View Full Version : HN = STUPID.. (obviously)
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 01:21 AM
Private Message: You have received an infraction at The Gemstone IV Players' Corner
01-09-2007, 09:09 PM
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Default You have received an infraction at The Gemstone IV Players' Corner
Dear Sean2,
You have received an infraction at The Gemstone IV Players' Corner.
Personal Insult
Personal Insults:
Any member who posts invasive or insulting content of a personal nature against another member of the Players Corner is in violation of the forum policy and subject to a violation count increase of at least 4 and at most 8. Content is said to be of a personal nature if it can be deemed to in any way critically point at the more intimate and unique aspects of a member and is not to be confused with content of a general nature.
Deleting the post after others have viewed and responded to it does not negate your responsibility for posting it in the first place. This entire thread had no saving virtue, and no reason to be here except to cause difficulties for another member.
This infraction is worth 8 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
All the best,
The Gemstone IV Players' Corner
Pagans are resourceful. We sacrifice our idiots. List of candidates continuously updated.
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I guess I should have posted the truth.
01-10-2007, 02:07 AM
Or you could have posted nothing.
01-10-2007, 07:18 AM
Was this your first infraction and she gave you 8 points? (the link doesn't work).
01-10-2007, 07:54 AM
Eh, I wouldn't worry about 8 points.
I got 25 for a picture
01-10-2007, 07:59 AM
(a) harm a minor in any way.
Thats a funny thing to include in a msg board TOS.
01-10-2007, 08:14 AM
So does this mean we can never speak of someone who's not currently posting on the boards?
Maybe a followup post was insulting, but from what I saw of the original post, there was nothing insulting about it. You're not really protecting someone by hiding information about them, or pretending that people don't care or wonder what happened to them.
01-10-2007, 08:15 AM
Speaking of which, what the fuck was this about?
I missed something somewhere.....
I saw that....and that is deserving a warn how?
He could have just been telling everyone he got in a car wreck ?!?!
I saw that....and that is deserving a warn how?
He could have just been telling everyone he got in a car wreck ?!?!
Because he eventually posted what he thought he knew which was of a rather personal nature. Why? How it was helpful or funny, fuck if I know.
01-10-2007, 09:11 AM
So take away the post, not the entire thread.
At this point it's ALL speculation, nothing is known. So to say we're not allowed to even speculate or take guesses about someone several people care enough about to wonder why he disappeared like a fart in the wind is really ridiculous.
01-10-2007, 09:17 AM
Backlash, wrong again.
Surprise anyone?
Haha, and he pusses out and deletes his post
01-10-2007, 09:21 AM
God damn, fast deleting HN
I wouldn't mind hearing why you're acting like a nazi about this
01-10-2007, 09:26 AM
Please do not discuss the content of the thread as it has been removed. Posts discussing the original post have been deleted from this thread.
At this point it's ALL speculation, nothing is known. So to say we're not allowed to even speculate or take guesses about someone several people care enough about to wonder why he disappeared like a fart in the wind is really ridiculous.
I don't know where you're drawing your conclusions from, but as usual, people do tend to jump to rather strange conclusions when they do not have the facts available to them.
To keep the issue precise and to the point, you may not use the forum to make attacks of a personal nature against another member of the forums. Using the forum in this manner includes linking to offending material, posting the content directly on the forums, advertising such material or any other related use of the forums.
If you're unaware of how that material was offensive to the original member, then we've done our job and can only hope that others do not become involved as part of this attack.
01-10-2007, 09:30 AM
Does that cover Pm's as well then?
01-10-2007, 09:30 AM
I don't know where you're drawing your conclusions from, but as usual, people do tend to jump to rather strange conclusions when they do not have the facts available to them.
Moderation should be done by example. Warnings after posts, etc. How can anyone know whats acceptable on here? I've insulted plenty of people on here, as have a lot of other members (and moderators). Where is the line drawn? I'd love to see Sean2's original post so I'm not left to do nothing but "draw conclusions... when I do not have the facts available to me."
I love the community and the commentary on these boards, but the random moderation and random post deletion is not something I'm used to...
01-10-2007, 09:31 AM
I'm not drawing any conclusions. Maybe staff has been told of Wezas' disappearing act, but no one else has. So to not let people talk about him is ridiculous. What people have been posting have been pure speculations and hypotheticals. If this is against policy, then say so. As far as I know, it's not.
I'm not sure what you people consider offensive material anymore. People insult others on this board daily, but say you think someone got caught watching porn and you're being offensive.
01-10-2007, 09:31 AM
HN has a flock of sheep that she protects
Obviously a former moderator falls into that category
01-10-2007, 09:32 AM
I'm not drawing any conclusions. Maybe staff has been told of Wezas' disappearing act, but no one else has. So to not let people talk about him is ridiculous.
I'm not sure what you people consider offensive material anymore. People insult others on this board daily, but say you think someone got caught watching porn and you're being offensive.
This is exactly my point. Its either moderators playing favorites or random moderation, as far as I can tell.
01-10-2007, 09:33 AM
If your on the 'list', you are held to a higher standard than if you are not on the 'list'.
Sean2 is and has been on the 'list'.
01-10-2007, 09:36 AM
It's amazing all the threads about some Draggon guy from GS.. getting insulted left and right.. are still on the boards at this very moment. I guess since it's a personal insult if we like the individual getting insulted?
I didn't see the thread being referred to here, but my opinion of HN's 'moderation' techniques have been well documented.
you may not use the forum to make attacks of a personal nature against another member of the forums.
Just about every other thread has some kind of attack against someone else....whether it be calling someone an idiot or seriously degrading someone (see any warclaidhm post for ex.)
01-10-2007, 09:38 AM
Is an example of a much more direct insult.
Hell, the whole thread is full of them. I think this is a blatant example of playing favorites here. I'd love to see information demonstrating otherwise...
01-10-2007, 09:43 AM
Does it count as an insult if someone is actually a gutterslut?
01-10-2007, 09:48 AM
If your on the 'list', you are held to a higher standard than if you are not on the 'list'.
Sean2 is and has been on the 'list'.
If there is a list, it's completely voluntary. A majority of the posting community stay off of it by using a civil posting style. Arguing is one thing, making a debut post in a thread that is nothing but an attack, insult, or completely off topic (normally all 3 in one) with regular consistency is a sure fire way to become a casualty of moderation.
Personally I think it's more of "I'm sick of your bullshit, knock it off or I'll do it for you".
Either way, this thread amount to a big "cry me a fucking river". Boo fucking hoo ... he got his ass spanked after all this time. Let him keep pissing in the pot, maybe in the end it will give everyone a vacation from his drivel.
If something isn't true how is it a personal insult.
Insults are just that, insults. Tongue and cheek. Get thick skin or get over it.
With that said, I do have an issue with information being released about someone, of a personal nature, that is not intended for public release.
I respect the privacy of those and expect that condition to be reciprocated. And at the same time I also maintain vigilance as to what information I release to others that might make its way here or other places on the internet. With that in mind, I dont have an issue with over-moderation.
