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  1. +8 LOG/+6 INF Pin
  2. 101 Chrisms
  3. Selling +4 aura bonus +5 discipline bonus arm greaves
  4. +5 Polearm Bonus, +4 CM Bonus Pin
  5. WL Shop for auction.
  6. Pin: +4 STR +4 AUR +2 CON +2 AS Ranks
  7. Polearm Weapons Enhancives
  8. godly anklet 14 dex 9 polearm bonus 10 thrown bonus ( non crumbly)
  9. Hide n' Stab Leg Greaves: +18 OHE, +9 Hide, +7 PF bonuses
  10. Teras shop for sale
  11. Landing shop for sale
  12. Enhancives
  13. Steel Claidhmore with +3 Defender and +6 CM Bonus
  14. helm +11 edge weapon and +6 THW
  15. 4x +7 Spell Aim Bonus/+10 EMC Bonus/+3 Fire Bonus/+4 DIS light leathers
  16. ensorcell service set: wisdom, int, SMC, EMC
  17. Greathelm: +6 Stamina Recovery. +10 Harness Power Bonus. +12 Logic Base.
  18. 163 Bloodrunes
  19. 7x vhcp doubles & 4x +11 brawl bonus/+11 S&H brig
  20. claidhmore
  21. 7x, S1, void flared, max lightened, altered, t3 Voln brig
  22. Arm Greaves - 17 Picking, 11 Disarm, 2 Spirit Lore Blessing
  23. str of will torc: 3 arm use bonus/3 health recov/2 mntl lore manip/9 first aid bonus
  24. Random greaves
  25. Pendant, Persists, INF/SA/LOG/Swim
  26. +5 THW Bonus/+4 OHE Bonus stickpin & 4x +9 DEX/+1 Blessing runestaff
  27. Enhancive Items
  28. Enhancive Combining Fodder: Strength, Stamina, Dodge, Logic, and more
  29. Solhaven shop for auction
  30. A couple enhancives (+11 Spell Aiming, +10 OHE)
  31. OSA ghost captain hat
  32. Logic Bonus Enhancives (+21 total between them)
  33. +10 SL: Summoning Bonus/+2 DEX Bonus/+4 Stalk & Hide Bonus arm greaves - Rangers?
