolded sections. Note that customizations cannot use speech:
(STAND) Standing primly you fluff the fabric of your dress out until it drapes down in a perfectly smooth and unblemished fashion.

(PUSH) You push your hands down against your dress in an elegant gesture.

(PULL) You pull the lower portion of a gold-shot turquoise dress of cascading cendal layers up slightly, displaying your legs. With a great deal of gumption, you move your feet in an intricate dance that leaves you breathless. As you finish, your fingers release the dress's fabric.

(CURTSY) You dip your body, pulling the lower portion of a gold-shot turquoise dress of cascading cendal layers out to either side of you so that the fabric drapes down like a gentle mist around your feet. As you complete the formal curtsy you rise to your feet.

(SMELL) Holding a gold-shot turquoise dress of cascading cendal layers up to your face, you inhale deeply, and the scent of spring roses fills your senses.

Currently, you are able to use STAND, RUB, PUSH, TURN, SIT, PULL, CURTSY, and SMELL. This dress may only be unlocked further within special, rare circumstances.

You get no sense of whether or not the dress may be further lightened.

icy blue silk dress with a darker navy train

You analyze your icy blue silk dress and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This item can be altered to have a LONG and a SHOW, but the show must accommodate either an inserted gem or an empty socket anywhere the gem is to be mentioned.

The merchant can also change the way the gem is attached. For example, you can have:
capped by (a gemstone)
topped by a carved (gemstone) heart
set with a series of (gemstone) studs

This item is currently set as follows:
Description with no gem inset: a sleeveless icy blue silk dress with a darker navy train
Description with a gem inset: a sleeveless icy blue silk dress with gemstone beading on the skirts

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the icy blue silk dress for you.

a corseted plum damask gown wrought with ora-hued threading

You analyze your plum damask gown and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This is a Metallic Gown at Tier 1 / 3. It may not be altered. Verbs for the plum damask gown are: Push and Rub.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the plum damask gown for you or deepen its pockets.

a sleeveless sand-hued linen sundress tied at the waist
The creator has also provided the following information:

This item is currently locked.

A practiced seamstress can add various alternate messages, materials, and customizations to this item.

Basic Modifications:
Customize the material of your item. Examples: silk, velvet, brushed suede.
Customize the wing opening. Examples: some ragged holes, a pair of lace-edged slits.

Customized Messaging: Only the phrases that are bolded can be customized.
Wear customization
You slip on the linen sundress...
Remove customization
You slip off the linen sundress...

a corseted ginger bourde gown patterned with flaxen stripes
he creator has also provided the following information:
The ginger bourde gown is fully alterable with the following restrictions:
1. Must be corseted
2. Must fall below the knee
3. Must be fitted

It has been unlocked to Tier 1 and traps TURN, PUSH, PULL, TOUCH, SIT, STAND, EXHALE, BREATHE.

You get no sense of whether or not the gown may be further lightened.

a slender jet satin gown with a silk violet-clustered bodice
a low-necked plum gown with overlapping cotton gauze skirts chest worn
an open-back gown of smoke grey chainsil suspended from a slender silver-clasped obsidian choker pin worn
a blue damask gown with a hand-painted arulent bodice
a slender jet satin gown with a silk violet-clustered bodice,
an asymmetric flyrsilk gown stitched with bloom-laden brambles,
a flared caramel silk gown cinched with strips of cream lace,
a cerise silk column gown with a thorn-patterned lace overlay
a lagoon blue chiffon gown draped from a cross-shoulder latticework of fine chains
a short grey silk dress with a long sheer lilac overskirt
an auburn silk gown with tiered pannier skirts

Thank you! Divone.

09-23-2016, 09:44 AM

09-25-2016, 10:46 AM
bump for last call.