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View Full Version : GemStone Platinum

  1. [Platinum] a rune-covered zelnorn targe (2 replies)
  2. [Platinum] some rune-covered leathers (0 replies)
  3. [Platinum] a clean-lined ebon leather aketon piped with white silk (0 replies)
  4. [Platinum] a veil iron hammer (0 replies)
  5. [Platinum] a massive coraesine crescent blade (0 replies)
  6. [Platinum] a suit of obsidian-hued armor (0 replies)
  7. [Platinum] an enruned leather-bound book (0 replies)
  8. [Platinum] a burnished black vultite javelin (0 replies)
  9. [Platinum] Selling some SKs (613, 712, 1606, 503 cloak) (0 replies)
  10. [Platinum] a pair of ebon leather gloves with mattle kelyn knuckles (1 replies)
  11. [Platinum] a sinuous runestaff of white-veined spiraling glowbark (0 replies)
  12. Platinum: Reinhardt items for sale (2 replies)
  13. PLAT: Fausto's Stuff For Sale (0 replies)
  14. Selling/Trading Items in Platinum (0 replies)
  15. PLAT: Fausto's DR Consignment Service (0 replies)
  16. PLAT: Fausto's Stuff For Sale (2 replies)
  17. WTB Silvers / Items for Wizard, Cleric, or Bard! (0 replies)
  18. Items For Sale (0 replies)
  19. Looking for something to buy (1 replies)
  20. 12,000 Platinum Points (2 replies)
  21. Your plat silvers for my prime silvers? (1 replies)
  22. Just joined platinum - tips/advice (3 replies)
  23. Selling Out... (3 replies)
  24. BS for sale! (0 replies)
  25. WTB BS (0 replies)
  26. Bounty points, silvers, bloodscrip for sale (0 replies)
  27. Bloodscrip for sale (0 replies)
  28. Belmont whip (3 replies)
  29. a wing-bladed sea glaes harpoon from 2016 Auction. (0 replies)
  30. Looking for unlimited quiver or e-bow (0 replies)
  31. 50m silvers (0 replies)
  32. Round Tree Fiddy! (1 replies)
  34. Plat points (0 replies)
  35. Duskruin Finds ( make me an offer ) (0 replies)
  36. DR T5/T6 Item Sales - Cash Offers (5 replies)
  37. Consolidating Deuce (2 replies)
  38. Platinum Points (0 replies)
  39. Consolidation Time (9 replies)
  40. Cash Sales (5 replies)
  41. Hoping for... (2 replies)
  42. Wishlist (6 replies)
  43. Seeking items for a war mage (7 replies)
  44. Gemstone IV Platinum HARDCORE (76 replies)
  45. Looking for SK 506 (0 replies)
  46. Desires (10 replies)
  47. Looking for a few items (5 replies)
  48. Blink Greatsword (0 replies)
  49. Free Platinum 30 day trial (88 replies)
  50. a rune-etched white eonake censer (2 replies)
  51. Belmont Whip (0 replies)
  52. a polished glowbark runestaff inlaid with opalescent vaalin leaves (0 replies)
  53. Xbox subscriptions (4 replies)
  54. Padded doubles (1 replies)
  55. Looking for Elemental Bow (2 replies)
  56. GSPlat Map Database (0 replies)
  57. The steel short sword (6 replies)
  58. Have too many silvers??? (0 replies)
  59. Plat weapons and armor (3 replies)
  60. Looking for 6x/6x Nerve runestaff ... or bloodscrip to buy one (0 replies)
  61. Commission 7x perfect mithril lance (0 replies)
  62. Looking for really nice claid/lance (1 replies)
  63. Leaving the Lands Sale (25 replies)
  64. Buying your silvers! (7 replies)
  65. Any interest in these items (0 replies)
  66. More Plat Gear for sale (51 replies)
  67. Plat Stuff for Sale (17 replies)
  68. Plat Stuff (XPost from Officials) (6 replies)
  69. High end stuff (7 replies)
  70. Full Sale - including 10x sancted claidh (9 replies)
  71. Myke's List of Stuff for Trade, Sale, or Cross-Instance Trade (0 replies)
  72. HSN in Plat (1 replies)
  73. Silvers, bounty points for sale (0 replies)
  74. Tapping Out - Selling the last of Myke's Stuff (6 replies)
  75. Buying Plat Points (2 replies)
  76. Platinum Silvers (1 replies)
  77. Delcian's Clean Out Sale (2 replies)
  78. Looking for clothing (0 replies)
