View Full Version : Taking Offers on Black Ora Weaponry

02-23-2006, 12:35 AM
>You tap a crimson scroll, which is in your right hand.
>In the Common language, it reads:
>The bearer of this scroll is given the right, privilage and honor to bear one of Tsanah's black ora weapons. This weapon is five times enchanted.

I have some into possession of the ability to have two weapons made of 5x black ora, but I unfortunately have no use for it. As such, I'm looking to sell it or give it away to someone who will put it to good use. I have a free choice of which weapon type and base to have it made of.

I am looking to handle this differently from normal. I'm collecting offers for now, but I will give weight to roleplay considerations. I am willing to sell the weapon to someone who offers fewer silvers in coin or trade, but can supply a strong RP reason for their character owning a black ora weapon. Those who wish to use a roleplay reason must submit their character name and detail why their character would wield such a weapon.

I also accept straight coin offers as well as trade offers. My main characters are pures, so I have little interest in weaponry aside from runestaves or ranged weapons, as I'm considering taking my wizard to ranged. I favor lighter armor, strongly leaning toward soft leather armors (light leather through doubles), although I am mostly set on armor. Most of all, however, I am looking for RP items. The items I'll be most interested in are shadowdeath vambraces, herb tomes for specific towns and so on. I have my own shop in a town I have no intentions of leaving, so an offer of a shop is of little interest.

Submitted offers must include the weapon type and base you want and you must be willing to submit payment before the weapon is made. Offers can be made to nilandia@sovyn.com or to my AIM at LadyNilandia. Offers sent to my play.net will be ignored.


PS: The question was raised on the official boards. I have two separate scrolls for a weapon each.

02-23-2006, 12:57 AM
Freaking awesome. My sorcerer need a black ora.... nothing... so I'm out. But I love the idea.

02-23-2006, 09:03 AM
What exactly are the properties of black ora weapons?

02-23-2006, 09:11 AM
Freaking awesome. My sorcerer need a black ora.... nothing... so I'm out. But I love the idea.

You're not a sorcerer till you wield a black ora scythe.
Wish I could suck a GM cock for one. ::sigh::

02-23-2006, 11:01 AM
What exactly are the properties of black ora weapons?

A good explanation of the weapons can be found at http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Black_ora_saved_post

Some black ora weapons have a bonus to spirit regeneration as I recall, though I'm not sure if it applies to the 5x. I've been told the mana regeneration bonus isn't for all weapons, either, so you're aware.

I know 6x weapons have a teleportation ability, but I'm unsure if the 5x ones do. As given in another thread...

I won the 6x Black Ora on the first run of the Wavedancer. It really is an amazing weapon. The 6x weapons also transport to the nearest town...

a wickedly sharp black ora waraxe.

>attend my waraxe
As you pray over your sharp black ora waraxe, a split in the fabric of reality opens. As you peer into the gloom, the shadows swirl of you sharp black ora waraxe and form a gate that opens inviting you in, you step forward into it.


02-23-2006, 11:03 AM
Freaking awesome. My sorcerer need a black ora.... nothing... so I'm out. But I love the idea.
What can I say? I'm a creature of RP, so I figured I'd help out the other RP'ers. ;)

Thanks, Rad!


02-23-2006, 11:17 AM
Would it would make my character pwnilicious be a good rp excuse?

02-23-2006, 11:31 AM
Heh! Unfortunately not. I've gotten a few offers including RP that have proven quite good. You'll need better.


02-23-2006, 12:08 PM
Although, "pwnilicious" in and of itself made me snicker.

02-23-2006, 01:19 PM
Can you make black ora runestaves from that scroll and still have the same properties? It is after all a 2 hander right?

02-23-2006, 01:57 PM
From what I've been told on the officials, a black ora runestaff is possible. A number of abilities, like the flares, won't be useable in that form, though.


02-24-2006, 12:18 PM
I've gotten a few offers for the weapons. I've sent replies to the offers that came through e-mail or PM, so if you haven't gotten a reply, either my e-mail's being slow or it didn't get through.


