View Full Version : Stuff for sale

04-01-2006, 07:20 PM
selling some stuff

a varnished midnight black runestaff
Show:You see a highly polished runestaff of dark, fine-grained wood covered with multiple layers of varnish for a mirror sheen. A globe of spiraling silver tendrils enclosing a large heart-shaped emerald caps the tip of the staff. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

-tis a 6x runestaff
-Price 4m

some fine black casting leathers
Show: Glaes buckles and straps serve to fasten this armor securely to the wearer. Faint scars within the leather give testament to its previous use, but they are few in number and well-tended. What appears to be a faded image of a rose has been pressed gently into the side of the leather armor. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

-tis 3x fulls with decent damaged padding and lots of temp padding makeing them very heavy damaged padded
-Price 4m

a white ora mace

-tis 4x fire flaring sancted, tis one of brother isithias (ya i know spelling is all messed up) unlocked weapons
-Price 1m

a drakar-spiked eonake morning star

-tis 4x fire flaring and sancted and very old to boot
-Price 1m

a silver dwarven wand belt

-Price 100k

a cusion-cut blue dreamstone buckle

-tis wearable mage recharable with dims
-Price 750k

Thats all i can think of right now you can email me at dallicis@gmail.com or PM here on the boards or if ya catch me on IM you can IM me at Dallicis


04-02-2006, 10:44 PM
Just a bump