View Full Version : Glowbark aegis.

03-19-2006, 09:43 PM
Won a chunk of glowbark on the first WD and I never use the shield. It's a large shield, weighs about 10 pounds and Glamo scripts were added. Defense wise it's +22, but I don't remember if it was an enchantable wood.

A million silver to start.

a smoke-carved glowbark aegis: The gleaming surface of the glowbark aegis has been treated with a red-tinted lacquer, giving it a sanguine cast. Against this background, a ring of interlocking smoke tendrils has been carved, forming a bas-relief pattern at the edge of the shield. Ground emerald dust has been sealed to the wood in some of the smoke tendrils, the inherent phosphorescence of the wood making the smoke seem to writhe with a life of its own during the proper phase of the moons.

Wear: You sling a smoke-carved glowbark aegis deftly over your shoulder in one graceful movement.

Remove: You easily slide a smoke-carved glowbark aegis off your shoulder gripping it in your left hand.

Lean: You rest the edge of your glowbark aegis on the ground before you and lean forward against it casually.

Raise: You raise your glowbark aegis in a gesture of triumph!

Tap: You pound the surface of your glowbark aegis several times with your fist.

Pull: You pull your glowbark aegis close to your body, attempting to protect yourself from an upcoming blow.

Push: You shove your glowbark aegis out in front of you, giving yourself a bit more room.

Possibly more since I honestly don't remember.

03-20-2006, 12:32 PM
I'll start it with a Million I suppose.


03-21-2006, 01:09 PM
A million, once.

03-22-2006, 11:08 AM
Bump. Twice at a million.

Due to my hectic schedule I'll try to get this thing out of my locker and into the new owner's hands as quickly as I can. :)

03-24-2006, 09:54 PM
Third and final call.

03-25-2006, 11:58 PM
We'll consider this one SOLD!