View Full Version : Moderator Poll
03-17-2017, 02:33 AM
Based on the nomination process earlier I contacted several people to volunteer to help moderate these forums. All of them have since responded and among them four have accepted to be included in this poll.
This poll is strictly for guidance but it is my hope that a decisive selection will be made. I am allowing multiple selections to be made but it is my preference that each member select no more than two.
03-17-2017, 02:43 AM
This should really be a public poll.
03-17-2017, 02:50 AM
Say who you voted for then, if you want to.
I voted for Whirlin and Tgo01.
03-17-2017, 02:58 AM
This should really be a public poll.
I would think that Kranar has access to the votes, and would be vigilant against any voter fraud or Russian influence. As long as it's not anonymous to him, I have no issue with the poll being private to us plebs.
03-17-2017, 02:58 AM
Say who you voted for then, if you want to.
I voted for Whirlin and Tgo01.
Have nothing against the other two except that I don't know them as well.
03-17-2017, 03:00 AM
Plus I've seen Tg01 naked.
03-17-2017, 03:21 AM
Plus I've seen Tg01 naked.
The sex scandals have already begun!
03-17-2017, 03:23 AM
Ardwen and Whirlin.
03-17-2017, 03:25 AM
Ardwen and Whirlin.
You've just been added to the list!
03-17-2017, 03:34 AM
You've just been added to the list!
That's probably the most excitement Candor's had all year.
03-17-2017, 03:37 AM
Vote Tgo01! The future of Dreavenings depend on it!
03-17-2017, 03:38 AM
Shit just got real.
03-17-2017, 04:03 AM
03-17-2017, 04:05 AM
Vote Tgo01! The future of Dreavenings depend on it!
Aww, I voted for you in SPITE of the dreavenings.
03-17-2017, 06:00 AM
+1 for Whirlin
I didn't know it was a multi-vote so include a +1 for Ardwen.
+1 for Tgo if he agrees to stop posting in /Politics.
03-17-2017, 08:05 AM
Are you saying MacGyver is a lying shit and wasn't nominated? Also, why no none option? Bad poll is bad.
03-17-2017, 08:13 AM
Ardwen and Whirlin.
03-17-2017, 08:30 AM
You've just been added to the list!
No I don't want to see you naked.
03-17-2017, 08:31 AM
Vote Tgo01! The future of Dreavenings depend on it!
Way to pull a Bobby Newport.
03-17-2017, 08:36 AM
Vote Tgo01! The future of Dreavenings depend on it!
Tell them you're a Muslim.
03-17-2017, 09:44 AM
Way to pull a Bobby Newport.
Hahahaha. I knew I voted for you for a reason.
03-17-2017, 09:46 AM
This poll is bullshit. I was nominated but am not on the ballot. No tacos option and a whole 4 people to choose from, one of which shouldn't even be on there (ardwen).
03-17-2017, 09:51 AM
This poll is bullshit. I was nominated but am not on the ballot. No tacos option and a whole 4 people to choose from, one of which shouldn't even be on there (ardwen).
Kranar probably realized your nomination was a joke.
Ardwen is a solid choice. He's old and impartial and highly respected.
03-17-2017, 09:54 AM
Kranar probably realized your nomination was a joke.
Ardwen is a solid choice. He's old and impartial and highly respected.
You're back already? Return to your self imposed hiatus for being moderately to severely retarded. Your backing him should be reason enough to disqualify.
03-17-2017, 09:59 AM
03-17-2017, 10:05 AM
You're back already? Return to your self imposed hiatus for being moderately to severely retarded. Your backing him should be reason enough to disqualify.
Bitter, party of 1.
You can still be the moderator of sharts.
03-17-2017, 10:06 AM
I'm a retard
03-17-2017, 10:13 AM
I'd have voted for you! Better than these 4 people listed.
03-17-2017, 10:17 AM
Everyone who wants to vote for me, vote for whirlin. We'll just count whirlins votes as votes for me. WOOHOO! I'm winning.
03-17-2017, 10:56 AM
+1 for Tgo if he agrees to stop posting in /Politics.
Because he has political opinions is a ridiculous reason for not voting for Tg01. A seriously stupid reason. I voted for Whirlin even though he posts actively (as a fucking liberal I might add) in the politics folder.
This vote should have nothing to do with a person's politics. Jesus.
Also, I really don't know why Ardwen was included. I mean sure, he's a long time respected merchant but so are a lot of people. But what would he bring the PC as a mod?
03-17-2017, 11:00 AM
Because he has political opinions is a ridiculous reason for not voting for Tg01. A seriously stupid reason. I voted for Whirlin even though he posts actively (as a fucking liberal I might add) in the politics folder.
This vote should have nothing to do with a person's politics. Jesus.
Also, I really don't know why Ardwen was included. I mean sure, he's a long time respected merchant but so are a lot of people. But what would he bring the PC as a mod?
It has nothing to do with his political opinions, it's how he act sometimes. I don't want a troll mod.
03-17-2017, 11:01 AM
It has nothing to do with his political opinions, it's how he act sometimes. I don't want a troll mod.
Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass when you read his posts. Just a suggestion.
03-17-2017, 11:03 AM
Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass when you read his posts. Just a suggestion.
Your feedback has been duly noted. Have a nice day.
03-17-2017, 11:04 AM
Also, I really don't know why Ardwen was included. I mean sure, he's a long time respected merchant but so are a lot of people. But what would he bring the PC as a mod?
He's stable, a longtime member, and a trusted merchant. I don't think I've ever seen him fly off the handle. Really the only thing he has to do is keep on doing what he's doing, and maybe deal with a spammer or two. PC modding is pretty hands-off.
03-17-2017, 11:04 AM
Your feedback has been duly noted. Have a nice day.
I love that this is a thing now. It makes me laugh every time I read it.
03-17-2017, 11:07 AM
Because he has political opinions is a ridiculous reason for not voting for Tg01. A seriously stupid reason. I voted for Whirlin even though he posts actively (as a fucking liberal I might add) in the politics folder.
This vote should have nothing to do with a person's politics. Jesus.
Also, I really don't know why Ardwen was included. I mean sure, he's a long time respected merchant but so are a lot of people. But what would he bring the PC as a mod?
Ardwen is a great guy.. just politically naive.
What do you want to be brought to the PC as a mod? Personally, I want nothing brought except when spambots come, someone to destroy them.