02-24-2006, 04:37 PM
Do me a favor, don't let it be made into a polearm, most notably a pike. :cool:

02-24-2006, 05:36 PM
Polearms are the best

02-24-2006, 05:48 PM
Black ora weapons can best be described as evil, most of them will incur many different types of flares, and be comparable to the Iasha white ora weapons. They tend to bond the to user of the weapon the longer you use them. Usually it will start with one type of weak flares, and advance to 3-4 types...often flaring to 80, and the flares hitting the exact spot the weapon hits (great for ambushing). Stat enhancers and teleportation are not often found in 5x, though thats not to say that they couldn't. It also seems that the weapon type has a lot to do with how the weapon acts. For example, a black ora lance and a black ora short sword would likely be different. An ambush type weapon would likely have void and spike flares, where as a two handers would likely have some strong flares that do direct damage or crit....just my two cents.

02-24-2006, 06:03 PM
They are and I have the 4x black ora pike.

02-24-2006, 07:26 PM
From what I hear, ambushing + flares is bad anyway (the crit rank gets reduced so it's not a death crit so that the flare can happen, IIRC). Since polearms can't be ambushed with, it's probably best to have it made into a pike.

02-24-2006, 07:29 PM
F off! I've have the pike. Not one of several. The pike. End of story. I will kill you in the face.

02-24-2006, 07:57 PM
F off! I've have the pike. Not one of several. The pike. End of story. I will kill you in the face.

Suggesting future use of the interjection "Pike off!"

02-24-2006, 08:00 PM
Or, I will Pike you in the face.

02-24-2006, 08:13 PM
Wonder if I should mention I'd been pondering making a lance/pike anyways.


02-24-2006, 08:15 PM
Ask them if you can make a bastard-axe. Jolena would kill me, but if you can pull it off that would be sweet.

02-24-2006, 08:56 PM
Wonder if I should mention I'd been pondering making a lance/pike anyways.


I guess it would be inevitable that eventually Anticor Jrs would be showing up. I mean I did wear a kilt for a long time and the ladies loved my slow and haste spells.

02-24-2006, 10:35 PM
Not to mention Krizitian...he's had a 10x bastard-axe for years

02-24-2006, 10:39 PM
No, he hasn't.

02-25-2006, 12:55 AM
Okay, totally unrelated but....



02-25-2006, 02:00 AM
Black ora weapons can best be described as evil, most of them will incur many different types of flares, and be comparable to the Iasha white ora weapons. They tend to bond the to user of the weapon the longer you use them. Usually it will start with one type of weak flares, and advance to 3-4 types...often flaring to 80, and the flares hitting the exact spot the weapon hits (great for ambushing). Stat enhancers and teleportation are not often found in 5x, though thats not to say that they couldn't. It also seems that the weapon type has a lot to do with how the weapon acts. For example, a black ora lance and a black ora short sword would likely be different. An ambush type weapon would likely have void and spike flares, where as a two handers would likely have some strong flares that do direct damage or crit....just my two cents.

This person is incredibly retarded.
They don't have different types of flares. They flare mana disrupt. They don't tend to bond to the user or have teleportation abilities. Only the high end ones do. The lower end ones do not and will not.

Jesus Christ what a wealth of useless information.

02-25-2006, 02:05 AM
Really...thats funny...one was just one the market with different flares...and I was speaking of black ora in general, and some do bond..

02-25-2006, 02:07 AM
Yes, the super high end ones, the same ones with the teleportation ability.

02-25-2006, 03:37 AM
Man it would be nice to swing TWC Black Ora Katars in each hand, but if its cursed, heh I guess Id have to hunt ferever!

02-25-2006, 10:26 AM
Having owned both a 4x (low end) and 6x (high end) I'm very familiar with what these weapons can and cannot do.

They only have one kind of flare. It has different messaging, but it's all one kind of flare. It's disruption.

They do not "bond to you over time." They can be bonded via the Paladin spell, but this is hardly the same thing.

The versions released as 6x have one use per day of teleportation. They also have bonuses to mana regeneration when held, to Wisdom, and a penalty to spirit regeneration. (I'm unsure about teleportation versions released as 7x, as the only 7x I've personally witnessed was enchanted up from 5.)

The versions released as 4x and 5x (including Nilandia's prospective weapons) do not have teleport, and will not develop teleport. It doesn't matter if you get them enchanted up from a 4/5 start, they still won't have teleport.

The versions released as 4x and 5x have bonuses to mana regeneration, but no other enhancive bonuses.

