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  1. Fixskills
  2. UAC and bards.
  3. Double incant
  4. Sonic Weapon Question
  5. Explain Fixskills Please? :)
  6. 1005 potency
  7. 1020s formula
  8. Voln versus Sunfist
  9. Elf Bard Stat Maxed by 100
  10. Lowbie bard struggling
  11. 1005s formula
  12. Claidh bard?
  13. Ambush Training as non-archer?
  14. Nerf to Sonic Weapon Song (1012)?
  15. physical weapon vs sonic weapon (1012)
  16. Purification Song (1004) Question
  17. Song of Luck 1006
  18. Nelemar Hunting
  19. Did I pure too early?
  20. GOS = Grimswarm hunting OHB/Shield
  21. Bard Stat Help
  22. Loresing
  23. Competitive Level 60 CS
  24. Weird Vaalon Hammer of Kai loresinging shit
  25. 1030 mastered instrument
  26. Capped Dual-Katar Log
  27. Sonic armor question
  28. What level to Loresing decent?
  29. UAC vs OHW/TWC
  30. Starting Stats for TWC Bard?
  31. Woops. 30 day check please? (Bard)
  32. Confused about stat placement and training future
  33. Small sonic shield tidbit from Simucon
  34. struck by lightning while loresinging
  35. Bard - Loresing
  36. Hurling Bard - Training Suggestions?
  37. suggested hunting area
  38. TWC to Polearm
  39. TWC Bard Question
  40. Bard armor and shield question
  41. Identifying owner of a weapon
  42. Build Help - 36 Gnome Polearm Bard
  43. Quick question (i hope) about AS
  44. Pre-L20 Stat/Skill Checkin - TWC Half-Krolvin Bard
  45. Bards and UAC
  46. Level 20 Check - THW Dwarven Bardess
  47. Pure weakness = head crits
  48. Setting Stats for 100
  49. Loresinging Build
  50. Post capped goal CM or Dodge first?
  51. UAC Bards?
  52. Melee Bard
  53. Pure Bard DS
  54. Bard circle vs MnE with Mage access?
  55. Pure Bard Training
  56. Bard UAC Rules
  57. Bard Build: The PseudoRogue
  58. Capped Pure build advice
  59. Pure bard build advice 90+
  60. How to maximize loresinging?
  61. Bard Stats for Leveling
  62. how to properly UAC bard
  63. Pure Bard and CMAN
  64. Lore-singing Bard
  65. Sonic Flares w/ UAC
  66. new bard
  67. Polearm bard cmans
  68. UAC Bard Build
  69. Elemental lores - all air?
  70. New Elven Bard
  71. Ranged Bard
  72. Bard Hunting Partner
  73. Finally using 1008
  74. Pure at 40?
  75. Unlocking loresongs
  76. What type of bard to create to help my sorcerer and wizard
  77. New to Bard
  78. Opinions on Adv Guild Badge Enhancements
  79. bard about to hit 20 quick check to make sure i'm looking good.
  80. CMAN"S for level 20 pole arm bard?
  81. Pure bard training?
  82. 1017 in arena?
  83. UAC extra TPs while leveling.
  84. What level to reliably purify?
  85. Level 45-50 in the Arena (grouped up)
  86. Perfect Stats for HK Bard
  87. Advice for a UAC Bard: Stats and Training
  88. Greater elemental weapon loresong
  89. New BARD UAC
  90. Sonic Shield and SBash
  91. Bard UAC Armor
  92. New Bard UAC question
  93. Loresong
  95. Bard Songs
  96. Bard Sonic Weapon Question
  97. casting building
  98. Pure Bard Post Cap
  99. Pre-Level 20 Stats
  100. After 23 years I'm back
  101. Giantman and bard mechanics
  102. dual hand crossbows
  103. New Bard Questions
  104. 1030
  105. Some Bard Updates from Officials...
  106. Pure bard training
  107. Making Orb Gems
  108. Bard's Guild
  109. Newly capped training
  110. WOW, bards are so cool
  111. Postcap Training: Defensive Goals (PURE BARD)
  112. Sonic Alterations
  113. Spell Progression
  114. Thinking of switching to TWC (edged) from UAC
  115. Bard about town
  116. new bard service