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  1. Stuxnet..I'm impressed.
  2. Cafferty Asks Can a Fat Man Be Elected President
  3. European banking crisis explains
  4. Creation Museum to Build Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark
  5. Another Lame Duck Victory Looms for Republicans
  6. Russia Attacks Palin
  7. Interpol Goes After Cheney?
  8. The Top 10 Conservative Pundits
  9. "Top" 10 liberal pundits in media
  10. Apple Hates Christians?
  11. Texas Needs a Christian Speaker
  12. President Botswana is ready to marry, just not a fatty
  13. Palin Won't Take Steele's Job
  14. Stop Criticizing Elizabeth Edwards
  15. The Tax Deal
  16. Mexicans Joining Al-Qaida
  17. Fair and balanced
  18. Crist Pardons Jim Morrison!!
  19. Killing Animals for Fun Is Not "Snuff"
  20. Mexico Is Our Next War
  21. Liberal Katie Couric Put in her place By Condoleeza
  22. Federal Judge Rules Obamacare mandate Unconstitutional.
  23. Steele to Run for Reelection
  24. Holbrooke's Last Words
  25. Don't Jump to Conclusions About "Hate Crimes"
  26. No Labels Party
  27. Romney Wants Unemployment Savings Accounts
  28. Why Palin is a Hypocrit.
  29. Politics and Eye Movement: Liberals and Conservatives follow cues much differently
  30. Backlash's Hero, Chavez the Dictator, is at it again
  31. Boehner a Drunk?
  32. Powerful Group Forms "Draft Sarah Palin" Committee
  33. Google Ngrams
  34. You can Ask and Tell
  35. Chris Wallace Ambushed Kyl
  36. Misinformation and the Media
  37. Net Neutrality and Suppression of Speech.
  38. Barbour Cleans Up After Steele
  39. Why Johhny can't add
  40. Census Apportionment
  41. So simple a Libtard can understand...maybe.
  42. Hypocrisy on Endangered Species
  43. Hawaii Governor on Mission to Attack Birthers
  44. George Allen Is Too Liberal for the GOP
  45. Krauthammer Says It's Bad Politics to Defund Obamacare
  46. My Brain Is Bigger Than Yours
  47. Halacha
  48. Fox news viewers misinformed study Dismantled.
  49. Glenn Beck's Top 15 Lies of 2010
  50. Euro Crisis Getting Worse
  51. Obama's Reading List
  52. Social Security Withholdings Reduced to 4.2% for 2010
  53. The Purge of CPAC
  54. USS Enterprise
  55. New Plan for Anchor Babies
  56. Washington murder mystery: Who killed John Wheeler?
  57. Just a tidbit
  58. Foreigners Should Not Vote in the House of Representatives
  59. O'Reilly missed 4th grade earth science
  60. Court Says Okay to Show Nudity on Teevee
  61. Mitch "the Blade" Daniels
  62. Rep. Giffords killed
  63. Liquified Natural Gas
  64. New Hampshire to Be Center of Culture War in 2011
  65. Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior??
  66. The Progressive climate of hate, a violent history of the recent past.
  67. T-Paw Attacks Palin
  68. Swearing in the 112th Congress
  69. "You Lie" Assault Rifles
  70. Misleading CBS Poll About Support for Violence
  71. how to talk to a liberal video
  72. Just another case of federal corruption
  73. Michael Steele Out!
  74. Bipartisan Seating at State of the Union Address
  75. Tunisia
  76. A thought provoking blog
  77. Robot Love
  78. The Battle Hymn of Sarah Palin
  79. Southern Governors Commemorate MLK Day
  80. Rep. Sheila Jackson Makes Keller look like a genius.
  81. Conspiracy Against Abstinence Groups
  82. House to Hold Hearings on Muslim Extremism
  83. Liberal main argument for legal abortion apparently wrong.
  84. Quantitative Easing Explained
  85. Republicans Should Not Write a Health Bill
  86. Joan Rivers vs. Sarah Palin
  87. Michelle Obama Responsible for Pedestrian Deaths
  88. House GOP Lists $2.5 Trillion in Spending Cuts
  89. Maryland State Delegate shows off his education
  90. A small sign of life in brain dead California
  91. Health Care should be a right, not a privilege.
  92. Curiously enough, sometimes people go off the reservation around political rhetoric.
  93. Tubal Ligation Is a Sin
  94. Keith Olbermann calls it quits
  95. Labor's Last Stand - The Death of Private Sector Unions
  96. The recent shooting in Arizona you likely haven't heard about
  97. Attack on Conscience Laws in Idaho
  98. Bias in Education Against Founding Fathers
  99. Tripartisanship
  100. Liberal Internet Community Interfering with Law Enforcement
  101. Co-Ed Student Housing
  102. State of the Union 2011
  103. iPods to Be Illegal in New York?
