View Full Version : Thread Hall of Fame
04-16-2019, 03:34 PM
I will be compiling a list of threads considered hall of fame worthy. Nominate what thread you'd like to be included, with a small description and all add it to this post. - When elections don't go as predicted! - The infamous Pk/Diethx throwdown!! - Composer the Thief? 18 pages of intrigue and mystery. - How bad of a person is Cephalopod? - Methais vs Rucca brawl down. - Want drama? Watch CBS after Price is Right. Want sheer retardation? Watch Hlendril on the PC! - Jenovadeath shenanigans. - Remember when Andraste pretended to be someone named Caramia and she was trying to get people to rat themselves out? -She did it more than once! - Coinner calling everyone out to come fight him. - Jenisi hates Drizzsdt I guess. - When SashaFierce was made a mod for some reason. - Crime controls everyone's auctions - Ratolin will burn down your house.
04-16-2019, 03:45 PM
Any thread with me in it.
04-16-2019, 03:47 PM
Any thread with me in it.
No, those go into the hall of shame. Including this one now.
Thanks, dick.
04-16-2019, 03:51 PM
No, those go into the hall of shame. Including this one now.
Thanks, dick.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-16-2019, 03:56 PM
Klaive had one awhile ago, no idea what it was about other than he was himself in it.
Sean of the Thread and a few of his parenting decision threads.
Boob thread, obvs.
Picture post thread also
04-16-2019, 03:56 PM
I will be compiling a list of threads considered hall of fame worthy. Nominate what thread you'd like to be included, with a small description and all add it to this post. - PK living his "life" on these forums. - Best election resulting drama ever.
04-16-2019, 04:03 PM!!
I can't give a description without ruining the amazing. Its worth the read.
04-16-2019, 04:22 PM - The infamous Pk/Diethx throwdown
What's up with this link? Is the link wrong? Or were Androidpk's lawsuits against Kranar successful? :O
04-16-2019, 04:23 PM
I nominate THIS THREAD (
04-16-2019, 04:24 PM
What's up with this link? Is the link wrong? Or were Androidpk's lawsuits against Kranar successful? :O
He linked it wrong. The link you see is the actual URL he linked, not an abbreviated version.
Reported Gelston for being a noob.
04-16-2019, 04:26 PM
He linked it wrong. The link you see is the actual URL he linked, not an abbreviated version.
Reported Gelston for being a noob.
Well you're gonna have to un-nominate this thread for the Thread Hall of Fame then!
04-16-2019, 04:35 PM!!
I can't give a description without ruining the amazing. Its worth the read.
Oh man, gold star for that thread.
04-16-2019, 04:42 PM
Oh man, gold star for that thread.
Agreed. I'm still on page 2 but the drama is already awesome. I miss these game related drama threads on the PC to be honest. Can't remember the last we had some juicy drama.
Is everyone getting along in game now or what?
04-16-2019, 04:44 PM
Link fixed.
04-16-2019, 04:45 PM
Speaking of drama, does anyone remember that one thread where a guy (I totally forgot his name but he used to post here regularly) was apparently sleeping around on his wife, presumably including people from the PC/GS, and his wife found out and logged onto his account to tell everyone what a bad person he had been, but was posting as if she were the guy? Saying shit like "I like to sleep around with hookers and expose my wife to STDs."
That was awesome.
04-16-2019, 04:46 PM
Speaking of drama, does anyone remember that one thread where a guy (I totally forgot his name but he used to post here regularly) was apparently sleeping around on his wife, presumably including people from the PC/GS, and his wife found out and logged onto his account to tell everyone what a bad person he had been, but was posting as if she were the guy? Saying shit like "I like to sleep around with hookers and expose my wife to STDs."
That was awesome.
04-16-2019, 04:46 PM
Speaking of drama, does anyone remember that one thread where a guy (I totally forgot his name but he used to post here regularly) was apparently sleeping around on his wife, presumably including people from the PC/GS, and his wife found out and logged onto his account to tell everyone what a bad person he had been, but was posting as if she were the guy? Saying shit like "I like to sleep around with hookers and expose my wife to STDs."
That was awesome.
04-16-2019, 04:55 PM
I believe so.
And then Harmnone tried to censor any questions asking his whereabouts. Which lead to people asking why their questions were being removed.
04-16-2019, 04:57 PM
I believe so.
And then Harmnone tried to censor any questions asking his whereabouts. Which lead to people asking why their questions were being removed.
You two might be talking about an entirely different thread that I now want to see.
But I was thinking of this one:
I am a horrible person. I've been cheating on my wife for years and years. I've spent well over $10,000 on prostitutes. I subjected my wife to STDs by having unprotected sex with prostitutes. I put my family well into debt even though we are in foreclosure and losing our house. I destroyed my wife, and my four children, for no good reason. My wife and my four young kids will end up living in a hole-in-the-wall apartment in public housing because of my selfishness. I threw away the one woman who loved me unconditionally, who would have given me anything I wanted.. just because I couldn't handle being an adult.
I also cheated with other women here - (names) you know who you are. Thank you for helping me destroy my life so completely. Thank you for helping to ruin a family.
I lied to my 'friends' here about things, trying to bolster myself. When the boob thread was going around, I sent fake pictures of myself because I was too chicken to show people what I really look like.
I don't expect any of you to really care. Most of you are all just as immature and morally reprehensible as I am. We all joke around online, and forget that there are real lives that we're throwing away with our disgusting behavior.
04-16-2019, 05:01 PM
Holy fucking shit
04-16-2019, 05:08 PM
Hah! And I was in for the quote!
04-16-2019, 05:09 PM!!
I can't give a description without ruining the amazing. Its worth the read.
Holy shit, that is some epic craziness right there...
04-16-2019, 05:10 PM
Ah, I was wondering what the Anticor edits were, he removed the names of the women.
04-16-2019, 05:11 PM
Ah, I was wondering what the Anticor edits were, he removed the names of the women.
I'm reading that thread again but I think at least one of the women s/he named speaks out and says nothing ever happened between the two of them.
04-16-2019, 05:16 PM
I hadn't actually ever seen the Apk/Diethx thing before. Thanks for that. People reference it all the time but I wasn't around when it happened. I assumed it was something that happened maybe mid 2000s, but 2014, he moved out of his mother's house to live for free with somebody and refused to look for a job? In his 30s? That's...well...something. I don't remember much about Diethx other than that she and I didn't really get along 20 years ago, but she came across there as very genuine and truthful there.
04-16-2019, 05:33 PM
Other threads that were awesome:
Rep-omageddon or however it was spelled was awesome. Not only for people getting SO MAD at who sent them what rep, but the entire reason for even creating the script was to catch a cheating wife or husband!
The Unofficial Official forums - The rise and fall of the Safe Space Forums (part I and II)
Not sure what thread it was from, but TheE saying he would talk an armed burglar out of robbing him
Sean and his roll of quarters
Tamral and killing the cat
Ashlianna responding to her other account and getting caught
Tsa'ah digging in his heels regarding Fort Camp LeJeune
04-16-2019, 05:35 PM
I hadn't actually ever seen the Apk/Diethx thing before. Thanks for that. People reference it all the time but I wasn't around when it happened. I assumed it was something that happened maybe mid 2000s, but 2014, he moved out of his mother's house to live for free with somebody and refused to look for a job? In his 30s? That's...well...something. I don't remember much about Diethx other than that she and I didn't really get along 20 years ago, but she came across there as very genuine and truthful there.
Androidpk2019 has scrubbed most of his stupidity out of that thread, but most is already quoted.
I didn't get along with diethx at first, but I grew to really like her. She's one of the few I miss reading.
04-16-2019, 05:39 PM
I didn't get along with diethx at first, but I grew to really like her. She's one of the few I miss reading.
I miss diethx too. And TheE, Delias, Liagala. A few others I can't think of right now.
TheE had some pretty far out there views on politics, but at least he wasn't like "LOL! You're just a racist bigot because you disagree with me!" which is almost exclusively what we're now left with in the politics folder.
04-16-2019, 05:43 PM
Diethx unfriended me on FB because I didn't agree with her about Bernie Sander's policies and proposals.
04-16-2019, 05:43 PM
You two might be talking about an entirely different thread that I now want to see.
But I was thinking of this one:
If people don't want to read this whole thread here is another good post to read from it:
Hello, internet. Even though I am taking a break from the interweb to get my shit together IRL, Lisa alerted me to this thread via phone and after considering if I should even post, I've decided I will. Warning: Severe levels of care and wall of text ahead!
OKAY. Everyone get aboard the drama bus, and please check under your seat for emergency rations of popcorn should this ride get so fucking ridiculous you run out of your own. 3D goggles for your viewing pleasure WILL be distributed as you board!
Some of you know, some do not, but I worked for Doug (Nachos) for roughly 2 years living in Boston. Prior to that, we were very good friends.
