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View Full Version : Forum Concerns and Discussion

  1. Sexy Womans in your city for night (5 replies)
  2. Is Kranar Gone Forever? (5 replies)
  3. Is the forum displaying correctly? (21 replies)
  4. Can we get an update on some of these sections? (0 replies)
  5. Upload limit? (21 replies)
  6. Rsgoldfast - We should try to utilize this thread constructively (0 replies)
  7. Nguyen account and others (22 replies)
  8. PC logs me out after short inactivity (3 replies)
  9. Important (2 replies)
  10. Thread not listing new replies (2 replies)
  11. Data base errors (17 replies)
  12. Site is slow (14 replies)
  13. Umm.... can I get an admin help about this.. (25 replies)
  14. Thread Hall of Fame (202 replies)
  15. Macguyver issue (21 replies)
  16. You're Retarded (5 replies)
  17. This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources (0 replies)
  18. Religion Sub-Folder (6 replies)
  19. Don't click any of kappachinoman's threads (7 replies)
  20. Sick of the trolls? (46 replies)
  21. VBulletin Table Syntax (10 replies)
  22. So...what the hell is happening with the PC? (381 replies)
  23. A Clean Slate (34 replies)
  24. Thread Missing (50 replies)
  25. Should macgyver be banned from Player's Corner forums (109 replies)
  26. Whirlin Moderates ALL the posts! (15 replies)
  27. I'm leaving and Apology (9 replies)
  28. Personal Messages (52 replies)
  29. Moderator Poll (441 replies)
  30. Moderation, Backlash, Conspiracy Theories, Resolution (59 replies)
  31. New Moderators (287 replies)
  32. Calling All Moderators (80 replies)
  33. Onurb vs. Inspire? (3 replies)
  34. Complaints about SashaFierce as Moderator (728 replies)
  35. Lost Weapon and Shield (2 replies)
  36. Default view: forum.php (3 replies)
  37. Gems (8 replies)
  38. Gelstona a straight up total pussy? (8 replies)
  39. Ability to show only certain Forums/Folders (0 replies)
  40. test poll - pls ignore (0 replies)
  41. test post, please ignore (2 replies)
  42. PC Issues (18 replies)
  43. Continued DDOS Attacks (49 replies)
  44. Looking for old friends (5 replies)
  45. Just discovered the Tapatalk app (1 replies)
  46. PC Browser Extension (Fixes multiquote image and adds signature collapse) (10 replies)
  47. Thread Searching (6 replies)
  48. Reputation Malware (13 replies)
  49. notification of reputation comments (1 replies)
  50. Thread to Request the Banning of Gemstones (27 replies)
  51. Kranar, please... (33 replies)
  52. Guest Ratio to Members (6 replies)
  53. account hacking? (2 replies)
  54. Are we back!? (24 replies)
  55. alien GAMES movies in HD now watch it (0 replies)
  56. ICE age 3 MOVIES free online (0 replies)
  57. New Bulletin games took here (0 replies)
  58. can't sign on (8 replies)
  59. where is the user manual? (6 replies)
  60. Custom Forum Titles (142 replies)
  61. Say wut... (17 replies)
  62. Introducing myself (2 replies)
  63. Like woah... (0 replies)
  64. Today Post Test (1 replies)
  65. Move the forum? (61 replies)
  66. When did you join the PC? (34 replies)
  67. Chainsaw the motherfuckers (14 replies)
  68. weight loss Tips (7 replies)
  69. This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between posts. Please try again in 29 se (8 replies)
  70. forum improvements (8 replies)
  71. Current GS Player? (15 replies)
  72. HELLO WEBMASTER (4 replies)
  73. Summer Camp (0 replies)
  74. New Posts (9 replies)
  75. Can't change avatars? (4 replies)
  76. Fucking IE9 sucks (26 replies)
  77. PC error. (11 replies)
  78. is this the right place? (8 replies)
  79. Don't do that again! (20 replies)
  80. Bot Moderators (60 replies)
  81. I love all your neg rep comments... PLEASE GIVE ME MORE THNX (10 replies)
  82. Message board timer changeable? (37 replies)
  83. Reporting Everyone (35 replies)
  84. wrong language, please help (2 replies)
  85. Ok ok you guys were right.. (75 replies)
  86. PC Error when opening threads (6 replies)
  87. Reputation Tip of the Day (12 replies)
  88. Not a big fan of this message. (9 replies)
  89. How to behave on an internet forum (16 replies)
  90. Is there a RSS feed for the PC that works? (4 replies)
  91. Is PB a Fool? (55 replies)
  92. Mute threads (15 replies)
  93. negative rep (142 replies)
  94. I'm NOT banned? (9 replies)
  95. Old PC Account (4 replies)
