View Full Version : Some advice on the Kranar
10-25-2005, 11:03 AM
Dear god what a long and painful outage.
Kranar...I been runnin busy forums like this for years now and If I may give you a bit of advice...
1. if you dont already have a backup cron job running, get one. You CANNOT trust your host with backups. (Lost a 2400 member forum this way)
2. A forum of this size should NEVER use 70% of a cpu's resources, unless its an ancient box, prehistoric even. That being said, it was either an errant script or something bugged, or your forum software is no good.
I started a forum for forum administrators and we'd discuss all the various types of forum software and I must say XMB was never a popular one. I dont hae stats or info on the version youre using, but I'd be definately comfortable in saying you would save alot of resources, frustration and headaches if you were to switch over to say: IPB. One of the best free forum software systems out there, if not THE best. Of course thats assuming its still free, i've been out of the scene for awhile now.
If youre looking to go the paid route, you can get the cadillac of forum software, the best of the best...v-bulletin. Of course it costs like 200 bucks for a license, but it rocks. Ran it on one for one of my forums for a year or two until it was hacked. Course that was my fault, because I hadnt updated. Hence the previous advice of setting up automatic backups.
Anyways, switching is very easy as they have database conversion/migration scripts available for the good software like IPB/VB. You can download free skins for IPB, ones that would look very similar to this one. It would take a very minor adjustment for the users, and I think ultimately they would appreciate it as there are ALOT more cool features like quick reply, visual editors, better mod/admin controls etc.
Let me know if you need any help, or have any questions. This is CONSTRUCTIVE advice, please dont take ti as me knocking you.
I dont think he would have the trouble raising the funds were he to choose the V-bulletin route.
Great info though, I'm sure he'll take it to heart.
10-25-2005, 11:08 AM
Conversion is not as easy as it sounds. It could mean losing a lot of our present data, and I'm sure people would hate to lose their posts, let alone post count :D.
Thanks for the concern but this has all been talked over before (trust me, I've bugged Kranar a lot, I'm sure he's sick of my IMs). We're looking into alternatives, but making changes is not as simple as people like to make out.
[Edited on 10/25/2005 by CrystalTears]
10-25-2005, 11:32 AM
Actually with the proper conversion script you wont lose any info.
Cept maybe the RP level/hp/exp stuff which I believe is an XMB addon.
10-25-2005, 11:40 AM
The data is really screwed up, and conversions have been attempted before. Perhaps we will find a good one, and the support for the software will help immensely, but that will take some time.
Trust me, I'm the first one that wants to get rid of XMB. I hate it.
10-25-2005, 11:53 AM
There are plenty of conversion scripts out there, but the best way is just command line SQL. Simply write your own conversion script once your new boards are set up. :)
10-25-2005, 12:00 PM
vBulletin is where it's at.
10-25-2005, 02:47 PM
<< 1. if you dont already have a backup cron job running, get one. You CANNOT trust your host with backups. (Lost a 2400 member forum this way) >>
The site is backed up weekly.
<< 2. A forum of this size should NEVER use 70% of a cpu's resources, unless its an ancient box, prehistoric even. That being said, it was either an errant script or something bugged, or your forum software is no good. >>
It's a combo of forum hacks not being very good and the number of hits we get a day. Compare the number of queries this site needs to load up a single page with queries that other XMB sites use (the number is at the bottom), and you'll see that this site is bloated as a result of the many hacks and features that work behind the scenes to generate all the HTML. The XMB core itself isn't a problem, the one we use is outdated but it served us very well for about 2-3 years so far.
<< Anyways, switching is very easy as they have database conversion/migration scripts available for the good software like IPB/VB. >>
Conversions have been attempted on portions of the forums for testing purposes. This forum is using a 1.8 GB database and the old host wouldn't allow any conversions to be done on their server since that would eat up too many resources, so to convert one would need to download 1.8 GB, convert, upload, pray it works, and based on the conversions of just portions of the site that were done by exporting some of the SQL tables, the converions don't work half as well as their descriptions lead you to believe. They convert the posts and members decently, but many of the hacks or add-ons that this site has don't get converted and in some cases actually get corrupted or corrupt other parts of the database.
As far as upgrading the forums, it will be done, but it needs to be done with caution. The forums are built on old software and the database is a huge mess, but the content on this forum is too good to throw away to start over new. is set up as the test-site for the next version of the Players' Corner, and I will be trying out some new software and upgrades on there, but any future upgrade will have to be done with the preservation of all existing content as the highest priority,
10-25-2005, 02:52 PM
<<As far as upgrading the forums, it will be done, but it needs to be done with caution.>>
Kranar 4tw!
10-25-2005, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Tisket
<<As far as upgrading the forums, it will be done, but it needs to be done with caution.>>
Kranar 4tw!
Just a small backup of what Kranar is saying here about the delicacy of the PC. When Caels gave me my custom title, I lost my entire post count back when we first switched to these boards.
Now, it's no biggie to me because I'm a fairly frequent poster, and most here know I'm not a newb to the boards, but what he's saying about the caution is spot on. I could see it being a huge deal to some other posters if something like that were to happen.
10-25-2005, 11:45 PM
Hmm...sounds like you're in a precarious situation here.
I did see you have almost half a million posts. Yes, I understand a 1.8 gig database would be a bitch to convert.
You do have other options however:
1. Do you really need to save all the posts? Realistically there are plenty of posts that are years old that are no longer active and no one uses. You could specify the script to say, only save threads that have been posted to within the last 2 months or something. This would cut down the size considerably i'll bet.
2. Another thing you could do is start shopping around for someone to convert it for you. I know a good forum to go to find the kind of people who would be willing and able to do that for you for a fee, I'm guessing it'd be pretty reasonable too.
Anyways either of these options would save you money and stress in the long run if you consider the cost of a dedi. If you pared down the forums, and started with a new super efficient forum software you could move back to a shared server no problem.
As for the hacks, no the hack info would not transfer...but I'm guessing youd have only a few gripes about people losing their RP stuff, as long as their threads, postcounts and u2u messages were saved thats all that really counts.
An example would be one of my forums:
It takes 10 queries to load and although the skin is very custom there arent too many hacks installed. It's hosted on a shared server with some of my other sites and who knows how many others. Loads fast, and never had any complaints about cpu usage, and its a pretty busy forum.
[Edited on 10-26-2005 by nocturnix]
10-25-2005, 11:53 PM
I'm handy with SQL and have dual DS3 links that I'd be happy to use for the download/conversion/upload.
10-26-2005, 12:34 AM
And I have a pentium III running at 900 mhz using windows ME with a buggy dsl connection and a 14 inch crt monitor.
10-26-2005, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Realistically there are plenty of posts that are years old that are no longer active and no one uses.You say that, and then Artha brings up a thread from a year and a half ago.
Conclusion: save all t3h posts.
10-26-2005, 10:00 AM
The goal is to keep all the posts, regardless of how old they may be. We like to keep history for a variety of reasons. If that were the case, we would have just started from scratch, but many of us wouldn't have liked that, I'm sure.
Thinking that anything older than 2 months is unused is a HUGE assumption, and a wrong one at that. :D
10-26-2005, 10:07 AM
All of my posts are golden bits of sage wisdom deserving to be saved for eternity so that future generations may know the greatness that is me.
10-26-2005, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
All of my posts are golden bits of sage wisdom deserving to be saved for eternity so that future generations may know the greatness that is me.
What a bunch of fap! :P
Indeed old posts are necessary to dig up and dust off to refute previous claims of grandeur or idiocy. Especially when looking for old voting records, or ones that didnt exist...
Save the Old Posts!
10-26-2005, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
dual DS3 links
10-26-2005, 11:09 AM
So migrate the recently active threads, and leave the old XMBforum with all the old posts running under so people can link to it but turn posting off. Then create the new forums: problem solved.
Sometimes sacrifices need to be made in the name of keeping the forums healthy and sustainable. I'm sure people wouldnt mind if it meant preventing another 2 week outage, or even worse complete corruption of the database.
Just some suggestions.
