View Full Version : General Gemstone

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  1. Voln Symbol Idea
  2. What the hell is this?
  3. Lost runestaff in the Landing
  4. Some of you may get a boner for this
  5. increasing adamantine enchant
  6. The Dhairn Mstrike Challenge
  7. One way I know EG is going on and most people are there
  8. You must be holding or wearing something off of which to invoke.
  9. Premium Point Enhancive Question
  10. Crosspost from Officials: Adventurer Milestone Points (AMP) over Post-Cap Points/PCP
  11. gsauctions.com an attack page?
  12. Orbs?
  13. Strange Forging Message
  14. Quick question on mauls
  15. Starting over & Platinum?
  16. Hello Fare Travellers
  17. GSAuctions: crazymage : warrior 4 sale..
  18. Methais' Home Brew For All
  19. Gioh runestaves
  20. Have not seen this before
  21. Business start-up services
  22. Is krakiipedia gone for good?
  23. Premium Points - Enhancive Boosters
  24. Enhancive Q&A:
  25. Silvery Galena
  26. skill migration
  27. Merry Christmas!
  28. Gryphonwind ventures shop owner.
  29. Question on skinning stormfront
  30. A Sunfist question.
  31. Game Down?
  32. Happy New Year
  33. Warcamp Priority Targets.
  34. Wizard FE -- Sounds & Colors
  35. Tea Set Help
  36. Need a quick rundown of Adv. Guild bennies
  37. Yes I did...
  38. once premium...
  39. Helga's Tavern
  40. Fame List Demographics
  41. Deaths this level and post-cap
  42. Deedless Death
  43. Problems getting into game, started just before noon today
  44. Boora around?
  45. *LOST* An ancient dark ora claidhmore
  46. skin glue HALP
  47. Need some info
  48. Game down?
  49. Alisaire
  50. Spellup Fail
  51. Most sought after e bow?
  52. Kiyote s shop Icemule
  53. Spellcheck for GS
  54. The New Dhairn Mstrike Challenge
  55. looking to log old quests
  56. The Good Old Days
  57. State of Elanthia
  58. Reactivating old character on already activated account?
  59. Returning player here- I forgot what the buffs do?
  60. Who was the GM behind the Vvrael and Terate?
  61. I'm fairly new, just bought some plate and am wearing it, but have a question
  62. Does anyone NOT use lich?
  63. How do you get deeds in Icemule?
  64. Cobbling - The ins and outs
  65. Do herbs have weight?
  66. Worth returning to?
  67. Leaving a House
  68. Real Gems
  69. Wtf happened to speaker?
  70. Highlighted strings..for the rift
  71. Forging Pricing
  72. Miner Gnoll or Gnoll miner
  73. Using a fixstat potion
  74. Wizard FE Installation file
  75. Returning questions
  76. How I see........
  77. Runestaff disarmed, lost
  78. Silly gold ring question
  79. The New Theme for Droughtman's
  80. MIA Docs
  81. Lost in Ta'Illistim
  82. PC Gang plots
  83. Looking for GoS partners
  84. DE Wizard Drop CoL and go Sunfist?
  85. Twilight Hall Lockers
  86. Helden Hall?
  87. Anyone lose a longsword?
  88. wrong side of a claidhmore
  89. boredom
  90. Would like to return
  91. Lokanthor
  92. Looking for Crayven's player
  93. Show off your addiction
  94. Unbalance flares question
  95. Cricket box help
  96. Former Serious Players Looking for Serious Advice
  97. getting a bless at the temple
  98. And in todays news Gemstone...sort of
  99. Dice of fate!
  100. Stats and bonuses
  101. Sunfist
  102. Spidersilk Cloaks
  103. Game down?
  104. Lost maul in Maaghara
  105. AG Help
  106. GS is down
  107. When did weighting come about?
  108. Exavinar or Exavinor
  109. how long is the game going to be down today?
  110. Is the game down?
  111. Price changes...
  112. Show us your new skills
  113. glaes slabs
  114. not even tents are safe
  115. Two misplaced items... halp.
  116. Bandit Bounty
  117. black ora jewelry
  118. trying to locate a merchant.
  119. Dawrin award of the week goes to..
  120. Playing with GM's ... Lighting, fire, whores, and locked doors...
  121. Stupidly lost some enhancives
  122. Lost Black Tower Shield in OTF
  123. A dumb Alchemy question...
  124. Lost and Found
  125. So, since I've been gone, what's happened?
  126. Stormfront Settings gone missing...
  127. Subscription prices.
  128. Severed limbs
  129. Another GS article on joystiq.
  130. is gemstone down?
