View Full Version : moving on sale

03-28-2006, 04:52 PM
Leaving Gemstone: time to move along.

I will listen to ANY offers/bids and post the bids which I find acceptable. If I dont answer you, dont be offended and try submitting another bid.

The only deadline is if the buyout is reached, then the item will sell. If the highest posted bid on an item lasts for longer than a week then I'll probably count it down (once, twice, final...) and sell.

Feel free to post bids here or U2U me. KTHX.

Look me up on AIM to arrange for deliveries. - Learningtewfly

Cash equivalent bids will be accepted at the rate of $15 per million silver. Paypal is the only accepted method of payment for cash or credit card sales.




2. a black villswood staff carved to mimic a flying dragon spiraling around its length - 3.5x (+18) (30/15) mb: 500k (no buyout listed yet)
>wave staff
You wave your villswood staff around.
>tap staff
You tap the tip of your villswood staff on the ground.
>raise staff
You raise your villswood staff in triumph!
>lean staff
You lean wearily against your villswood staff, letting it support some of your weight.

3. a wickedly taloned orase runestaff - 4x (20/10) (elemental runestave) mb: 500k (no buyout listed yet)
>wave rune
Whispering an arcane phrase, you gesture effortlessly with your taloned orase runestaff which glows briefly with a pale white light.
>tap rune
You lower the tip of your taloned orase runestaff to the ground and trace a pattern which glows with a pale white light. You firmly tap the pattern with your runestaff and a small whirlwind rises from the ground beneath you and then disappears.
>raise rune
You raise your taloned orase runestaff and trace an arcane symbol as the power of the elements gently swirls around you for a moment.
>lean rune
You close your eyes and lean softly against your taloned orase runestaff gathering your power.


5. Dhu kitten and bag: (5m buyout) (relisted - buyer never made contact for delivery) (cb: 3m - Rendena. SOLD - Contact me for delivery)
(a silver and black checkered catnip bag) / a silver-eared onyx black kitten with an enruned doomstone collar

6. a black-veined grey villswood staff adorned with a circle of elegantly carved thorns - (+18) (30/15) mb: 500k (no buyout listed yet)
>wave staff
You wave your grey villswood staff around.
>tap staff
You tap the tip of your grey villswood staff on the ground.
>raise staff
As you raise your staff skyward, pale white sparks play across its grey villswood surface.
>lean staff
You leisurely lean on your grey villswood staff, a thoughtful expression upon your face.

7. a white crystal adorned orase runestaff - 4x (elemental runestaff) (20/10) - mb: 500k (no buyout listed yet)
>wave rune
Whispering an arcane phrase, you gesture effortlessly with your adorned orase runestaff which glows briefly with a pale white light.
Some violet puffs of fragrant nightshade-scented smoke drift upward and about the deep red ruby censer on your belt.
>tap rune
You lower the tip of your adorned orase runestaff to the ground and trace a pattern which glows with a pale white light. You firmly tap the pattern with your runestaff and a small whirlwind rises from the ground beneath you and then disappears.
>raise rune
You raise your adorned orase runestaff and trace an arcane symbol as the power of the elements gently swirls around you for a moment.
>lean rune
You close your eyes and lean softly against your adorned orase runestaff gathering your power.

8. an elegant black silk gem pouch (belt worn, holds medium amount). (250K buyout)
show: This elegant gem pouch has been stitched along the hem and flap with fine strands of nightmare steed mane. Two tassels also composed of the steed's mane hang from the front of the pouch, surrounding a small loop clasped with a miniature carved ivory-hilted sickle.

9. an archer's toolkit (belt worn, opens/closes) (750K buyout)
contents: In the toolkit you see a small honing stone, a fletcher's feather razor, a bowman's tuning key and some fine wood oil.
>rub rosin on bow
You diligently rub the rosin on the strings of your bow with long steady strokes.
>rub key on bow
You carefully slide the key into a nock of your bow. You unhook the string on your bow, and wind it several times, before reattaching it. You pull on the bow's string testing the draw.
>rub oil on bow
You vigorously rub the oil on your bow, bringing a deep luster to its surface.
>rub stone on arrow
You carefully rub the stone on the tip of your arrow. After a few brief moments you hone the tip into a razor point.
>rub razor on arrow
You carefully trim the fletching of your arrow using the razor. After a moment, you sight down the shaft and make one final adjustment.


