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Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-17-2006, 06:24 PM
REPLY #1000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!


10-18-2006, 01:31 AM
Vivecar just closed some ivory-white ceremonial robes magnificently set with soulstones in ancient runes symbolizing the cycle of life and death.

10-18-2006, 05:33 PM
Ahh...the joy of letting Sproink free reign of a design...

Sproink glances at a vaalorn sgian achlais etched with a series of tiny pink pixies dancing atop a baby blue halfling corpse in his hand.

10-18-2006, 06:09 PM
Ahh...the joy of letting Sproink free reign of a design...

Sproink glances at a vaalorn sgian achlais etched with a series of tiny pink pixies dancing atop a baby blue halfling corpse in his hand.

More proof that LSD and Gemstone IV don't mix.

10-22-2006, 08:38 PM
< Baldrick works his way out of an ~oversized burlap potato sack with ragged holes cut out for head and limbs~ , revealing some muddy brown leather underneath. >

10-22-2006, 10:27 PM
some field surgery coveralls encrusted with bits of gore and bone fragments

10-23-2006, 10:44 AM
Why did you put the dice I made you on some dumb overalls? :(

10-28-2006, 04:37 PM
a short black leather skirt with a steel-studded hem and steel-studded buttons.

Can we say, "Sid and Nancy?"

10-28-2006, 04:53 PM
steel-studded buttons?

10-28-2006, 05:24 PM
Yeah that one made me do a double take too, and judging by the wait she had before it was her turn she had a *long* time to come up with that idea.

10-30-2006, 07:56 PM
He is wearing a frostbite-seared grey skin loot sack

11-01-2006, 12:43 PM
Jus' some things I've seen in our little piece of the information superhighway...

*an armband of exotic blue sapphire tiger lilies sprinkled with brilliant white opal dust and intertwined in iridescent gossamer that shimmers in the sunlight
(Ok, so what.. you can't wear this at night, and if you do - should it transition into moonlight?)

*a twisting dragon-shaped elven faewood runestaff carved with fearsome claws clasping a glowing crystal orb
(This one confuses me. Is the runestaff itself shaped like a dragon?)

11-01-2006, 01:00 PM
He is wearing a frostbite-seared grey skin loot sack

Not an alteration, that's an off the shelf... at least I hope it is, I've seen several, infact I own one... I wonder if you saw it on me...?

Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-01-2006, 06:11 PM
Tamyra offers Finoulk a rugged pyrothag hide satchel embroidered with a green-clad elf locked in mortal combat with a roan centaur.

This was made at EG.


11-01-2006, 06:16 PM
I'd be embarrassed to have that. What kind of wuss gets locked in mortal combat with a level 26 creature?

11-15-2006, 01:25 AM
Tannious (11:19:32 PM): a tattoo of two ancient dragons starting at her thigh and sprawling in an intimate design down her calf where their tails meet in the shape of a heart wrapping around her ankle on her leg

Tannious (11:19:34 PM): rofl

SayGoodbye926316 (11:20:47 PM): Oh my fucking god

SayGoodbye926316 (11:20:53 PM): that leg needs to be amputated

Tannious (11:20:13 PM): you should see the rest of her

Tannious (11:20:15 PM): good god

Tannious (11:20:22 PM): lets fuck a dragon already

11-15-2006, 05:36 AM
Tannious (11:19:32 PM): a tattoo of two ancient dragons starting at her thigh and sprawling in an intimate design down her calf where their tails meet in the shape of a heart wrapping around her ankle on her leg

So many things wrong with this, but what strikes me as weirdest is that it looks like it's specifying that her ankle is on her leg. Whoever thought of this tattoo and whoever made this tattoo should be forced to spend some time reading alteration guides.

11-15-2006, 07:36 AM
I think that's just the tattoo mechanics. The tattoo is "two ancient dragons starting at her thigh and sprawling in an intimate design down her calf where their tails meet in the shape of a heart wrapping around her ankle", which is on her leg.


11-15-2006, 10:01 AM
Doesn't make any less fuglier than sin.

11-15-2006, 11:05 AM
No, I had a tattoo alteration once that was described as on my arm, but it was actually located on my chest (When I cut it off I got a chest bleeder, and I think there was some other indication when I had it that said it was on my chest too)

11-15-2006, 08:42 PM
Zoren slings a vultite wall shield engraved with the image of Imaera gracefully sitting at the foot of a stately willow tree over his shoulder.

11-15-2006, 09:12 PM
Zoren slings a vultite wall shield engraved with the image of Imaera gracefully sitting at the foot of a stately willow tree over his shoulder.

That's not nearly as bad as some I've seen. I would, however, make that into a show description...much too long for a long descrip, in my opinion.

11-16-2006, 05:22 AM
You see Lady Alesha Anthisil the Spellweaver.
She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She appears to be in the meridian of life and very tall. She has silver eyes and pale skin. She has a bald head. She has a pointed nose. Her face is shadowed by the deep hood of her robes.
She has a myriad of black interlocking runic tattoos across her bald pate and forehead.

She has a bald head. Ok. Fine.

Her face is covered by her hood.

She has a tattoo on her head.

The hood should cover her bald head, thereby making it impossible for me to know she has a bald head. This would also make it impossible to see her ugly head tattoo.

I would also point out that the feature alter should negate the first mention of a bald head. It seems silly to mention the bald head in one sentence, then turn around and point out the head/forehead tattoo.

Unless they make a cloak that has an opening for the head...

11-16-2006, 06:49 AM
You see Lady Alesha Anthisil the Spellweaver.
She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She appears to be in the meridian of life and very tall. She has silver eyes and pale skin. She has a bald head. She has a pointed nose. Her face is shadowed by the deep hood of her robes.
She has a myriad of black interlocking runic tattoos across her bald pate and forehead.

She has a bald head. Ok. Fine.

Her face is covered by her hood.

She has a tattoo on her head.

The hood should cover her bald head, thereby making it impossible for me to know she has a bald head. This would also make it impossible to see her ugly head tattoo.

I would also point out that the feature alter should negate the first mention of a bald head. It seems silly to mention the bald head in one sentence, then turn around and point out the head/forehead tattoo.

Unless they make a cloak that has an opening for the head...

I dunno. I kinda dig it. Points for originality.

11-16-2006, 09:13 AM
You see Lady Alesha Anthisil the Spellweaver.
She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She appears to be in the meridian of life and very tall. She has silver eyes and pale skin. She has a bald head. She has a pointed nose. Her face is shadowed by the deep hood of her robes.
She has a myriad of black interlocking runic tattoos across her bald pate and forehead.

She has a bald head. Ok. Fine.

Her face is covered by her hood.

She has a tattoo on her head.

The hood should cover her bald head, thereby making it impossible for me to know she has a bald head. This would also make it impossible to see her ugly head tattoo.

I would also point out that the feature alter should negate the first mention of a bald head. It seems silly to mention the bald head in one sentence, then turn around and point out the head/forehead tattoo.

Unless they make a cloak that has an opening for the head...

Yeah, original. While not exact, it reminds me of the matriarch of the Bene Geserit in Dune....(the movie)

11-16-2006, 02:09 PM
Clothing doesn't cover ANY tattoo's that have specially altered locations (such as in this case).

The Xojium robes also do not conceal any part of the head, and only add that extra line at the end. Plus, it says forehead, so I'd imagine that you'd be able to see it anyway.

Plus, I have no fucking clue where you're getting "feature alter" from, because everything but the tat is stock there. You can only have it in one sentence anyway, you idiot, as there is no way of further describing baldness with the basic features system. The tat has to come.....wait for it....in the tat spot which is last in line.

11-16-2006, 09:17 PM
Clothing doesn't cover ANY tattoo's that have specially altered locations (such as in this case).

The Xojium robes also do not conceal any part of the head, and only add that extra line at the end. Plus, it says forehead, so I'd imagine that you'd be able to see it anyway.

Plus, I have no fucking clue where you're getting "feature alter" from, because everything but the tat is stock there. You can only have it in one sentence anyway, you idiot, as there is no way of further describing baldness with the basic features system. The tat has to come.....wait for it....in the tat spot which is last in line.

So she's wearing robes with a piece of materiel that shadows ONLY her face, and leaving her bald head open to the air.
Then why call it a HOOD? All the hoods I've ever seen cover the entire head. I've never seen anything that was called a hood and covered/shadowed only the face.

And if I can't see her face due to it being shadowed, how am I going to see the tattoo on her forehead as well as her other features?

And you're right. It's not a feature alter, it's a tattoo. And yes, tattoo's have to take up the last spot in the feature arrangement. It was late when I posted.

My point is that the sentence that states she is bald should have been taken out. Or possibly the merchant should have incorporated the tattoo idea into the bald description, making it a feature alteration, instead of placing it in the last slot. I saw someone at Ebon's getting some 'wispy strands of combed over hair to cover his bald pate' which seems like another way to describe baldness to me and could easily be made accomodating to her tattoo idea.

Whether or not either of those is possible still doesn't make it any less silly.

I guess my ultimate point is not to knock her tattoo, I like head/forehead tattoo idea, but to say that the feature hiding mechanism needs to hide the appropriate amount of features and not just insert a line that doesn't makes sense.

11-17-2006, 02:39 AM
You cannot take out the bald sentence. You cannot just omit a line from the feature portion unless it's the special line. You also cannot incorporate tat's or other things into features (at least not legally).

Again, it's not a feature alter - it's a stock feature. Bald. It has nothing to do with features.

How about stop bitching about someone's features, and bitch about the mechanics that make it so "silly" in the first place, mm k?

11-17-2006, 05:55 AM
You cannot take out the bald sentence. You cannot just omit a line from the feature portion unless it's the special line. You also cannot incorporate tat's or other things into features (at least not legally).

Again, it's not a feature alter - it's a stock feature. Bald. It has nothing to do with features.

How about stop bitching about someone's features, and bitch about the mechanics that make it so "silly" in the first place, mm k?

Bald is a feature. I'm not sure what you're trying to get at here by repeating that it has nothing to do with features.

Someone's state of baldness can be altered. I've seen it done. Just like eyes and hair are features that can be altered. Something should have been added to her STOCK feature to incorporate the fact she has a tattoo on her head. You disagree.

As far as your last statement, perhaps you should reread my previous post. I clarified myself by stating that I didn't think her tattoo was ultimately bad, but that the mechanics of a hood that covers only her face was.

Why you think a hood that covers the face is fine, is beyond me.
Why you feel it necessary to cop an attitude, is also beyond me.
But both are fine. I've said my peace.