That on the other hand does not protect me should I be foolish enough to share private information to someone else with the knowledge or expectation that it could/will be disimenated without my consent.
01-10-2007, 10:17 AM
Let's put it this way. The people on the outside don't know why Wezas disappeared. Some are wondering why that was.
If ANY speculation was being deleted, then I'll just have to grin and bear that the PC is not what it used to be as it's picking and choosing who to protect. But when someone says "I wonder if he got into a car accident" and it is left behind, but a post saying "maybe he got busted for looking at porn" gets deleted, you end up saying more with the delete than the assumption did.
01-10-2007, 10:17 AM
And now for a graphical representation of the current state of the Players' Corner:
And now for a personal insult...
Hey whoever the poster above me happens to be right now, you suck ballsacks and eat donkey cocks and your mother taught you how to do it when you were 3. You also listen to Michael Bolton and have George Michael posters on your wall and you masturbate to teletubbies with peanut butter. You also smell like 40 year old decaying crotch and enjoy tossing Rosie O'Donnel's salad. I hope you...
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.................. .....,'' ¯''~--~''' .¯'---,,,,--'' a non-lethal way of course. Asshole.
01-10-2007, 10:18 AM
Kranar has spoken to this issue far better than I could, so I won't. I do want to thank, again, the moderator who caught the start of this debacle and deleted it.
01-10-2007, 10:19 AM
I hate you Methais. :lol:
01-10-2007, 10:20 AM
I hate you Methais. :lol:
Reported for personal insults.
Tea & Strumpets
01-10-2007, 10:27 AM
I find it EXTREMELY odd that a policy of "no insults of a personal nature" is being suddenly enforced. That is laughable considering all the insults that have been thrown around on this message board since it's inception.
Why isn't the post by methais deleted yet???
01-10-2007, 10:36 AM
Because it's true
01-10-2007, 10:37 AM
Alfster and Methais have been reported. :cry:
The only real problem I can see with what Sean2 did was present fiction as fact. But I guess it begs the question if he had posted "U2U or IM me for my theory on why Wezas is missing" would it have been deleted? Or if he had posted it indicating that it was infact a theory would it have been deleted?
For example why are we (including myself) allowed to speculate a lot of the details in the leetahkin debacle but we aren't allowed to speculate where Wezas is or why he's gone? Which one is really more insulting?
01-10-2007, 10:57 AM
Wezas is in jail for child molestation. This may or may not be true, though probably not. As a matter of fact, I just made this up. This entire post is bullshit.
01-10-2007, 11:06 AM
deleted in 3...2...1...
01-10-2007, 11:15 AM
...0.5...0.2...0.1.....0.050....0.025...0.001...0. 0050...
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 11:42 AM
I'm not crying Tsa'ah you cunt wash... (infraction?) If was gone that would be one less person that you don't agree with on many views and I'm sure you would be tickled raw in the sphincter. The point of this thread is obviously clear to those with intelligence.
ON to WEZAS.. (Infraction for typing his name?) I have no idea where or why he has left however I'd like to say REDSKINS FUCKING SUCK. See ya next year pal.
01-10-2007, 12:16 PM
Either way, this thread amount to a big "cry me a fucking river". Boo fucking hoo ... he got his ass spanked after all this time. Let him keep pissing in the pot, maybe in the end it will give everyone a vacation from his drivel.
Much the same response my post about HN was viewed by some.. yet it did bring about some positive changes... however slight.
01-10-2007, 01:30 PM
Feel free to report posts that are both of an offensive and personal nature.
This is and remains the policy. A LOT of posts will go unnoticed and undeleted. A LOT OF THEM.
As I've said many many times before, and it comes up over and over again, lack of consistency is part of the forums. If you are offended in a personal manner by a post, please report it to us and we'll have a look at it.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 01:41 PM
That means almost every post... something has to be changed. It's obvious that many many and A LOT OF THEM go unmoderated.. It's when people are singled out for it that it becomes a problem. In this case I consider said person to be my friend and never meant any harm and I even REQUESTED my post to be deleted to a mod after realizing that it could be construed in the wrong way.
The posts don't go unnoticed.. they get selectively ignored. Basically your post is encouraging us all to become report whores?
01-10-2007, 02:01 PM
Don't get me wrong, the last thing I want is everyone to be polite and all nice and drinking a cup of tea while posting.
If someone wants to take on the role of being the guy everyone just loves to hate, go for it. My problem is when someone takes on that role, and then cries foul and runs to the Concerns Folder whenever he's called on it. That's just being a baby to be honest.
Especially someone like Sean2, who is notorious for jumping into a thread, making one or two liner comments that are meant solely to get a rise out of someone, and then pops off to another thread. If someone like that can't handle a violation and has to run to the Concerns folder with an ambiguous complaint that shows absolutely no thought or respect for the forums or the community, yeah... I have a problem with that.
These forums are big and pretty difficult to maintain. It only makes it worse, not just for staff, but for the community as a whole when these kinds of guys jump into the Concerns folder looking to brew a storm against the staff at every opportunity. Making a complaint with no context, no information, no justification as to why we were wrong, just a thread entitled "HN = STUPID" and a copy and paste of a violation.
So go ahead... brew a storm. Give everyone the impression that you, Sean2, are in the innocent and were wronged to the point of making a public debacle out of it. Poor Sean2 is on our secret list of people to target because of all the posts he's made which clearly tread the line of what is acceptable, he was called on one of them.
Good job.
01-10-2007, 02:05 PM
In general, no, Sean. It means that if someone reports a post has offended them, the staff is obligated to weigh the infraction, take care of the post, and reprimand the poster (be it via warning, points, killing your dog etc).
If the post is not reported as offensive, (as Kranar alluded), it's generally left alone, unless a mod catches what they see as an infraction. This is why you get threads like the draggon thread that are insult laden but nobody really cares. Likely, someone was offended, be it mod or poster and reported.
I didn't catch the discussion (about sweater man), but that's how it's worked here for some time.
How can you make a real public case that you were wronged by a member of staff if you can't publically mention the content of the removed post/thread? It seems to me that any complaint in the Concern's folder has to be without any true context.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 02:25 PM
Don't get me wrong, the last thing I want is everyone to be polite and all nice and drinking a cup of tea while posting.
If someone wants to take on the role of being the guy everyone just loves to hate, go for it. My problem is when someone takes on that role, and then cries foul and runs to the Concerns Folder whenever he's called on it. That's just being a baby to be honest.
Especially someone like Sean2, who is notorious for jumping into a thread, making one or two liner comments that are meant solely to get a rise out of someone, and then pops off to another thread. If someone like that can't handle a violation and has to run to the Concerns folder with an ambiguous complaint that shows absolutely no thought or respect for the forums or the community, yeah... I have a problem with that.
