View Full Version : Duplicity Win - 22 verb unlocked Peretta gown & cloak, Vanne fan, & Veiled Hat

11-02-2015, 10:03 PM
Won these 4 during Duplicity's game & will sell as a package, unless there is interest in breaking them up.

1. a white lace gown edged with pearl ropes (Peretta/Duplicity gown)

The link below has example of just 8 (T1) of the verb traps, which vary based on stand/sit, worn or not:


The analyze only has the verb traps that can be further customized (in bold), I can send all 22 and their variations if anyone is interested, its kinda long.

You analyze your white lace gown and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
A white lace gown edged with pearl ropes cannot be detailed to indicate that it is anything but long. It cannot be altered to indicate that the lower portion of the garment (below the knees) is tight-fitting in any way; the upper portion can be, but not the lower.

The a white lace gown edged with pearl ropes can be customized in the following manner, where any talented merchant can customize the bolded sections. Note that customizations cannot use speech:
(STAND) Standing primly you fluff the fabric of your gown out until it drapes down in a perfectly smooth and unblemished fashion.

(PUSH) You push your hands down against your gown in an elegant gesture.

(PULL) You pull the lower portion of a white lace gown edged with pearl ropes up slightly, displaying your legs. With a great deal of gumption, you move your feet in an intricate dance that leaves you breathless. As you finish, your fingers release the gown's fabric.

(CURTSY) You dip your body, pulling the lower portion of a white lace gown edged with pearl ropes out to either side of you so that the fabric drapes down like a gentle mist around your feet. As you complete the formal curtsy you rise to your feet.

(SMELL) Holding a white lace gown edged with pearl ropes up to your face, you inhale deeply, and the scent of spring roses fills your senses.

(KNEEL) You pull the hem of your gown up and back, then kneel in a reverent manner.

(WAVE) You grasp the fabric of the skirted portion of a white lace gown edged with pearl ropes and take a single step toward Roblar. Smiling brilliantly you wave your free hand at [target].
(WAVE - sitting) Smiling brilliantly at [target], you immediately rise to your feet, careful not to step on the hem of your gown in your quick movements. You then grasp the fabric of the skirted portion of a white lace gown edged with pearl ropes and wave your free hand at [target].
(standing and sitting utilize the same customization wording)

(TAP - worn) You lightly flick your fingernails against the fabric of gown in a gesture that unequivocally expresses your disinterest.
(TAP - not worn) You trace your fingers along a white lace gown edged with pearl ropes in a manner that indicates your current disinterest.
(worn and not worn utilize the same customization wording)

(NUDGE) As you fiddle with your gown, an amused expression crosses your features.

Currently, you are able to use STAND, RUB, PUSH, TURN, SIT, PULL, CURTSY, SMELL, KNEEL, LIE, WEARMSG, REMOVEMSG, WAVE (with target), COVER, SCOWL, POUT, HUG, TAP, TILT, PLUCK, ROLL (with target), and NUDGE.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the white lace gown for you.

2. a dark violet cloak embroidered with black clouds (Duplicity cloak)

8 lb, VLA - can be L/D to huge
Can be further customized in the bolded sections below:

The creator has also provided the following information:
A dark violet cloak embroidered with black clouds cannot be detailed to indicate that it is completely skin-tight or that it isn't long enough to "billow up" in certain situations, but it is otherwise able to be altered, so long as it remains a cloak or cloak-like item.

The a dark violet cloak embroidered with black clouds can be customized in the following manner, where any talented merchant can customize the bolded sections. Note that customizations cannot use speech:

(RUB) You fiddle with the edges of your dark violet cloak in a fit of nervous energy.

(STAND) You push back your dark violet cloak and immediately shift into a relaxed stance.

(TOSS) With a flourish, you toss your dark violet cloak over your shoulder, tilting your chin upward in a show of confidence.

(WAVE) You narrow your eyes, then suddenly step aggressively forward, letting your dark violet cloak billow behind you.
(WAVE - target) You narrow your eyes, then suddenly step aggressively toward [target], your dark violet cloak billowing out behind you.
(WAVE - sitting) Narrowing your eyes, you suddenly scoot aggressively sideways, dragging your dark violet cloak along the ground/floor.
(standing and sitting utilize the same customization wording)

(BOW) Pulling up the edges of your dark violet cloak, you execute a stately bow.