The Ponzzz
10-26-2005, 11:20 AM
I kinda agree with this nocturnix guy... People bitch and whine when you post in a thread that's 6 months old. People bitch and whine when they lose their post counts.
Plenty of stuff on these forums could be removed and I doubt anyone would even know.
But that's just me, maybe a poll could be done to see...
Theres a difference between someone bumping a 6 month old thread to say LOLZ OMG and when someone, for lack of a better word, is researching from old posts containing fact, opinions, and information relevant to the current conversations or confirming something said etc.
10-26-2005, 11:28 AM
Its common practice to "clean out" your forums regularly. In fact most forum software with the default installation settings deletes threads after a certain period of time, to keep the database from bloating. Its good to regularly prune a forum to keep it healthy :-P
I don't know that a 2 week outage every 3 years or so is or should be enough to force us to change the way we do things.
Did it suck? Sure. Was is the end of the world? Nope.
10-26-2005, 11:50 AM
More to the point, the forum shouldn't have been down at all. Even with a 1.8 GB database and 100 or so queries per page it should have been nowhere near 70% of resources.
10-26-2005, 01:36 PM
I'll take a week or even two downtime once every several years if that would be required to keep the entirety of the old posts available.
However I don't see that as being necessary.
Kranar says he is working on it and while I'm sure he appreciates any and all advice, hints and help in general, I am confident he will work it through and in the end find the best solution available.
12-16-2005, 12:51 PM
Having major performance issues now...
01-11-2006, 11:03 AM
Whats the status on this? The performance of the boards continues to get worse and I'm losing my patience.
I'm about this [--] close to setting up my own boards.
Where is Kranar, he should have been back from vacation awhile ago?
01-11-2006, 11:21 AM
Wow, nice threat tactic.
01-11-2006, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Wow, nice threat tactic.
Threat tactic? I just want a GS forum that works. I'm more than happy to help Kranar work on fixing this one if he would let me. I'm just not sure what is goin on on his side, as I havent talked to him personally yet(currently trying to get in touch with him), and I only have so much patience.
The comment was merely to convey my frustration.
On a side note - You're pretty outspoken for a moderator. Seems 95% of the posts I make you attack since I started posting political views that didnt align with yours. What ever happened to Moderators who have a thick skin and stay out of people's conflicts?
[Edited on 1-11-2006 by nocturnix]
01-11-2006, 11:26 AM
It's the hosting server. It's known to happen with these people. I'm sure Kranar has been working with them to sort it out.
As for helping him with the boards, ulitmately they are his and he's been offered help many times. I wish him luck.
[Edited on 1/11/2006 by CrystalTears]
01-11-2006, 11:31 AM
See edits above. ^
And you presume to know alot about the innerworkings of the boards, is that because somone told you or you have shell access, access to logs, and usage reports?
01-11-2006, 11:37 AM
All I said was "wow, nice threat tactic" because YOU said you were close to starting boards of your own. To me, that's a threat just because the boards aren't working to your satisfaction. Sorry, but people are working on the problem.
I'm allowed to have opinions about whatever I choose. I'm also allowed to express those opinions as much as you are whenever and however I freakin' feel like it.
Interworkings? You mean because I read reviews about the hosting server and they were basically what we're going through? Because Kranar told us it's something on their end somewhere? Because I know how the boards work, so do others and we've shared that information?
Don't presume to know anything about me. Your comments are what cause me to go on the defensive.
01-11-2006, 11:41 AM
First of all, Nocturnix, CT was an Administrator on these boards at one time. It was CT who brought us the plethora of great smilies we have, along with a lot of other enjoyable features. When she says she knows how these boards work, she isn\'t just blowing smoke. She knows how these boards work!
Secondly, Kranar has a site set up on which he is testing a new system for these forums. I have great faith that he will bring a better forum to fruition, given the time he needs to do so. He\'s doing his best to give us the best boards we can have without sacrificing any more than he has to sacrifice.
Since you haven\'t talked to Kranar, you really don\'t know what\'s being done, what\'s been done, or what\'s planned. Some of us, CT included, do.
01-11-2006, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Your comments are what cause me to go on the defensive.
It seems like most of your posts are "on the defensive".
But back on topic.
I will do my best to hold my tongue for now as I havent spoken with Kranar.
I do however wonder why he has kept us all in the dark about these issues, and what he has in the works, if anything.
And yes I have seen the SMF forum he has running at
Another question: I thought the 2 week outage awhile back was because of a previous host pulling the plug, now we're at a new host and we're having issues again? Either we have horrible luck and issues with picking our hosts, or the boards/software/database are wreaking havoc on any server theyre put on.
Hadnt Kranar also said we were on a Dedi at some point? I forgot what exactly was said about this.
01-11-2006, 12:14 PM
He has not kept us in the dark, at all. He has informed us of what's going on and what he's doing about it.
For the record, since you can't seem to remember what you've read it might be a good idea to do some more reading. He's working on the new forums, and our current provider is working on its problem, which Kranar has already explained is neither on their end, or our end.
When you know more, you may have something to say. Until then, you really don't.
01-11-2006, 12:16 PM
There are always issues when you change servers. Little things that need to be worked out. Kranar is working on those things. The point you seem to be missing is that while he is working on these things, he cannot be working on the conversion of the boards. He only has two hands and a life.
He works on things when he can. You appear to want all changes to roll out on your own time frame. Things don't work this way. If you want the boards to work in your fashion, on your time frames, and in the direction you want, then by all means open your own boards.
Kranar has decided how he wants these boards converted. He has that right. Your ideals of how he does it has no effect or sway on his choice.
I would also like to point out that the more you bug him, the less work he will get done. Keep that in mind as you keep trying to contact him for one reason or another.
01-11-2006, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Threat tactic? I just want a GS forum that works.
01-11-2006, 01:43 PM
To mitigate the harshness of my previous post (translation: /bitch mode), part of the problem lies in the fact that you're a relatively new poster here, Nocturnix. There is much you don't know. To come in with complaints while we're having "issues", and to assume you know enough to "fix" the issues that Kranar is currently working on, is a bit presumptuous, IMHO.
01-11-2006, 02:11 PM
Ah, finally. All better. People can stop using proxies now. At least I can.
01-11-2006, 02:13 PM
I would like to know your qualifications on making a message board using XMB run better.
You say you would like to setup your own forum, which I don't think anyone would have a problem with, but I would like to know how you are more qualified to run a message board then Kranar is.
This may sound like I am attacking you, but I am not, I am curious to know your skill set and qualifications.
Also, I know how much a forum of this size uses as far as resources go based on experience alone.
How much money are you willing to spend to make your forum as large as this one, how much money are you willing to spend to maintain it, and how much time are you willing to devote to making sure you have the best solution for the future?
01-11-2006, 02:18 PM
The amusing thing for me is that Nocturnix is so outraged and upset over the forums that you'd think he was paying for them to run and not receiving the service in return. Sheesh.
01-11-2006, 02:21 PM
I realize that my criticisms are very blunt. I do not beat around the bush, thats just how I am.
However, it is wrather discouraging to see the PC staff immediately on the defensive every time I try to make suggestions for improving the quality of the infrastructure here. It is not a personal attack on you, nor is it a personal attack on kranar. I completely understand time issues and the time sink that forums can become. I am merely voicing my frustrations, AND at the same time giving suggestions and possible solutions. We call this constructive criticism, something which most of you dont seem to appreciate. If my tone comes off as arogant, or presumptuous I apologize. I tend to bottle things up until they burst and come off as a bit confrontational, which is part of the reason for me sounding frustrated. Still I ask you to remember that these suggestions and criticism are allin the best interest of the GS community.
I have a whole other set of issues with the GS forums that I wont even go into now. But between the GS forums and a sick and ailing PC it seems like gemstone players still dont have a solid, reliable, functional place to reside. This of course is my opinion, and I'm sure many will be offended and strongly disagree with it. Thats fine.
Back to my point, I apologize for the ramblings, it is discouragin to think all PC staff are always on the defensive, and very strongly so. Usually this is a sign that they actually have something to be defensive about, point in case, serious performance issues that have been being "worked on" for what, 2 months now?
