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06-27-2005, 07:09 PM
Post those bad short moments here:

06-27-2005, 07:10 PM
(Gorgeous gestures and an empuff appears.)

06-27-2005, 07:11 PM
Any and all instances where I had interactions with one of the following characters:


06-27-2005, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Drew
(Gorgeous gestures and an empuff appears.)

:lol: Are you serious? That's the same chick that was singing boy band verses in Mule at one point.

06-27-2005, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Divinity

Originally posted by Drew
(Gorgeous gestures and an empuff appears.)

:lol: Are you serious? That's the same chick that was singing boy band verses in Mule at one point.

Yeah, she could really have her own folder.

06-27-2005, 10:43 PM
Penidiamond and all his antics of throwing poop and shitting on people...

Michaelous as Michaelous... I haven't had problems personally with him as Suave, but I just avoid him... Though he asked for blurs last night and I told him I would give him spells if he let me light him on fire first... He ignored me *:lol:

Devishal and his wench...

[Edited on 6-28-2005 by OreoElf]

06-28-2005, 06:23 AM
Nakitta being pregnant.
I don't have logs but dude, it wasn't pretty.

06-28-2005, 08:21 AM
it is probably just me but being prego is stupid

06-28-2005, 06:15 PM
Damsall says, "Still when I look in my bodice "There is nothing in there" but that's normal, if ego flattening."

Damsall begins pouting.

Eliaku appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Eliaku adopts an agreeable expression.

Damsall says, "I shoulda been an empath then I could gesture and make me chest look better, such an unfair advantage."

06-28-2005, 08:06 PM
Dessedemona says, "Don't cry for omens argentina."

06-28-2005, 09:37 PM
Jenix sings:

"We're not gonna take it
No! We ain't gonna take it
We're not gonna take it, anymore"

Abextros makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Abextros gestures.
Abextros seems to blend into the surroundings better.
>501 jenix
*** TypoHelp: Converted "501 jenix" to PREP 501 and CAST AT jenix

You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Sleep...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Jenix.
CS: +405 - TD: +52 + CvA: +25 + d100: +100 - -5 == +483
Warding failed!
Jenix's eyes roll up into her head as she slumps to the ground.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Lorryn just arrived.
* Revenant just bit the dust!
>'yes you are
You say, "Yes you are."

06-28-2005, 09:39 PM
<You say, "Yes you are." >

LMAO That's the best... I knew I loved you for a reason... :clap:

[Edited on 6-29-2005 by OreoElf]

06-28-2005, 09:39 PM
Ugh, that chick does the "french accent" and endz everything like thiz. Ugh...

06-29-2005, 03:15 AM
looks like toy is now asking people to donate pink things to her when she heals them now. get your own RP

06-29-2005, 09:14 PM
Wholenote: "blurp blurp blurp"
Wholenote: "'this is a test of the Ice Mule emergency broadcast net, this is only a test ---beeeeeeeeeeeep!"
Wholenote: "'beeeeeeeeeeep! This concludes the test of the Ice Mule emergency network. If this had been a real emergency every person in the world would have popped out of every snow drift and swarmed the town...."

06-29-2005, 09:17 PM
I wasn't there for it, but Sylph (I think) showed it in a chatroom:

(Crazyfeather sends Inara 1000000 mana)

06-29-2005, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Divinity
Ugh, that chick does the "french accent" and endz everything like thiz. Ugh...

You have similiar probs with people speaking in Scottish/Gaelic accents then, I assume or those that don't speak proper English?


06-29-2005, 10:47 PM
Well the name deserves the bad name thread... but she offers to cyber with folks for 500k silvers.... Nuff said. :lol::lol::lol:

Edited to add:

You see Katta NineTails the Incantress.
She appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
She appears to be young and untried and average height. She has sultry jade green eyes and bronze skin. She has long, glossy black hair swept back from the temples. She has a delicate face, a classical nose and high cheekbones.
She has a curved black diamond bar in the upper ridge of her left ear, a crimson-swept spiral stud in her lip, a pouncing kitten tattoo on her neck, a cute mouse tattoo on her neck, and a tattooed symbol of Andelas on her ear.
She has developed slurred speech.
She is wearing a jet black spidersilk cloak edged with silver silk trim, a short black leather skirt, a pair of knee-high black leather boots ringed with spiked steel studs, a catnip-trimmed black leather collar studded with sharp steel spikes, a shiny silver waist chain, a spiderweb covered weapons harness, a pair of claw-tipped gloves, a silver-inlaid black pearl bracelet, a silvery maoral box, an onyx-inlaid rose quartz barrette, a sinuous black fur tail, a gold ring, a cat-shaped onyx earcuff, a gold-bound white pearl necklace, a black cat's head-etched flask, a thin-bladed shadowy black fan, a crystal amulet, a black strapless bodice, and some elven bloodstained robes.

[Edited on 6-30-2005 by OreoElf]

Edited to add: I was informed she doesn't say what the silvers are for... I still say bad form.

[Edited on 6-30-2005 by OreoElf]

06-30-2005, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by OreoElf
Katta NineTails

wouldn't that name technically be against policy given that it's phrasal?


06-30-2005, 11:43 AM
wouldn't that name technically be against policy given that it's phrasal?


If it's old enough to have been grandfathered in, they won't touch it, against policy or not.


07-01-2005, 12:28 AM
Nakitta = one of Gracy's alts. No wonder she was acting retarded.

This slutbag named Vyviel (who I didn't even know IG OR IRL) calling me "Kris" in the middle of a heated debate.


07-01-2005, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Divinity
Damsall says, "Still when I look in my bodice "There is nothing in there" but that's normal, if ego flattening."

Damsall begins pouting.

Eliaku appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Eliaku adopts an agreeable expression.

Damsall says, "I shoulda been an empath then I could gesture and make me chest look better, such an unfair advantage."

This actually makes me giggle a little.

07-09-2005, 05:00 AM
This one by me, meant to chat but I thought instead.

Rithnick: "Fare thee well this eve Nieghbors"
You: "I normally don't correct peoples' spelling in GS but if this guy says 'Nieghbors' again I'm going to"
You: "Good lord I didn't mean to think that."

07-09-2005, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by Drew
This one by me, meant to chat but I thought instead.

Rithnick: "Fare thee well this eve Nieghbors"
You: "I normally don't correct peoples' spelling in GS but if this guy says 'Nieghbors' again I'm going to"
You: "Good lord I didn't mean to think that."

Embarassing moments... wish you coulda disappeared? hehe... got a good laugh though... How many times have I thought things I meant to chat on psinet.... I got a send for saying wtf... instead of chatting it lol.

Edited to add : I was alone hunting slushies too... I guess I was bein watched!

[Edited on 7-9-2005 by OreoElf]

07-09-2005, 06:20 AM
You should have said your teeth were chattering because it was cold. Lovely area, the Illistim Glacier. I highly recommend taking the time to explore the ice caverns.

07-09-2005, 06:29 AM
Originally posted by OreoElf

Devishal and his wench...

[Edited on 6-28-2005 by OreoElf]

i concur doctor

07-10-2005, 12:26 AM

07-10-2005, 05:54 AM
This slutbag named Vyviel (who I didn't even know IG OR IRL) calling me "Kris" in the middle of a heated debate.

Oh I still hate this person! Trying to take OUR table! :mad: That person couldn't RP themselves out of a paperbag!

07-10-2005, 04:20 PM
Last night some dumbass imploded my runestaff after I died.. as I was trying to relate this to an a friend.. teeoncy who wasnt even there starts saying that the guy was trying to help. I said you werent there.. and she whispers to me "saw a log". So I whisper back.. you STILL werent there. How do I get rid of this bitch.. can anyone tell me? Do I just ignore her? or what?

Miss X
07-10-2005, 04:41 PM

Good luck sweets.

07-10-2005, 05:54 PM
ignore her is the best solution. Don't even glance at her if you can help it. That helped me out with a lot of dumbasses i've had to deal with before and with a few folks I know who have dealt with Teeo.

07-10-2005, 06:17 PM
Ok, that's what I planned on doing.. good to know that I might have picked the right way to go. :)

07-10-2005, 09:12 PM
Amioweil makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Amioweil gestures.
Amioweil appears to be keenly aware of her surroundings.

Xandalf yawns.

Xandalf makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Xandalf gestures.
Xandalf appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

Amioweil begins to meticulously examine an iron-bound thanot coffer.

Amioweil serenely says, "544 scales. yucky."

Xandalf blinks at Amioweil.

Speaking quietly to Amioweil, Xandalf asks, "What does the number have to do with a trap?"

Xandalf peers quizzically at Amioweil.

Amioweil serenely says, "Bigger the number the bigger the trap."

Amioweil put an iron-bound thanot coffer in her half-moon tote.

Speaking quietly to Amioweil, Xandalf asks, "And how exactly do you decide what number to give?"

Amioweil serenely says, "The more difficult the trap is to disarm."

Xandalf blinks.

You are now speaking Common.

Xandalf quietly asks, "So you made up that number? Five hundred and foury four?"
l amio
You see High Lady Amioweil Iszabella the Witch.
She appears to be a Human.
She appears to be youthful. She has sultry jade green eyes and ivory skin. She has very long, thick deep crimson hair cascading down her back in luxurious waves. She has a heart-shaped face, a freckled nose and a generous mouth.
She has a ring of silver stars tattoo on her ankle.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a pocketed half-moon tote, a gold ring, a moon-clasped black velvet choker, a black leather hooded cloak, a star-shaped silver cloak clasp, a gleaming black onyx rose, some silver moon and star earrings, some black spidersilk stockings, a side-slit black leather skirt, a front-laced sultry black bodice, some polished black leathers with a dagger pierced heart tooled on the right breast, a deep ebony backpack, a blackened leather wand harness, an engraved silver bracelet, a ruby-clasped velvet gempouch, a coal black crushed silk sack, a black regal griffin insignia, a cord-strung rough firestone pendant, and a long-stalked sunflower.

Amioweil serenely says, "With the amount of training i have in disarming, i know roughly how big i can disarm ."

Speaking quietly to himself, Xandalf says, "I didn't know humans could count that high."

You chuckle.

Amioweil serenely says, "No that is the size of the trap on the box."

Amioweil snickers at Xandalf.

Speaking quietly to Amioweil, you say, "I believe he was asking how you found such a number."

Amioweil serenely says, "Least in knew what the number meant."

Xandalf loses some awareness.

Xandalf quietly asks, "A number you made up?"

Xandalf quietly says, "I would hope it held some meaning to you."

You are now speaking Elven.

Amioweil serenely says, "I didnt make it up. if you disarm the coffer or a box and you have some training, you will find out what size the trap is."

Amioweil gazes up into the heavens.

Amioweil grins.

Amioweil loses some awareness.

Speaking quietly in Elven, you ask, "Perhaps she meant that there are five hundred and fourty-four scales in the box that made the trap?"

You are now speaking Common.

Xandalf quietly asks, "How exactly does a difficult trap give you a number?"

Xandalf blinks.

Amioweil serenely says, "The things one has to explain to a dark elf."

Speaking quietly to Amioweil, Xandalf says, "I have seen hard traps, I have seen easy traps."

Speaking quietly to Amioweil, Xandalf says, "But I have never seen a trap with a number on it."

Xandalf shrugs at Amioweil.

Amioweil raises an eyebrow in Xandalf's direction.

Amioweil serenely says, "Then you must not see the traps very well if you dont know the size."

Xandalf quietly says, "Again, based on a number you made up."

Amioweil serenely says, "Should train harder."

Xandalf rolls his eyes.

Amioweil nods to Xandalf.

Amioweil serenely says, "Much harder."

You quietly whisper to Xandalf, "OOC: I don't think she gets it.."

Amioweil serenely says, "Broaden your horizons."

Xandalf gazes up into the heavens.

Amioweil serenely says, "Learn some new skills."

Amioweil serenely says, "Study."

Speaking quietly in Elven, Xandalf says, "Clearly this discussion is beyond the human."

Xandalf shrugs.

You quietly say, "I don't see how him training in something more difficult would make him see something that is not there.."

Speaking quietly in Elven, Xandalf says, "OOC and I know.. shes not getting it at all."

You are now speaking Elven.

Amioweil mutters under her breath.

You quietly whisper to Xandalf, "OOC: Makes me want to bang my head against a wall sometimes."

You do not believe anyone noticed you slip out of hiding.

You blink in puzzlement at Amioweil.

You are now speaking Common.

Xandalf nods.

You quietly say, "It was a viable question."

Amioweil serenely says, "If he learned some new skills, it might enhance his knowledge on traps and locks and how they work."

Speaking quietly to Amioweil, Xandalf says, "You are missing the point, human."

Xandalf sighs.

You ponder the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

Amioweil serenely says, "Of course based on his race i understand that might be pushing it."

Amioweil smirks.

Speaking quietly to Amioweil, Xandalf says, "I suppose I gave you too much credit for being able to understand."

Speaking quietly to Amioweil, Xandalf says, "But you try human, you try."

07-10-2005, 09:14 PM
Wow...crappy rp all around.


07-10-2005, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
Wow...crappy rp all around.


Uhh, how is that crappy rp all around? :?:

07-10-2005, 09:18 PM
If someone is being ooc, to call attention to it is to just potentially ruin the rp for anyone who may have missed that persons gaffe.

I find it best to whisper to the error maker is all rather than make it a larger production.

07-10-2005, 09:18 PM
Xandalf speaking OOC outloud was pretty lame. I didn't see anything wrong with what you personally said or did though Divinity. And yes, Amioweil just didn't get it.

07-10-2005, 09:57 PM
(Jarlstrom spells up qistra)

07-10-2005, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Xandalf speaking OOC outloud was pretty lame. I didn't see anything wrong with what you personally said or did though Divinity. And yes, Amioweil just didn't get it.

Well, rather than jumping to conclusions about my "Crappy RP," try thinking next time about why exactly Xandalf would do that? Clearly I RP my Dhe'nar well.

Wait, maybe she was hidden and that was the only way to talk to her? If you look, you'd see it was said in elven, with nobody else around, while Amiowell is human. How exactly is that any different than whispering?

07-10-2005, 10:12 PM
Opinions will vary.

