View Full Version : Jesphian's Deleted Post
11-22-2011, 01:11 PM
He stood at the head of the table, his arms folded inside his robe sleeves as he stared at the gathered people. Every city was represented, Rivers Rest, Wehnmeirs Landing, Zul Lugoth, Ta’Illistim, Ta’Vaalor, Ta’ Nalfien, Ta’Ardenai, Ta’Loenthra , Teras Isle even Pinefar and Icemule. The faces of those looking to him were gaunt and filled with hate. On the table were the remains of something undistinguishable, but vaguely humanoid in shape.
“I’ve spoken with Jesphian, this is no longer a place for a middle ground. One either sides with Lornon or they side with Laibo”, pausing a moment to point at the shape, “This.. THIS ATROCITY.. is what comes from letting Laibo rule.. that was our BROTHER.” With that said he slams his fist onto the table and trembles in rage collecting the gaze of each of those present. “If Jesphian does not act against this “Sleeper” I will act myself and kill Jesphian and the sleeper both!”
From the doorway a cold wind blows open, and standing there is an Aeloti, its eyes dark and piercing, she says nothing but quickly throws a knife and buries it in the throat of the speaker. Then she enters the room and draws the knife out cleaning the blood on the victims shirt. It’s job done it fades back into the shadows and keeps guard as Jesphian enters the room.
“I trust.. we have an understanding.. of who leads here.. hmmm?” he speaks softly, letting his words linger on the air in an ominous threat. “I do not relish killing one of our allies, but we know the cost and the risk for what we do. It’s not going to be easy. We are each.. targets. Are we not?” a fine eyebrow arches in punctuation to the question. “I do not expect you to understand what I am doing, but I expect you to obey, or you may join your brother on the floor. Let none of you be mistaken, I lead.. I rule.”
In turn he looks to each of those gathered and they nod to him, some grandly, with a flourish of hand some with a barely perceptible nod. The human from Rivers Rest speaks from the opposite end of the table, “The crops.. are being poisoned.. and the waters tainted.. Do you have antidotes? How will we be able to protect our own against the coming plagues?”
Jesphian smiles and speaks to no one in particular, “It’s perfect, there is no anti-dote.. no cure.. at least that I know of.. However..” he turns his gaze to the human, “I have asked that Solhaven be spared.. Let Solhaven be a beacon of safety and warmth.. clean water, fresh food. “ He looks to the Landing representative, “Perhaps then.. they will see the wisdom of asking for help.. which we shall.. graciously.. offer..”
From outside the building the howls of jackals can be heard as if laughing in the crimson moonlight.
....yeah, that's the post he deleted. Enjoy.
11-22-2011, 02:17 PM
He stood at the head of the table, his arms folded inside his robe sleeves as he stared at the gathered people. Every city was represented, Rivers Rest, Wehnmeirs Landing, Zul Lugoth, Ta’Illistim, Ta’Vaalor, Ta’ Nalfien, Ta’Ardenai, Ta’Loenthra , Teras Isle even Pinefar and Icemule. The faces of those looking to him were gaunt and filled with hate. On the table were the remains of something undistinguishable, but vaguely humanoid in shape.
“I’ve spoken with Jesphian, this is no longer a place for a middle ground. One either sides with Lornon or they side with Laibo”, pausing a moment to point at the shape, “This.. THIS ATROCITY.. is what comes from letting Laibo rule.. that was our BROTHER.” With that said he slams his fist onto the table and trembles in rage collecting the gaze of each of those present. “If Jesphian does not act against this “Sleeper” I will act myself and kill Jesphian and the sleeper both!”
From the doorway a cold wind blows open, and standing there is an Aeloti, its eyes dark and piercing, she says nothing but quickly throws a knife and buries it in the throat of the speaker. Then she enters the room and draws the knife out cleaning the blood on the victims shirt. It’s job done it fades back into the shadows and keeps guard as Jesphian enters the room.
“I trust.. we have an understanding.. of who leads here.. hmmm?” he speaks softly, letting his words linger on the air in an ominous threat. “I do not relish killing one of our allies, but we know the cost and the risk for what we do. It’s not going to be easy. We are each.. targets. Are we not?” a fine eyebrow arches in punctuation to the question. “I do not expect you to understand what I am doing, but I expect you to obey, or you may join your brother on the floor. Let none of you be mistaken, I lead.. I rule.”
In turn he looks to each of those gathered and they nod to him, some grandly, with a flourish of hand some with a barely perceptible nod. The human from Rivers Rest speaks from the opposite end of the table, “The crops.. are being poisoned.. and the waters tainted.. Do you have antidotes? How will we be able to protect our own against the coming plagues?”
