View Full Version : Lucky.

That Jay
07-17-2009, 12:42 PM
For Blackadder.

a black silver-trimmed codpiece


Third Person:

Somewhat distractedly, Blackadder tightens the laces on his codpice with a sharp one-handed tug. Immediately the blood drains from his face and he emits a small cry of dismay two octaves above his own normal baritone!

First person:

You absentmindedly tighten the laces on your codpiece with a sharp tug. Unfortunately, the bindings catch a bit of skin and you unsuccessfully resist releasing a short high-pitched cry of dismay in reaction to the pain!

From hiding/invisibility:

You hear a pitiful high-pitched cry of pain from somewhere nearby.

The codpiece already has a Ezscript for RUB.

to me

show details 5:26 PM (18 hours ago)


Follow up message

After some discussion with both QC and some of the SGMs, I have to, unfortunately, forgo adding another ezscript to that item. I realize you already have one on there, but as noted, it's the type of item that wasn't intended for scripting when it was released... so hang on to the one ezscript you have on it (lucky you!), and let me know what direction you'd like to go in instead with the prize win.


07-17-2009, 12:44 PM

07-17-2009, 12:47 PM
You neglected to mention its inherent archery-enchancive properties.

That Jay
07-17-2009, 02:37 PM
Oh to clarify. The script I posted about was my turned down request. Here is the script currently on it:

First person:

You glance around and surreptitiously adjust a black silver-trimmed codpiece, snagging your finger on a loose bit of silver edging. You jerk your hand away from the codpiece, muttering under your breath.

Third person:

Blackadder glances around and discreetly adjusts a black silver-trimmed codpiece, snagging his finger on a loose bit of silver edging. He jerks his hand away from the codpiece, muttering under his breath.

Boy, am I lucky!!

07-24-2009, 03:05 AM
that first one was a reject? That kind of bull, and Andraste'esc Ass hatery is one of the reasons I quit GS.