View Full Version : My highly coveted dwarven loot sack

06-11-2007, 02:56 PM
Sheesh, I did not know one HAD to sell an item even when they hadn't taken payment for it yet.

a supple leather dwarven loot sack inset with invar studs

weight: 5 lbs
No, make that 2 lbs

Capacity: 500 LBS

No item limit (except the 500 item limit for characters)


Yes. its not as light and roomy as the crystal and gem bags. however, you will NOT loose this if arrested, you WILL loose your crystal and gem bag, according to someone with knowledge of those items who was kind enough to tell me about that. I regretfully recently verified that my sack will NOT be lost, when I accidently killed a friend in Icemule TC miscasting a spell a couple months ago.

Several people have desired to buy this from me, most trying to tell me my minimum bid was too high. One other said I should get alot more, that one being the one who was not looking to buy it but knew about the quirk with the crystal and gem sacks.

I reserve the right to cancel sale, only if the buyer of Kadesha insist it come with her. (the price for the sale of Kadesha will be adjusted to reflect the sack no longer with her, is it sells here.)

Otherwise, will go once, twice, thrice and sold.

PM or e-mail LdyKadesha@aol.com or bid here or AIM LdyKadesha

06-11-2007, 02:57 PM
15m seems kinda low for an item of that rarity, wouldn't you think? I say go for 400m.

06-11-2007, 03:04 PM
The 1000 LBS went for barely 25 mil recently.

06-11-2007, 03:28 PM
The 1000 LBS went for barely 25 mil recently.

Yep, and unless it was different then the crystal and gem sack 1000 pounders, it could be forever lost for a simple oops that could get one arrested.


06-11-2007, 04:33 PM
Not to mention, the only people who can really carry over 500 lbs on a regular basis are giantkin,

Therefore there shouldnt be a large price difference between the 500 lb and 1000 lb bags, since they carry the same functionality for the majority of players.

Also, I think I sold my 1000 lb bag for about 27 mill 4-5 months ago...

Sean of the Thread
06-11-2007, 04:59 PM

06-11-2007, 05:03 PM

06-11-2007, 05:39 PM

06-11-2007, 07:12 PM
Whats this about crystal & gem bags being taken away if your arrested? Any proof of this?

The Ponzzz
06-11-2007, 07:13 PM
If they weigh too much, you can't get them, and no GM will give it back to you.

06-11-2007, 07:19 PM
I killed some people with a halfling wizard, and like 3 times I couldn't get my containers and all 3 times the GM's helped me, could be different with the gem bags.

06-11-2007, 07:20 PM
I have had that problem, but dropped at a table instead of in the constables boxs.

I think I would throw a fit if the GMs werent willing to give me my items back after I had paid my fine or served the sentence etc.

So has someone actually lost one this way? I assume if so, that they lost everything inside of it as well.

The Ponzzz
06-11-2007, 07:25 PM
The person i know that lost one got all the items inside given back but it was explained that the bag was indeed a bug and had to convert back to holding a medium amount.

06-11-2007, 07:30 PM
Im in the queue right now to speak with a GM about it. Just for claritys sake. I want a GM to tell me this...

And what do you mean a medium amount? Isnt that just screwing you royally? I have other containers that weigh less than one lb and hold 100 or more, and are belt worn. Heck the yellow silk satchels were a large release - though long ago. They don't nerf those to medium amount.

The Ponzzz
06-11-2007, 07:32 PM
Same goes for those that bought the neckpouchs that held a medium and got converted to holding a very small.

These were illegal created.

And same thing happens when you try to alter ICE metals.

06-11-2007, 07:35 PM
And how is it a 'bug' that something holds 1000 lbs? Medium amount caps at like what 30 lbs? You can't mistype 30 into 1000.

Where did these crystal & gem bags originate from?

The Ponzzz
06-11-2007, 07:56 PM
It wasn't a 'bug', it was a GM breaking the rules, on purpose.

06-11-2007, 07:57 PM
GM pals helping their own characters.. or characters of friends most likely... you forgetting the whole 'enchant assembly line' they shut down a few years back? Shit like that doesn't happen without GM's being in on it on some level... was a LOT of real money to be made. Thus the complete rebuild of the enchanting system, and new limits on most of the other systems.

Now if they would just start bonding REALLY nice items to the people who win them so they don't get hoarded by a few folks, life in Elanthia would be perfect.