  34. WTB: BoH - Veniom Threads
  35. Icemule Trace Shop for Auction
  36. Short Bow, +11 Ranged, +7 Ambush
  37. Icemule Trace Shop
  38. Icemule Shop
  39. Hymore's Almost Fall Locker Sale
  40. 6x/6x Acuity T5 Fully Unlocked T4 Nervestaff
  41. +8 LOG/+4 FA Bonus greathelm
  42. +8 INT/+5 Swim Bonus/+2 Survival Bonus stickpin
  43. +6 CM bonus, +3 Edged bonus, +2 Mana Recovery TORC - persists
  44. Fully Unlocked Survivalist Kit (Herb Kit)
  45. +35 short sword, 16 CER crit, 2 CER damage
  46. +5 Blunt Bonus/+2 STR Bonus/+3 Dodge Bonus wristworn
  47. +13 Blunt Bonus, +5 OHE Bonus, +3 S&H Bonus MBP
  48. An ivory-inlaid deep crimson breastplate: 4x 10-Sided Morphing 'Rikelle' Fusion Armor
  49. gnarled illthorn staff sprouting a few star-shaped leaves
  50. Pin worn +2 Max Mana, +5 Max Health. Blank rechargeable. Persists!
  51. +4 stamina, +10 stamina recovery, +4 INF base earcuff
  52. +5 Dodge Bonus/+5 Perception Bonus/+3 INF Bonus perm pin
  53. +14 Edged, +11 Ranged, leg greaves
  54. four winds player shop for sale
  55. Pin-worn +9 edged weapons bonus, +1 MOC bonus, crumbly
  56. +17 Intuition (Base) Leg Greaves
  57. Cleaning out the lockers Part 1
  58. Selling A Custom Spirit Servant Certificate
  59. Selling A Custom Spirit Servant Certificate
  60. companion grooming cert
  61. +3 Dodge Ranks Leg Greaves
  62. Rare Mana Bread - a gelatinous cube of ham in aspic
  63. Event/Arena entries
  64. 9 blunt/7 polearm/9 ambush earh flaring greathelm
  65. Custom Spirit Servant Certificate
  66. Enhancives for sale
  67. Selling a Custom Swear Certificate From The Trove
  68. Globus Naidem runestaff
  69. +9 AUR Base, +12 DEX Base Runestaff & +11 STR Base Augmented Chain
  70. dagger - 4x, 8 agi, 10 con, 11 ambush, 8 s&h
  71. custom coffee certificate
  72. [Trove Win] 4x Rusalkoren Runestaff with Tier 4 Globus Naidem MB: 150m
  73. Trove: Familiar Customization cert
  74. Tier 5 whodoo doll - 2 custom verbs
  75. T2 Perfuminator with 25 perfumes, including 1 permified
  76. 6x Double Leathers, VHCP (12 CER, 213 services) , S5, T5
  77. Baranding Iron
  78. moonlit silver starsilk robes trimmed in sapphire sparrows (container)
  79. T3 Charm bracelet with 23 charms (some from the Spitfire)
  80. Icemule shop
  81. Trove win - customized bolt certificate
  82. a custom signature verb certificate
  83. Selling: a twisted black branding iron
  84. Selling: a brushed felt hat banded with braided eelskin
  85. 48 hour auction
  86. singing sword certificate
  87. +5 AGI Bonus/+4 STR Bonus leg greaves
  88. 86 of the cube entries
  89. Antique ghostwood music stand inlaid with graceful nightwillow notes
  90. +13 AGI Base arm greaves, 14.9 CER Crit padding
  91. 7x, S6, Animalistic Tower Shield with T4 Fury & Wild backlash unlocked, T2 Ensorcell
  92. Neckworn +9 Spell Aiming, +5 Intuition , +3 EMC, Persists
  93. Light leather with +5 SL Blessing bonus, +7 SMC bonus & +1 wisdom bonus
  94. +5 Ranged, +13 ambush, +12 S&H, +2 Stamina Rec Light crossbow
  95. rogue arm greaves
  96. 10-use Alteration Book
  97. +10 TWC, +5 Log Base, +6 FA Bracelet
  98. +3 Aura Bonus, +6 Logic Bonus, +2 Wisdom Bonus Full Plate
  99. +10 Perception Bonus/+6 First Aid Bonus/+4 Harness Power Bonus ring
  100. +6 THW Bonus/+5 WIS/+8 Physical Fitness Bonus helm
  101. +10 Spell Aiming Necklace
  102. +10 AUR (min lvl 66) leg greaves
  103. Bunch of pulls from some event I can't remember
  104. +10 Spell Aiming Greathelm - Persists
  105. +13 Disarm Trap Bonus/+5 CON/+6 HP Bonus necklace
  106. +8 THW Bonus +8 PF bonus band / +4 Edged Bonus +4 PF bonus necklace
  107. 4x Soul Eater staff with dark substance flares. Tier 2 unlocked.