11-17-2006, 10:00 AM
Someone's state of baldness can be altered. I've seen it done. Just like eyes and hair are features that can be altered. Something should have been added to her STOCK feature to incorporate the fact she has a tattoo on her head. You disagree.

No, for the third time. Mechanics disagree. You cannot have the tattoo in the feature slot. How many times do I have to say this? There. Is. No. Way. Legally. To. Mention. That. There. Is. A. Tat. In. The. Feature. Slot.

As far as your last statement, perhaps you should reread my previous post. I clarified myself by stating that I didn't think her tattoo was ultimately bad, but that the mechanics of a hood that covers only her face was.

Why you think a hood that covers the face is fine, is beyond me.

Are you blind? It doesn't the robe cover the face.

And as I said, stop whining about peoples features, and whine about the mechanics that make them so "silly" to you.

OR, learn about the actual mechanical restrictions before you start bitching.

11-18-2006, 03:32 PM
You're either bald or you have a shaved head, or you have hair. GM Lothwyn explained that these are the only choices, and of them, you must have at least one -- not none.

The tattoo merchant who did what looks like a general location-placed tattoo might not have known that Alesha had a face-concealing hood -- she might not have been wearing it at the time. Alesha's responsible for her features, clothing, and tattoo making her look dorky, not the merchant.

11-18-2006, 04:15 PM
I agree, Caramia. If you choose to have a tatooed head, you shouldn't be wearing a hood. It's up to the player to think about how their character's alterations and clothing are going to translate to text.

11-19-2006, 06:59 AM
By that stupid argument's rationale then, anyone with a hood shouldn't be allowed to have anything on their head.

It's a mechanical problem.

11-19-2006, 11:31 AM
By that stupid argument's rationale then, anyone with a hood shouldn't be allowed to have anything on their head.

It's a mechanical problem.

It's up to players not to abuse mechanical problems until they are fixed. In this case, the abuse is harmless, but it's still abuse.

11-19-2006, 12:40 PM
Lol you're an idiot.

11-19-2006, 01:51 PM
Here's the thing, the GM who did the tattoo fucked up.

I wanted Jesae's tattoo to originally be this: She has a faint curl of jade smoke inked at the nape of her neck which rises sinuously into her hair.

The GM explained that I couldn't have it as it wouldn't make sense if she decided to go bald. Now...even though that would NEVER get done to my char, I understood his logic, so it was changed to be more appropriate.

So yeah, I see why people would think the idea was retarded. She could have had it read as such:

She has a myriad of black interlocking runic tattoos across her scalp and forehead.

THAT way, she could be bald or have hair and it would still look okay.

11-23-2006, 06:19 PM
a shimmering shift made from a deadman's shroud and carefully painted with hellish flames so real that they actually seem to devour the trapped souls among them,

11-23-2006, 06:37 PM
I don't even play anymore and that thing makes me cringe.

The Ponzzz
11-23-2006, 06:51 PM
I'll say, the entire tattoo system needs to be reworked. it's far too limited and the only way around it is doing something like that dragon tattoo or Shari's which comes off piss poor.

11-26-2006, 07:42 PM
Not like we really expect anything less, but:

Victorae taps something in an ancient goodiebag covered with fading diamond-dusted runes of enchanting.

Sean of the Thread
11-26-2006, 07:49 PM
mmmm Acient GOODIEBAG! I want one of those.

11-27-2006, 10:50 AM
a long flowing cloak with the images of a young rogue alongside a huge black demon intensely studying some ancient tombs

11-27-2006, 11:05 AM
stray, that is one ugly cloak

who ever made it should be shot

11-27-2006, 11:06 AM
Yeah. It doesn't even make any sense.

11-27-2006, 11:13 AM
I want a best friend who's a demon so we can look at tombs together. :(

Too bad I'm not a young rogue.

12-02-2006, 04:00 PM
Call me stupid but isn't that Latin?

Bloodthorn tightly flexes his muscles and displays a glorious sunrise tattoo with the words 'corruptio optimi pessima' amongst delicate scrollwork on his arm.

Yes it is Latin and I simply have been around longer then the rule that prohibits the use of Latin.


12-04-2006, 03:13 AM
I'm not really sure what possessed me to check out this site since its like...a ghost town, but I think I sensed that evil was posted there:


12-04-2006, 03:48 AM
"full on bedroom roleplay"

I swear, Simu should use that as ad copy.

12-06-2006, 12:29 PM
You see Treana De'Vitia the Battlechanter.
She appears to be a Sylvankind.
She appears to be very young and tall. She has dark-lined, intense violet-sheened pale grey eyes and darkly tanned honey-hued skin. She has silky soft, bronze-streaked tawny hair falling to the small of her back in loose ringlets. She has sharp pointed ears. A touch of dusky freckles runs across her cheeks.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a strapless charcoal grey silk dress back-split over iridescent magenta underskirts, a hazy glass ring, some pale ivory scalemail, a gold-latched pale mistwood case, a sigil-incised crystal choker with a small orb that twinkles with starlight that has been captured within, a hooded dove grey spidersilk cloak, and an iron and mithril band.

Scalemail over a strapless gown? But I think it's the choker that really caught my eye.

12-06-2006, 12:46 PM
Oooo, starlight. I wanna make one that has glittering pieces of luminescent moonlight in it. Can I, please?

12-16-2006, 07:49 PM
[Koops (subdued)]: "Taking offers on a sickly green toy frog covered with dirt and infested with a multitude of warts and a lumpy and filthy pillow sewn together out of old socks and stuffed with tiny pebbles. An altered stunning pillow."

Good god.

12-22-2006, 10:30 PM
Eyanna put a long slender vultite backsword etched with the image of a rampant kitten in her back quiver.

Stanley Burrell
12-22-2006, 10:48 PM
[Koops (subdued)]: "Taking offers on a sickly green toy frog covered with dirt and infested with a multitude of warts and a lumpy and filthy pillow sewn together out of old socks and stuffed with tiny pebbles. An altered stunning pillow."

Good god.

I want it :(

12-25-2006, 03:19 AM
Okay. I really like the player of this character. Seriously. But... oh god.

He is wearing a gold duelist's medallion, some gleaming shock infantry field-plate, a black sylvan infantry harness, a regal sylvan infantry cloak, some fingerless leather combat gloves, a dashing black military jacket, a polished platinum war horn, a silk mesh bag clasped with a dragonfire opal, a tarnished silver chain, a diamond soaring dragon pendant, some elegant black pants with gleaming silver buttons, a sylvan-style silver signet band, an infinity sigil-twined belt, a tiger-tooth clasped gem pouch, a water-filled crystal dragon armband, and some dark sylvan infantry boots.

Missing is the dragon-etched sylvan infantry claidhmore he also has.

12-25-2006, 10:30 AM
I designed that ring as a gift to his character back when Michiko got married.

.... *hangs head in shame*

12-25-2006, 12:41 PM
Okay. I really like the player of this character. Seriously. But... oh god.

He is wearing a gold duelist's medallion, some gleaming shock infantry field-plate, a black sylvan infantry harness, a regal sylvan infantry cloak, some fingerless leather combat gloves, a dashing black military jacket, a polished platinum war horn, a silk mesh bag clasped with a dragonfire opal, a tarnished silver chain, a diamond soaring dragon pendant, some elegant black pants with gleaming silver buttons, a sylvan-style silver signet band, an infinity sigil-twined belt, a tiger-tooth clasped gem pouch, a water-filled crystal dragon armband, and some dark sylvan infantry boots.

Missing is the dragon-etched sylvan infantry claidhmore he also has.

Holy crap the "I'm Sylvan" sign must have a lightbulb out, perhaps he needs a few more items to fill them back in?

12-25-2006, 12:48 PM
Wouldn't Sylvan infantry be like.. camo? heh

12-31-2006, 01:41 AM
>l pyr
You see Pyraes the Tracker.
He appears to be a Vaalor Elf.
He appears to be youthful and average height. He has piercing jade green eyes and fair skin. He has raggedly cut, unkempt dark blonde hair. He has a straight nose and slightly upswept pointed ears.
He has a short deep black onyx spike in his lip.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing some elven fighting leathers, a braided elven leather satchel, a tattered leather gem pouch, an archer's toolkit, a silver-tooled elven back quiver, a black three-fingered glove, a leather archer's armguard, a camouflage leather thigh quiver, an over-sized camouflage bandana, an emerald leaf amulet, a crystal amulet, an intricately carved wooden medallion, a sleek elven bow with flying dragons carved on the limbs, a dark green cotton shirt riddled with holes, some old jet black trousers, a deeply hooded elven-crafted robe, some elven tracking boots, and an inlaid gold ring.

I don't mind bad alters. I really don't. I think they add some facet of entertainment to the game. However, it does bug me when they don't even make sense. Bows have limbs? lmao.

12-31-2006, 04:41 AM
On recurved and longbows I've seen the two ends referenced as "limbs"

12-31-2006, 05:01 AM
when I first started playing gs that bow would have looked badass to me...

12-31-2006, 05:35 AM
On recurved and longbows I've seen the two ends referenced as "limbs"

Interesting. You are correct: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recurve_bow

Still sounds odd as hell to me.

01-02-2007, 06:22 AM
That's actually off the shelf too, not an altered item.

01-13-2007, 06:07 PM
I just...well I couldn't pick a FAVORITE on her:

You see Kelestra the Sorceress.
She appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
She appears to be very young and taller than average. She has sparkling cerulean blue eyes and fair skin. She has waist length, flowing midnight black hair swept back from the temples. She has a delicate face, a small nose and thin eyebrows.
She has a tiny crystal ring in her left eyebrow, a sparkling dragonmist crystal half-ring stylized with vaalin filigree in her lip, a poison ivy tattoo on her ankle, and a tattooed symbol of Marlu on her neck.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a faceted dreamstone ring, a deeply hooded black silk cloak clasped with a small dragonmist crystal, a gold ring, a dragonmist crystal-clasped tote covered with tiny bloodstained paw prints, an ancient Faendryl silver ring, a backless black silk thigh-length dress with dragonmist crystal-dusted gossamer sleeves, some sharp black fingernails, a tall black witch's hat, some silver-stitched black leathers intricately tooled in a spiraling design accented with dragonmist crystals, some thigh-high black leather boots with spiked heels capped with dragonmist crystal, some sheer thigh-high black silk stockings lightly brushed with dragonmist crystal dust, a twisted vaalin chain with a suspended dragonmist crystal, a sparkling silver belly chain clasped with a tiny dragonmist crystal, a dragonmist crystal thigh-sheath, a horned ebony lizard, a dragonmist crystal herb satchel, a rune wristlet, and a dragonmist crystal-clasped pack.