The Ponzzz
06-11-2007, 07:59 PM
I agree, but item attunement isn't the real fix.

06-11-2007, 08:04 PM
OK so I talked to a GH and a GM. So far I am told the item is safe, and I should have no trouble. But it was not a senior GM, and of course I beleive all GMs have their own opinions and rights to exercise them as they see fit. So another one might nuke the thing if they see it.

06-11-2007, 08:11 PM
19 million

06-11-2007, 10:27 PM
Uh, 20m.

And in regards to the crystal & gem bag someone posted a log of Varulv(sp) saying they are npok in the 10m+ folder awhile back. In my book he is pretty spot on with his word.

06-11-2007, 10:34 PM

06-11-2007, 11:22 PM

no problem okay

06-11-2007, 11:28 PM
Again... each situation is NOT dependent upon the item itself, or how it violates the rules, but rather on the person possessing it. If you have a habit of doing things contrary to everyone else, or just have past issues.. you're likely to lose said item, or get it nerfed. If you've always followed the rules, and are generally a good player/rper... they are most likely going to let you slide.

Being an asshole occasionally DOES have its cost.

06-12-2007, 03:20 AM
I had a friend who owned a crystal and gem bag. He had dyed his because of all the talk about weather or not they were legit items. But anyways, he was arrested in Illistim and all his items went into the box on the constables table. He was not able to get his bag out of the box. It was not due to the weight of the bag since there was not much in it nor did he get the "struggling" message. The bag simply would not come out of the box. I believe the message he got when he tried to get the bag out was.. "You cannot do that." The bag could be tapped or touched while in the box, but it just wasn't removable. He assisted and luckliy got a GM that he was familiar with. The GM stated that the bag was a broken item and that they were not allowed to mess with it. She did give him back his bag through recreation, but said never again will she do that. I believe he got it back due to the first time item return forgiveness policy thing, not sure, but he was warned that the bag will never be replaced again. They are still nice items and very handy items, just don't get arrested with it.

Sean of the Thread
06-12-2007, 06:05 AM

06-12-2007, 07:38 AM
A GM will most likely do the same for this bag.

I think Jahira once had a similiar pouch that was nerfed in such a fashion.

06-12-2007, 08:05 AM
Hell....just test it, have someone you trust wear it, and get arrested. Post the log for all the nay-sayers or possibly lose the sack. Just depends on how confident you are in the item, I suppose.

Just a suggestion.

06-12-2007, 08:27 AM
Can you people read? She said she did test it... that she was arrested by accident not long ago and was able to remove it no problem.

06-12-2007, 08:33 AM
SHE was arrested....not a new owner...it may have been GM favoritism...attuned...blah blah...I think that may be a point of interest for potential buyers.

Put the sack on an alt...cast sleep in town...get arrested and get the sack back. Then there'd be no doubts (other than the normal hard heads).

06-12-2007, 08:39 AM
I'm of the opinion your the only hardhead here... it's pretty clear the discussion going on is about the crystal gem bag...

06-12-2007, 08:42 AM
I make a suggestion and I'm a hardhead?

If you don't like the suggestion, take it to the WHAH file.

06-12-2007, 08:58 AM
Kadesha has been rather forthright about information in her auctions, I read her post as that she didn't need to ask for a GM to help remove the sack from the constables box. If she did need to ask for a GM I don't think it would be safe to assume it's safe at all.

Either way she can clear the air on that, and I imagine that would be enough info for any prospective buyer to weigh judgement on. I would highly recomend against testing this with some other character if it did require GM help... A. No need to waste a GMs time, and B. would just suck a tad if it turns out to be like the bags.

06-12-2007, 08:59 AM
Maybe if you're prone to getting arrested a lot, you may want to opt out of buying it. Better to be safe than sorry, than to have to do a huge amount of testing and risk the item. Just an idea.

06-12-2007, 09:03 AM
Maybe if you're prone to getting arrested a lot, you may want to opt out of buying it. Better to be safe than sorry, than to have to do a huge amount of testing and risk the item. Just an idea.

Agreed.... *testing* to see if GMs will nerf your 20M+ item is a really stupid idea.

06-12-2007, 09:05 AM
Kadesha has been rather forthright about information in her auctions, I read her post as that she didn't need to ask for a GM to help remove the sack from the constables box. If she did need to ask for a GM I don't think it would be safe to assume it's safe at all.