Our friendship largely consisted of trading links to offensive/funny jokes, and going to lunch a few times a week, and chatting about our lives. The majority of what he told me about his wife and children was very kind and complimentary (in the interest of full disclosure though, he did tell me some of the not so good details to try to get some advice, which is not outside of the realm of normal for most friendships, especially as infrequently as it happened) when I inquired. Because I have no kids, I didn't inquire all the time, but I was certainly aware of them, to the point that as a favor I made the chocolate frogs for one of his kid's Harry Potter birthday party. This to me was a pretty clear indication that our relationship was platonic and no wires were crossed about my sexual interest in him, which is to say that on a scale of 1-10, I find him not sexually appealing in the slightest.
I constantly joked with him that he was my "gay friend"- and make no mistake, despite the lightheartedness of our friendship I did consider him to be one of my best friends. For someone who left her entire life on the other coast to live here in the east, with only two suitcases of clothes and a cat, it was something I valued beyond measure.
One day, I came to work and he informed me he couldn't go to lunch with me. He told me it was a problem at home and he'd explain later. I waited in confusion for an explanation that I finally had to wrestle out of him a full week later because I was hurt and confused as to why I was being given the cold shoulder.
There's truth to what his wife posted in the OP- he did bang hookers, he did spend money on lunches (though to be fair, I always offered to pay and I DID insist on paying quite a few times) while apparently his house went into foreclosure, and apparently he did shut down emotionally on his wife.
So, what does this have to do with me, you ask? Well, I figured he was just embarrassed to tell me. Wrong- his wife is pissed at ME, and about me, because he didn't tell her how good of friends we are due to her overreacting when he told her other times about female friends. I jumped through hoops to make her understand how wildly wrong she was but the end verdict was the same- I was his "emotional mistress" he went to instead of her and our "affair" must stop. This was only hampered further because Doug was actually protective of me and felt that this was wildly unfair and untrue.
To be frank, after contemplating it long and hard, I don't believe that accusation. Sure, he was wrong to not be upfront about me but his fears were not irrational. But whatever. When I got over my initial shock and anger, at her, at him, I decided it just wasn't worth it to burn my bridges and be hateful. I'm very bad at holding grudges. I let him know in no uncertain terms that I was hurt, but that I'd respect their wishes.
I also didn't do it with hate or spite or anger, which later comes back to bite me in my ass. I told him I didn't really give a shit what he did in his personal life or sex life, that I don't hold it against him, and that if the marriage didn't work out or something happened where we could be friends, I'd gladly go back to being his friend (and this remains the truth to this day). Just because I wasn't "allowed" to talk to him or contact him doesn't mean I ever stopped caring, and all that other sappy friend stuff.
I thought this concluded our dealings, but I was further wrong!
I was polite to him at work and tried to keep how I felt under wraps. I made a post though to a subreddit (pretty sure he knew my reddit account), just venting about how hurt the whole situation made me, and within a day I had an email in my inbox from him, apologizing again and basically saying the stuff he had been unable to say face to face. Fine. I didn't respond and tried to move on.
About a week or so later I get an IM from his wife. First she's asking if I glared at him during work... uh, no, it's unprofessional and I don't even hate him. She isn't straight forward about the email he sent me and instead uses these bullshit manipulation tactics to (very poorly) try to get me to contradict myself or lie. I am not a fucking two year old, and this pretty much infuriated me. I may have dumped flaming gasoline on the burning fire wreckage that is their marriage, but I basically told her I wasn't some heartless pawn in their "marriage counseling" and to fuck off and never contact me again. I then blocked her, so no clue if she'd tried after that, oh well, don't care.
He did take every day off of work that I was going to work after that so I'm decently sure that she does strongly dislike me, lol. Amusingly, a lot of people had strong looks of disapproval that he didn't even show up on my last day (I was moving back to Western MA, totally unrelated) and I covered for him saying he "had a family crisis" but we'd said our goodbyes and everything was fine.
And so our tale winds down. I accidentally sent him a Merry Christmas text that I send out en masse on Christmas, and that has been my only "contact". Honestly, I don't know why I decided to share all this, besides that whenever PC drama goes down I hate when people are all secretive with the juicy details. So I figure this is like the drama version of internet tits.
And this is directly to Rachel- if you thought posting this here was a good idea or was a good way to get support or turn people on Doug, you're dead wrong. This post you've made is the equivalent of a person with two bloody stumps pouring blood climbing into a shark tank and hoping they don't get eaten alive. But if you were actually communicating with him instead of childishly seeking ways to hurt him as bad as he's hurt you, you'd know that. Even beloved regulars get a shit ton of tough love and skepticism here. If you're seriously dealing with rage issues of this magnitude, I strongly suggest you go to more counseling than whatever your current amount is, or doing something to take out your rage, be that kickboxing, yoga, or incredibly violent video games. Whatever decisions you make though, this forum is not your support group and you'd be wise to remember that.
TL;DR A seal joins a circus and magically turns into a pirate unicorn. Oh apparently I am a homewrecker, too.
</wall of text>
04-16-2019, 05:48 PM
Diethx unfriended me on FB because I didn't agree with her about Bernie Sander's policies and proposals.
Holy shit, really?
It's so sad. So many Democrats on this board that seemed level headed despite being Democrats apparently turned into nothing but raging sycophants during the 2016 election. Mighty Nikkisaurus was another one. She was a die hard liberal as well but was never anything like "You're scum if you're a Republican!" yet she stopped by shortly after Trump won to tell us all how horrible we all are and that she was never going to let her boyfriend's/husband's parents ever see their grandchildren ever again because they voted for Trump.
I'm not going to pretend the conservatives of this board are blameless for the politics folder turning into even more shit than it was prior to the 2016 election, but constantly being referred to as a Nazi and a racist because of who you voted for does tend to grate on one's nerves. Of course now after enduring it for 2+ years those words have lost all meaning so it doesn't really matter these days.
04-16-2019, 05:51 PM
I miss diethx too. And TheE, Delias, Liagala. A few others I can't think of right now.
TheE had some pretty far out there views on politics, but at least he wasn't like "LOL! You're just a racist bigot because you disagree with me!" which is almost exclusively what we're now left with in the politics folder.
Yea. I played a couple games with TheE.. he's actually a decent guy who is fun to play with.
Delias was an idiot.
LOVE Liagala.
I miss Dar (Murp in GS, Tea & Strumpets here) He was hilarious to play WoW with.
Longshot had the best comebacks here.
Ganalon was good to read here.
04-16-2019, 05:53 PM
I honestly never really gave a fuck what people's political leanings are. I have mine, they have theirs, and I generally keep it to myself. I don't even post political shit on FB, don't share political memes, stories, none of that. I have and do donate to the GOP and candidates and I was even a district captain for Ben Carson in Louisiana, I was set to be a delegate too, but he dropped out just before. That all said, I don't go around projecting my political views often, outside of here. And I don't care what yours are.
04-16-2019, 05:54 PM
Diethx unfriended me on FB because I didn't agree with her about Bernie Sander's policies and proposals.
I unfriended my sister for the same reasons. Every single post of hers was about how great Bernie is and how terrible Trump is.
04-16-2019, 05:55 PM
Holy shit, really?
It's so sad. So many Democrats on this board that seemed level headed despite being Democrats apparently turned into nothing but raging sycophants during the 2016 election. Mighty Nikkisaurus was another one. She was a die hard liberal as well but was never anything like "You're scum if you're a Republican!" yet she stopped by shortly after Trump won to tell us all how horrible we all are and that she was never going to let her boyfriend's/husband's parents ever see their grandchildren ever again because they voted for Trump.
I'm not going to pretend the conservatives of this board are blameless for the politics folder turning into even more shit than it was prior to the 2016 election, but constantly being referred to as a Nazi and a racist because of who you voted for does tend to grate on one's nerves. Of course now after enduring it for 2+ years those words have lost all meaning so it doesn't really matter these days.
Meh.. I still like her. She's funny.
04-16-2019, 05:56 PM
I honestly never really gave a fuck what people's political leanings are. I have mine, they have theirs, and I generally keep it to myself. I don't even post political shit on FB, don't share political memes, stories, none of that. I have and do donate to the GOP and candidates and I was even a district captain for Ben Carson in Louisiana, I was set to be a delegate too, but he dropped out just before. That all said, I don't go around projecting my political views often, outside of here. And I don't care what yours are.
I don't even post anything on Facebook. I just keep it up to catch up on friends who live their lives on there.
04-16-2019, 05:57 PM
I don't even post anything on Facebook. I just keep it up to catch up on friends who live their lives on there.
I post funny shit and it is a great way to plan for parties that I throw often enough.
04-16-2019, 05:58 PM
I unfriended my sister for the same reasons. Every single post of hers was about how great Bernie is and how terrible Trump is.
