View Full Version : str of will torc: 3 arm use bonus/3 health recov/2 mntl lore manip/9 first aid bonus

08-27-2023, 07:12 PM
As you recall the bard's song, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the inset pewter torc in your hand, and you learn something about it...

It is currently imbedded with the Strength Of Will spell.
It has 5 charges. It is empowered and can be charged for an additional 147.
It could be activated by tapping it.
It will persist after its last magical charge has been expended.
It is an enhancive item:
It provides a boost of 3 to Armor Use Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 10 times.
It provides a boost of 3 to Health Recovery.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 20 times.
It provides a boost of 2 to Mental Lore - Manipulation Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 5 times.
It provides a boost of 9 to First Aid Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 30 times.
It seems to have quite a few enhancive charges remaining.
It will crumble into dust after its last enhancive charge has been expended.
It is a small item, under a pound.
It is estimated to be worth about 200,000 silvers.
It has a temporarily unlocked loresong by a bard for 29 days, 23 hours and 52 minutes.

MB 75K