Either way she can clear the air on that, and I imagine that would be enough info for any prospective buyer to weigh judgement on. I would highly recomend against testing this with some other character if it did require GM help... A. No need to waste a GMs time, and B. would just suck a tad if it turns out to be like the bags.

It's not that I doubt Kadesha at all...but to quell the NERFED posts, and the doubts, and to potentially increase the value of her item, if she's willing to test it with an person other than herself, then why not?

And yes...it would suck all to hell if it turned out like the other sacks...moreso for someone who spent 20+ mill on it(240-280 toadskins in the real world).

06-12-2007, 09:07 AM
Maybe if you're prone to getting arrested a lot, you may want to opt out of buying it. Better to be safe than sorry, than to have to do a huge amount of testing and risk the item. Just an idea.

Just one test, conducted by her, was all I was suggesting. We know the properties of the item.

AND...it's JUST a suggestion!!! :grin:

06-12-2007, 09:07 AM

06-12-2007, 09:11 AM
Agreed.... *testing* to see if GMs will nerf your 20M+ item is a really stupid idea.

So someone could spend 20 mill or more, and have to locker it for fear of an arrest, or having it nerfed?

Screw that, that drops the value down to a good backpack and a couple of decent pouches or sacks. If the item is worth 20 mill, then prove it.

Testing only proves the worth of the item...I'm sure you'd by a 10x waraxe on word alone? Or crit padded armor without having it assessed? Sure ya would!!

06-12-2007, 09:12 AM

And thank you for your support(I couldn't find a Bartles and James picture!!)

06-12-2007, 09:17 AM
Her bag should be worth a bit more for the alteration purposes as well. I still have one of the 500 lb red sacks, which had been dyed Jet black, and tried to get it altered a few months ago. The GM doing the alteration promptly handed it back and said, "I can alter this, and fix the bug to hold a medium amount, or you can take it back as is, and pretend I never saw it."

So most of the crystal & gem bags, and red sacks are stuck the way they are. Kadesha, luckily, got hers altered before they decided to start fixing the bugs.

And the reason it is considered a bug is different for both bags. The crystal & gem bags were designed for GM's and were never supposed to make it into the way of players hands.

The red sacks were designed for God weddings in the AOL and post AOL days.
They gave one sack to the bride, and one to the groom, and they were "supposed" to be returned at the end of the wedding. Never to make it into Elanthia.

There are a few others that got out through other routes, but that was the majority of them, if I'm not mistaken.
And one last note, as long as your not notoriously a problem child for Simu, they're not going to confiscate it. Just as well, I've gotten mine out of boxes multiple times. Without an assist.

06-12-2007, 10:10 AM
Her bag should be worth a bit more for the alteration purposes as well. I still have one of the 500 lb red sacks, which had been dyed Jet black, and tried to get it altered a few months ago. The GM doing the alteration promptly handed it back and said, "I can alter this, and fix the bug to hold a medium amount, or you can take it back as is, and pretend I never saw it."

So most of the crystal & gem bags, and red sacks are stuck the way they are. Kadesha, luckily, got hers altered before they decided to start fixing the bugs.

And the reason it is considered a bug is different for both bags. The crystal & gem bags were designed for GM's and were never supposed to make it into the way of players hands.

The red sacks were designed for God weddings in the AOL and post AOL days.
They gave one sack to the bride, and one to the groom, and they were "supposed" to be returned at the end of the wedding. Never to make it into Elanthia.

There are a few others that got out through other routes, but that was the majority of them, if I'm not mistaken.
And one last note, as long as your not notoriously a problem child for Simu, they're not going to confiscate it. Just as well, I've gotten mine out of boxes multiple times. Without an assist.

Okay, I need to clear the air here.

What Onurb posted, about the crystal and gem bags, the ones that weigh 1 lbs and hold 1000 lbs, THOSE bags are the ones I was told of the problem with. Now that he has came out here, it was Onurb who told me about that problem about a week ago via AIM. I did not wish to cite my source as I felt that was better left to him.

My sack was not a red sack prior to its alteration, or, if it was, the seller had no clue. I can't recall now who sold it to me, but what I DO recall is, Both seller and buyer were unaware that it even had such propterties. I got it for 3mil and the seller advertised it simply as being a belt worn sack that held a VLA. I assumed when buying it that VLA would be the standard 100 lbs or so. It was some time later that I discovered what my sack really held one day when I was plunder hunting and kept putting boxes in it, an more boxes in it.. and more even, and they were not shabby boxes..and I realized, hrmm! there is something odd about this sack that I really like!