You could be an awsome roleplayer in general, far superior to me, i really don't know.

The situation in question was posted which inherently asks for comment and I gave my opinion on the rp in THAT situation.

It's no huge deal to me, but i do stand by my opinion.

07-10-2005, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
Opinions will vary.

You could be an awsome roleplayer in general, far superior to me, i really don't know.

The situation in question was posted which inherently asks for comment and I gave my opinion on the rp in THAT situation.

It's no huge deal to me, but i do stand by my opinion.

Fair enough certaintly, as it is impossible for me to say that someone else's opinion is wrong.

I am going to ask you, however, to dignify that opinion by explaining how my RP in the situation was, as you said, "crappy."

07-10-2005, 10:17 PM
I already said why.

If the word poor is superior to crappy then that may be substituted.

Consider it a pet peeve of mine for people to correct oocisms out loud and over a length of time. Do it quietly and quickly is my opinion.

07-10-2005, 10:18 PM
The fact that you brought it up at all was pretty poorly done.

07-10-2005, 10:20 PM
Some people think it's best to call it out by being OOC through RP to make a point by example.

Yes, it was clearly lost on her. Yes, it probably was not the best way to go about it.

However, sometimes, it's just interesting to interact and see how they recover themselves.

As for Xandalf.. I did think it was a bit funky he did that too.. but he was responding to my OOC whisper, and I was in hiding. Yeah, it was still a bit cliche.

No one can please everyone, and you would think that a High Lady would have a bit more awareness. Oh well. :shrug:

07-10-2005, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I already said why.

If the word poor is superior to crappy then that may be substituted.

Consider it a pet peeve of mine for people to correct oocisms out loud and over a length of time. Do it quietly and quickly is my opinion.

So you don't have a problem with the RP at all, you just have a problem that Xandalf was questioning something aloud that has no worldly explanation In Game.. in other words Xandalf was 100% in character....and you're using "poor" RP as a means to achieve your own personal distaste for people correcting OOC in game.

Am I reading this right?

07-10-2005, 10:24 PM
Some people think it's best to call it out by being OOC through RP to make a point by example.
Honestly, who thinks that? All you do is become extra abrasive and probably go over the target's head. They become more set in their ways and bystanders become convinced you're a jerk. In the mean time, you destroy any vestiges of RP that might've remained for anyone uninvolved.

07-10-2005, 10:25 PM
Hey, you don't like my opinion thats fine. Not everyone agrrees on everything. That is how the world is.

You seem to be taking this personally when i was only commenting on the single situation presented.

07-10-2005, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Xandalf

Originally posted by Jolena
Xandalf speaking OOC outloud was pretty lame. I didn't see anything wrong with what you personally said or did though Divinity. And yes, Amioweil just didn't get it.

Well, rather than jumping to conclusions about my "Crappy RP," try thinking next time about why exactly Xandalf would do that? Clearly I RP my Dhe'nar well.

Wait, maybe she was hidden and that was the only way to talk to her? If you look, you'd see it was said in elven, with nobody else around, while Amiowell is human. How exactly is that any different than whispering?

Xandalf, take a deep breath sweetie and reread what I said. I'm not saying you don't RP generally in a admirable manner. In fact, I've not seen Xandalf in action at all other then this log and I don't tend to make assumptions without having any foreknowledge of them personally.

Secondly, whether you two were the only people there or not is not something you could possibly know. Someone would have been there invisible or hiding like Aurawyn was. There is no excuse in my mind in speaking out loud even with the heading of OOC before the statement unless you are at a table and everyone in the room has consented to it. Now that's just my personal belief, not saying it has to be yours. However, had I been in hiding and heard it I would have whispered to you to please keep those things to a whisper.

The difference is that a whisper is seen/heard by ONLY the person it's directed to. Speaking out loud is not.

07-10-2005, 10:31 PM
As to trying to stay in character and show the woman that she was using OOCism's with the trap #, I'm fine with that. I"ve done it from time to time myself, corrected someone through RP that is. However there are equal amounts of times I have taken it to whispers only. I personally don't mind either method. My only issue was that you said out loud, in elven or not, "OOC" etc.

07-10-2005, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
Hey, you don't like my opinion thats fine. Not everyone agrrees on everything. That is how the world is.

You seem to be taking this personally when i was only commenting on the single situation presented.

I take my RP very seriously, certaintly more seriously than most.

I believe anyone who posts here who has had any in game interaction with Xand will suppliment my statements. Maybe? Maybe not I suppose.

At any rate, I'm dealing with two different issues now.

First, the issue of calling Amiowell out. Anyone who feels that this was wrong, that's your opinion but I disagree and Xandalf was totally in character and showed good form calling her out and belittling her for it.

Second, the issue of speaking OOC aloud. I must say that I had used presence shortly before the posted log began(You can see the spell dropping) so I did know who was present in the room. Even still, I should have sent a thought to her and not said it aloud, even though she and Xandalf were the only two in the room.

At any rate, I'm not going to sit idly by while anyone belittles my RP.. which I work very hard on... out of sheer ignorance because they dont like the idea of a character calling another character out on their own OOC. That's rediculous.

07-10-2005, 10:35 PM
Again, I don't make assumptions and state someone is a bad RP'er due to a mess up. I've posted in another thread about the fact that none of us are perfect and that just because you see someone doing something that could have and should have been handled differently does not mean that the other 99% of the time you see them they aren't in character and admirably RPing.

My only issue was the fact that you said OOC out loud, even if you two were the only ones in the room. If it had been in a locked room, a home, or a table I would have had no issue with it.

I liked the interaction you two had with Amiowiel otherwise.

07-10-2005, 10:37 PM
We'll just have to disagree on what is appropriate when it comes to correcting people who are ooc then.

I can live with that.

07-10-2005, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
We'll just have to disagree on what is appropriate when it comes to correcting people who are ooc then.

I can live with that.

I've stated twice that I am perfectly fine with that. I never said your opinions are wrong.

But at the same time you claim that my RP was "crappy" or "poor" based on those opinions and not at all based on the incidents in the log itself. THAT is what I have a problem with.

07-10-2005, 10:42 PM
Say you punch me in the face. Then I start punching myself in the face to point out to everyone around what you just did. How is that a good situation?

07-15-2005, 07:21 PM
Gwynalha: "Anyone knowledgeable bout otherworldly storm fronts an wizards who wouldn mind thinkin ta me?"

08-02-2005, 05:42 AM
Thefitch grimly says, "Feel my wraith oweodry."
Thefitch leaps from hiding to attack!
Thefitch swings a closed fist at Oweodry!
AS: +88 vs DS: +75 with AvD: +4 + d100 roll: +6 = +23
A clean miss.
>'You have a wraith?
You weakly ask, "You have a wraith?"
Oweodry falls over.
Oweodry stands up.
Thefitch grimly says, "I cant spell."
Thefitch grimly says, "Dont mind me."

08-31-2005, 12:10 AM
(Pelethelei laces her fingers together, leaning forward a bit with lips moving silently. She's obviously deep in thought with something; attempts to get her attention will likely not work, unless you're politely inquiring with a two by four.)
Azzonor tactfully exclaims, "Stop polluting this place with actions!!!!!!!!!"

09-25-2005, 09:12 PM
From what I seen of Xandalf he is the best roleplayer I have ever seen, I swear. ~~~

Azzonor tactfully exclaims, "Stop polluting this place with actions!!!!!!!!!"

^ok that is TOO funny! :lol:

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-25-2005, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Xandalf

Originally posted by Skirmisher
Hey, you don't like my opinion thats fine. Not everyone agrrees on everything. That is how the world is.

You seem to be taking this personally when i was only commenting on the single situation presented.

I take my RP very seriously, certaintly more seriously than most.

I believe anyone who posts here who has had any in game interaction with Xand will suppliment my statements. Maybe? Maybe not I suppose.

At any rate, I'm dealing with two different issues now.

First, the issue of calling Amiowell out. Anyone who feels that this was wrong, that's your opinion but I disagree and Xandalf was totally in character and showed good form calling her out and belittling her for it.

Second, the issue of speaking OOC aloud. I must say that I had used presence shortly before the posted log began(You can see the spell dropping) so I did know who was present in the room. Even still, I should have sent a thought to her and not said it aloud, even though she and Xandalf were the only two in the room.

At any rate, I'm not going to sit idly by while anyone belittles my RP.. which I work very hard on... out of sheer ignorance because they dont like the idea of a character calling another character out on their own OOC. That's rediculous.

When a CHARACTER calls another CHARACTER out "on their own OOC", the very means of saying OOC is, well... out of CHARACTER. I believe that is the point the ladies were making.

If I say I'm going to watch the Superbowl in game, and you say how out of character for me... that, in and of itself, is out of character.

09-25-2005, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage

Originally posted by Xandalf

Originally posted by Skirmisher
Hey, you don't like my opinion thats fine. Not everyone agrrees on everything. That is how the world is.

You seem to be taking this personally when i was only commenting on the single situation presented.

I take my RP very seriously, certaintly more seriously than most.

I believe anyone who posts here who has had any in game interaction with Xand will suppliment my statements. Maybe? Maybe not I suppose.

At any rate, I'm dealing with two different issues now.

First, the issue of calling Amiowell out. Anyone who feels that this was wrong, that's your opinion but I disagree and Xandalf was totally in character and showed good form calling her out and belittling her for it.

Second, the issue of speaking OOC aloud. I must say that I had used presence shortly before the posted log began(You can see the spell dropping) so I did know who was present in the room. Even still, I should have sent a thought to her and not said it aloud, even though she and Xandalf were the only two in the room.

At any rate, I'm not going to sit idly by while anyone belittles my RP.. which I work very hard on... out of sheer ignorance because they dont like the idea of a character calling another character out on their own OOC. That's rediculous.

When a CHARACTER calls another CHARACTER out "on their own OOC", the very means of saying OOC is, well... out of CHARACTER. I believe that is the point the ladies were making.

If I say I'm going to watch the Superbowl in game, and you say how out of character for me... that, in and of itself, is out of character.

He has a point there. Also, there are ways to call someone out on ooc-isms without being ooc. As a prior log showed, "You have a wraith?!" It will make the person feel just as stupid, I promise.


09-26-2005, 02:49 AM
If they catch it. Amiowell didn't seem to catch on to much of anything besides that scales trap.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-26-2005, 11:02 AM
Well I'm not convinced that it's ooc to recognize the trap size. How do I know that the bonus to my four times enchanted axe is +20? Is that OOC?

You could say... selling a 4 times enchanted axe... but what if you enchanted a vultite axe 4 times... that makes it +40! OMG!

Anyway, if you allow the "little things" like someone saying wow this is a hard trap and a number, bother you, you will be bothered a whole lot.

09-27-2005, 12:30 AM
Axhinde pulls you closer.
(Axhinde spoons.)

01-31-2006, 04:48 AM
Exttior just came through a pair of wide double doors, dragging the body of Prospera with him.
Exttior nods to Prospera.
Exttior just left.
Pachoosier just arrived.

Pachoosier raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Pachoosier gestures at Prospera.

01-31-2006, 11:36 AM
Exttior just came through a pair of wide double doors, dragging the body of Prospera with him.
Exttior nods to Prospera.
Exttior just left.
Pachoosier just arrived.

Pachoosier raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Pachoosier gestures at Prospera.

absolutely stellar RP, honestly this one should win a golden globe award along with a few Supporting role trophy. I couldn't even dream of doing this better myself! if I could give it a two thumbs up, I would!

Moist Happenings
01-31-2006, 11:42 AM
Erwindel sings:

"Everybody was voln fu fightin!
Those kicks were fast as lightnin'!
and it was a little bit frightnin'!
Doo doo doo doo doo doo DOO DOO DOO!"

(Erwindel does a flying jump-kick in the air)

03-25-2006, 11:40 PM
Stunseed quietly says, "No wine for me, not from you anyhow. Never know what scorned woman you have.."
Stunseed splutters.
You laugh out loud!
Stunseed disbands his group.
Stunseed just went through a striped canvas awning.
You clasp a hand over your mouth.
You giggle.
Jaysehn calmly says, "I figured we all got sullied."
Speaking quietly in Elven, Selania says, "Lla'kll;dkf;afk';alkdf'dflkoddfljwomdf;jfkpwmlfljw pjsmfp[sjejwpjew]-209j;dfkfpokwfp your group had a weak story line next time be prepared fro someone like me to come along and halfway solve it, need to add some pertient details to the clue set when ya start."
Jaysehn calmly says, "He needs to."
Stunseed just arrived.
Stunseed mutters under his breath.
You notice Jaysehn botch an attempt to conceal himself.
Jolena nods.
Jaysehn calmly says, "Bother."
Jolena just handed Stunseed some coins.
You glance at Selania.

03-25-2006, 11:45 PM
10D6 Lightning bolt. No save.

03-25-2006, 11:50 PM

Stanley Burrell
03-25-2006, 11:50 PM
Lla'kll;dkf;afk';alkdf'dflkoddfljwomdf;jfkpwmlfljw pjsmfp[sjejwpjew]-209j;dfkfpokwfp

So that's what all the pointy-ear I've been missing out on has been detailing... :wasntme:

03-25-2006, 11:58 PM
This is what happens when people try to speak Dhe'nar-si and fail. ;)

03-28-2006, 02:28 AM
Wolenthor gives a sigh of bunnies.
Rethon gives a sigh of beef.

Witnessed earlier while Isondra was altering in the Landing.

03-28-2006, 10:27 AM
In fairness to the first guy, he could have done "sigh at bunnies" which results (unbeknownst to him) in the "sigh of bunnies" messaging. The second guy is just a d-bag though.

03-28-2006, 02:47 PM
Speaking quietly in Elven, Selania says, "Lla'kll;dkf;afk';alkdf'dflkoddfljwomdf;jfkpwmlfljw pjsmfp[sjejwpjew]-209j;dfkfpokwfp your group had a weak story line next time be prepared fro someone like me to come along and halfway solve it, need to add some pertient details to the clue set when ya start."

Wow, I'm not sorry I missed that, I might have imploded her. What a fucking crybaby... sorry, but her questions were for shit anyhow.