Jesphian smiles and speaks to no one in particular, “It’s perfect, there is no anti-dote.. no cure.. at least that I know of.. However..” he turns his gaze to the human, “I have asked that Solhaven be spared.. Let Solhaven be a beacon of safety and warmth.. clean water, fresh food. “ He looks to the Landing representative, “Perhaps then.. they will see the wisdom of asking for help.. which we shall.. graciously.. offer..”
From outside the building the howls of jackals can be heard as if laughing in the crimson moonlight.
....yeah, that's the post he deleted. Enjoy.
11-22-2011, 02:18 PM
What's all this about?
11-22-2011, 02:50 PM
11-22-2011, 04:57 PM 034799_n.jpeg
11-22-2011, 05:07 PM
Why was deleted and from where?
Someone tell another Aeloti Laibo story.
11-22-2011, 10:56 PM
He stood at the head of the table, his arms folded inside his robe sleeves as he stared at the gathered people. Every city was represented, Rivers Rest, Wehnmeirs Landing, Zul Lugoth, Ta’Illistim, Ta’Vaalor, Ta’ Nalfien, Ta’Ardenai, Ta’Loenthra , Teras Isle even Pinefar and Icemule. The faces of those looking to him were gaunt and filled with hate. On the table were the remains of something undistinguishable, but vaguely humanoid in shape.
“I’ve spoken with Jesphian, this is no longer a place for a middle ground. One either sides with Lornon or they side with Laibo”, pausing a moment to point at the shape, “This.. THIS ATROCITY.. is what comes from letting Laibo rule.. that was our BROTHER.” With that said he slams his fist onto the table and trembles in rage collecting the gaze of each of those present. “If Jesphian does not act against this “Sleeper” I will act myself and kill Jesphian and the sleeper both!”
From the doorway a cold wind blows open, and standing there is an Aeloti, its eyes dark and piercing, she says nothing but quickly throws a knife and buries it in the throat of the speaker. Then she enters the room and draws the knife out cleaning the blood on the victims shirt. It’s job done it fades back into the shadows and keeps guard as Jesphian enters the room.
“I trust.. we have an understanding.. of who leads here.. hmmm?” he speaks softly, letting his words linger on the air in an ominous threat. “I do not relish killing one of our allies, but we know the cost and the risk for what we do. It’s not going to be easy. We are each.. targets. Are we not?” a fine eyebrow arches in punctuation to the question. “I do not expect you to understand what I am doing, but I expect you to obey, or you may join your brother on the floor. Let none of you be mistaken, I lead.. I rule.”
In turn he looks to each of those gathered and they nod to him, some grandly, with a flourish of hand some with a barely perceptible nod. The human from Rivers Rest speaks from the opposite end of the table, “The crops.. are being poisoned.. and the waters tainted.. Do you have antidotes? How will we be able to protect our own against the coming plagues?”
Jesphian smiles and speaks to no one in particular, “It’s perfect, there is no anti-dote.. no cure.. at least that I know of.. However..” he turns his gaze to the human, “I have asked that Solhaven be spared.. Let Solhaven be a beacon of safety and warmth.. clean water, fresh food. “ He looks to the Landing representative, “Perhaps then.. they will see the wisdom of asking for help.. which we shall.. graciously.. offer..”
From outside the building the howls of jackals can be heard as if laughing in the crimson moonlight.
....yeah, that's the post he deleted. Enjoy.
EDIT:'s Deleted Post ( 11-22-2011 09:59 PM Know what would make you cool and almost likeable? A personality. Dickshit.
11-23-2011, 12:46 AM
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex did indeed make very little sense, context or no.
11-25-2011, 12:11 PM
A plat player posted a story making some ludicrous claims (like having a shadowy Aelotoi assassin guard, or being the leader of the Lornon forces, when he's more like the court jester), got razzed for it (some hillarious memes got made), and then he deleted his post in in a huff of "I'll never post again".
People wanted to know what they missed, so I posted it here.
That's about the extent of it.
Edit: Jesphian's Deleted Post 11-22-2011 04:26 PM What were you attempting to accomplish aside from a confuzzled message?
Negative rep because I posted something without context? The people who needed context had it. Mind your own business or ask and wait for an answer, cock-breath.
11-25-2011, 12:20 PM
Negative rep because I posted something without context? The people who needed context had it. Mind your own business or ask and wait for an answer, cock-breath.