I do not recall exactly when I got my sack altered now, but I THINK it was during some major merchant event since GS4. It may have been a Sproink stop, but I think it was at the free of charge Ebons Gate a couple years back. I scored alot of alterations at that EG.

As for arrests, I only had the one recent arrest, but I had a couple more prior to that since having my loot sack, and have had no trouble retrieving it each time. I have oopsed the wrong spell more then once. I always felt thankful I was an old cleric and not an old wizard. I'd hate to think of how many accidental meteor storms I may have unleashed had I been a wizard.
C'mon now, you people see how I type!

I was not trying to slant anything here unfairly. Yes, that mine seems not to be buggy I DO view as a selling point. I hope it indeed is still not buggy. I do not know when the crystal and gem bags got into trouble. I never even heard of those until only recently here on these forums. I also never heard of or knew about the wedding sacks. I was merely relaying what Onurb had told me about the crystal and gem bags. I was also relaying what happened with my sack, which weighs 5 lbs not 1 lb, and holds 500, not 1000.


06-12-2007, 10:11 AM
20 MIL to FallenSaint Going Once

06-12-2007, 09:34 PM
21 million

06-13-2007, 01:41 AM
22m I suppose.

06-13-2007, 08:00 AM
Jeeze - didn't think it would go this high.

06-13-2007, 08:29 AM
Some people I guess.

06-13-2007, 09:27 AM
Some people I guess.

All I can say is.. if I were returning instead of leaving, having been the user of my loot sack, I'd pay enormously to get it back. I have absolutely loved the thing! And nope, I am not trying to push up the price more. Truth is, for anyone who can carry alot while hunting, or at least can do so in certain circumstances, probably more useful to a caster then a swinger, and not the best thing to take fully loaded into roa'ters.. the sack is just simply wonderful to have. It was also very nice to have when shopping at a major merchant event. I never had to leave the festival grounds because I had no more room to carry merchandise, although I DID have to leave to unload some wares at the last free EG merchant, not because my sack was full, but because I had reached MY weight capacity without strength.

The sack is worth whatever someone wishes to pay for it. I agree it would have more value to some then to others. I suspect those who see less value in it are no longer bidding.

Since it is in auction and not a flat price, don't knock me for my price setting. Since its properties are accurately listed, as I always attempt to do to the best of my ability with anything I sell, I don't see any problems here.

Yes, I am seeking to make as many silvers or dollars as I can, having paid for two premium accounts for almost ten years.. and now retiring, why not try and get back as much as I can?

Should I ever knowingly falsely represent an item for sale or defraud a buyer, well THEN I would welcome the venom and deserve it.

Meanwhile... I know that whomever wins this sack will thoroughly enjoy using it, and I also know, that should hell freeze over and I decided I am not quitting gemstone afterall, I would be seeking out whomever I sold it to to buy it back.. probably for more then I end up selling it for.. and they would know they had me over the ropes too.

Oh and I don't mean for the tone of this post to be imflammatory atall, just opining here.


CB 22 MIl to FallenSaint

06-13-2007, 09:34 AM
Not blaming you at all Kadesha. It's the people bidding that I'm confused by.

06-13-2007, 10:00 AM
All the best if you can get that amount for it, I'm excited for you and your new camera.:)


06-13-2007, 07:06 PM
Yeah Im not saying its wrong. And you don't have to explain anything.

Its just that I got my 1 lb - 1000 lb capacity bag for close to this price. So I am confused, and wondering what I might get for my container.. :P

06-14-2007, 09:11 AM
CB: 22 MIL to FallenSaint GOING ONCE

06-15-2007, 09:47 AM
CB: 22 MIL to FallenSaint GOING TWICE

06-15-2007, 10:03 AM
23 million

06-16-2007, 11:28 AM
CB: 25 MIL to Brendan via PM this morning

yippee skippy

06-16-2007, 01:25 PM
CB: 26 MIL to Silique via PM a few minutes or so ago

06-16-2007, 02:25 PM
Good god. Some really silly people.

06-16-2007, 02:40 PM
It's kind of funny that a big bag is worth more than a 50+ empath at this point.