01-13-2007, 06:19 PM
whats wrong with that?

01-21-2007, 11:18 PM
[Koops (subdued)]: "Taking offers on a thick ebonwood rod with two frosty blue balls painted on bottow the shaft. mage rechargable major cold"


01-22-2007, 12:24 PM
I just...well I couldn't pick a FAVORITE on her:

You see Kelestra the Sorceress.
She appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
She appears to be very young and taller than average. She has sparkling cerulean blue eyes and fair skin. She has waist length, flowing midnight black hair swept back from the temples. She has a delicate face, a small nose and thin eyebrows.
She has a tiny crystal ring in her left eyebrow, a sparkling dragonmist crystal half-ring stylized with vaalin filigree in her lip, a poison ivy tattoo on her ankle, and a tattooed symbol of Marlu on her neck.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a faceted dreamstone ring, a deeply hooded black silk cloak clasped with a small dragonmist crystal, a gold ring, a dragonmist crystal-clasped tote covered with tiny bloodstained paw prints, an ancient Faendryl silver ring, a backless black silk thigh-length dress with dragonmist crystal-dusted gossamer sleeves, some sharp black fingernails, a tall black witch's hat, some silver-stitched black leathers intricately tooled in a spiraling design accented with dragonmist crystals, some thigh-high black leather boots with spiked heels capped with dragonmist crystal, some sheer thigh-high black silk stockings lightly brushed with dragonmist crystal dust, a twisted vaalin chain with a suspended dragonmist crystal, a sparkling silver belly chain clasped with a tiny dragonmist crystal, a dragonmist crystal thigh-sheath, a horned ebony lizard, a dragonmist crystal herb satchel, a rune wristlet, and a dragonmist crystal-clasped pack.

What's wrong with it? Too much redundancy. Okay we get you think dragonmist crystal is the shiznit, lol. The tiny bloodstained pawprints on the tote looks really tacky. With that in mind I think the person had tacky as a general theme in their ensemble so they did an excellent job! I guess if that's what they were goin for then technically there's nothing "wrong" with it.

01-22-2007, 01:33 PM
As far as really bad alters go, in that huge novel of items,I would have to say that the only BAD alteration would be this item: a dragonmist crystal herb satchel

Mainly because well, how can you make a satchel from crystal?

01-22-2007, 02:01 PM
[Koops (subdued)]: "Taking offers on a thick ebonwood rod with two frosty blue balls painted on bottow the shaft. mage rechargable major cold"



01-22-2007, 03:43 PM
Just a stupid item in general.

Phonelius's modwir coffer flickers in and out of existence for a moment but then stabilizes.
Phonelius put an elegant crystal orb-tipped staff in his green hat.
You blink.
Phelicidea nods to you.
>'you store your staff in your hat?
You ask, "You store your staff in your hat?"
Phonelius says, "Aye."
Phonelius removes a spider-etched white jade prayerball from in his green hat.
>'how the heck does your hat stay on
You say, "How the heck does your hat stay on."
Phonelius put a spider-etched white jade prayerball in his green hat.
Phonelius says, "It's a big hat."
>'with something that heavy in it
You say, "With something that heavy in it."
You shrug.
Kwenton says, "Balance."
Kwenton adopts an agreeable expression.
You say, "Right."
Phonelius removes a forest green leather bankbook from in his green hat.
You smirk.
Phonelius put a forest green leather bankbook in his green hat.
>l ph
You see Phelicidea Kairne.
She appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
She appears to be very young and shorter than average. She has almond-shaped violet eyes and golden brown skin. She has straight, onyx hair that fades into royal purple tips and is cut at an angle from chin to shoulder length. She has a heart-shaped face, a button nose and slightly pointed ears. She has soft, burgundy lips.
She has a slender silver hoop in the upper ridge of her left ear, a silver-chased black stone spike in her right eyebrow, a circle of dolphins tattoo on her waist, and a tattoo of a tiny stiletto pierced through a broken heart with the words "Never forgotten" scrolled around it on her ankle.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a black pearl earring, a silver-inlaid sleek onyx choker, a pale crystal shard, a hooded silver-stitched cloak, a blood-red thorned rose stickpin, a midriff-length silver silk bodice with a long belled left sleeve and a thin strap at the right shoulder, an onyx-inlaid black leather thigh-sheath, a lead-bound ceramic Adventurer's Guild badge, a vaalin-swept illthorn leaf pin, a carved onyx cat pin, a black rogues wall shield inlaid with the image of gleaming silver cats eyes, a black leather satchel, a black leather backpack adorned with a pattern of interlocking silver rings, some imflass augmented chain, a tight-laced white leather bracer, a tight-laced black leather wrist-sheath, a hazy glass ring, a black gem pouch clasped with a silver crouched tiger clasp, a leather survival kit, a brushed silver lockpick case, a flowing black silk skirt with a sheer silver overlay, an ankle-worn slender leather toolkit, and a pair of glossy black knee-high boots adorned with intricate tiger-shaped silver buckles.
Kwenton shrugs.
Kwenton examines his fingernails.
Phelicidea twiddles her thumbs.
You shrug.

01-22-2007, 06:41 PM
>l shal
You see Shallimar Wyldcat the Master Blacksmith.
He appears to be a Giant of the Issimir Clan.
He appears to be in the prime of life and towers in height. He has attentive, mismatched blue and green eyes and deeply veined, tanned skin. He has short, wild black hair sticking up in all directions with bits of hair protruding over his ears like wings. He has an a cleft-chinned, square-jawed face, a prominent aquiline nose and broad shoulders. He has a long drooping mustache that blends into his very full, immaculately trimmed black beard.
He has a seamless veil iron ring that resembles a door knocker in the middle of his nose, a petrified witchwood pipe clenched between his teeth, and a tattooed white bunny entangled in a web and beset upon by a giant spider on his leg.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an elongated barbed glaes longsword in his right hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a turquoise-bound linen Adventurer's Guild badge, a fanciful veil-iron gewgaw, an etched mithglin rune, a furry flea-bitten rolton, a pale crystal shard, a dark weblike bag, a slightly malleable egg sac, an exquisite veil iron earring of a black widow spider descending from a thread, an onyx Arachne symbol, an undulating patch of sticky cobwebs, a veil iron beard clip shaped like an hourglass, a ribbed spider sack, a veil iron chain mail battle-vest, some spiked veil iron vambraces, a veil iron wedding armband, a black enameled bracer with a silver gryphon set in a ruby circle, some veil iron hourglass-shaped cufflinks, an elegant veil iron seal inset with a caliginous ruby spider, some ornate veil iron gauntlets, a sturdy black leather utility belt supporting various loops and spider-embroidered red silken pouches, an ancient battle satchel, a pair of veil iron chausses, a spiked rolaren defender, a blackened veil iron toolkit, a ruby-inlaid golden zelnorn breastplate etched with the image of a setting sun, and a speckled teal-crested lizard.

You know... they're not horrible alters... but when its all combined with his feature alters: this dude tries way too hard. Come on, man.

01-22-2007, 06:48 PM
C'mon, he's spozed to be eeeevil, and CLEARLY worships Olaeni. Duh.

Though, sadly...I must admit that nose ring is freaking awesome. :(

01-22-2007, 07:04 PM
The nose-ring is what pointed me out to the rest of the garbage...

Aren't all septum hoops "door-knocker" like?

01-25-2007, 10:46 PM
XXXXXXXX works his way out of some ceremonial armor adorned with runes of lore and wisdom.

My friend my hate me for posting this, but it not only is ceremonal, but is runic, loreful, and wise.

01-27-2007, 03:54 AM
>look dev
You see Devix Nightsin the Forestwalker.
She appears to be an Illistim Elf.
She appears to be in the flower of life and tall. She has brooding silver eyes and deeply-veined, ashen grey skin. She has long, dirty black hair with ghastly white streaks that has been rolled up into a well shaped bun to make it resemble a large black spider. She has an angular face, a classical nose and sharply-curved pointed ears.
She has a series of deathstone black widow-shaped rings inset with ruby hourglasses in her lip, a series of tiny golden rings set along the slender tips of her pointed ears, a long-legged black spider tattoo on her ear, a crimson hourglass tattoo on her wrist, a spider web tattoo on her neck, a tattooed symbol of Arachne on her wrist, and a black widow tattoo on her neck.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing some ancient priestess' boots, a silver-inlaid azure blazestar anklet, a cobwebbed petrified egg sac covered with a myriad of onyx black widow spiders, a cobweb covered treasure bag embroidered with tiny black spiders, a soft dark suede coin pouch, a silver and ruby ring, a shadowglass ring, some Arachne-crested brigandine inset with innumerable chaotic diamond cobwebs, a web-covered weapons harness with a silver spider closure, a midnight black jacket, a leaf-embossed brushed leather thigh-quiver, a white spider lily, some onyx-eyed silver spider hairpins, some web-etched black combat gloves, an obsidian-bound maoral Adventurer's Guild badge, a black armband, a glossy black ankle length longcoat, some blood red prayer beads enameled with black widow spiders, a chain of black onyx spiders, and a princess-cut pink sapphire buckle.

01-27-2007, 06:39 AM
I think the buckle makes the outfit..lol


02-02-2007, 04:04 AM
http://www.playershops.com/item_detail.pl?item=a%20silvery%20hammered%20tower %20shield

Had to link it, because it even made the forums shit themselves.


02-02-2007, 09:19 AM
Aww, it's not that bad. I think I still have a buckler someplace with an aspis glyph on it.


02-02-2007, 02:21 PM
Um...what the HELL is that supposed to be?

02-02-2007, 02:39 PM
Isn't Brigatta supposed to be a unicorn or a tower or some shit?

02-02-2007, 02:46 PM
Used to have one of those old diamond encrusted shields with the Helden Hall serpent entwined claid etched on it. Heh.

02-02-2007, 04:36 PM
Ive Just read that whole forum and all the words I can sum up to describe most of the stuff is .. wow. just god damn wow.

02-05-2007, 11:58 AM
This topic isn't just limited to gear/wearable alterations, right? Hopefully not...

She has waist-length, midnight-black hair swept behind the ears with crimson streaks, and intricately woven with scarab-etched tiny colored glass beads and blood-red colored silk strips.

Jus' saw this one this morning in the park.

02-09-2007, 01:29 PM
XXXXXX put some silver-edged nightmare black leathers layered in thick looping spiderweb like cords in her sorceress' jacket.

02-09-2007, 02:01 PM
I prefer that to the "sorcereress" cloak. Any item with a profession or job or race description in it is the lowest type of unoriginal garbage. Wtf is a sorcerer's cloak, or a gem pouch or whatever.

