View Full Version : Selling Silvers

04-14-2006, 11:37 AM
Just in time for Anfelt.

Currently have 70 Mil in silvers available.. will have about 40 Mil more within the week.

Selling at 17 per Mil. Yep its high, but I see right now thats what it's going for.

Vive la Capitalism!

Pick up will be available at Landing bank to save note transfer fee, or FWI if one wants to loose that hefty note transfer fee.

Pickup guarenteed within 48 hours of purchace clearing if done on the weekend, probably faster if during the week.

Paypal Only please. AIM at LdyKadesha or
E-mail at LdyKadesha@aol.com for contact or for Paypal access.

Kadesha's person

04-15-2006, 11:35 AM
I still have the full 70 MIl in silvers available, with about 40 M more due at end of the weekend.

I am selling at 17 per, and I am willing to sell in smaller blocks of 10 MIl each.

I realize 17 per is a bit steep but it is the current rate also on GS auctions.

I will be gone some the weekend of april 21-23 but my spouse will be available to transfer purchased silvers for me so delivery delay should not exceed 48 hours on that weekend, likely a much shorter time then that.

I accept Paypal. I will happily verify personal information with the buyer to confirm I am who I say I am.

I desire to transfer the silvers in the Landing if possible, FWI will also due. A Landing transfer can be done right at the bank and thus save seller and buyer the note conversion fees.

Bulk sales are negotiable at a lower rate as well. Feel free to e-mail me at LdyKadesha@aol.com, or AIM if I am there at LdyKadesha.

Best regards to all, as Kadesha and my other characters will be leaving Gemstone shortly.. upon completion of all sales.

Gail, player of Kadesha

04-16-2006, 01:23 AM
The 70 MIL in silvers is all sold, at 17 per. I am awaiting word from the buyer if they also wish the other 40 MIL I have coming in in next few days.

Consider this thread closed. I will post a new selling message at that time if this buyer does not wish the whole lot.

Many thanks,

Gail, player of Kadesha