Being a board admin isnt a walk in the park. This is part of the reason I havent started doing my own thing already, realisticly I probably do not have the time. As said before it is a giant time sink, unless you have a well qualified kickass team to whom you delegate specific duties and responsabilities, and if you dont have time for it the community can suffer.
I speak for myself only, but I'm suffering at this point...I had made some suggestions before, and then waited to see what happened. Nothing happened, the issues got even worse in fact.
Saying "our current provider is working on its problem, which Kranar has already explained is neither on their end, or our end." Just goes to show no one really knows what the issues are. Sure you have ideas, sure some of them are probably right, some more than others, but saying "Kranar is working on it" only goes so far. You said the same thing 2 months ago. Kranar is obviously too busy, hence the reason I have personally asked to discuss these issues with him. And you are incorrect Trinitis, this is the first time I've attempted to contact him outside of suggestions made in these two related threads.
I have an idea that I'm 95% sure would fix the performance issues we're having now. It doesnt solve the problem of the bloated database, or whatever issues he may be having with his host that I do not currently know about. It will however fix the timeouts and max connection message issues.
Alas I do not know Kranar at all. But I'm not going to beg and plead to help him. If he's too busy to respond I understand. But therein is the problem I stated above. If he's too arrogant or overly protective to accept any outside help, thats his choice, and his community will suffer or eventually go elsewhere because of it.
Notice the IFs in my statement, before you rush to his defense and praise his godliness and call me the devil, remember I'm speaking as somone who just sees the big picture and does not know what Kranar has on his plate, or even who the hell he is. He could be a kickass programmer with a wealth of knowledge who saves babies from burning buildings in his spare time, but has just had family issues or a busy work month, or two.
I've restated my points enough times now I think, hopefully you get them. And to restate one more, remember my tone stems from frustration, not of blame on the part of kranar or the staff.
01-11-2006, 02:23 PM
Times like these I'm glad I have a life to worry about instead of whether or not it takes me 30 seconds to load a page on a gemstone message board.
01-11-2006, 02:26 PM
I can tell you that whatever your offer is, not trying to put it down, has been already offered, and other offers have been made that far exceed your offer.
I can tell you that without even knowing what your offer is.
Sure, I know you are frustrated.
Like the rest of us however, you will need to wait or move on.
01-11-2006, 02:27 PM
Your 'tone' is unfortunately a huge reason why people are on the defensive. I'll tell you something that my professor told me just last semester about 'tone'. When you write something, you consider your audience, and then you take 10 minutes and reread what you're saying before posting it or submitting it. Tone is very important and you come off like a very upset, rigid know-it-all who is pompous beyond belief. I don't even know you nor have I had any other contact with you outside of this particular thread, but that's the impression you gave ME from just these posts of yours (which are done in frustration and apologies).
Apologies for tone only go so far.
01-11-2006, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
try to make suggestions for improving the quality of the infrastructure here
giving suggestions and possible solutions. We call this constructive criticism, something which most of you dont seem to appreciate.
"I'm losing my patience.
I'm about this [--] close to setting up my own boards.
Where is Kranar, he should have been back from vacation awhile ago?"
I have an idea that I'm 95% sure would fix the performance issues we're having now. It doesnt solve the problem of the bloated database, or whatever issues he may be having with his host that I do not currently know about. It will however fix the timeouts and max connection message issues.
Since you've already written half a page explaining your thought process and saying how upsetting it is that the staff is so defensive, why not throw in another paragraph with your miracle cure?
The problem is not in the code, the problem is in the provider. As others have pointed out on this board, the provider that we switched to doesn't have the greatest of feedback and may be stretched past their limits.
01-11-2006, 02:40 PM
If you are saying the provider may be stretched its because of the amount of database calls this XMB software makes.
My understanding is that everyone recognizes that XMB needs to go away.
So, in my opinion, its both the host and the software.
[Edited on 1-11-2006 by Buckwheet]
Someone should introduce Nocturnix with Klaive and they could get his old forums back up and running.
Call it the Ninja Catcher PC forum and I"m sure within hours it will PwnZor the PC.
Just sit down and shut up Nocturnix. Your 1,000 word diatribes that have absolutely zero contribution here make my eyes bleed.
Oh wait, let me guess, in addition to have taken a constitutional law class you've also taken an html class and thus are the official expert on all matters pertaining to all discussions here on the PC. Go call your mom, she'll tell you that you're the best and that everything will be ok, and perhaps, if you let her get another word in edgewise, she'll tell you where to find the patience and maturity that you've obviously lost.
01-11-2006, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Buckwheet
I would like to know your qualifications on making a message board using XMB run better.
You say you would like to setup your own forum, which I don't think anyone would have a problem with, but I would like to know how you are more qualified to run a message board then Kranar is.
This may sound like I am attacking you, but I am not, I am curious to know your skill set and qualifications.
Also, I know how much a forum of this size uses as far as resources go based on experience alone.
How much money are you willing to spend to make your forum as large as this one, how much money are you willing to spend to maintain it, and how much time are you willing to devote to making sure you have the best solution for the future?
All perfectly good questions buckwheet. And thank you for phrasing them nicely.
I've been working on operating my own different forums since senior year, 1999.
These are some of the sites I created, own, but no longer am actively administrating(I've handed off leadership to trusted and deserving Board Admins due to the lack of my own time to manage them all, as I'm sure Kranar can attest to, managing one board alone can be a full-time job)... (not a forum, but a forum only search engine/directory)
And a forum that got hacked by "Iraqi" political hackers right in the thick of my college degree, thus I never was able to find time to devote to rebuilding it. a vBOTM winner. Not much to see there now, but you can get an idea of what it used to look like from here ( I realize some of the images are broken, etc. It is an archive from waybackmachine, so that isnt a working version of the site.
Forum-Forum was a forum for board admins, we had individual sections for 7 major forum softwares where people could discuss with as little bias as possible the positive and negatives of each. We interviewed forum software developers from some of the major forum companies. In it's hayday, forum-forum was THE forum for board admins and forum owners. I had big plans for it but got too busy with school.
As for paying for hosting. Simple. I host on my virtual shared hosting plan that costs me $20 a month. The site has excellent performance, never had any major issues or downtime other than the occasional corrupt MySQL entry. That site has 3900 members, and is as active as this one. I also host all my other sites on that same $20 shared hosting account.
So saying you need a dedi for a forum of this size is just wrong. The only reason you would need a dedi is if the software and its adons are so horribly inefficient that they put enough strain on the processor to require it. Which is the most likely the case here. I'd wrather not get into the details now as everyone claims to know what theyre talking about and I dont want to waste my time trying to convince people what the issues are. This is a conversation I wanted to have with Kranar, not the staffers and the occasional board members.
01-11-2006, 03:27 PM
I do claim to know what I am talking about.
I run a website that dwarfs all of yours put together.
I have 33,000 registered users, and a site that does 12-15 terabytes per month of data transfer.
I am a data services manager for Qwest communications and all I do, all day long is work with databases, web servers, and fiber optic data connections.
I consult for 4 private datacenter operations and I have assisted in operational management for
That website alone has a global reach of over 100 million people. You can view the traffic statistics for your self.
I asked you nicely and I am sorry you feel like you can just talk down to people and throw a couple small time websites out there and then put it off by you just don't want to talk about it.
What I said was your offer regardless of what is was has already been made and far exceeded, I hope you can understand what I mean by that. Its not a question of what the PC needs, its a question of what is the best route to go.
Your idea of just hosing this on your $20 shared hosting plan, if thats what you were suggesting, is so far from the offers that have already been put on the table it shouldn't even be considered.
So anyway when you read this and you want to again get your ruler to get into a pissing contest, understand that I applaud your technological skills and your current websites. You just need to understand that there are possibly better educated, better skilled, better experienced, or just plain wealthier people who have tried to offer all their strengths to this community.
I am not saying I am all the above things, like smarter, richer, or more experienced, its just I know there have been offers of money, offers of time, and offers of hardware already made, and I know my offers.
Just play it cool and realize that there are lots of people who are able to help out, and nobody has said, atleast in this thread, that your services won't be called upon.