Show don't tell.

02-09-2007, 02:06 PM
I prefer that to the "sorcereress" cloak. Any item with a profession or job or race description in it is the lowest type of unoriginal garbage. Wtf is a sorcerer's cloak, or a gem pouch or whatever.

Show don't tell.

I would rather own an entire outfit of "sorcerer's" clothes than have some long ass unimaginably ugly list of crap. Besides.. you know what a fireman's uniform looks like.. right? Or even a policeman's.. equate it to that.

02-09-2007, 02:15 PM
I would rather own an entire outfit of "sorcerer's" clothes than have some long ass unimaginably ugly list of crap.

Well you can be uncreative and unoriginal all you want.

I don't see what a PC's or a Fireman's uniform has to do with items of clothing that don't actually exist. A sorcerer's cloak or whatever means nothing. For some, fair enough, I could understand. Foragers gloves, herb satchel. But those things have a common and real equivilent.

02-09-2007, 02:27 PM
I'd rather have the flu than ebola, but really...they both suck.

02-13-2007, 02:08 AM
a massive shadowy black veniom-banded vultite war maul with razor-sharp eonake spikes

About four kinds of bad there.

02-13-2007, 03:29 AM
Isn't this the old Grand Auction item?

Mighty Nikkisaurus
02-13-2007, 08:58 AM
I would rather own an entire outfit of "sorcerer's" clothes than have some long ass unimaginably ugly list of crap. Besides.. you know what a fireman's uniform looks like.. right? Or even a policeman's.. equate it to that.

Can you describe how a sorcerer's cloak is different from a normal cloak? In the same way you can describe how a fireman's uniform is different from a McDonald's uniform?

There's no "uniforms" in Elanthia. You don't have to have either a stupid outfit of "sorcerers" garments or a long and ugly list of poorly made alterations. I've seen plenty of characters in game get across their personality/style in their clothing without making the screen scroll or resulting to shitty, telling, not showing, alterations.

02-13-2007, 12:04 PM
Can you describe how a sorcerer's cloak is different from a normal cloak? In the same way you can describe how a fireman's uniform is different from a McDonald's uniform?

Ok I have to answer this the way I see it. Because in every society you have "uniforms", formal or not. The differance might only be noticed by those who wear the same "uniform" or someone who has an intrest in that sector of people. The differances between a sorcerer's cloak and a regular cloak. Regular cloak is made to keep someone warm.. so is a sorcerer's cloak.. but it might also be clasped differantly to allow for freedom of movement when casting spells, as well as be cut to fit differantly, again, for ease of movement. There might be insignias (yes read "runes" or "siguls") indicating what type of sorcerer wears this particular cloak. There might be some sort of symbol indicating the "rank" of the sorcerer, maybe even what type of demons he/she prefers to summon. not to mention embroidery indicating that the owner of said cloak is a proud member of the sorcerer guild.
Having said all that, YES that can all be taken care of in a show.. so could descibing a fireman's uniform.. but when someone asks you "well what was that person wearing?" you arent going to go into a huge description of the uniform.. you would simply say "fireman's uniform".
My point is that I feel that profession descriptors are ok because the article in clothing might have a "look" about it that suggests what profession that the wearer belongs to. That's my opinion.

The Ponzzz
02-13-2007, 12:30 PM
But the question is, what is regulation for a [insert profession] to wear?

Do ALL sorcerer's wear pink fuzzy cloaks(the true meaning of a sorcerer's cloak)?

02-13-2007, 12:38 PM
Oh god, can't ya'll go back like....100 posts and read over what we posted the last time this discussion came up? :D

02-13-2007, 12:53 PM
Oh god, can't ya'll go back like....100 posts and read over what we posted the last time this discussion came up? :D

*small voice* my bad

Sylvan Dreams
02-14-2007, 12:52 PM
But the question is, what is regulation for a [insert profession] to wear?

Do ALL sorcerer's wear pink fuzzy cloaks(the true meaning of a sorcerer's cloak)?

Sorcerer's all wear something in a spooky color or shade (like nightmare black, deathly black, etc.). Floor-length and flowing. They also wear body parts and skulls.

Empaths either wear something covered in blood or something with a lot of pins and crap on it. Whatever it is, it must be overly cutesy.

Bards wear anything gaudy and things with musical symbols.

Rogues wear "assassins" gear and "shadowy" items.

Rangers all wear forest green, hunters green or leaf green.

Paladins and clerics will put their religious symbols on as much of their stuff as they can.

Warrior's all wear "war" or "battle" things with lots of medals.

Wizards wear stuff with moons and stars on it. They also wear a pointy hat.

I mean, come on, DUH how can you not know this?

02-14-2007, 01:02 PM
I mean, come on, DUH how can you not know this?

I've been doing it wrong, all these years.... *sigh*

02-14-2007, 08:20 PM
You forgot the way rangers drape themselves with ivy and ivy patterns.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
02-15-2007, 04:17 AM
You also forgot the runes.

All professions have "uniform runes" that should be applied to as many pieces of clothing as possible.

Runes of Doom and Destruction for Sorcerers...

Runes of Fertility and everlasting cookies for Empaths..

Runes of Hangover Protection for Bards..

And of course every profession needs to have runes and sigils that glow and pulse with every beat of your heart.

02-15-2007, 10:24 AM
Someone needs to tell me these things sooner people!

02-15-2007, 02:26 PM
Ooooooh! Cookies! <pout> I never knew! I must now sit down and figure out my new lime green pin studded runestaff covered with runes of everlasting cookies...and Fertility! hmm.. I should inform the lucky papa to be...

I'm so happy!


02-15-2007, 02:32 PM
And of course every profession needs to have runes and sigils that glow and pulse with every beat of your heart.

Sorcerers are too evil to have hearts. :D

02-23-2007, 09:19 PM

a spidersilk tip pouch edged with gold veniom runes of healing and embroidered with the legend, 'Empuffs love tips!'

02-24-2007, 10:05 AM
"a spidersilk tip pouch edged with gold veniom runes of healing and embroidered with the legend, 'Empuffs love tips!'"

Empuff? Really? That gamehost/master ought to be fired.

02-26-2007, 09:49 PM
Shimeria just opened a hopping bunny-trimmed cloak.

I just dont know how to resond to that.

02-27-2007, 12:16 AM
Shimeria just opened a hopping bunny-trimmed cloak.

I just dont know how to resond to that.

Wow a hopping cloak.

03-03-2007, 05:25 PM
Not just an elegant golden cloak embroidered with a pair of white cranes soaring through the red skies of dawn but also an elegant black gold vestment embroidered with blue flickering dreaming baby pandas and some fitted white gold elven armor emblazoned with the image of a red-headed pigtail girl all pulled together with a rippling sable-hued sash emblazoned with a silver phoenix

All on one character!

Stanley Burrell
03-03-2007, 06:16 PM
A vintage Butterfly Man-tailored cloak sporting the still blood-dripping hides of spontaneously massacred virgin hopping bunnies.

03-04-2007, 10:15 PM
She is wearing some seductive ora-tentacled brigandine.

Ooookay. First off, how the HELL is armor seductive?

Secondly, Dubbwa Tee Eff on the tentacles.

Thirdly, You look closely at Clarissant, examining some seductive ora-tentacled brigandine. This brigandine is fashioned of supple leather, which is soft to the touch. The rich black color of the leather contrasts the ora swirls that run it's length in varied patterns. The twisting patterns of ora stop around a large circular area on the back of the brigandine. Emblazoned in the center of this circle is an image of a deep red dragon poised with head upraised, a puff of smoke escaping it's nostril. At it's feet lay a charred black scorpion. Inscribed below is the phrase "Those who play, pay."

03-04-2007, 10:25 PM
She is wearing some seductive ora-tentacled brigandine.

Ooookay. First off, how the HELL is armor seductive?

Secondly, Dubbwa Tee Eff on the tentacles.

Thirdly, You look closely at Clarissant, examining some seductive ora-tentacled brigandine. This brigandine is fashioned of supple leather, which is soft to the touch. The rich black color of the leather contrasts the ora swirls that run it's length in varied patterns. The twisting patterns of ora stop around a large circular area on the back of the brigandine. Emblazoned in the center of this circle is an image of a deep red dragon poised with head upraised, a puff of smoke escaping it's nostril. At it's feet lay a charred black scorpion. Inscribed below is the phrase "Those who play, pay."


03-04-2007, 10:32 PM
Someone needs a fricking lesson in it's vs. its.


03-04-2007, 11:01 PM
Well I can see armor being seductive. I understand that Ivas's symbol includes tentacles. So those two are down...

HOWEVER... the rest is just fucking horrible. Whoever made them needs a complete grammar overhaul. Throw in a couple of 'your' fuck-ups, and I might have considered quitting because of it.

03-05-2007, 12:17 AM
I guess in my opinion, if armor is seductive, its probably not going to protect much, so its not really functioning as armor at that point. :shrug:

03-05-2007, 01:12 AM
I dunno...I have a black leather corset and the busk on that fucker is so sturdy I've taken solid gut-punches to it with just a bit of a gasp.

And that thing is teh HAWT.

This of course, does not diminish the fact that that armor is fuglier than sin.

03-05-2007, 01:18 AM
Okay then, I guess I should say that THIS armor is not seductive.

03-05-2007, 11:02 AM
Brigandine by definition covers everything though (with the possible exception of the hooha, as has been previously discussed). I'm not saying it's impossible, just noting the mechanics.

03-05-2007, 08:36 PM
The seductive red tentacle brigandine was off the shelf from Independent Wears from Ebon Gate 2004. That was the shop that sold form-fitting armor for women only.

03-05-2007, 08:55 PM
Please, God, tell me it didn't come with that description too.

03-09-2007, 09:56 PM
Okay so I don't guess this is a bad alteration, but holy CHRIST this is a lot of text.

On a side note: Maybe I should create a WTF IS SHE WEARING?! thread or something to put this kind of stuff in.