03-28-2006, 06:44 PM
She went on to say OUT loud I might add, that she had hosted several "murder mysts in Colorado Springs" as validation when Jolena and Michiko responded to her complaints. :roll eyes:

03-29-2006, 12:47 PM
Eliaku says, "Napolean."

Atreau asks, "Napolean who?

Atreau asks, "Dynomite?"

He's so witty.

03-31-2006, 01:00 PM
Daerkus [subdued]: "i'll bid one coing on that harness fer rubbing ye Amberain"
Amberain [subdued]: ""was that supposed to be humorous? grins"
Daerkus [subdued]: "ayep!"
Amberain [subdued]: ""i think ya should jus keep rubbin yer own amulet er yerself..winks"
Daerkus [subdued]: "yes wells.... what kin i say ... me hands be roman catholic *winks*"
Jexnia [subdued]: "what in Lornan's tears is roman catholic?"
Amberain [subdued]: ""i got no ideas"
Daerkus [subdued]: "it be one'o'dem exiled gods"

03-31-2006, 01:58 PM
Oh good lord lol He should get with our friend from the MMF event. They can talk about Roman Catholics and Murder Mysts in Colorado Springs all day long.

Stanley Burrell
03-31-2006, 05:00 PM

To clear things up a bit, this does not stand for male-male-female?

Stanley Burrell.

03-31-2006, 05:06 PM
Murder Most Fowl.

My first thought upon hearing about it was Monday Maiden Football, which could be a great followup to watching Michiko slit Jaysehn's throat with her hips IMO.

Stanley Burrell
03-31-2006, 05:13 PM
Word up.

03-31-2006, 05:55 PM
Murder Most Fowl.

My first thought upon hearing about it was Monday Maiden Football, which could be a great followup to watching Michiko slit Jaysehn's throat with her hips IMO.

I'm going to stab you. In the face.

03-31-2006, 06:43 PM
lmfao. Awwww HIPS Strikes again!

04-01-2006, 03:21 AM
You know I've read Michiko being hips so much on these boards that like the two times I've ever seen her in game I've really wanted to call her hips.

04-01-2006, 03:25 AM
Stunseed calls her that IC ( where it started, TYVM ). The amount of times she has asked for a dagger to stab Stun is too numerous to believe.

OOC, she is Hiptomus Prime, and yells "Roll out!".

04-01-2006, 04:40 AM
Hiptomos Prime? Haha awesome, I miss all the fun.

PS: Stunseed, new avatar time.

04-01-2006, 09:18 PM
PS: Stunseed, new avatar time.

That was hurtful what you said about his avatar. It was made out of your mothers pubic hair.

Hate hate hate.

04-05-2006, 05:00 AM
(Triventin hopes nones notices the foxhole he is digging decreatly)

04-09-2006, 12:06 AM
Shimmerain says, "Thanks again."
Shimmerain sings:

s>wooc shim you know thats goin on the PC
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Shimmerain, "You know thats goin on the PC."
(OOC) Shimmerain's player whispers, "Fuck you! :)."
Shimmerain turns around.
Necole stands up.
(Shimmerain barges into Biscos shoulder as he passes )
Necole slings an elven hammered shield off from over her shoulder.
Shimmerain just went south.

** Edited to add: Hehehehehe!!!

04-09-2006, 12:11 AM
lol at the whole barging into the shoulder. :D

04-09-2006, 12:53 PM
In the park just now...

Speaking firmly to a striped owl, Demagor asks, "Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?"

04-09-2006, 12:54 PM
Did the owl say "three" after?

04-09-2006, 12:55 PM
The owl, wisely, ignored it.

04-09-2006, 10:42 PM
I'm surprised Demagor said that..hes pretty much IC from the times I've seen him in TSC.

04-09-2006, 11:10 PM
Stupid moments aren't canceled by general good behavior in my book.

04-19-2006, 02:25 PM
Seen/heard in Landing's Small Park today...

Darcknight tenderly says, "Rather high."
The voice of Kratcheck says, "So is my CS."


04-19-2006, 09:17 PM
Shyspirit innocently says, "I got skillz."

Watch out for her, yo. She's got mad skillz.

04-19-2006, 09:26 PM
Right after...

Shyspirit kisses you on the nose.

You say, "Suddenly need to go...and uh..yeah. Through up." Okay, yeah. That was a retarded grammar mistake.

Speaking innocently to you, Shyspirit says, "Its throw up dear."

They are pronounced the same way, right? Can YOU spot the real idiot in this picture?


04-19-2006, 09:32 PM
They're not pronounced the same way. Throo versus throh.

04-19-2006, 09:42 PM
I'm the real idiot then. :sad:

I really need to think before I post. Or pronounce.

04-19-2006, 10:14 PM
Axhinde says, "Besides, I rather like whacking the Troll Kings."
Axhinde says, "Whacking at....rather."
Your face goes blank.
You say, "Of course."
Axhinde says, "Nevermind that."
(Michiko hides a grin behind her hand.)

Axhinde likes whacking troll kings... :barfy:

04-19-2006, 10:18 PM
Shyspirit innocently says, "I got skillz."

Trying to give the benefit of the doubt here, maybe the "z" was thrown in as an attempt at an accent? If so, I guess z's would be less annoying, or at least no more so, than the folks that leave out all the vowels and call that an accent or those that randomly use thee, thou, thy, you, your with no rhyme or reason to which is used when.

04-19-2006, 10:34 PM
< Axhinde likes whacking troll kings... >

He just likes to swallow the froth.

04-20-2006, 12:25 PM
Rinswynd [subdued]: "Anyone know when playershops is expected back up?"
Veers [subdued]: "player shops are open last I checked"

An attempt at a reprimand from Veers but still stupid.

04-20-2006, 12:46 PM
Xygon posted on the official boards saying playershops.com (and the rest of xygon.net) should be back up imminently. This isn't exactly on-topic, but I can't be the only one who got the jitters from playershops.com going down.

04-20-2006, 01:09 PM
Nah, you're not the only one. I never really notice how much I use playershops.com until it goes down. Every day I play, really. Several times a day. We're going through withdrawal, but that doesn't mean those two aren't 'tards.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-20-2006, 03:22 PM
Definitely, IRC is the place to be when things like Playershops go down because in there you can ask everyone


And yes I agree Dex.. quite stupid. They could have at least said something like, Can someone who knows a lot of about the citizenshops and their item registry please send me a thought?! And then asked it privately and OOC-ly. Feh.

04-20-2006, 04:53 PM
Yeah the reprimand was stupid too because Trade Shops is the in-game term for playershops.

04-20-2006, 08:59 PM
Trying to give the benefit of the doubt here, maybe the "z" was thrown in as an attempt at an accent? If so, I guess z's would be less annoying, or at least no more so, than the folks that leave out all the vowels and call that an accent or those that randomly use thee, thou, thy, you, your with no rhyme or reason to which is used when.

Hmm....no. Since I was having a conversation with her beforehand, it's not an accent.

I can agree with the retardedness with the thee, thou, thy, ye crap though. Especially people who use nae wrong. Nae doesn't mean not, damnit. It's NO.

People who do that are nae intelligent.

04-22-2006, 08:14 PM
Kratcheck smiles ell cause ya bone shatter me ya might find my lightning bolt hurts


Five minutes later...

Speaking in Elven, Kratcheck asks, "Anyone got a high bolt DS?"

Well, I corrected him and he didn't go psycho so I give him that much credit.

04-23-2006, 06:44 PM
Pherlytt smiles and hope the Elf didn't just insult her mother

This is what I get for hanging in TSC.

04-25-2006, 03:15 AM
Khordan says, "It's already scripted though."

Yay for GM run merchants who commit OOCisms.

04-25-2006, 08:32 AM
Elegance says, "All chastity belt boxes."
Elegance says, "Oh.. not a problem... I got the piss beat outta me pretty bad."

04-25-2006, 09:58 AM
Maleek says, "Burned thru 26k exp in about a day anna half an now i gots Lumnis."
Maleek flashes a wide grin.

Elegance, Maleek and Emislutty win.

04-25-2006, 10:49 AM
Heh Maleek and a few others that hang out with him, really don't care at all about roleplaying or not. I already tried to build that bridge and it's still burning. Oh well.

04-25-2006, 12:18 PM
Nae doesn't mean not, damnit. It's NO.

People who do that are nae intelligent.


1. No.
2. Not.

04-25-2006, 04:37 PM
I'm corrected then. And yeah, Maleek doesn't seem very bright. I think he hangs out with Violenttmoon too much.

04-25-2006, 04:40 PM
I'm corrected then. And yeah, Maleek doesn't seem very bright. I think he hangs out with Violenttmoon too much.
Seemed they were MAing together. I asked her if she could heal me, Maleek said ''sure'', Vio healed me, I tipped him.
Walked away.

04-25-2006, 05:51 PM
That explains it.

04-25-2006, 08:59 PM
Jheuwvinial says, "Elven greenspan said yesterday, then tsinflation is down 4% since anfelt showed up."

Way to not really mask the OOG reference.

04-26-2006, 12:42 PM
SomeonefemalewhoI'mbeingpolite to says, "I'm not difficult! I'm easy!"

Sean of the Thread
04-26-2006, 12:44 PM

El Burro
04-26-2006, 12:55 PM
No way, every word was spelled correctly.

04-26-2006, 04:42 PM
No way, every word was spelled correctly.

Man I am SO glad I'm not the only one who notices that. Everytime she speaks I want to claw out my eyeballs.


Dessedemona asks, "Like rhose boo?"

Dessedemona says, "Denial ..is not just a moat around darkstone ..huh nei."

Commence clawing.

04-26-2006, 05:12 PM
I just pretend she doesn't exist.

04-26-2006, 06:55 PM

But seriously.. that woman is incredible with her lack of respect for the english language.

I called someone an idiot last night. She happened to be in the same room and assumed I meant her. My character did not dissuade her from this line of thinking.


04-30-2006, 03:26 AM
Sairai sings:

"It aint no lie
baby bye bye bye"

*sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

05-05-2006, 12:51 AM

Freessia smiles , waves, and the sweet scent of freesia blooms in the area. You wonder if it's really true that...
Freessia just left.

05-05-2006, 08:38 AM

05-13-2006, 03:49 AM
Speaking warmly to Morgahan, Tshaman says, "You newbs."

05-13-2006, 11:49 PM
Jheuwvinial says, "Elven greenspan said yesterday, then tsinflation is down 4% since anfelt showed up."

Way to not really mask the OOG reference.

Heh. I'll be damned if its not sorta clever and amusing in an OOC way. I guess thats how the line gets blurred though...even though its funny we gotta frown at these people. It would sorta ruin the moment for me.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-14-2006, 01:42 AM
Heh. I'll be damned if its not sorta clever and amusing in an OOC way. I guess thats how the line gets blurred though...even though its funny we gotta frown at these people. It would sorta ruin the moment for me.

I don't like the greenspan reference, but the tsinflation cracks me up and I guess I don't find that OOG (since inflation is an IG term for the market, and Tsin is a freaking rich character in game that can affect it).

05-14-2006, 11:08 PM
Halasi says, "ROFL."
Halasi says, "Err."
Tayac raises an eyebrow.
Droit glances at Halasi.
Halasi says, "Ignore me."
Halasi says, "Please."

05-14-2006, 11:14 PM
I've done something kinda like that. Not really, but I've had a moment where you just wish the floor would open up and swallow me whole because I said something so OOC by accident it made MY eyes burn. I also once thought out a joke about extremely horny teenage prostitues disguised as cheerleaders...

Thank God it was 3AM and I don't have that character anymore!!

05-14-2006, 11:14 PM
Eh..could have been worse, at least he/she realized what they'd done and appeared apologetic and embarassed.

05-15-2006, 01:01 PM
Haha yeah, I've done stupid stuff like saying things aloud. I was in Dirla's at Anfelt and someone posted on Psinet the message for an RPA and was wondering what it was. So Augie said out loud "Awww! You got your first RPA!".

So everyone was like huh? What? So I was like - your first BRA! I was talkin to my friend and it was too loud! Heehee, Dirla was crackin up after that heh.

Stupid , vs '. I need to start typing out chat hah.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-16-2006, 02:59 AM
Haha yeah, I've done stupid stuff like saying things aloud. I was in Dirla's at Anfelt and someone posted on Psinet the message for an RPA and was wondering what it was. So Augie said out loud "Awww! You got your first RPA!".

So everyone was like huh? What? So I was like - your first BRA! I was talkin to my friend and it was too loud! Heehee, Dirla was crackin up after that heh.

Stupid , vs '. I need to start typing out chat hah.

I was there for that! What annoys me is when people make a big deal out of a slip-up like that.. most people know Augie and know you're not running around talking about CNN or hell, even AS and DS and game mechanics out loud. People who jump all over an OOC outburst (that was obviously an accident) only make the problem worse. You made a very good save however!

05-16-2006, 02:14 PM
I was there for that! What annoys me is when people make a big deal out of a slip-up like that.. most people know Augie and know you're not running around talking about CNN or hell, even AS and DS and game mechanics out loud. People who jump all over an OOC outburst (that was obviously an accident) only make the problem worse. You made a very good save however!

Yeah the whole "What's an RPA?" "Huh Augie? A RPA? What's that?" kinda crap is a lot more OOC than a simple slip of the fingers and leave it at that.

Same thing with people who try to correct pronounciation when someone spells something wrong but it sounds exactly the same (two, too, to and things like that). Or when they say "I didn't see what you said." YOUR CHARACTER DOESN'T SEE THE WORDS!

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-17-2006, 03:13 AM
Yeah the whole "What's an RPA?" "Huh Augie? A RPA? What's that?" kinda crap is a lot more OOC than a simple slip of the fingers and leave it at that.

Same thing with people who try to correct pronounciation when someone spells something wrong but it sounds exactly the same (two, too, to and things like that). Or when they say "I didn't see what you said." YOUR CHARACTER DOESN'T SEE THE WORDS!

All of that peeves me immensely.. especially at HUGE pay events where I can't escape it, haha.. must get alterations!

Stanley Burrell
05-17-2006, 04:34 AM
Although I agreed with the killing.