11. a braided black leather belt ( 250K buyout)
show: This belt is made from rolled strands of leather which are joined together and buckled with a silver dragon clenching a carved ivory-hilted black sickle in its teeth.

12. some heavy black hooded robes stitched with silver moons. (4x cloth armor) (250K buyout)

13. a deep ebony orase runestaff topped with a crystal orb depicting The First constellation - 4x (20/10) (actioned) mb: 500k (no buyout listed yet)
>wave rune
You make a grand, sweeping gesture with your ebony orase runestaff.
>tap rune
You idly tap the tip of your ebony orase runestaff upon the ground.
>raise rune
You raise your ebony orase runestaff in triumph!
>pull rune
You pull your ebony orase runestaff up under your arm, clutching it like a riding crop.
>lean rune
You leisurely lean on your ebony orase runestaff, a thoughtful expression upon your face.

14. a flimsy wizard's hat with runes painted around the brim (actioned) (pocketed, holds a few items - even a runestaff) (1m buyout)
action: You trace the runes upon your wizard's hat with a fingertip, and, as you do so, they glimmer into life with a faint scarlet radiance. The light vanishes after only a second.
what others see: Big John traces the runes upon his wizard's hat with a fingertip, and, as he does so, they glow with a faint scarlet light for a second.

15. a silver-set deep red ruby censer (250k buyout)
show: >loo cens
Crafted of deep red ruby, the censers rotund body is engraved with jagged black runes around its entire circumference, the designs interlocking to form a twisting pattern across the lustrous surface. Set atop the lid are three discs of polished silver, each inlaid with a dark yellow eye slitted down the middle. The symbols of Fash'lo'nae are bordered by faint scrollwork etching, the subtle pattern flowing across the lid.

16. a pair of slender black leather gloves clasped with small lockpicks. (pin worn) (250K buyout)

17. an elegant black wool kilt: (leg worn) (250K buyout)
show: The pleated black kilt is woven with fine, soft wool and trimmed along the crease of each pleat with silver piping. A silver crest surrounded by grinning skulls is stitched over the left thigh. Attached at the waist are two long tassels of black nightmare mane banded with shiny, silver clasps.

18. an elegant black beret: (250K buyout)
show: Made of finely woven wool, the beret is designed to sit awry on the head. Embroidered on the front is a silver crest surrounded by grinning skulls.

19. a braided black leather armband (arm worn) (250K buyout)
show: This armband is made from rolled strands of leather which are joined together and clasped with a silver dragon clenching a carved ivory-hilted black sickle in its teeth.

20. some soft black silk trousers stitched with a sinuous silver dragon around each cuff. (leg worn) (250K buyout)


22. an opaque vultite falchion, 4x. 700k buyout


24. a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield, 6x. 3m buyout (cb: 1.5m Slark)

25. a translucent spidersilk backpack. (450k buyout. cb: 375k - Evarin. SOLD - Contact me for delivery)


03-28-2006, 05:11 PM
I'll take the rolaren MBP for 2.5m. AIM is KitsunX

03-28-2006, 05:26 PM
Damn, I wanted the MBP...ah well.

03-28-2006, 05:48 PM
Snooze ya lose! Mine, mine, mine.

03-28-2006, 05:49 PM
Unless he takes a better offer! :P

03-28-2006, 06:29 PM
Can't say I know Ganalon very well but I didn't think he'd pull a shady tactic like that. I think he's a better guy than that!


03-28-2006, 06:31 PM
Ya put the buyout too low on that one. Wanna make a mil off that Kitsun?

Dwarven Empath
03-28-2006, 06:33 PM
He has more stuff.

I'll take the empaths armor, thanks in advance.


03-28-2006, 06:46 PM
Ya put the buyout too low on that one. Wanna make a mil off that Kitsun?

I'd be verily annoyed if Kitsun got it, just to turn around and sell it off again. I'm actually trying to buy it to *use* it...

03-28-2006, 07:04 PM
Kitsun has the earliest bid. If I posted the buyout too low then that's my fault as the auctioneer. Sorry Mgoddess.

I'll be around later on for delivery Kitsun... AIM: Learningtewfly

03-28-2006, 07:07 PM
Eh, it's all good. Congrats Kitsun. :)

03-28-2006, 07:20 PM
Gotcha on my AIM now, Ganalon. I'll be about!