I unfriended a lot of my family during the 2016 election too because every post was "You're racist if you support Trump!" Eventually it got so dumb I just deleted Facebook altogether.
Meh.. I still like her. She's funny.
diethx or Mighty Nikkisaurus?
I don't dislike either of them, but if all they're going to do is call me a racist because I support Trump then I don't see much value in any conversation.
Of course I haven't seen either of them in quite a while now (I don't really know anyone outside of the PC) so I'm not sure if they still act like that. Maybe they've calmed down after they realized Pence didn't go door to door to round up the gays for conversion therapy.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-16-2019, 05:58 PM
I don't even post anything on Facebook. I just keep it up to catch up on friends who live their lives on there.
I got rid of all social media January this year. Best thing I ever did in probably the last 5 years. It's amazing how much time I have for other things than staring at my phone.
04-16-2019, 06:00 PM
I got rid of all social media January this year. Best thing I ever did in probably the last 5 years. It's amazing how much time I have for other things than staring at my phone.
You're lying.
04-16-2019, 06:01 PM
I got rid of all social media January this year. Best thing I ever did in probably the last 5 years. It's amazing how much time I have for other things than staring at my phone.
It was worth getting rid of Facebook just to ditch the negativity in my life. Only so much you can take from people you have known your whole life who suddenly think you're a white supremacist because of who you support as president.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-16-2019, 06:01 PM
You're lying.
Is this considered social media?
04-16-2019, 06:02 PM
Is this considered social media?
Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.
I'd say so.
I get what you mean though, I like to give people a hard time.
04-16-2019, 06:03 PM
It was worth getting rid of Facebook just to ditch the negativity in my life.
Yet you continue to post here...?
04-16-2019, 06:05 PM
Yet you continue to post here...?
Hey at least the PC has negativity AND drama from time to time. Facebook was just nothing but negativity.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-16-2019, 06:06 PM
Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.
I'd say so.
I get what you mean though, I like to give people a hard time.
I guess it is. This is easy enough not to watch/look at though.
04-16-2019, 06:07 PM
I got rid of all social media January this year. Best thing I ever did in probably the last 5 years. It's amazing how much time I have for other things than staring at my phone.
Yeah I deleted Facebook a couple years ago. I started out just unfollowing friends who were really aggressive about their politics, but eventually I had unfollowed damn near half of them and was just left wondering why I even used it. It was a great decision.
04-16-2019, 06:09 PM
Yeah I deleted Facebook a couple years ago. I started out just unfollowing friends who were really aggressive about their politics, but eventually I had unfollowed damn near half of them and was just left wondering why I even used it. It was a great decision.
No crawfish party invites for you.
Actually have a movie night with crawfish coming up next month. I have a 140 inch screen outside. Going to play Smokey and the Bandit.
04-16-2019, 06:12 PM
was just left wondering why I even used it.
Uh, to drunkenly contact ex girlfriends. What are you, new?
04-16-2019, 06:17 PM
95% of my Facebook feed is dank memes and the other 5% is shit I don't really pay much attention to.
04-16-2019, 06:19 PM
MOAR THREADS PLZ, post the links, I'm too lazy to search for them.
04-16-2019, 06:19 PM
the other 5% is shit I don't really pay much attention to.
Hardcore goat porn.
Probably. You don't know. You weren't paying attention.
But we know.
04-16-2019, 06:21 PM
Hardcore goat porn.
Probably. You don't know. You weren't paying attention.
But we know.
Liar! You're not even on my facebook! I don't consider you a close enough friend to share shitty memes with!
04-16-2019, 06:27 PM
Liar! You're not even on my facebook! I don't consider you a close enough friend to share shitty memes with!
You cut me deep. I am gonna masturbate so loud and gross tonight that you'll have to move out.
04-16-2019, 06:52 PM
MOAR THREADS PLZ, post the links, I'm too lazy to search for them.
I dunno if it's "Hall of Fame" worthy because it's far more tame than the others linked so far, but here's Alastir selling himself a bow because he didn't like how low the actual winning bid was:
04-16-2019, 07:17 PM
I unfriended my sister for the same reasons. Every single post of hers was about how great Bernie is and how terrible Trump is.
My wifes sister hasn't talked to us since trump was elected because she thinks we probably voted for Trump. We did but dang.
04-16-2019, 07:46 PM
Request to have this moved to the politics and sucking your own dick folder. Fuck sake, this is why we can't have nice things.
04-16-2019, 07:55 PM
Request to have this moved to the politics and sucking your own dick folder. Fuck sake, this is why we can't have nice things.
Oh come on, we're not discussing politics, we're talking about politics and people we miss and one of the last things they said before we stopping hearing from them.
You can't expect politics to never crop up in conversation.
04-16-2019, 08:02 PM
Like any threads stay on topic lmaoooooo.
04-16-2019, 08:14 PM
Oh come on, we're not discussing politics, we're talking about politics and people we miss and one of the last things they said before we stopping hearing from them.
You can't expect politics to never crop up in conversation.
LoL, nothing that happens anywhere on this forum could even be remotely considered "discussing politics".
04-16-2019, 08:28 PM
LoL, nothing that happens anywhere on this forum could even be remotely considered "discussing politics".
Well that's just rude.
04-16-2019, 08:29 PM
Request to have this moved to the politics and sucking your own dick folder. Fuck sake, this is why we can't have nice things.
Jesus Christ.. can you be a bigger titty baby?
Fuck off with your constant crying.
Methais vs Rucca ultimate throwdown.
04-16-2019, 08:49 PM
Methais vs Rucca ultimate throwdown.
Holy shit, I forgot all about that one!
04-16-2019, 08:57 PM
Jesus Christ.. can you be a bigger titty baby?
Fuck off with your constant crying.
LOL, you always get so fucking triggered. Every time I post you just froth at the mouth to come and say how much you don't care about stuff. It's pretty fucking pathetic that with so small a dig you have such a raging hard on for me.
04-16-2019, 09:01 PM
LOL, you always get so fucking triggered.
Says the super sensitive "guy" who can never let things go and is so upset about either MacGuyver or politics or getting red rep.
Every time I post you just froth at the mouth to come and say how much you don't care about stuff. It's pretty fucking pathetic that with so small a dig you have such a raging hard on for me.
Big gigantic pussies and stupid people really get on my nerves. You just happen to be both.
I'd apologize, but I'm barely on Step 1 for recovery.
04-16-2019, 09:14 PM
Methais vs Rucca ultimate throwdown.
Couple notes from that thread:
<<I think we can all agree... Methais is the fucking man.
Last edited by AnticorRifling; 04-07-2011 at 08:21 PM.>>
WTF Anticor... pulling a HarmNone like that. FUCK YOU.
<<Khastle was one of her previous RL hookups from GS too, as well as someone else whose name I can't remember but apparently he had a limp dick and couldn't even get it in.
I'm going on record with my guess: Backlash.>>
I stand by that guess.
AndroidPK should clean that coochie up nicely seeing as how he's a big fucking douche.
Post of the Year.
So are you single?
04-16-2019, 09:17 PM
Also from that thread: SHM and Backlash nailed the same girl.
Let that sink in.
04-16-2019, 09:18 PM
04-16-2019, 09:33 PM
Needs more Warclaidhm threads. Two of the best:
04-16-2019, 09:36 PM
Methais vs Rucca ultimate throwdown.
Got to give a badge of honor to Methias, takes a brave man to dive head first into a pool full of crazy.
Couple notes from that thread:
Never knew her and you absolutely fail at having any kind of sense of humor at all.
I had forgotten that diethx and Pk were involved. It sort of explains Meth and Pk's rivalry.
04-16-2019, 10:04 PM
I had forgotten that diethx and Pk were involved. It sort of explains Meth and Pk's rivalry.
Meth and Androidpk's rivalry is because Androidpk is a total piece of shit.
04-16-2019, 10:12 PM
Meth and Androidpk's rivalry is because Androidpk is a total piece of shit.
This probably didn't help. :)
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-16-2019, 10:15 PM
Also from that thread: SHM and Backlash nailed the same girl.
Let that sink in.
LOL, I can't give you rep.
Cause it'd be red, dick.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-16-2019, 10:17 PM
Methais vs Rucca ultimate throwdown.
To this day I think Rucca/Sky is good people.
Methais, I dunno.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-16-2019, 10:20 PM
To this day I think Rucca/Sky is good people.
Methais, I dunno.
Ok, Methais had me at Goatse.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-16-2019, 11:09 PM
Needs more Warclaidhm threads. Two of the best:
To this day I feel bad about Warclaidhm. I'm a dick and I own that, but I never would think I'm cruel to anyone and I have always regretted that I wasn't nicer to Kevin. He is literally the only person I have ever known who committed suicide and I wish I had been a better person in my interactions with him.
