View Full Version : Full Kai themed suit, old fest items, uniques, THW items (long)

09-17-2013, 06:36 PM
I'm posting everything and taking silver/cash offers. I've got a ballpark on what I want but I'll entertain anything.

All items are dated from 2002-04.

Long list but worth reading. Some are fest auction items that'll never be seen again.

If a buyer wants everything, I can suit up a level 20 paladin I've got sitting around so you don't have to fuck with mules and lockering stuff.

The odd +2 enchants are from when you could pay silvers for +1, +2 or +3 enchants at festivals.

AW1. an oversized thick-bladed espadon, 8 lbs
It has a bonus of +32 from a normal espadon. (Steel base, back when you could buy +2 enchants at fests for silver).
Thicker than that of a conventional espadon, the oversized blade of this weapon gives it a misleadingly clumsy appearance. The honed single edge of the weapon runs nearly parallel to its blunt opposite for most of its length, ending abruptly in a sharp upward turn to form a nearly rectangular blade. Obviously intended for practical rather than ceremonial use, the weapon is marked only by two circular holes cut near the simple blackened crossguard which rests atop a thin leather-wrapped hilt. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

>rub espadon
Careful not to cut yourself, you run one finger along the length of your espadon's blade, admiring its edge.
>rest espadon
You lean on your espadon, taking a momentary rest.
>hold espadon
You relax your hold on the thick-bladed espadon in your hand.
>pull espadon
You quickly pull your thick-bladed espadon behind you, poised to strike.

AW2. a curved-bladed damascened greatsword
It has a bonus of +18 from a normal greatsword
Embellished with a fine wavy pattern, the folded eahnor blade of this greatsword bears a slight curve as it tapers to its sharply honed tip. The hilt is carved of dark modwir, wrapped diagonally with thin black leather strips and topped with a simple brass disk to serve as a crossguard. Polished to a mirror finish, the blade is unmarked except for the lightly etched image of a clenched fist at its base. A faint aura of holy light radiates from the greatsword.

AW3. a fire-tempered slender vultite flamberge
It has a bonus of +20 from a normal flamberge, fire flares, 6lbs.

AW4. a dark invar dwarven-forged claidhmore
+2. Weighs 12.

AW5. an ice-white vultite battlesword
It has a bonus of +20 from a normal battlesword, ice flares, 8lbs.
Tempered from solid vultite, the dual edges of this ice-white sword have been honed to a razor's sharpness. Measuring approximately three feet in length, the frosty blade narrows slightly towards the middle, only to broaden again near its tip. The carved modwir hilt has been wrapped with fine brown leather, and the bat wing-shaped crossguard has been forged from solid gold and inlaid with intricate ebon whorls.

AW6. a dark heavily shrouded breastplate, weighs 16
It has a bonus of +27 from a normal breastplate.
A pair of long, black diamond shoulder guards protrudes from a mass of fabricated darkness. Extending to the elbow and curving into a sharp point, the talon-wrought design is ideal for deflecting almost any attack. Thick, enveloping layers of dark cotton are pinned beneath the guards and dance around the torso in sinuous folds. Appearing to be simple clothing at first, subtle glints of light escape from a metal armor obscured under the shrewd disguise. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

AW7. some fluted vultite platemail bound with invar mesh, 4x, 58 pounds


AKG1. a horned black invar greathelm
Crafted of matte black invar, this greathelm is as imposing to behold as it is protective. Extending from either side and curving outward slightly before bending inward, are two blackened vor'taz horns, while two fang-shaped invar protrusions extend from each cheek and curve inward like the mandibles of some giant insect. Completing the look are two tiny overhangs on either side of the extended nose guard, cleverly designed to cast a shadow over the eyes of the wearer in almost any light.

>wear greath
Grasping your black invar greathelm with both hands, you carefully place it on your head and adjust it until it feels comfortable.
>open greath
You slide the visor of your black invar greathelm into an open position and latch it securely in place.
>close greath
You unlatch the visor of your black invar greathelm and slide it down over your eyes.
>rem greath
You grasp your black invar greathelm with both hands and carefully lift it off of your head.

AKG2. a deep crimson rolaren mesh coif
>l coif
Designed to fit snugly about the head, this hood has been forged from hundreds of intricate deep crimson-hued rolaren links. Carefully concealed beneath the sturdy mesh exterior lies a thin layer of cotton padding, providing unsurpassed comfort that the outward appearance of this protective garment belies. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

AKG3. A pair of dark rolaren gauntlets
Providing matchless protection while allowing for complete flexibility, these gauntlets have been masterfully crafted of myriad interlocking rolaren plates. Although dark in color, the highly polished surface of these midnight-hued gauntlets bears a mirror sheen, which is interrupted only by the etching of a silver fist set against a fiery field atop each hand.

