View Full Version : Plat CCF Want List Discussion
04-24-2009, 12:39 PM
We're two weeks away, and there seemed like a pretty good response when Mario asked a while ago what folks were hoping to get and all.
I know that fewer players probably read this board, but it seems like an easier place to keep track of things than on the officials.
Aside from the general services, most of what I am after is limited but not major, though some of the major services do look nice. I am mostly after an ASG change, and have stuff I could improve with some of the weapon and armor services.
I don't know if I will have enough silver to compete in any of the major auctions, or what the scene will be in terms of buying or trading for raffle wins. I guess a lot will depend on how many tickets sell and what service-pricing considerations are made for the smaller and poorer population.
The Ponzzz
04-24-2009, 12:42 PM
I want a lot, I'm not going to lie. I have my hope set on a spell enhancive, but DB enchanting is up there too. I been wracking in lots of coins. I play nice during EG and monthly raffles, I won't be here.
04-24-2009, 01:00 PM
I don't have any items that would require the major armor service, and am going to defer to Jay on the major weapon enchanting. That claid is badass.
I may enter a major raffle or two with trades in mind if I win. And a few general/limited raffles with the idea of giving the slot to someone I know who may want it, where appropriate. I doubt I will enter anything close to all of the raffles.
04-24-2009, 01:39 PM
That claid is setting a new bar in sickness....
Good job! :)
04-24-2009, 05:26 PM
2 questions. First, are there still tickets left? Second, how much are they?
04-24-2009, 05:51 PM
There is no limit on the number of tickets to be sold for the Plat run. They are $67.50 each, and available (I think) up until the start of the event. It may require some kind of GM activation if purchased the day of the festival, but I don't know so much about how that works.
04-24-2009, 05:53 PM
That claid is setting a new bar in sickness....
Good job! :)
What claidh is that?
04-24-2009, 05:56 PM
Plat tickets are unlimited. Same cost as the Prime run.
And I'm behind the times.
04-24-2009, 05:57 PM
I'd suggest going to the CCF chat:
04-24-2009, 05:59 PM
What claidh is that?
9x. Jay plans to get it to a full 10x at the CCF
That Jay
04-25-2009, 05:11 PM
Must have: Extraordinary Enchant.
Passing interest: Spell Enchancives on armor or weapon, Upgrading Instruments to Master Quality, Extraordinary Weapon weighting, Permablessing, Enchanting bows, Demonology Runes, Enchanting Armor, Enchanting Weapons, Padding, Weighting.
I am completely bowing out of any auctions for the remaining Major Wins.
That Jay
04-25-2009, 05:20 PM
BTW, any service I did not mention but happen to win through raffles, I'd be more than willing to part with.
04-25-2009, 05:31 PM
Awesome job Jay... :)
04-25-2009, 06:07 PM
Wouldn't mind getting a custom loresong on my steel katana, wonder if Naos still has part of what he was working on saved somewhere.
04-25-2009, 06:09 PM
Oh slightly off topic question, I had won a custom spell prep before I left last time but when I shut off my account again it was still in QC (I guess) any idea if I could still get it?
The Ponzzz
04-25-2009, 06:39 PM
Yeah, pretty sure you could, especially if it was in QC.
That Jay
04-25-2009, 08:21 PM
Funny thing is I won three custom loresongs in years past that were never redeemed by the GMs.
1. Loresong to grave artifacts from an EG contest run by one time SGM Ozias. I still want to become a student in one of his real world classes and then be able to get an extension on a writing project for as long as I have waited.
2. & 3. Loresongs to shadowdeath weapons which were designed by me and never implemented by Thanthyl
Needless to say, I have a bad taste in my mouth about custom loresongs.
That Jay
04-25-2009, 08:22 PM
Oh and the thing that rankles about the loresong from Ozias is that he DID redeem the Prime winner their loresong for the same contest in Prime.
The Ponzzz
04-25-2009, 08:24 PM
Have you emailed him, Jay? I email GMs like WHOA.
That Jay
04-25-2009, 08:27 PM
Oh we have talked. He gave me a custom spell prep in its stead but said he still wanted me to have the loresong and then when he took a leave of absence he said another GM would get to it.
They never did.
The Ponzzz
04-25-2009, 08:33 PM
Yeah, I fear those words often. If a GM leaves for whatever reason, you usually lose whatever was pending by them.
