View Full Version : 147 high quality orb gems

08-27-2013, 02:26 PM
All sung to and verified orb gems.

>In the golden silk sack you see a swirling purple thunderstone (6), a multi-colored wyrdshard (3), a radiant opalescent thunderstone and the following:
137 Gem: an uncut emerald (49), an uncut diamond (36), a dragon's-tear diamond (3), an uncut star-of-Tamzyrr diamond (2), a large yellow diamond, a blue sapphire, a moonglae opal (2), a scarlet despanal, a crimson blazestar (2), a silvery moonstone, a sylvarraend ruby (3), an uncut maernstrike diamond (3), an azure blazestar, a brilliant lilac glimaerstone (2), an ultramarine glimaerstone (8), a periwinkle feystone, a small grey pearl, a medium white pearl, an emerald blazestar (2), a golden blazestar (2), a bright violet feystone, an uncut ruby (3), a tiny white pearl, a dragonsbreath sapphire, a small black pearl, a large black pearl, a brilliant wyrm's-tooth amethyst (5) and a metallic black pearl (2).
(147 Total)

appraises for "I did find 147 gems that I'll give you 1217175 silver for, if you want to sell."

With and Elf with 55 ranks of trading in Illistim. Will let them go for 1.5m flat

First come first serve! PM me or AIM me at IrishFloydian. Thanks

08-27-2013, 03:55 PM
If I don't receive an offer by 6:30 EST, I'll be selling these at their current value to the gemshop