04-16-2019, 11:12 PM
Yeap, the original copy of Bob's rap made by Warclaidhm (rip in peace bro)
04-16-2019, 11:32 PM
To this day I feel bad about Warclaidhm. I'm a dick and I own that, but I never would think I'm cruel to anyone and I have always regretted that I wasn't nicer to Kevin. He is literally the only person I have ever known who committed suicide and I wish I had been a better person in my interactions with him.
same Bro…
I read his journal someone dig out in another post ( )
Guy spoke about me back in his diary and I must admit it hurted. I don't even remember stealing him 4.5m back. At least, he spoke as if I was nice to him after, which I believed I did until I left maybe in 2005. Too bad Kevin didn't left for real this very forum which was toxic to him.
04-17-2019, 09:51 AM
To this day I feel bad about Warclaidhm. I'm a dick and I own that, but I never would think I'm cruel to anyone and I have always regretted that I wasn't nicer to Kevin. He is literally the only person I have ever known who committed suicide and I wish I had been a better person in my interactions with him.
I had a great friend in college who was good looking, great personality and smart. Everyone liked him. He was the life of the party. If he didn't come to your party.. it wasn't a party or the party was delayed until he could. He was a guy's guy.
Fast forward 20 years.. he's married to his beautiful wife with 2 kids and a great job. He had it all.
One day, he goes out on his morning jog as usual.. halfway back home, he decides to shoot himself in the head.
I'm still haunted by his death to this day. I saw no signs. He was the best among us. And he still did what he did.
04-17-2019, 12:08 PM
yeah but it's not the case here and you know it PB
Warclaidhm was bullied for YEARS in game outside the game. (elsewhere too, let's be honest)
We bullied him. Some of you guys made fun of him and photoshoped his picture, laughing at EVERYTHING of him, looks, intelligence, social skills, worth of his person.
He gave millions of warning. WE all saw it coming. And suicidal is about emotional breakdown. He had one, he did it.
We are all guilty.
Some are more than others. I am glad he was talking about me being nice with him. I was an ass in 2003 to him. I made my change in 2004.
I swear if I knew it was coming, I would had come back and help him
But some of you guys were still laughing at him until the very end. Some of you guys are directly guilty.
Deny, I don't care.
Some of you guys are guilty.
04-17-2019, 12:18 PM
yeah but it's not the case here and you know it PB
Warclaidhm was bullied for YEARS in game outside the game. (elsewhere too, let's be honest)
We bullied him. Some of you guys made fun of him and photoshoped his picture, laughing at EVERYTHING of him, looks, intelligence, social skills, worth of his person.
He gave millions of warning. WE all saw it coming. And suicidal is about emotional breakdown. He had one, he did it.
We are all guilty.
Some are more than others. I am glad he was talking about me being nice with him. I was an ass in 2003 to him. I made my change in 2004.
I swear if I knew it was coming, I would had come back and help him
But some of you guys were still laughing at him until the very end. Some of you guys are directly guilty.
Deny, I don't care.
Some of you guys are guilty.
Kindly fuck off. His problems extended way beyond GS, way beyond this forum, way beyond any collective or individual guilt. We could have been his best buds, he still would have killed himself. Suicide isn't a logical function.
04-17-2019, 12:43 PM
yeah but it's not the case here and you know it PB
Warclaidhm was bullied for YEARS in game outside the game. (elsewhere too, let's be honest)
We bullied him. Some of you guys made fun of him and photoshoped his picture, laughing at EVERYTHING of him, looks, intelligence, social skills, worth of his person.
He gave millions of warning. WE all saw it coming. And suicidal is about emotional breakdown. He had one, he did it.
We are all guilty.
Some are more than others. I am glad he was talking about me being nice with him. I was an ass in 2003 to him. I made my change in 2004.
I swear if I knew it was coming, I would had come back and help him
But some of you guys were still laughing at him until the very end. Some of you guys are directly guilty.
Deny, I don't care.
Some of you guys are guilty.
You're sounding like Androidpk now.
04-17-2019, 12:54 PM
YOu aren't able to be objective about the outcomes of your behavior?
You cannot objectively say the impact of bullying someone?
Empathy anyone?
04-17-2019, 01:04 PM
You reap what you sow. People didn't treat him like an asshole because he was a good person. He should and could have done any number of things to get help. He didnt. He chose to wallow in the drama and hatred he helped to create.
Sucks that he felt he needed to kill himself but I refuse to pretend he was a good, well balanced person until the PC came into his life.
04-17-2019, 01:04 PM
You're sounding like Androidpk now.
Murrandii/Macguyver is fixated on Warclaidhm, he brings him up every time he comes back and fantasizes like he could have saved him.
TheE had a pretty good post from when this all originally went down.
If you think this forum is the most brutal thing on the interwebs, Paul, you're fairly deluded. This forum is fairly tame.
Also, I've worked with kids with Aspergers, Wayne and SR and Lia even like to joke I stole my laptop from one (not true), many of them are assholes, many of them are nice, many of them are shy, many of them are over-the-top enthusiastic in an effort to be liked. It's a fairly wide spectrum, as Aspergers is a fairly high functioning form of autism. It's not automatic, and it's not unavoidable to be an asshole with Aspergers. Especially with proper diagnosis and services, which I assume he had if he had a formal diagnosis of Aspergers to begin with. He was an asshole, and that was his choice. At some point, stop making excuses.
I'm all for the sympathy for suicides in young people, but I'm not for painting people as better people than they were after they're dead. Furthermore, the "woe is me and this awful, mean place" is hilariously ridiculous, and seems to indicate to me a lack of perspective on the issue of suicide in general.
Actually, I revise that first sentiment in the last paragraph. I've worked with so many mentally ill people, from homeless to immigrants to vets to AIDS patients in Africa to, yes, college-aged kids with Aspergers, that I've come to the conclusion that sometimes in the lottery of life, you just lose (whether they cross you or not), and it's neither a good thing nor a bad thing to choose to opt out. Nor is it necessarily a brave thing to live with pain your whole life under the delusion that you might keep rolling them bones and win. Often you can get help and lead the semblance of a normal life, but to be honest, I sometimes feel that's impossible. As long as it's their choice, and freely made, I can't judge what people do with themselves. A friend of mine from high school told a few of us he would kill himself when he was 30 if certain things didn't get better and his mental anguish didn't subside despite his best efforts, they didn't, and he took a bunch of pills and killed himself less than 2 weeks after that 30th birthday. He was in therapy for almost 15 years, on serious medication most of his 20s, but the point is he couldn't not feel what he felt from the experiences he had in life. We all tried our best to support and tell him we cared about him regularly, someone was in touch with him on an almost daily basis, but nothing we could do, positive or negative, had any effect on how he felt, it was all irrelevant. You keep on talking like Kevin getting a date would have changed his life. I'm sorry, but there are sooo many kids in the world who've lost parents because they thought falling in love and having kids would be the cure, but it wasn't. Weight loss, dating, hobbies, how you're treated in a text-based fantasy game, these things have a fairly small impact on a person with major depression issues.
That's a cynical point of view to take, to be sure, but this idyllic crap is stifling. There should be a hint of sense in here, somewhere.
As for the rep system, idc one way or the other. I always sign my rep if it's negative.
04-17-2019, 01:12 PM
yeah but it's not the case here and you know it PB
Warclaidhm was bullied for YEARS in game outside the game. (elsewhere too, let's be honest)
We bullied him. Some of you guys made fun of him and photoshoped his picture, laughing at EVERYTHING of him, looks, intelligence, social skills, worth of his person.
He gave millions of warning. WE all saw it coming. And suicidal is about emotional breakdown. He had one, he did it.
We are all guilty.
Some are more than others. I am glad he was talking about me being nice with him. I was an ass in 2003 to him. I made my change in 2004.
I swear if I knew it was coming, I would had come back and help him
But some of you guys were still laughing at him until the very end. Some of you guys are directly guilty.
Deny, I don't care.
Some of you guys are guilty.
You have been bullied here longer than most.. yet, here you still are.
Why is that?
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-17-2019, 01:12 PM
I'm not saying anything other than I feel bad I wasn't nicer to him. He was a lot of things, some good and some bad. I am just saying when I look back I wish I had been a better person then, that's all. I don't think it would have changed a thing, just that I wasn't my best person then and I could have been better.
04-17-2019, 01:18 PM
I'm not saying anything other than I feel bad I wasn't nicer to him. He was a lot of things, some good and some bad. I am just saying when I look back I wish I had been a better person then, that's all. I don't think it would have changed a thing, just that I wasn't my best person then and I could have been better.
I try not to speak ill of the dead.
He did what he did and there was nothing anyone here or in game that would have changed that.
04-17-2019, 01:51 PM
YOu aren't able to be objective about the outcomes of your behavior?