We don't need a heavy handed moderator or someone to lead us in discussions or tell us we're off topic or someone to remind us that we can't say "Gay" but if we use "Beef Wellington" but not in a gay way, it's ok.
Ardwen would be perfect for the job.
03-17-2017, 11:09 AM
He's stable, a longtime member, and a trusted merchant. I don't think I've ever seen him fly off the handle. Really the only thing he has to do is keep on doing what he's doing, and maybe deal with a spammer or two. PC modding is pretty hands-off.
03-17-2017, 11:09 AM
He's stable, a longtime member, and a trusted merchant. I don't think I've ever seen him fly off the handle. Really the only thing he has to do is keep on doing what he's doing, and maybe deal with a spammer or two. PC modding is pretty hands-off.
I honestly don't have any opinion about him. Which is weird considering he's been a member a long time. Does he only post in the merchant folder?
Anyway I just hope he remains as much in the background as a mod as he has as a poster here. I would be perfectly content not noticing him in the future as I have not noticed him in the past.
03-17-2017, 11:11 AM
Look at Tisket bust out the "New phone, who dis?"
03-17-2017, 11:12 AM
Look at Tisket bust out the "New phone, who dis?"
I don't even know what this means.
03-17-2017, 11:13 AM
I honestly don't have any opinion about him. Which is weird considering he's been a member a long time. Does he only post in the merchant folder?
Anyway I just hope he remains as much in the background as a mod as he has as a poster here. I would be perfectly content not noticing him in the future as I have not noticed him in the past.
Primarily yes. You might see him in some of the other game-related folders but almost never in the social forum. Overall, he's a good guy and I think with the initial reasoning for a new mod (dealing with the ridiculousness of the merchant folder), he's one of the better candidates. I like all of the candidates, I just feel that Ardwen's history and knowledge will better benefit that particular folder better than the others.
I honestly don't have any opinion about him. Which is weird considering he's been a member a long time. Does he only post in the merchant folder?
Anyway I just hope he remains as much in the background as a mod as he has as a poster here. I would be perfectly content not noticing him in the future as I have not noticed him in the past.
I'm waiting for the claims that Kranar tapped your phone, and when things get real desperate you'll start posting that Ardwen has ties to Russia that are netting him secret PC hacker votes. C'mon Tisket, do us proud.
03-17-2017, 11:15 AM
I'm waiting for the claims that Kranar tapped your phone, and when things get real desperate you'll start posting that Ardwen has ties to Russia that are netting him secret PC hacker votes. C'mon Tisket, do us proud.
Ardwen hacked Kranar's microwave
03-17-2017, 11:15 AM
I'm waiting for the claims that Kranar tapped your phone, and when things get real desperate you'll start posting that Ardwen has ties to Russia that are netting him secret PC hacker votes. C'mon Tisket, do us proud.
03-17-2017, 11:16 AM
Ardwen hacked Kranar's microwave
Wire-tapped his designer throw pillows?
03-17-2017, 11:16 AM
Wire-tapped his designer throw pillows?
Yo, that's a legit thing, okay?
03-17-2017, 11:18 AM
He posts sometimes in the political folder. Trump clearly has him triggered.
03-17-2017, 11:23 AM
I don't even know what this means.
You're the Worst...
03-17-2017, 11:24 AM
Mods have every right to troll, be an asshole, and tell people to fuck off as long as they don't use their mod powers to do it. Be a crazy person in the politics folder, or any folder! just don't be deleting posts or using your mod powers to cause harm to your detractors.
A good mod will be a mod less than 1% of the time.
03-17-2017, 11:25 AM
He posts sometimes in the political folder. Trump clearly has him triggered.
Yeah, he pops in and whines and then pops back out.
03-17-2017, 11:25 AM
Also, in case anyone wants to see the PM Kranar sent to the nominees:
Hello, in response to a thread I posted last week, you have been nominated by multiple members of these forums to help moderate them going forward. The goal is to pick two moderators who will have the authority to delete and edit posts as well as view certain (but limited) privileged information regarding users for the purpose of controlling spam, harassing content and trolling. To fulfill this role there is an expectation that you visit the site at least 3 days of the week, respond to personal messages sent to you and review threads across various forums to ensure that no member is being abusive to the community as a whole.
If you are interested in helping me out with this community please let me know by replying to this message no later than end of day Friday at which point I will submit all of your names into a poll which will assist me in making a final selection.
I thank all of you for being active and highly regarded members of this community and look forward to working with whoever is selected to keep this place a fun and engaging community.
03-17-2017, 11:26 AM
I declined because my inbox is already fucked up beyond belief. I need a secretary.
03-17-2017, 11:27 AM
You're the Worst...
Man, I need to watch the last season still.
03-17-2017, 11:30 AM
I declined because my inbox is already fucked up beyond belief.
Don't give up hope.
03-17-2017, 11:59 AM
Don't give up hope.
You do know that there's no way in hell I'm clicking that link, right?
03-17-2017, 12:00 PM
I declined because my inbox is already fucked up beyond belief. I need a secretary.
Sorry for sending you all of the dickpics..
No I'm not.
Everyone who wants to vote for me, vote for whirlin. We'll just count whirlins votes as votes for me. WOOHOO! I'm winning.
No... No you're not.
A vote for me is a vote for me. You have absolutely nothing to do with me.
You win nothing. Good day sir.
03-17-2017, 12:07 PM
You do know that there's no way in hell I'm clicking that link, right?
03-17-2017, 12:07 PM
Sorry for sending you all of the dickpics..
No I'm not.
No... No you're not.
A vote for me is a vote for me. You have absolutely nothing to do with me.
You win nothing. Good day sir.
You heard it here folks, Whirlin is turning his account over to Wrathbringer.
03-17-2017, 12:12 PM
You heard it here folks, Whirlin is turning his account over to Wrathbringer.
It's for the best.
03-17-2017, 12:13 PM
You heard it here folks, Whirlin is turning his account over to Wrathbringer.
That'd be the ultimate way to shart on the community if I decided to ragequit.
03-17-2017, 12:14 PM
That'd be the ultimate way to shart on the community if I decided to ragequit.
I think it would be fine if everyone knew it was done. I honestly think he'd be a good mod because he wouldn't be actively middling shit. Probably change spam posts into share themes though.
03-17-2017, 12:17 PM
Sorry for sending you all of the dickpics..
Why do you think I voted for you.
