11-21-2006, 10:27 AM
You must get approval for any threads you create by Harmnone PRIOR to posting them or they are subject to her censorship.
The topic you started for TheE was started with something that had already been deleted, Parkbandit. Be creative. Come up with something new. If you want a fight, look somewhere else. I'm not interested.
11-21-2006, 10:31 AM
Wow, PB. Way to be like ToJ and all the others who start multiple threads just to garner more attention to themselves when they have an issue with a mod or admin. If you have a legitimate issue, this isn't the way to get it heard. It makes you look like an attention whore.
11-21-2006, 10:33 AM
I was pushed into it by the gustapo. I could just sit back and let her have her will.. but that's not my style.
In my defense though.. I didn't start the followingthreads:
Illegal wars
"Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb?"
11-21-2006, 10:36 AM
Oh.. and I only started 3 threads today. One was deleted because Harmnone didn't think it was creative enough.
So 2 threads does not an attention whore make. It takes at least 5.
(now get back on topic or you know who will delete these posts.)
11-21-2006, 11:42 AM
Le yawn.
11-21-2006, 11:45 AM
Guess wisdom and maturity dont come with age in florida.
11-21-2006, 01:19 PM
You must get approval for any threads you create by Harmnone PRIOR to posting them or they are subject to her censorship.
So, was this thread approved?
11-21-2006, 02:42 PM
So, was this thread approved?
Well, the thread is still here...
11-21-2006, 05:16 PM
I'm sorry PB is this an official whining post?
11-21-2006, 05:27 PM
Maybe PB went about it the wrong way by making quite a few threads about this, but he has a concern as do others. I'd rather people not mock them for it and just hear them out, debate it or whatnot. Insulting them in the same fashion that people seem to complain about the politics threads isn't helping.
11-21-2006, 05:29 PM
I'd take more notice if the original poster wasn't so well known for going off topic himself.
I'd take more notice if the original poster wasn't so well known for going off topic himself.
So we should discount what PB has to say with regards to over-moderation? Just because he engages in activity that many others are guilty of doing as well, does not lessen the fact that something needs to be said.
Thats like saying that Rodney King deserved the beating he got because he has a history of criminal behavior. (Does this last statement qualify off topic or thread derailment?)
11-21-2006, 06:30 PM
I'd take more notice if the original poster wasn't so well known for going off topic himself.
I'm the first to admit to going off topic... which is my point. I don't go into threads and start talking the color of apples in the summertime when the thread is about liberals ruining the world. THAT type of discussion should be squelched, and points awarded because it is clear that the intent of the author of the post meant to derail the thread. I'm not questioning that role of moderation. It's needed and welcomed.
I'm talking about the bullshit Harmnone pulled today and last week where she feels it's necessary to derail an entire conversation because the topic swayed slightly from draft to homeless. It wasn't needed. It wasn't welcomed. It was stupid to do.
I'm simply asking for the administrator of these boards to consistantly run them. Not delete entire threads because she doesn't deem them creative enough. Not derail an entire conversation by constantly interrupting it and then editing it when her feelings get bent out of shape. Not subjectively editing some posts while leaving others alone. Not suppressing some while encouraging others.
11-22-2006, 03:53 AM
I'm the first to admit to going off topic... which is my point. I don't go into threads and start talking the color of apples in the summertime when the thread is about liberals ruining the world.
This type of posting would comprise of 95% of your posts however.
11-22-2006, 06:33 AM
Did PB's retirement community run out of things for him to do already?
STFU and move on. Whiny bitch.
11-22-2006, 09:46 AM
This type of posting would comprise of 95% of your posts however.
Really? Provide proof or it's just another SR bullshit post.
I'll await all the links to threads.
11-22-2006, 09:47 AM
Maybe PB went about it the wrong way by making quite a few threads about this, but he has a concern as do others. I'd rather people not mock them for it and just hear them out, debate it or whatnot. Insulting them in the same fashion that people seem to complain about the politics threads isn't helping.
2 threads does not make quite a few threads.
11-22-2006, 09:56 AM
This type of posting would comprise of 95% of your posts however.