These forums are big and pretty difficult to maintain. It only makes it worse, not just for staff, but for the community as a whole when these kinds of guys jump into the Concerns folder looking to brew a storm against the staff at every opportunity. Making a complaint with no context, no information, no justification as to why we were wrong, just a thread entitled "HN = STUPID" and a copy and paste of a violation.
So go ahead... brew a storm. Give everyone the impression that you, Sean2, are in the innocent and were wronged to the point of making a public debacle out of it. Poor Sean2 is on our secret list of people to target because of all the posts he's made which clearly tread the line of what is acceptable, he was called on one of them.
Good job.
I generally respect you and your what you do.. but now you're just being a fucking moron. You obviously have no grasp of what occurs on these forums that much is evident by what you think my "role" is.
The first post in this thread speaks for itself.. those who know... know how fucking stupid this whole situation is. The only thing you know about me is what is injected into your asshole by HN's long warty nose.
I never complain about posts.. in fact I've reported one post with seriousness because someone made an anti-semitic blast at me which to me is crossing the line unless you want to open the door and allow people to call posters JEWBOY etc. I bust balls of only a few posters and imo they deserve it. Get out of the kitchen blah blah blah.. don't dish it out blah blah blah. Seriously every time you don't agree with one of the liberal fruits you are instantly labeled an asshole.
Shit like this needs to be made public.. I assure you I'm not alone in thinking so.
Btw the secret list isn't very secret. I'm not brewing a storm.. anyone with a brain or any bit of info about what is going on in this situation knows what kind of bullshit this is.
Just keep on defending your sanctimonious lil soldier.. makes you look like a real chivalrous man. I'll give you one thing.. at least you finally grew some nads.
01-10-2007, 02:40 PM
How can you make a real public case that you were wronged by a member of staff if you can't publically mention the content of the removed post/thread? It seems to me that any complaint in the Concern's folder has to be without any true context.
Individual concerns should be dealt with in private exactly for that reason.
General concerns should be dealt with publically.
It's really just a matter of being reasonable and using common sense. A specific violation typically involves information and context that general forum members do not have access to. Because of this, when someone takes a private/specific violation and makes them public, usually all they're doing is causing confusion, misconceptions, and trying to bring attention to themselves. If a concern applies to you in particular, because it's a violation you were involved in, then the concern should remain between you and the staff to avoid these issues, unless of course, it's your intention to make a public debacle over it and spread this kind of confusion.
If the concern is a public and general concern with the forums, then you should bring that issue to the public Concerns thread and then of course, it's pretty easy to discuss the issue in a general manner and make your case about it clearly. But don't do it with a copy and pasted U2U, do it by actually making a point, defending your stance. By all means, make your case, be blunt and harsh about why you were wronged and why you were justified to post the information, but starting a thread with a posted U2U and a title "HN = STUPID" is kind of immature and pointless. Okay, so you got a violation and you think HN is stupid... good for you I guess.
I will allow people to take private concerns and make them public, even though I don't think it's a good idea since it's rarely productive, but I'm afraid I can not allow this forum to be used as a mask or an excuse for repeating a violation.
I mean think about this... a member makes a complaint with nothing more than a pasted U2U and a title "HN = STUPID (obviously)" I don't know, how am I supposed to take this seriously? What exactly is the complaint? Is it just crying foul because you got called on a violation while other people didn't? Is it an attempt at arguing that it's okay to spread personal rumours and personal insults about people from out of the blue?
Unfortunately, given my assessment of Sean2's posting pattern, I have no other reasonable choice but to conclude that this is an attempt to gain attention to one self. An attempt for someone to put themselves in centre stage as a victim of our incredibly facist moderating style.
As is usually the case when someone starts a dramatic episode about themselves, some will side with Sean2 and declare the staff of the PC as incredibly intolerant, inflexible, Nazi's who went after this innocent defender of free speech and consistency, and others will side with the staff. Most of the members, will not care either way and will go on with their lives.
Hardly anything productive is likely to come about from this other than some drama and feelings of self importance, and as usual after a couple of days members will move on, realize they can in fact post and have discussions as usual, that this episode really is being overblown and that a violation count of 8 against a member who consistently sits on the border of a violation probably isn't the end of the world or the rise of the Fourth Reich.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 02:50 PM
Believe me when I say that HN and moderation is a GENERAL PUBLIC CONCERN.
That being said I've tried several times to talk about things in private with no result over the past few years. It comes down to a white horse and a peon everytime.
This bullshit has to be the worse call in recent memory. She knows it.. other mods know it.. the people involved know it.. you remain clueless.
01-10-2007, 02:54 PM
I'd just like to give my two cents. I'll keep it brief, too.
If someone made a thread talking about something that happened in Warclaidhm's or Xcalibur's personal life, the thread wouldn't be deleted. There would not be any warnings issued, either. In fact, I believe there have been plenty of posts about both of their private lives that were never deleted. To get all uptight because it is about a member some people are friends with is hypocritical. Natural, sure, but let's call a spade a spade.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 02:58 PM
You mean like blacklash taking a sexual shot at my 4 and 6 year old daughters the other day in a thread? Obviously that is allowed by the moderators.
01-10-2007, 03:00 PM
I'd just like to give my two cents. I'll keep it brief, too.
If someone made a thread talking about something that happened in Warclaidhm's or Xcalibur's personal life, the thread wouldn't be deleted. There would not be any warnings issued, either. In fact, I believe there have been plenty of posts about both of their private lives that were never deleted. To get all uptight because it is about a member some people are friends with is hypocritical. Natural, sure, but let's call a spade a spade.
01-10-2007, 03:01 PM
I can tell you right now that you're wrong.
In both Xcalibur's case and Warclaidhm's case, there were NUMEROUS threads removed that touched on their personal lives. I remember in particular removing a thread discussing Xcalibur's family. The difference is that the person who started the thread didn't start a debacle over it, although in Warclaidhm's case, when we did delete threads discussing his personal life, a storm did actually brew for a bit claiming we were coddling him and protecting him and stuff along the lines of if someone invites insults to themselves, we shouldn't step in and then defend that person.
Have to remember, when a thread is removed, the hope is that you never find out about it. If that happens, we did our job.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 03:02 PM
01-10-2007, 03:06 PM
I can tell you right now that you're wrong.
In both Xcalibur's case and Warclaidhm's case, there were NUMEROUS threads removed that touched on their personal lives. I remember in particular removing a thread discussing Xcalibur's family. The difference is that the person who started the thread didn't start a debacle over it, although in Warclaidhm's case, when we did delete threads discussing his personal life, a storm did actually brew for a bit claiming we were coddling him and protecting him and stuff along the lines of if someone invites insults to themselves, we shouldn't step in and then defend that person.
Have to remember, when a thread is removed, the hope is that you never find out about it. If that happens, we did our job.
Numerous threads touched on their lives, some remained, and most were there for a lot longer than the Wezas thread was.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 03:12 PM
I requested for the Wezas thread to be deleted. That's how much of an asshole I am. You really shouldn't type his name however unless you want to get trampled by a white horse.