You estimate that a pair of dark rolaren gauntlets can store a very small amount with enough space for one item.

AKG4. some polished invar leg greaves
Forged from fine invar, these midnight-hued greaves are designed to completely enclose the legs, creating a flexible yet formidable defense. Crafted to extend just above each knee, the armor features fully dished knee plates made to protect the vulnerable joints during even the harshest combat, while allowing for a full range of movement. Engraved on the left shin is the insignia of a clenched silver fist set against a field of crimson.

AKG5. some flowing raven-hued pants
Dyed a deep raven hue, these silk pants are cinched at the waist by a black mesh belt. The fabric falls loosely over the thighs and billows slightly at the knees before tapering to the ankle. An image of a clenched fist inset in a fiery red circle has been stitched on the left thigh.

AKG6. some rugged black leather boots
Cuffed at the ankles, these boots are crafted from the finest leather to endure the worst of climates. The soles are deeply treaded in order to ease passage over the roughest of terrains. Although largely utilitarian in design, the boots are decorated just above each ankle with the simple insignia of a clenched silver fist on a field of red.

AKG7. a silver clenched-fist medallion

>pet medallion
As you touch the medallion, your mind is filled with the image of a warrior of magnificent size and strength standing proudly before a snow white vultite wall. He carries a weapon and he looks ready for battle, but his air is unmistakably carefree. He turns his unflinching gaze up on you.
As the vision fades, you notice the voices in your mind remain stilled.
You reach out and touch your clenched-fist medallion.

* This shuts off your amulet like a tkaro root. I haven't seen third person imaging but I was put down to kneeling and stunned for a very long time. No messaging, but hey, got to see my god.

AKG8. a fist-inlaid sapphire talisman – altered amulet holder
Suspended from a thin length of weathered black leather, the brilliant teardrop sapphire that composes the body of this talisman is encased in a delicate silver binding. While simple in nature, this austere piece's only embellishment is a tiny silver fist inlaid into the gem, obviously a symbol of great importance. Affixed to the underside of the talisman is a crystal amulet.

>tap talisman
You idly tap your sapphire talisman and its entire surface slowly fades to a deep ebony before returning to normal.
>poke talisman
You poke your sapphire talisman and a wisp of shadow lazily slithers forth from its surface and curls around your finger.
>push talisman
You push at your sapphire talisman lightly and a wisp of blackness lashes at your fingers before fading away.
>turn talisman
You turn your sapphire talisman and it ripples with an intense darkness for a moment.
>tickle talisman
You lightly run your fingers across your sapphire talisman and veins of shadow race across its surface like quicksilver.
>spin talisman
You spin the sapphire talisman around your neck, causing hazy black energy to settle about your shoulders briefly.
>wear talis
You drape the sapphire talisman across your neck, and an intricate web of blue-black energy slithers across its surface before fading away.

AKG9. a silver fist cloak clasp
>blank imeddable

AKG10. some diamond-tooled leather boots, holds VSA couple of items
>kick boots
First View - You kick up your heels and do a little jig! It's a bit awkward in the heavy boots, but you manage anyway.
Third View - Person kicks up his heels and does a little jig! The dance is surprisingly agile, given the heavy boots that Person is wearing.
>hug boots
First View - You crunch yourself into an awkward little ball in order to give a hug to the tooled leather boots that you are wearing. Hey, they deserve it.
Third View - Person crunches himself into an awkward little ball in order to give a hug to the tooled leather boots on his feet.
>pull boots
First View - You pull at the top of each of your tooled leather boots in turn, ensuring that the boots are firmly on your feet.
Third View - Person pulls at the top of each of his tooled leather boots in turn, ensuring that the boots are firmly on his feet.
>press boots
First View - You wriggle your toes inside your tooled leather boots, checking the fit. Not too bad, though the boots are rather heavy.
>tap boots
First View -You knock your tooled leather boots against each other in turn and manage to dislodge some of the mud and dust clinging to your heels. That's good.
Third View - Person knocks his tooled leather boots against each other in turn and manages to dislodge some of the mud and dust clinging to his heels. Well, it's a start.
>rub boots
First View -You spit into the palm of your hand before giving your tooled leather boots a good shining. That's better!
Third View - Person spits into the palm of his hand before giving his tooled leather boots a good shining.
>wave boots
First View - You stick one foot out so everyone can admire your tooled leather boots. Maybe they'll be jealous.
Third View - Person sticks one foot out so you can admire his tooled leather boots. Mostly, the boots look heavy, though the sturdy dwarven workmanship would certainly be difficult to damage