  96. Kranar: (16 replies)
  97. Reports (0 replies)
  98. Mass Selling threads (2 replies)
  99. Register.com (27 replies)
  100. OMG what happened?? (24 replies)
  101. Anyone know what this is? (3 replies)
  102. Way to ignore topics? (4 replies)
  103. Apology and (maybe) goodbye (80 replies)
  104. wtf is this crap? (22 replies)
  105. MONKS: Do you agree with the proposed no monk thread rule? (7 replies)
  106. Animosity (21 replies)
  107. Glad to see its back up! (7 replies)
  108. SPAMINATOR! (4 replies)
  109. Editing posts (5 replies)
  110. I Have a Concern (102 replies)
  111. Is there a way to make a table (2 replies)
  112. Private Messages? (2 replies)
  113. Who List (2 replies)
  114. HN = STUPID.. (obviously) (163 replies)
  115. Clicking Reply Number (2 replies)
  116. Quotes (1 replies)
  117. Question for people with the big avatars: (12 replies)
  119. Harmnone - Klaive Jr.? (19 replies)
  120. Avatars NSFW (27 replies)
  121. search by phrase (3 replies)
  122. The Boards are Acting Funny (6 replies)
  123. What is considered off topic? (77 replies)
  124. Posting pictures without consent (44 replies)
  125. Themes and... (1 replies)
  126. We need a new graphic! (17 replies)
  127. Sorry, sorry and more sorry (99 replies)
  128. School Wireless Problem (9 replies)
  129. Disabling Smileys (3 replies)
  130. Private Messages (1 replies)
  131. Please remove the "(or a webcam)" (23 replies)
  132. An odd thing happened on my way to the PC (7 replies)
  133. Search Feature (1 replies)
  134. IMG Tags (1 replies)
  135. U2u (1 replies)
  136. First Post Goes To Me (11 replies)
  137. Server Issue Solutions (11 replies)
  138. Did we switch the server to an Apple II? (7 replies)
  139. Problem accessing the boards? (60 replies)
  140. PC Went down and this is why (8 replies)
  141. GSPlayers Archive. (16 replies)
  142. ? (8 replies)
  143. Another Issue (4 replies)
  144. Uh (15 replies)
  145. This page cannot be displayed (1 replies)
  146. Anyone else having issues? (55 replies)
  147. An FYI Post. (6 replies)
  148. Drayal and Nevermind (63 replies)
  149. PC Viewing Problems and Me (10 replies)
  150. Password (2 replies)
  151. It has been brought to my attention... (4 replies)
  152. PC Chat (7 replies)
  153. Some advice on the outage...to Kranar (166 replies)
  154. Funny Smiley (8 replies)
  155. Problem loading avatars (32 replies)
  156. Maybe we should... (7 replies)
  157. All hail the mighty Kranar! (20 replies)
  158. A Favor to Ask... (5 replies)
  159. avatar issues (12 replies)
  160. wheredideverybodygo??? (15 replies)
  161. Posted Dates (6 replies)
  162. Limeatars (370 replies)
  163. Note to everybody. (8 replies)
  164. Quoting (24 replies)
  165. avatar (5 replies)
  166. Alts (11 replies)
  167. Suggestion: Sex & Relationship Folder. (30 replies)
  168. Sub folders for photo gallery. (1 replies)
  169. Nothing Major (1 replies)
  170. :'( (26 replies)
  171. A funny trend. (23 replies)
  172. My apology to all for the rampant TOS violations by others this morning (18 replies)
  173. This board has turned into the stoner's realm (78 replies)
  174. Note Worthy Threads. (8 replies)
  175. Non-image/script attachments (1 replies)
  176. Adding sound to signature (13 replies)
  177. Did someone just delete my thread or did I accidentally not post it? I just woke up, sorry. (3 replies)
  178. Attn: Kranar. Petition. (33 replies)
  179. Ack! (18 replies)
  180. :glances at his u2u box: (13 replies)
  181. Locking threads is lame (66 replies)
  182. How many threads will you lock because of X? (18 replies)
  183. Should we have a referendum concerning Xcalibur? (176 replies)
  184. I want a higher level. (38 replies)
  185. Posting name change. (15 replies)
  186. Member Poll (17 replies)
  187. Question (84 replies)
  188. Thoughts of the Pagan (13 replies)
  189. Body ART is ART not porn. (11 replies)
  190. Do I have demerit points or what? (29 replies)
  191. To everyone who has an avatar greater than 170x170: (57 replies)
  192. This can't be right (15 replies)
  193. Can We Stop These? (12 replies)
  194. Just stopped by to say HI! (12 replies)
  195. Erm....? (9 replies)
  196. Control Panel :Favourites? (4 replies)
  197. Just an FYI (2 replies)
  198. Erm...Beth...??? (125 replies)
  199. Reporting Everyone (13 replies)