Tea & Strumpets
01-10-2007, 03:15 PM
As is usually the case when someone starts a dramatic episode about themselves, some will side with Sean2 and declare the staff of the PC as incredibly intolerant, inflexible, Nazi's who went after this innocent defender of free speech and consistency, and others will side with the staff. Most of the members, will not care either way and will go on with their lives.
I think that's a bit of a generalization. My only concern was infraction points being issued for a "personal insult", when people insult each other left and right with no consequences (as it should be, in my opinion).
I don't think I ever went so far as to call the staff incredibly intolerant, inflexible Nazis; or to imply that there's a giant conspiracy theory to ban all the annoying bastards (uh oh), such as Sean2, that have caused mass confusion and hysteria by changing their posting names.
01-10-2007, 03:15 PM
Numerous threads touched on their lives, some remained, and most were there for a lot longer than the Wezas thread was.
I don't know what you're getting at though.
I admit there is a major inconsistency in how the forums are run. Call a spade a spade, let me do it for you:
There is EXTREME inconsistency in how the forums are run.
On a similar note, if you expect me to take a complaint seriously with nothing more than a posted U2U and the title "HN = STUPID", then while we're being frank, let me be frank about this as well:
This is nothing more than a bitter attempt at gaining drama and attention.
So there you have it, the forums are run inconsistently, and the public outcries by people who consistently toe the line are usually unfounded.
Like what is the desired outcome of all this? I ask you in particular Hulkein because atleast you're a reasonable individual. Are you saying that because some or even most insults are not removed, that none should be? That it's unreasonable and such a big deal for someone who constantly posts vitriol on the forums to get a violation for it once in awhile?
In clear, rational and reasonable terms, not just "HN IS STOOPID, SHE GIVE ME VIOLATION" what do you feel is the point of this thread. Maybe I'm wrong and Sean2 is trying in some entirely reasonable manner unknown to me to communicate an actual point. You're the admin for the PC, you come to see this thread from a member... what would you infer from it?
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 03:19 PM
Like I said.. the infraction speaks for itself. I wasn't making a complaint to you.. I was making the same old bullshit available to the rest of the posters as they have a right to know that the horrible moderation continues. Nothing else really needs to be said.
I know you're not stupid... take your head out of your ass. (may have to removes HN's nose from it first however)\\\
If you idiots don't want your dirty laundry aired... don't fucking dirty it.
01-10-2007, 03:20 PM
I think that's a bit of a generalization. My only concern was infraction points being issued for a "personal insult", when people insult each other left and right with no consequences (as it should be, in my opinion).
I don't think I ever went so far as to call the staff incredibly intolerant, inflexible Nazis; or to imply that there's a giant conspiracy theory to ban all the annoying bastards (uh oh), such as Sean2, that have caused mass confusion and hysteria by changing their posting names.
A personal insult is not allowed because I don't want people's private lives to be an issue on these forums, this is a place to converse and in many ways to get away from your personal job or whatever, it's not a place to have personal stuff about you revealed in a negative and insulting manner. It's very low. A personal insult isn't "You're dumb" or whatever... it's an insult that involves a person's family, or details about a person's own life style, or pointing to personal experiences of someones past and using it against them.
Making fun of people, insulting people, thinking someone is dumb or immature or whatever else, that stuff is allowed, although I don't encourage it. But geez... leave that person's personal life off the forums. It's low and it doesn't belong here, and I think many people think that what Sean2 did is an insult of a general nature, when in fact, it was of a personal nature.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 03:24 PM
A personal insult is not allowed because I don't want people's private lives to be discussed or to become an issue on these forums. It's very low. A personal insult isn't "You're dumb" or whatever... it's an insult that involves a person's family, or details about a person's own life style, or pointing to personal experiences of someones past and using it against them.
Making fun of people, insulting people, thinking someone is dumb or immature or whatever else, that stuff is allowed, but leave that person's personal life off the forums. It's low and it doesn't belong here, and I think many people think that what Sean2 did is an insult of a general nature, when in fact, it was of a personal nature.
Rofl what I did was no where near a personal insult. The man is my friend in the first place you fucking idiot. It was in jest.... AND FICTIONAL.. how is fiction a personal insult all of the sudden?
So curious as to why Backlash was allowed to make sexual insults ABOUT MY YOUNG DAUGHTERS and it wasn't moderated?? Someone calling me a JEWBOY in an argument was also allowed to remain. What the fuck are you talking about?
01-10-2007, 03:27 PM
Point me to the post, I'll have a look at it and I will have no objection one bit to removing it and assigning a violation for it if it is a violation.
Let's see if Backlash cries about it.
01-10-2007, 03:29 PM
Let's see if Backlash cries about it.
Well, he won't now...
01-10-2007, 03:29 PM
My guess is that it was probably not moderated because you didn't report it. If you don't report it, they figure you're okay with it. However I'm curious if it would have been edited, or if you would have received a "suck it up, don't dish it out if you can't take it" type of response.
As for the rest of it, I guess I was just confused because I didn't see anything personal about what he posted, maybe because I know it was just a fictional what-if. Not sure how making up something is a personal attack. And then to get points assessed for something that was deleted by the user confused me even more.
01-10-2007, 03:30 PM
Point me to the post, I'll have a look at it and I will have no objection one bit to removing it and assigning a violation for it if it is a violation.
Let's see if Backlash cries about it.
Wow, I've come to expect alot more from you than this.
My bad I guess.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 03:33 PM things are only moderated if they're reported?
The mods are just digging their holes deeper and deeper in this thread.
In general I think the moderation on these boards is done well enough that I don't usually complain about it. But the biggest problem I have with the situation in question is that it's been indicated to me in u2u's by HN that the editing was done as a favor to an individual (in the previous thread of the same nature). Moderation should be done without bias to/against an individual. If you're telling me the same rules apply to everyone then it wasn't a favor, but that doesn't appear to be the case.
01-10-2007, 03:39 PM
Things are moderated when they're reported.
Every single reported post is looked at. Especially when the person being insulted declares that the insult is in fact personal and does not want that aspect of their personal life discussed on the forums.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 03:40 PM
01-10-2007, 03:41 PM
Things are moderated when they're reported.
Note: This does not mean they are moderated only when they're reported.
01-10-2007, 03:44 PM
In general I think the moderation on these boards is done well enough that I don't usually complain about it. But the biggest problem I have with the situation in question is that it's been indicated to me in u2u's by HN that the editing was done as a favor to an individual (in the previous thread of the same nature). Moderation should be done without bias to/against an individual. If you're telling me the same rules apply to everyone then it wasn't a favor, but that doesn't appear to be the case.
Harmnone shouldn't do favors or show favoritism, she should do her job WITHOUT PREDJUDICE.. WITHOUT BIAS.