I'm not the one who repped you, but um... mind you own business??? You posted something that everyone can see. WTF are you talking about??? :rofl:
11-25-2011, 12:23 PM
A plat player posted a story making some ludicrous claims (like having a shadowy Aelotoi assassin guard, or being the leader of the Lornon forces, when he's more like the court jester), got razzed for it (some hillarious memes got made), and then he deleted his post in in a huff of "I'll never post again".
People wanted to know what they missed, so I posted it here.
That's about the extent of it.
Where was this post deleted from? The officials? If so, why couldn't you post this over there? Would someone have deleted your post? Just curious.
Where was this post deleted from? The officials? If so, why couldn't you post this over there? Would someone have deleted your post? Just curious.
Duh. Yes. Duh and yes.
11-25-2011, 02:52 PM
Where was this post deleted from? The officials? If so, why couldn't you post this over there? Would someone have deleted your post? Just curious.
I'm sure someone would have bitched & whined & it would have been pulled. You must not read the officials much to have to ask that.
The OP deleted his own post after people made fun of him for making such ludicrous claims in his post. He likely would have complained and whined to the GM's if someone had quoted it on the officials. He is known to get easily butthurt over pretty much anything.
11-25-2011, 03:18 PM
I'm sure someone would have bitched & whined & it would have been pulled. You must not read the officials much to have to ask that.
Nope, I don't.
I probably would have posted it over there anyway.
11-25-2011, 09:55 PM
I'm not the one who repped you, but um... mind you own business??? You posted something that everyone can see. WTF are you talking about???
..Posted to the Platinum section of this forum, where "Platinum" players who were wondering what the post he deleted was could read it.
See, I know this might seem a bit complex for you, but these things we call "forums" have different sections. These, we'll call them "sections"... they have different purposes. The "Marketplace" section is for selling and buying things like a Marketplace. Now, and stick with me on this Jonty, the "Platinum" section is for things related to Gemstone "Platinum".
I know it's a lot to ask that you somehow grasp the logic that not everything posted is intended for everyone *able* to read it to understand, but asking what it means and waiting for an answer is usually the best way to find out.
Or you could be a whining little bitch about it. I mean, I guess that's an option. You sure opted for it, so.. there's that.
Now now, children, before the red-rep rains any harder, sit right down and I'll tell you a story you so desperately want to hear.
It's a story about people you don't care about, that you don't really want to hear, but because it wasn't freely offered and provided a chance to whine and gripe, became a story spun from glittering gold.
A player from Platinum trying to play a bad guy made a post. He's not very good at playing a bad guy, and made some ludicrous claims. These claims were funny. This resulted in people laughing and needless butt-hurt leading him to delete his post. Of course because of this (and replies to a thread that had no visible start) folks started to ask just what was going on. I, still having the page open to the post, cut and paste it. To make it easy for them to read, I posted it to the "Gemstone Platinum" folder of these forums (for explanation of forum sections, see earlier section of this post).
The end.
Cool story, rite? rite? oyea.
11-25-2011, 10:17 PM
What's going on in this thread?
11-25-2011, 10:31 PM
What's going on in this thread?
A really cool story. :thumbup:
Gnome Rage
11-25-2011, 10:32 PM
What's going on in this thread?
GoingGone is freaking out because he didn't realize forums were public ... or something.
11-25-2011, 10:43 PM
blah blah blah.....
I know it's a lot to ask that you somehow grasp the logic that not everything posted is intended for everyone *able* to read it to understand, but asking what it means and waiting for an answer is usually the best way to find out.
No shit, genius. But everyone can see it. Telling people people to mind their business about something you posted publicly makes no sense....
And you posted it with absolutely no context. So you're whole attempt to school me on the forum hierarchy and sub-categories really means squat. Because no matter which forum you posted it in, it would still not make sense without context. And people will question you about it. But yeah, let's complain about receiving negative rep for posting something that has no context.
11-25-2011, 11:55 PM
I'm not the one who repped you, but um... mind you own business??? You posted something that everyone can see. WTF are you talking about???
..Posted to the Platinum section of this forum, where "Platinum" players who were wondering what the post he deleted was could read it.
See, I know this might seem a bit complex for you, but these things we call "forums" have different sections. These, we'll call them "sections"... they have different purposes. The "Marketplace" section is for selling and buying things like a Marketplace. Now, and stick with me on this Jonty, the "Platinum" section is for things related to Gemstone "Platinum".
I know it's a lot to ask that you somehow grasp the logic that not everything posted is intended for everyone *able* to read it to understand, but asking what it means and waiting for an answer is usually the best way to find out.
Or you could be a whining little bitch about it. I mean, I guess that's an option. You sure opted for it, so.. there's that.