Sure I can be objective about my behavior. I'm an ass to people sometimes, almost always in response to them being an ass first or if they just annoy the ever living shit out of me. I have no idea exactly what went on between Warclaidhm and everyone else because that was before my time on the PC. I think when I started posting on the PC he had either already quit posting or didn't post as much and I don't think I ever interacted with him at all, much less was an ass to him.
People who were an ass to him weren't responsible for what happened. Nothing anyone here could have prevented it.
Empathy anyone?
Empathy does not mean taking responsibility for something you are not responsible for. I feel empathy for the guy and the situation, I do not take responsibility for it nor do I assign responsibility to anyone here. That seems to be what you and Androidpk want to do.
04-17-2019, 01:57 PM
I'm not saying anything other than I feel bad I wasn't nicer to him. He was a lot of things, some good and some bad. I am just saying when I look back I wish I had been a better person then, that's all. I don't think it would have changed a thing, just that I wasn't my best person then and I could have been better.
Make that statement to everyone, in every situations and I think the world would be abetter place.
Shame (in all its variant) is a vector of change. IF you don't feel a bit of shame about your behavior, you DON'T change.
SHM, bro, my hat to you
04-17-2019, 01:59 PM
Sure I can be objective about my behavior. I'm an ass to people sometimes, almost always in response to them being an ass first or if they just annoy the ever living shit out of me. I have no idea exactly what went on between Warclaidhm and everyone else because that was before my time on the PC. I think when I started posting on the PC he had either already quit posting or didn't post as much and I don't think I ever interacted with him at all, much less was an ass to him.
People who were an ass to him weren't responsible for what happened. Nothing anyone here could have prevented it.
Empathy does not mean taking responsibility for something you are not responsible for. I feel empathy for the guy and the situation, I do not take responsibility for it nor do I assign responsibility to anyone here. That seems to be what you and Androidpk want to do.
I did not said you were part of it, I don't even remember you from 2003-2004 bro. In between 2004-2017, I wasn't there.
What you did, I don't know.
I remember some people back in the days being not only bullies, but FLAGRAND harasseling him.
It's one thing to jump in and stopping cause you know there's a line not to cross. It's another story when you just continue
04-17-2019, 02:05 PM
Got to give a badge of honor to Methias, takes a brave man to dive head first into a pool full of crazy.
To be fair, the crazy never gets revealed until later on.
Never knew her and you absolutely fail at having any kind of sense of humor at all.
I had forgotten that diethx and Pk were involved. It sort of explains Meth and Pk's rivalry.
I didn't really know shit about pk at the time other than he was getting my sloppy seconds and Rucca was telling him all this retarded shit. I'm sure even he realized the crazy eventually. But there was no rivalry between me and him over that. There really wasn't any rivalry until his TDS kicked in and he went all butthurt subpoena. For the most part me and him didn't really communicate at all before that that I can remember. I do remember diethx telling me something about him that I wanna say involved some sort of butthurt/sloppy seconds jealousy, but I really don't remember for sure.
Fun fact: Gelston banged her at some point too. We're all Eskimo brothers. :lol:
She did have pretty nice vagina and fake jugs though.
Meth and Androidpk's rivalry is because Androidpk is a total piece of shit.
This is correct. The Rucca thing predates all of that and is unrelated.
To this day I think Rucca/Sky is good people.
I don't think she's a bad person. A little on the crazy side, sure, but that's most women to some extent. Though she does seem to have a 100% crazy rating among people from here who have interacted with her irl. Like she would legit get super emo and upset for days and almost completely shut down over getting red rep on here, for example. But overall I don't think she's a bad person.
Her and I spoke briefly in game a few years ago. I don't remember how it started, but tldr she was still butthurt that many years later, and I was like ok well you can either hang onto an old ass grudge that no one gives a shit about forever and keep yourself miserable, or we can be something resembling friends, but I don't really give a shit either way, and I don't remember what happened after that. Nothing bad though, and then I probably went hunting.
Methais, I dunno.
To this day I feel bad about Warclaidhm. I'm a dick and I own that, but I never would think I'm cruel to anyone and I have always regretted that I wasn't nicer to Kevin. He is literally the only person I have ever known who committed suicide and I wish I had been a better person in my interactions with him.
The end result would have been the same. I tried helping the dude for years and he would consistently ignore every bit of advice and keep doing the same shit over and over that would piss everyone off. Kind of like that dude from a year or two ago on here whose name I can't remember but kept disrupting the shit out of in game storylines and would then get super butthurt and act like people are ganging up on him for no reason. It was fairly recent, I'm just drawing a blank on the name. Halp.
04-17-2019, 02:08 PM
Kind of like that dude from a year or two ago on here whose name I can't remember but kept disrupting the shit out of in game storylines and would then get super butthurt and act like people are ganging up on him for no reason. It was fairly recent, I'm just drawing a blank on the name. Halp.
04-17-2019, 02:10 PM
yeah but it's not the case here and you know it PB
Warclaidhm was bullied for YEARS in game outside the game. (elsewhere too, let's be honest)
We bullied him. Some of you guys made fun of him and photoshoped his picture, laughing at EVERYTHING of him, looks, intelligence, social skills, worth of his person.
He gave millions of warning. WE all saw it coming. And suicidal is about emotional breakdown. He had one, he did it.
We are all guilty.
Some are more than others. I am glad he was talking about me being nice with him. I was an ass in 2003 to him. I made my change in 2004.
I swear if I knew it was coming, I would had come back and help him
But some of you guys were still laughing at him until the very end. Some of you guys are directly guilty.
Deny, I don't care.
Some of you guys are guilty.
That must explain why he had pretty much the exact same experience on some magician forum that had nothing at all to do with GS not long before he killed himself, right?
Whatever the reason, aspergers or whatever his deal was, he was toxic everywhere he went. He would cause all kinds of shit, people would react accordingly, and he'd play the victim and/or the "I'm really sorry guys please give me another chance because ABCXYZ123 reasons." and then when given more chances, he would revert right back to the same bullshit that he was notorious for.
The end result with him would have been the same even if he never played GS in his life. Some people simply can't be helped. Khaladon sunk a lot of time into helping steer him in the right direction too, most/all of which also got ignored in favor of usual Warclaidhm antics.
Don't be a tard.
04-17-2019, 02:13 PM
The end result would have been the same. I tried helping the dude for years and he would consistently ignore every bit of advice and keep doing the same shit over and over that would piss everyone off. Kind of like that dude from a year or two ago on here whose name I can't remember but kept disrupting the shit out of in game storylines and would then get super butthurt and act like people are ganging up on him for no reason. It was fairly recent, I'm just drawing a blank on the name. Halp.
I was/am trying to think of that guy's name too. People had like a 70 page thread where he asked for advice and everyone was giving him extremely good advice which he'd immediately ignore and do the opposite of, then whine some more. I was in that thread trying to help him for a while but eventually turned on him and gave up too.
04-17-2019, 02:14 PM
I was/am trying to think of that guy's name too. People had like a 70 page thread where he asked for advice and everyone was giving him extremely good advice which he'd immediately ignore and do the opposite of, then whine some more.
Taernath already linked to thread, you noob.
04-17-2019, 02:17 PM
Taernath already linked to thread, you noob.
Yep. That's what I get for being on the page for more than 4 minutes without refreshing.
04-17-2019, 02:20 PM
04-17-2019, 02:20 PM
Taernath already linked to thread, you noob.
I’m too lazy to look through the threads in OP right now. Therefore it is your civic duty to remind me of the dude’s name. Otherwise the terrorists win.
04-17-2019, 02:24 PM
I’m too lazy to look through the threads in OP right now. Therefore it is your civic duty to remind me of the dude’s name. Otherwise the terrorists win.
Hlendril. Taernath did link it a few minutes ago.
04-17-2019, 02:27 PM
Hlendril. Taernath did link it a few minutes ago.
Oh yeah, fuck. Saw it right after I made my last post.
I guess he quit? Haven’t seen him around since the last batch of drama. I doubt he rerolled since he would have exposed himself within like an hour.
Thanks Taernath for saving us from terrorists.
04-17-2019, 02:29 PM
Oh yeah, fuck. Saw it right after I made my last post.
I guess he quit? Haven’t seen him around since the last batch of drama. I doubt he rerolled since he would have exposed himself within like an hour.
Maybe he did reroll and took the advice to heart? I mean, I doubt it, but lets pretend he did.
04-17-2019, 02:30 PM
Oh yeah, fuck. Saw it right after I made my last post.
I guess he quit? Haven’t seen him around since the last batch of drama. I doubt he rerolled since he would have exposed himself within like an hour.
Probably quit, yeah. And it's probably the best thing for him. He wasn't going to be happy with the game in any event. Maybe he'll be able to get some perspective and come back in a few years. Probably not, but similar things have happened.