THIS is exactly the issue I have with her. I think she's generally a fair person who does a good job on these boards.. until she decides to play forum god and decide who she likes, who she doesn't like and use that as a measurement of how she will moderate a post.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 03:49 PM
Note: This does not mean they are moderated only when they're reported.
Not according to Kranar's post.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 03:49 PM
Is that you crying about your enlarged clitoris? Let us all give thanks to one of the WORST MODS in PC history contributing.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 03:51 PM
Harmnone shouldn't do favors or show favoritism, she should do her job WITHOUT PREDJUDICE.. WITHOUT BIAS.
THIS is exactly the issue I have with her. I think she's generally a fair person who does a good job on these boards.. until she decides to play forum god and decide who she likes, who she doesn't like and use that as a measurement of how she will moderate a post.
At least one of our more intelligent posters gets the point.
No, that's directed to the two middle-aged men crying about not being treated fair on a forum that's based on a game that I know at least one of them no longer plays.
01-10-2007, 03:53 PM
In general I think the moderation on these boards is done well enough that I don't usually complain about it. But the biggest problem I have with the situation in question is that it's been indicated to me in u2u's by HN that the editing was done as a favor to an individual (in the previous thread of the same nature). Moderation should be done without bias to/against an individual. If you're telling me the same rules apply to everyone then it wasn't a favor, but that doesn't appear to be the case.
For personal insults, it's best to actually tell us directly that the insult was of a personal nature. You can call that us doing you a favour or whatnot, it's just semantics at that point. But yes, if you report a post to us telling us that someone made an attack against you that is personal, we will look at the post and determine if you have a valid complaint.
That's the situation we have here. I have no problem removing any post that discusses or attacks someones personal life. It's not the person I particularly care about, and I'm not doing it for the person. It's that I don't want peoples personal lives to become a topic of discussion in a negative and insulting manner on these forums. It's unfair, it's low and pretty dirty.
Not according to Kranar's post.
You're making a common logical fallacy. I said posts that are reported are moderated, it is a fallacy to then conclude that only posts that are reported are moderated. Many posts get removed and are sitting in the staff folder that were removed without having been reported.
A personal insult is not allowed because I don't want people's private lives to be an issue on these forums, this is a place to converse and in many ways to get away from your personal job or whatever, it's not a place to have personal stuff about you revealed in a negative and insulting manner. It's very low. A personal insult isn't "You're dumb" or whatever... it's an insult that involves a person's family, or details about a person's own life style, or pointing to personal experiences of someones past and using it against them.
Making fun of people, insulting people, thinking someone is dumb or immature or whatever else, that stuff is allowed, although I don't encourage it. But geez... leave that person's personal life off the forums. It's low and it doesn't belong here, and I think many people think that what Sean2 did is an insult of a general nature, when in fact, it was of a personal nature.
You have absolutely no inkling of who you hurt when you say stupid shit.
I guess thats why you had to beg your wife to take you back in. How long did that take anyway? Two, three, five months?
taken from this thread in which a few mods even posted in but didn't feel the need to delete the "Personal" insults
01-10-2007, 03:55 PM
Kranar has spoken to this issue far better than I could, so I won't. I do want to thank, again, the moderator who caught the start of this debacle and deleted it.
Why is this the only thing you've said in this thread?
I've been checking back throughout the day for you to attempt to save face or at least say something meaningful since this is not the first time this type of situation has come up concerning your moderation and post removal decisions.
Kranar is going to bat over something you've continually done. I'd like to hear something from the horses mouth.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 04:01 PM
taken from this thread in which a few mods even posted in but didn't feel the need to delete the "Personal" insults
Marl if it is a personal insult against me it's allowed. That is what bias means.
01-10-2007, 04:11 PM
Marl if it is a personal insult against me it's allowed. That is what bias means.
To be fair, that comment by Backlash was the successor to a number of ridiculously personal attacks towards him in a ridiculous thread started by him.
Given the fact that you were dishing it out far more than you were taking it, I think pots and kettles are an appropriate analogy for that point.
01-10-2007, 04:12 PM
Why is this the only thing you've said in this thread?
Kranar is going to bat over something you've continually done. I'd like to hear something from the horses mouth.
How much money does HN earn as a moderator/admin?
...that's what I thought. So I wouldn't feel too sorry for Kranar having to speak up occasionally. She saves him a hell of a lot of time overall.
And, although I thought at first S2 was being a whiny little girl, it's apparent that there is enough confusion about this issue to justify the thread. Being dismissive of this issue because it's "just" S2 is foolish and beneath you Kranar.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 04:14 PM
To be fair, that comment by Backlash was the successor to a number of ridiculously personal attacks towards him in a ridiculous thread started by him.
Given the fact that you were dishing it out far more than you were taking it, I think pots and kettles are an appropriate analogy for that point.
Says board report whore #1. He started the stupid fucking thread topic.. he has to deal with the wrath that occurs. At no point would I ever make sexual insults about a 4 year old.....obviously backlash has no problem with it.
Never posted anything about you that you havent already posted about yourself on these very boards unlike you who likes to post things you hear or make up about other peoples personal lives.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 04:18 PM
Never posted anything about you that you havent already posted about yourself on these very boards unlike you who likes to post things you hear or make up about other peoples personal lives.
Obviously Blacklash is high already and it's only wednesday. If you can't provide proof by bringing forth a post or quote please stfu. I would seriously rip into you more but by request of a friend I will not in this thread.
01-10-2007, 04:22 PM
Says board report whore #1.
Ummm...what have I reported?
Dont think that just because you get your garbage attempts to insult me pulled, that I reported them.
He started the stupid fucking thread topic..
Which I said.
he has to deal with the wrath that occurs.
Didnt doubt that. I was pointing out that your crying about being insulted and it not being moderated, followed a good few personal jibes you made at him first. Bunch of kids, the lot of you.
At no point would I ever make sexual insults about a 4 year old.....obviously backlash has no problem with it.
Well, using your logic, it is only a personal insult if there is truth to it, right? If it is just a fictional insult, it's ok?
Isnt it amazing how the topic of moderator bias keeps popping up?
Isnt it even more amazing that its always in regards to specific actions by the same moderator(s) that keeps popping up?
Does anyone else see a trend here?
01-10-2007, 04:26 PM
Have a problem with a post that you feel we allowed to remain in error then report it.
This is not a new concept here at the PC.
We are only people and like humans prone to make a mistake now and again.
Do try to remember that moderators use their own judgement when reviewing posts and while clearly some of you feel otherwise, we do try to not let the insults hurled at us with regularity impact upon our decisions.
But also try to remember that the world is not 100% fair and, no matter how hard we try to make it otherwise, inequalities will always exist in some manner or degree.
You folks should just lower your expectations, that way you will not feel persecuted or treated unfairly by our benevolent moderators. Because they are only human you know.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 04:34 PM
Skirm I have respect for you and think that you are by far one of the best mods...however moderating a post shouldn't be based on reporting it. Most of the posts that get "selectively overlooked" are in threads that you and many other mods post in.. happily going about their business.