  131. I'm back!
  132. Pcalc question
  133. Lost a perfect bonded morning-star in the Labyrinth. 1m silver reward
  134. Lost pouch in River's Rest
  135. Worn Inventory...
  136. Time frame for GS.
  137. Bye!
  138. TSC 4TH of July Beatdown
  139. Fixskills
  140. Hell Froze Over
  141. Zul Logoth and Ta'Illistim Dyers' tents
  142. Enchanting and UAC - Gloves/Boots
  143. Options for iPad users? Accessing Gemstone IV.
  144. Looking for Truekillr
  145. Game Down?
  146. Possibly looking for a light sephwir crossbow
  147. Game Locked?
  148. Stalk of Drakefern
  149. Other GS IV Item Auction Sites
  150. Fix Skill
  151. I love flaring runestaves...
  152. 50 ITEM JARS
  153. Voln Review
  154. GoS Etiquette Poll
  155. Ever wonder what Gemstone looked like thru the eyes of another, live?
  156. What did you find today?
  157. houses inducting
  158. Training/Indoctrinating New Players
  159. The Expendables 2″ kicks things
  160. As usual, watching a group
  161. 50 item containers
  162. Hurricane Isaac, currently
  163. While it is too early to accurately
  164. The Charr have conquered Ascalon
  165. Kneel before Zod.
  166. Looking for Cirell
  167. New items in treasure hopper?
  168. I remember when....
  169. University of the Ebon Rose
  170. domain names
  171. Pollianya
  172. Adventurer's Guild
  173. Goin on hiatus
  174. Coming back
  175. Tillmen 2012
  176. Simu servers
  177. Returning to GS, just a few quick questions!
  178. Ouch
  179. The film has now generated
  180. The plot of the movie is ongoing
  181. Anyone seen Arellis lately?
  182. Raise dead messaging
  183. Lost composite bow in Maaghara Labyrinth- 1m reward
  184. Game down?
  185. EG Vent channel
  186. Sadie Scroll Problem...
  187. Next WL storyline teaser, for you officials-avoiders.
  188. Mike in Billing
  189. Considering Premium
  190. United Nations agency
  191. One tension that I kept feeling
  192. Genius moments
  193. The new six-year term
  194. Tens of thousands of ecstatic
  195. The victory also cements
  196. Curious about the current state of GS4
  197. Lost greathelm in TSC
  198. Remember that time you
  199. Debra on-board with
  200. Personally yes I am wondering
  201. New York Comic Con this weekend
  202. found a bag full of coins
  203. Owner of Sharnath
  204. How the heck to people cap?
  205. Thinking of returning..need friends tho..14-20 trains.
  206. Lost Weapon
  207. Promotion for returning players
  208. Nineteen women who worked
  209. the workers filed a harassment
  210. The women claim that one
  211. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  212. Online Bieber and Gomez
  213. There have been rumors
  214. Siegery Mini Tournament
  215. Warcamp Partner
  216. Storage List
  217. Can I, SHOULD I come back?
  218. Djynni?
  219. Lost backpack outside of Landing locker
  220. 30 Day Trial Levelling Tactics
  221. I created a Gemstone IV vent server for those who are interested..
  222. Low Level Undead Hunting Options
  223. Found Enhancive
  224. Halfling Guts
  225. What are your favorite (or most despised) parts of GS4?
  226. Windows 8 num pad problems
  227. Alchemy Progression Tips?
  228. Looking for Khiya
  229. Wanted by the Halfling Deputy!
  230. Gem-feed weapons
  231. Freakish escape from death.
  232. sooo... missed 30 day stat change..
  233. Authorities in Newtown
  234. All the victims died
  235. The deadly school shooting
  236. Looking for help from a warrior or paladin
  237. Blank imbeds
  238. Legislations and will
  239. Wills in addition
  240. Emerging from victory
  241. Both the president-elect
  242. Looking for owner of an account
  243. Knockout flares
  244. Lost Bow in the Citadel 12/22
  245. Lost bow in minotaurs
  246. Let's be honest
  247. Sintik
  248. A Gemstone Homage
  249. Self-Sufficient Character Opinions Requested
  250. Bandits FTW!