Currently, you are able to use RUB, STAND, TURN, NUDGE, TOSS, WAVE (with target), BOW, and SPIN. This cloak may only be unlocked further within special, rare circumstances.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the dark violet cloak for you or have its pockets deepened.

Didn't test them all but some variations not on the analyze that depend on if prone, standing, or held such as:

Stand cloak:
You suddenly stand, your dark violet cloak billowing up with the movement.

Roundtime: 5 sec.

Rub cloak:
You rub the fabric of your dark violet cloak, smoothing out the wrinkles and brushing away any imperfections.

Nm, here are only while standing and worn:

You work your way into a dark violet cloak embroidered with black clouds.

You fiddle with the edges of your dark violet cloak in a fit of nervous energy.

You push back your dark violet cloak and immediately shift into a relaxed stance.

You turn quickly, your dark violet cloak swirling in your wake.

You place one hand against your hip, nudging your dark violet cloak back over one shoulder.

With a flourish, you toss your dark violet cloak over your shoulder, tilting your chin upward in a show of confidence.

You narrow your eyes, then suddenly step aggressively forward, letting your dark violet cloak billow behind you.

Pulling up the edges of your dark violet cloak, you execute a stately bow.

You whirl around, your dark violet cloak flaring out in a circle around you.

3. a dark violet fan accented with black lace (Vanne Fan)

Holds dagger (not a pocket, can only retrieve while fan is held)
Wearable on wrist (nonfunctional)
Demeanor based messaging

Currently, you are able to OPEN, CLOSE, WAVE, WEAR, and REMOVE the fan. You may also find it quite the thing for sheathing a dagger and giving it a FLIP back into your hands. Your demeanor in some of these actions may make a difference.

This fan may only be unlocked further by a very small handful of skilled merchants.

You can tell that the fan is as light as it can get.


You close your fan with a flick of your wrist.

You open your fan with a casual flick of your wrist

You lightly fan yourself with your dark violet fan.

You place the dark violet fan on your wrist and tie it there securely.

You slowly slide your alloy hunting knife into the hollowed-out center blade in your dark violet fan.

You fluidly draw the alloy hunting knife out of your dark violet fan, its blade gleaming with reflected light.

You flick your wrist and let your dark violet fan fall into your hand.

4. a raven black hat with a violet lace veil (Veiled Hat)

As you settle your raven black hat on your head, you adjust the lace that drapes over one side to partially fall over your face.

Carefully attending to your raven black hat, you momentarily lift up the lace overlay that was shading your face. After giving a slow wink, you allow the lace to fall back into place.

You run your fingertips along the edge of your raven black hat's brim. In doing so, you also carefully arrange the lace overlay so that it partially falls over your eyes, creating a shaded lace screen.

CB: 8M to Jhynnifer, Sold & delivered

11-02-2015, 10:11 PM
I have one of these sets (sans cloak). They're amazing

11-02-2015, 10:15 PM
It was interesting researching these all (their script names, verb traps, messaging and previous sales) and um testing.

Very nice, come and get em Barbies!

11-02-2015, 11:08 PM
Love those Vanne fans!

11-03-2015, 09:34 AM
MB please!

11-03-2015, 12:17 PM

11-04-2015, 04:28 AM

11-04-2015, 09:13 AM

11-04-2015, 01:24 PM

11-04-2015, 02:09 PM
a leprechaun and a rabid halfling in a gown fight!

11-04-2015, 02:22 PM
a leprechaun and a rabid halfling in a gown fight!

I will destroy you. =D

11-04-2015, 02:55 PM

11-04-2015, 04:07 PM

11-05-2015, 10:48 AM

11-05-2015, 11:43 AM

11-05-2015, 12:23 PM
and um testing.

I'm reading the gown verbs and picturing Roblar doing them. I am amused.

11-05-2015, 12:29 PM
I'm reading the gown verbs and picturing Roblar doing them. I am amused.

He's a pretty, pretty princess.

11-05-2015, 12:31 PM
I'm reading the gown verbs and picturing Roblar doing them. I am amused.

Goat, you just went ON the list!!


11-05-2015, 02:44 PM
Goat, you just went ON the list!!


Hahahahaha! I don't think I would want to be on Roblar's list...

11-05-2015, 11:08 PM

11-06-2015, 03:17 PM
Last call