View Full Version : Whirlin's Ongoing Flat Priced Sales

07-31-2013, 09:32 AM
So... I don't own a shop. I don't have access to a shop. If this thread annoys you, offer me a table in your shop.

Master Fletched Arrows: 100k per 100.
They'll be custom made however you want.
You'll need to supply non-vendor feathers.
But, like it or not, I use a scriber and put my own unique mark of awesome on them.

Ayvenah Potions: 250k, 5 pours
5 pours is what is normally created out of alchemy binding whatever process.

[B]Chrism-Quality Orb Gems (Miscelaneous): 8k each
You get whatever I first pull out of my gempouch via a random grab verb.
Free cutting available in the shape of something like... an eye.

Chrism-Quality Orb Gem (Your pick of gem type): 10k each
Free cutting available in the shape of something like... an eye.

Ensorcelling Services, Pure Sorc, currently level 89: 2m Per Energy Week
One week backlog, T2 Should be available the weekend of August 24th

Enhancive Enchanting Services: 5m for 5x, 7m for 6x. This price includes the potion costs.
Not taking 7x jobs at this time.
Current Project will be complete Mid-September.

Writing a Profession Guide: 10m
I'll get to them all eventually... but incentive helps.

Build me a training plan for X Build!: 100k upfront.
Now I'm just grasping to add random shit to this list.

Wizard Alchemy Services: Variable
I'm a master Alchemist of all three tiers (well, all items unlocked at 63/60/63 skills)
Let me know what you'd like created, supply materials, and we'll work from there for the price.

08-01-2013, 11:46 PM
bumping this. Still plenty of potions, arrows, and bow available.

08-01-2013, 11:50 PM
But, like it or not, I use a scriber and put my own unique mark of awesome on them.

Come on people, just having Whirlin's mark of awesome on the arrows make them worth 100k alone.

08-02-2013, 12:19 AM
Nah, for Faewood, people usually charge 125k/100... My prices are better, PLUS I scribble on them. added bonus

08-02-2013, 01:57 AM
Is that the composite bow?

08-02-2013, 09:02 AM
Is that the composite bow?

Nah, before this Whirlin's Bow, there was a 5x Fusion Longbow, a 5x fusion composite bow, and then another 5x fusion longbow.

This is the bow I've been using ever since I returned to the game about two years back. Since I had never fixskills in the last few years, I decided to fixskills pure right before the annual reset. Since I have a bajillion extra spell ranks, I felt comfortable attempting high tier enchanting, so I'm making myself a 7x fusion longbow... Which I have a +12 Dex Stat and +6 Dex Bonus orb to put into, and then a pocket Sorc to bring it up to 5x ensorcelling. Unfortunately, it won't be done in time for the third run of RtCF... but maybe next year I'll try to get it merchant enchanted up to 10x and throw some masterful sighting on it and self-returning... because... why not? Basically, permanent project.

Unless of course, I pick up a three socket longbow at RtCF... in which case there will be an alternative The Whirlin's Bow for sale.

08-04-2013, 09:37 AM
updated with stuffs

08-05-2013, 09:48 AM
Because I'm so awesome, I don't even reply to Tgo01 in the thread he originally posted.

Wasn't Whirlin supposed to write up a first 30 day guide?

Yeah... But I have a lot of stuff I want to do:
I want to replay Fallout 3... And playthrough the new Shadowrun game.
I want to finish Alchemy (63/60/60), That's like... 2 ranks in 4 days of ;alchemy... I just want to finish it to NEVER DO IT AGAIN EVER. Plus, if I ever sell Whirlin, it'll likely add like, $2 to the asking price. Big money!
I want to try to hoarde silvers for RtCF since I got a ticket to the third run.

So... while I'm in game, doing money-gaining activities like merchanting, spellups, raises (even if it's just for tips... just the tip). And that stuff requires attention, so I can't be writing a guide.
Or if I'm bigshotting with an alt, Fallout 3 and the other Steam games I picked up during the Summer Sale trumps research/guide writing.

But, I can be easily swayed to write more for silvers. I'm kinda a whore like that.

08-05-2013, 10:01 AM
But, I can be easily swayed to write more for silvers. I'm kinda a whore like that.

I'll pay you 1 silver per word.

08-05-2013, 10:29 AM
I'll pay you 1 silver per word.