03-17-2017, 12:19 PM
I think it would be fine if everyone knew it was done. I honestly think he'd be a good mod because he wouldn't be actively middling shit. Probably change spam posts into share themes though.
Fair... but, in this hypothetical turn of events, I'd be more likely to do a poll like Mod Appointment v2 rather than just appointing an Alastir without notifying the community. Albeit a fair bit of fun drama.
03-17-2017, 12:26 PM
Fair... but, in this hypothetical turn of events, I'd be more likely to do a poll like Mod Appointment v2 rather than just appointing an Alastir without notifying the community. Albeit a fair bit of fun drama.
I'm not an alastir.
03-17-2017, 12:27 PM
Why do you think I voted for you.
03-17-2017, 01:18 PM
Last place? Do my threats mean nothing to you people?
03-17-2017, 01:19 PM
Last place? Do my threats mean nothing to you people?
Fuck your spells.
03-17-2017, 01:40 PM
Trying to pick, it's hard. Ardwen would be the most stable due to the enormous amount of money he has in the game from in-game shit. Whirlin threatened reprisals against, not sure if he'll be impartial. Tgo01, has political ambitions. Zaigh is someone I don't know. Hmmmmmmmmmmm...
03-17-2017, 02:07 PM
I never got an email from Kranar, so I wrote in HarmNone.
03-17-2017, 02:21 PM
So the two in the lead are both Democrats. Coincidence? I think not! Clearly the Russians hacked our elections. To ensure the integrity of our election process we must do the right thing and ignore the clearly hacked votes and elect the Republican as the winner.
03-17-2017, 02:25 PM
If Russians hacked the election then Democrats wouldn't be winning.
You lose, sir, good day.
03-17-2017, 03:36 PM
I honestly don't have any opinion about him. Which is weird considering he's been a member a long time. Does he only post in the merchant folder?
Anyway I just hope he remains as much in the background as a mod as he has as a poster here. I would be perfectly content not noticing him in the future as I have not noticed him in the past.
He posts here and there, you're awfully oblivious sometimes.
03-17-2017, 03:41 PM
I vote for Tisket.
03-17-2017, 03:47 PM
He posts here and there, you're awfully oblivious sometimes.
I guess that's true. After all, I have no idea who you are either. Maybe you should be more memorable. Just a suggestion.
03-17-2017, 03:47 PM
I vote for Tisket.
I tried to get you included in the poll too!
03-17-2017, 03:53 PM
I guess that's true. After all, I have no idea who you are either. Maybe you should be more memorable. Just a suggestion.
WTF, you don't remember someone that has posted 583 times in 14 years?
03-17-2017, 03:54 PM
WTF, you don't remember someone that has posted 583 times in 14 years?
03-17-2017, 03:55 PM
I would have sworn he was a brand new poster. Jesus, talk about unmemorable.
03-17-2017, 03:56 PM
I guess that's true. After all, I have no idea who you are either. Maybe you should be more memorable. Just a suggestion.
Hmm, hostile too. :)
03-17-2017, 03:59 PM
Hmm, hostile too. :)
You insult me and expect courtesy in reply? Bitch, please.
Unmemorable AND stupid, check.
03-17-2017, 04:13 PM
You insult me and expect courtesy in reply? Bitch, please.
Unmemorable AND stupid, check.
People actually wanted you to be a mod.. :lol:
03-17-2017, 04:16 PM
People actually wanted you to be a mod.. :lol:
No one wanted you though, hows that make you feel? Hell, I even had a mention in another thread.
03-17-2017, 04:17 PM
People actually wanted you to be a mod.. :lol:
Nobody was more surprised than me.
Say who you voted for then, if you want to.
I voted for Whirlin and Tgo01.
Same. Not that I don't think any of the candidates would do poorly. They all look excellent.
03-17-2017, 04:25 PM
No one wanted you though, hows that make you feel? Hell, I even had a mention in another thread.
03-17-2017, 04:50 PM
I am not a democrat, nor a republican, I am happily independent, with a lean towards the point at you when you candidate turns into an utter lunatic.
Geijon Khyree
03-17-2017, 05:07 PM
This poll is bullshit. I was nominated but am not on the ballot. No tacos option and a whole 4 people to choose from, one of which shouldn't even be on there (ardwen).
You finish last if you are on this.
03-17-2017, 05:09 PM
I am not a democrat, nor a republican, I am happily independent, with a lean towards the point at you when you candidate turns into an utter lunatic.
Keep telling yourself that.
03-17-2017, 05:10 PM
I am not a democrat, nor a republican, I am happily independent, with a lean towards the point at you when you candidate turns into an utter lunatic.
Jokes on you, he's always been like that!
03-17-2017, 05:12 PM
Yeah, because why should we feed the elderly or kids, they clearly aren't making america great enough for the orange anus.
03-17-2017, 05:26 PM
I am not a democrat, nor a republican, I am happily independent, with a lean towards the point at you when you candidate turns into an utter lunatic.
Is this the kind of person you want as moderator?! Someone who can't commit themselves to choosing a party? How is he going to effectively moderate if he can't commit to anything?
You need a strong moderator. A moderator who isn't afraid to announce "I believe in God!" and "I am a proud American!" Someone who isn't afraid to commit!
So when you click that mouse button for your choice for moderator just remember this: Tgo01; he commits.
03-17-2017, 05:31 PM
shits getting heated... still think Whirlin will win because I don't want him to win. Whirlin, he sucks.
03-17-2017, 05:38 PM
Speaking of Whirlin; how much do we really know about the guy? He initially rose to fame because of his wondrous bow he was trying to sell but did anyone actually buy this mythical bow? I don't recall anyone saying they did, or remarking about how awesome it was. And if he did sell it then how come Whirlin won't release his tax returns showing the profit he made on said bow? This entire thing seems like a publicity stunt and YOU the PC community were made to look the fools.
Whirlin's other claim to fame are his supposed class guides, but a quick Google search shows that he plagiarized all words with more than two syllables. Why? Read his class guides and ignore all words with more than two syllables and you'll see they actually contain messages about how you should worship Satan.
Whirlin: Moderator...or heretic?
That's why you should cast your vote for Tgo01. With Tgo01 you know exactly what you're getting, a brash, no nonsense man who gets shit done.
03-17-2017, 05:45 PM
Vote for Zaigh and I might post nsfw pics.