04-25-2009, 09:16 PM
Same happened to me Jay with my own custom spell prep. It took no less than three GMs and over a year to get mine done. Just keep hounding them.
04-29-2009, 01:44 AM
On the original subject of want lists...
Dear Platta Clause,
I'm mainly interested in getting some armor padded and/or further enchanted. So I'll be in for the extraordinary padding, but that's the only major service I'd really throw coins at. But I'll probably just hope to win the raffle. (Sure, I'd love me some 606, but I really feel like that's only going to happen if I go camp out in St. Louis to leech off Simu's wireless while Saavis goes on a failventure. If I thought I'd get Denil past title, I never would have gone with the "for the lulz" gnome necromancer plan. Anyway...)
For the somewhat limited stuff, I'd really like to pick up sanctification for my cleric's claidhmore. I'd also like to pick up permablessing... I don't have a very good weapon to permabless, but I'm not going to feel bad about that at all. Getting back to the character I really play... Denil needs a morphing tattoo. And I kind of expect to end up with a shien'tyr rune, since I can count about seven sorcerers playing with any regularity. Other stuff would be fun but I have no special desires. So, uh, in conclusion:
Definitely want: crit padding, sanctification
Wishful thinking: 606
Strong interest: permablessing, morphing tattoo, shien'tyr
Strong interest, assuming I finally design ones I'd commit to: custom spell prep, swear, signature verb
04-29-2009, 01:57 AM
Same advice for my plat gang (always will be) as prime...
Work together...
Talk a lot...
Sell spots...
Pay it forward...
It really worked for 2 runs of CCF in Prime. I got more than I ever imagined i would, and spent a bazillion, but had great fun.
The Ponzzz
04-29-2009, 02:04 AM
I'll follow your format!
Definitely want: 211/606 Spell Enhancive, AsG Change, Custom Cigars.
Strong Interest: Permabless, Snake Flares, Mana Vial Flares, Feature Hiding Hood
Wishful Thinking: Playershop Alteration, Sig Verb
I wouldn't mind a lot of the little thing, like dahcre adding I'd like to score, but won't care either way. I'm playing it by the schedule though in what MAJOR services to go for. We know the enhancives auction in Sunday, so I will be going for any MAJOR service I think I can use before hand regardless. I don't want to regret not going for the DB enchant because I waited till the auction to hit and get wiped out in a bidding war.
I am really curious how many people are now waiting till last minute to buy a ticket. I figured ticket sales would have spiked by now, but we only have 17 sold thus far. I highly doubt we will be under 30 tickets sold, but man, that certainly is wishful thinking.
The Ponzzz
04-29-2009, 02:07 AM
Same advice for my plat gang (always will be) as prime...
Work together...
Talk a lot...
Sell spots...
Pay it forward...
It really worked for 2 runs of CCF in Prime. I got more than I ever imagined i would, and spent a bazillion, but had great fun.
Unfortunately, Paul, most this will not happen in Platinum. Working together, I could see for some of us, but there are way too many GIMME GIMME GIMME types in Platinum, than in Prime. Outside festivals, coins have absolutely no value and are economy will never pick up because in the end, people don't want to work for their items.
Also, Platinum only has the one run and I doubt we'll see more services than what was released in Prime. So unlike Prime who has 3 606 spell enhancives going out, there will only be one here, which causes it's value to be higher. Where in Prime, at least there can eventually be a market.
I would back off certain things, sell slots, etc if I knew I wouldn't get back stabbed in the end or lose my service because someone wanted to be a cowboy.
04-29-2009, 02:07 AM
Same advice for my plat gang (always will be) as prime...
Sell Jay (or me in prime) all the good things, kthx
Fixed for you!
04-29-2009, 09:11 AM
Unfortunately, Paul, most this will not happen in Platinum. Working together, I could see for some of us, but there are way too many GIMME GIMME GIMME types in Platinum, than in Prime. Outside festivals, coins have absolutely no value and are economy will never pick up because in the end, people don't want to work for their items.
Also, Platinum only has the one run and I doubt we'll see more services than what was released in Prime. So unlike Prime who has 3 606 spell enhancives going out, there will only be one here, which causes it's value to be higher. Where in Prime, at least there can eventually be a market.
I would back off certain things, sell slots, etc if I knew I wouldn't get back stabbed in the end or lose my service because someone wanted to be a cowboy.