Just to come in and demand action because you have a solution is not going to get anything to happen faster then it already is.
[Edited on 1-11-2006 by Buckwheet]
Sean of the Thread
01-11-2006, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
To mitigate the harshness of my previous post (translation: /bitch mode), part of the problem lies in the fact that you're a relatively new poster here, Nocturnix. There is much you don't know. To come in with complaints while we're having "issues", and to assume you know enough to "fix" the issues that Kranar is currently working on, is a bit presumptuous, IMHO.
ROFL YOU say he is presumptuos.
01-11-2006, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Buckwheet
I do claim to know what I am talking about.
I run a website that dwarfs all of yours put together.
I have 33,000 registered users, and a site that does 12-15 terabytes per month of data transfer.
I am a data services manager for Qwest communications and all I do, all day long is work with databases, web servers, and fiber optic data connections.
I consult for 4 private datacenter operations and I have assisted in operational management for
That website alone has a global reach of over 100 million people. You can view the traffic statistics for your self.
I asked you nicely and I am sorry you feel like you can just talk down to people and throw a couple small time websites out there and then put it off by you just don't want to talk about it.
What I said was your offer regardless of what is was has already been made and far exceeded, I hope you can understand what I mean by that. Its not a question of what the PC needs, its a question of what is the best route to go.
Your idea of just hosing this on your $20 shared hosting plan, if thats what you were suggesting, is so far from the offers that have already been put on the table it shouldn't even be considered.
So anyway when you read this and you want to again get your ruler to get into a pissing contest, understand that I applaud your technological skills and your current websites. You just need to understand that there are possibly better educated, better skilled, better experienced, or just plain wealthier people who have tried to offer all their strengths to this community.
I am not saying I am all the above things, like smarter, richer, or more experienced, its just I know there have been offers of money, offers of time, and offers of hardware already made, and I know my offers.
Just play it cool and realize that there are lots of people who are able to help out, and nobody has said, atleast in this thread, that your services won't be called upon.
Just to come in and demand action because you have a solution is not going to get anything to happen faster then it already is.
[Edited on 1-11-2006 by Buckwheet]
Congrats on your accomplishments.
No need to get defensive, your statement that the database queries is what is causing more load than usual on the server is exactly part of my suggestion, which again I havent stated because I am not interested in hearing everyone explain why they think that wouldnt work. I'd be more than happy, however to throw ideas around with you regarding these ideas. (u2u me your AIM if youd like to chat)
I understand many others have come with many different offers to help, you made your point. So that being said, it seems all of these offers are falling on deaf ears and will never be accepted.
So when the public bathrooms in our office break down do we keep pissing in the corner? No, we either get them fixed or go to a different bathroom. Thats the point i'm trying to make.
And based on your wealth of experience maybe I should be talking to you about setting up a forum. Our powers combined, captain planet style. (lame joke i know).
[Edited on 1-11-2006 by nocturnix]
01-11-2006, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Whats the status on this? The performance of the boards continues to get worse and I'm losing my patience.
I'm about this [--] close to setting up my own boards.
Set up your own. It still won't be PC. I for one, won't post there. I figure that it will get fixed when it gets fixed.
01-11-2006, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
So when the public bathrooms in our office break down do we keep pissing in the corner? No, we either get them fixed or go to a different bathroom. Thats the point i'm trying to make.
So now you're calling the forum a shitter. I knew it was only a matter of time.
Sean of the Thread
01-11-2006, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
Originally posted by nocturnix
Whats the status on this? The performance of the boards continues to get worse and I'm losing my patience.
I'm about this [--] close to setting up my own boards.
Set up your own. It still won't be PC. I for one, won't post there. I figure that it will get fixed when it gets fixed.
Chances are at this rate you won't post "here" either.
01-11-2006, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Xyelin
Originally posted by Kainen
Originally posted by nocturnix
Whats the status on this? The performance of the boards continues to get worse and I'm losing my patience.
I'm about this [--] close to setting up my own boards.
Set up your own. It still won't be PC. I for one, won't post there. I figure that it will get fixed when it gets fixed.
Chances are at this rate you won't post "here" either.
Oh ye of little faith.
01-11-2006, 04:13 PM
:coffee: <-- I have a feeling this could be a pic of Kranar right now. I have no doubt at all he is working his arse off to get this place in order and I will wait it out with the others.
<3 PC.
The Ponzzz
01-11-2006, 04:14 PM
The problem is XMB as well as the Host. XMB is a dying(nearly dead?) forum template...
Sean of the Thread
01-11-2006, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Caiylania
:coffee: <-- I have a feeling this could be a pic of Kranar right now. I have no doubt at all he is working his arse off to get this place in order and I will wait it out with the others.
<3 PC.
That made me laugh.
01-11-2006, 04:16 PM
But we don't know shit about these forums, guys. Leave it to them to sort out cause we're just peons and uninformed about such complicated things. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by nocturnix exactly part of my suggestion, which again I havent stated...
Funny how that becomes part of your suggestion after its posted.
"Now you sound like pee wee herman.. "I meant to say that..."
:lol: :lol: :lol:
01-11-2006, 04:43 PM
Fine I'll post the short version of the fix...
The "max_connections" issue has to due with the number of connections/traffic/queries allowed by the database server. Being that its on a shared server means there are others using it, so the host has given specific allowances of resources, essentially dividing up database useage. gsplayers_kranar is the username for the MySQL(assuming its mysql that is being used) account the forums use.
The timeouts are also probably related to this issue of reaching the maximum number of connections. On PC's side the fix is simple.
Reduce the queries. Kranar has said himself the hacks are query intensive, review which ones use how many queries and remove them. The "Level, HP, EXP" hack although looks pretty probably uses a fair number of queries in itself. Remove this hack and the overall queries will be reduced. Also look into removing other non-essential queries. I'm a big fan of the quick reply, this is something that should stay if possible.
There are currently 25 users browsing the boards. Everytime a user loads a new page the database is queried, or "accessed" 51 times. 51x25 = 1275. That means at peak usage if too many people load a page at once the database refuses the connections and gives errors or times out. This also puts a HUGE strain on the server's processors, and probably was part of the reason Kranar had to leave his last host. Remember, they gave PC the boot because it was wreaking havoc on the server it was hosted on.
These are just temporary QUICK fixes. They do not solve every problem ive stated, they will simply improve the currently lackluster performance and hopefully reduce the timeouts and refused connections.
But as you all say, I'm sure Kranar is working on this as we speak. Course everyone was sure of that 2 months ago too. The fix I proposed depending on the complexity of the hacks would take 1 maybe two evenings. If additional issues come up it could take longer, however I dont see it taking longer than 3 or 4 days for anyone who knows what theyre doing.
[Edited on 1-11-2006 by nocturnix]
[Edited on 1-11-2006 by nocturnix]
01-11-2006, 04:46 PM
There is nothing"quick" about removing hacks from this software, just so you know, and far from simple.
Anyway, the plan is to change to completely different software that isn't a drain on resources. Personally I think it's easier to convert than to try and work with XMB and its issues.
[Edited on 1/11/2006 by CrystalTears]
01-11-2006, 04:47 PM
Its not easy, I know...thats why I gave it an estimate of 1 to 2 evenings with a maximum of 4 days. If you cant remove the hacks in 4 days, you shouldnt be working on it anyways.
01-11-2006, 04:57 PM
Uh, I don't claim to know jack shit about running forums, but wtf? You're making threats of starting your own forums because you don't like these? Yeah, that happened once. Check here to see how it went over:
Anyway, it's not like you're paying to be a member of the PC or your life is made significantly more difficult if you can't post here for a period of time. I don't like outages either, or issues with getting stupid error pages if I try to post. But shit happens, I'm sure it'll be fixed in due time.
To summarize, whatever.
01-11-2006, 04:57 PM
Once again you knock everything I say regardless if its right or not.
Let me bring you back to when I suggested looking into new forum software...
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Conversion is not as easy as it sounds. It could mean losing a lot of our present data, and I'm sure people would hate to lose their posts, let alone post count .
Originally posted by CrystalTears
The data is really screwed up, and conversions have been attempted before.