You see Great Lady Shaniya Thraine the Priestess.
She appears to be a Giant.
She appears to be of full age and taller than average. She has long-lashed violet eyes and ivory skin. She has waist length, wavy dark blonde hair with lighter streaks. She has an oval face, a classical nose and high cheekbones.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a gold ring, a small rose, a silver stick pin, a pewter grazing unicorn pendant, some golden silk boots, a woven belt of bright ribbons, a stylish gold sash, some gold leggings, a silver unicorn buckle, a gold ring, some golden spidersilk gloves, a shining golden armband, a spray of white jasmine, a braided gold and silver chain, an elegant gold bandana, a gold sea horse pin, a butterfly charm, a sparkling silver snowman pin, a delicate silver brooch, a small Silvergate pin, a prancing crystal unicorn clasp, a prancing crystal unicorn clasp, a gold-traced white pearl choker, an elaborate Lumnis symbol, a pair of diamond studs, some gold earrings, a dainty pearl unicorn hairpin, a dainty pearl unicorn hairpin, a holy Lumnis tiara, a lovely golden scatter pin, a prancing pegasus pin, a shimmering gold brocade bodice fastened at the cuffs with diamond clasps, a unicorn crested silk pouch, a gold charm bracelet, a simple peridot pin, a delicate silver unicorn anklet, a shimmering golden brocade skirt fastened at the waist with diamond clasps, a golden spidersilk prayer bag with a unicorn intertwined with a diamond clerical symbol clasp, a gold-tooled spidersilk backpack, a golden spidersilk cloak with a diamond studded unicorn on the back, a golden mithril-mesh harness, some matte black banded mail with a golden pegasus etched on the chest, a gold-trimmed dark blue kite shield, a garnet-set pewter bracer, a feathered deep pink ribbon, a gold-trimmed ebony hair ribbon, a green toadstool pin, a unicorn emblazoned tabard, a dragon's-tear diamond mask, and a golden imflass mesh pouch.

03-09-2007, 10:53 PM
Wouldn't wanna look at her in direct sunlight heh.

03-09-2007, 11:59 PM
Gross. She may have some nice things on, but who would ever notice with all that other crap?

03-10-2007, 01:44 AM
Actually. She doesn't have any nice things on. :D

03-12-2007, 11:15 PM
Doomblades's hands snap to the hilts of a needle-thin black imflass rapier and a razor sharp vultite main gauche etched along the blade with symbols of Onar and deftly draws them from the scabbards on a shadowy black elven leather blade belt with a white symbol of Onar buckle!

As the player of an Onarian, I think I just cried a little on the inside. I mean, some of my older characters were a bit overzealous with themes, but they were from a different era. No self-respecting assassin would walk about like that.

Stanley Burrell
03-12-2007, 11:21 PM
She is wearing some seductive ora-tentacled brigandine.

Ooookay. First off, how the HELL is armor seductive?

Secondly, Dubbwa Tee Eff on the tentacles.

Thirdly, You look closely at Clarissant, examining some seductive ora-tentacled brigandine. This brigandine is fashioned of supple leather, which is soft to the touch. The rich black color of the leather contrasts the ora swirls that run it's length in varied patterns. The twisting patterns of ora stop around a large circular area on the back of the brigandine. Emblazoned in the center of this circle is an image of a deep red dragon poised with head upraised, a puff of smoke escaping it's nostril. At it's feet lay a charred black scorpion. Inscribed below is the phrase "Those who play, pay."

Tsk. Anguish well spent.

03-13-2007, 12:17 AM
Doomblades's hands snap to the hilts of a needle-thin black imflass rapier and a razor sharp vultite main gauche etched along the blade with symbols of Onar and deftly draws them from the scabbards on a shadowy black elven leather blade belt with a white symbol of Onar buckle!

As the player of an Onarian, I think I just cried a little on the inside. I mean, some of my older characters were a bit overzealous with themes, but they were from a different era. No self-respecting assassin would walk about like that.He really needs to get both weapons' nouns altered to "doomblade". :yes:

Doomblades swings a razor sharp vultite doomblade at you!
...and hits for a 94% chance of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!

03-14-2007, 05:40 PM
I think there needs to be a merchant that does guerilla altering of people's horrible crap.

03-17-2007, 07:32 PM
some fitted searcher hunts tooled on the back with a gnomish monk attaining enlightenment

saw that gem of a tapestry alter in the small park earlier.

03-17-2007, 09:28 PM
Crimsoneve put an ancient T'Kirem battle katana in his leather weapon sling.

03-17-2007, 09:33 PM
some fitted searcher hunts tooled on the back with a gnomish monk attaining enlightenment

saw that gem of a tapestry alter in the small park earlier.

'Tooled' is right.

03-18-2007, 01:36 PM
a crimson shield inset with black deathstones in a smiling face :wtf:

to bad its 5X :tool:

03-18-2007, 07:11 PM
[Glowbug (subdued)]: "Selling a crimson shield inset with black deathstones in a smiling face (5x, Med. Shield) TTM"

well i think that's pretty awful.....

04-03-2007, 11:05 PM
Eaglesoul taps a stygian-black silk magician's bag worked with arcane runes and sigils and clasped with a spiderweb obsidian scarab that he is wearing.

04-03-2007, 11:21 PM
Metadi just closed a midnight black armored warcloak with silver-stitched stars upon the shoulders.

04-04-2007, 12:22 AM
Brighde just opened a forest green bodice embroidered with fine silver threads forming the image of a heart with a dagger piercing it over the left breast.

04-04-2007, 11:51 PM
Sabreon put a deadly black warblade with faded chaotic sigils etched along the blade in his black half cape.


04-05-2007, 06:22 PM
What's wrong with it? Too much redundancy. Okay we get you think dragonmist crystal is the shiznit, lol. The tiny bloodstained pawprints on the tote looks really tacky. With that in mind I think the person had tacky as a general theme in their ensemble so they did an excellent job! I guess if that's what they were goin for then technically there's nothing "wrong" with it.

So my idea for a dragonmist crystal-studded cloak dusted with dragonmist crystals and clasped with a tiny dragonmist crystal studded with dragonmist crystals that are dusted with tiny dragonmist crystal dust and set with a tiny dragonmist crystal encrusted with dragonmist crystals won't fly?


The Ponzzz
04-05-2007, 06:31 PM
To save the identity of said person, the name has been XXXed out!

XXX just closed a green hobbits cloak with stitchings of tarts and crumbs all over.

04-05-2007, 07:42 PM
The thing that most annoys me about that is that hobbits is plural instead of possessive. God damn it.

04-11-2007, 01:57 AM
The nice thing about feature alteration sessions are some of the real GEMS you come across:

You see Airyne the Tracker.
She appears to be an Aelotoi.
She appears to be very young and average height. She has long-lashed, black-rimmed emerald green eyes and pale skin. She has long, black-tipped, crimson-colored hair with slender herringbone braids framing her face and graceful ringlets that fall to the small of her back. She has a delicate face, a small nose and slender wrists. She has a pair of silver-laced, emerald-rimmed, sheer sea-hued wings.

04-12-2007, 07:06 PM
While searching through playershops.com...

" a matte black steel chain hauberk that reflects no light 1,000,000 silvers."

I'd have to say the part that made it worse was that there was two- which would lead me to believe he would have had to alter two seperate items?

04-12-2007, 07:08 PM
Isn't that a rogue guild item? I could be mistaken.

04-12-2007, 07:16 PM
If it is, I am saddened to my core.

04-12-2007, 07:48 PM
No, it was an off-the-shelf item sold at the Anfelt.

04-13-2007, 11:14 PM
Metadi just opened a tightly woven mountaineer's stormcoat of warm grey wool with the Dragach crest embroidered upon the breast.

04-13-2007, 11:23 PM
No, it was an off-the-shelf item sold at the Anfelt.
They were also pulled from the shelf, which makes them so expensive. As far as I know, they're only 4x and nothing else.


04-15-2007, 04:51 PM
a dark eonake V'tullian High Priest's warblade etched with wicked crimson runes

04-16-2007, 01:53 AM
Sounds like a Zimzum alter.


04-16-2007, 08:53 AM
Zimzum could probably get his own subfolder in here what with all the war turkeys, pickles and all such.

04-16-2007, 09:37 AM
Did someone say monkey meatballs?

04-16-2007, 11:57 AM
Zimzum could probably get his own subfolder in here what with all the war turkeys, pickles and all such.

Yeah looking at him both makes me laugh and shake my head at the damned alterer's who allowed such horrid things. But I do LUV Zim :)

04-16-2007, 01:26 PM
and some puce fleece shoes with six aquamarine beheading swords on the toe

04-16-2007, 01:42 PM
OH no.

Those are god awful.


04-16-2007, 01:45 PM
It would be totally fine if the beheading swords were, like, fuschia. ;)


04-17-2007, 12:46 AM
a mottled brown cloak draped with dozens of desiccated fish heads

04-17-2007, 12:49 AM
Fish-heads, fish-heads,
Rolly-polly fish-heads.
Fish-heads, fish-heads,
Eat 'em up, yum!

< insert I've listened to Dr. Dimento ( sp ) one too many times in my younger years >

04-18-2007, 02:09 PM
Thank you to Belnia

Name: Quiche

Race: Aelotoi Gender: Female
She appears to be very young and average height.
She has tilted dark hazel eyes and fair skin.
She has very long, wispy cerise hair woven in intricate braids tinged with rich wine tones to form a great bowl filled with brightly colored fake fruit.
She has a dainty face, a thin nose and high cheekbones.
She has a pair of jade green wings.

04-18-2007, 02:32 PM
Look, a living center piece for thrakmas.

04-19-2007, 01:07 AM
I'm a chi-cky, chi-cky, chi-cky Chiqueta banana!

04-22-2007, 01:25 AM
A veritable treasure trove of really bad alterations! Name withheld to protect the guilty...

You see Lord XXXXXX.
He appears to be a Dwarf.
He appears to be young. He has dark eyes and tanned skin. He has short, wavy auburn hair.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a round hawk-engraved shield in his left hand.
He is wearing a tin-bound ceramic Adventurer's Guild badge, a black silk climbing pack, a shadowy black woven mithril knight's bag emblazoned with the image of an amber-eyed wolf and the words, "Hokuten Royal Guard", a spidersilk-wrapped krolvin skull gambling token case, a mithril alloy mesh greatcloak, a pair of blood-smeared matte black trousers, a dwarven-crafted leather weapons harness studded with razern spikes, a heavy gold link necklace, a pair of armored gloves with jagged knuckle-studs, a dragonfire opal hatpin, a faded gold ring, some fiery red brigandine armor emblazoned with a coal black panther with ruby set eyes and etched with the words "Death before dishonor", and a crystal amulet.

War Angel
04-22-2007, 08:13 AM
You swap a shirt of finest midnight blue silk embroidered on the collar and cuffs with an elaborate pattern of mysterious ancient silvery runes and buttons fashioned from gleaming moonstones to your left hand and an ivory white vial of dye to your right hand.
A disgruntled dwarven clerk examines your item and dye and mutters, "I'm gonna make yer blue silk shirt inta an ivory white shirt, dat all right wit you? Confirm dat if ya will an' I fix it right up!"