03-17-2017, 05:47 PM
Vote for no one and America wins.
03-17-2017, 05:47 PM
Vote for Zaigh and I might post nsfw pics.
This is the most compelling arguement yet.
03-17-2017, 05:48 PM
Ax wants NSFW pics of Zaigh from ya!
03-17-2017, 05:49 PM
Ax wants NSFW pics of Zaigh from ya!
03-17-2017, 05:50 PM
Ax wants NSFW pics of Zaigh from ya!
I feel like this thread is about to veer off into a very dark place.
03-17-2017, 05:51 PM
Vote for Zaigh and I might post nsfw pics.
What she isn't telling you is that NSFW stands for "Never Seeing Female WonderfulBits."
Do you want a moderator who promises you sex but doesn't deliver?
Not in my America! You want a moderator who will promise you dick pics and WILL deliver dick pics!
Tgo01: Do it for the dick!
03-17-2017, 05:51 PM
I might switch my vote if Zaigh posts a dick pic.
03-17-2017, 05:53 PM
03-17-2017, 06:01 PM
Another thing of note; if you click "View Poll Results" you'll see the color everyone is assigned to.
Zaigh has the color red, is he a Communist?
Ardwen has the color purple, a color associated with wealth and royalty. Does Ardwen think his in game wealth makes him royalty and thus he is better than you?
Whirlin has the color yellow, a typical color associated with cowards.
But Tgo01 has pink. Pink, once a color associated with boys because it was considered a strong color, it is now most often associated with girls and women's rights. Tgo01: defender of both men AND women!
03-17-2017, 06:04 PM
Another thing of note; if you click "View Poll Results" you'll see the color everyone is assigned to.
Zaigh has the color red, is he a Communist?
Ardwen has the color purple, a color associated with wealth and royalty. Does Ardwen think his in game wealth makes him royalty and thus he is better than you?
Whirlin has the color yellow, a typical color associated with cowards.
But Tgo01 has pink. Pink, once a color associated with boys because it was considered a strong color, it is now most often associated with girls and women's rights. Tgo01: defender of both men AND women!
You forgot that pink is most associated with sensitivity, tenderness, and feminism.
03-17-2017, 06:06 PM
You forgot that pink is most associated with sensitivity, tenderness, and feminism.
If you're saying being sensitive and tender and feminist is wrong then I don't wanna be right!
Tgo01: He cares about feminists!
03-17-2017, 06:07 PM
I might switch my vote if Zaigh posts a dick pic.
03-17-2017, 06:13 PM
But Tgo01 has pink.
03-17-2017, 06:41 PM
Ballots should have "Other". Disappointed ltlprprincess was not on this!! >:( :D
03-17-2017, 06:42 PM
Well she kind of is.
03-17-2017, 06:49 PM
Well she kind of is.
Sorry, no proxy here. This is all Zaigh. I do not envy him.
03-17-2017, 06:50 PM
Oh, Tgo moved into 3rd place. He is only taking two though, and combined, 3rd and 4th are still behind 2nd by a large margin.
03-17-2017, 06:55 PM
Vote for Zaigh and I might post nsfw pics.
Let it be known that she did not specify the following:
1. If said NSFW pics would be nudes. They could be gore pics for all we know. Or lemonparty.
2. If said NSFW pics would be of her or not.
3. She said she "might".
4. Refer to 1.
I think she just blew Zaigh's chances.
03-17-2017, 06:57 PM
and combined, 3rd and 4th are still behind 2nd by a large margin.
Polls are often wrong and misleading. Trust me, people want, they want something diff, they keep coming up to me and saying "Tgo01, we want something different."
Ardwen has yet to release his taxes and Whirlin hasn't denied having 4 children with 4 different baby mommas.
We need a moderator with strength and integrity. We need a moderator who gives out spells for free for the masses and asks only for your mana in return.
We need a moderator who has conviction and a love for the lands of both the US of A and Elanthia.
People, that person is Tgo01. So at the polls remember; I t'go with Tgo!
03-17-2017, 06:59 PM
Polls are often wrong and misleading. Trust me, people want, they want something diff, they keep coming up to me and saying "Tgo01, we want something different."
Ardwen has yet to release his taxes and Whirlin hasn't denied having 4 children with 4 different baby mommas.
We need a moderator with strength and integrity. We need a moderator who gives out spells for free for the masses and asks only for your mana in return.
We need a moderator who has conviction and a love for the lands of both the US of A and Elanthia.
People, that person is Tgo01. So at the polls remember; I t'go with Tgo!
Your slogan is bad and you should feel bad. I'm immediately launching an investigation into your campaign finances. Consider your assets froze.
03-17-2017, 07:00 PM
Let it be known that she did not specify the following:
1. If said NSFW pics would be nudes. They could be gore pics for all we know. Or lemonparty.
2. If said NSFW pics would be of her or not.
3. She said she "might".
4. Refer to 1.
I think she just blew Zaigh's chances.
Wondering how quickly someone would catch on...
03-17-2017, 07:02 PM
Your slogan is bad and you should feel bad. I'm immediately launching an investigation into your campaign finances. Consider your assets froze.
You see how they attack me? It's because they're afraid of someone who goes against the status quo, someone who will stand up for the little guy, the guy losing his job to Mexico!
I promise I will build a wall around the PC to keep spammers and hackers out! My opponents want MORE spammers because they get a kick back, this isn't what I'm saying, this is what I read in the news, they get a kick back from these spammers. But I, me, I'm self finan, I don't need their money! I have my own money to run this campaign.
TGO, he's The Great One for me!
03-17-2017, 07:09 PM
Taxes? Wait! I am supposed to be paying taxes? I thought i was supposed to be taking from the poor and giving to the rich.... err well to me really.
03-17-2017, 07:13 PM
You see how they attack me? It's because they're afraid of someone who goes against the status quo, someone who will stand up for the little guy, the guy losing his job to Mexico!
I promise I will build a wall around the PC to keep spammers and hackers out! My opponents want MORE spammers because they get a kick back, this isn't what I'm saying, this is what I read in the news, they get a kick back from these spammers. But I, me, I'm self finan, I don't need their money! I have my own money to run this campaign.
TGO, he's The Great One for me!
See all this Government overreach? Tgo tramples on the PC Constitution. And really, do you want to elect a dog to be a mod? Vote Noone 2017.