That aside, this is obviously what Kranar is working on currently as seen here
That still could be quite some time, as you yourself stated. Which would still mean it would be worth editing some files and following the steps to installing the hacks in reverse.
[Edited on 1-11-2006 by nocturnix]
01-11-2006, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Its not easy, I know...thats why I gave it an estimate of 1 to 2 evenings with a maximum of 4 days. If you cant remove the hacks in 4 days, you shouldnt be working on it anyways.
DING! We have a winner. There are at least 20 hacks on this baby. Four evenings would not cut it. Not if you have a life, anyway.
That still could be quite some time, as you yourself stated. Which would still mean it would be worth editing some files and following the steps to installing the hacks in reverse.
Exactly right, could take some time to convert. You really can't expect him to not only attempt to spend his spare time converting over to new software but to remove the hacks to lessen resources at the same time. He's good but he's not Houdini.
I really don't need to be justifying myself to you. I know what has been spoken about, attempted, tried, worked on, suggested and so forth... I was there.
[Edited on 1/11/2006 by CrystalTears]
01-11-2006, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Exactly right, could take some time to convert. You really can't expect him to not only attempt to spend his spare time converting over to new software but to remove the hacks to lessen resources at the same time. He's good but he's not Houdini.
[Edited on 1/11/2006 by CrystalTears]
Well I'm glad we've now come full circle to what I have been saying all along.
Sean of the Thread
01-11-2006, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
I've read a few posts in this thread, but I can honestly say nocturnix is the most qualified non-admin to be talking about the mechanics of forums, including this one.
...Was that sarcasm?
Oh wait it's just that you really only read a few posts.
01-11-2006, 05:12 PM
Yeah I also deleted that post because I don't care to read the replies. This thread actually sucks.
What right or wrong? It's your opinion that Kranar should do what you think is best for the boards. That doesn't make what you suggest necessarily the right thing to do. Without knowing Kranar ultimate goal for the boards maximum efficiency seems to be your assumption. My assumption is preservation of the PC's content and to get it working well enough so that we can continue to contribute in the manner that we've become accustomed to.
01-11-2006, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Yeah I also deleted that post because I don't care to read the replies. This thread actually sucks.
01-11-2006, 06:32 PM
Nocturnix, you make a post that leads to many reply posts almost all of which you term "defensive".
I propose that you reassess your posting manner as opposed to finding fault with the manner in which so many responded.
When you have Buckwheet and HarmNone of all people getting irked at you it may be time to take a step back.
I also have to wonder why it is you say you are "suffering". We all wish things were running smoothly and are looking forward to as prompt a resumption of smooth operations as possible. Staff too has to deal with the current quirkieness and we have to read all the posts in our folders. We also have to handle doing edits and such while posting in the Staff sections and sending u2u's and such so beleive me when i tell you it is at least as difficult for us as anyone yet I still would not term my situtation as anywhere even NEAR "suffering".
Just take a deep breath and relax a bit, it will be okay, really.
01-11-2006, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
a sick and ailing PC We've had like 3 downtimes (counting this last psuedo-downtime) in the past 2 years. Ailing is a huge overstatement.
I realize that my criticisms are very blunt.Apparently the main issue is that they're very wrong.
Once again you knock everything I say regardless if its right or not. It could be CT's just out to get you. Or it could be you're just wrong.
Originally posted by Ganalon
constitutional law That was necromancer.
Sean of the Thread
01-11-2006, 07:23 PM
01-11-2006, 07:36 PM
WWKD? (What Would Kranar Do?)
01-11-2006, 07:39 PM
Knowing Kranar, I can assure you he will do what is best for these boards over the long haul. He doesn\'t jump into things lightly, and he doesn\'t shirk on the detail. It\'s just the nature of the Kranar. ;)
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
Originally posted by Ganalon
constitutional law That was necromancer.
:lol: I believe you're right... I got my diatribes confused, since they sound about the same. Birds of a feather and all that. Walks like a duck and all that.
IP Check!
Sean of the Thread
01-11-2006, 08:46 PM
If you want F T W ....Powered by vBulletin Version 3.5.2!
01-11-2006, 09:06 PM
Thanks Kranar and Co for investing the time to get this place going/keep it going. It's not unappreciated.
01-12-2006, 09:42 AM
<< The "max_connections" issue has to due with the number of connections/traffic/queries allowed by the database server. >>
No it doesn't. That error message is not an accurate indication of what's really happening. There is nothing wrong with the maximum number of connections/queries allowed by the database server. That specific error is an XMB related bug.
<< Being that its on a shared server means there are others using it, so the host has given specific allowances of resources, essentially dividing up database useage. gsplayers_kranar is the username for the MySQL(assuming its mysql that is being used) account the forums use. >>
It is not a shared server.
<< The timeouts are also probably related to this issue of reaching the maximum number of connections. On PC's side the fix is simple. >>
Once again, this is wrong.
Look, I can go on and on as to the assumptions being made and why they're wrong but ultimately it won't help fix the problems and may just waste time infact. You're free to think that all of the PCs problems are just you know... 2-3 evenings of some work here and there, remove some hacks, touch up the database a bit and presto, all is fixed. I will simply know not to take your analysis of the problem seriously any further.
On the more constructive side of the issue... ideally I would like to preserve all of the existing content on the PC and convert it to any new software we use. Now if it turns out that this can't be done before this forum dies, than likely I'll just start up a fresh forum, make this one available for reference purposes, and life will go on. Right now I'm working on a script that will convert folders, posts, and members, and I might add in U2U's afterwards. That hopefully should be done soon, so that not all is lost.
01-12-2006, 09:54 AM
I give up. :shrug:
I'll just do what everyone else does and pretend everything works fine. And wallow in the bliss of my own denial.
What, another lost post? Well I should have had notepad running alongside and pasted my post in there first, or at least into the clipboard...whoops my fault.
Timeout...max connections...errror....missing file...timeout....timeout...
Oh well, the PC forum system gets grumpy in the morning, I'm sure kranar is working on it this very minute!
more timeouts...more lossed posts...more errors...
Bah, kranar is the man...he's definately working on it, I know he'll have a fix any minute now!
Two months later...
Wow, I wonder why things are still screwy? Hmm....oh well, Kranar is the man! He's a' cookin' a' something up!
another month passes...
more errors, more timouts, and then one day...boom, site down...what? The host hadnt made backups? Kranar fights with his host to get a working backup, but to no avail. PC is gone including its tons of important posts, but the good news is: a fresh new start with modern forum software and a stable, efficient, and redundant forum system! All are happy, despite losing their postcounts. :whistle:
01-12-2006, 09:57 AM
Kranar, you are magnificent! I really think it's cool that you go to the trouble you do to try to maintain the things that are important, and enjoyable, to our posters. I, personally, know how much you have on your plate at the moment, and I really appreciate everything you do for these forums. Believe me, I'm not alone! :grouphug:
01-12-2006, 09:58 AM
Well you could always go post somewhere, or you could stop being a condenscending jackass and stop with the shitty posts about the forum.
[Edited on 1-12-2006 by Brattt8525]
01-12-2006, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Kranar
Now if it turns out that this can't be done before this forum dies, than likely I'll just start up a fresh forum, make this one available for reference purposes, and life will go on.
Something I had suggested when we were discussing these issues earlier. I think thats a great idea, and something you could do, well, now.
May I be so bold, as to say: why not make the new forums live as soon as they are ready, and turn posting off to the old PC, but use it as a reference source so members could quote from posts here instead of waiting for the current forums to die?
You said yourself creating a conversion script is going to be a bitch, seeing as the database is hacked up pretty good, its massive, and converstions have been attempted before?
Just suggestions, I'm merely throwing ideas out there; but apprently now all my ideas are automatically wrong...because the "quick fix" I had suggested was?
01-12-2006, 10:04 AM
I'll just do what everyone else does and pretend everything works fine. And wallow in the bliss of my own denial.
Sorry if I can't let statements like this sit around with no commentary.
Is the PC having connection issues? Yes. Are most of us frustrated by it? More than likely. Are we ultimately able to read/post? Yes. Is it the end of the world? No.