...which is ironic considering that in general, Plat is much more laid back and sharey than Prime. I have been trying to get a feel for how CCF is going to go down in that regard.
I'll bite.
Definitely want: Extraordinary weapon enchanting (raffle, since I know I can't afford the auction), spell prep
Strong Interest: Armor concealers, heraldry, armor enchanting
Wishful Thinking: Sig verb, custom perfume
As far as sharing, etc., goes... I'm not planning on entering any raffles that I can't use. I had my one GIMME moment at EG, and ended up giving my win (vest bandolier) away. If I end up getting spun for a service that someone wants, just toss me a whisper (Issalya) or IM me from platchat (or whatever chat we end up using) and I'm sure I'll pass it over.
04-29-2009, 12:41 PM
Still debating if I want to drop over $100 to come back for a month for this. Can't decide.
Hmm plat has changed. We always got more than we could possibly want so made sure everyone got it if we could. Aww well.
The Ponzzz
04-29-2009, 03:38 PM
...which is ironic considering that in general, Plat is much more laid back and sharey than Prime. I have been trying to get a feel for how CCF is going to go down in that regard.
The claws come out at festivals. Entitlement runs high.
04-29-2009, 05:37 PM
Definitely Want: ASG Change
Strong Interest: Armor ET, Armor Padding, Weapon ET, Weapon Weighting
Wishful Thinking: Extraordinary Armor Padding
Most of the things I want are standard services, but I am also going to enter at least a few major raffles.
I checked out the chat for prime's first two runs, and was impressed by how much people were willing to share and help others get what they were looking for. I think our group is probably less in tune with what we all really want, and - as Mario suggested - more people will probably just take whatever they win.
Also, the folks in prime who attended were highly motivated to do so, and seemed to have specific things in mind they wanted. The average plat attendee is probably less mechanics-savvy than the prime folks who went, and has less silver to spend and fewer high-end items to improve.
I have hope that we may sell less tickets, and nightmares about some of the crap-tacular items that will undoubtedly be made.
04-29-2009, 11:51 PM
Must Have: Major crit padding
Alternative Must Have: The 211 knowledge. I change my mind each day about which one I'd rather have. But I may get outbid any way.
I Will Kill Children For: The "A Thousand Cuts" TWC-scripting. I plan on bringing a matching set of weapons that I want this script added to.
Strong interest: Permablessing, Normal armor ETing, Normal weapon ETing, Sig Verb, Custom perfume, scripted instrument cases, EZscripts, flare removal, scroll combining / charging
Slight interest: Normal padding, ASG Change, spell prep, Dachre, Feature-concealing hood, master class instrument upgrade, custom loresongs, blessing sheaths, recharging enhancives, spikes
Zero interest: Weighting, flares, custom cigars, armor concealers, amulet holders, TD booster
Some Fool's Gonna Bid This One Way Too High: Major Armor ET auction (Sorak), Major Weapon ET (Hubris), 606 knowledge (who knows?). I will enter the major armor ET raffle, though.
I plan on being very conservative with coins so it'll restrict what I go for anyway.
My hope is that CCF is a crazy pinata of goodies and we're all on the ground together scooping up the spoils together. If anyone is really left in the cold, I will be more than happy to throw my name in a raffle or kick you a win you want more than me. Just let me know.
- Jordan
04-30-2009, 01:21 AM
My hope is that CCF is a crazy pinata of goodies and we're all on the ground together scooping up the spoils together. If anyone is really left in the cold, I will be more than happy to throw my name in a raffle or kick you a win you want more than me. Just let me know.
Me too, what you said. It is encouraging to hear some of the big guns are taking such a collaborative approach.
Our run has the potential for some different dynamics than the others, depending on how many people show. And a few details left to be worked out. It will be interesting to see if alts are allowed and what pricing considerations are going to be made for our very different population and economy.
I know the PTB are probably spent from a long couple festival weeks, but I hope this stuff is worked out next week in advance of the festival.
04-30-2009, 12:12 PM
Must Have: Major crit padding
You aiming to pad the fulls, or something heavier?
04-30-2009, 01:33 PM
You aiming to pad the fulls, or something heavier?
Actually I have my 8x lightning/impact resistant void/plasma flaring brig. I was thinking of getting the flares stripped off and getting the crit padding thrown on it... that'd be some mighty, mighty nice brig. Especially since a) you can't ET resistant armor above 7x, even with the PP system; b) you can't add resistances to armor above HCP; c) adding resistances to armor above 7x costs a crazy amount, 4 mil I think (then 8 mil for 9x and 16 mil for 10x); d) it is a set of armor I took up from a 5x boxfind so would be that much more special to me.