By the way.. you would need to come up with 9426 examples of me posting off topic in a blatant manner as of this post to backup your claim. You could just save yourself the trouble, admit to being a typical internet asswipe who posts just to hear himself post.. and we can be done.
Math just pwned you. So did facts (as usual)
11-22-2006, 10:14 AM
2 threads does not make quite a few threads.
My bad, one of them was Ganalon. Continue! :P
11-22-2006, 01:53 PM
Wow. Do you still throw yourself on the floor flailing, kicking and screaming when your mommy refuses to buy you a lollipop?
Seriously, grow the fuck up.
11-22-2006, 01:58 PM
Yes because you've never felt some sort of unfairness and felt the need to vent about it, right? C'mon, that's not helping anything.
11-22-2006, 02:00 PM
There was no unfairness here though.
Just some bruised egos.
11-22-2006, 02:03 PM
My ego isn't bruised as it didn't directly affect me. When the majority of people who voted in the other thread feel the need to state that there is a problem, then maybe it should be looked into rather than telling everyone who feels that way that they are whining egomaniacs.
My ego isn't bruised as it didn't directly affect me. When the majority of people who voted in the other thread feel the need to state that there is a problem, then maybe it should be looked into rather than telling everyone who feels that way that they are whining egomaniacs.
I concur. The votes speak volumes, as so the comments made.
11-22-2006, 02:07 PM
Well, the ego portion of that was not directed at you CT but I stand firm on the fairness of how things have been managed.
11-22-2006, 02:10 PM
Really? Provide proof or it's just another SR bullshit post.
I'll await all the links to threads.
They've been invariably deleted. Although, I would only have to post a link to any political or religious thread where Latrinstorm or Backlash post.
11-22-2006, 02:11 PM
By the way.. you would need to come up with 9426 examples of me posting off topic in a blatant manner as of this post to backup your claim. You could just save yourself the trouble, admit to being a typical internet asswipe who posts just to hear himself post.. and we can be done.
Math just pwned you. So did facts (as usual)
Wahwahwahwah. Grow up.
I voted option #3 along with the majority of people. However, I fail to see what the discontended portion of those polled are taking such issue with. In fact, my biggest complaint is moderators that do not moderate as opposed to one that some feel over-moderates or has to over-compensate for the lame ducks constantly out to lunch.
"I like it when a thread evolves and has lively discussion on topics evolving from the original."
This already happens more often than not and the discussion tends to continue on without interruption, save your one or two posters taking personal jabs at each other. Even that is allowed to go on for a short time before a moderator steps in.
The issue: If it's one or two threads we are talking about then I understand addressing the issue in relation to those particular threads. I just haven't noticed this particular complaint saturating the majority of threads on the boards.
11-22-2006, 02:21 PM
No it's not the majority, and maybe that's why I have a hard time dealing with it. It happens in the political folder. I haven't seen it happen as much anywhere else. 10 posts into a thread and there is already someone there telling people what to talk about and deleting. If there was that kind of moderation in the majority of the boards, this wouldn't even be a big deal. (Okay it might with a roar of "omg lighten up". :D)
11-22-2006, 02:22 PM
That is just the issue, though Dev. At least from what I gathered after reading these threads for the last few days. They are not upset that its being done (the moderating) but that its not consistent in ALL threads. It seems that they feel it has only been done in the politics folder, and the other folders (where posts also go way off topic or whatnot) are not being touched. They feel singled out by the Admin and want consistency or for it to stop all together.
They are not upset that its being done (the moderating) but that its not consistent in ALL threads. You cannot reasonably expect moderating to be and remain consistent for every single thread when there are different mods for every single folder whos styles are not consistent with the others for starters. They each have a mind of their own and definitely do not always agree with the others pov or moderating style, so that's a non issue.
I see the current complaint having mainly to do with one or two moderators at most, and that makes alot more sense.
The primary thing is how the political folder tends to bring out the best and worst when debate becomes especially tense, as it often does, which in turn requires extra attention focused on that folder, and all that does is bring about additional unwanted moderation by those involved in the debate.
