View Full Version : 1 coin MB auction: 10x tower, kitten, 6x eahnor chain, etc.

03-19-2006, 12:18 PM
Bunch of stuff SOLD, please contact me for pick-up if your item's listed!

All bids must be posted here or sent to

A stormy grey kitten with dark emerald-green eyes and a platinum studded collar, held in a silk mesh sack trimmed with soft grey mouse fur: This roomy sack is comfortably padded and constructed of a loose, but strong, silk mesh that allows air to pass in and out freely. Your typical extremely zested, mischievous, and lively pet kitten. Currently 3.5m to Lea. Buyout set at 5m.

a veniom-hilted falchion, 5x, 3 lbs, 90/200, somewhat damage weighted, comes with a matching veniom-laced scabbard. Currently 2m to Shalla. SOLD, please contact me for pickup!

an ice-blue sapphire hilted falchion, 5x, cold flares, 3 lbs, 90/200. Currently 1.5m to Paradii. Buyout set at 2m.

a gleaming silver shaalk burgonet, currently 700k to Vallinthor. SOLD, please contact me for pickup!

an ink black spidersilk bag: The density of the spidersilk bag's weave varies at regular intervals, running the gamut from the texture of heavy damask to an attenuated cloth resembling an orb weaver's web. A faintly oily sheen imbues each shimmering thread, producing a soft, shimmering iridescence at the places where the spidersilk is most thickly woven. A small black spider-shaped mark has been unobtrusively placed upon the bag. At the center of the mark, the black ichor gives way to a reddish-brown bloodstain in the shape of an hourglass. 2 lbs, medium-ish (it can't be inspected). Currently 250k to Palcron. SOLD, please contact me for pickup!

a tooled elven leather bolt case, medium, 4 lbs. Currently 50k to groverevorg. SOLD, please contact me for pickup!

03-19-2006, 12:28 PM
100k on the kitten

03-19-2006, 12:29 PM
100k on the veniom-hilted falchion

03-19-2006, 12:30 PM
100k on the ice-blue sapphire hilted falchion

03-19-2006, 12:39 PM
Could you explain to me how a 3x/1x runestave adds as much to your DS as a 7x or 8x runestaff would?

03-19-2006, 12:51 PM
also 50k on the bolt case

03-19-2006, 12:57 PM
Could you explain to me how a 3x/1x runestave adds as much to your DS as a 7x or 8x runestaff would?

If people post questions, I'll update the post with answers. I can't delete your posts, so the questions will have to stay up (unless you can delete them yourselves).

03-19-2006, 01:04 PM
a razern-edged sacred white mantlet: 12m

some elven crimson eahnor ringmail 3m

A stormy grey kitten with dark emerald-green eyes and a platinum studded collar 1m

a veniom-hilted falchion 800k

an ice-blue sapphire hilted falchion 1m

a golvern-bound mithril alloy shield 2m

a crystal-edged pale rolaren shield 2m

a putrid slime green lootbag: Scribed on the front of the lootbag in an unidentifiable black substance is the word, "LOOT!" Holds a large amount (50-60 lbs), beltworn, weighs less than 2 lbs. 300k


03-19-2006, 01:05 PM
Thanks for the update Shaukul.
Makes sense to me now. :)

03-19-2006, 08:51 PM
200k runestaff.

03-19-2006, 09:03 PM
a blackened vaalorn-shod mesille runestaff etched with flowing silvery runes 200k please

03-19-2006, 09:04 PM
bleh, saw the one before mine right after i posted

a blackened vaalorn-shod mesille runestaff etched with flowing silvery runes
300k please

03-19-2006, 09:39 PM
a blackened vaalorn-shod mesille runestaff etched with flowing silvery runes,


a veniom-hilted falchion, 5x, 3 lbs, 90/200, somewhat damage weighted, comes with a matching veniom-laced scabbard.

2 mill

03-20-2006, 10:49 AM
a blackened vaalorn-shod mesille runestaff etched with flowing silvery runes - 1m

03-25-2006, 11:43 AM
I'm back from vacation with fresh updates.

03-25-2006, 12:06 PM
650k lootbag.

03-27-2006, 11:16 AM
Several updates.

03-27-2006, 11:24 AM
How exactly are the bids going to proceed? I noticed you're not doing "one, two, three, sold", so what's going to happen? Is there a certain date bids have to be in by, and then everything will be declared sold?

03-28-2006, 01:48 AM
Basically, when people stop bidding on an item for a totally arbitrary amount of time, I'll sell it.

03-28-2006, 09:49 PM
A few more days or so until my patience runs out and I call everything sold. Get your bids in, and let me know if you're interested in a buyout!

03-29-2006, 09:55 AM
One or two more days, then everything's sold! Get your last minute bids in!

03-29-2006, 07:36 PM
Buyout prices have been added!

03-30-2006, 12:20 AM
Whole bunch of stuff sold on buyout; updated accordingly. Buyouts lowered.

03-30-2006, 08:06 PM
Updated. Bunch of stuff sold. Contact for pick-up!

04-05-2006, 11:40 AM