But, I have another set of padded brig, lower enchant but more padding, and it's been working out nicely, so, I'm torn. If I could guarantee I could get the 211 for a not-insane price, and get it thrown on an armor accessory of my liking, I'd forgo this padding, but that might not be possible, and this padding would make me very happy.
Then again, this fest has a lot of great services. I won't be unhappy if I walk away with no Exceptional services. Good chance that's what will happen.
I was thinking of getting the Normal padding for the fulls, maybe changing them to doubles first, or just keeping them for that wizard I'll probably roll some day. Any advice?
- Jordan
04-30-2009, 01:40 PM
Just FYI Jordan, you can add the 211 to an accessory, both Belnia and I did leg greaves.
Easier to move around that way.
04-30-2009, 01:52 PM
I was thinking of getting the Normal padding for the fulls, maybe changing them to doubles first, or just keeping them for that wizard I'll probably roll some day. Any advice?
That's a tough call. The brig seems really tempting if you play a character that wears it; the fulls might be better for future resale/barter with a mage, or if you decide to play one.
I am also torn about whether to keep my mage in full or take him to double. He's 30th and probably not ever going much further than 50th or 60th, if he ever makes 40th. There are good arguments on the boards for both - it probably comes down to how much the 4% hinderance in doubles will piss you off. Some people even prefer LBP for pures, but most folks I run into seem averse to spell failure - across the board.
I might make an okay set of brig I have (6x swcp) into LBP, if I could somehow score a second ASG-changing slot. It seems like there are fewer nice LBPs available than brigs from what I have seen.
I wonder what kind of prices will be offered to winners of the standard armor/weapon/etc. services, if slots come up for sale or auction.
04-30-2009, 03:23 PM
Just FYI Jordan, you can add the 211 to an accessory, both Belnia and I did leg greaves.
Easier to move around that way.
Yea, but can you add them to an accessory that is already enhancive?
I have the +10 stalking / +10 ambush leg greaves from Anfelt. They have a huge pool of charges as is. Can a spell enhancive be added to them? If so, does it share that pool of charges? How does ADG recharging work? Etc.
The Ponzzz
04-30-2009, 04:21 PM
You generally can't add enhancives to already enhancives things.
04-30-2009, 04:25 PM
Yea, but can you add them to an accessory that is already enhancive?
I have the +10 stalking / +10 ambush leg greaves from Anfelt. They have a huge pool of charges as is. Can a spell enhancive be added to them? If so, does it share that pool of charges? How does ADG recharging work? Etc.
I added the 211 to a set of spiked/lightning flaring greaves with an enhansive dachre +4 dex I got earlier that day.
But Mario is probably right on this one, can't generally add to another.
Try some arm greaves or a nice gorget.
04-30-2009, 04:28 PM
I'm totally against Jordan removing that scripted set of flares from the 8x brig.
Get another set of armor done, its got tons of value already, you'll not gain a ton from it really, and have another set of good armor if you move past brig, or for another character.
04-30-2009, 04:41 PM
I'm totally against Jordan removing that scripted set of flares from the 8x brig.
Get another set of armor done, its got tons of value already, you'll not gain a ton from it really, and have another set of good armor if you move past brig, or for another character.
I knowwww. That flare combo has sentimental value and is super rare, but at cap, is not as useful to me as padding. Lately I've been rocking some 5x ECP brig in Nelemar and it has been a huge improvement. If only I had picked void/fire, it'd be more useful, I could take it into troll camps.
It'd be very, very useful for a younger brig-user gaining levels, but I am loathe to trade it.
Accessory-wise, my arms are already taken by the Shadowdeath vambraces, my neck is taken by the Song of Mirrors gorget, and my legs are taken by the Anfelt greaves. I could throw the 211 on a helm, but eh...
Maybe I'll just go for some of the less coveted Extraordinary wins, and throw in for the Armor ET raffle.
What do you think people are willing to pay for the 606? I bet someone goes over 20 mil for it. Ugh.
The Ponzzz
04-30-2009, 04:44 PM
If they go over 20 mil, then they beat me!! If I don't have a major service by Sunday, I'm going BALLS out!