03-17-2017, 07:15 PM
I could see all of them becoming moderators with each their own sphere of influence. Whirlin, our resident numbers and guides guru, could oversee the mechanics and class folders. Ardwen would obviously be in charge of the merchants folder. Zaigh, our long time player and possibly most behaved, could be our news and general folder mod and as go between with kranar. Tgo could be in charge of the politics and other.
03-17-2017, 07:21 PM
Taxes? Wait! I am supposed to be paying taxes? I thought i was supposed to be taking from the poor and giving to .... me
A man who admits he hasn't paid taxes in over 2 decades! Is this the man you want to be YOUR mod?!
See all this Government overreach? Tgo tramples on the PC Constitution. And really, do you want to elect a dog to be a mod? Vote Noone 2017.
Look how the dishonest media tries to portray dogs as bad people. Dogs aren't bad people, I have people coming up to me all the time saying Tgo, dogs are good people. We have the best dogs. Dogs have been getting a bad rap for far too long under our current leadership. With me as your moderator I will make our dog parks the envy of the entire world!
03-17-2017, 07:22 PM
Look how the dishonest media tries to portray dogs as bad people. Dogs aren't bad people, I have people coming up to me all the time saying Tgo, dogs are good people. We have the best dogs. Dogs have been getting a bad rap for far too long under our current leadership. With me as your moderator I will make our dog parks the envy of the entire world!
It isn't even legal for dogs to hold office. Tgo never even got a "good boy" certificate. Fact is, he is a bad dog.
Geijon Khyree
03-17-2017, 07:25 PM
If sucking old white guys dicks if your thing, carry on PB. It does appear to be so.
03-17-2017, 07:30 PM
If sucking old white guys dicks if your thing, carry on PB. It does appear to be so.
osnap, Geijon has no response so he takes it down to the grade school level!
03-17-2017, 07:31 PM
If sucking old white guys dicks if your thing, carry on PB. It does appear to be so.
Not even a trampoline could save that dunk attempt. Weak, bro.
03-17-2017, 07:37 PM
I saw this is the news recently... not sure if it's fake news or real news!
03-17-2017, 07:44 PM
I saw this is the news recently... not sure if it's fake news or real news!
Tgo assaults innocent white man!
03-17-2017, 07:53 PM
Tgo assaults innocent white man!
Well...purple man, anyway.
03-17-2017, 07:56 PM
Well...purple man, anyway.
Historical revisionist!
03-17-2017, 07:58 PM
Historical revisionist!
Oddly enough, this is what immediately came to mind throughout this exchange.
03-17-2017, 08:00 PM
Tgo assaults innocent white man!
Innocent nothing! That is clearly a Nazi haircut! Punching a Nazi is a GOOD thing! A vote for Tgo01 is a vote for a punch to a Nazi's testicles.
03-17-2017, 08:02 PM
Innocent nothing! That is clearly a Nazi haircut! Punching a Nazi is a GOOD thing! A vote for Tgo01 is a vote for a punch to a Nazi's testicles.
Look how easily he decides that someone is a Nazi, just based on looks! And so long as the group of people are thought low of it is okay to physically assault them! What about when Tgo decides to do this to your friend, your family, your children? What about when he does it to YOU? A vote for Tgo is a vote for fascism and intolerance.
03-17-2017, 08:07 PM
Look how easily he decides that someone is a Nazi, just based on looks! And so long as the group of people are thought low of it is okay to physically assault them! What about when Tgo decides to do this to your friend, your family, your children? What about when he does it to YOU? A vote for Tgo is a vote for fascism and intolerance.
Hate speech is NOT free speech!
As your moderator I promise you will never have hurt feelings again!!!
03-17-2017, 08:08 PM
Hate speech is NOT free speech!
As your moderator I promise you will never have hurt feelings again!!!
Censorship! Do you really want to live under the oppressive thumb of a K-9? I bet he is a German Shepherd too. Sprechen sie deutsch, mein Fuh... I mean, Tgo?
03-17-2017, 08:14 PM
I could see all of them becoming moderators with each their own sphere of influence. Whirlin, our resident numbers and guides guru, could oversee the mechanics and class folders. Ardwen would obviously be in charge of the merchants folder. Zaigh, our long time player and possibly most behaved, could be our news and general folder mod and as go between with kranar. Tgo could be in charge of the politics and other.
I wouldn't mind this at all, except given Tgo00o0o01s posting record on politics, he doesn't appear the kind of person that would be objective and partisan.
Whirlin hasn't denied having 4 children with 4 different baby mommas.
A key that unlocks any door is more valuable than a door that can be unlocked by any key, Mr. Pink. There's a reason everyone can get all of your spells all the time... you just love giving it all away for free.
03-17-2017, 08:17 PM
I wouldn't mind this at all, except given Tgo00o0o01s posting record on politics, he doesn't appear the kind of person that would be objective and partisan.
He's never really struck me as someone that would throw his weight around like that even in the politics folder.
Some of the others on here though...
03-17-2017, 08:22 PM
He's never really struck me as someone that would throw his weight around like that even in the politics folder.
Some of the others on here though...
Yeah I agree. I don't think he'd fuck with posts or anything.
03-17-2017, 08:28 PM
I wouldn't mind this at all, except given Tgo00o0o01s posting record on politics, he doesn't appear the kind of person that would be objective and partisan.
Another hit piece against me! The establishment is running scared. I must be doing something right. A vote for Tgo01 is a vote against the establishment!
03-17-2017, 08:33 PM
I wouldn't mind this at all, except given Tgo00o0o01s posting record on politics, he doesn't appear the kind of person that would be objective and partisan.
What the fuck are you on about? A good moderator can be opinionated too. You implying otherwise makes me question my vote for you.
Also, objective and partisan? Those words are not synonyms.
03-17-2017, 08:34 PM
I'm just glad we get to experience a PC poll that wasn't created by macgyver.
03-17-2017, 08:35 PM
Yeah, mods are just fine have opinions and posting and shit. Anticor was a perfect example. Just don't delete/edit posts merely because you disagree with the content.
03-17-2017, 08:35 PM
I'm just glad we get to experience a PC poll that wasn't created by macgyver.
03-17-2017, 08:36 PM
I'm just glad we get to experience a PC poll that wasn't created by macgyver.
Best post of the month and I can't rep you yet. Fucking rep system.
03-17-2017, 08:39 PM
Best post of the month and I can't rep you yet. Fucking rep system.