The voice of Hoodtralfeck says, "You swing a diamond-edged blood red falchion at Dexthromos! AS: +207 vs DS: +84 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +93 = +251 ... and hit for 103 points of damage! Wild upward slash removes Dexthromos's face from his skull! Interesting way to die."

Wharton laughs!

Stanley Burrell
05-29-2006, 06:32 AM

Hoodtralfeck says, "Go w."

Hoodtralfeck mutters fag.

Hoodtralfeck points at you.

Hoodtralfeck says, "He gay."

Kratcheck softly says, "Your gayness is not wanted in this town."

Hoodtralfeck cackles!


Later that day,

***** Thank you for calling our attention to the situation. Rest assured that the GemStone IV staff is taking care of the problem.

05-29-2006, 09:20 PM
Sirgol says, "I can heal yas up."

Neeluhn declines Sirgol's offer.

You feel at full magical power again.

Sirgol says, "One second."

Neeluhn clearly says, "I have that one ."

Sirgol says, "Ill bring a friend here in a minute, he's with the thrak."

Neeluhn slings a glaes shield over his shoulder.

Neeluhn removes a werebear paw from in his white wolf hide cloak.

Sirgol stands up.

Neeluhn offers Sirgol a werebear paw.

Sirgol put some acantha leaf in his bronze leather pouch.

Sirgol shakes his head.

Sirgol slides a gold ring off his finger.

Sirgol slides an intricate gold and brass ring on his finger.
Suddenly Sirgol vanishes!

Suddenly Cirgol appears in the room holding onto a ring he has just placed on his finger.

Cirgol meditates over Neeluhn.
Cirgol takes Neeluhn's left leg damage.

Cirgol meditates over Neeluhn.
Cirgol takes all of Neeluhn's blood loss.

Cirgol nods.

Cirgol slides a gold ring off his finger.

Cirgol slides an intricate gold and brass ring on his finger.
Suddenly Cirgol vanishes!


05-31-2006, 07:08 AM
Ninji says, "Try having wantan orgies."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

05-31-2006, 02:09 PM
(Volfe hugs everyone I probably missed)

05-31-2006, 10:27 PM
Please kill her to her until she gets the message. Please

Or just an OOC whisper. Either way, stop hugging me you filthy bitch!

06-03-2006, 10:43 AM
Demietria softly says, "Welcomes fluffy1."


06-03-2006, 10:44 AM
Demietria softly says, "Welcomes fluffy1."

I've made that mistake. Not really bad RP.

Stanley Burrell
06-05-2006, 04:57 AM

All empaths...

...Are fluffy1's.

06-05-2006, 06:15 AM
Anything Foxs does..

06-06-2006, 11:52 PM
The voice of Atreau says, "Thanks luth."

You say, "You're welcome, who ever you are."

The voice of Atreau says, "Satan."

Miss X
06-12-2006, 08:21 AM
Shirocco seductively says, "I'll swear if I want to."
Shirocco grins evilly.
>"And you're so seductive about it too.
You say, "And you're so seductive about it too."

Shirocco nods to you.
Shirocco seductively says, "It's my way."
Shirocco smiles sed


06-17-2006, 02:22 AM
OOOH Any experience with Megaira....that's just a series of short bad moments. *shiver*

06-18-2006, 10:49 AM
[Ta'Illistim, Glaendier Wey]
The cobblestoned wey widens abruptly as it meets Shimmarglin Court. The hue and cry from the denizens of the huge plaza echoes off the stone buildings lining the wey. A trickle of patrons flows to and from a nearby well-kept cottage. You also see an ironwork signpost.
Obvious paths: northeast, west
[Script]>go dais
[Ta'Illistim, Shimmarglin Court]
The Shimmarglin Court, surrounded by shops, provides a home for the city's famed floating garden. Throngs of townspeople and travellers move through the court, shopping at the various merchants and socializing in small groups. You also see a floating dais and an ironwork signpost.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest, northwest

[Script finished!]
[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
Although the floating platform is suspended well above the ground below, it overflows with abundant plant life. The edges of the dais are brimming with delicate white queen's lace, dark lavender, fragrant rosemary and a variety of other colorful flora. Thick grass underfoot provides an enticingly peaceful resting spot. A thin silk canopy is suspended above, providing ample shade from the day's brightness. You also see a mountain wolf, a raven that is flying around, the black Darkeyez disk, a polished jet stone, a glaesine arch, a richly finished wooden bench with some stuff on it and a large faenor-chased barrel.
Also here: Alaramis, Yollia, Soulard, Sladinix, Mijana, Lovar who is sitting, Darkeyez, Fredireck, Lord Douglaos, Aethor, Seidel who is lying down
Obvious paths: out
Speaking to Fredireck, Aethor says, "Baloo is is in temple wyneb and stunned for twn rounds."
Lovar continues playing his crumhorn.
Aethor mutters 10.

06-18-2006, 10:52 AM
And then there's Lovar, who does nothing but sit there all day and get leeched.

Darkeyez intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Darkeyez gestures at Lovar.
CS: +405 - TD: +243 + CvA: +2 + d100: +41 - -5 == +210
Warding failed!
A dull grey beam momentarily materializes between Darkeyez and Lovar!
Lovar shakes violently!
Darkeyez intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Darkeyez gestures at Lovar.
CS: +405 - TD: +243 + CvA: +2 + d100: +82 - -5 == +251
Warding failed!
A dull grey beam momentarily materializes between Darkeyez and Lovar!
Lovar shakes violently!
Darkeyez makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Darkeyez gestures.
His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
Darkeyez traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Darkeyez gestures.
A speckled owl flies into the area, circling above Darkeyez once before landing at his side.
Seidel seems a bit weaker than before.
Darkeyez suddenly appears less powerful.
Seidel concentrates deeply for a moment.
The green and gold energy fades from around Alaramis.
Zeverai returns to normal speed.
Darkeyez recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Darkeyez gestures.
A layer of thick, shifting stone forms around Darkeyez.
Darkeyez calmly exclaims, "Gimme mana Laneey!"
Lord Lucene just went out.
Lovar continues playing his crumhorn.
You hear someone chanting.
A small bolt of energy suddenly appears out of thin air and strikes Darkeyez.
The voice of Laneey says, "Yessir."

06-18-2006, 12:29 PM
I really need a new resting spot in Ta'Illistim, heh. I moved the paladin over to Briarstone, I think I'll just camp the bard on the approach to OTF.

06-21-2006, 03:37 PM
Xana says, "C'est la vie."

Cretin fini

06-21-2006, 03:40 PM
Fightingninja says, ''Why are you killingme'' *

*may or may not be a total fabrication

06-21-2006, 05:05 PM
The least they can do is freaking tune Lovar's goddamned instrument...that is so fucking annoying.


06-21-2006, 05:09 PM
Honestly he's just there so he can be leeched.
After seeing him sat there since I logged on / logged off and on again (24hrs'ish), doing the same thing, I wanted to 701 the fuck and see what happened.
But then there's a whole thread dedicated to why he'd be insta healed and nothing more would be said.
That, and the road before the barrier are prime examples of RPAs

06-30-2006, 08:50 AM
(Terrant gets some cotton swabs and does a number on both ears. Gotta clean out the pathways...soakin slow.)

06-30-2006, 02:47 PM
Shirova says, "How you doing today?"
>act puts on his robe and wizard hat.
(Asterfur puts on his robe and wizard hat."
Shirova leaves.

06-30-2006, 03:37 PM
Shirova says, "How you doing today?"
>act puts on his robe and wizard hat.
(Asterfur puts on his robe and wizard hat."
Shirova leaves.

What's wrong with that?

(Really, I just want it to be explained, heh.)

06-30-2006, 03:45 PM
Maybe asking how someone is doing and then leaving? I'm confused too.

Sylvan Dreams
06-30-2006, 03:55 PM
This should explain it: http://www.quq.dk/cybersex.htm

Stanley Burrell
06-30-2006, 03:56 PM
Shirova says, "How you doing today?"
>act puts on his robe and wizard hat.
(Asterfur puts on his robe and wizard hat."
Shirova leaves.

What's wrong with that?

(Really, I just want it to be explained, heh.)

Maybe asking how someone is doing and then leaving? I'm confused too.

There was once an invention called the internet.

Some people used it for good.

Others, for awesome: http://www.bash.org/?search=bloodninja&sort=0&show=25

P.S. – A trifle NSFW.

The link Sylvan Dreams posted is better.

06-30-2006, 04:00 PM
P.S. – A trifle NSFW.

Haha, just a trifle. Especially the Rhino part.

06-30-2006, 04:43 PM
Too funny for work, I gotta finish this off later.

06-30-2006, 04:52 PM
[Glaerfax (subdued)]: "I'm looking for some general help for a newbie friends of mine and I've forgotten a lot about the lands since my last visit....think to me if you can help"
[Freighjya (subdued)]: "Newbie?"

07-06-2006, 10:14 PM
Karummy taps Keemac lightly on his shoulder.
Loraedin makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Loraedin gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Loraedin.
Triventin grins.
s>cast krims
You gesture into the air.
Awareness expands as your mind reaches out, questing for Krimsun. Images flash past your senses...

Slowly the images fade as the magic begins to unravel.
Krimsun must be beyond the reach of your spell.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Jadfeid steps out of hiding and picks up some acantha leaf.
Jadfeid removes some acantha leaf from on a carved ice bench.
Keemac confidently asks, "?"

07-07-2006, 10:42 AM
at least he was confident

Stanley Burrell
07-07-2006, 11:29 PM
[House Aspis, Den of the Dragon]
The terraced curves of the seating area lead down to an exquisite open-air amphitheatre. Framing the stage is the silhouette of a dragon, the tail curling around the orchestra pit and the spine rising against the backdrop of glistening waters beyond. Its head turns back to face the audience, open mawed and painted in brilliant colors. Alternating green and silver pennants on poles graduating in height draw attention back to the stage. Comfortable heavy wooden pews provide an inviting place to sit. You also see a forest banishara that is sleeping, a dragon-carved mistwood cart with some stuff on it and a sleek sable jaguar that is sleeping.
Also here: Suha who is sitting, Feydra who is sitting, Ahmeuseng who is sitting, Finoulk who is sitting, Thia who is sitting, Rastavan who is sitting, Arpelli who is sitting, Gladywyn who is sitting, Varanius, Tarlina who is sitting, Aurien, Dashel who is sitting, Lanthylas who is sitting
Obvious exits: west

(XXXX removes a 10x veil-iron vorpal Ronanite Unicorn'o'Doom from his Arkati-skin scabbard.)

(OOC) You quietly whisper to Tarlina, "I wasn't supposed to press the enter button."

Stanley Burrell
07-08-2006, 12:30 AM
You rub your crystal amulet.
The distant thoughts in your mind feel stronger.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

[Nykolae (subdued)] "might there be a priest in the area I can come to to bless a few bundles of arrows?"

[Bonesnapper (subdued)] "any sorcerers out there that i can teach illusions void to please"

You focus your mind on Nykolae and think: "My Thrak Table, please."
Roundtime: 5 sec.

[Skinny Thrak Table]
The table edges here are sharply beveled, as though someone has been whittling away at them. Etched into the table top are some of the most emaciated thraks you have ever seen. Their sides draw in together at the waist, giving them a waspish look. You also see the Urho disk.
Obvious exits: out

Name: Lord Nykolae
Profession: Woodsman
Race: Sylvankind Gender: Male
He appears to be very young and shorter than average.
He has jade green eyes and ashen skin.
He has chin length, glossy silver hair.
He has an angular face and thin-tipped pointed ears.
Strongest foe vanquished: a jungle troll chieftain

[Private (Nykolae - subdued)] "on my way, and thank you"

You focus your mind on Nykolae and think: "Not a problem at'all."
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You see Nykolae waving at your table, clearly hoping that you will invite him to sit with you. If you would like, you may INVITE Nykolae to allow him to join you.

You wave at Nykolae and invite him to come sit with you.

Lord Nykolae arrives at your table.

Nykolae nods to you in greeting.

Speaking to Nykolae, you ask, "You seek a blessing?"

Nykolae says, "Indeed."

You say, "Aye."

Nykolae says, "Would be most helpful."

Nykolae reaches for a bundle of arrows and removes 15 of them.

Speaking softly to Nykolae, you exclaim, "Hand such items here, My Lord. Fifteen!"

Nykolae nods.

You mutter eesh.

You nod to Nykolae.

Nykolae offers you a bundle of arrows. Type ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

Speaking slowly to Nykolae, you say, "I shall try."

You accept Nykolae's offer and are now holding a bundle of arrows.

You squint at a bundle of arrows.

Nykolae says, "Err."

You recite cautiously:

"Here we go"

Nykolae asks, "Did i hand ya the wrong set?"

You raise an eyebrow in Nykolae's direction.

Speaking to Nykolae, you ask, "Did ye?"

You tap a bundle of arrows, which is in your right hand.

Nykolae says, "Let me see them once."

Nykolae chuckles.

You offer your arrows to Nykolae, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Nykolae says, "Hate to see mana go to waste."

Nykolae has accepted your offer and is now holding a bundle of arrows.

[Litzen (subdued)] "Sellin' a couple 5x runestaves... and a +20 perfect steel morning-star (cheap!)... TTM"

Nykolae nods.

Nykolae offers you a bundle of arrows. Type ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

Speaking to Nykolae, you say, "I have much time, Hashem waits for all."

You accept Nykolae's offer and are now holding a bundle of arrows.

Nykolae says, "These were correct."

You nod to Nykolae.

Nykolae reaches for a bundle of arrows and removes 15 of them.

[Bonesnapper (subdued)] "any sorcerers out there that i can teach illusions void to please"

Speaking to Nykolae, you ask, "Do you wish for me to bless *these* arrows with the Rabbinical powers invested within me?"

Nykolae says, "Yes, that is my wish."

XXXX smiles faintly.

You clear your throat.

(XXXX leaps upon the table, frollicking while overpronounciating "Ch's.")

You say, "Che-chem."

You glance at the arrows in your hand.

Nykolae grins.

You sing to your arrows:

"Barchu et Adonai ham'vorah"

You hold your arrows up to your ear and listen carefully. Sounds just like a bundle of arrows.

Nykolae bundles some arrows together.

