- Fixskills
- UAC and bards.
- Double incant
- Sonic Weapon Question
- Explain Fixskills Please? :)
- 1005 potency
- 1020s formula
- Voln versus Sunfist
- Elf Bard Stat Maxed by 100
- Lowbie bard struggling
- 1005s formula
- Claidh bard?
- Ambush Training as non-archer?
- Nerf to Sonic Weapon Song (1012)?
- physical weapon vs sonic weapon (1012)
- Purification Song (1004) Question
- Song of Luck 1006
- Nelemar Hunting
- Did I pure too early?
- GOS = Grimswarm hunting OHB/Shield
- Bard Stat Help
- Loresing
- Competitive Level 60 CS
- Weird Vaalon Hammer of Kai loresinging shit
- 1030 mastered instrument
- Capped Dual-Katar Log
- Sonic armor question
- What level to Loresing decent?
- Starting Stats for TWC Bard?
- Woops. 30 day check please? (Bard)
- Confused about stat placement and training future
- Small sonic shield tidbit from Simucon
- struck by lightning while loresinging
- Bard - Loresing
- Hurling Bard - Training Suggestions?
- suggested hunting area
- TWC to Polearm
- TWC Bard Question
- Bard armor and shield question
- Identifying owner of a weapon
- Build Help - 36 Gnome Polearm Bard
- Quick question (i hope) about AS
- Pre-L20 Stat/Skill Checkin - TWC Half-Krolvin Bard
- Bards and UAC
- Level 20 Check - THW Dwarven Bardess
- Pure weakness = head crits
- Setting Stats for 100
- Loresinging Build
- Post capped goal CM or Dodge first?
- UAC Bards?
- Melee Bard
- Pure Bard DS
- Bard circle vs MnE with Mage access?
- Pure Bard Training
- Bard UAC Rules
- Bard Build: The PseudoRogue
- Capped Pure build advice
- Pure bard build advice 90+
- How to maximize loresinging?
- Bard Stats for Leveling
- how to properly UAC bard
- Pure Bard and CMAN
- Lore-singing Bard
- Sonic Flares w/ UAC
- new bard
- Polearm bard cmans
- UAC Bard Build
- Elemental lores - all air?
- New Elven Bard
- Ranged Bard
- Bard Hunting Partner
- Finally using 1008
- Pure at 40?
- Unlocking loresongs
- What type of bard to create to help my sorcerer and wizard
- New to Bard
- Opinions on Adv Guild Badge Enhancements
- bard about to hit 20 quick check to make sure i'm looking good.
- CMAN"S for level 20 pole arm bard?
- Pure bard training?
- 1017 in arena?
- UAC extra TPs while leveling.
- What level to reliably purify?
- Level 45-50 in the Arena (grouped up)
- Perfect Stats for HK Bard
- Advice for a UAC Bard: Stats and Training
- Greater elemental weapon loresong
- Sonic Shield and SBash
- Bard UAC Armor
- New Bard UAC question
- Loresong
- Bard Songs
- Bard Sonic Weapon Question
- casting building
- Pure Bard Post Cap
- Pre-Level 20 Stats
- After 23 years I'm back
- Giantman and bard mechanics
- dual hand crossbows
- New Bard Questions
- 1030
- Some Bard Updates from Officials...
- Pure bard training
- Making Orb Gems
- Bard's Guild
- Newly capped training
- WOW, bards are so cool
- Postcap Training: Defensive Goals (PURE BARD)
- Sonic Alterations
- Spell Progression
- Thinking of switching to TWC (edged) from UAC
- Bard about town
- new bard service