I repped him for you.
03-17-2017, 08:42 PM
I repped him for you.
Tagged you back. Thanks.
03-17-2017, 08:45 PM
I repped him for you.
Bah! Everyone rep Richaard so his rep actually moves the needle!
03-17-2017, 08:47 PM
lol Mog is on a roll tonight. Twice he's made me laugh for real.
03-17-2017, 08:49 PM
lol Mog is on a roll tonight. Twice he's made me laugh for real.
This is what you think of the east coast. :(
03-17-2017, 08:50 PM
03-17-2017, 08:50 PM
Bah! Everyone rep Richaard so his rep actually moves the needle!
When does the poll close?
I'm just curious how much time I have to create alts to vote for Tgo01.
03-17-2017, 08:52 PM
When does the poll close?
I'm just curious how much time I have to create alts to vote for Tgo01.
No alts are voting for Tgo01! He's getting all of these votes the legit way :O
Do not look into my Russian connections!
03-17-2017, 08:53 PM
No alts are voting for Tgo01! He's getting all of these votes the legit way :O
Yeah! Dead people in Ohio!
03-17-2017, 08:53 PM
Yeah! Dead people in Ohio!
Dead people love me, people are always, they are always saying to me, Tgo01, dead people love you. And I just say I know.
Yeah! Dead people in Ohio!
My sources say they are being bused into San Antonio Starbucks locations.
03-17-2017, 09:33 PM
Why isn't time4fun listed in the poll?????
03-17-2017, 09:38 PM
Why isn't time4fun listed in the poll?????
Because that wouldn't even be funny.
03-17-2017, 09:40 PM
Because that wouldn't even be funny.
I think it would be a lot of fun to give both Parkbandit and Time4Fun moderator over only the Politics folder and see what happens.
03-17-2017, 09:42 PM
I think it would be a lot of fun to give both Parkbandit and Time4Fun moderator over only the Politics folder and see what happens.
Pure fucking retardation. I don't think PB would be the first to screw with posts though, but he'd start doing.
03-17-2017, 09:43 PM
Pure fucking retardation. I don't think PB would be the first to screw with posts though, but he'd start doing.
Maybe Time4Fun versus Methais then?
03-17-2017, 09:43 PM
Maybe Time4Fun versus Methais then?
It would still start with time4fun fucking with posts.
03-17-2017, 09:44 PM
timefun is already a moderator for a number of very high profile political, financial, and game-related forums. Wall Street and Washington DC call her the mod of the century. She's going to appear on the next Time mag cover. The PC is small potatoes to her.
03-17-2017, 09:45 PM
Maybe Time4Fun versus Methais then?
I wouldn't actually do anything.
Presumably PB and TGo would delete posts with facts in them.
03-17-2017, 09:45 PM
timefun is already a moderator for a number of very high profile political, financial, and game-related forums. Wall Street and Washington DC call her the mod of the century. She's going to appear on the next Time mag cover. The PC is small potatoes to her.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Tisket again.
03-17-2017, 09:45 PM
timefun is already a moderator for a number of very high profile political, financial, and game-related forums. Wall Street and Washington DC call her the mod of the century. She's going to appear on the next Time mag cover. The PC is small potatoes to her.
I like that.
03-17-2017, 09:46 PM
I wouldn't actually do anything.
Presumably PB and TGo would delete posts with facts in them.
I think you mean alternative facts.
03-17-2017, 09:46 PM
Maybe Time4Fun versus Methais then?
Methais would only delete posts by black people, people of a color other than "white" and, posts by women and people claiming to be women but are really dudes behind a computer screen. Oddly, Methais could be Trump on the PC?
03-17-2017, 09:53 PM
Methais would only delete posts by black people, people of a color other than "white" and, posts by women and people claiming to be women but are really dudes behind a computer screen. Oddly, Methais could be Trump on the PC?
You're so dumb.
03-17-2017, 09:54 PM
timefun is already a moderator for a number of very high profile political, financial, and game-related forums. Wall Street and Washington DC call her the mod of the century. She's going to appear on the next Time mag cover. The PC is small potatoes to her.
Yeah I heard she has two PhDs in this subject. 2 PhDs is good but 2 Teslas is bad (but 1 Tesla is good).
You're so dumb.
Actually, while I agree with you that sometimes I am, I disagree with you for the most part. Thats just what I heard from somebody else. You'll have to ask them for clarification.
03-17-2017, 09:56 PM
I'm gonna go ahead and bow out. I wanted to see if I could harness the power of the Dreavenings for personal gain and it turns out, I can! At this rate I'll take the lead before the night is over. Even though I wouldn't abuse any sort of mod powers I know a lot of people probably wouldn't like the idea of me being a moderator and I really don't want to cause any waves here.
Personally I think all 3 of the remaining people should be made a mod, a third mod couldn't hurt. They all volunteered their time to help keep the PC spam free and whatnot and I don't think any of them would abuse their powers like a certain mod who shall remain anonymous did.
So thank you everyone who voted for me both before and after I started asking for votes on LNet. You all rock! But go ahead and throw your support behind Zaigh, Ardwen, and Whirlin! Woo!
03-17-2017, 09:56 PM
Actually, while I agree with you that sometimes I am, I disagree with you for the most part. Thats just what I heard from somebody else. You'll have to ask them for clarification.
Aww. Look at Gels white knigting for Meth. So sweet.
03-18-2017, 12:32 AM
Aww. Look at Gels white knigting for Meth. So sweet.
Look at Back being too drunk to spell simple words.
03-18-2017, 12:36 AM
Tgo picked up about 40 votes in 6 hours.
03-18-2017, 01:07 AM
Tgo picked up about 40 votes in 6 hours.
I took advantage of my bully pulpit to appeal to the masses.
Nathala Crane
03-18-2017, 01:34 AM
Tgo picked up about 40 votes in 6 hours.
As it turns out, people like being spelled up. Who knew.
03-18-2017, 06:53 AM
He picked up about 40 votes by from people that only picked one person, totally skewed the numbers, honestly though, should he win, its on his and the voters because I won't replace him, sometimes you do get what you want.
03-18-2017, 07:38 AM
He picked up about 40 votes by from people that only picked one person, totally skewed the numbers, honestly though, should he win, its on his and the voters because I won't replace him, sometimes you do get what you want.
.... You won't replace him? What? The poll isn't even 100% indicative of who will be a mod. Kranar said it is a suggestion to him.