  104. The Genesis Code
  105. Republicans to Put Washington D.C. Back on the Straight and Narrow
  106. Thune for President
  107. Tea Party to denounce founding fathers
  108. NR Have You Posted This Yet?
  109. UN at It Again
  110. Egypt
  111. George W. Bush: I'm Done With Politics
  112. The Democrat Rape Problem
  113. America Better off Than Egypt -- Right? Let's Take a Look.
  114. FOIA Transparency
  115. The Chinese must LOVE Top Gun!
  116. Schumer On 3 Branches of Govt.
  117. DA: Wife Killed Husband After Finding Hickey
  118. The (Expensive) Epidemic in Urban Schools
  119. China Starts Molten Salt Nuclear Reactor Project
  120. Another story about corporate taxes in America
  121. Huckabee on the Rise
  122. The problem with the 2nd Amendment
  123. "The Economy Is Simply Another Front in the Culture War"
  124. Who Should Be the New Speaker of the House?
  125. The Manifesto of the Non Believers
  126. And the bullshit continues
  127. Democrat Admits the Truth in Obamacare Repeal Debate
  128. Don't Do It, Mitt
  129. Why Egypt Proves Bush Was Right About Iraq
  130. Switzerland Just Made an Enemy!
  131. Socialists Win the Super Bowl
  132. The Stuxnet Worm
  133. Protect Life Act
  134. Innocent Until Proven Guilty
  135. Congressman resigns over shirtless photo
  136. Old Shaky
  137. Obama Administration Corrects Clapper's Claim
  138. Interesting insight into FoxNews
  139. Congress to Eliminate Title X
  141. My Daily Bible Reader
  142. Science Programs Cut In New Budget Proposal
  143. CPAC Straw Poll 2011: Ron Paul Wins For Second Consecutive Year
  144. Election 2012
  145. Unrest in the Arab World
  146. Speaker: I know my party's supporters are morons
  147. From: Mark - To: Unemployed America
  148. Stupid people are ruining America
  149. Federal budget
  150. The Parental Title Protection Act
  151. Wisconsin Unions
  152. South Dakota to Make it Legal to Kill Abortion Doctors
  153. Where Was Obama Born?
  154. Curveball Exonerates Bush
  155. We just got trashed by Justin Bieber?
  156. Diplomatic Immunity in Pakistan
  157. Arizona Hospitals and Illegal Aliens
  158. Do not fuck with the Internets Rick Santorum
  159. Discrimination Against the Unemployed
  160. GoP Financial Mess
  161. Libya - Looking for full transcript of Saif ul-Islam Qaddafi's speech
  162. Cut Pell Grants
  163. From Dictatorship to Democracy
  164. Defense of Marriage Act
  165. You might be a Republican if...
  166. who is the biggest terrorist?
  167. Top 10 Conservative Members of Congress
  168. An intereating read
  169. Another point of interest
  170. Pissing off NJ right and left...
  171. Comcast Should Say No to Al-Jazeera
  172. No Oscar for Gasland
  173. No Water Mandates
  174. Last US Serviceman from WWI dies
  175. "US Uncut" Calls Out Corporate Tax Deadbeats
  176. Jury Nullifcation?
  177. School in Corpus Christi, Tex. Under Attack by Homosexual Group
  178. Prank Calls to Be Illegal in Wisconsin
  179. Give Republicans a Chance Against Watson
  180. Why Is Obama Being Nice to Romney?
  181. Christie Is Like "I Know I Could Win"
  182. Moore On Wealthy People's Money
  183. Why the Wisconsin Recall Won't Work
  184. Texas Immigration Bill
  185. Birth Control in Wisconsin
  186. Chastity at BYU, Even for Basketball Players
  187. Peace Corps
  188. Opinion: Public Broadcasting Should Go Private
  189. Michigan Budget Deficit
  190. Jesse Jackson Jr. Says..
  191. Some humor I say elsewhere
  192. First ACORN, now NPR
  193. The Bloated Beltway
  194. Myths
  195. Remember when high gas prices where offensive to Liberals?
  196. 35%
  197. 5 reasons unions are bad for America
  198. Rep. Sheila Jackson at is again.
  199. Should Prisoners Be Organ Donors?
  200. Colbert PAC Ad
  201. Unrest in Libya
  202. Shame on Northwestern
  203. This Is Madness!
  204. Take the TSA Out of Texas
  205. Wisconsin Democrats Not Allowed to Vote
  206. Huckabee Ahead Among Republicans
  207. First Thing in a Presidential Debate
  208. So you thought the CIA selling crack was bad, wait to you hear about NASA.
  209. American Laws Moving Away from Teaching Evolution
  210. No Sagging Pants in Florida Schools
  211. Send in the Drones
  212. Romney Should Apologize
  213. Obama's indecision on Libya has pushed Clinton over the edge
  214. no fly zone over libya
  215. Military Action Against Libya
  216. Libya - are you for or against another invasion?
  217. Trump's Foreign Policy Experience
  218. "In God We Trust" on All Buildings
  219. Pawlenty Makes It Official
  220. Obama Letting Foxes Protect the Hen House?
  221. Maine Governor Orders Removal of Mural
  222. 1st Amendment Not a Suicide Pact
  223. What About Bit.Ly?
  224. How likely is it that the dollar will lose its global status as global reserve?
  225. New Birth Certificate Book
  226. From the Onion . . .
  227. America's "Foreign Policy Coup" by Wesley Clark
  228. Nevada Weddings Unconstitutional?
  229. Sharia Law enables the rape and torture a child
  230. Social Security and Abortion
  231. What Happened to the Declaration of War?
  232. Immigration and Organ Donation
  233. Obama 4 more years
  234. Baby Names in Texas
  235. Fox Hires Trump
  236. Faux News
  237. G.E.’s Strategies Let It Avoid Taxes Altogether
  238. Bachmann in 2012
  239. Put Easter Back in the Egg Hunts
  240. Pothead Sues for Right to Kill
  241. Government Shutdown, Here We Come
  242. Why we must raise taxes on the rich
  243. Hope Isn't Hiring
  244. Next President Can Reinstate Don't Ask Don't Tell
  245. Human-Animal Hybrids
  246. Government Shutdown - All in favor say aye!
  247. Trump Investigating Obama Birth !!!
  248. No Government Shutdown
  249. Unholy Alliance: Western corporations and Islamic fundamentalists team up for the NWO
  250. Debt Limit