04-30-2009, 04:59 PM
Try and win the flare adding service and see if they'll change that, I had them change the flares on my returning hammer from lightning to acid.
211 could go on the shadowdeaths....w00t...or the gorget.
You won't get a ton more help from vhcp vs the 5x ecp you using, so if you can get the flare changed, be good for warcamps, else use em as trade bait for something you want.
04-30-2009, 05:02 PM
Try and win the flare adding service and see if they'll change that, I had them change the flares on my returning hammer from lightning to acid.
211 could go on the shadowdeaths....w00t...or the gorget.
You won't get a ton more help from vhcp vs the 5x ecp you using, so if you can get the flare changed, be good for warcamps, else use em as trade bait for something you want.
Wow, you think I could get the plasma changed to fire? That'd be great. I will post on the officials to ask. That would completely help make them more useful. I'd love to change my fire/acid handaxe to fire/disintegrate, I guess it's worth asking...
211 enhancive on a self-mana item? Or the vambraces? Wow, I'll definitely have to ask. Which GM handles these, Bazar?
04-30-2009, 05:07 PM
Fairly sure. :)
04-30-2009, 05:46 PM
What do you think people are willing to pay for the 606? I bet someone goes over 20 mil for it. Ugh.
:cry: Don't crush my dreams...
Maybe everyone else will be all tuckered out by Sunday afternoon and there will lots of nice loooong naps right around 2:45.
04-30-2009, 06:18 PM
:cry: Don't crush my dreams...
Maybe everyone else will be all tuckered out by Sunday afternoon and there will lots of nice loooong naps right around 2:45.
To me, the smart money is to save your coins for EG 09. We're getting an auction, and there are bound to be surprises. And in the run-up, lots of folks (including me) will sell stuff for coins. I am sure there are great deals to be had. No sense in bankrupting yourself to compete with the fellow who has nothing else to do with his coins (tho I hope whoever wins the 606 enhancive enjoys the hell out of it).
The mantra in Plat has been that coins aren't worth anything, but I bet the course of events this year will prove that mantra wrong.
- Jordan
04-30-2009, 08:24 PM
If the EG auction is anything like the 2007 Plat auction, I'm not at all concerned about having coins.
And although interesting things are offered for public sale for coins from time to time, they're rarely beyond the low grade of auction items (judging by, say, the 07 auction list). And it's the auction-level kind of the stuff that I really care to drop coin on. It's cheaper to buy this kind of stuff in Plat, but a lot harder to find for sale (compared to Prime).
I'd be happy to be proven wrong, of course.
04-30-2009, 08:28 PM
If the EG auction is anything like the 2007 Plat auction, I'm not at all concerned about having coins.
And although interesting things are offered for public sale for coins from time to time, they're rarely beyond the low grade of auction items (judging by, say, the 07 auction list). And it's the auction-level kind of the stuff that I really care to drop coin on. It's cheaper to buy this kind of stuff in Plat, but a lot harder to find for sale (compared to Prime).
I'd be happy to be proven wrong, of course.
I am going to put some pretty decent auction-level items up for coin sale this summer, and I know other people will do the same with even better items. Probably including the zelnorn breastplate, though I think I'll get it turned into full plate at CCF to make it more appealing to warriors who can use it. I like having a handful of tradeable things for safety's sake, but this one's been sitting in my locker too long, it's got to go to someone who'll use it.
- Jordan
The Ponzzz
05-01-2009, 12:01 AM
Yeah, I fall victim to buying pre-festival high end items often at what I feel are hugely discounted prices. Like Jay has sold me a lot of good stuff over the years just before an event. I usually have about 20-25mil before an event, but Jay scoops up anywhere between 5-8mil from me in some fast sales. He's sold me the haste boots, the 5 gold ring holder, a 5x flaring/sanct axe returner and a few other smaller things. Good sales.
Jordan and I have also done some good item swapping. One thing I know we try to do is keep the items in the game. Once they hit lockers, we do try to remedy that. Too many items are lost to people reactivating for a festival, buying a high end item and deactivating just after.
05-01-2009, 12:53 AM
One thing I know we try to do is keep the items in the game. Once they hit lockers, we do try to remedy that. Too many items are lost to people reactivating for a festival, buying a high end item and deactivating just after.
Yeah, that's important. When things heated up for me after the 07 auction and I left, I made sure to pass my win off to someone who could use it. (And then, considering that Anatae had it longer than I ever did, I felt a little bad about asking for it back...)