03-18-2017, 08:20 AM
osnap, Geijon has no response so he takes it down to the grade school level!
In Geijon's defense, that's actually high school level for him.
03-18-2017, 08:22 AM
I wouldn't mind this at all, except given Tgo00o0o01s posting record on politics, he doesn't appear the kind of person that would be objective and partisan.
Wait, you believe you are the one who can?
03-18-2017, 08:24 AM
Wait, you believe you are the one who can?
03-18-2017, 08:27 AM
Maybe Time4Fun versus Methais then?
What makes you think I'd fuck with peoples' posts?
I'd be the best moderator ever because I'd be too lazy to moderate anything that wasn't spam.
Actually I'd be the opposite of HarmNone.
Didn't call someone gay? Jail. Told someone to die but specified "non-fatally"? Jail.
Made a thread and stayed on topic? Jail. Straight to jail.
We'd have the best posters in the world. Because of jail.
03-18-2017, 08:32 AM
I think it would be a lot of fun to give both Parkbandit and Time4Fun moderator over only the Politics folder and see what happens.
Honestly, I would probably trust time4fun to be a good moderator as I would you.
PS - I wouldn't trust time4fun to moderate anything.
03-18-2017, 08:39 AM
Methais would only delete posts by black people, people of a color other than "white" and, posts by women and people claiming to be women but are really dudes behind a computer screen. Oddly, Methais could be Trump on the PC?
I wouldn't delete anything because it would be much more entertaining to let rampant stupidity like what you barf all over the forums stay for all to see and ridicule, and also as a reminder to other people of how they could have turned out, and that their lives aren't so bad after all.
That said, do we even have black people here anymore? Gemstone is a pretty white game. Why would someone like you ever participate in such a caucasian dominated environment? Back is the biggest racist to ever live.
03-18-2017, 08:43 AM
Hate speech is NOT free speech!
As your moderator I promise you will never have hurt feelings again!!!
03-18-2017, 09:35 AM
so.. no dick pics?
03-18-2017, 09:37 AM
What a comeback! tgo is within 6 votes of Shartdwen! C'mon people, vote tgo!
03-18-2017, 10:24 AM
He picked up about 40 votes by from people that only picked one person, totally skewed the numbers, honestly though, should he win, its on his and the voters because I won't replace him, sometimes you do get what you want.
It would go over about as well as Sasha. My guess is the same five trolls who make alt accounts here to play rep games sprung into action.
Which is all the more reason not to choose him.
The politics folder is the worst part of PC. None of the regulars there should be anywhere near this list.
03-18-2017, 10:38 AM
It would go over about as well as Sasha. My guess is the same five trolls who make alt accounts here to play rep games sprung into action.
Which is all the more reason not to choose him.
The politics folder is the worst part of PC. None of the regulars there should be anywhere near this list.
Believe it or not, some people can hold political beliefs while not doing things like abusing moderator powers.
Except Tsa`ah of course.
03-18-2017, 11:26 AM
So, I voted for Ardwen, but now it seems suspect. Why the hate for Ardwen, he seems right for the job?
03-18-2017, 11:32 AM
So, I voted for Ardwen, but now it seems suspect. Why the hate for Ardwen, he seems right for the job?
I just think he's an arrogant pompous ass, that's all.
03-18-2017, 11:33 AM
I just think he's an arrogant pompous ass, that's all.
03-18-2017, 11:49 AM
He picked up about 40 votes by from people that only picked one person, totally skewed the numbers, honestly though, should he win, its on his and the voters because I won't replace him, sometimes you do get what you want.
Well that was petty and sulky.
Go Tg01!
03-18-2017, 11:50 AM
I'll moderate the politics folder.
03-18-2017, 11:51 AM
I'll moderate the Savants and Hero's Journey folder.
03-18-2017, 11:52 AM
I don't know why Kranar can't just make them all mods. Maybe we'd get really lucky and get to witness a Hunger Games type showdown between the four.
03-18-2017, 11:52 AM
I'll moderate the "Gif an interaction" topic. And only that topic.
03-18-2017, 11:53 AM
I'll moderate the politics folder.
I think the mod of the Politics folder should have to change their avatar to a picture of their own genitals.
03-18-2017, 11:57 AM
I'll moderate the "Gif an interaction" topic. And only that topic.
You need to have a dicks out (for Tisket) bare-knuckle boxing match with Drauz to determine who owns the right to that thread.
03-18-2017, 11:58 AM
lol Tyrone
I think Zaigh should get mod status just for remaining above the fray in this thread.
03-18-2017, 12:04 PM
lol Tyrone
I think Zaigh should get mod status just for remaining above the fray in this thread.
Or perhaps he just hasn't been here. They did have their get together thing last night.
03-18-2017, 12:06 PM
Or perhaps he just hasn't been here. They did have their get together thing last night.
I went. It was a good time.
03-18-2017, 12:11 PM
I went. It was a good time.
You probably hung out with Macgyver.
03-18-2017, 12:13 PM
You probably hung out with Macgyver.
I did, but I made him pay for my meal.
03-18-2017, 12:14 PM
I did, but I made him pay for my meal.
Wrathbringer tossing out the implication, whaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
03-18-2017, 12:16 PM
Wrathbringer tossing out the implication, whaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
What implication?
03-18-2017, 12:18 PM
You probably hung out with Macgyver.
What about Macgayver?
03-18-2017, 12:19 PM
What implication?
03-18-2017, 12:20 PM
What about Macgayver?
Confirmed Methais hangs out with Macgayver.
03-18-2017, 12:20 PM
Hmm, no.
03-18-2017, 12:21 PM
03-18-2017, 12:30 PM
None of the regulars there should be anywhere near this list.
For once we agree on something.
03-18-2017, 12:31 PM
Heh, sometimes you guys are pretty immature, in a fun way. (no troll)
03-18-2017, 12:34 PM
I hope Kranar ignores the poll and randomly makes ClydeR a mod and Latrin admin.
03-18-2017, 12:38 PM
I hope Kranar ignores the poll and randomly makes ClydeR a mod and Latrin admin.
Not sure I agree with giving him both jobs.
03-18-2017, 12:51 PM
He picked up about 40 votes by from people that only picked one person, totally skewed the numbers, honestly though, should he win, its on his and the voters because I won't replace him, sometimes you do get what you want.
But who will win the popular vote????