Throwing your voice behind a bundle of arrows, you say, "Baruch Adonai ham'vorach Lei'olam va'ed."

(XXXX gives a curt nod to the arrows he holds.)

You offer your arrows to Nykolae, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Speaking happily to Nykolae, you say, "Today, you are a man."

Heh. He was the man about the whole ordeal, btw-ly speaking.

07-08-2006, 03:15 AM
So are you reporting yourself for bad roleplaying Stan?

Stanley Burrell
07-08-2006, 05:37 AM
I did a REPORT, BADNAME and a deliberately botched up Klaive-esque foot fetish all up ons the amunet.

I didn't.

A little comic relief being excercised in idiot's Landing is nice once in a blue moon.

Speaking of which, I managed to stack up two RPA's with Bluehairpick before my ass was sent to the Rename Pavillion :(

07-08-2006, 10:06 PM
[Bisco (subdued)]: "Somebody do somethin entertainin!"
[Venon (subdued)]: "***Bisco just found a real GEM***"

07-09-2006, 08:55 AM
[Bisco (subdued)]: "Somebody do somethin entertainin!"
[Venon (subdued)]: "***Bisco just found a real GEM***"

Haha first off - congrats on the Gem. Second - whatta tard!

07-11-2006, 09:02 PM
Just seen at the park.. forgetting who his mother is and odd interspecies families.

Gwwen gives Damalis a warm buss on the lips.
Damalis exclaims, "Mom!"
Damalis says, "Or auntie."
Damalis grins.
Damalis laughs!
Damalis leans softly against Gwwen.
Damalis whistles tunelessly to himself.
Damalis chuckles.
Damalis grins.
Gwwen says, "Cyira is ya mum."
Gwwen blinks.
Damalis says, "I forgets."
Damalis grins.
Damalis says, "Where is mom anyways."
>look dama
You see Damalis the Empath.
He appears to be a Giant of the T'Kirem Clan.
He appears to be in the bloom of youth and average height. He has sparkling hazel eyes and tanned skin. He has shoulder length, tied back dark brown hair streaked with silver. He has a broad face and broad shoulders.
He has a twisted blackened ora ring in his right eyebrow.
He has a scar across his neck, old battle scars on his right arm, old battle scars on his left arm, old battle scars on his right leg, old battle scars on his left leg, old battle scars on his right hand, old battle scars on his left hand, an old battle scar across his chest, an old battle scar across his abdominal area, an old battle scar across his back, a black-and-blue right eye, severe bruises and swelling around his left eye, developed slurred speech, and a scar across his face.
He has a wooden arrow stuck in his left leg.
He is wearing a small black vultite target shield, a gold ring, a gold ring, a large golden yellow pack, some embossed double leather, a pair of gold-threaded leggings, a gold-threaded chestnut lace belt, a gold and silver braid necklace, a pair of silvery silk gloves, a little round mirror, a whimsical monkey charm, a ditty bag, a moonflower, a glossy black Moonshine Manor pin, a crystal amulet, a golden aster, a large sack, and a bone-inlaid pink topaz brooch.
>look gwwen
You see Great Lady Gwwen Aragoth the Cursebringer.
She appears to be a Human.
She appears to be in the prime of life. She has sultry violet eyes and tanned skin. She has long, glossy blue-black hair with lighter streaks that flows loosely down her back in silky waves to touch just below her waist. She has an oval face, a classical nose and pouting lips.
She has a shooting star tattoo on her ankle.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a pair of thin ivory-rimmed spectacles, a pearl and ruby-encrusted circlet, a pair of ruby and pearl earrings, a delicate teardrop ruby pendant, a white fur hooded cloak dusted with shimmering pearls and clasped with a scarab-shaped ruby, a ruby-clasped ivory silk bodice, an Aragoth family crest pin, some lace-work white silk stockings, a shimmering glaesine orb, a ruby-clasped crimson silk satchel, an ornate rune-embossed staff harness, some fitted elven casting leathers, a linked ruby demon miniature bracelet, a gold filigree wedding band, a rune-patterned ancient scrimshaw ring, a delicate gold link waist chain looped through a tiny gold navel ring, a pearly white sack, a pearl-clasped scarlet silk pouch, a sheer ivory silk skirt spun with glistening rubies and pearls, a pair of ruby-buttoned boots, and a crystal amulet.

And a lil' later:

Jersea says, "Oh great scott."

07-11-2006, 10:18 PM
In Plat during an invasion:

You hear the faint thoughts of Rahamn echo in your mind:
"orcs cumming by the west gate"

07-11-2006, 10:31 PM

07-12-2006, 01:42 AM
In Plat during an invasion:

You hear the faint thoughts of Rahamn echo in your mind:
"orcs cumming by the west gate"

While I doubt that it was intentionally flubbed in that particular manner, since the character has a speech issue, that is effin hilarious and would have caused me to snort pop no doubt. :lol:

07-18-2006, 09:15 AM
[Niaithe's Nifty Stuff]
Beneath a low skylight-set ceiling, a pearl-handled filigreed mandolin hangs on one of the blue-speckled sea glass walls. A hammered copper hanging rack and a Vornavian silk-lined display case sit in opposite corners while a stuffed striped rolton rests on a swirled sea glass floor. You also see a simple driftwood sign.
Obvious exits: south
Windton just arrived.
Windton taps something in a Vornavian silk-lined display case.
Windton examines some sapphire silk sleeves.
Windton taps something in a Vornavian silk-lined display case.
Windton examines a green and blue silk scarf.
Windton taps something in a Vornavian silk-lined display case.
Windton examines some pale peach-hued scarves.
Windton taps something in a Vornavian silk-lined display case.
Windton examines a long leopard fur tail.
Windton taps something in a Vornavian silk-lined display case.
Windton examines some opalescent silk sleeves.
Windton taps something in a Vornavian silk-lined display case.
Windton examines a silver and amethyst barrette.
Windton taps something in a Vornavian silk-lined display case.
Windton examines an etched copper oak leaf pin.
Windton taps something in a Vornavian silk-lined display case.
Windton examines a pair of fake tufted ears.
Windton taps something in a Vornavian silk-lined display case.
Windton examines a leather weapon sling fringed with skeleton bones.
Windton taps a silver-edged ivory velvet bodice on a hammered copper hanging rack.
Windton examines a silver-edged ivory velvet bodice.
Windton taps a silver-worked leather amulet pouch on a hammered copper hanging rack.
Windton examines a silver-worked leather amulet pouch.
Windton taps a shimmering black brocade cape on a hammered copper hanging rack.
Windton examines a shimmering black brocade cape.
Windton taps a dusty canvas flour sack on a hammered copper hanging rack.
Windton examines a dusty canvas flour sack.
Windton taps a rosy pink bodice on a hammered copper hanging rack.
Windton examines a rosy pink bodice.
Windton taps a green acantha leaf patterned scarf on a hammered copper hanging rack.
Windton examines a green acantha leaf patterned scarf.
Windton taps a grey-stringed stained leather satchel on a hammered copper hanging rack.
Windton examines a grey-stringed stained leather satchel.
Windton taps a white-sashed indigo velvet jacket on a hammered copper hanging rack.
Windton examines a white-sashed indigo velvet jacket.
Windton taps a bone-clasped black velvet greatcoat on a hammered copper hanging rack.
Windton examines a bone-clasped black velvet greatcoat.
Windton taps an opal-clasped gossamer wrist pouch on a hammered copper hanging rack.
Windton examines an opal-clasped gossamer wrist pouch.
Windton taps a sturdy canvas sugar sack on a hammered copper hanging rack.
Windton examines a sturdy canvas sugar sack.
Windton just went south.
You stare at nothing in particular.

Nice. But I guess it's gotta be done so I'm not bothered in the least.

07-18-2006, 10:04 AM
He deserves to be worshipped for the work he does (assuming that's the playershops.com guy).

07-18-2006, 10:04 AM
One of the many, I imagine.

07-27-2006, 08:16 PM
This happened at the statue at Teras...

Gracy softly says, "Man, that last 1k takes so long to go away."
Gracy paces back and forth.
Brinemead chuckles.
s>'you can give me 1000 i will deposit it
You say, "You can give me 1000 i will deposit it."
Gracy chuckles.
Gracy softly says, "Not that kind of 1k."
You ask, "No?"
Gracy softly says, "The kind that visits you to the trainer."
* Telsas just bit the dust!
s>'1000 yawns..tickles..belly aches
You say, "1000 yawns..tickles..belly aches."
You say, "Ahh."
Kithkannan makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Kithkannan gestures at a sturdy tanik trunk.
You hear a soft click from the trunk and it suddenly flies open.
Kithkannan gathers the remaining coins from inside his tanik trunk.
Gracy softly says, "1000 men would ne nice."
* Aezir just bit the dust!
Brinemead removes a shop manifest from in his courtly black cape.
Gracy softly says, "With long, thick..."
Kithkannan tries to empty the contents of his trunk into his backpack, and everything falls in quite nicely.
Gracy softly says, "Heads of hair."
Gracy chuckles.

07-27-2006, 08:48 PM
God, kill her. Please

07-28-2006, 08:31 PM
It continues, with Milaro earlier today...

Gracy softly says, "I hope at least one spins a woman...I want to take off my bodice.

<Milaro spins... not Gracy>

Gracy softly says, "Oh well...no peep show today."

Speaking softly to Milaro, Gracy asks, "What if I takes off the bodice and the skirt?"

Tristriscia exclaims, "Good griefs, takes yous clothes offs and be dones with its!

07-28-2006, 08:37 PM
Argh, burn her keyboard I say.

She's a psychotic retard.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-28-2006, 09:18 PM
Argh, burn her keyboard I say.

She's a psychotic retard.

She was also talking about someone's soul getting picked 8 times.

>.< I hate people who do that.

07-28-2006, 11:46 PM
Argh, burn her keyboard I say.

She's a psychotic retard.

No kidding I should dig in my logs for when she jumped all over me for 'scripting' to get onto lists at Anfelt and how I always get on everything. LOL I personally only use scripts to move to and fro. It isn't hard to get on lists at merchant events if you pay attention.

07-29-2006, 08:01 AM
If you didn't see it...



Stanley Burrell
07-29-2006, 10:29 AM
Bah, I just arrived in Teras.

Someone hop on the whole retarded trainer/merchant undressing bullshit and tell her about some phenomenally awesome way as to make 1000 exp every nanosecond whilst simultaneously being naked... Without being on Teras :(

07-29-2006, 12:08 PM
Thank you Olanan, I just spent an hour reading that thread and snorting coffee all over my keyboard... funny stuff!

Stanley Burrell
08-07-2006, 10:08 PM
A well maintained and healthy garden occupies the entirety of the courtyard. The air here is cool and crisp, but the bulk of the monastery shelters you from wind and makes the air bracing instead of chilling. In the center of the garden is a natural spring bubbling up several inches above the surface of the encircling pool of crystal clear water. A large stone and iron gate blocks the entrance to the monastery flanked by a statue of a woman carrying a crystal staff and a set of crystalline keys facing a second statue of a kneeling young man bedecked in battle-worn black chain armor. You also see a flamberge, a polished marble bench with some stuff on it and a large fel tree.
Also here: the body of Darint who is lying down, Ysaela, Great Lord Moswell who is sitting, the body of Syfir who is lying down, Lalan, Lady Rovanna, Lord Drazil, Wizricky, a stunned Ashnaar who is lying down, Razo, Astrix, Lord Thiami who is sitting, Treysa who is kneeling, the body of Thraxz who is lying down, Grymhart, Pirakos who is sitting, Elronae, Great Lord Maximusgus who is sitting, the body of Lord Liaro who is lying down, Orruss who is sitting, Lord Alavesdian who is sitting, Great Lady Sapphryn who is kneeling, Lord Kraggi who is kneeling, Lord Fratly who is kneeling, Myrilla who is kneeling, a stunned Darcknight who is sitting, Holymoon, Twinkerbel who is kneeling, Kathralynn who is lying down, Kerthal who is sitting, Jovana, Great Lord Towerhelm who is kneeling, Coffie, Lady Raindove who is lying down
Obvious paths: west

The ghostly voice of Syfir exclaims, "SOMEONE RAISE ME PLEASE!!!!"

Multiplied by more than once.

08-07-2006, 10:28 PM
Someone raise it so someone else can kill it again. :club:

08-08-2006, 11:34 PM
Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Showing precise control over his theorbo, Archales jumps from loud to soft and back again, adding a new dimension to the jaunty tune.
Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

Runewolfe recites slowly:

"Sotta ek fremd,
Sotta ek fund konungs,
Sotta itran jarl,
Tha er ek reist-
Tha er ek renna gat-
Kaldan straum kili-
Kaldan sia kili."

08-08-2006, 11:36 PM
WTF?? Did a GM shut him up?

08-09-2006, 07:44 PM
That sounds familiar said out loud. Hmm.

08-10-2006, 07:48 PM
Spiritwarrior smiles raising his hands up in the air just before the earth quakes under your feet causing the grass and vines around Spiritwarrior grow and wrap around him before slowly melding into his body momentarily causing his eyes to glow a bright green with the spirit of his god


And Svardin did some shitty song that went to the tune of that Oscar Meyer thing.

Bet you can't guess where?! ICEMULE


08-10-2006, 10:03 PM
From a cleric before raising somebody from the dead:

> XXX says, "We use the soft light of Phoen's smile to allow this life to grow, but it is under Oleani's graces that it blossoms fully.. ."
> XXX says, "For her love is the great embrace that guides through our lives."
> XXX says, "May she grant you a kiss that you know love and hop."

Come again? "Know love and hop"? WTF?

08-10-2006, 10:11 PM
Even if the cleric just typo'd "hope", it still doesn't make any sense.

08-10-2006, 10:15 PM
There can be a separate thread filled just with the bad typo-filled poetry that clerics spout to raise people.

08-11-2006, 12:28 AM
My cleric used to spout something before raising people. Actually, 3 or 4 somethings. Then I realized I felt pretentious doing it, and it wasn't really my (the player's) style, even if it was my cleric's style, and so I stopped raising people.

I hate when RP rubs on RL the wrong way.