No one is pretending that the PC is alright. We're ALL dealing with it and waiting for things to resolve. You having this attitude is not helping matters any.
Stop being an egocentric nutjob and either accept that there are connection issues which will eventually get fixed, or move on.
BTW, starting over fresh is a last resort, and your suggestions, while good, are not new. Again, don't assume that you're the only one that knows how to help remedy the situation.
[Edited on 1/12/2006 by CrystalTears]
01-12-2006, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Well you could always go post somewhere, or you could stop being a condenscending jackass and stop with the shitty posts about the forum.
[Edited on 1-12-2006 by Brattt8525]
At least I'm speaking up about issues and actively making suggestions instead of sitting around twidling my thumbs pretending nothings wrong and kissing Kranar's ass ever chance I can.
01-12-2006, 10:08 AM
Actually, Nocturnix, I'm not having a huge amount of trouble reading the boards by using proxies. Occasionally, I might have to do a bit of searching for a good, working proxy; however, that does not take any significant steps towards ruining my day. Heck, if I'm in a hurry and not going to be here long, I'll just use an online proxy for a quick look.
Kranar is working on the forums. He's doing it the way he believes to be the right way. I'm sure, if he needs your input he'll ask for it. Buckwheet is also available to help, if the need arises, and this forum is familiar to Bucky, believe me. Perhaps, you need to work on your patience, or your ability to handle a bit of frustration, and back off trying to be the "Savior of the PC". The PC isn't your forum.
01-12-2006, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
I'll just do what everyone else does and pretend everything works fine. And wallow in the bliss of my own denial.
Sorry if I can't let statements like this sit around with no commentary.
Is the PC having connection issues? Yes. Are most of us frustrated by it? More than likely. Are we ultimately able to read/post? Yes. Is it the end of the world? No.
No one is pretending that the PC is alright. We're ALL dealing with it and waiting for things to resolve. You having this attitude is not helping matters any.
Stop being an egocentric nutjob and either accept that there are connection issues which will eventually get fixed, or move on.
BTW, starting over fresh is a last resort, and your suggestions, while good, are not new. Again, don't assume that you're the only one that knows how to help remedy the situation.
[Edited on 1/12/2006 by CrystalTears]
The purpose of forums are to discuss things in, well, an open forum.
I started a thread about the issues PC is having, I made many suggestions, some right, some wrong, but I opened a DISCUSSION about the issues the site is having...
Its like I opened up a gaping wound and poured salt on it.
01-12-2006, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Two months later...
another month passes...
That's 3 months. You've been a member for 3.5 months.
Prior to the outage in late October, we have had almost 0 issues with the PC.
Chalk it up to your bad luck. The entire time you've been here we've had server issues here and there.
In the years i've been here, no issues that I can remember prior to last October.
01-12-2006, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Well you could always go post somewhere, or you could stop being a condenscending jackass and stop with the shitty posts about the forum.
[Edited on 1-12-2006 by Brattt8525]
At least I'm speaking up about issues and actively making suggestions instead of sitting around twidling my thumbs pretending nothings wrong and kissing Kranar's ass ever chance I can.
Excuse me, you sanctimonious bastard? You're making suggestions about a forum you know absolutely nothing about! Many of the assumptions on which you have based your "suggestions" have been flat out wrong!
As to kissing Kranar's ass, you obviously don't know Kranar at all. That kind of thing will get nobody anywhere. It might surprise you to know that some of us actually admire Kranar greatly and consider him friend. I'm one of those, and I resent the hell out of your smart-ass remark! :grr:
Sean of the Thread
01-12-2006, 10:14 AM
You tell him.. Sanctimonius indeed!
01-12-2006, 10:14 AM
And for those who say discussing issues is counter-productive, I advise you to take management 101 or something similar. Letting issues fester under the surface is far more damaging. Anyone who says otherwise is just plain wrong.
There is nothing counter-productive about having a discussion about problems and possible solutions.
01-12-2006, 10:16 AM
Damnit nocturnix you made HN swear! When Harmnone swears I cower.
01-12-2006, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Its like I opened up a gaping wound and poured salt on it.
No, it's more like a doctor put stitches on the wound, but you came over and ripped off the stitches in order to pour the salt in. The doctor clearly doesn't seem to know what he's doing.
01-12-2006, 10:18 AM
Harmnone you should change your mood from serene to well... not, judging by that last post lol
And Nocturnix, you are coming off like a pompous know-it-all. Kranar responded to one of your posts so be glad that you got some kind of feedback. Cope like the rest the of are, instead of talking out of your ass.
01-12-2006, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Originally posted by nocturnix
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Well you could always go post somewhere, or you could stop being a condenscending jackass and stop with the shitty posts about the forum.
[Edited on 1-12-2006 by Brattt8525]
At least I'm speaking up about issues and actively making suggestions instead of sitting around twidling my thumbs pretending nothings wrong and kissing Kranar's ass ever chance I can.
Excuse me, you sanctimonious bastard? You're making suggestions about a forum you know absolutely nothing about! Many of the assumptions on which you have based your "suggestions" have been flat out wrong!
As to kissing Kranar's ass, you obviously don't know Kranar at all. That kind of thing will get nobody anywhere. It might surprise you to know that some of us actually admire Kranar greatly and consider him friend. I'm one of those, and I resent the hell out of your smart-ass remark! :grr:
Wow I'm sorry you got so upset when I called you a brown-noser. :moon:
01-12-2006, 10:19 AM
Talking about it is one thing.
Saying you're "this [--] close" to setting up your own boards is going to have posters focusing on your negativity instead of suggestions.
Sean of the Thread
01-12-2006, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Damnit nocturnix you made HN swear! When Harmnone swears I cower.
It makes me laugh.
It's obvious Kranar is working on it with his available resources.. just drop it and go post on klaives forums if you can't wait the nescessary time required for the project.
If you hurry now I think the last post was in August 04 by kurapira..
01-12-2006, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
No, it's more like a doctor put stitches on the wound, but you came over and ripped off the stitches in order to pour the salt in. The doctor clearly doesn't seem to know what he's doing.
Well I never said that; but I guess you ended up saying it anyways.
01-12-2006, 10:23 AM
Gee, no, not those exact words. Genius, you caught me. HOWEVER.. l when you say that people are kissing Kranar's ass, no one cares about the problems and seem to be ignoring them, and offering "suggestions", and then saying you'll open your own boards ... it all seems to indicate to me that you have zero faith in what he is doing.
01-12-2006, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Wow I'm sorry you got so upset when I called you a brown-noser. :moon: [/quote]
One does not brown-nose one's friends, Nocturnix. That, however, is probably a concept you do not understand. :rolleyes:
Sean of the Thread
01-12-2006, 10:27 AM
01-12-2006, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by nocturnix
Two months later...
another month passes...
That's 3 months. You've been a member for 3.5 months.
Really Noccy, why are you getting your panties in a bunch over this?
Are you that offended that Kranar did not stop everything he is doing to call you and thank you for giving him the news that the PC is buggy at present? Thanks for the newsflash Captain Obvious but he actually was aware of the difficulties and as his and Buck's post should have by now made you aware the various possible solutions already were discussed.
The forum is running even if buggy and the desire is to make the next incarnation available incorporating all the old content as there is a wealth of information and photos of both current and past members that we would hate to lose.
I think you should start your own GS website since you are so uber at all of this becuase then you can pull a Klaive and claim that we are stealing all of your ideas. Then you will have yet something else to complain about won't that be great?
01-12-2006, 10:31 AM
It's all come back to one statement I made out of pure frustration and anger. Have I made my own boards? No. Will I make my own boards? Chances are highly unlikely, as I've stated in previous posts.
If you're going to hinge everything on one statement I made when I was pissed off I'm sorry thats not a very solid argument. And anyways, I phrased it saying basically "I'm pissed, I'm so tempted to make my own boards" I never said "Fuck this place, I'm out, I"m making my own boards you guys suck"
I proceeded to give a number of suggestions and changes, some of which people have disagreed with, others Kranar is actually planning on using himself. I'm not saying I was the first one to come up with these ideas, or that I'm some kind of magical genius who knows everything about forums. I'm merely saying I opened a thread about the issues, I posted some suggestions, most of which got shot down by people other than kranar himsels who claim to know what they are talking about. And some of whom may actually know what they are talking about, I cant say, once again I'm "new" here. But kissing Kranar's ass over and over and saying, He's working on it, is just ignoring the issues instead of brainstorming possible solutions.