05-01-2009, 12:59 AM
How often are these uber Plat items are lost to death droppage?
That Jay
05-01-2009, 01:24 AM
I lost a greater coraesine longsword once and a 8x fire flared sancted greatsword another time.
The Ponzzz
05-01-2009, 01:54 AM
I've lost the following:
a 5x HCW short sword with +5 stamina recovery
a 4x dual flaring short sword
A few 4x handaxes from the rogue guild shop.
I decayed once, losing everything but my bandolier back when I was hunting minotaurs when they were mid 20s. I ended up only losing some 4x armor and a lot of fluff and containers.
I've lost more items to loaning them to friends and then having them quit. For that, I've lost:
a 5x black ora maul
4x fire flaring brig
4x HCW handaxe
6x HCP cuir leathers
about a 3mill coin loan
a feature hiding cloak
a feature hiding mask
5x SCW morning star
And a few higher end items I can't think of off the top of my head.
Droppage is a bitch, but I've kept count since level 80, that I've only died about 7 times (not counting GM cheap-o deaths and storyline invasions). And I'm over 9mil exp.
05-01-2009, 03:20 AM
Yeah, I fall victim to buying pre-festival high end items often at what I feel are hugely discounted prices. Like Jay has sold me a lot of good stuff over the years just before an event. I usually have about 20-25mil before an event, but Jay scoops up anywhere between 5-8mil from me in some fast sales. He's sold me the haste boots, the 5 gold ring holder, a 5x flaring/sanct axe returner and a few other smaller things. Good sales.
Jordan and I have also done some good item swapping. One thing I know we try to do is keep the items in the game. Once they hit lockers, we do try to remedy that. Too many items are lost to people reactivating for a festival, buying a high end item and deactivating just after.
If you don't own a lot of stuff but are sitting on a pile of coin, there is a lot of wisdom in using it to buy things before a festival, rather than saving up and bidding with it at the festival. The armor I wear now I bought from Jay before an auction... it wasn't cheap, but had it been any other time, it wouldn't have been for sale. (Also from Jay: a shadowdeath dagger, a greater Iasha, and gosh, the shadowdeath vambraces in a way... great guy to trade with ).
Mario and I have done great trading too, as he says... we value different kinds of items differently so wind up coming out of a trade both feeling happy. And -- this is key for people who haven't been around Plat long -- Mario is one of the people I know, if I trade with him, the item stays in the game. I am wary to trade a nice item to someone who could deactivate within the next few months, even if it's a great deal. It may sound strange, but I (and I know Mario) derive satisfaction / relief from knowing an item we appreciate is in the game, even if we don't have use of it. What kills me / him is knowing that a great item never got use and is dying in a deactivated account's locker. (Long term players who have fallen away but may reactivate one day are another matter.)
Re: droppage: I have only lost one item ever, and it was my +22 ET ECW dagger with Tgara scripts. And I have never lost anything from loans, I did give Athias the Fash-lo-nae transport cloak as part of a trade we never completed but I am getting that back soon. Mario really is the king of loss to loans and droppage... what bad luck. You can lose your two best weapons to droppage if your internet goes out right as you get ambushed on an escort from Icemule to the Landing... unless you've put people on alert that you're doing a routine escort, what are the odds that someone will run to your body before you ghost and log out? Especially if you can't even AIM someone for help? That's how I lost my Tgara dagger. I only saved my other dagger by logging onto AIM on my IPhone via 3G and messaging Skeyelar... that was a clooooose call.
The Ponzzz
05-01-2009, 03:34 AM
Yeah, one morning, it was about 3am EDT, my internet died in OTF right on market road. ANyone familiar with OTF knows that's one of the busiest spots for swarms. There was maybe 5 people in, and I was pretty untouchable by most means in there, so I wasn't worried about dying by normal means. But sitting there with no one in control for X amount of minutes will lead to death for just about anyone. None of those 5 in game could save me.
I was calling people I had numbers to for help, but it was super late and a work night for most. Luckily I hijacked someone's internet to log in to log off (dead). I had been ghosting, and if I would have decayed, I'd have lost everything. So that's 2 weapons gone for good there. That happened twice in all my Platinum career.
05-01-2009, 03:40 AM
All this talk about your fake items makes me sad...
The Ponzzz
05-01-2009, 04:03 AM
My items are real! Don't be hatin'!