Now now, children, before the red-rep rains any harder, sit right down and I'll tell you a story you so desperately want to hear.
It's a story about people you don't care about, that you don't really want to hear, but because it wasn't freely offered and provided a chance to whine and gripe, became a story spun from glittering gold.
A player from Platinum trying to play a bad guy made a post. He's not very good at playing a bad guy, and made some ludicrous claims. These claims were funny. This resulted in people laughing and needless butt-hurt leading him to delete his post. Of course because of this (and replies to a thread that had no visible start) folks started to ask just what was going on. I, still having the page open to the post, cut and paste it. To make it easy for them to read, I posted it to the "Gemstone Platinum" folder of these forums (for explanation of forum sections, see earlier section of this post).
The end.
Cool story, rite? rite? oyea.
still loled
11-27-2011, 03:54 AM
"And you posted it with absolutely no context. So you're whole attempt to school me on the forum hierarchy and sub-categories really means squat. Because no matter which forum you posted it in, it would still not make sense without context. And people will question you about it. But yeah, let's complain about receiving negative rep for posting something that has no context."
The people who needed context had it. Is this rocket science or something? What they didn't have was the post, so I posted it. I know it's a novel concept but maybe not everything posted is meant to be understood by everyone able to read it.
This thread was so the people who knew of the post but missed it before it got deleted to see it. If you don't play Plat, why would you even care about the context if it had been offered? That many people needed to whine because a post didn't spell out a bunch of shit they shouldn't even care about?
Literally every post on these forums has to be written out to the clarity of every possible reader? Why even have Platinum or Shattered folders?
11-27-2011, 01:04 PM
The people who needed context had it. Is this rocket science or something? What they didn't have was the post, so I posted it. I know it's a novel concept but maybe not everything posted is meant to be understood by everyone able to read it.
I'm not sure why you think I care whether or not you gave context to your story or not. My point was, simply, that if you post something without context (doesn't matter if it's in Platinum or not), people will question you about it, and complaining and telling people to mind their business makes no sense.
If you look at my first post in this thread, I politely asked what your post was about. It was not until you posted about people minding their business, that I started responding to you in a "LOLWTF?" manner.
This thread was so the people who knew of the post but missed it before it got deleted to see it. If you don't play Plat, why would you even care about the context if it had been offered? That many people needed to whine because a post didn't spell out a bunch of shit they shouldn't even care about?
Maybe it would have been an interesting/funny/cool story that we could read? It sounds like you think that the Platinum folder here is private and exclusive to only you Platinum subscribers.
Literally every post on these forums has to be written out to the clarity of every possible reader?
No, they do not need context. You can post whatever you want. But you should expect people to question/comment/respond to you post, since everyone can read it.
Why even have Platinum or Shattered folders?
For organization? Just because a forum has a category, doesn't mean it's going to make sense without context. But again, you're absolutely free to do that. I'm just not sure why you're complaining about the reaction to get to it.
If you're wondering why people who don't play Platinum or Shattered are reading threads in those categories, personally, when I read these forums, I look at "Today's Posts", and I read whatever looks interesting, regardless of what folder it's in.
11-27-2011, 06:21 PM
then had eggs and cunts by the stop sign
11-27-2011, 07:07 PM
I nominate this thread for top 10 PC threads of all time.
11-27-2011, 07:40 PM
11-27-2011, 07:46 PM
11-27-2011, 09:24 PM
I nominate this thread for top 10 PC threads of all time.
11-28-2011, 07:44 AM
GoingGone is freaking out because he didn't realize forums were public ... or something.
:yeahthat: It's entertaining though if you like watching train wrecks.
11-28-2011, 07:47 AM
then had eggs and cunts by the stop sign
No bbq sauce? EFF U GET OUT
11-29-2011, 11:33 AM
Take it away Morgan Freeman!
The Poop That Took a Pee
Chapter 1:
Douglas had to poop, his butt was all stinky because he had to poop so badly. There was a gross woman named Rebecca who was sunbathing all naked and she was fat. Douglas walked up to her and said, "I need to poop". "Okay," Rebecca replied, "I like poop". Douglas squatted down over the fat sunbathing lady and went poop. The poop sat there on Rebecca's boobs, looking like a weiner.
Chapter 2:
"Why are we here?", Douglas poop came out his weiner in a long thin strip, it was weiner-poop, which is the grossest poop of all.
The peepee got on the woman's leg and she screamed, pooping out her boobs.
And so when the pee got mixed with the poop it smelled like a butt.
And the poop and the pee lived happily ever after.
11-29-2011, 12:29 PM
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