  79. alright, lets start it off then (14 replies)
  80. boredom is setting in (12 replies)
  81. Icy Wings - Plat (3 replies)
  82. 20m silvers and a statfix potion (0 replies)
  83. Trading Platinum PP for Prime PP (0 replies)
  84. 6k points (0 replies)
  85. Myke's Stuff. (0 replies)
  86. Trade Plat to Prime (2 replies)
  87. 2 Fixstats sale (0 replies)
  88. Fixstat (0 replies)
  89. Brinret/Kithus's Platinum Blowout (10 replies)
  90. Half price. (0 replies)
  91. I have 5600 PLATINUM points that I don't need. (0 replies)
  92. Jay Quit? (41 replies)
  93. Hi Plat! (1 replies)
  94. 2/16 Log, as requested. (7 replies)
  95. Looking for Handaxe / Shield / Warrior / Lumberjack Things (0 replies)
  96. More fissures form in the crimson moon (2/7/13 Log) (0 replies)
  97. Swan song late addition! (0 replies)
  98. SWAN SONG (19 replies)
  99. Small Potatoes. (11 replies)
  100. GemStone (4 replies)
  101. Jay's Combined Bid Update. (5 replies)
  102. 4. Oops. Stragglers. (0 replies)
  103. 3. Gringotts (1 replies)
  104. 2. K-mart Blue Light Special (3 replies)
  105. 1. Storage Wars. (3 replies)
  106. Silvers and bounty points (0 replies)
  107. 12mil plat silvers for your prime silvers (0 replies)
  108. Antiques Roadshow (LAST CHANCE) (14 replies)
  109. Antiques Roadshow (Platinum Version) (9 replies)
  110. Forhead gems - Curious (1 replies)
  111. 40m silver in plat for your silver in prime (1 replies)
  112. 8m silver in Plat for your silver in Prime (0 replies)
  113. anyone around? (1 replies)
  114. Scrooge McDuck (24 replies)
  115. 1400 Plat Points (0 replies)
  116. Plat Points Sale (0 replies)
  117. Markoben (0 replies)
  118. How's plat doing? (4 replies)
  119. Dormant Plat Points (5 replies)
  120. Jesphian's Deleted Post (36 replies)
  121. Ebon's Gate - Plat (4 replies)
  122. Summer Trials (3 replies)
  123. Prime Silvers for plat trades (0 replies)
  124. Official: 2010 Summer Plat Trials Begin (14 replies)
  125. A Parchment Notice (3 replies)
  126. Population status? (29 replies)
  127. Just because (12 replies)
  128. Porting Character Plat to Prime (16 replies)
  129. WTB in Plat - stunning item (17 replies)
  130. Lucky. (4 replies)
  131. Since I can't post this on the official boards... (49 replies)
  132. Because thats how we roll. (33 replies)
  133. Plat CCF Want List Discussion (76 replies)
  134. Platchat? (7 replies)
  135. No context official boards moderator hidden or removed posts from Platinum (140 replies)
  136. Try our dingleberries. (7 replies)
  137. wHO bRoKe the Gemstonez? (6 replies)
  138. Custom Swear (sale? ideas?) (20 replies)
  139. RPA Question (6 replies)
  140. WordSmiths Information and Organizational Meeting (1 replies)
  141. Official: Platinum Point Recovery (25 replies)
  142. Character Breakdown (15 replies)
  143. Portal Script (11 replies)
  144. Plat Items (0 replies)
  145. Hello! echo echo echo (10 replies)
  146. Official: Lothwyn on Plat (28 replies)
  147. Still a never-thought for some GMs. (48 replies)
  148. The status of plat ? (18 replies)
  149. Platinum Only - Trade List (6 replies)
  150. Myke's Funderful List of Stuff for Newbs! (5 replies)
  151. Platinum Summer Spectacular (77 replies)
  152. Portal Script? (2 replies)
  153. Portals (3 replies)
  154. So, whats the news with Plat? (57 replies)
  155. Homes and Shops (2 replies)
  156. PLATINUM AUCTION (21 replies)
  157. PLATINUM TRIALS (79 replies)
  158. Fireside Inn (20 replies)
  159. I gots me some questions. (25 replies)
  160. An idiot aims again.. and again... and again (44 replies)
  161. So what's the point? (46 replies)
  162. PLATINUM TRIALS (4 replies)
  163. Platinum characters finally find their way to E-Bay (176 replies)
  164. Hello! (22 replies)
  165. Huh (37 replies)