ROFL @ the crying.. It's more of a public service as the bullshit wheel keeps turning around here. A change is needed imo .. although my opinion has clearly been pointed out as moot.
I'm sorry Sean2, did you say something?
01-10-2007, 04:46 PM
No, that's directed to the two middle-aged men crying about not being treated fair on a forum that's based on a game that I know at least one of them no longer plays.
Wow. Great logic dipshit. Maybe you should go back to never posting, never moderating and then we won't think you are a total waste.
So.. is it really as small as we all have heard?
01-10-2007, 04:47 PM
How many members here have had a violation against them or a post removed and feel it was a result of bias?
I'm just so surprised that members think this is a huge issue.
According to the record, only Sean2 has any violation assessed against him, everyone elses expired. And right now, ignoring spam-bots, we only have about 2 posts a week removed from the forums, and that includes when we remove an entire thread.
Seems weird that the forums are being run in such a selective and biased manner when hardly any posts are removed.
In this case, there is no way I will accept that Sean2's thread was appropriate for the forums. Attempting to justify that is all but moot. I think a lot of people don't know the circumstances and are being led to believe that this was just another typical PC insult when I have concluded that it was a very mean spirited personal attack.
I will, however, listen to concerns from people who have had their posts unfairly removed. I'm surprised because I don't expect that many of you have posts removed to begin with to be concerned about. I feel it's mostly that 3-4 people have had posts removed, but because people like them or have a favourable opinion of them, it gives the impression like a vast number of people on the forums are having posts selectively removed.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 04:49 PM
You're an idiot.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 04:53 PM
Bravo. :clap: You have effectively reaffirmed the bias and idiocy of your forums. Congrats dot head. (that must be allowed if we're going by precedence)
01-10-2007, 04:58 PM
How many members here have had a violation against them or a post removed and feel it was a result of bias?
I'm just so surprised that members think this is a huge issue.
According to the record, only Sean2 has any violation assessed against him, everyone elses expired. And right now, ignoring spam-bots, we only have about 2 posts a week removed from the forums, and that includes when we remove an entire thread.
Seems weird that the forums are being run in such a selective and biased manner when hardly any posts are removed.
In this case, there is no way I will accept that Sean2's thread was appropriate for the forums. Attempting to justify that is all but moot. I think a lot of people don't know the circumstances and are being led to believe that this was just another typical PC insult when I have concluded that it was a very mean spirited personal attack.
I will, however, listen to concerns from people who have had their posts unfairly removed. I'm surprised because I don't expect that many of you have posts removed to begin with to be concerned about. I feel it's mostly that 3-4 people have had posts removed, but because people like them or have a favourable opinion of them, it gives the impression like a vast number of people on the forums are having posts selectively removed.
The issue isn't that a couple of posts have been removed.. it's the selective manner in which they were done. While I realize that forum moderation isn't an exact science.. this issue was brought up about Harmnone already.. and while it seemed to go away for a little while, it's once again reared it's biased ugly face again. We can continue to have these 10-20 page debates every 2 months.. or you could take care of the issue and instruct your admin to do her job correctly and without prejudice/bias/favoritism.
01-10-2007, 04:59 PM
I think I will give this thread a rest. I've said all I can on the initial issue and the violation will stand for now and in the future.
I will like to listen to the opinions by people other than Sean2 who have had posts removed selectively or as a result of a bias that they felt, but I will wait for those opinions to come in bulk and reply in awhile.
I feel further discussion otherwise would just be highly unproductive.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 05:01 PM
Other than Sean2.. because his opinion doesn't matter.
01-10-2007, 05:02 PM
How many pages of opinions do you need before something is actually done?
01-10-2007, 05:03 PM
I did read the original post, and even without being friends with sean2 no rational person could infer "that it was a very mean spirited personal attack." I think this is completely stretching the truth, and insulting to the intelligence of the people who did see the original post.
Was it in bad taste? arguably. It wasn't over the top, it wasn't rude, and in actuallity it wasn't insulting at all.
I've had posts pulled just for discussing the above named person, when there was nothing anywhere near an insult in my posts.
I don't expect perfection from moderators or even fairness really. But to aggressively remove posts that even mention a certain poster because he's a "good guy" causes disruption to the posting community as a whole and only causes said guy to be dragged more into the limelight
I think I will give this thread a rest. I've said all I can on the initial issue and the violation will stand for now and in the future.
I will like to listen to the opinions by people other than Sean2 who have had posts removed selectively or as a result of a bias that they felt, but I will wait for those opinions to come in bulk and reply in awhile.
I feel further discussion otherwise would just be highly unproductive.
Here's a good place to start reading.
Liberi Fatali
01-10-2007, 05:18 PM
Dear Bimmy,
You're dead. Your friends are dead. Your family's dead. Your fucking pets are being skinned alive. Your mom's a fucking whore. You suck at life. The whole world hates you. You're going to hell. Live with it.
Game Over.
All I'm saying is that if things are so terrible here, why not just leave?
01-10-2007, 05:36 PM
I'm so confused, and a little weirded out (see tinfoil hat).
WTF is the big fucking deal with the Wezas issue anyway? Last time someone posted a thread asking where he'd gone, and I said, "yeah me too where'd he go" (or something to that effect), I got a u2u from HN nicely asking me to NOT POST ABOUT WEZAS ANY MORE KTHX.
Fucking retarded.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 05:37 PM
At least you didn't get "moderated" over it. ROFL.. this whole deal is such a joke.
Seriously...what did happen to him.
someone fill me in?
01-10-2007, 05:37 PM
Out of curiosity, if I decided to quit posting here at some point in the future and decided I NEVER WANTED MY NAME MENTIONED AGAIN, could I expect the staff to edit and delete accordingly?
Administrator, Resident Pagan Nun Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: South Carolina, USA
Posts: 14,592
Re: Wezas
While I can't tell you anything about what's going on (I actually know very little), I will ask that you not inquire any further into Wezas' whereabouts. This request is not made on my behalf, but on Wezas' behalf. He'd like all this to stop. He's a good guy and deserves our consideration.
I know your posts were made in good faith, and that you only wanted to know what had happened to him. He's okay, but he'd really like no more discussion concerning him. You're one person I know for sure will understand and respect his wishes.
Pagans are resourceful. We sacrifice our idiots. List of candidates continuously updated.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 05:39 PM
10 seconds until that one gets pwnt by the mod. It's obviously okay for you to inquire but not me.. I didn't get a nice fluffy u2u... I got teh dildo.
01-10-2007, 05:46 PM
Eh, I don't think HN will try to deny anything she's done... she just obviously thinks she's in the right here (along with Kranar, whose must've posted more in the past five hours than in all of 2006).
I just don't agree:)
01-10-2007, 05:51 PM
Wezas = Lord Lucan?
01-10-2007, 05:53 PM
Don't get me wrong, the last thing I want is everyone to be polite and all nice and drinking a cup of tea while posting.
