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  1. Some polished ebon rolaren platemail 6x HDP Max Lightened T5 Full Plate (0 replies)
  2. some dark double leathers 6x HCP T4 ensorcell (1 replies)
  3. 8x perfect lance (1 replies)
  4. 7x T1 perfect maul (2 replies)
  5. A couple of enhansives (4 replies)
  6. Dex orbs (0 replies)
  7. Fresh 5x/4x T4 nervestaff (0 replies)
  8. Up to T5 ensorcell (2 replies)
  9. fix skill and fix stat potions (0 replies)
  10. chain hauberk. 5x, T1 ensorced, spiked, max light (3 replies)
  11. +11 cman bonus fusion orb, 5/200 cloakworn, 5x gnomish mech repeating crossbow (1 replies)
  12. Neckworns: +2 to STR, WIS, AUR, or DEX (0 replies)
  13. duskruin mechanical heavy crossbow (0 replies)
  14. hidden bracer (0 replies)
  15. arm greaves - +5 edged weapon ranks, +9 max mana, +1 thrown weapon ranks, persist (1 replies)
  16. Advent Sale 2017 (28 replies)
  17. 5X spiked fusion studded leathers (1 replies)
  18. stuff that weighs me down - higher end (16 replies)
  19. FS: Permanent 100 slot locker expansion (4 replies)
  20. Some things for cash (0 replies)
  21. 25k bloodscrip (1 replies)
  22. Inflass Katana update (0 replies)
  23. shimmering violet orb (5 replies)
  24. Containers and more! (1 replies)
  25. Kotin's Sales (1 replies)
  26. Fixstat (0 replies)
  27. Bane Oil, RtCF Semi-self Charging Idols, Dodge Enhancing Drinks (9 replies)
  28. 442k Bloodscrip (8 replies)
  29. 7x perfect morning star max lighten & t-5 ensorcelling (2 replies)
  30. +27 Ipantor longbow from DR (0 replies)
  31. Ta'Illistim Shop Inventory: (4 replies)
  32. 2x (+10) Kelyn Claid (1 replies)
  33. 0x-4x just for you! (3 replies)
  34. +21 mana recovery jewelry set, level requirement = level 20 (2 replies)
  35. Sephwir composite bow (6 replies)
  36. Selling Blank Mage Rechargables (2 replies)
  37. caederine, n'ayanad crystals, diamonds, and emeralds (0 replies)
  38. 50k bloodscrip (0 replies)
  39. Epic deepen worthy containers (1 replies)
  40. enhancive jewelry gives 10 extra mana at level 13 (0 replies)
  41. supple olive green leather tote, autoclosing, worn on one shoulder holds 95 pounds (3 replies)
  42. small bonus lore enhancive jewelry (0 replies)
  43. fixstat - 25m (0 replies)
  44. Herb bundling belt worn containers (0 replies)
  45. Thief Head (1 replies)
  46. Unlimited shifting perfume vial (4 replies)
  47. Perfume Sale! (4 replies)
  48. sephwir shortbow (2 replies)
  49. EG Spell Preps - Need to go! (2 replies)
  50. Flat Price: v11.02.17 (2 replies)
  51. Imflass claidhmore (0 replies)
  52. lots of spell preps. if you have questions on any of them let me know I can explain (4 replies)
  53. EG 2017 Spell Preps -- v2 (11 replies)
  54. 7x Superior rolaren lance (1 replies)
  55. 30k Seashells (1 replies)
  56. merchant chargable self control, neckworn has 8 charges, rub to activate, persists (1 replies)
  57. 2900 Premium Points 20m (1 replies)
  58. 100,000 seashells for 45m (0 replies)
  59. Lightening Notes - Yellow, Orange, Black (0 replies)
  60. 80k seashells for sale (0 replies)
  61. 50k seashells (0 replies)
  62. fully merchant charged (40 activations) of Soul Ward (1 replies)
  63. 6132 Seashells (0 replies)
  64. Jackpot chest will be back confirmed by wyrom (4 replies)
  65. 220 (Secluded Beach), Ranger 615 (Horseflies) & 602, 713 (Balefire) & 1004 spell prep (3 replies)
  66. 120,000 seashells (0 replies)
  67. 4x perfect maul (0 replies)
  68. Fixskill available (1 replies)
  69. 20k seashells (3 replies)
  70. fixstat (1 replies)
  71. 30k Seashells (0 replies)
  72. 20k seashells (1 replies)
  73. EG Spell Preps, Wand, Scroll, Brooch, Note, Sigil (5 replies)
  74. +50 locker expansion (0 replies)
  75. +40 locker contract expansion (1 replies)
  76. Large locker expansion contract (1 replies)
  77. Shop Inventory Update (Ebon Gate, Duskruin, Delirium Manor drops) (21 replies)
  78. 50 quest items for ebon (0 replies)
  79. 150k seashells (0 replies)
  80. Seashells - Up to 60K (2 replies)