Now ORDER again within 30 seconds to permanently dye your shirt.

WARNING: Dying a shirt of finest midnight blue silk embroidered on the collar and cuffs with an elaborate pattern of mysterious ancient silvery runes and buttons fashioned from gleaming moonstones will REMOVE its long description and change it into an ivory white shirt.

A disgruntled dwarven clerk scratches his beard and nods. He takes your blue silk shirt and your white vial of dye and disappears into a back room for a moment, grunting to himself, then returns and hands you an ivory white shirt.
>wear shirt
You put on an ivory white shirt.
>sort auto head
Your inventory is now arranged in head-to-toe order.

04-22-2007, 02:47 PM
Haha, awesome!

04-23-2007, 12:48 AM
You are my hero.


04-23-2007, 04:27 PM
Brighde just opened a forest green bodice embroidered with fine silver threads forming the image of a heart with a dagger piercing it over the left breast.

Yeah yeah... What can I say, I was young, and those long alters were a bit more "in fashion" at the time. I recently returned from a 7 year absence, and if you'll take a look at Brighde now, you'll see she's a bit more.. ah.. demure. :-)
Incidentally, that bodice was the first to go... I reactivated the account, looked at her stuff, and said "oh gawd..." :-)


04-23-2007, 05:31 PM
More demure, says the person who had a flexible riding crop or somesuch made last night.

04-23-2007, 06:05 PM
War Angel, you should win a medal for that.

04-23-2007, 06:43 PM
More demure, says the person who had a flexible riding crop or somesuch made last night.

Sheesh, no love. Did you happen to take a look at the rest? :smile:

She is wearing a wide-brimmed charcoal felt hat, a simple silver chain, a silk-lined charcoal wool cape, a cropped dark ash riding jacket, a five button dark ash waistcoat, a long-sleeved white silk blouse, a thick ebonwood armband, some dark kidskin riding gloves, a narrow-waisted smooth charcoal grey riding skirt, and some calf-high kidskin boots.

It *does* kinda go with the rest of the outfit. :chuckle: Watch some english-style/ dressage riders out there, and you'll see that a crop that has absolutely zip to do with the kinky. :smile: I don't doubt that many would see it that way, unfortunately. But as long as there have been horses, there have been spurs and crops/whips/sticks to ride them with, I promise you.


oh, and if you would like to look at some of the base ideas/inspiration of her outfit, here's a couple links. :-) The costumes of this style of riding draw directly on the 500+ year old tradtions and costumes of the bullfight.


04-23-2007, 06:48 PM
Heh, I know what a crop is typically meant to be used for - hell, one of my characters has pants that are jodhpurs in all but the base noun.

But given that we've another 5000 or so years before we can own horses in Elanthia, one might well wonder the use of such items the same.

04-23-2007, 07:40 PM
Heh, I know what a crop is typically meant to be used for - hell, one of my characters has pants that are jodhpurs in all but the base noun.

But given that we've another 5000 or so years before we can own horses in Elanthia, one might well wonder the use of such items the same.

Just cause we can't "own" one, doesn't mean I can't have one.. least in my own little mind. There is a fair amount of imagination involved with the game, after all. :chuckle:


04-23-2007, 10:32 PM
To be fair, the Spitfire sold saddles, feed bags, crops, and other impliments for riding and caring for horses not too long ago. There is also a stable in the Landing, and references to horses elsewhere. I've even seen someone ride a horse into their wedding in GS - granted it was GM messaging, but it was approved and would be again.

It's hardly unheard of. Its just the mind looking at it :wink:

04-23-2007, 10:39 PM
There are horses, that's not arguable. It's just that you can't really...use that knowledge, except to justify horse riding alters.

04-24-2007, 12:24 AM
and some puce fleece shoes with six aquamarine beheading swords on the toe

I admit to being partially, sorta, kinda, responsible for those. At one of the festivals, forget which one offhand - Dhu Gillywack perhaps, there was a merchant game where you had teams and each member of the team had to answer a question, not knowing what it was for, and what the others had said. My girl was asked to pick either a weapon or an item (I forget) and she said beheading sword - because thats what she wields. You can see for yourself what the end result of my teams answers was. All I can say is that we really had no idea what the merchant would do. The shoes were the "prize" and I use that term very loosely. I've still got my pair tucked away as an eternal reminder to be very careful what I answer if I play that sort of "game" again. Sorry folks, but you shoulda seen the other guy's items...

04-24-2007, 12:47 PM
Kitten and bunny themes are about as annoying as death runes of destruction and doom and skull themes hehe

He is wearing an ornate silvery mithglin helm set with black-tipped white eagle feathers, a glassy black mica amulet, a slender spiraling vial made of pure despanal, a gnawed-on catnip fetish suspended from some frayed twine, a teeth-marked hooded leather cloak with a toy kitten dangling from a pocket, a furry soot black kitten button, a glaesine crystal dragonfly, a suit of dark claw-marked leathers, a claw-marked leather catnip bag, a chewed leather hip-satchel, some cotton overalls adorned with a tiny toy kitten dangling from the front pocket, and some heavy razern-plated spike-soled boots marred by deep claw marks.

04-24-2007, 12:54 PM
Bad alters seem to ABOUND this morning...

He is holding a sinister black witchwood Dhe'nar runestaff capped with a shadowy black crystal sphere in his left hand.

04-25-2007, 04:43 PM
I know there are quite afew "Earthy" types out in the lands. I also know that dirt and grime are in genre, but is "a low-cut sleeveless doeskin tunic fringed about the neck with polished bear claws, which she is wearing" really a fashion statement or disaster?

04-25-2007, 05:36 PM
I reactivated the account, looked at her stuff, and said "oh gawd..." :-)

I know the feeling... I did the same thing with Xibi. Only in her case, it was about three pages of charms, pins, and general fluff.

She's not exactly more tasteful now -- she keeps Natural Colors going just to avoid blinding everyone:

She is wearing a pair of dainty sea-mist green dancing slippers with opaline buckles, a sleek troll hide skirt, a mottled purple satchel, a diaphanous pale lilac hip-scarf, a gold ring, some striated green leather hunts, a deep pink rat fur pack, a tin-bound ceramic Adventurer's Guild badge, a twisted leather hair tie, a lime green eyepatch, a translucent green scarab pin, a white silk bodice embroidered with tiny kittens and mice, a lace and onyx rat choker, and a smooth white whalebone shield.

An outfit only a Zelian could love. I need to work some searing orange in there somewhere though. Most of that stuff came from a Plat player auction... and I don't recall anyone else bidding on the bodice :D

I really am opposed to "hunts" as a noun -- sadly it's the best armor I own at the moment.

04-26-2007, 09:57 PM
A shimmering shift made from a deadman's shroud and carefully painted with hellish flames so real that they actually seem to devour the trapped souls among them.


04-26-2007, 11:27 PM
Dessedemona shows you a supple midnight blue pack, which she is wearing. This pack is crafted of supple leather dyed a rich, midnight blue hue. Intricately tooled onto the front is a depiction of a bardess dancing in silvery moonlight, her voice raised in song. In elegant script beneath the image is incised the name, "Desse." Inside, you see a luminous scroll, an illuminated scroll, a pure white scroll, an ancient scroll, and a bunch of other stuff.

Dessedemona shows you a midnight blue silk robe, which she is wearing. The robes are crafted from flawless midnight blue silk, and stitched with the image of a single bardess dancing in silvery moonlight on the left breast. Directly below the tiny scene is the word, "Desse." Tiny blue diamonds have been sewn into the robes, each carved to resemble a musical note. Inside, you see a red garnet inset silver crown, a dark crimson firemote orb suspended from an onyx-inlaid steel chain, an emerald-inset ash jewelry box, a dusty cerulean quiver, and a bunch of other stuff.

Dessedemona shows you a midnight blue silk skirt, which she is wearing. Crafted of flawless midnight blue silk, the skirt is free flowing and elegant. Dense embroidery graces the long lines of the skirt to create the image of a single bardess poised in dance beneath silvery moonlight. Tiny blue diamonds are sewn into the fabric at the hemline and are carved to resemble musical notes. Beneath the scene is a simple word, "Dess". Inside, you see an alterer's scroll.

How many versions of the same fucking alteration does one person need?

04-27-2007, 12:47 AM
Well least you dont SEE it unless she actually shows it to you :lol:

04-27-2007, 02:57 AM
How many versions of the same fucking alteration does one person need?

HA that's awesome. I need a version of that outfit in real life... time to make an image of a lone gamer typing in pale lamplight. And silkscreen it, along with my fucking name, on my inky black shirt. And my inky black pants. And my inky black satchel. And my forehead.


04-28-2007, 01:30 AM
Saw this just got done..

You see Lord XXX.
He appears to be a Dwarf of the Khanshael.
He is taller than average. He has piercing blue-grey eyes and dusky skin. He has long, unevenly-cut, horribly tangled greyish brown hair hanging in matted clumps past his waist and littered with exquisitly carved, oversized black deathstone fleas and large, iridescent soulstone lice.
His face is concealed by a tattered bandit's mask.
He has a smooth glass ring in the middle of his nose, a long-stemmed pale mistwood pipe clenched between his teeth, a tattoo of a cracked skull on his leg, and a carved bone spike inlaid with polished black onyx in his lip.
He is in good shape.
He has a heavy crossbow bolt stuck in his right arm.
He is holding a twisted black staff in his right hand.
He is wearing a dented and scuffed steel flask hanging from a cracked leather strap, a weathered and rugged kidskin jacket, a razern-edged vultite tower shield, a black pearl stud, a green toadstool pin, some cracked spectacles, a crystalline infinity pin, an etched mithril bracelet adorned with broken sapphire shards, a sinew-wrapped leather sheath, a dress-garbed willow warrior figurine, a ravaged war pack, a string of small rusty keys, some worn and battered boots, a damaged driftwood mandolin, some carved green geode beard-clips, a rat-gnawed kobold finger puppet, some tattered kobold skin slacks, a well-utilized implement strap, a mangy rolton finger puppet, an ancient survival tin, a scarred dwarven lettercase, a well-worn dwarven longcoat, some rolaren-traced swarthy vultite scalemail inset about the shoulders with elongated curved glaes-veined iron spikes, a pair of dishevelled gloves, and a pointed dusty black hat.

XXX takes off his dusty black hat and shakes it out, causing a black cloud of dust and fleas to fill the air.

The flea idea is fine.. it's just how he accomplished it.