I'd consider 1k per word!
Bard Guide: 6704 Words, 31262 characters without spaces, 37638 w/ spaces, 1249 lines
Wizard Guide: 7995 Words, 36693 characters without spaces, 44590 w/ spaces, 1080 lines

08-08-2013, 09:44 AM
Bumping this to advertise Ayvenah Potions for just 250k each! Hot Damn!

MA Tax Weekend Special Deal: Buy Four Ayvenah Potions for just 1m! Look at those savings!!

08-11-2013, 07:16 PM
stuff still available!

08-13-2013, 10:00 AM

Not really... But what I am going to do is toss a T1 Ensorcell on the bow for the seller... So now you'll be getting a 7x, fully charged +3 STR, +3 Dex, T1 Ensorcelled maxlight, altered longbow, a 400 million silver value, which can be yours for only 12m. You can't afford not to act.

And still have plenty of Ayveneh potions available for all your enchanting needs. Why spend 10m on mastering Alchemy when you can just get the potions now, and save yourself the time. That's economic specialization!

08-14-2013, 08:57 AM
Bump, OP updated

08-14-2013, 07:23 PM
The bow has been sold... price on assorted pure gems decreased by 20%

08-14-2013, 08:27 PM
The bow has been sold...


08-15-2013, 09:00 AM
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSlbXr08l3ca8V7olsjgSh49V7GuA9_j 61jUAqN0CLYPACcOM4hXw

08-15-2013, 12:37 PM
Grats on selling your world-famous bow, Whirlin.

08-19-2013, 09:35 AM
T2 Ensorcell slot work should be open for this upcoming weekend (assuming I can get some good hunting time on Thursday/Friday). Price for T2 will be 3m, although I'd be willing to sell a T1 at 2m.

Plenty of materials for Ayveneh potions and arrows to be made to order, and my cache of orb gems is getting quite extravagant.

08-22-2013, 07:57 AM
Tons of gems and ayvenah potions available... I decided to make a heavy push on Alchemy these last two days (vacation)

You are a Master of General Alchemy.

You have 61 ranks in the Alchemic Potions skill.
You need 42 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to practice creating tough solutions that involve channeling spirit.
You have 4 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

You are a Master of Alchemic Trinkets.

Suppressed Poet
08-22-2013, 02:57 PM
Just want to say that Whirlin and his services are amazing. His prices are fair, he is responsive, and goes out of his way to make things easy & smooth for a pleasant buying experience. He did for me a T1&T2 ensorcell and currently waiting on the necro energy for T3. A++

08-23-2013, 02:52 PM
Whirlin is the best! He is one of the longest known people I know in game. I met him when I was visiting the catacombs looking to help out folks. (But then I was the "very experienced" 20 something cleric. hehe.

08-26-2013, 09:18 AM
Vrairdrick is awesome... It's been like, 20 years, and we're both still around!

Stuff is still for sale, check the OP, send me a PM or look for me on Lnet.

08-27-2013, 09:40 AM
In order to raise some last minute silvers, I'll sell 5 ayveneh potions for 1 mill through the start of the final RtCF... then they will return to normal price.

08-29-2013, 08:53 AM
Last day to get a deal on ayveneh potions!

09-05-2013, 09:04 AM
Still Gems / Ayveneh potions available.

09-11-2013, 10:49 AM
bump... I'll be doing ayveneh batches this weekend.

09-16-2013, 10:00 AM
Berean gave me a spot in his storefront! Which I have written down on a piece of paper beside my computer at home, and no access to right now... so instead of redoing this thread, which would totally make sense... I'm gonna make another thread, highlighting that there's stuffs in a shop to sell, that's awesome.

Totally vaguely remembering room 13228 in FWI, Outpost storefront.... If you look at the map, it's two north, one east from the FWI shop entrance area.

I'll definitely keep it stocked with ayveneh potions, arrows and such.

New in the store, I've stocked a buttload of 4x void flaring arrows from the latest RtCF. Unlike normal arrows, these things weigh next to nothing (<2 per 50)... I've also stocked 4x fire flaring arrows right next to them, which highlight the weight difference (5 pounds per 50).

Since they basically just save you from the hassle of dealing with warrior quivers, bundling concerns, and getting e-blades... none of which are particularly difficult, I've priced them STUPIDLY LOW, at only 5k for 50 arrows... (HOLY CRAP)... That's pretty much less than the material cost of faewood alone. Plus, if you're a boss, you're already using a 6x higher bow anyway. And if not, maybe I'll enchant some bows and throw those there!