Sure I made a passionate, heat-of-the-moment remark about starting my own forums. Was this counter-productive? Probably. Probably not needed, would I re-think it, and refrain from saying it in that particular manner? Probably.
Do I take anything else I've said back? No. And as much as people try to call me a pompous ass who has no place in speaking up about PC issues, I say to them, read through the whole thread and you will see that I have made a number of productive suggestions, some of which are and will be used. That you cannot deny.
01-12-2006, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by nocturnix
Two months later...
another month passes...
That's 3 months. You've been a member for 3.5 months.
By the way, you obviously didnt get the fact that I was talking about the future...
Another month passes, and then the forum goes down, no back up, etc. This HASNT happened yet, read and comprehend the fucking post before you try and make fun of it.
01-12-2006, 10:38 AM
Umm, do you really believe that the current problems aren't being addressed behind the scenes? Do you really believe that you have initiated the "discussion" of what needs to be done to make the boards better, and how it should be done? Has it occurred to you that these matters are being discussed, and addressed, and worked on by others more capable than yourself, who know more about these boards than you do? Has it entered your mind that the suggestions you've made have already been thought of and processed by these people?
I guess not.
01-12-2006, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by nocturnix
And for those who say discussing issues is counter-productive, I advise you to take management 101 or something similar. Letting issues fester under the surface is far more damaging. Anyone who says otherwise is just plain wrong.
There is nothing counter-productive about having a discussion about problems and possible solutions. fix teach management techniques....and you clearly have awe inspiring people skills.
Is there anything you can't do?
I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people! Can't you undersand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?
01-12-2006, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by nocturnix
Two months later...
another month passes...
That's 3 months. You've been a member for 3.5 months.
By the way, you obviously didnt get the fact that I was talking about the future...
Another month passes, and then the forum goes down, no back up, etc. This HASNT happened yet, read and comprehend the fucking post before you try and make fun of it.
Kranar has already said the boards ARE backed up. Before you tell others to read and comprehend, it might be a good idea to take that advice yourself.
01-12-2006, 10:41 AM
I think he's saying that what he suggested months later is what we're doing, so he MUST know what he's talking about. :D
01-12-2006, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Do you really believe that you have initiated the "discussion" of what needs to be done to make the boards better, and how it should be done?
Yes, that was the origional purpose of this thread...of course now it has become a shitstorm of personal insults, which although I didnt start personally, I admit I'm equally involved in.
01-12-2006, 10:44 AM
Well, then, let me bring you up to date, since you're fairly new here:
Dumping the XMB forums and initiating something new was under discussion before your bright little eyes ever graced these forums. Does that help to put things in better perspective for you?
01-12-2006, 10:45 AM
Cause if there wasn't a thread about it for the public view, it obviously wasn't discussed.
01-12-2006, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Well, then, let me bring you up to date, since you're fairly new here:
Dumping the XMB forums and initiating something new was under discussion before your bright little eyes ever graced these forums. Does that help to put things in better perspective for you?
Thank you for proving that the statement that everything I say is incorrect is in fact wrong.
01-12-2006, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Cause if there wasn't a thread about it for the public view, it obviously wasn't discussed.
And thank you for reaffirming that I brought some of these issues into public domain.
I'm sorry if it offended anyone, or, everyone.
[Edited on 1-12-2006 by nocturnix]
01-12-2006, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Cause if there wasn't a thread about it for the public view, it obviously wasn't discussed.
And thank you for reaffirming that I brought some of these issues into public domain.
I'm sorry if it offended anyone, or, everyone.
[Edited on 1-12-2006 by nocturnix]
Good job Woodstein!
I say it's time to start encouraging noct to follow his dreams.
Basically fuck'em let him go start his own boards atleast he wouldn't be here anymore.
01-12-2006, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
Originally posted by nocturnix
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Cause if there wasn't a thread about it for the public view, it obviously wasn't discussed.
And thank you for reaffirming that I brought some of these issues into public domain.
I'm sorry if it offended anyone, or, everyone.
[Edited on 1-12-2006 by nocturnix]
Good job Woodstein!
Who's Woodstein? :-P
01-12-2006, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Originally posted by HarmNone
Well, then, let me bring you up to date, since you're fairly new here:
Dumping the XMB forums and initiating something new was under discussion before your bright little eyes ever graced these forums. Does that help to put things in better perspective for you?
Thank you for proving that the statement that everything I say is incorrect is in fact wrong.
I don't remember anybody ever saying that "everything" you say is incorrect "is in fact wrong". I will remind you, however, that it's not all about you.
It's not all about whether you're right or wrong. It's about these boards, and these boards have been under discussion for awhile now amongst those whose job it is to make decisions concerning these boards. Kranar has listened to suggestions from those he wished to consult and is working to make the boards the best they can be. That is the issue.
01-12-2006, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Originally posted by nocturnix
Originally posted by HarmNone
Well, then, let me bring you up to date, since you're fairly new here:
Dumping the XMB forums and initiating something new was under discussion before your bright little eyes ever graced these forums. Does that help to put things in better perspective for you?
Thank you for proving that the statement that everything I say is incorrect is in fact wrong.
I don't remember anybody ever saying that "everything" you say is incorrect "is in fact wrong". I will remind you, however, that it's not all about you.
It's not all about whether you're right or wrong. It's about these boards, and these boards have been under discussion for awhile now amongst those whose job it is to make decisions concerning these boards. Kranar has listened to suggestions from those he wished to consult and is working to make the boards the best they can be. That is the issue.
So how is me, a member, making suggestions outside of your private discussions wrong? Or counter-productive and generally "bad" as so many people have claimed including yourself.
And saying its "not my place" to make suggestions is wrong as well. I may not have access to the board systems, or knowledge of server statistics and things, but making suggestions on what I am able to observe is not wrong or out of place.
How helpful it is, I cannot say, and will never know. As you can always claim "Oh we were already planning on doing that."
01-12-2006, 11:33 AM
You : The boards are messed up!
Us : We know. Thanks.
You : No! They are REALLY messed up! I mean, I'm freaking out here!
Us : We know. Thanks.
You : You're not understanding me! If we do backups of the boards, shift this, change that, edit this, and fix this, the boards will work better.
Us : We know. Thanks. We're already working on it.
You : Or you could just dump the boards and start brand-shiny new ones!
Us : All of this has already been discussed. We know our options. Thanks.
You : Damnit! My views and concerns are important! You should listen to what I have to say!
Us : All of this has already been discussed. We know our options. Thanks.
Us : We are already working on it. Thanks.
Kranar : Actually, you known squat about whats wrong.
and it just cycles from there.
Get my point yet? Maybe this will clear up why everyone seems to be "pissing on your posts".
Originally posted by nocturnix
How helpful it is, I cannot say, and will never know. As you can always claim "Oh we were already planning on doing that."
Or Kranar can say, "Hey, you incorrectly assumed as to what the problems with the boards are and I'm looking into solutions for the actual problems" but you seem to be having a hard time accepting that one because it's not the approach that you've suggested.
01-12-2006, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
Originally posted by nocturnix
How helpful it is, I cannot say, and will never know. As you can always claim "Oh we were already planning on doing that."
Or Kranar can say, "Hey, you incorrectly assumed as to what the problems with the boards are and I'm looking into solutions for the actual problems" but you seem to be having a hard time accepting that one because it's not the approach that you've suggested.
Damn, Tijay! You and your steenking logic! :lol:
Never mind. We are plotting behind the scenes to rid the world of pests who make suggestions...even good suggestions based on correct judgements and knowledge of the problem. It's what we do in our spare time. ;)
01-12-2006, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
kranar is the manHere's the thing. Kranar has proven many times over that he is, in fact, the man. You're just some guy. Kranar gets the benefit of the doubt in that situation. Lo and behold, Kranar was in fact on the ball. I'm sure you'll consider this "kissing Kranar's ass", but this is how communities work. People are established as trustworthy for a reason. For future reference, that reason is not spouting inane accusations.