04-28-2007, 06:25 AM
Saw this just got done..
He has long, unevenly-cut, horribly tangled greyish brown hair hanging in matted clumps past his waist and littered with exquisitly. carved, oversized black deathstone fleas and large, iridescent soulstone lice.
The flea idea is fine.. it's just how he accomplished it.

Complete with spelling mistake too.

04-28-2007, 10:26 AM
Not that any of these alterations are horrible, to be honest, but DAMN like the glimaerstones much? Plus, wayyyy too many longs and other fluff. Ugh.

You see XXXXXX.
She appears to be a Sylvankind of the Lassaran D'ahranal.
She appears to be in the spring of life and shorter than average. She has almond-shaped ultramarine eyes and ivory skin. She has thigh length, silky chestnut hair with two tiny silver-beaded braids at each temple, while the rest flows down her back in loose curls. She has a heart-shaped face and an upturned nose.
She has a series of tiny silver rings set along the slender tips of her pointed ears.
She has a scar across her neck, old battle scars on her right arm, old battle scars on her left arm, old battle scars on her right leg, old battle scars on her left leg, an old battle scar across her chest, an old battle scar across her abdominal area, an old battle scar across her back, a black-and-blue left eye, and a scar across her face.
She is wearing a hunter green velvet jacket lined with soft wolf fur, a delicate silver ferronniere dangling a tiny rose-cut brightly shining glimaerstone, a delicate sprig of Imaera's Lace tucked behind one ear, a pair of delicate silver earrings dangling tiny rose-cut brightly shining glimaerstones, a dainty crystalline amulet, a translucent dusty rose silk cloak set with tiny clear glimaerstone studs, a delicate silver rose stickpin, a mithril Twilight Hall pin, a low-cut dusty rose silk bodice with delicate silver rose buttons, a pale silver silk chemise, a dainty silver-belled bracelet, a hazy glass ring, a dusty rose leather belt, a silver lace rose-patterned skirt with a diaphanous dusty rose silk underskirt, a pair of sheer silk stockings, a delicate silver-belled anklet, some dusty rose silk open-toed shoes with delicate silver rose-inlaid high heels, a dusty rose silk gem purse embroidered with delicate silver roses, a dusty rose cross-stitched reticule dusted with clear glimaerstone flecks, a silver jeweler's case set with tiny rose-cut glimaerstones, a satin-lined soft rose-hued musette set with tiny clear glimaerstone studs, an embroidered dusty rose haversack dusted with clear glimaerstone flecks, and a hooded suit of rose-stitched supple silver leather.

Also, she seems to really love dusty rose stuff. And delicate stuff.. and roses... She's like a walking silver and dusty rose.. rose garden!

04-28-2007, 03:12 PM

04-30-2007, 02:09 PM
He is holding a wild and tempestuous wakizashi in his right hand.

I know its a sonic weapon.. but it still looks stupid. Maybe if it said wild and tempestuous SONIC wakizashi, it would make sense.

04-30-2007, 04:29 PM
Maybe some days he asks ladies to hold his wild and tempestuous wakizashi.

That Jay
05-03-2007, 11:33 PM
(Custom Item script)

A soft "clickety click" emanates from the spinning rowels on the silver spurs of XXXX's boots with every step he takes. The star-shaped wheels slowly come to a halt as XXXX stops moving.

05-03-2007, 11:39 PM
Throw somes Ds on that bitch.

05-04-2007, 03:58 PM
He has a tattooed symbol of Luukos on his arm, a coiled serpent tattoo on his finger, a brilliant emerald serpent tattoo on his arm, a snake coiled skull tattoo on his neck, a yellow slitted eye tattoo on his finger, a circular serpent tattoo on his finger, a green serpent tattoo on his wrist, a gleaming mein spike in the upper ridge of his left ear, a striking serpent tattoo on his arm, a sigil-incised black steel stud in his lip, a black serpent tattoo on his ankle, a slinking black python tattoo on his wrist, and a fire elemental tattoo on his arm.

Do I even need to say anything?

05-05-2007, 07:29 AM
Do I even need to say anything?

No, just hiss and walk away.

05-05-2007, 12:07 PM
I forgot the character's name, but he was known for having the stock locksmith key tattoo, or whatever it was, on every single finger.. and I think he had a tat on every single other body part possible..

His tats were like fifty lines long.. and that was before you got to the crap he was wearing.

I think the GM's made him take some off.

05-05-2007, 12:10 PM
Who? Bob?

05-08-2007, 02:40 AM
Piriotessa just opened a holy eonake-threaded satchel emblazoned with an image of a loving cleric couple kissing each other under a beautiful sunset.


05-08-2007, 02:45 AM

05-08-2007, 02:54 AM
Do i get a two for one with her name also?

05-08-2007, 03:02 AM
I will say that that particular satchel, and the character, are from the days of AOL, when ugly long shows and bad names were much more common..

Still a bad alter though.

05-08-2007, 07:36 AM
ruby-trimmed black leather hunts that establish the cutting edge of fashion

Words fail me.

05-08-2007, 07:52 AM
Found this in an old log... from 1/2000. No clue who the guy is, but good holy freaking lord... what the hell?

You see Tybaek Entaradius the Elf.
He appears to be in his 170's, has unkempt, long silver hair, green eyes, and fair skin.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a starstone-hilted mithglin katana engraved with ancient runic sigils in his right hand and a ancient rune-etched rolaren aegis emblazoned with the image of a male and female elf, snuggled together under a full moon in his left hand.
He is wearing a starstone embossed silver-threaded sheath embroidered with images of peace and harmony, an intricately engraved veil iron talisman, a pure white cloak embroidered with the image of an Elven ranger standing before a dense forest, a prismatic Vaalor defender ring, a pair of silver boots crafted in the shape of daggers and embroidered with the image of a glowing white sword on a field of black, a pair of white starstone clasped gloves with rubies embossed in the knuckles, some pure white Elven armor emblazoned with the image of a rampant silver dragon on a field of red, underlying interlocking silver infinity symbols in the shape of a sword, and the word, "Subversion", an ancient Elven amulet, a diamond dusted silver gem pouch embroidered with the image of a thief kneeling before a wise elf, and the word "Consequences", a silver runic pendant, a silver Vaalor crested weapons harness, a glowing arcane symbol engraved with the image of a ranger kneeling before an altar, a pure white veil iron pendant engraved with the image of a Ranger in front of a massive void on a field of gules, a pulsating white diamond clasp, a pulsating black deathstone clasp, a pulsating blue sapphire clasp, a pulsating red ruby clasp, a well crafted veil iron key suspended from a silver thread, a silver edged glaes pin, a pure white cape embroidered with the royal Vaalor insignia, a gold ring and a gold leather herb pouch.

05-08-2007, 11:57 AM
ruby-trimmed black leather hunts that establish the cutting edge of fashionA contender to the crown!
"a pristine tip pouch that is sadly empty"

Some of those Elven ones are fairly horrendous, but man.

05-09-2007, 12:30 AM
ruby-trimmed black leather hunts that establish the cutting edge of fashion

Words fail me.

You know, I'm going to have to give the award of "WORST ALTER EVAR" to these. Really.

05-14-2007, 01:52 AM
Just found this gem on playershops.com:

a richly-hued violet brocade evening gown with silver lace ruffled sleeves and embroidered with silvery lilies on the fitted bodice and lined with soft white ermine on the neckline and hem

05-25-2007, 03:07 PM
I know I'm not the first to see this, but still...

Tillie removes a midnight black ebony wood runestaff capped with an ancient silver dragon and engraved with silvery runes of power from in her spidersilk cloak.

05-25-2007, 03:09 PM
Heh she just lost that in the Tower not too long ago too.

05-25-2007, 03:16 PM
Yeah, I noticed that. I'm kind of glad I didn't find it. I might have cried.

05-26-2007, 12:38 AM
xxxx just opened some robes so black they seem to be fashioned of purest essence, with the faint luminescence of dying stars deep within them.

oh come on...

05-26-2007, 01:15 AM
xxxx just opened some robes so black they seem to be fashioned of purest essence, with the faint luminescence of dying stars deep within them.

oh come on...

christ those are old....bad..but old

05-26-2007, 01:37 AM
ruby-trimmed black leather hunts that establish the cutting edge of fashion

ruby-trimmed black leather tautology

05-29-2007, 01:39 PM
Tsin just closed some robes so black they seem to be fashioned of purest essence, with the faint luminescence of dying stars deep within them.

05-29-2007, 02:23 PM
You have to wonder how those even got made.:(

05-29-2007, 02:34 PM
Unless I'm mistaken, that's one of Starsnuffer's old alters. Not saying that makes it any less ugly.


05-30-2007, 01:39 AM
Grolschin [Merchant]: "3 mil flat, no show, how it looks a shady black cloak with strange red marks that appear to be bloodstains at first but resolve into hideous runes that bespeak words of death and terrible agony."

Jesus tap dancing Christ.

05-30-2007, 02:34 AM
What the hell? Were GMs all drunk or something when they used to do alters?

05-30-2007, 02:50 AM
They were so rare they'd alter anything to anything. Plus it isn't like Starsnuffer (look at the name ffs) had any class/taste anyway.

05-30-2007, 03:07 AM
Not just that, the ethos of the time were completely different. I can understand how some old players have a hard time adapting, it's not the same game anymore. Also keep in mind that back then the average player age was probably 16 and now it's probably 23. When you have a bunch of relatively intelligent young people playing their first RPG, that's what you tend to get.

05-30-2007, 04:08 AM
Alterations were much more uncommon back then. So when you did get one you wanted to show it off as much for RP as for bragging rights. Long descriptions were about the only way to wave it in someone's face, considering we couldn't INSPECT items from afar like we can now.

It reminds me of when Lady Silver released the first pocketed cloaks. Prices were through the roof (read millions) which is why I didn't have one until they were more widely released. Now, it makes me chuckle when a kobold can drop a pocketed, wearable article of clothing..

05-30-2007, 04:29 AM
I don't think pocketed cloaks ever went in the millions (not adjusted for inflation). They certainly would if you adjusted for Gemstone inflation though. Highest I remember pocketed cloaks selling for was like 500-600k.

05-30-2007, 07:25 PM
Skeem just tried to pull a long black leather cloak showing a blood red background with a fanged blue-skinned demon glaring through a field of fire.

05-30-2007, 08:06 PM
Good God. :cry:

05-30-2007, 08:47 PM
Akari's cloak is worse.. I am going to kill whoever gave him this.. a stygian black cloak embellished with the image of a vast horde of demonic abominations pouring from the maw of a pit.