08-11-2006, 03:47 AM
From a cleric before raising somebody from the dead:

> XXX says, "We use the soft light of Phoen's smile to allow this life to grow, but it is under Oleani's graces that it blossoms fully.. ."
> XXX says, "For her love is the great embrace that guides through our lives."
> XXX says, "May she grant you a kiss that you know love and hop."

Come again? "Know love and hop"? WTF?
This creep is going to suffer for that. That was hideous.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-12-2006, 03:57 PM
Speaking to Bathar, Greythrone says, "What u need is dge so u don't get tagged all the time."


I swear, Gemstone is just a cool AIM chatroom to some people.

08-19-2006, 09:57 PM
Sladinix smiles evilly as he pulls out a dark scroll and starts muttering arcane phrases, a strong whistling in the air could be heard as his hands glow with mystical power, as the loud whistling becomes all you can hear a giant elephant appears above and lands ontop of Aurilee with a loud thunderous boom, the crazed beast stands up quickly then rummages through the flattened Aurilee 's belongings obviously looking for more peanuts then disappears in a puff of peanut butter smelling smoke.

08-19-2006, 09:57 PM
Sladinix smiles evilly as he pulls out a dark scroll and starts muttering arcane phrases, a strong whistling in the air could be heard as his hands glow with mystical power, as the loud whistling becomes all you can hear a giant elephant appears above and lands ontop of Aurilee with a loud thunderous boom, the crazed beast stands up quickly then rummages through the flattened Aurilee 's belongings obviously looking for more peanuts then disappears in a puff of peanut butter smelling smoke.

What an eyesore.

08-19-2006, 10:17 PM
Sladinix smiles evilly as he pulls out a dark scroll and starts muttering arcane phrases, a strong whistling in the air could be heard as his hands glow with mystical power, as the loud whistling becomes all you can hear a giant elephant appears above and lands ontop of Aurilee with a loud thunderous boom, the crazed beast stands up quickly then rummages through the flattened Aurilee 's belongings obviously looking for more peanuts then disappears in a puff of peanut butter smelling smoke.


I would have done the RP award thing

08-19-2006, 10:17 PM
Even worse is I read it all. :(

08-20-2006, 05:08 AM

08-20-2006, 11:44 AM
My god...

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-27-2006, 11:19 PM
Eloguin softly says, "Sleep Kuro Neko."

He said, Sleep in English and black cat in Japanese. I died a little inside.

It gets better:

Speaking softly to Solarbie, Eloguin says, "Meet Kuo Neko I found him."
Eloguin softly says, "Kuro Neko."

08-30-2006, 11:43 PM
Gaerit exclaims, "OH NOEZ! I R TRAPPED IN THE WORLD!"
(Gaerit data drains you!)
You stare at nothing in particular.
You feel your vision return to normal.
(Michiko reverts to a weaker form.)
(Gaerit obtains virus core M!!)
(Michiko dies.)
You lean a bit too far back in your chair and fall over backwards!
(Gaerit's bracelet goes out of control! Ap Corv is cast!)
Speaking in Sylvankind, you say, "You have issues."
You stand back up.
You mutter something inaudible.

You pull out a chair and seat yourself at the table.
Gaerit exclaims, "Rai Tornado!"
You say, "I guess it's better than other people I know who talk about baseball and stuff at tables."
You glance at Gaerit.
Speaking to you, Gaerit asks, "Do you want to go on a dungeon adventure!?"
You say, "Zomg."
You say, "Yes."
>[Obscure Orris Table]
A light dusting of white powder covers the table and chairs. White orris blossoms stand proudly in a narrow gold vase at the center of the table.
Also here: Gaerit who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Gaerit!
... 30 points of damage!
Stunning arc of electricity fuses left leg at knee.
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!

A tremendous crack of thunder follows instantly!
You laugh out loud!
You applaud.
You laugh out loud!
[Obscure Orris Table]
A light dusting of white powder covers the table and chairs. White orris blossoms stand proudly in a narrow gold vase at the center of the table.
Also here: a stunned Gaerit who is lying down
Obvious exits: out
You say, "Amazing."
You say, "I really hope I'm not next."

Active Players: 671

Staff on duty:
GameMaster Khaladon

Use WHO HELP for more options.
[Obscure Orris Table]
A light dusting of white powder covers the table and chairs. White orris blossoms stand proudly in a narrow gold vase at the center of the table.
Also here: Gaerit who is lying down
Obvious exits: out
You glance at Gaerit.
You see Gaerit the Stalker.
He appears to be a Sylvankind of the Tyesteron D'ahranal.
He is taller than average. He has piercing blue-green eyes and pale skin. He has short, straight dark blonde hair with lighter streaks. He has narrow pointed ears.
His face is concealed by a simple black spidersilk mask.
He has a fractured and bleeding left leg.
He is bleeding from the left leg.
He is wearing a silver-bladed dagger medallion, a hooded white spidersilk cloak, a black leather bandolier with several hilts peeking out, a crisp white long-sleeved shirt, some black alloy vambraces, a shadowy glass ring, a pure white pouch, an elaborately tooled dagger belt, a pair of white sharply creased trousers, and some polished black leather boots.
Gaerit exclaims, "All I wanted was some white cherries for my Grunty!"
You giggle.
Gaerit bursts into tears!
You say, "Aw."
You say, "Grunties are so cute."
You say, "I hope yours isn't one of those fruity French ones though."
You glance at Gaerit.
Gaerit says, "That's it."
Gaerit says, "I'm logging out of The World."
You say, "But you can't."
You ask, "Remember?"
(Gaerit tries to log out but FAILS!)
Gaerit just left. (HE GOT BOOTED BY A GM, LOL)
Your face goes blank.
You scratch your head.
You say, "That didn't look like failing to me."
You see Gaerit waving at your table, clearly hoping that you will invite him to sit with you. Recognizing your friend, you immediately wave for him to join you.
Gaerit arrives at your table.
Gaerit pulls out a chair and seats himself at the table.
Gaerit snickers.
You glance at Gaerit.
You say, "I think you put too much effort into failing to log out."
Gaerit quietly says, "I'll never try to play .hack in Gemstone again."
You smirk.
You ask, "Can we play Final Fantasy instead?"
You cock your head at Gaerit.
Gaerit says, "I don't know how to play that game."
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
You ask, "How about Gauntlet?"
Gaerit exclaims, "GAERIT NEEDS FOOD BADLY!"
>look in my longcoat
In the black velvet longcoat you see a black vultite aegis, a tarnished silver-gilt waraxe, a ruby-inlaid whorled silver wristcuff, a short sword, a small statue, a silver-inlaid black locker manifest, a silver-inlaid black leather bankbook, a small shadowy black crystal sphere, a small shadowy black crystal sphere, a crystal amulet, a murky black glass flask, a shiny glass mirror and some acantha leaf.
Gaerit deeply exclaims, "GAERIT IS ABOUT TO DIE!"
You say, "You better go raid a dungeon, I'm fresh out of food."
Gaerit squeakily exclaims, "Michiko! Stop taking all the food! I'm about to die!"
You laugh out loud!
[Obscure Orris Table]
A light dusting of white powder covers the table and chairs. White orris blossoms stand proudly in a narrow gold vase at the center of the table.
Also here: Gaerit who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
You ask, "What else can we play?"
You exclaim, "Kingdom Hearts?!"
You beg and plead with Gaerit!
Gaerit exclaims, "DDR!"
Gaerit scoots his chair back and stands up.
You scoot your chair back and stand up.
You climb up on the table and do a wild, stomping, flailing, twirling, kicking, whirling, gyrating dance! Once out of breath, you hop off the table and collapse in a chair.
Gaerit climbs up on the table and does a wild, stomping, flailing, twirling, kicking, whirling, gyrating dance! Once out of breath, he hops off the table and collapses in a chair.
Gaerit exclaims, "Karaoke Revolution!"
You quietly whisper to Gaerit, "Is E even a letter?" (LAZYCON INSIDE JOKE)
A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Gaerit!
... 20 points of damage!
Heavy shock gives Gaerit fits!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!

A tremendous crack of thunder follows instantly!
A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes you!
... 50 points of damage!
Electrical shock overloads your nervous system! Quite fatal.
The air about you stops shimmering.
The powerful look leaves you.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
You no longer feel so dextrous.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
You feel the inner strength leave you.
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
You feel your extra strength departing.
You return to normal color.
You are no longer moving silently.
The light blue glow leaves you.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 10 mins...

A tremendous crack of thunder follows instantly!
You are a ghost! You must wait until someone resurrects you, or you decay. Either way, it won't be long now! (HELP for more details).
* Michiko just bit the dust!
You say, "Ow."
You say, "I think I hurt myself playing too much DDR."
Gaerit sings:

"If you could only seeEeEEE the way
Then maybeEeEe you could UUuUuUnderSTAND!"
Gaerit sings:

"Why I FEEL this WaaAaAAy
Our love!..."

Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Gaerit stands up.
Gaerit appears to be preparing to attempt dragging you.
You giggle eerily.
Gaerit is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Gaerit grabs you and drags you out.
[Wayside Inn, Dining Room]
This ramshackle hostel bears the signs of rough use by hard-bitten travellers and headstrong adventurers. Several blade-scarred tables and low stools are lined up against the walls, while the central area is dominated by a large firepit around which is a low platform covered with a few ratty bearskins. The clatter of clay tankards and the smell of humble victuals provide some small comfort to the steady stream of wayfarers who pause here to meet and greet one another. You also see a large tree frog that is sitting, some inviting tables and a steep stair.
Also here: Gaerit
Obvious exits: south, out
A regal golden brown ocelot saunters in.
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Nemeisis.
(OOC) Gaerit's player whispers, "Shhh. We're in character now."
Nemeisis asks, "You okay?"
Great Lord Wecodean just arrived.
Wecodean raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
A capricious swamp spirit floats in, following Wecodean.
Wecodean gestures at you.
You feel a tingle on your soul, as if a powerful hand is gently cradling it.
(Thy soul is bound to thy body for an extra 30 minutes.)
Speaking quietly to Nemeisis, Gaerit says, "It does not appear that way."
Wecodean joins Gaerit's group.
You feel the mind of Psionix touch yours, calling the memory of your location as you last saw it. You offer no resistance.

*insert dragging, getting raised, etc.*

You recover enough strength to move again.
You sit up.
Nemeisis asks, "Better?"
Gaerit sets about preparing you to be as presentable as possible.
Nemeisis smiles at you.
You say, "As better as I can be, I suppose."
You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.
Nemeisis laughs!
Nemeisis says, "You have some of my spirit..."
Nemeisis says, "Must feel little better."
Nemeisis grins.
Speaking carefully to you, Gaerit asks, "With such a shock to your nervous system, can you even remember what occured?"
You act puzzled.
Nemeisis stands up.
You say, "Now that you mention it..."
Nemeisis bows to you.
Speaking to Gaerit, you say, "I haven't the faintest idea."
You shake your head, totally at a loss.

Me: you KILLED me!
GM: I killed you with love!
Me: I suppose that's the best kind.

Liberi Fatali
08-31-2006, 12:06 AM
Jenovadeath says, "Haze."
The blood red haze dissipates from around Maliku.
Jenovadeath traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jenovadeath gestures at Maliku.
CS: +496 - TD: +346 + CvA: -8 + d100: +10 == +152
Warding failed!
Maliku is suddenly surrounded by a blood red haze.
Jenovadeath says, "ALERT."
Maliku begins a musical chant...
You say, "Tick-tock."
The blood red haze dissipates from around Maliku.
Maliku sings a melody.
In response to the piercing, shrill tones of Maliku's song, the normal flow of mana and magic seems to become disrupted.
Jenovadeath traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jenovadeath gestures at Maliku.
The disruption of the noise in the area causes the spell to fizzle.
Jenovadeath says, "OH WHAT THE."
Jenovadeath traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jenovadeath gestures at Maliku.
The disruption of the noise in the area easily keeps the spell from working.
Maliku says, "OH NO."
Jenovadeath traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jenovadeath gestures at Maliku.
The disruption of the noise in the area easily keeps the spell from working.
Maliku yells, "HELLO?!"
Jenovadeath traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jenovadeath gestures at Maliku.
The disruption of the noise in the area easily keeps the spell from working.
Jenovadeath traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jenovadeath gestures at Maliku.
The disruption of the noise in the area is barely enough to keep the spell from working.
Maliku yells, "JENOVA, CAN YOU HEAR ME?"
Jenovadeath says, "I CAN'T HEAR."
Jenovadeath traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jenovadeath gestures at Maliku.
The disruption of the noise in the area causes the spell to fizzle.
Jenovadeath says, "HELP."
Jenovadeath says, "WHAT IS THIS NOISE."
Jenovadeath traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jenovadeath gestures at Maliku.
The disruption of the noise in the area causes the spell to fizzle.
Jenovadeath traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Jenovadeath gestures at Maliku.
CS: +496 - TD: +346 + CvA: -8 + d100: +5 == +147
Warding failed!
Maliku is suddenly surrounded by a blood red haze.
Maliku yells, "HEY!"
You do not feel drained anymore.
Jenovadeath says, "WHAT."
* Rishtu just bit the dust!
Jenovadeath says, "WHAT HAPPENED."
Jenovadeath yells, "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!"
The blood red haze dissipates from around Maliku.
Jenovadeath asks, "NASEER??????????"
Maliku yells, "HAHA!"
Maliku changes his tune, adding a new element to his song...
Maliku skillfully weaves another verse into his harmony, directing the sound of his voice at Jenovadeath.
The disruption of the noise in the area causes the spell to fizzle.
Maliku hangs his head.
Jenovadeath says, "THIS IS ABSURD."
Maliku stops singing.
Jenovadeath says, "Oh."
The cacophony of sound finally passes away from the area.

08-31-2006, 12:44 AM
Michiko's post: :rofl:

08-31-2006, 04:34 AM
Devo says, "I want a mullet"

08-31-2006, 06:55 AM
RE: Michiko's post

Gaerit is one of the nerdiest people I know.

08-31-2006, 07:50 AM
But I like his gear.

08-31-2006, 09:32 AM
RE: Michiko's post

Gaerit is one of the nerdiest people I know.