06-16-2007, 04:55 PM
Well, empaths are alot more common than big bags.

But yeah, I am surprised at the price its getting.

06-17-2007, 10:29 AM
CB: 26 MIL to Silique GOING ONCE

06-18-2007, 10:41 AM
CB: 26 MIL to Silique GOING TWICE

06-19-2007, 09:42 AM
CB: 26 MIL to Silique THREE TIMES
If there are no further bids, I will consider this as SOLD about this time tomorrow morning, whenever I wake up and check boards.

06-20-2007, 12:58 AM
Today I emptied my sack preparring it for sale, and discovered to my confusion that it weighed 2 lbs, not 5 lbs. I dunno what I did to come up with 5 lbs first time, maybe had some ring chains and amulet holders in it, (things that don't automatically come out) and having took out notes an manifests didnt think to look in it.

Anyway, after I did that I went on a plunderhunt, having not much else to amuse myself with while waiting for Kadesha to sell, and stuffed it back full of 388 pounds worth before I could carry no more. (It still could, but I could not)

I have decided to postpone sale for now, until Kadesha sells. I have an alternate character not for sale who will be about to still sell that and silvers afterwards. Meanwhile, as long as I Kadesha still have time to waste in game, I cannot bear living without my beloved sack and its ability to haul lotsa loot so I can earn more silvers to sell.

I foremost apologize to Silique, also to all others. I will re-list it for sale when Kade is going.

06-20-2007, 01:49 AM
Wow, thats pretty messed up.

After the third call too. The decent thing to do is to ensure Silique has first dibs at 26m at the point in time you do sell.

06-20-2007, 02:03 AM
I also think ( in a business sense ) you're not going to get 26 million when someone with the rep of Ardwen sells something much more productive at 30.

Good luck, though.

06-20-2007, 02:16 AM
Yeah, pretty crappy move, you're also not likely to get that price again.

The Ponzzz
06-20-2007, 02:46 AM

06-20-2007, 02:59 AM
:no: Uncool, Kade. Sorry hon, but that's just not right.

06-20-2007, 03:09 AM

06-20-2007, 07:37 AM
Today I emptied my sack preparring it for sale, and discovered to my confusion that it weighed 2 lbs, not 5 lbs. I dunno what I did to come up with 5 lbs first time, maybe had some ring chains and amulet holders in it, (things that don't automatically come out) and having took out notes an manifests didnt think to look in it.

Anyway, after I did that I went on a plunderhunt, having not much else to amuse myself with while waiting for Kadesha to sell, and stuffed it back full of 388 pounds worth before I could carry no more. (It still could, but I could not)

I have decided to postpone sale for now, until Kadesha sells. I have an alternate character not for sale who will be about to still sell that and silvers afterwards. Meanwhile, as long as I Kadesha still have time to waste in game, I cannot bear living without my beloved sack and its ability to haul lotsa loot so I can earn more silvers to sell.

I foremost apologize to Silique, also to all others. I will re-list it for sale when Kade is going.

:nono: can't say I approve.

06-20-2007, 07:54 AM
Shoulda thought of that before you put it up for sale.

06-20-2007, 08:40 AM
Yeah...not cool...

06-20-2007, 09:08 AM
Totally lame.

06-20-2007, 09:49 AM
I think you should just admit to yourself that you don't plan on quitting and cease the selling altogether.

06-20-2007, 09:53 AM
This thread is about to go five stars (I made sure I quoted the post to prevent deletion!!)

06-20-2007, 09:57 AM

Cocaine is a helluva drug.

06-20-2007, 10:11 AM
Shoulda thought of that before you put it up for sale.

To this quote and the other negative responses, please allow me to respond.

First, I agree wholeheartedly.

I had originally listed the loot sack as for sale with Kadesha, as part of her inventory. I knew that I would not wish to spend time having to linger around here with Kadesha and without the sack.

I had a sale of Kadesha in the works, awaiting an expected bonus paycheck from the buyer. That buyer requested I sell the sack seperately for a lower price on Kadesha, as that buyer did not wish the container. I posted the sack for sale when the buyer gave me word that she would be able to pay for Kadesha toward the end of June. The buyer had an emergency arise and was unable to buy Kadesha afterall, which left me stuck with Kadesha for who knows how long.