My rogue needs to use this sucker till I find a way to enchant my full plate or find a DB or something less hassling. Not out to make a buck on this =P

When I'm done with it, I'll keep you two in mind first.

03-28-2006, 07:27 PM
My rogue needs to use this sucker till I find a way to enchant my full plate or find a DB or something less hassling. Not out to make a buck on this =P

When I'm done with it, I'll keep you two in mind first.

Awesome. :)

03-28-2006, 10:51 PM
added Dhu kitten to list

03-29-2006, 11:31 AM
Gotcha on my AIM now, Ganalon. I'll be about!

My rogue needs to use this sucker till I find a way to enchant my full plate or find a DB or something less hassling. Not out to make a buck on this =P

When I'm done with it, I'll keep you two in mind first.

What kind of enchant you looking to put on the full plate? Perhaps we can work out a trade? My bro should have his major slot opening up soon...

03-29-2006, 11:43 AM
Unfortunately the damn thing is SCP. Need to find out of prem points can unpad an armor or if a merchant'll just rip it out.

03-29-2006, 01:45 PM
Dammit Ganalon, I hate you leaving, but I understand.

And to whoever said that the thought he was a truthful seller; I'll vouch for this in a heartbeat.

03-29-2006, 01:51 PM
Just let me know what you need from me to give that breast plate up when yer ready. Been looking for a rolaran one for a while now

03-29-2006, 01:52 PM
Thanks Janarth.

Recent job/career modifications have convinced me that I want more education to fall back on. So its either a JD or an MBA/MHA. I'm still weighing the cost/benefit of each track. Combine this new endeavor along with a very active 3 year old son who demands a lot of my time, I am deciding to reallocate the available time I have and have spent in playing online game(s).

I've sold a few things here before, characters, high end gear, and I can honestly say that every previous transaction was without question or shade of mistrust. I hope to continue that reputation through this endeavor.

Tea & Strumpets
03-29-2006, 02:32 PM
I thought FGB was heavy crit padding, not very heavy.

03-30-2006, 03:29 AM
Very heavy crit padding. Thats what makes it worth putting up with the 3.5x et that those armor sets have.

Tea & Strumpets
03-30-2006, 10:35 AM
Very heavy crit padding. Thats what makes it worth putting up with the 3.5x et that those armor sets have.

Everywhere I've looked on Google etc. it lists the armor as Heavily Crit Padded. I thought you might have had the extra padding added, but they don't start out with Very Heavy Crit Padding.

03-30-2006, 12:09 PM
Very heavy crit padding. Thats what makes it worth putting up with the 3.5x et that those armor sets have.

Forest Green Brig is heavily crit padded. It is possible that you have extra padding added to it, but it is natrually heavily crit padded.

03-31-2006, 02:44 AM
I'll have the fgb assessed to be sure. Thanks for the info.

03-31-2006, 12:10 PM

Added a bundle of silver for sale.

03-31-2006, 10:01 PM
updated bids.

04-03-2006, 02:43 AM

04-04-2006, 12:10 AM

going once for the dhu kitten.

04-05-2006, 12:00 PM

updated bids

added items

04-06-2006, 10:13 AM
updated bids

lowered some buyout levels

04-06-2006, 01:37 PM
Pity I'm not still playing to profiteer off this.

04-07-2006, 07:22 PM

Updated bids, deliveries.

Dwarven Empath
04-07-2006, 08:14 PM
7. a black and silver checkered herb sack (belt worn, opens/closes, holds large amount - altered wedding invitation pouch). (500K buyout)

I'll buy this to help your venture back to R/L


04-09-2006, 10:46 AM

added another item

revised some prices, updated some bids

04-10-2006, 01:52 PM

Updated bid on fgb armor set.

lowered some prices.

04-14-2006, 11:42 AM

04-15-2006, 12:35 AM
updated a few bids.


04-17-2006, 01:59 PM
Updated bids

added new items

lowered prices on some items.

04-18-2006, 12:27 PM

bid update

04-20-2006, 12:04 PM

updated bids

04-21-2006, 11:23 AM

updated bids, added a buyout offer.

04-22-2006, 01:39 PM

FGB altered armor sold - Boadus

Updated bids, put last calls on several items including 5x longbow and dhu kitten.

04-24-2006, 01:09 AM

04-27-2006, 10:40 PM

updated bids on call.

04-29-2006, 07:59 AM