Yeah, but nerd guys (when it comes to video games, anyway) are hot.

08-31-2006, 12:40 PM
too bad nerd gamer girls are never hot :(

08-31-2006, 12:44 PM
I'd disagree about Hips' hotness. In a plutonic way, of course.

Liberi Fatali
09-01-2006, 09:13 AM
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
A dejected-looking corpse lies slumped in this cramped, V-shaped bend in the passage. What remains of his rotted clothing is smeared with dark, reddish-brown stains. One frail, bony hand still clutches a crudely-made shovel blade, obviously ineffective against the wall of solid rock he encountered here.
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest
>peer sw
You peer southwest and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Tightly-woven spider webs blanket the walls and cling to your face and hair as you slip through the narrow crevice that passes for a tunnel. Blind centipedes writhe frantically, trapped in the webs, awaiting death. You also see a robed figure and a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
>peer sw
You peer southwest and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Tightly-woven spider webs blanket the walls and cling to your face and hair as you slip through the narrow crevice that passes for a tunnel. Blind centipedes writhe frantically, trapped in the webs, awaiting death. You also see a robed figure and a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
Anathemus just arrived, dragging a simple fel chest with him.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
A dejected-looking corpse lies slumped in this cramped, V-shaped bend in the passage. What remains of his rotted clothing is smeared with dark, reddish-brown stains. One frail, bony hand still clutches a crudely-made shovel blade, obviously ineffective against the wall of solid rock he encountered here. You also see a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest
>get che
You pick up a simple fel chest.
A robed figure arrives.
You feel the ground shake violently and hear something move from deep underneath your feet.
>stow right
Your chest won't fit in the dark claret cape.
>weigh my che
You carefully examine the fel chest and determine that the weight is about 27 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>'Oh what the.
You say, "Oh what the."
Dirt and rock explode from the ground beneath Anathemus as a roa'ter erupts from underground and crashes onto the surface!
Rocks and dirt pelt Anathemus as he is thrown into the air!
Anathemus makes a stunning maneuver in the air avoiding the majority of the debris and landing on his feet!
Anathemus removes a curved black vultite falchion from in his black leather harness.
Anathemus lets out an aggressive snarl and takes a spinning leap towards the roa'ter.
Anathemus swings a curved black vultite falchion at a roa'ter!
AS: +344 vs DS: +104 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +37 = +309
... and hits for 97 points of damage!
The roa'ter rolls over and dies.
>drop chest
You drop a simple fel chest.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
A dejected-looking corpse lies slumped in this cramped, V-shaped bend in the passage. What remains of his rotted clothing is smeared with dark, reddish-brown stains. One frail, bony hand still clutches a crudely-made shovel blade, obviously ineffective against the wall of solid rock he encountered here. You also see a simple fel chest, a roa'ter that appears dead and a robed figure.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest
>tell fig to carry che
Your figure couldn't find your floating eye.
Anathemus put a curved black vultite falchion in his black leather harness.
Anathemus removes a bejeweled blackened dagger from in his black leather harness.
Anathemus kneels down.
>tell fig to get che
That item is much too bulky for your figure to hold.
Anathemus failed to skin a roa'ter properly. The roa'ter skin is ruined.
Anathemus stands up.
Anathemus searches a roa'ter.
Anathemus gathers the remaining coins.
A roa'ter decays into compost.
Suddenly, the temperature drops dramatically, and the walls in the old castle vibrate with the sounds of bells pealing, whistles screeching, and drums pounding violently, relentlessly.

The noise ends abruptly.
Anathemus put a bejeweled blackened dagger in his black leather harness.
Anathemus just dragged a simple fel chest with him as he went southeast.
A robed figure leaves.
>chat lol
You focus on transmitting your thought.
chat I didn't say that.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
>chat to vir Wow, I didn't know that.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
A dejected-looking corpse lies slumped in this cramped, V-shaped bend in the passage. What remains of his rotted clothing is smeared with dark, reddish-brown stains. One frail, bony hand still clutches a crudely-made shovel blade, obviously ineffective against the wall of solid rock he encountered here.
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest
>peer se
You peer southeast and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
An occasional hint of fresh air wafts through this section of tunnel, which it stretches off in three directions as far as your eyes can see.
Obvious exits: east, southwest, northwest
>peer nw
You peer northwest but see nothing of interest.
>peer sw
You peer southwest and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Tightly-woven spider webs blanket the walls and cling to your face and hair as you slip through the narrow crevice that passes for a tunnel. Blind centipedes writhe frantically, trapped in the webs, awaiting death.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
A dejected-looking corpse lies slumped in this cramped, V-shaped bend in the passage. What remains of his rotted clothing is smeared with dark, reddish-brown stains. One frail, bony hand still clutches a crudely-made shovel blade, obviously ineffective against the wall of solid rock he encountered here.
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest
>chat Come back here with my figure, you little wanker.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
An occasional hint of fresh air wafts through this section of tunnel, which it stretches off in three directions as far as your eyes can see.
Obvious exits: east, southwest, northwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
A number of passages converge here, some tiny and cramped, others a bit wider, but all of them musty and damp. A strange, sticky substance oozes from the dirt walls.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest, west
>peer w
You peer west and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Several tunnels intersect at this point, branching off in all directions. You begin to wonder if any of the brave, desperate souls who dug them ever saw daylight.
Obvious exits: northeast, east, south, west, northwest
>peer sw
You peer southwest and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Huge, black beetles crawl in and out of the eyesockets of a twisted skeleton. Bits of cloth still cling to its fragile frame, and bony fingers clutch a sharpened piece of scrap metal.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
An occasional hint of fresh air wafts through this section of tunnel, which it stretches off in three directions as far as your eyes can see.
Obvious exits: east, southwest, northwest
>peer e
You peer east and see ...

[Darkstone, Tunnel]
A narrow tunnel runs like a gash through the natural rock, intersecting here with a carved, dirt passage that leads off to the west. The passage slopes steeply upwards, and the jagged rocks provide a precarious foothold at best. You also see a roa'ter that appears dead, a robed figure and a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: west, up
>peer e
You peer east and see ...

[Darkstone, Tunnel]
A narrow tunnel runs like a gash through the natural rock, intersecting here with a carved, dirt passage that leads off to the west. The passage slopes steeply upwards, and the jagged rocks provide a precarious foothold at best. You also see a roa'ter skin, a robed figure and a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: west, up
>peer e
You peer east and see ...

[Darkstone, Tunnel]
A narrow tunnel runs like a gash through the natural rock, intersecting here with a carved, dirt passage that leads off to the west. The passage slopes steeply upwards, and the jagged rocks provide a precarious foothold at best. You also see a robed figure and a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: west, up
>peer e
You peer east and see ...

[Darkstone, Tunnel]
A narrow tunnel runs like a gash through the natural rock, intersecting here with a carved, dirt passage that leads off to the west. The passage slopes steeply upwards, and the jagged rocks provide a precarious foothold at best. You also see a robed figure.
Obvious exits: west, up
Anathemus just arrived, dragging a simple fel chest with him.
Anathemus just dragged a simple fel chest with him as he went southwest.
Anathemus just arrived, dragging a simple fel chest with him.
Anathemus says, "No."
Anathemus just dragged a simple fel chest with him as he went southwest.
>peer sw
You peer southwest and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
A number of passages converge here, some tiny and cramped, others a bit wider, but all of them musty and damp. A strange, sticky substance oozes from the dirt walls.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest, west
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
A number of passages converge here, some tiny and cramped, others a bit wider, but all of them musty and damp. A strange, sticky substance oozes from the dirt walls.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest, west
>peer w
You peer west and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Several tunnels intersect at this point, branching off in all directions. You begin to wonder if any of the brave, desperate souls who dug them ever saw daylight.
Obvious exits: northeast, east, south, west, northwest
>peer sw
You peer southwest and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Huge, black beetles crawl in and out of the eyesockets of a twisted skeleton. Bits of cloth still cling to its fragile frame, and bony fingers clutch a sharpened piece of scrap metal.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Huge, black beetles crawl in and out of the eyesockets of a twisted skeleton. Bits of cloth still cling to its fragile frame, and bony fingers clutch a sharpened piece of scrap metal.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
>peer sw
You peer southwest and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Massive piles of musty dirt and rubble make squeezing through narrow openings in this roughly hewn passage quite difficult. The tunnel branches in three directions here.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, southwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Massive piles of musty dirt and rubble make squeezing through narrow openings in this roughly hewn passage quite difficult. The tunnel branches in three directions here.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, southwest
>peer n
You peer north and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Pools of fetid, muddy water splash up around your ankles as you creep through this tiny, dismal tunnel.
Obvious exits: north, south
>peer sw
You peer southwest and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
A skeletal arm protrudes, fingers outstretched in a gesture of supplication, from the rubble of a section of collapsed dirt wall.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
A skeletal arm protrudes, fingers outstretched in a gesture of supplication, from the rubble of a section of collapsed dirt wall.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Assorted rubble--dirt, bones, and other debris--has been dug up from the ground beneath the dungeon, revealing a network of tunnels. Sections of the tunnel are wide, others narrow and in danger of imminent collapse.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
>peer sw
You peer southwest and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
The dirt walls are damp and pitted with the burrows of small, nocturnal creatures. A thin, sticky webwork covers the wall to your left, dotted with the corpses of hapless rodents and slugs.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
The dirt walls are damp and pitted with the burrows of small, nocturnal creatures. A thin, sticky webwork covers the wall to your left, dotted with the corpses of hapless rodents and slugs.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Crude tools--sharpened stones, bone fragments, bits of metal--are strewn about the tunnel in various states of decay, hinting at their ineffectiveness. The tunnel is narrow here, as if its creators were trying to save their strength.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest, northwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
The tunnel ends in a crumbling pile of dirt and rock. The rat-gnawed bones of would-be escapees lie disjointed against the crude walls and you begin to wonder if the poor souls were finally overcome by exhaustion and lack of air.
Obvious exits: northeast
You can't go there.
You can't go there.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Crude tools--sharpened stones, bone fragments, bits of metal--are strewn about the tunnel in various states of decay, hinting at their ineffectiveness. The tunnel is narrow here, as if its creators were trying to save their strength.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest, northwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
The dirt walls are damp and pitted with the burrows of small, nocturnal creatures. A thin, sticky webwork covers the wall to your left, dotted with the corpses of hapless rodents and slugs.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
Please rephrase that command.
You can't go there.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Assorted rubble--dirt, bones, and other debris--has been dug up from the ground beneath the dungeon, revealing a network of tunnels. Sections of the tunnel are wide, others narrow and in danger of imminent collapse.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
A skeletal arm protrudes, fingers outstretched in a gesture of supplication, from the rubble of a section of collapsed dirt wall.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
>[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Massive piles of musty dirt and rubble make squeezing through narrow openings in this roughly hewn passage quite difficult. The tunnel branches in three directions here.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, southwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Pools of fetid, muddy water splash up around your ankles as you creep through this tiny, dismal tunnel.
Obvious exits: north, south
You can't go there.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Several tunnels intersect at this point, branching off in all directions. You begin to wonder if any of the brave, desperate souls who dug them ever saw daylight.
Obvious exits: northeast, east, south, west, northwest
You can't go there.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Stifling, musty air closes in around you. You notice tiny burrows in the dirt walls and try not to think about the crawling creatures that call them home.
Obvious exits: east, west
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Another sharp bend in the tunnel, and you get the feeling you are travelling in circles. The dried husks of large beetles crunch beneath your feet.
Obvious exits: east, southeast
>peer se
You peer southeast and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It must have taken great effort to carve this tunnel out of the earth, and yet the futility of it all is beginning to wear upon you as you wonder if you are making any progress at all. You also see a roa'ter and a roa'ter.
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
A roa'ter just slithered in.
>717 roa
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Evil Eye...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a roa'ter.
You stare at a roa'ter.
CS: +496 - TD: +154 + CvA: +25 + d100: +45 == +412
Warding failed!
The roa'ter looks at you in utter terror!
The roa'ter lets out a blood curdling scream!
The roa'ter rolls over and dies.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You search the roa'ter.
It didn't carry any silver.
Interesting, it carried some wolifrew lichen on it.
It had nothing else of value.
A roa'ter decays into compost.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It must have taken great effort to carve this tunnel out of the earth, and yet the futility of it all is beginning to wear upon you as you wonder if you are making any progress at all. You also see a robed figure, a simple fel chest and a roa'ter.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Another sharp bend in the tunnel, and you get the feeling you are travelling in circles. The dried husks of large beetles crunch beneath your feet. You also see some wolifrew lichen.
Obvious exits: east, southeast
>peer se
You peer southeast and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It must have taken great effort to carve this tunnel out of the earth, and yet the futility of it all is beginning to wear upon you as you wonder if you are making any progress at all. You also see a roa'ter, a robed figure and a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It must have taken great effort to carve this tunnel out of the earth, and yet the futility of it all is beginning to wear upon you as you wonder if you are making any progress at all. You also see a roa'ter, a robed figure and a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
A roa'ter charges at you!
AS: +244 vs DS: +410 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +5 = -120
A clean miss.
You feel the ground shake violently and hear something move from deep underneath your feet.
Anathemus swings a curved black vultite falchion at a roa'ter!
By amazing chance, the roa'ter evades the attack!
You say, "Help."
You fail to slip into hiding.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It must have taken great effort to carve this tunnel out of the earth, and yet the futility of it all is beginning to wear upon you as you wonder if you are making any progress at all. You also see a roa'ter, a robed figure and a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
A roa'ter charges at you!
AS: +244 vs DS: +410 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +56 = -69
A clean miss.
Dirt and rock explode from the ground beneath Anathemus as a roa'ter erupts from underground and crashes onto the surface!
Rocks and dirt pelt Anathemus as he is thrown into the air!
Anathemus makes a stunning maneuver in the air avoiding the majority of the debris and landing on his feet!
Anathemus swings a curved black vultite falchion at a roa'ter!
AS: +329 vs DS: +150 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +26 = +237
... and hits for 49 points of damage!
Hard slash to belly severs a few nerve endings.
Name: Jenovadeath Nattak Race: Dark Elf Profession: Sorcerer (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 3003 Expr: 8088084 Level: 100
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Constitution (CON): 68 (4) ... 43 (-8)
Dexterity (DEX): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)
Agility (AGI): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Discipline (DIS): 100 (15) ... 100 (15)
Aura (AUR): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)
Logic (LOG): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Intuition (INT): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Wisdom (WIS): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Influence (INF): 100 (20) ... 100 (20)
Mana: 134 Silver: 0
A roa'ter charges at you!
AS: +234 vs DS: +410 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +30 = -105
A clean miss.
A roa'ter charges at you!
In the nick of time, you interpose your black tower shield between yourself and the attack!
Anathemus swings a curved black vultite falchion at a roa'ter!
AS: +329 vs DS: +140 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +84 = +305
... and hits for 76 points of damage!
Slash strikes the roa'ter's left eye.
Seems there was a brain there after all.
The roa'ter rolls over and dies.
>chat lol
You focus on transmitting your thought.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It must have taken great effort to carve this tunnel out of the earth, and yet the futility of it all is beginning to wear upon you as you wonder if you are making any progress at all. You also see a roa'ter, a roa'ter that appears dead, a robed figure and a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
>chat WHAT IS OOC!!!1111111
You focus on transmitting your thought.
A roa'ter charges at Anathemus!
Anathemus evades the attack by a hair!
Anathemus put a curved black vultite falchion in his black leather harness.
Anathemus removes a bejeweled blackened dagger from in his black leather harness.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It must have taken great effort to carve this tunnel out of the earth, and yet the futility of it all is beginning to wear upon you as you wonder if you are making any progress at all. You also see a roa'ter, a roa'ter that appears dead, a robed figure and a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
Anathemus kneels down.
Anathemus failed to skin a roa'ter properly. The roa'ter skin is ruined.
Anathemus stands up.
>steal ana
You fail to gain sufficient advantage to pick his pocket.
Anathemus notices your actions and turns suddenly, grasping at your wrist!!
Anathemus searches a roa'ter.
Anathemus gathers the remaining coins.
A roa'ter decays into compost.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It must have taken great effort to carve this tunnel out of the earth, and yet the futility of it all is beginning to wear upon you as you wonder if you are making any progress at all. You also see a roa'ter, a robed figure and a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
A roa'ter charges at Anathemus!
Anathemus barely manages to fend off the attack with his dagger!
Anathemus glances at you.
Anathemus put a bejeweled blackened dagger in his black leather harness.
Anathemus removes a curved black vultite falchion from in his black leather harness.
[Roll result: -1435 (open d100: 34)]
Anathemus attempts to feint to the right, but fails miserably, leaving himself vulnerable and off-balance.
Anathemus whines.
A roa'ter suddenly lurches into the air, then dives straight into ground with amazing force!
In a few seconds, it has buried itself so deeply you can no longer see any part of the roa'ter, however you can still feel the vibrations of its violent departure.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It must have taken great effort to carve this tunnel out of the earth, and yet the futility of it all is beginning to wear upon you as you wonder if you are making any progress at all. You also see a robed figure and a simple fel chest.
Also here: Anathemus
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
Anathemus put a curved black vultite falchion in his black leather harness.
>'You're dead now!
You exclaim, "You're dead now!"
You feel the ground shake violently and hear something move from deep underneath your feet.
Anathemus just dragged a simple fel chest with him as he went northwest.
A robed figure leaves.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It must have taken great effort to carve this tunnel out of the earth, and yet the futility of it all is beginning to wear upon you as you wonder if you are making any progress at all.
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
You feel the ground shake violently and hear something move from deep underneath your feet.
>chat Touche.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It must have taken great effort to carve this tunnel out of the earth, and yet the futility of it all is beginning to wear upon you as you wonder if you are making any progress at all.
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
>peer nw
You peer northwest and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Another sharp bend in the tunnel, and you get the feeling you are travelling in circles. The dried husks of large beetles crunch beneath your feet.
Obvious exits: east, southeast
>peer se
You peer southeast and see ...