I DID also learn at the last moment that my sack was 3 lbs less then I thought it was. This alone COULD have been grounds for me to pull the whole sale and start over. However, because the deal basically stinks for my current high bidder, I plan to honor the standing high bid to Silique of 26 mil, when I decide to part with my sack, rather than seeking more because of learning of the weight difference.

I will not even re-list the sack here, unless at that time they no longer want it. I am also going to be looking now for a lesser but still decent container for Kadesha to use, so that I can go ahead and deliver Silique the item sooner then later.

Yes, I agree, it was kind of a stinky deal. The sack sale was tied in with my Kadesha sale and that went caputs. I plea for some mercy here in light of the circumstances. I imagine I am not the first to have something connected to another sale go south on them. I am trying to do right by the bidder as well as meet my own needs, and I am most certainly not trying to defraud anyone.

I hope those who posted the negative comments will happen to read my reply to them here. I do not ask any of them to change their views about the deal stinking, I just would like them to know the full details before passing sentence.


06-20-2007, 10:21 AM
What you fail to realize is that your excuse doesn't matter. I understand why some items are sentimentally valuable to you, but to other players, they're not. That sack, in your mind, may be perfect for Kadesha, but the new buyer of Kadesha probably won't think so. If you're ever going to sever yourself from this game, you should start now. No looking back.

As for the sack being functional in the mean time while you still have Kadesha...you have, what, 4? characters waiting to be sold. They should be more than enough to hold 500 pounds of stuff.

This is lame, no matter how you slice it. No amount of sob stories or "but...but...guys!" comments will change anything.

06-20-2007, 10:22 AM
The deals should be mutually exclusive. You were selling the charactar anyway, how this has any bearing on a separate sale of a sack is a leap in logic I imagine only you will take.

06-20-2007, 10:57 AM

Sheesh, I did not know one HAD to sell an item even when they hadn't taken payment for it yet.

06-20-2007, 10:59 AM
All I hear is meow meow meow.
(Sorry, had to post it somewhere.)

In all seriousness, it's all excuses at this point. I agree with Skeeter and Slark with this. You're not letting go of anything it seems. I have no idea how you intend on giving up Kadesha when you can't even sell a sack.

Edit: Nevermind. You sold the sack. But the sob story was really unnecessary. And sure, you can decide not to sell something. However this had been up for over a week and then suddenly realize you don't want to because it's much too valuable to give up? C'mon now.

06-20-2007, 11:01 AM

Sheesh, I did not know one HAD to sell an item even when they hadn't taken payment for it yet.

...yeah, usually that's implied when you put something up for sale. Glad you made the right decision! :pirate:

06-20-2007, 11:16 AM
[QUOTE In all seriousness, it's all excuses at this point. I agree with Skeeter and Slark with this. You're not letting go of anything it seems. I have no idea how you intend on giving up Kadesha when you can't even sell a sack.

Edit: Nevermind. You sold the sack. But the sob story was really unnecessary. And sure, you can decide not to sell something. However this had been up for over a week and then suddenly realize you don't want to because it's much too valuable to give up? C'mon now.[/QUOTE]

Yep, its sold, if they will still buy it. If they dont, Maleek contacted me yesterday about it and offered 31 MIL. If I was trying to screw my high bidder so much, I would have sold it to him as a buyout instead.

It wasnt a matter of sentiment. It wasnt a sob story. It is a matter of simply functionality.

I was planning to no longer have any purpose to even be in the game aside from an alternate character loogging in as needed to sell my armor and/or silvers.

When the original planned buyer of Kadesha said they did not want to pay more to get the sack too, I listed it for sale seperate.

When that sale fell through, I simply preferred to have the sack go when Kadesha goes

Kadesha IS still for sale along with everything else, I AM leaving, and I wish I was already GONE. MEANWHILE the primary reason I still play her is, I can earn silvers with her, to help my financial causes, seeings how I still have to pay for the account and all.

I decided to sell the sack now because I am not in the mood for everyone here to get all hostile.

However, I DO wish people would have more clearly read all that I had stated first.

That is all.


06-20-2007, 11:36 AM
You wish you were already gone yet you still log in to play...

Yes, I read what you posted. Your convenience ("simple functionality") is not reason enough to decide not to sell an item you've had up for sale for over a week. End of story.

06-20-2007, 11:43 AM

06-20-2007, 11:44 AM
I can count on two hands how many times I've had an item sell for way under what I paid for or thought it was worth. As a now not so active merchant I still go by the code that once its up for sale its for sale until sold if there are bids on it. Backing away on that is seriously putting your merchant rep at risk, which can hugely have negative reprocussions on future sales.