05-30-2007, 08:58 PM
Oh that's bad, I admit..but I dunno if it outdoes the first one posted. Just..wow. Its not necessarily that its a BAD alter, just that it is horribly ugly, and well..its way too long.

05-31-2007, 12:29 AM
Yeah, I was considering inflation when I mentioned millions for cloaks. Probably should have said that.

06-03-2007, 03:01 PM
She has very long, silky platinum hair with wispy violet bangs that fall into her eyes only to fade to a moonlight silver hue that wraps her face in soft tendrils before spilling down her back in a mass of wild tangles that brushes her thighs.

06-03-2007, 03:27 PM
Holy run on sentence.

06-03-2007, 04:39 PM
It's like the grammar train got into a wreck, and out came that hair.

06-21-2007, 08:07 PM
some form-fitting black leather body armor embroidered with haunting images of the arkati and ur-daemons at war


06-21-2007, 09:29 PM
She has very long, silky platinum hair with wispy violet bangs that fall into her eyes only to fade to a moonlight silver hue that wraps her face in soft tendrils before spilling down her back in a mass of wild tangles that brushes her thighs.

Alters like this deserve a squelch.

06-23-2007, 02:41 AM
That hair alter makes no fucking sense. When I read it I visualize long bangs that are parted down the center and wrap her head like those face bandages they give people after a face lift.

So stupid.

06-23-2007, 01:55 PM
For alters like that, the GM deserves to turn in his 'I Can Play Merchant' badge forever and be forced to play the part of Host and answer Assists during prime time until he quits.

06-24-2007, 08:41 AM
Where's the petition? I'll sign it!

06-27-2007, 01:26 AM
This is what Deathravin wears...

a courtly raven-hued greatcloak
some courtly raven-hued pants
a courtly raven-hued pack clasped with a carved diamond pentagram
some courtly raven-hued leathers with a stitched outline of black wings on the chest (8x padded full leather)
a raven black rune-stitched neckpouch
a carved ironwood raven locket
a slim raven painted scroll tube
some leather raven-feathered boots
a twisted steel cage (a harness-type sheath)
a sturdy black leather satchel
a shadowglass ring

Maybe it's because I'm not 16 anymore, but how many times have you seen a judge wear a backpack, or leathers... And instead of the stiched wings, maybe a gavel or something... I found the greatcloak in a box, then somebody gave me the pants that they found in a box... Altered the pack and leathers later.... how can a pack be courtly? seriously?

06-27-2007, 01:37 AM
Any one of those alters taken alone are fine IMO (although I would never describe black as raven-hued but whatever)

Court doesn't always refer to judges and juries, in times of olde there were "king's court" and courtly just meant part of that court... actually...

Main Entry: 1court&#183;ly http://www.meriam-webster.com/images/audio.gif (javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?courtl01.wav=courtly'))
Pronunciation: 'kort-lE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): court&#183;li&#183;er; -est
1 a : of a quality befitting the court (http://www.meriam-webster.com/dictionary/court)

Main Entry: 1court http://www.meriam-webster.com/images/audio.gif (javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/audio.pl?court001.wav=court'))
Pronunciation: 'kort
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French curt, court, from Latin cohort-, cohors enclosure, group, retinue, cohort, from co- + -hort-, -hors (akin to hortus garden) -- more at YARD (http://www.meriam-webster.com/dictionary/yard)
1 a : the residence or establishment of a sovereign or similar dignitary b : a sovereign's formal assembly of councillors and officers c : the sovereign and officers and advisers who are the governing power d : the family and retinue of a sovereign e : a reception held by a sovereign

Stanley Burrell
07-01-2007, 01:11 PM
I read "violet" as "toilet" for the wack-ass hair desc. at first.

Feces brown hair bespeckled with heavily-used loo papyrus?

07-11-2007, 07:06 PM
He is wearing a mutilated upside-down symbol of Liabo, some black suspenders portraying posing women along the wide straps

I kinda like the upside-down one.

07-11-2007, 10:05 PM
Is that Tsin?

07-13-2007, 02:35 AM
a string of anatomically accurate heart-shaped carnelian beads.

That's not even an alteration.

It's an item.

For sale in a festival tent.



07-13-2007, 03:18 AM
There's lot of questionable items that are lame at the festival. Apparently QC means Quit Commonsense

07-14-2007, 01:27 AM

You see Thaiselmay Distin the Repentant.
She appears to be a Half-Elf of the Tehir tribes.
She appears to be young and untried and taller than average. She has thick-lashed violet eyes and tanned skin. She has very long, lustrous, thick blood red hair dancing in wavy ringlets down to the middle of the back of her thighs, with a single intricate braid pulled forward over her shoulder. She has a delicate face, a straight nose and slightly pointed ears.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a heavy backpack in her left hand.
She is wearing a sprig of vivid red bleeding-heart tucked behind one ear, a gauzy red silk face-veil, a blood red silk backpack bejeweled with spiderweb obsidian, an onyx black velvet cloak clasped with a blood red ruby rose, a spiked black leather collar, a carved black ora rose locket, some sharp bloodjewel prayerbeads, some blood red gem-encrusted armor, an engraved bloodjewel brooch, a blood-red thorned rose stickpin, a loosely knotted fiery red scarf beaded with black onyx, a tight blood red silk half-bodice, a demon-carved bloodjewel manacle, a blood-red crystal-inset platinum ring, some deep black sanguine-clawed gloves, some blood-tipped slender steel claws, a large blood red bag, a pearl-inlaid black ora scabbard, a black-lined blood red lace skirt, a pair of black silk fishnet stockings, and a pair of blood red thigh-high leather boots trimmed with black ora beads.

07-14-2007, 01:29 AM
I'm gonna go with.....green?

07-23-2007, 12:03 AM
You see Kyelee the Rainmaker.
She appears to be a Dwarf of the Kazunel Clan.
She appears to be young and taller than average. She has almond-shaped silver eyes and rosy skin. She has long, deep red hair worn in elaborate braids. She has an oval face, a small nose and pouting lips.
She has a grinning crimson skull tatoo on her head, a leering black demon tattoo on her ankle, a black rose tattoo on her neck, a delicate wild orchid tattoo on her chest, a soaring gold dragon tattoo on her chest, a black scorpion tattoo on her thigh, a coiled black dragon tattoo on her thigh, a black diamond tattoo on her finger, a winged heart tattoo on her leg, a sleeping kitten tattoo on her ankle, a snarling wolf tattoo on her waist, a frozen heart tattoo on her wrist, a coiled white dragon tattoo on her thigh, a dancing pixie tattoo on her leg, a dancing harlequin tattoo on her wrist, a spider web tattoo on her wrist, a sleeping black dragon tattoo on her leg, a tattooed symbol of Ivas on her waist, a tiny red heart tattoo on her finger, a black widow tattoo on her thigh, a thorny rose tattoo on her finger, a twisting black kraken tattoo on her leg, a cherub tattoo on her chest, a crescent moon tattoo on her neck, a graceful lily tattoo on her ankle, a black raven tattoo on her neck, and a black unicorn tattoo on her waist.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing an elk horn short bow, a knee-length black leather longcoat, a large sack, a large sack, a silvery rolaren kite shield, a crystal amulet, a chased imflass pendant, a leather sheath, a spiked black leather collar, some thigh-high black leather boots, and a royal blue felt backpack.

Tattoo much?

07-23-2007, 08:54 AM
a string of anatomically accurate heart-shaped carnelian beads.

That's not even an alteration.

It's an item.

For sale in a festival tent.



What's really bad is I've been on the lookout for a while now for carnelian items, but there is no way in hell I could make myself buy these. Ugh.

07-23-2007, 09:03 AM
Yeah. that is pretty nasty..lol


07-23-2007, 01:33 PM
Just think of the fun you could have with those at a 'just one word' alterer.

Anatomically accurate, heh.

07-23-2007, 11:20 PM
Not that we'd be surprised that its hers but....

Eboris offers Foxs an Eorgina crested rolaren-handled whip twisted to a resemblance of a giant ebon white-tipped fox tail.

07-30-2007, 03:32 AM
I don't know what the base on this was, but this is the SHOW on what someone requested at the FWI merchant tonight. Luckily, the merchant was not a complete retard.

Made of the finest Faendryl silk, this exquisite dark elven gown clings to the wearer's curves, accenting the hips and legs.The nearly transparent silk is a deep scarlet hue, resembling the core of a flickering flame. Several small intricate onxy beads are strategically placed along the gown so as not to show too much of the body. The hem of the gown is slightly longer in the back, providing a short train that sweeps the floor and small black diamond dusted crescent moons are embroidered around the edge.


07-30-2007, 03:34 AM
Not that we'd be surprised that its hers but....

Eboris offers Foxs an Eorgina crested rolaren-handled whip twisted to a resemblance of a giant ebon white-tipped fox tail.

People like Foxs make me want to cry.


Drunken Durfin
07-30-2007, 05:01 AM
Not that we'd be surprised that its hers but....

Eboris offers Foxs an Eorgina crested rolaren-handled whip twisted to a resemblance of a giant ebon white-tipped fox tail.

Isn't Foxs' player a guy?

07-30-2007, 05:08 AM
Not that we'd be surprised that its hers but....

Eboris offers Foxs an Eorgina crested rolaren-handled whip twisted to a resemblance of a giant ebon white-tipped fox tail.

Utter GM endorsed bollocks

07-30-2007, 09:21 AM
I was going to ask if the show request on that gown was Foxs' too, heh.

07-30-2007, 01:15 PM
Someone equally moronic, IMO, but slightly more intelligent. Though that isn't saying much.


07-30-2007, 08:40 PM
I don't know what the base on this was, but this is the SHOW on what someone requested at the FWI merchant tonight. Luckily, the merchant was not a complete retard.

Made of the finest Faendryl silk, this exquisite dark elven gown clings to the wearer's curves, accenting the hips and legs.The nearly transparent silk is a deep scarlet hue, resembling the core of a flickering flame. Several small intricate onxy beads are strategically placed along the gown so as not to show too much of the body. The hem of the gown is slightly longer in the back, providing a short train that sweeps the floor and small black diamond dusted crescent moons are embroidered around the edge.



07-31-2007, 07:34 AM
Ah yes, nothing says alteration like diamond dusted. People eat that shit up. And WTF are strategically placed onyx beads?! That's just god awful.

07-31-2007, 08:31 AM
Ah yes, nothing says alteration like diamond dusted. People eat that shit up. And WTF are strategically placed onyx beads?! That's just god awful.

Read it again...

The nearly transparent silk ... Several small intricate onxy beads are strategically placed along the gown so as not to show too much of the body

They cover the nipples.