Perhaps there is a tendency to inadvertently subjugate peoples posts a little more than normal in those particular threads. That in turn tends to restrict the poster even further in an attempt to limit their ability to veer even a little off topic so as to offset the thread completely derailing. I can understand taking issue with that, but as a whole, I didn't see this happening majorly. Quite the opposite in fact. Thanks for clearing that up CT. I was like, wtf for a minute there.
11-22-2006, 03:13 PM
11-22-2006, 03:59 PM
They've been invariably deleted. Although, I would only have to post a link to any political or religious thread where Latrinstorm or Backlash post.
so 9000 of my posts have been deleted? Owned by math and facts again dipshit.. because then I would have 18000 posts and you would still be nothing but wrong.
11-22-2006, 04:03 PM
<<They've been invariably deleted.>>
<<so 9000 of my posts have been deleted? ... because then I would have 18000 posts>>
If your off-topic posts were deleted and accounted for 95% of your total posts, you would have made 9930 / .05 = 198600 career posts.
Owned by math and having a brain.
11-22-2006, 04:04 PM
11-22-2006, 04:05 PM
Here's just a glance at some of your recent posts in the political folder. Brace yourself for some hyper intellectualism:
Some Rogue
11-22-2006, 04:08 PM
<<They've been invariably deleted.>>
<<so 9000 of my posts have been deleted? ... because then I would have 18000 posts>>
If your off-topic posts were deleted and accounted for 95% of your total posts, you would have made 9930 / .05 = 198600 career posts.
Owned by math and having a brain.
Except, who said 95%?
11-22-2006, 04:09 PM
I did?
11-22-2006, 04:11 PM
Those posts weren't off topic though. :D
11-22-2006, 04:12 PM
Wow. Do you still throw yourself on the floor flailing, kicking and screaming when your mommy refuses to buy you a lollipop?
Seriously, grow the fuck up.
Great input. Really.
Some Rogue
11-22-2006, 04:12 PM
Ok, invariably means 95%. I see.
11-22-2006, 04:13 PM
How about clicking more than two links? How about reading what I said about the majority of PB's posts being either off topic or needless flames (or both)?
11-22-2006, 04:13 PM
Ok, invariably means 95%. I see.
No, I'm pretty sure I said 95%.
11-22-2006, 04:14 PM
Great input. Really.
11-22-2006, 04:16 PM
How about clicking more than two links? How about reading what I said about the majority of PB's posts being either off topic or needless flames (or both)?
No, you said 95%. And as usual, you are wrong, stupid and once again off topic. The topic you can see isnt' "Is Parkbandit off topic" it's NEW POLICY AT THE PLAYERS CORNER. You can see that at the top of the screen when you click on a topic.
Seriously though.. you've been beaten down by facts and math. You should run along now. If you need further help with topics and posting, feel free to PM me.
11-22-2006, 04:17 PM
Um.. I'm a guy.. I don't have boobs.
Christ.. you need help with simple biology too?
11-22-2006, 04:18 PM
lol, no response to my post. It's amazing how much Parkbandit's hot math skills have affected his mental capacity.
I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say you can't use that picture because it doesn't exist elsewhere on the internet and is an invasion of privacy, blah blah blah, remove it immediately, etc.
11-22-2006, 04:19 PM
<<Christ.. you need help with simple biology too?>>
We like to call it anatomy here in America.
11-22-2006, 04:20 PM
lol, no response to my post. It's amazing how much Parkbandit's hot math skills have affected his mental capacity.
I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say you can't use that picture because it doesn't exist elsewhere on the internet and is an invasion of privacy, blah blah blah, remove it immediately, etc.
Really? So I got this pic from the camera I used to take the picture.. or did I in fact get the pic from her posting it on these very boards?
11-22-2006, 04:21 PM
Regardless, it is an obvious post made just to flame another poster, with no contribution to the thread whatsoever, which in fact makes you a hypocrite for chiding her for the exact same thing.
11-22-2006, 04:22 PM
I don't remember her ever posting that picture, but that's just me.
11-22-2006, 04:23 PM
Yeah she posted that pic, as people have used and duped it a few times now.