From what I gathered in this case, the item's attributes were either in question or were amended. Either way, just post the amendment and give the current bidder the opportunity to retract or stay. If retracted, you work backwards until you find a bid/bidder who stays. Then you move forward again. Bids received after that point will be on the basis of the new information being given.

Simple and straightforward process. Nothing says you cant pull the item should you want to, its your right. However, its also the prospective buyer's right to consider the reputation of the seller before obligating themselves to a bid on a questionable item or questionalbe seller. Caveat Emptor and all.

Glad you went through with it, for whatever the reason. It will benefit you in the long run with the sales of the rest of your items.

06-20-2007, 11:47 AM
The only thing I don't get is you posted a long winded thread about your plans for all the money you'd make off of selling out (camera, dogs, etc.) why would you want to delay cashing a check for $338+/- for the sake of RPing out a couple of extra days on some character you're selling. Honestly I don't care if you sell it or not I just can't understand where you're coming from, but I suppose I don't have to.

06-20-2007, 11:54 AM
I did read your reply. Thanks, I know how to read. I simply still did not agree with your excuses. I'm sorry. I'm glad you went through with it, but I didn't feel that your reasons were enough to retract.

I won't even get to your BS about your needing to quit. You don't want to quit, you're just trying to make as much money as possible. What you used to be against, you're being just as bad if not worse than other merchants.

06-20-2007, 12:01 PM
I won't even get to your BS about your needing to quit. You don't want to quit, you're just trying to make as much money as possible. What you used to be against, you're being just as bad if not worse than other merchants.

Of course she doesn't want to quit, but since she IS QUITTING, there's no need to hold on to any of it anymore. And there is also no need to remain in-character and against these sales. Why not try to help her new passion?

She would be worse than other merchants, if she was to use these proceeds and remain in-game... but she's not. She's feeding RL priorities

06-20-2007, 12:10 PM
I did NOT back out because I was unhappy with the price.

I DID contact the bidder when I learned of the properties changing. Unless you can read the bidders PM's, you cannot claim otherwise.

I DO NOT care what anyone else thinks of why I continue to play Kadesha or not while I await her sale, if she was NOT for sale she would not be listed on GSauctions now.

I HAVE decided it is sold anyway, for 26 MIL. if the bidder still wishes to pay.

IF they decide they wish not to deal with me now, then Maleek will happily take it for 31 MIL.

By the way Maleek approached me prior to the time I mentioned the item would go SOLD. I told HIM that I wanted to give my current high bidder a chance to reply first in response to the newly learned item weight, as his offer came after I learned it weighed less. He approached me in game about it yesterday afternoon.

Again, I have not swindled anyone, in fact, I am taking a 5 mil loss in order to be honest.

Just what IS everyone's problem here?

And Crystaltears? you are what your tagline says: an opinionated bitch. I really don't give a flying leap what else you have to say.

However, I DO hold regard for those others who have commented, acknowledged that I did not handle the situation well, and have done my best to make amends.

To all who accept the amends, thankyou.

To the rest: you know where you can kiss it.

I may be a believer but I am not your doormat.


06-20-2007, 12:13 PM
And I thought Christianity was all about forgiveness and love.

06-20-2007, 12:18 PM
I wouldn't even worry about it. It's clear that a LOT of people in this forum love to over dramatize shit. It's why they're all posting publicly instead of sending PMs to you about this. Everyone has to chip in their cool two cents.

Flaming is fun!

06-20-2007, 12:19 PM
Wait? Yes my first impression was right Lianon, you ARE a retard.

Why would we even use a forum if we were going to use PM's? Surely we'd use email or..omg...AIM.

06-20-2007, 12:21 PM
Wait? Yes my first impression was right Lianon, you ARE a retard.

Why would we even use a forum if we were going to use PM's? Surely we'd use email or..omg...AIM.

Case and point. Let's argue over PMs, it'd be so much cooler!

06-20-2007, 12:21 PM
I'm glad you don't care what people think of you. And thank you, I take pride in my title.

I wouldn't even worry about it. It's clear that a LOT of people in this forum love to over dramatize shit.
I know. Especially people who show up here to post goodbye threads. I love those. /sarcasm

It's why they're all posting publicly instead of sending PMs to you about this. Everyone has to chip in their cool two cents.
What a fabulous idea. Let's all send each other PMs. Dork.