04-17-2019, 02:32 PM
Maybe he did reroll and took the advice to heart? I mean, I doubt it, but lets pretend he did.
He wouldn’t be able to keep that hidden. He’d probably come out of the mangler and be like “Hey guys it’s me Hlendril I’m a changed man!”
Dude reminded me a lot of Warclaidhm with how he would act and play victim and ignore helpful advice and then play victim some more.
04-17-2019, 02:32 PM
Maybe he did reroll and took the advice to heart? I mean, I doubt it, but lets pretend he did.
Hey, possible too. None of you fuckers know who I even play anymore because I realized that talking on lnet was more grief than it was worth for me. Turned off lnet, kept all the other functionality of lich, totally different and more enjoyable game. Sometimes a simple change can make a large difference.
04-17-2019, 02:34 PM
Hey, possible too. None of you fuckers know who I even play anymore because I realized that talking on lnet was more grief than it was worth for me. Turned off lnet, kept all the other functionality of lich, totally different and more enjoyable game. Sometimes a simple change can make a large difference.
You play Flimbo but pretend you don't.
04-17-2019, 02:34 PM
You play Flimbo but pretend you don't.
04-17-2019, 02:36 PM
04-17-2019, 02:37 PM
That's a name I haven't heard in years. I miss some of the oldschool crazy women of Gemstone. I actually dated Leloo in real life. More recently than I'd like to admit. And her in game mother back in the day, Fleeta.
04-17-2019, 02:37 PM
She isn't a thug, she simply fucks thugs.
04-17-2019, 02:38 PM
Wait, am I thinking of the right person with Cleara? The name in my head is Clearity.
04-17-2019, 02:41 PM
Wait, am I thinking of the right person with Cleara? The name in my head is Clearity.
Cleara was a ghetto ass bitch.
04-17-2019, 02:42 PM
Also is the Ratolin I’LL BURN DOWN YOUR HOUSE IRL!!!!!! on here yet? I have no clue what that thread was called.
Some other noteworthy threads that I’m too lazy to find that deserve a spot:
- Tabor voter card / cock & balls pond
- Any Klaive thread, especially the one(s) where he talks about his ninja skills that he (probably) learned from watching anime
- Jubuls thread where he made some epic post in detail about how he would go about kicking someone’s ass, which IIRC involved him jumping up and down on someone’s stomach at some point, which would no doubt cause massive sharting. This might have just been a post in a Klaive thread and not its own thread.
- Any Seany Digital thread
04-17-2019, 02:43 PM
Cleara was a ghetto ass bitch.
I do remember some woman who talked like she was kind of a thug, but I thought it was...fuck..what was her name. She was around as recently as a couple years ago. Cybered somebody for him to pay her subscription fee. Started with an A I wanna say?
We were fairly mean to her too, which I regret, because she could be nice at times and I think was a decent person overall. Just kind of bitchy and definitely volatile.
What was her name?
Edit: Got it. Areigha. I did a portrait of her character.
04-17-2019, 02:44 PM
Ponce Pilate style.
04-17-2019, 02:44 PM
- Tabor voter card / cock & balls pond
One of the best threads ever. The dude supposedly owned a massive property and was a doctor or some shit, yet called Anticor out for "sullying his name" because he was ruining his leveling up business that he needed to pay for the maintenance of his cock and balls pond.
04-17-2019, 02:46 PM
One of the best threads ever. The dude supposedly owned a massive property and was a doctor or some shit, yet called Anticor out for "sullying his name" because he was ruining his leveling up business that he needed to pay for the maintenance of his cock and balls pond.
The Anticore Has Sullied My Name! thread!
04-17-2019, 02:47 PM!&highlight=sullied
Aww shit. I think this was one of those threads where we weren't smart enough to quote the original post before the OP deleted it.
04-17-2019, 02:47 PM
The Anticore Has Sullied My Name! thread!
Darn you for being faster than I!
04-17-2019, 02:50 PM
Thank goodness Showal at least quoted the picture of his pond for posterity.!&p=1286028#post1286028
04-17-2019, 02:50 PM
I can't tell if most of these are gold or if I need to start drinking heavily again.
04-17-2019, 02:51 PM
Darn you for being faster than I!
Happens to me all the time.
Here's the one where Rocktard got caught ERPing Gorean lactation slavery (links to post, the thread itself is rather boring):
Warriorbird did like 3 major outings of people on this forum, he might be the hacker known as 4chan.
04-17-2019, 02:55 PM
Here's the one where Rocktard got caught ERPing Gorean lactation slavery (links to post, the thread itself is rather boring)
Clearly I'm not drinking heavily enough. What the flipping fuck?
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-17-2019, 02:57 PM
Whatever the thread where Andraste outed herself accidentally. Did someone already mention that?
04-17-2019, 03:01 PM
Whatever the thread where Andraste outed herself accidentally. Did someone already mention that?
She (as Caramia) had been casually bragging about connections and insider knowledge, while shit-stirring and leaping to the defense of GMs for years. I think a bunch of people had figured it out earlier, but this is the last thread she posted in:
Here's my favorite one of hers, a.k.a. the 'tell me about policy violations you've been a part of' thread
04-17-2019, 03:04 PM
Happens to me all the time.
Here's the one where Rocktard got caught ERPing Gorean lactation slavery (links to post, the thread itself is rather boring):
Warriorbird did like 3 major outings of people on this forum, he might be the hacker known as 4chan.
Confirmed Rocktar is a member of the Aka.
04-17-2019, 03:10 PM
Confirmed Rocktar is a member of the Aka.
04-17-2019, 03:11 PM
She (as Caramia) had been casually bragging about connections and insider knowledge, while shit-stirring and leaping to the defense of GMs for years. I think a bunch of people had figured it out earlier, but this is the last thread she posted in:
Here's my favorite one of hers, a.k.a. the 'tell me about policy violations you've been a part of' thread
Didn't she also claim that was her in her profile pic and yet in real life she's a teeny bit on the chubby side? Nothing wrong with being chubby, but own that shit!
04-17-2019, 03:20 PM!&highlight=sullied
Aww shit. I think this was one of those threads where we weren't smart enough to quote the original post before the OP deleted it.
You're in luck. It was quoted:!&p=1286178#post1286178
04-17-2019, 03:24 PM
You're in luck. It was quoted:!&p=1286178#post1286178
Holy shit! Cephalopod took time out of his busy schedule banging hookers to preserve one of the best posts in PC's history!
I totally forgot about the "Mickey Mouse Bullsquash" bit too.
04-17-2019, 03:25 PM
Didn't she also claim that was her in her profile pic and yet in real life she's a teeny bit on the chubby side? Nothing wrong with being chubby, but own that shit!
All I'm going to say is that wasn't her in her profile pic.
04-17-2019, 03:31 PM
Didn't she also claim that was her in her profile pic and yet in real life she's a teeny bit on the chubby side? Nothing wrong with being chubby, but own that shit!
Andraste isn’t chubby. She’s more like triggered feminist obese.
Stanley Burrell
04-17-2019, 03:41 PM
I totally forgot about the "Mickey Mouse Bullsquash" bit too.
I fucking miss this forum getting hyped off of bodies of water shaped phallically.
04-17-2019, 03:43 PM
She (as Caramia) had been casually bragging about connections and insider knowledge, while shit-stirring and leaping to the defense of GMs for years. I think a bunch of people had figured it out earlier, but this is the last thread she posted in:
Here's my favorite one of hers, a.k.a. the 'tell me about policy violations you've been a part of' thread
God.. I used to have to constantly explain the difference between CvC and PvP to that dumb ass bitch.
04-17-2019, 03:49 PM
Needs a Coinner thread also. Here's the one where he's calling people to his "block" IRL and wants to beat up nerds:
04-17-2019, 03:53 PM
Needs a Coinner thread also. Here's the one where he's calling people to his "block" IRL and wants to beat up nerds:
I had completely forgotten about that retard.
04-17-2019, 04:05 PM
So I had a pre-conceived notion of who Methais was...
Mid-level tech-y
Reasonably fit
Married 2 kids
Decent middle class home
But after reading through the Methais v Rucca saga, all I can say is...
Dude.. your dream was to become a gay pornstar, except you didn't have the body for it.
Also from that thread: SHM and Backlash nailed the same girl.
Let that sink in.
When you put it that way its creepy.
But she was a way cool chick. When we weren't partying and banging we were playing WoW or GS and when we weren't doing either of those we were going to movies and out to dinner. I think we dated for about three months. She tried living on her own but just had some bad financial luck. I talked her into moving back home to get back on her feet. No regrets here. The pussy was good.
04-17-2019, 04:37 PM
When you put it that way its creepy.