11-22-2006, 04:25 PM
I don't remember her ever posting that picture, but that's just me.
Well genius boy wonder.. how the fuck would I get it then? I don't know her anymore than I know you. Are you saying the pics I have of you are ones I took as well?
For someone who believes himself to be bright.. you are not sometimes.
11-22-2006, 04:25 PM
Regardless, it is an obvious post made just to flame another poster, with no contribution to the thread whatsoever, which in fact makes you a hypocrite for chiding her for the exact same thing.
Actually, I was pointing out her hypocracy.. and thus immune to anyone calling me such.
11-22-2006, 04:27 PM
<<Well genius boy wonder.. how the fuck would I get it then?>>
Because I've posted it. If you want to try to find where I did, go right ahead, but until then... it effectively doesn't exist elsewhere on the internet.
<<Are you saying the pics I have of you are ones I took as well?>>
I never said you took the picture, you fucking idiot.
<<For someone who believes himself to be bright.. you are not sometimes.>>
Hey, did you hear? 9000 is 95% of 18000 now.
I love the fact that the recent exchange has not been hacked to death yet.
Mission accomplished?
11-22-2006, 04:31 PM
<<Well genius boy wonder.. how the fuck would I get it then?>>
Because I've posted it. If you want to try to find where I did, go right ahead, but until then... it effectively doesn't exist elsewhere on the internet.
<<Are you saying the pics I have of you are ones I took as well?>>
I never said you took the picture, you fucking idiot.
<<For someone who believes himself to be bright.. you are not sometimes.>>
Hey, did you hear? 9000 is 95% of 18000 now.
LOL.. so if I had a picture of you.. and posted it, you would take issue to it?
Please tell me you would.. because I don't want to look through 3000+ Pics if it won't bother you.
11-22-2006, 04:33 PM
No, you said 95%. And as usual, you are wrong, stupid and once again off topic. The topic you can see isnt' "Is Parkbandit off topic" it's NEW POLICY AT THE PLAYERS CORNER. You can see that at the top of the screen when you click on a topic.
Seriously though.. you've been beaten down by facts and math. You should run along now. If you need further help with topics and posting, feel free to PM me.
Yes, I said 95%. I don't see where I didn't say that. But then I'm not the one who can't do a simple equation. Ha. Beaten down by maths, hmmm?
You're a fucking hypocrite, and a stupid, uneducated one at that. Why? Because you harp on here, and at everyone else in this thread (and others) who have a differing opinion from you in general, at being off topic etc, despite the fact that you contribute so fucking little to these boards BEYOND off topic BS and flames.
Those links are from what a few days, in ONE FOLDER. Tip. Of. The. Iceberg.
It makes me laugh to high heaven that you are crying about being picked on (boohoo).
11-22-2006, 04:34 PM
I love the fact that the recent exchange has not been hacked to death yet.
Mission accomplished?
I was actually thinking the same thing. While I won't yet claim victory (since we are at the mercy of her moderation) I am happy that I was entertained greatly for the past 2 days off.
11-22-2006, 04:34 PM
Who was the one saying who was stupid? Or not bright?
11-22-2006, 04:35 PM
Regardless, it is an obvious post made just to flame another poster, with no contribution to the thread whatsoever, which in fact makes you a hypocrite for chiding her for the exact same thing.
11-22-2006, 04:35 PM
To my knowledge (and from what I've noticed), staff doesn't edit, delete or really touch the staff discussions.
11-22-2006, 04:36 PM
<<LOL.. so if I had a picture of you.. and posted it, you would take issue to it?>>
If it wasn't available anywhere else, and I didn't want it posted, absolutely.
Every picture of me in the history of the world has been released by me, so I don't really give a fuck either way.
11-22-2006, 04:38 PM
Yes, I said 95%. I don't see where I didn't say that. But then I'm not the one who can't do a simple equation. Ha. Beaten down by maths, hmmm?
You're a fucking hypocrite, and a stupid, uneducated one at that. Why? Because you harp on here, and at everyone else in this thread (and others) who have a differing opinion from you in general, at being off topic etc, despite the fact that you contribute so fucking little to these boards BEYOND off topic BS and flames.