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The Ponzzz
01-10-2007, 05:56 PM
I heard he started a fight club down in Miami. Are the rumors true? Is Wezas building an army?!
To be honest, from what I have gathered from this thread, it sounds like Wezas is getting unwanted negative attention from someone else IRL based on what that someone reads either by him or about him from these forums.
If thats the case, you have my sympathies mano. Its not rightous to get heat over the shit we sling on these boards.
01-10-2007, 06:18 PM
it sounds like Wezas is getting unwanted negative attention from someone else IRL based on what that someone reads either by him or about him from these forums.
I agree that sucks, but if that's the case, he should just tell us that himself. In addition, if he's getting shit from someone over stuff HE has said/done, why is it up to the moderators to cover his tracks for him?
Maybe they're just trying to be nice. Being nice to someone who has gotten himself into a tough spot is one thing, but sending zany u2us (I know I'm not the only one who got one) and going berserk over threads is another.
01-10-2007, 06:18 PM
01-10-2007, 06:20 PM
Are any of you friends of wezas? If so, shouldn't you ask him yourself why he no longer posts here? I'm assuming that he asked Harmnone not to have topics that would question why he's not here because it's a personal matter.
Don't we have the right to refuse to discuss things, especially others starting a thread about it without our consent, if we think it's a personal matter? Isn't that part of tos?
Does anybody care what really happened to him or are any of us willing to let it go because it simply wouldn't make any difference if he's here or not.
I don't know if that made sense or not. I just dont see what the big deal was.
:rofl: @ Methais
You are the Imagery Man.
01-10-2007, 06:22 PM
Where is that guy?????
Last Activity: 01-10-2007 12:38 PM
Oh, he's right here.
<-- Waiting for this thread to get locked...
01-10-2007, 06:26 PM
Where is that guy?????
Last Activity: 01-10-2007 12:38 PM
Oh, he's right here.
01-10-2007, 06:32 PM
So Wezas has become a lurker. Either that, or someone took over his house, tortured him to find out his PC login information, and is using said information to ... look at the PC.
01-10-2007, 06:34 PM
All I'm saying is that if things are so terrible here, why not just leave?
Things are so terrible.. but things could definately improve. I'm here to identify and problem solve.
A simple "thank you" from you will suffice.
01-10-2007, 06:34 PM
So Wezas has become a lurker. Either that, or someone took over his house, tortured him to find out his PC login information, and is using said information to ... look at the PC.
8 points assessed. Keep it up and we'll make it 9.
01-10-2007, 06:44 PM
wow my post was butchered up rather nicely by Kranar. I thought I was quite carefull in my wording. but apparently naming a certain "name" is against the rules now.
01-10-2007, 06:44 PM
01-10-2007, 06:50 PM
Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas
01-10-2007, 08:03 PM
I think Wezas would actually find this amusing.. in a sad kind of way.
Way to make an issue out of Wezas' absence when there really isn't one.
Well done.
01-10-2007, 08:07 PM
What I find ironic is Wezas got in trouble for (won't say it) yet he was always too paranoid to ever even post his picture here.
01-10-2007, 08:20 PM
What I find incredibly retarded is he sees theses posts, and wont say anything to stop the landslide caused by him disappearing.
01-10-2007, 08:31 PM
According to the record, only Sean2 has any violation assessed against him, everyone elses expired.
You may want to actually check your records.
I'll give you a hint
The Ponzzz
01-10-2007, 08:34 PM
Yea I have 25 points... :(
01-10-2007, 08:36 PM
As do I, but Kranar says I don't so that must mean my points have been taken away!
Thanks Kranar!
01-10-2007, 08:51 PM
They dissipate over time.
01-10-2007, 09:03 PM
Ones violation count does decrease over time.
It's pretty hard to get banned on these forums, and certainly something you did months ago will not be held against you forever. The go away at a fairly reasonable rate, but all these details are layed out formally in the Announcement's forum.
01-10-2007, 09:15 PM
Picture Post - Post it up 11-28-2006 03:09 AM 04-02-2007 04:09 AM 25 Obscene Picture HarmNone
mine disapper fast then
01-10-2007, 10:40 PM
Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas Wezas
01-10-2007, 10:55 PM
Hi all.
Nice to know you care.
My work (as of late Nov) has been watching every internet click and has blocked the use of all AIM programs.
In addition, something personal has come up in my life involving this board. I've said some mean things on this board about people I love, alot of which was exaggerated for the sake of entertainment. I won't get into details, but I will be refraining from posting in the future.
I'm taking some time to just unplug from the internet (that means you too, WoW) and spend more time in the real world.
As for this thread, I didn't mean for things to get so out of hand, I was just trying to sort things out in my life.
Take care all.
Sean of the Thread
01-10-2007, 11:33 PM
Hi all.
Nice to know you care.
My work (as of late Nov) has been watching every internet click and has blocked the use of all AIM programs.
In addition, something personal has come up in my life involving this board. I've said some mean things on this board about people I love, alot of which was exaggerated for the sake of entertainment. I won't get into details, but I will be refraining from posting in the future.
I'm taking some time to just unplug from the internet (that means you too, WoW) and spend more time in the real world.
As for this thread, I didn't mean for things to get so out of hand, I was just trying to sort things out in my life.
Take care all.
Thanks for hanging me out to dry pal.
01-11-2007, 12:16 AM
Why is this the only thing you've said in this thread?
I've been checking back throughout the day for you to attempt to save face or at least say something meaningful since this is not the first time this type of situation has come up concerning your moderation and post removal decisions.
Kranar is going to bat over something you've continually done. I'd like to hear something from the horses mouth.
The reason you hadn't heard from me was because I haven't been here.
That said, you're not going to hear any more from me about this issue. I don't see any reason to "attempt to save face", so I won't be doing so. If Kranar is dissatisfied with my administrating techniques, I'm sure he'll let me know. That would include any dissatisfaction with removal or editing of posts. We do discuss these things.
01-11-2007, 07:37 AM
We need an "I blame Wezas" smiley for these forums
01-11-2007, 08:14 AM
The reason you hadn't heard from me was because I haven't been here.
That said, you're not going to hear any more from me about this issue. I don't see any reason to "attempt to save face", so I won't be doing so. If Kranar is dissatisfied with my administrating techniques, I'm sure he'll let me know. That would include any dissatisfaction with removal or editing of posts. We do discuss these things.
Let's hope the current 141 posts here, the other 2 topics with 91 and 97 posts each will give Kranar enough opinions to base some sort of corrective action upon.
I won't hold my breath.
01-11-2007, 08:15 AM
Hi all.
Nice to know you care.
My work (as of late Nov) has been watching every internet click and has blocked the use of all AIM programs.
In addition, something personal has come up in my life involving this board. I've said some mean things on this board about people I love, alot of which was exaggerated for the sake of entertainment. I won't get into details, but I will be refraining from posting in the future.
I'm taking some time to just unplug from the internet (that means you too, WoW) and spend more time in the real world.