  81. a large locker expansion contract - 100 perm locker spots (1 replies)
  82. a set of dark walnut-hued leather armor 5x Fully unlocked forest armor brig (0 replies)
  83. EG Spell Preps You Can Pickup Anytime! (1 replies)
  84. Secluded Beach Major Sanct, Starburst (111) fires spirit, Spell Aim belt, Cleric prep (3 replies)
  85. DR Sewer Rats (6 replies)
  86. discipline enhancive set (3 replies)
  87. mithril alloy torc, +4 to combat maneuvers bonus,+2 to polearm weapons bonus (1 replies)
  88. okay 105k seashells (2 replies)
  89. 50k seashell for 40 mil (1 replies)
  90. 19k Seashells (0 replies)
  91. 50k seashells (2 replies)
  92. 115k seashells for 100m / $500 (0 replies)
  93. 5x weapons and locker contracts (0 replies)
  94. 500k per for spell preps and sigils. (0 replies)
  95. 1 Bukkitfull of Seashells (5 replies)
  96. 200k seashells (7 replies)
  97. 100k seashells (3 replies)
  98. Quest Items (0 replies)
  99. EG 2017 Spell Preps -- 600s/700s/1000s/1200s/1600s (0 replies)
  100. EG 2017 Spell Preps -- 400s/500s/900s (1 replies)
  101. EG 2017 Spell Preps -- 100s/200s/300s (0 replies)
  102. mage rechargable 1605 neckworn (0 replies)
  103. Half-Price EG 2017 Prizes (12 replies)
  104. earworn - +2 to influence, +2 to armor use bonus, +2 to wisdom stat (0 replies)
  105. Spell Preps - (cross posted from EFO forum) (20 replies)
  106. Spell Preps and Hair Do-hickey unlock (0 replies)
  107. Custom spell preps and other trinkets. (3 replies)
  108. Premade Custom Spell Preps and stuff! (6 replies)
  109. Pre-made Customized Spell Preps and Spell Stuffs (10 replies)
  110. feathery soft white vellum - Hair-Do Unlock (2 replies)
  111. Custom Major Sanctuary, Custom Blink, Indigo sheet (Spell prep), T2 Hair Do-Hickey (6 replies)
  112. Spell Preps and Customizations / Hair-Do Unlocks (20 replies)
  113. 5x heavy sighted sephwir long bow T4 ensorcell (0 replies)
  114. Illusion Pin (0 replies)
  115. Ranger 610 spell prep (vathor club limb) (1 replies)
  116. Seashells and quest items (2 replies)
  117. Purge: v10.6.17 (9 replies)
  118. EG Passes (19 replies)
  119. Pre-EG sale - Illusion gloves (1 replies)
  120. pinworn +2 logic bonus, +2 first aid ranks, crumbly (0 replies)
  121. neckworn, +3 ranged weapon bonus, +4 max stamina (1 replies)
  122. pinworn +5 blunt weapon bonus, +3 disc stat (0 replies)
  123. goog enhancive for a katana user, +3 THW bonus and +2 edged weapon bonus (1 replies)
  124. 3 room landing shop (2 replies)
  125. Warrior Sheath Making (1 replies)
  126. Fixskills Potion (0 replies)
  127. 20 (per town) Chronomage sphere holding capsule (18 replies)
  128. WTS 100K bloodscrip / climatewear / T4 nerve staff / and other Misc items!! (5 replies)
  129. T3 Parasite Maul (with T2 ensorcell) (22 replies)
  130. Over 400 Items - Buy some of it! (13 replies)
  131. a ruby-pommeled imflass katana (0 replies)
  132. some weapons (2 replies)
  133. up to a T3 ensorcell ready for easy items. (0 replies)
  134. Realm Flaring and Perfect OHEs (0 replies)
  135. T5 ensorcellment (8 replies)
  136. 5x handwraps (2 replies)
  137. 2x HDW mattock (1 replies)
  138. A Dhe'nar's handful of items (0 replies)
  139. Rift Bounty Stuff's! (1 replies)
  140. DM Lightening and Deepening notes (3 replies)
  141. 6x UAC grapple flaring handwraps (2 replies)
  142. Claids 4 Cash (6 replies)
  143. Fixskill potion (2 replies)
  144. Parasitic Staff (2 replies)
  145. golden ticket (1 replies)
  146. sephwir composite (3 replies)
  147. 5x Gear (7 replies)
  148. 81369 bloodscrip (2 replies)
  149. t4 nervestaff (0 replies)
  150. Many Flat Etched Stones from Duskruin Sewers (0 replies)
  151. My endless auction - updated daily (11 replies)
  152. 100k bs (1 replies)
  153. Locker cleaning - containers for all other locations (7 replies)
  154. Locker cleaning - belt worn containers (0 replies)
  155. Locker cleaning - shoulder worn (1 replies)
  156. Locker cleaning - cloaks (3 replies)
  157. 50k BS for 60m (0 replies)
  158. 150k bloodscrip (1 replies)