Flaming is fun!
I know! :D

06-20-2007, 12:22 PM
Case and point. Let's argue over PMs, it'd be so much cooler!

Sorry, I don't waste my time with idiots.

06-20-2007, 12:38 PM
Sorry, I don't waste my time with idiots.

Like the time you just spent posting that? You're a moron.

Come on, you're losing the "who can post a cooler message" game. Surely, with 12,000+ posts, you've learned something?

06-20-2007, 12:43 PM
I've learned that moron's like you who appear out of the woodwork when a controversial character is being reamed on these boards are to be taken with a grain of salt. You have never contributed to these boards. No one knows or cares who you are. Ergo it's obvious that you're bias towards the seller. Considering you posted a stupid message effectively saying "OMG leave her alone" it just proves you're a fool.

I couldn't give a shit if she pulls our of her sale, sells it to Tsin or whatever. I'm more amazed that their are people in this game willing to pay so much for such a shitty item (or rather so much for an item when you can pay less, currently, for better items). For all her posturing about growing up and moving on, though, it doees go to show that a leopard doesn't and hasn't changed her spots.

Trust me everytime something like this happens gibbons like you will always turn up. Generally you make bigger fools of yourself than the OPer, as you have done now.

06-20-2007, 12:46 PM
You really think a message board can be successful if someone posts a thread and then everyone replies to that post in PMs with their thoughts and opinions?

06-20-2007, 12:46 PM
I'm glad you don't care what people think of you. And thank you, I take pride in my title.

I know. Especially people who show up here to post goodbye threads. I love those. /sarcasm

What a fabulous idea. Let's all send each other PMs. Dork.

I know! :D

I care what MOST people think about me, people whom I hold a degree of respect toward. it's why I decided to sell against my wishes.

I just don't care what CERTAIN people think of me, that sort who more enjoys constant crisism of everyone they can find for every slightest flaw, not realizing that nobody, including themselves, is perfect.

and, StrayRogue:

Christianity is indeed about love and forgiveness. In my spiritual life I would pray for such malcontents to find eternal, internal peace with God and within themselves.

It's also about Righteousness, Justice, and Repentance.

Most of all, it's about a living personal relationship with the most Living God, which He in His infinite mercies, endeavous to engage even with us most imperfect of humans.

My defensiveness indeed is not spiritual fruit. I still wrestle with my own flesh, and still have feelings. I'm working on it still, with His help.

Just Gail, Not Saint Paul

06-20-2007, 12:48 PM
I love that old copout.

06-20-2007, 12:48 PM
Wow, that was a really cool post. I don't think I can top that one. I just wish I had a set of 12,000 post muscles and ego like you do. Nobody knows me or cares? I'm crushed.

Gibbons, "moron appearing out of the woodwork", and fool were all good ones. Controversial yet classy. Good post. What's a gibbon?

06-20-2007, 12:50 PM
You are a tard. End of.

06-20-2007, 12:52 PM
You are a tard. End of.


06-20-2007, 12:53 PM

Agreed, congrats on 12,870!

06-20-2007, 12:54 PM
Congrats on 24?


06-20-2007, 12:55 PM
If all you have to use against Stray is the number of posts he's made on these forums, you're screwed. Just quit while you're behind.

06-20-2007, 01:27 PM
Good advice Crystal, I concede.

06-20-2007, 02:04 PM
Bie. Another fail for the noobs.

06-20-2007, 02:07 PM
Wow, this thread seems to have turned into a huge train wreck. I should go back and read the last 9 pages or so.


EDIT: ROFL cry more you nubs. Seriously. This calls for more pictures.


I've learned that moron's like you...


06-20-2007, 02:38 PM
ok Methais, the slides on LOTR are hilarious!

06-20-2007, 02:49 PM

06-20-2007, 03:04 PM

LOTR slides = winner x 1000.

I laughed so hard others in my office were giving me strange looks.

06-20-2007, 03:14 PM
Yeah, LOTR slides = A+

06-20-2007, 05:48 PM
LOTR slides = OFN omg.

06-21-2007, 01:00 AM
I'm surprised no one's attacked Kadesha for using her government cheese check to pay for multiple accounts and premium GS... Where are the personal attacks that make these boards so fun to read?