The weapons, in all releases, will do strange things. They will throw you into random roundtimes, send you flying to the ground, and make noises and actions on their own. They will stick to your hand, requiring the intervention of a Cleric, or the use of a pure potion. They will attack you if you attempt to bless them. They will, and I have personal experience with this, turn their power on you and kill you, for no apparent reason.

They're fun, but they're not a lot of things people advertise them as. A cult of rumor has built up around the black ora weapons, which is unfortunate and hard to counter, as you cannot Inspect them, nor can you gain information about them via Loresinging. (They have a lorestory built in, which overrides bardic ability to get things like enchant, flares, etc.) The only way to get accurate information about these weapons is to test them, but most people don't do that, they rely on what they've heard, which is often wrong.

Hope that helped!

02-25-2006, 10:39 AM
So nomatter how long you've had the weapon you'll still get some of the bad effects. That'll go well while hunting. :(

02-25-2006, 11:15 AM
So nomatter how long you've had the weapon you'll still get some of the bad effects. That'll go well while hunting. :(

Yep. With the pros come the cons of using black ora.


02-25-2006, 12:08 PM
Sometimes you get put in 30sec rt, sometimes knocked over, stunned, missing limbs, dead, etc. It makes things alittle less boring. Even though I've got bigger weapons in the locker I can't see myself using anything else.

I never tested it but can the weapon be disarmed? I know you have a few seconds after a pure potion pour that you can stow it, swap it, etc. but after that it "sticks" would that negate a disarm or no? Would make it a valuable weapon for OTF.

02-25-2006, 12:12 PM
They cannot be disarmed once they've "stuck" to you, no.

02-25-2006, 12:14 PM
They cannot be disarmed once they've "stuck" to you, no.

Freakin sweet. That makes it gold for OTF hunting. I've got my pike/lance swing down to 3 seconds, not sure if I'll have it down to 2 seconds before cap or not.

That being said I can switch up my CMAN training. I've currently got like 5 feint and 2 disarm I can drop the disarm and pick up something(not like mage's have alot of options) else. Too bad it's impossible for a mage to get more that 5 ranks of one skill and 4 of another.

02-25-2006, 12:21 PM
<<Sometimes you get put in 30sec rt, sometimes knocked over, stunned, missing limbs, dead, etc>> ~Anticor

Not as gold as I'd like it to be for OTF.
But the no disarm thing is well cool. Thought you'd quit GS Anticor?
Glad you haven't.

02-25-2006, 01:04 PM
< They cannot be disarmed once they've "stuck" to you, no. >

My 4x one was able to be disarmed. Perhaps the 6x ones with bonding are immune, but definately not a lesser one.

02-26-2006, 07:47 PM
I will be taking offers for three more days, until midnight Eastern Wednesday night/Thursday morning.


02-26-2006, 08:34 PM
Some comments from Khaladon regarding the 6x;

“The 6x is fairly uber...not only does it have the other positives (and negatives) it also has a wisdom bonus and once a day teleportation to a shrine in the same realm (or some default location if isn't one).

I'm sure some of it won't be discovered for years, especially in the variety of curses, there are more than 20, some are rare, some are deity driven, and some have alternates based on certain criteria. No ones found the perm stat penalty yet. -Khaladon

Question - Is it okay to get a pure potion and de-curse it so I can stow it myself, or do I need to find a cleric (scrolls won't work, I have a lance stuck in my paw!!)

"Heh, yep, that will work to let you stow it...temporarily. You can never get rid of the curse".- Khaladon


03-06-2006, 02:27 AM

Allow me first off to say that I was quite impressed with the quality of the entries I received, and the decision to award a black ora weapon to just two of you was difficult indeed. Still, I had only two to give away and I had to make a decision. After much debate and speaking with those I trust, I have decided.

One black ora weapon each shall go to Frobaz Shaur and Litonhin. Their stories and RP reasons were well thought-out and plausible, compelling and original, supplemented by competitive monatary offers. I would highly recommend they, and other people, post their character histories on the boards so other people can enjoy them as much as I have.

Again, it was a very difficult decision, but one I was glad to make, as I could ensure the weapons went to people who could enjoy them.

Thank you all for participating. Frobaz and Litorhin, if you could contact me with the weapon bases if you have not given them to me already, along with how you want your weapons to look like (alter), so I can get them made if possible.


03-06-2006, 04:26 AM
Aww so nice