But she was a way cool chick. When we weren't partying and banging we were playing WoW or GS and when we weren't doing either of those we were going to movies and out to dinner. I think we dated for about three months. She tried living on her own but just had some bad financial luck. I talked her into moving back home to get back on her feet. No regrets here. The pussy was good.
Which chick was this?
04-17-2019, 04:41 PM
When you put it that way its creepy.
But she was a way cool chick. When we weren't partying and banging we were playing WoW or GS and when we weren't doing either of those we were going to movies and out to dinner. I think we dated for about three months. She tried living on her own but just had some bad financial luck. I talked her into moving back home to get back on her feet. No regrets here. The pussy was good.
04-17-2019, 04:45 PM
Which chick was this?
04-17-2019, 04:47 PM
The pussy was good.
Back respects women so much you guys.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-17-2019, 04:47 PM
When you put it that way its creepy.
But she was a way cool chick. When we weren't partying and banging we were playing WoW or GS and when we weren't doing either of those we were going to movies and out to dinner. I think we dated for about three months. She tried living on her own but just had some bad financial luck. I talked her into moving back home to get back on her feet. No regrets here. The pussy was good.
This doesn't appear to be the post of a woke feminist.
She was cool enough I won't talk bad about her or you for dating her. She had a wicked sense of humor for sure. Last I had heard was she moved to Canada or some shit and disappeared.
04-17-2019, 04:58 PM
This doesn't appear to be the post of a woke feminist.
Back was so happy that a woman let him grab her by the pussy.
04-17-2019, 05:19 PM
Back was so happy that a woman let him grab her by the pussy.
It's even more entertaining knowing they were grabbing your table scraps.
This doesn't appear to be the post of a woke feminist.
She was cool enough I won't talk bad about her or you for dating her. She had a wicked sense of humor for sure. Last I had heard was she moved to Canada or some shit and disappeared.
Looks like we are both gentlemen enough to not go there. Its cool.
And yeah, I seem to remember something about Canada too.
04-17-2019, 06:15 PM
This doesn't appear to be the post of a woke feminist.
She was cool enough I won't talk bad about her or you for dating her. She had a wicked sense of humor for sure. Last I had heard was she moved to Canada or some shit and disappeared.
Everyone who moves to Canada disappears. That's the only reason people move to Canada: to never be seen or heard from again. Drinkin' hand sanitizer up on the ice roads in manitooooba, eh.
04-17-2019, 07:16 PM
Looks like we are both gentlemen enough to not go there. Its cool.
Well, except what you wrote previously about her:
When we weren't partying and banging....
The pussy was good.
Yea, you are a real class act....................
Suppressed Poet
04-17-2019, 08:26 PM
Everyone who moves to Canada disappears. That's the only reason people move to Canada: to never be seen or heard from again. Drinkin' hand sanitizer up on the ice roads in manitooooba, eh.
Few people really know what unspeakable terrors reside in that frozen wasteland just beyond The Wall.
And now his watch has ended...
Well, except what you wrote previously about her:
Yea, you are a real class act....................
Sorry to offend your delicate sensibilities. I forgot people didn't talk like that back in the 50s.
04-17-2019, 09:46 PM
Everyone who moves to Canada disappears. That's the only reason people move to Canada: to never be seen or heard from again. Drinkin' hand sanitizer up on the ice roads in manitooooba, eh.
Except that one guy; Logan.
04-17-2019, 10:39 PM
Sorry to offend your delicate sensibilities. I forgot people didn't talk like that back in the 50s.
You claimed you were being a "gentleman" regarding talking about your past dating experience with Bethany.
You proved yourself incredibly stupid less than an hour previously.
I don't care how you talk, but don't pretend to be something you are not.
A gentleman or intelligent.
You claimed you were being a "gentleman" regarding talking about your past dating experience with Bethany.
You proved yourself incredibly stupid less than an hour previously.
I don't care how you talk, but don't pretend to be something you are not.
A gentleman or intelligent.
A lecture from you on the subject of intelligence or being a gentleman is the height of hilarity. Yeah, I know I'm not the most of either, but you keep fooling yourself thinking you are.
04-17-2019, 11:05 PM
I'm like 90% sure Back cried foul at Trump and his 'locker talk' but I mean, clearly it's different here. For some reason.
04-17-2019, 11:49 PM
A lecture from you on the subject of intelligence or being a gentleman is the height of hilarity. Yeah, I know I'm not the most of either, but you keep fooling yourself thinking you are.
Since you can't seem to catch onto the point that's actually being made, do you think saying things like...
When we weren't partying and banging we were playing WoW or GS and...
No regrets here. The pussy was good. something a gentleman (or a woke feminist) would say? Because according to yourself, you're a gentleman (and a woke feminist)...
Looks like we are both gentlemen enough to not go there.
...who says things like...
When we weren't partying and banging we were playing WoW or GS and...
No regrets here. The pussy was good.
And before you go all deflection mode, nobody actually gives a shit or is offended over you saying those things nor are they claiming to be "gentlemen" themselves.
But back to the original question, are statements like "The pussy was good" and "When we weren't partying and banging we were blah blah blah" things a "gentleman" (or a woke feminist) would say?
04-18-2019, 12:15 AM
I did not said you were part of it, I don't even remember you from 2003-2004 bro. In between 2004-2017, I wasn't there.
What you did, I don't know.
I remember some people back in the days being not only bullies, but FLAGRAND harasseling him.
It's one thing to jump in and stopping cause you know there's a line not to cross. It's another story when you just continue
Oh yeah, Xcaliber ROCKS and he understands me.
He's probably pretty lonely and would appreciate one of his dearest friends stopping by to say hello. If you need to raise money for a ticket to go see him I am sure the PC folks would be pretty supportive.
04-18-2019, 12:23 AM
Shut up Back, you fucking suck and are just using this, like everything, to try to come across as deep and with it but really you are just hoping that maybe THIS is the anonymous internet fight that will finally win your dads approval. So fuck off with your bullshit virtue signaling garbage, fuck right the fuck off.
It's fun not know what time in the future this post comes from while still having the absolute certainty it's coming.
04-18-2019, 12:28 AM
He's probably pretty lonely and would appreciate one of his dearest friends stopping by to say hello. If you need to raise money for a ticket to go see him I am sure the PC folks would be pretty supportive.
I'm not sure if you're making a dark joke or if I'm misunderstand something or what...but you know Warclaidhm committed suicide a few years ago right?
04-18-2019, 12:30 AM
I'm not sure if you're making a dark joke or if I'm misunderstand something or what...but you know Warclaidhm committed suicide a few years ago right?
I thought he was like, raise money to put flowers where he's at. Still very dark.
04-18-2019, 12:41 AM
I thought he was like, raise money to put flowers where he's at. Still very dark.
Oh shit, that's even darker than I originally thought.
04-18-2019, 12:48 AM
Oh shit, that's even darker than I originally thought.
It's a pretty savage burn.
04-18-2019, 02:50 AM
I'm not sure if you're making a dark joke or if I'm misunderstand something or what...but you know Warclaidhm committed suicide a few years ago right?
I'm pretty sure he was telling him to kill himself there.
04-18-2019, 08:35 AM
Anyway, that era, early 2000s was for many the golden age of internet and this game was following the bandwagon.
Early 2000s, game was epic and there was epic moments.
When there was words spoken about gs3 dying and gs4 rising up,... MANY people spoke about karma striking back, you know who, the dreadful Drizzst who was hated by 90% of people
Enjoy the reading!
p.s. Jenisi was cool
04-18-2019, 09:24 AM
He's probably pretty lonely and would appreciate one of his dearest friends stopping by to say hello. If you need to raise money for a ticket to go see him I am sure the PC folks would be pretty supportive.
Serious question: What the fuck is wrong with you? 11:15pm... was that your Smirnoff Ice talking or are you that big of an asshole?
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-18-2019, 09:37 AM
Ososis is Back?
04-18-2019, 09:41 AM
Ososis is Back?
No, Ososis is just triggered.
The only thing missing in this thread to make him go full blown crazy is MacGuyver... he has a thing for that guy that I can only assume isn't reciprocated and it infuriates him.
04-18-2019, 10:15 AM
Some people seriously needs to not neglect their medication.
When you go emotional in a obscure forum, it's a serious warning
04-18-2019, 10:37 AM
Anyway, that era, early 2000s was for many the golden age of internet and this game was following the bandwagon.
Early 2000s, game was epic and there was epic moments.
When there was words spoken about gs3 dying and gs4 rising up,... MANY people spoke about karma striking back, you know who, the dreadful Drizzst who was hated by 90% of people
Enjoy the reading!
p.s. Jenisi was cool
I don't remember Drizzsdt being hated by many people other than maybe people who were butthurt over him killing the feithmodor (or banaltra, I always get them confused) boss that pwned the entire storyline's ending, but that was Simu's fault for being stupid.