  159. Selling DR books for $55 (0 replies)
  160. Bloodscrip for ca$h (1 replies)
  161. if you are interested in any of these runes let me know. make a decent offer (3 replies)
  162. Selling 50 slip booklets $55 paypal or 25 slips for $30 (1 replies)
  163. Smithy invite, veniom and veil iron ores (2 replies)
  164. 4/160 cloak worn - a patterened silver gauze robe (2 replies)
  165. 50K Bloodscrip for $260 (2 replies)
  166. 120k bs (3 replies)
  167. 80kbs (2 replies)
  168. Krodera ore - 2.5k bs or best offer (0 replies)
  169. 100k BS + 2 smithy invites for $500. (0 replies)
  170. greater elemental document (5 replies)
  171. Smithy invite (12 replies)
  172. Smithy Invite - 3m Flat (0 replies)
  173. 60k BS for $300 PayPal (0 replies)
  174. 45k Bloodscrip (1 replies)
  175. 6x / 3x TD T3 Ensorcelled Robes (2 replies)
  176. 6x UAC HCW set (2 replies)
  177. orase runestaff, 5x, T3 (2 replies)
  178. Fed-up-with DR bloodscrip clearance $4.50 per 1k BS (2 replies)
  179. 75k bloodscrip (2 replies)
  180. Smithy Invite (0 replies)
  181. 50K bs for sale (1 replies)
  182. 50k bs (2 replies)
  183. 7x Medium Shield max light (7 replies)
  184. 160k bs - cash (1 replies)
  185. 50k BS for 70m or $275 paypal (0 replies)
  186. all the BS in the world (3 replies)
  187. Veniom/White Ora/Eonake/Golvern/Veil Iron/Alexandrite ores (10 replies)
  188. 100k+ scrip (1 replies)
  189. 200k bs (1 replies)
  190. 50k BS (0 replies)
  191. Some things (2 replies)
  192. DR Moonshard Items (0 replies)
  193. 80kbs (1 replies)
  194. 25k Bloodscrip (0 replies)
  195. Bloodrunes (3 replies)
  196. 100k bloodscrip cash or silver (2 replies)
  197. 10k BS for $60 GOA only (0 replies)
  198. 40k bs (2 replies)
  199. DR Books/Jars for 10.5m (1 replies)
  200. 100k bloodscrip @ $5.75 (0 replies)
  201. 10606 BS $60 (0 replies)
  202. Selling 150k blood script @ $7/k (4 replies)
  203. 6x UAC gloves/boots (3 replies)
  204. Up to T5 Ensorcell Energy for Difficult Items (2 replies)
  205. 40k bs (1 replies)
  206. some flat etched stones (3 replies)
  207. Bloodscrip for sale 50k for $350 (0 replies)
  208. 45k bloodscrip for $280 (1 replies)
  209. 30k bs (1 replies)
  210. 30k scrip for $180 paypal (0 replies)
  211. 155k Bloodscrip ~ 1000$ (3 replies)
  212. 20k BS available at $6.25 per (1 replies)
  213. A few mid end locker items (0 replies)
  214. 30K Bloodscrip @ 45M (1 replies)
  215. A four-ringed metal pendant (1 replies)
  216. 6x hcw dagger and epic deep backpack (0 replies)
  217. Selling 11k BS for 16.5m silvers (2 replies)
  218. 40k bs for 300 (2 replies)
  219. selling 40k bs (0 replies)
  220. Selling 15k BS @ 1,500 silvers per (1 replies)
  221. DR ore (0 replies)
  222. Fixskill Potion 5m. (1 replies)
  223. 9000 Bloodscrip for $60 GOA (0 replies)
  224. 75,000 bloodscrip (2 replies)
  225. 30k+ BS (1 replies)
  226. Block of 22k Bloodscript 33m (1 replies)
  227. 12k BS (0 replies)
  228. 167247 bloodscrip (1 replies)
  229. okay screw the last thread 30k bs (3 replies)
  230. 25k bs (2 replies)
  231. 50k Bloodscrip (2 replies)
  232. 6x HCP Double Leather (1 replies)
  233. Bloodscrip (23 replies)
  234. 25k bs (1 replies)
  235. 6x HCW lance for 18k BS (0 replies)
  236. Bloodscrip (6 replies)
  237. 20k BS 30m (0 replies)
  238. 25k bs (1 replies)
  239. Selling a fixstats potion for 17m (2 replies)
  240. Free 40 wave wands (0 replies)
  241. Fully infused enchanting project open (2 replies)
  242. Duskruin passes (21 replies)
  243. neckworn with blessing lore (+4 bonus) and summoning lore (+3 bonus) (1 replies)
  244. 7x T3 perfect maul (2 replies)
  245. 7x perfect T3 dagger, T1 parasitic dagger, epic deep GSIII cloak/backpack (2 replies)
  246. Some good stuff, weapons, armor, enhansives (1 replies)
  247. Selling a double-breasted dark leather longcoat (whisper cloak) (0 replies)
  248. a gold-framed clear crystal lens - 1750 (3 replies)
  249. Some Chrism holders for sale (2 replies)
  250. 10k weightless coin purse (1 replies)