  108. A couple Spell Aim Enhancives (+9 and +6 BONUS)
  109. +50 Spell Aiming Kit
  110. +7 SL - Summoning, +3 INT Bonus, Ear Worn
  111. +7 and +5 Spirit Lore Summoning, Earcuff & Pin
  112. Bag of simucoin items
  113. Two wristworn enhancive bracers with a combined +3 strength bonus & +2 agility bonus.
  114. +7 Strength, +1 OHE Bonus Pin & +5 OHE Bonus Pin
  115. a black alloy grandmaster's lockpick,a shadow black alloy lockpick case and others
  116. +4 AGI Bonus/+2 STR Bonus ring (empowered Consecrate too)
  117. Some stuff for auction
  118. Firewheel Hand Crossbow - 4x, S1, T1
  119. Runestaff +12 Spell Aiming Bonus, +9 INF Base, +3 MIU Bonus
  120. +7 Wisdom, +4 Aura Greathelm, persists
  121. Enhancive Lot For Sale
  122. Ring: 13 INT, 3 Arc Sym Ranks, 2 Survival Ranks
  123. +9 SL: Blessings Bonus/+8 FA Bonus/+3 Disarm Trap Bonus arm greaves
  124. right spot icemule shop
  125. a wickedly sharp black golvern hatchet +42, S6, HCW, T3 Briar Flares
  126. +7 Aura Base, +3 Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy, Arm Greaves, persists
  127. 8 ranged/5 shield bonus pin worn
  128. 7x 12cer+ full leather
  129. +7 TWC Necklace
  130. 4x Light Leather - +1 Wis Bonus, +5 Disc Bonus, +8 HP Bonus
  131. 4x Handaxe - +9 Edge Bonus, +12 Max Stamina
  132. +5 Shortsword- +11 Edge Bonus, +5 Ambush Bonus, Lightning Flares
  133. T4 Voln doubles, auction quality tent
  134. 50k mb on the items
  135. Some scripted weapons and armor pre-DR - MB set at 40% of cost to make, BO at 80%
  136. 4x Soul Eater staff with dark substance flares. Tier 2 unlocked.
  137. +5 edged rank, +1 survival rank and +5 wisdom base neck worn aventail
  138. Stun Jewelry, +5 SA Bonus neck, custom spell prep, +6 LOG base neck and other junk
  139. Decent Headband
  140. Random Enhancives MB: 100k
  141. +8 Thrown, +5 Edged, Crown
  142. Enhancive runestaves
  143. Terror Flares Maul with +10 THW Bonus and +11 Stamina Recovery
  144. Katana - 7x, T5, 1x dispel, extra crit weighting!
  145. +9 DIS Greathelm, celerity neck, floating disk +3 DIS ring, random weapons
  146. Ensorcell Pin: +7 SMC Bonus, +6 EMC Bonus, +4 MIU Bonus, +1 Mana Recovery
  147. Leg Greaves: +9 Spell Aiming, +15 INF Base
  148. vambraces and legguards each with permanent resistance to fiery attacks
  149. Banshee Stick
  150. GEF Steam Stick
  151. Troll Bane (Fire) Maul
  152. +14 Brawling, +2 Max Stamina, +3 SL - summoning - Greathelm - Persists
  153. arm greaves - +9 to 2hw bon, +10 to stam rec, +4 to health rec
  154. 3 items - baby Spike, tatt. gnome doll, leg greaves (8 to polearm bon, 6 to ohe bon)
  155. Ring. +9 Two-Handed Weapons Bonus. +3 Physical Fitness Bonus. Crumbly.
  156. Ring, Persists: +8 Lockpicking, +4 Ranged, +4 Disarm
  157. Landing Shop
  158. Some Old Reinforced Leather- 7x/T2/Auction Quality Morphing Armor
  159. 3 Alchemy Jar Containers (max light/deep; 1 cloak, 1 back and 1 shoulder worn)
  160. 50 ct gem jars and bottles and beakers
  161. A Bunch Of Dumb Shit For Sale
  162. FIRE SALE (These goods are hotter than hot! they’re hot, hot, HOT!)
  163. Kroderine Platemail, 14 CER crit, 13 CER Damage
  164. Greater Somnis Longbow - +29, S5, T4, Heavily Sighted
  165. Completed BOH - Shoulder or Belt
  166. Locker Clean Out
  167. Healing Longsword
  168. 7x VHCP, LDP, S5 Sanct Double leathers
  169. Some More Garbage For Sale
  170. 5x Runestaff - GEF Lightning, S3, T2, Enhancive: +12 SA, +2 EL AIR, +2 EMC, +8 Dodge
  171. Armor, weapons, shields, monocles, herb kits. Animal, Zelnorn, Low Steel, Surita.
  172. Prettys Womans in your town for night
  173. Enhancives
  174. 7x and 6x sephwir hand xbows
  175. some enhancives to bid on
  176. 2 Pirate Harnesses - A claw-fringed ashen leather harness