I have made a number of productive suggestions, some of which are and will be used.This is very much akin to barging into Ford headquarters and saying "guys GUYS we should use wheels on the 2008 Fords" and then patting yourself on the back when the 2008 Fords do indeed have wheels.
There is nothing counter-productive about having a discussion about problems and possible solutions.Ok let's discuss. Everything you said was wrong or redundant. Kranar's still the man. Good times.
01-12-2006, 04:12 PM
Some things I will be attempting to do, either late late tonight or late late over the weekend is shutting down the forums for a couple of hours, and seeing if shutting down these forums helps improve the server.
As it is, and are experiencing the same connection issues. Now this can be because something is messed up in the server itself, or because is causing a major degradation on the entire server itself or both.
It's pretty difficult to isolate this problem but I will get a much better idea once the forums are shutdown temporarily.
I do thank everyone for their patience on this issue, and if it's taking a long time, it's because it's a problem I want to fix properly once and for all. There's a lot of danger in jumping over to any one solution without fully understanding the problem in the first place. Although making any quick fix will likely result in fast and excellent short term gains, it could result in far worse results later on.
01-12-2006, 04:14 PM
If it makes you feel any better Kranar, I can now access the boards at work where I was not able to for the last week :D
Glad to hear that you're getting it all worked out, and just ban the nay-sayers! :lol:
01-12-2006, 07:01 PM
I was able to access them from home for almost a whole day, but...well, the clouds have returned. :(
Sean of the Thread
01-12-2006, 07:04 PM
It is also safe to note that others have significantly more problems than some do.
01-13-2006, 02:40 AM
I think some whine more than others
01-13-2006, 01:40 PM
Has anyone been having problems accessing the forums within the past 2-3 hours? This means SQL errors, connection issues on par with the ones we've been experiencing the past couple of weeks, etc...
Also if you have problems accessing it within the next 2-3 hours, reply as well.
01-13-2006, 01:44 PM
I did get that "exceeded max connections" message about an hour ago.
01-13-2006, 01:45 PM
Yes, I'll get timed out or get database connection errors. Sometimes takes me two or three tries to get into a thread or today's page.
01-13-2006, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Kranar
Also if you have problems accessing it within the next 2-3 hours, reply as well.
"If your e-mail is down, please let tech support know. Their e-mail is..."
I had problems an hour or two ago? I got the generic "This page cannot be displayed" error.
Miss X
01-13-2006, 01:47 PM
Im not able to get to PC without a proxy, still.
01-13-2006, 01:49 PM
Chica taught me how to do a proxy. She r00ls.
01-13-2006, 01:52 PM
Max connection errors.
Clicking on things and nothing happens, but no time out error.
I even had a straight forward unable to connect to the database error.
01-13-2006, 02:54 PM
I'm still finding it necessary to use a proxy to get here at all. Using the proxy, however, I have no problems with the boards.
01-13-2006, 03:00 PM
What proxy is everyone using to access the forums?
Miss X
01-13-2006, 03:05 PM
Random ones from
01-13-2006, 03:13 PM
If it helps, I used to be one of those people who couldn't access the PC (and presumably could have used a proxy), but it (the PC) is working fine now.
01-13-2006, 03:14 PM
I've used the free proxies from prx1 or proxytastic. From home, I use a transparent proxy out of the U.K. I'll U2U you the IP. :)
01-13-2006, 03:18 PM
I'm having no problems at all currently (and before I would have been...time outs and such). :)
01-13-2006, 07:11 PM
I haven't had a single problem accessing the boards. Could, of course, be due to the fact I am a casual reader of the forum and thus not a refresh addict...
01-13-2006, 11:28 PM
I could view the board using my AOL account but could not log in until I accessed it using MSN.
01-13-2006, 11:37 PM
I have no problems accessing from home, But I can no longer access from work. I tried 4 times today, throughout the day.
01-14-2006, 12:19 AM
Home & work have been just fine for me the last couple days. :socool:
01-17-2006, 12:08 PM
I just would like to formally apologize for any negative implications in my postings with regards to Kranar about giving suggestions on improving the PC infrastructure.
I am very happy to see his recent posts about revealing to us his new plans for converting to vbulletin and moving to a new server.
Both are great ideas I was crossing my fingers hoping he would consider, and apparently he has and I'm sure he was before...just happy to see he's bit the bullet and made the committment! This will be a VAST improvement for all of us.
Also very cool he is asking for feedback and suggsestions for a new domain name.
However, thats as far as my ass kissing and groveling will go! :rolleyes:
01-17-2006, 02:22 PM
Weird. Today, the forums are working without a proxy. I'm sooo confused!
I have had no problems today, yesterday I did get a few max connections messages
01-17-2006, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
...just happy to see he's bit the bullet and made the committment!
However, thats as far as my ass kissing and groveling will go! :rolleyes:
Honestly, you need to work on your ass kissing. Please U2U one of the mods for tips.
01-17-2006, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by nocturnix
...just happy to see he's bit the bullet and made the committment!
However, thats as far as my ass kissing and groveling will go! :rolleyes:
Honestly, you need to work on your ass kissing. Please U2U one of the mods for tips.
That has to be the first remotely funny thing ive heard you say Wezas. I thought you said you had no sense of humor?
Miss X
01-17-2006, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by nocturnix
...just happy to see he's bit the bullet and made the committment!
However, thats as far as my ass kissing and groveling will go! :rolleyes:
Honestly, you need to work on your ass kissing. Please U2U one of the mods for tips.
That has to be the first remotely funny thing ive heard you say Wezas. I thought you said you had no sense of humor?
You could accuse Wezas of many things (OMG jk <3 u Wezie), but accusing him of not having a sense of humour is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
01-17-2006, 05:08 PM
And also.. Ban Wezas!
Yeah, calling him a creepy stalker is much more appropriate.
01-18-2006, 06:43 PM
Apart from the annoying error messages, how are peoples connections with the PC in recent days?
The switch to the new forums is almost complete and a lot of people have told me that their noticing the connection problems going away. Error messages related to max_connections will be fixed once the switch to vBulletin is made, but apart from that, how are peoples connections with the PC?
No connection problems for me the past 2 days with either max_user errors or page not found error messages.
I mostly received the bulk of those errors in the mid-morning CST with sporadic afternoon occurrences.
01-18-2006, 07:25 PM
I'm in on my home connection without problems now. I had a few "max conncection" errors yesterday, but none far. :)
01-18-2006, 07:52 PM
Had max connection errors yesterday, not today as far as I can tell.
01-19-2006, 10:54 AM
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/gsplayer/public_html/forum/db/mysql.php on line 42
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/gsplayer/public_html/forum/header.php on line 171
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/gsplayer/public_html/forum/db/mysql.php on line 42
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/gsplayer/public_html/forum/header.php on line 399
You are banned. You may not view the forums, post, make new topics, send U2U's or edit your posts.;
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:ohshit: :cry: :bye:
01-19-2006, 11:19 AM
I got banned like that yesterday, too, Jolena.
01-19-2006, 12:33 PM
I told CT about that bug and she called me a liar. :grr:
I only had it happen once awhile ago, though.
01-19-2006, 01:16 PM
Hehe, and you believed me.
Besides, they're blaming all this on me in chat, so there you go. :P
01-19-2006, 03:01 PM
That has to be the first remotely funny thing ive heard you say Wezas.
Most ignorant statement you've made. And there were a lot of ignorant statements to choose from....
01-19-2006, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Tisket
That has to be the first remotely funny thing ive heard you say Wezas.
Most ignorant statement you've made. And there were a lot of ignorant statements to choose from....
wow, apparently my sarcasim is lost on you. And yes i do explain sarcasim with sarcasim, just to confuse you.
01-19-2006, 03:53 PM
Your spelling confuses me. /not sarcasm, without the i. :P
01-19-2006, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Your spelling confuses me. /not sarcasm, without the i. :P
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