Those links are from what a few days, in ONE FOLDER. Tip. Of. The. Iceberg.
It makes me laugh to high heaven that you are crying about being picked on (boohoo).
lol.. when you post, I see
11-22-2006, 04:39 PM
Who was the one saying who was stupid? Or not bright?
I was saying you are stupid and not bright. You've proven that beyond my words on many, many occasions.
11-22-2006, 04:40 PM
<<LOL.. so if I had a picture of you.. and posted it, you would take issue to it?>>
If it wasn't available anywhere else, and I didn't want it posted, absolutely.
Every picture of me in the history of the world has been released by me, so I don't really give a fuck either way.
Well then it's not worth going through my pics for.
Sean of the Thread
11-22-2006, 04:42 PM
Maybe backlash has a stash of bob pics to share?
11-22-2006, 04:47 PM
Strange. I can do a little math equation that you seemingly cannot do. I also know the meaning of the word hypocrite. You don't, obviously.
I'm not the one starting threads complaining, either.
So I'm the little baby crying? I don't see multiple threads about some little thing being created by me. I also don't see endless flaming drivel being spouted off at anyone who happens to disagree with me either.
Perhaps you need to get your mommy to pick up the rattle you've obviously dropped.
Sean of the Thread
11-22-2006, 04:48 PM
rofl at the boards report whore talking shit to anyone.
11-22-2006, 04:50 PM
rofl at captain +1 talking shit to anyone as well.
11-22-2006, 04:59 PM
11-22-2006, 05:01 PM
11-22-2006, 05:05 PM
11-22-2006, 05:08 PM
lol @ all you dipshits
Some Rogue
11-22-2006, 05:18 PM
I also don't see endless flaming drivel being spouted off at anyone who happens to disagree with me either.
Yeah, that's never happened. Ever.
12-24-2006, 01:42 PM
<<LOL.. so if I had a picture of you.. and posted it, you would take issue to it?>>
If it wasn't available anywhere else, and I didn't want it posted, absolutely.
12-24-2006, 02:11 PM
who's that?
12-24-2006, 02:13 PM
who's that?
Just wonder why it took a month for PB to dig it up. Shoulda let the thread die dude.
12-24-2006, 02:21 PM
Bob is a bowling champion!
Sean of the Thread
12-24-2006, 02:42 PM
Bob has learned to keep his floor out of the picture.
12-24-2006, 02:55 PM
i dont want to know why
12-24-2006, 02:57 PM
Just wonder why it took a month for PB to dig it up. Shoulda let the thread die dude.
I have a shit ton of pics on my pc and external HD.. and I just happened to find it today while looking for another pic. It's not labeled "BOB" like it should have been.. which is why I didn't find it before.
Stanley Burrell
12-24-2006, 04:34 PM
That looks like a cleaner version of my SUNY dorm room minus the weaponry my R.A. made go bye-bye :(
Stanley Burrell
12-24-2006, 04:35 PM
And the bowling trophies were replaced with mountains of underwear. Almost all mine and not the sexy lady-type's. But I cherished their twelve day old unidentifiable radioactive sperm jizzim and first soakable beer-absorbing-object-in-plain-sight in nothing short of a trophyesque manner.
Sean of the Thread
12-24-2006, 05:37 PM
You're nasty.
QFT from another thread.
Yes everyone please feel free to be a douche bag because this is the internet and there are no consequences for your actions. After that, we'll have an iCircleJerk thinking about how cool we are for being dicks.
Sean of the Thread
12-24-2006, 08:55 PM
QFT from this thread. You're an idot.
QFT from this thread. You're an idot.
Can you explain that in English for those of us who don’t understand idiot?
Wait, my mistake! Can you explain it in idot?
12-24-2006, 09:54 PM
Hey, it's Chistmas Eve.
Lets give it a rest for at least a little bit huh?
And Merry Christmas to everyone. :yes:
Sean of the Thread
12-24-2006, 10:14 PM
But I'm Jewish.. :shrug:
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