And maybe some butthurt lockpickers in the East Tower or something.
If I'm forgetting something, let me know.
04-18-2019, 10:52 AM
I don't remember Drizzsdt being hated by many people other than maybe people who were butthurt over him killing the feithmodor (or banaltra, I always get them confused) boss that pwned the entire storyline's ending, but that was Simu's fault for being stupid.
And maybe some butthurt lockpickers in the East Tower or something.
If I'm forgetting something, let me know.
He was usually pretty well liked because he helped a lot in the warrior guild. He did come off as a prick at first though.
04-18-2019, 10:55 AM
Yeah, no, people didn't hate Drizzsdt.
04-18-2019, 11:04 AM
Yeah, no, people didn't hate Drizzsdt.
By people he probably means he didn't like Drizzsdt.
04-18-2019, 11:09 AM
There's a lot of butthurt in that Drizzsdt thread, but so far it just looks like retards whining about retard things. Ambushing rogues without a disk crying about losing kills while they're hidden, Tsa`ah being triggered, etc. :lol:
04-18-2019, 11:28 AM
By people he probably means he didn't like Drizzsdt.
You must be mistaken, 90% of people hated Drizzsdt bro Gelston.
Also put that $7 a gallon gas thread in the OP, you Gorean lactater.
04-18-2019, 11:44 AM
Anyway, that era, early 2000s was for many the golden age of internet and this game was following the bandwagon.
Early 2000s, game was epic and there was epic moments.
When there was words spoken about gs3 dying and gs4 rising up,... MANY people spoke about karma striking back, you know who, the dreadful Drizzst who was hated by 90% of people
Enjoy the reading!
p.s. Jenisi was cool
Ohmygosh...he used SCRIPTS?!
But yeah. That guy was a superdouche. I remember one time a GM-controlled mob showed up and was RPing a storyline. Drizzsdt walked in an brained it just because he could, then walked out. That was tail end of GS3 I believe. Maybe early GS4.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-18-2019, 11:44 AM
I met Drizzsdt at a con I think. He was a nice dude, always nice in game to me as well.
Anecdote that, bitches.
04-18-2019, 11:45 AM
I don't remember Drizzsdt being hated by many people other than maybe people who were butthurt over him killing the feithmodor (or banaltra, I always get them confused) boss that pwned the entire storyline's ending, but that was Simu's fault for being stupid.
And maybe some butthurt lockpickers in the East Tower or something.
If I'm forgetting something, let me know.
Oh, yep. That. I was just mentioning that. I started to post an hour ago and got busy, came back, posted, and you'd beaten me to the punch.
04-18-2019, 11:46 AM
Riefe killed the other one in a similar way. GMs screwed up on them.
04-18-2019, 12:14 PM
Riefe killed the other one in a similar way. GMs screwed up on them.
It's easier to just cry about Drizzsdt though.
I'm only on page 3 and there's already so much whining and butthurt in that thread already I think it's giving me diarrhea.
04-18-2019, 12:20 PM
It's easier to just cry about Drizzsdt though.
I'm only on page 3 and there's already so much whining and butthurt in that thread already I think it's giving me diarrhea.
What is the thread again? I don't feel like looking for it here.
04-18-2019, 12:51 PM
What is the thread again? I don't feel like looking for it here.
Here's another gem from that thread that I'm pretty sure is completely fabricated:
I had one run in with Drizzdt. I was a young sorcerer in the east tower asking for someone to pick my chest. Drizzdt nodded to me so I passed it over. He took the box and said, "That'll teach you." Or something lame like that and kept the box.
He's one character I now avoid completely.
EDIT: And these :lol:
I want to see a picture of this fat piece of trash. Why don't some people beat his ass at simucon if he's that big of a dick?
Why isn't it a solution? If he acts like (and I quote) 'his shit don't stink' then punch him in his face. It'll bring him back to reality real quick.. How is that immature? It's been a viable solution for 4000 years, and just because a few PC punks and feminist say fighting doesn't solve anything in the last 40 years doesn't mean shit. If he acts like a dick to you in real life, ask him to fight, it'll solve the situation one way or another. (Not like I'm suggesting to put the guy in the hospital.)
[Edited on 10-1-2003 by Hulkein]
04-18-2019, 12:57 PM
I also nominate PC Meltdown Hall of Fame (
Hall of fameception.
04-18-2019, 01:03 PM
I completely forgot about that one, but see, I PUT ALL THE THREADS ON THE FIRST PAGE WITH SOME DESCRIPTIONS
Not like that lazy diethx that masturbates too loud.
04-18-2019, 06:18 PM
I haven't been through the who thread yet, but this one should suffice:
04-18-2019, 06:19 PM
Also this one:
Fuck Crime
04-18-2019, 08:30 PM
Probably the last time we'll see seven 10x DB items in one sale.
04-18-2019, 08:54 PM
That must explain why he had pretty much the exact same experience on some magician forum that had nothing at all to do with GS not long before he killed himself, right?
Whatever the reason, aspergers or whatever his deal was, he was toxic everywhere he went. He would cause all kinds of shit, people would react accordingly, and he'd play the victim and/or the "I'm really sorry guys please give me another chance because ABCXYZ123 reasons." and then when given more chances, he would revert right back to the same bullshit that he was notorious for.
The end result with him would have been the same even if he never played GS in his life. Some people simply can't be helped. Khaladon sunk a lot of time into helping steer him in the right direction too, most/all of which also got ignored in favor of usual Warclaidhm antics.
Don't be a tard.
I don't see what anyone saw. My interaction with him was in Shattered and we had a fun time interacting together.
04-18-2019, 08:58 PM
Andraste isn’t chubby. She’s more like triggered feminist obese.
04-18-2019, 09:03 PM
No, Ososis is just triggered.
The only thing missing in this thread to make him go full blown crazy is MacGuyver... he has a thing for that guy that I can only assume isn't reciprocated and it infuriates him.
He is mentally disturbed.
So is Murrandii.
So is like 95% of the GSIV population.
04-18-2019, 09:06 PM
Hey, possible too. None of you fuckers know who I even play anymore because I realized that talking on lnet was more grief than it was worth for me. Turned off lnet, kept all the other functionality of lich, totally different and more enjoyable game. Sometimes a simple change can make a large difference.
Stumplicker hiding behind an alternate identity? What a shocker...
04-18-2019, 10:24 PM
There’s actually potential there. If she lost like 150 lbs+. She may look decent...
Shut up Murrandii.
04-19-2019, 01:15 AM
Another one:
There’s a nice bonus somewhere in the thread as well
04-19-2019, 01:35 AM
Another one:
There’s a nice bonus somewhere in the thread as well
That's crazy. I replied several times in that thread but I don't recall that thread at all. The years are just blending together in my old age.
04-19-2019, 02:18 AM
That's crazy. I replied several times in that thread but I don't recall that thread at all. The years are just blending together in my old age.
There just too much hilarity happening here to remember it all, it’s understandable.
04-19-2019, 02:42 AM
That's crazy. I replied several times in that thread but I don't recall that thread at all. The years are just blending together in my old age.
It's weird reading shit from that time period for me, I had just returned to the game in 2011 after leaving in 2005. The ta'mori didn't exist in 2005, wish I had known more about them after returning, honestly they had to be one of the worst things to happen to the game.
Personally I give Mae a pass, mostly because I have a weak spot for nasty (that and she apologized for her part in the Ta'Mori fucking up the probability of a new hunting area). There's always room in the gutter for nasty bitches.
P.S. I should also point out that Riend was always OK in my book too.
04-21-2019, 04:50 PM
The Ratolin burning down your house thread was a funny one.
04-21-2019, 05:01 PM
The Ratolin burning down your house thread was a funny one.
I always got along with Ratolin. He has to pay Simutronics a few hundred bucks and is only allowed to open his account via hard checks because he used to use a CC generator and then just keep his characters logged in for weeks at a time.
04-21-2019, 05:18 PM
I always got along with Ratolin. He has to pay Simutronics a few hundred bucks and is only allowed to open his account via hard checks because he used to use a CC generator and then just keep his characters logged in for weeks at a time.
I got along with the character as well, had some fun times with him during EG in 08. Thread was still a hilarious read, some of the quips from Anticor and others.
04-22-2019, 09:58 AM
The Ratolin burning down your house thread was a funny one.
Is OP quoted anywhere in that thread? I'm too lazy to click through 21 pages to see.
04-22-2019, 03:37 PM
Is OP quoted anywhere in that thread? I'm too lazy to click through 21 pages to see.
Negative. I think at the time Anticor edited it, also why the OP is banned.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-22-2019, 11:03 PM
I predict this one will be a good one.
04-22-2019, 11:08 PM
I predict this one will be a good one.
Maybe one day when it matures. Who knows where it'll go from here!
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