05-01-2009, 10:36 AM
Mario is right. Way more stuff is lost to people quitting than to droppage, though many do not hunt with their nicest carried items unless someone else is around who can rescue.
What amazes me - ten years later - is that for all the changes and/or improvements that GS has seen, the janitor mechanic remains as unpredictable/unreliable/un"fixable" as it was in the beginning.
05-01-2009, 01:31 PM
Still say anything lost to the janitor due to death or monsters despawning should be given back by GM's.
05-01-2009, 02:21 PM
Still say anything lost to the janitor due to death or monsters despawning should be given back by GM's.
Or put into the loot system at least.
05-03-2009, 11:14 AM
As I am realizing how slim my chances may be for some of the bigger-ticket services, even the standard/limited ones, my focus is turning to some of the things that didn't immediately pop out at me.
Do the mana vial flares look worthwhile? My main character both swings a sword and uses a lot of mana....would I be better off buying five hundred greater mana potions, or throwing three million at the mana vial flares?
05-03-2009, 12:03 PM
Personally, I'd go for flares or decent weighting over the mana vial flares.
Takes a lot of MIU to use successfully and the critter has to be in a narrow band of age.
Additionally, once you get it on, you cannot have flares/weighting on the weapon.
05-03-2009, 02:48 PM
Personally, I'd go for flares or decent weighting over the mana vial flares.
Takes a lot of MIU to use successfully and the critter has to be in a narrow band of age.
Additionally, once you get it on, you cannot have flares/weighting on the weapon.
I'm tempted to pick up mana vials for a dagger for use in camps... the age range issue is taken care of, and the vials could be useful to refill on some mana during the long slogs.
05-03-2009, 04:47 PM
Depending on how you hunt with daggers, it may be worth considering that killing shots cannot produce a vial.
The Ponzzz
05-03-2009, 05:03 PM
Yeah, there is a min. for damage oin the mana vials. They are not good on low DF weapons like a dagger.
05-04-2009, 11:29 AM
Yeah, there is a min. for damage oin the mana vials. They are not good on low DF weapons like a dagger.
Actually, as an ambusher, they'd probably be great on an off-hand dagger. If my right hand doesn't make the kill, very often my left hand doesn't. Maybe it severs a limb, or does a high-damage non-lethal critical, or defaults to the chest because the body part the right hand was aiming for is gone now. Those are high-damage, non-lethal hits, seems like a good candidate for a vial.
M-striking in a warcamp too seems like a good way to generate one.
05-05-2009, 05:52 PM
The Krakiipedia info isn't 100% accurate right now. Regyy managed to dredge a lot of info out of the auctioneer.
Requirements for a flare:
No more than 10 levels under
Not be a kill shot
Min damage of 10-30
Target has to have mana
Cap on how many made her time period (~time period given was like 10 per 48 hours. Now if this means it spits out 10 and goes dead for the rest of the time or if it spits out 1 and goes dead for 4-5 hours, I don't know. Supposed to be a function of MIU skill.)
Mana vials:
202 EMC and 13 SMC I got 60 mana from my vial
Regyy got 33 mana with 100 SMC (I think)
Mana vials have ~20 days life span instead of 3 days
This might be different from the originals because it's buggy or they changed them. Not sure yet.
I just found this in another folder, which makes me wonder how much mana my vials would hold. Gray has 40 ranks MIU and 15 SMC, and hasn't really budgeted many more TPs for either.
The Ponzzz
05-05-2009, 06:26 PM
Looks like the amount of mana is MC/3. However, it doesn't add all the MCs up, so it takes your highest. It also drops all decimals.
05-05-2009, 06:38 PM
Looks like the amount of mana is MC/3. However, it doesn't add all the MCs up, so it takes your highest. It also drops all decimals.
Thanks Mario.
It sounds like pures would reap the greatest benefit, but only those able to hit like-level creatures with melee attacks. :wtf:
The Ponzzz
05-05-2009, 06:46 PM
I wanna know what someone gets with 0 MC. Or 1.
05-05-2009, 07:14 PM
I probably have a prime character that could test it out, but am not really acquainted with any of the folks who have one.
05-05-2009, 09:20 PM
I wanna know what someone gets with 0 MC. Or 1.
It backlashes and makes a mana vial from you for the critter instead.
The Ponzzz
05-05-2009, 09:25 PM
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