As for this thread, I didn't mean for things to get so out of hand, I was just trying to sort things out in my life.
Take care all.
Take care man. When you DO get back to WoW, we need to start twinking up your level 37 on Dunemaul and you can join Team Falgrin in BG rolling.
Also, I accept your apology for all the mean things you've said about me, my van, my mandles, my conservatism, etc...
If you need to talk, you know where to find me.
Hi all.
Nice to know you care.
My work (as of late Nov) has been watching every internet click and has blocked the use of all AIM programs.
In addition, something personal has come up in my life involving this board. I've said some mean things on this board about people I love, alot of which was exaggerated for the sake of entertainment. I won't get into details, but I will be refraining from posting in the future.
I'm taking some time to just unplug from the internet (that means you too, WoW) and spend more time in the real world.
As for this thread, I didn't mean for things to get so out of hand, I was just trying to sort things out in my life.
Take care all.
Glad to hear you're ok and not held hostage somewhere. Of course folks on this board care! Even though we might be 'imaginary' (as my wife likes to call my internet friends) you are still considered a friend to many who post here. Be safe and God speed.
01-11-2007, 10:19 AM
Dear Dougl.
I never liked you, and find you being vagina wipped extremely funny.
Sincerely, Me.
01-11-2007, 10:26 AM
01-11-2007, 05:45 PM
I've remained quiet on this so far. Just a lurker mainly now. I don't feel the need to post my 2 cents as much as I used to. Getting too old for drama I guess. LOL.
Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm glad to know Wezas is doing okay and kudos to you for taking a break and stuff. Things happen and sometimes need to step back and re-evaluate things and it's good you, and others are mature and responsible enough to do that. Good luck in all your endeavors, Wezas and poke your head in here once in a while if you can, and say hi. ::hugs::
The charm of the PC is the freedom to express ones opinions, and the diversity adds great entertainment value when one is bored at the moment. However, obviously things get out of hand from time to time and sometimes mom and dad need to step in and settle the kids down, issue warnings and time outs. heh
What I am getting at is I totally understand Kranar and HarmNone sticking to their guns on respecting the privacy of Wezas and whatever his situation may be. I know if any one of us had made the same request they would do the same for us. I don't see it as a favoritisim issue, at all. I've gained a whole new level of respect for them taking all the hate and still being loyal to someones request.
We ask what happened to so and so because some of us genuinely care, eventhough we don't really know them personally. On that note, IF we do genually care and a Mod pulls the post then we should respect that also, because that obviously means something serious is going on that really shouldnt be aired out in the public forum. Pulling of posts shouldn't be taken so personally. Not sure why that's a hard concept for some, but hey I think or I at least HOPE some of us get it.
Just my thoughts.
Bottom line:
Be careful what you post/write/say, because you never know when your words (past or present) will impact your 'other' world, regardless of what your internet world may be like.
(hell hath no fury like a wife/husband/spouse/parent/loved one scorned)
01-11-2007, 09:44 PM
fuck if i know, isn't this a message board?? i mean are you guys seriously getting that stressed out about what gets removed and what doesn't?? i mean does it really matter if anybody gets to read some lame jab at someone or not?? i mean who really cares? and those who do, why?
01-11-2007, 10:07 PM
Are you new here? or just fucking stupid?
Sean of the Thread
01-11-2007, 10:13 PM
Both? Anyways good to see you back out and about after Monday Skeet. Hope you're feeling better.
01-11-2007, 10:54 PM
and you can kiss my whole ass hole you <anti-semitic slur> fuck
it's a masked insult towards Xye, so it should be fine
01-12-2007, 01:08 AM
FUcking sonofabitch, guys, give it a rest. This fucking shit hurts my head.
Edit: 16 pages to find what? You guys dislike your posts being deleted. Here's a fucking hint: Don't be a raging douche bag.
Bottom line:
Be careful what you post/write/say, because you never know when your words (past or present) will impact your 'other' world, regardless of what your internet world may be like.
(hell hath no fury like a wife/husband/spouse/parent/loved one scorned)
QFT because he pulled shit on private shit I sent him once. He should know.
FUcking sonofabitch, guys, give it a rest. This fucking shit hurts my head.
Then dont bump the thread??? Duh.
01-12-2007, 03:00 PM
I've remained quiet on this so far. Just a lurker mainly now. I don't feel the need to post my 2 cents as much as I used to. Getting too old for drama I guess. LOL.
Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm glad to know Wezas is doing okay and kudos to you for taking a break and stuff. Things happen and sometimes need to step back and re-evaluate things and it's good you, and others are mature and responsible enough to do that. Good luck in all your endeavors, Wezas and poke your head in here once in a while if you can, and say hi. ::hugs::
The charm of the PC is the freedom to express ones opinions, and the diversity adds great entertainment value when one is bored at the moment. However, obviously things get out of hand from time to time and sometimes mom and dad need to step in and settle the kids down, issue warnings and time outs. heh
What I am getting at is I totally understand Kranar and HarmNone sticking to their guns on respecting the privacy of Wezas and whatever his situation may be. I know if any one of us had made the same request they would do the same for us. I don't see it as a favoritisim issue, at all. I've gained a whole new level of respect for them taking all the hate and still being loyal to someones request.
We ask what happened to so and so because some of us genuinely care, eventhough we don't really know them personally. On that note, IF we do genually care and a Mod pulls the post then we should respect that also, because that obviously means something serious is going on that really shouldnt be aired out in the public forum. Pulling of posts shouldn't be taken so personally. Not sure why that's a hard concept for some, but hey I think or I at least HOPE some of us get it.
Just my thoughts.
The results are in!
People who care: 0
Sean of the Thread
01-12-2007, 03:09 PM
FUcking sonofabitch, guys, give it a rest. This fucking shit hurts my head.
Edit: 16 pages to find what? You guys dislike your posts being deleted. Here's a fucking hint: Don't be a raging douche bag.
Nobody ever accused you of being able to comprehend.
01-12-2007, 04:41 PM
Well, well, SOO..
I don't care that you don't care SO Nyah nyah
And I didn't care that you didnt care and my daddy can beat up your daddy!
Neener neener x infinity!
I win!
Mommyyyyy Methias pulled my pigtails!
01-12-2007, 10:29 PM
Well I don't care that you don't care that I don't care so nyah nyah and poopies to you!
01-13-2007, 04:55 AM
Mommyyyyy Methias pulled my pigtails!
He likes to refer to them as handlebars.
01-13-2007, 07:50 AM
Just to bump >.<
Its a message board, who really gives a fuck if your post gets pulled
(woah, who ever thought i would say that after my "issues" in the past)
Sean of the Thread
01-14-2007, 01:12 AM
Just to bump >.<
Its a message board, who really gives a fuck if your post gets pulled
(woah, who ever thought i would say that after my "issues" in the past)
No one ever accused you of being smart.
01-14-2007, 03:33 AM
In all sincerity, you're doing a heckuva job, Kranar.
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