03-18-2017, 01:23 PM
It would go over about as well as Sasha. My guess is the same five trolls who make alt accounts here to play rep games sprung into action.
Which is all the more reason not to choose him.
The politics folder is the worst part of PC. None of the regulars there should be anywhere near this list.
If only you weren't forced to go there and post!
And since you've been wrong about pretty much everything you've ever posted, if that isn't a ringing endorsement for tgo01 for Mod, I don't know what is.
I'm sure he thanks you for your support.
03-18-2017, 01:26 PM
I say bring back the Triumverate! Make the three top winners rule together ... er, I mean admin in sync.
03-18-2017, 01:28 PM
It's not like spambots pop up that much anymore. Maybe no mods is the way to go. Try it out for a awhile.
03-18-2017, 01:35 PM
It's not like spambots pop up that much anymore. Maybe no mods is the way to go. Try it out for a awhile.
This x113
The question / answer part of signing up eliminated the spam.. what else is a moderator needed for?
03-18-2017, 01:41 PM
This x113
The question / answer part of signing up eliminated the spam.. what else is a moderator needed for?
How else are we supposed to compare epeens?
03-18-2017, 01:51 PM
It's not like spambots pop up that much anymore. Maybe no mods is the way to go. Try it out for a awhile.
Been saying that since the start.
03-18-2017, 01:53 PM
Been saying that since the start.
fucking hipsters
03-18-2017, 01:54 PM
Eh, i'd rather have mods and a TOS that fits what the PC expects of them.
03-18-2017, 01:56 PM
Eh, i'd rather have mods and a TOS that fits what the PC expects of them.
Quiet, ClydeR
03-18-2017, 02:00 PM
Eh, i'd rather have mods and a TOS that fits what the PC expects of them.
But Kranar doesn't have time to hold the mods accountable. A TOS doesn't guarantee the mods do what they're expected to do and don't do what they aren't expected to do. All we need is someone to delete spam threads.
03-18-2017, 02:07 PM
It's not like spambots pop up that much anymore. Maybe no mods is the way to go. Try it out for a awhile.
That genocide guy could have been banned sooner with mods.
03-18-2017, 02:12 PM
That genocide guy could have been banned sooner with mods.
I keep hearing about this genocide guy. What's the deal? Did Pol Pot have a PC account?
03-18-2017, 02:13 PM
A mod is needed. If only to curb the blatant, obvious trolls.
03-18-2017, 02:17 PM
That genocide guy could have been banned sooner with mods.
True, but clearly the PC can't agree on who the mod(s) should be. I messaged Kranar about the genocide guy immediately, so that shows how little time Kranar has to deal with the PC (and hold mods accountable).
03-18-2017, 02:18 PM
That genocide guy could have been banned sooner with mods.
I missed that too. No idea what happened.
03-18-2017, 02:19 PM
He'd get on LNet and say horrible things, calling for genocide of non-whites and all kinds of garbage. Then he got on the PC and posted videos and other garbage.
03-18-2017, 02:23 PM
This x113
The question / answer part of signing up eliminated the spam.. what else is a moderator needed for?
I've been curious about this too. How are spam bots getting past the GS questions?
A mod is needed. If only to curb the blatant, obvious spam.
Someone hire a private investigator and track down HarmNone.
Doyle Hargraves
03-18-2017, 02:25 PM
Is this the kind of moderator that drools and rubs shit in his hair and all that, 'cause I'm gonna have a hard time eatin' 'round that kind of thing now. Just like I am with antique furniture and midgets. You know that, I can't so much as drink a damn glass of water around a midget or a piece of antique furniture.
And that goes for cocksuckers and retards too!
03-18-2017, 02:26 PM
Fair enough.
03-18-2017, 02:29 PM
He'd get on LNet and say horrible things, calling for genocide of non-whites and all kinds of garbage. Then he got on the PC and posted videos and other garbage.
So it's that GS4pirate/neveragain twat?
03-18-2017, 02:31 PM
Is this the kind of moderator that drools and rubs shit in his hair and all that, 'cause I'm gonna have a hard time eatin' 'round that kind of thing now. Just like I am with antique furniture and midgets. You know that, I can't so much as drink a damn glass of water around a midget or a piece of antique furniture.
And that goes for cocksuckers and retards too!
03-18-2017, 02:32 PM
so that shows how little time Kranar has to deal with the PC (and hold mods accountable).
I understand Kranar probably having little time to deal with the PC. If I ran it myself I'd have little time for it. But I think we've shown that the PC in general is pretty good at holding mods accountable, as evidenced by the backlash at the most recent mod change which has resulted in action being taken.
03-18-2017, 02:37 PM
True, and he's hoping a vote will prevent that from happening again. My point revolved around having a TOS. A TOS doesn't really affect anything. We have to rely on the moderator's morals either way.
03-18-2017, 02:39 PM
So it's that GS4pirate/neveragain twat?
I could search logs for what they said on LNet, but it's really bad stuff. I'd rather not paste it here.
03-18-2017, 02:41 PM
So it's that GS4pirate/neveragain twat?
It seems like something he'd do, but I doubt it.
03-18-2017, 02:43 PM
It seems like something he'd do, but I doubt it.
Why do you doubt it?
03-18-2017, 02:49 PM
Why do you doubt it?
Different writing style, I don't think Pirate is intelligent enough to pull it off.
03-20-2017, 09:27 PM
I'll make a decision this weekend when I have time to go over all the posts in this thread.
03-20-2017, 10:05 PM
I'll make a decision this weekend when I have time to go over all the posts in this thread.
My sympathies go out to you for having to rubble through the spam. ;) Although this thread is a good read by itself. The "Make Dogs Great Again!" campaign is my favorite. :hippie:
03-20-2017, 10:06 PM
Different writing style, I don't think Pirate is intelligent enough to pull it off.
A few different people confirmed that it was Pirate/Neveragain.
Also, notably, I've accused him of it several times on the forums, and he's never once argued it.
03-20-2017, 10:11 PM
You need to have a dicks out (for Tisket) bare-knuckle boxing match with Drauz to determine who owns the right to that thread.
03-20-2017, 10:13 PM
What implication? 9jsgo1_500.gif
03-21-2017, 12:45 PM
Soooo based on votes being so close...
Whirlin as overall mod/admin
Ardwen over Merchanting folders and GS event stuff
Tgo01 over the OOC section?
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