[Darkstone, Dungeon]
The passage turns abruptly at an odd angle. Stale air is trapped in this section of tunnel, and your breathing becomes shallow and labored.
Obvious exits: southwest, northwest
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
It must have taken great effort to carve this tunnel out of the earth, and yet the futility of it all is beginning to wear upon you as you wonder if you are making any progress at all.
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
You feel a rumble come from beneath your feet.
Dirt and rock explode from the ground beneath you as a roa'ter erupts from underground and crashes onto the surface!
Rocks and dirt pelt you as you are thrown into the air!
You make a stunning maneuver in the air avoiding the majority of the debris and landing on your feet!

You take a deep breath, and look around with renewed vigor. It is good to be alive, and an adventurer in this land.

A roa'ter charges at you!
You barely dodge the attack!
>chat ROFL
You focus on transmitting your thought.
>chat You take a deep breath, and look around with renewed vigor. It is good to be alive, and an adventurer in this land.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
chat You take a deep breath, and look around with renewed vigor. It is good to be alive, and an adventurer in this land.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
chat You take a deep breath, and look around with renewed vigor. It is good to be alive, and an adventurer in this land.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
A roa'ter charges at you!
AS: +234 vs DS: +410 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +92 = -43
A clean miss.
There is a great booming sound as of a bronze bell being struck by giants. Far beneath your feet it resounds in the earth. Again and again its metallic tongue cries out so that even the gods must hear it on distant Liabo. The din rattles your mind and numbs your senses and threatens to overwhelm your reason. Slowly the sound fades away leaving an echo in your mind to make you wonder if you still hear it or merely the memory of it.
Your Gift Of Lumnis cycle has restarted, and PsiNet has recorded this.

A soft feeling of serenity touches your mind, providing you with a clearer understanding of recent events.

And then I reported and asked what it was for:

SEND[Soraya] Congrats! We're not going to tell you, or even hint! But roleplaying is a great thing.

09-01-2006, 10:06 AM
Tabor = Having poo poo covered nose

09-01-2006, 03:01 PM
You should have been slapped down for yelling blatantly OOC crap not rewarded.

09-01-2006, 03:20 PM
[Darkstone, Dungeon]



You take a deep breath, and look around with renewed vigor. It is good to be alive, and an adventurer in this land.

And then I reported and asked what it was for:

SEND[Soraya] Congrats! We're not going to tell you, or even hint! But roleplaying is a great thing.

Fucking priceless. This is the reality of Gemstone IV, and we all love it and love to hate it.

09-01-2006, 04:54 PM
GMs have said in the past that RPAs aren't necessarily rewarded immediately after the fact. This could have been one of those times where it was rewarded some time after an actual good roleplaying event, except this is Tabor we're talking about so none of those have ever occurred.

Also, that log is from July at the latest. :wtf:

09-01-2006, 05:14 PM
Maybe he just beat Fallen to making with the head.

09-01-2006, 06:48 PM
I hate when people do this..

>l syyn
You see Lady Syyn.
She appears to be an Aelotoi.
She appears to be very young and average height. She has limpid shimmering black eyes and ivory skin. She has very long, vibrant purple and ebony hair woven into a plethora of tiny braids that slither down to the small of her back, each capped with detailed amethyst and onyx beads. She has a pair of fragile ebon-veined cloudy silver whorled wings.
She has a row of seven miniscule silver hoops in the upper ridge of her right ear, and a tattoo of tiny dancing figures on her wrist.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing an elaborate silver unity band, a lush cashmere overcoat, a deep-cuffed black silk bliaut, a black silk bag with a hematite clasp, a pair of silver chiffon trousers lined with twilight grey silk, and some sleek midnight black slippers with silvery heels.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Syyn, "OOC: now that's how to dress."
Starlaz gestures at Cadiva.
A deep blue glow surrounds Cadiva.
Syyn starts chuckling at you!
Syyn exclaims, "Thank you!"
Syyn whispers, "Less is more."
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Syyn, "Er OOC?"
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Syyn, "Shimm would never tell you that heh."
Syyn chuckles.
Grrr. Next time a quiet appreciation of a characters clothing, I think.

09-01-2006, 07:17 PM
Next time just put a few more helpful reminders.


09-01-2006, 07:21 PM
Got it macro'd. Thanks mate!

09-02-2006, 02:44 AM
Syyn is awesome. I would do her.

09-02-2006, 03:00 AM
Bitch has wings, something to hold onto when you buckaroo her.

09-02-2006, 06:10 AM
It's really almost disturbing the amount of people who respond to OOC whispers IC. I figured the whisper verb changes would solve the problem, but it hasn't.

09-02-2006, 09:00 AM
Once you get an OOC whisper the person you respond to is going to expect an OOC response. I dont think it matters wether you use whisper OOC or just whisper at that point

09-16-2006, 03:55 PM
(Rezziah sleeps. )
Rezziah smiles in her sleep as she tries to give you a raisin from her little red box.
(Rezziah falls fast asleep again.)

Rezziah's face ripples with a disgustingly sweet smile.
Rezziah flutters her eyelashes.

(Rezziah sleeps.)

(Rezziah slumbers her life away.)

Rezziah's face ripples with a disgustingly sweet smile.
Morelean pulls Rezziah to her feet.
Rezziah flutters her eyelashes.
(Rezziah sleeps.)

You giggle at Morelean.
Morelean chuckles.

Nauriel asks, "Why is there an elf drooling pools at my feet?"
Evarin asks, "Who can say?"

09-16-2006, 11:29 PM
Once you get an OOC whisper the person you respond to is going to expect an OOC response. I dont think it matters wether you use whisper OOC or just whisper at that point

I don't think this is what Drew is specifically referring to.

I know if I give an OOC whisper, I prefer an OOC whisper back, as a whisper that is not denoted as OOC should now be considered IC.

What I think Drew is saying though, is that there are folks out there that insist on responding to your OOC whisper with a smile, a nod, a laugh, etc etc. I Have caught myself a time or two doing this, and I am like "O shit, I can't believe I just did that!"

Anyway ...


09-17-2006, 12:24 AM
I think everyone's done it at some point. It's just something you get used to. When someone says something you agree with, but you don't have anything to add, it becomes habit to nod your agreement.

Stanley Burrell
09-17-2006, 12:18 PM
I think everyone's done it at some point. It's just something you get used to. When someone says something you agree with, but you don't have anything to add, it becomes habit to nod your agreement.

The super-caffienated Gnomes and Halflings are excessively bobbly as is. They inherently have an excuse for scrolling, unfortunately.

09-18-2006, 10:36 PM
Rocksand softly says, "I only want piercings between my belt and my knee area."

09-18-2006, 10:39 PM
Someone gkick her. Maybe she'll stab herself and bleed to death.

09-18-2006, 11:50 PM
She's ignoring 47 people on Psinet OOC.

...that is all I have to say.

09-29-2006, 12:42 AM
Bexol yells in Guildspeak, "Brit get over here!"
Dezera accepts Delieta's modwir coffer.
s>snort delie
You snort at Delieta.
Dezera just opened a sturdy modwir coffer.
Dezera gathers the remaining coins from inside her modwir coffer.
Britlie just arrived.
Speaking in Guildspeak to you, Delieta says, "Sorry..."
Britlie pants.
Dezera just handed Delieta some coins.
s>rub delie
You rub Delieta tenderly.
Dezera says, "Thank ya."
s>l brit
You see Britlie the Wizard.
She appears to be a Sylvankind of the Lassaran D'ahranal.
She appears to be very young and tall. She has long-lashed pale blue eyes and tanned skin. She has very long, wavy honey blonde hair. She has a delicate face and small pointed ears.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a silver-capped kakore runestaff in her right hand.
She is wearing a rune-trimmed wizard's cloak, a crystal amulet, a side-laced pale leather gambeson, a crystal ball amulet, some thigh-high light grey boots, a silvery silk wizard's hat, a miniature crystal wand pin, and a long white leaf-stitched scarf.
Speaking to Dezera, Delieta says, "Anytime."
Speaking to Bexol, Britlie says, "Was that fast enough."
* Sorlu just bit the dust!
Speaking in Guildspeak to Bexol, Delieta asks, "You ready to learn??"
s>'she understood you in guildspeak?
Speaking in Guildspeak, you softly ask, "She understood you in guildspeak?"
Dezera just went south.
s>blink bex
You blink at Bexol.
Britlie says, "She a bright girl."
[Katynn (faint)]: "anyone have blue lace agates for sale?"
Bexol babbles something unintelligible.
Delieta grins at Britlie.
Speaking in Guildspeak, Bexol says, "Hate when that happens."
s>whisper delie that's soooo funny!
You quietly whisper to Delieta, "That's soooo funny!"
Speaking in Guildspeak, Delieta exclaims, "Ahh...the cat's outta the bag!"
You hum a random, wandering tune.
You wink.
Speaking in Guildspeak, Delieta says, "Best catch 'im."
Delieta chuckles.
Speaking in Guildspeak, Bexol says, "Its late i am tired."


Heh, I've done that before too, but I can't help but laugh.

09-30-2006, 10:19 AM
That's why I try to avoid MAing in public. I have two accounts, but as a high-volume merchant, it's almost neccesary. I've had my flub-ups though. heh

Liberi Fatali
10-03-2006, 02:43 PM
A red tsark's long tail swishes around as she scrambles to her feet.
Maliku thrusts with a sand-swirled ethereal pike at a red tsark!
AS: +545 vs DS: +183 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +100 = +495
... and hits for 247 points of damage!
Strike through both ears, the red tsark is quite dead!

The red tsark goes limp and she falls over as the fire slowly fades from her eyes.
.skin tsark

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
You kneel down.
[Script]>stance offensive
You are now in an offensive stance.
[Script]>store weapon
You put a rich-grained villswood runestaff in your black leather backpack.
[Script]>get dagger from my back
You remove a drake dagger from in your black leather backpack.
[Script]>skin tsark
You skinned the red tsark, yielding a tsark skin.
You stand back up.
[Script]>put dagger in my back
You put a drake dagger in your black leather backpack.
[Script]>ready weapon
You remove a rich-grained villswood runestaff from in your black leather backpack.
[Script]>search tsark

[Script finished!]
You search the red tsark.
She had nothing of interest.
Bright red lava oozes from between the red tsark's scales, consuming her.
>'pray for peace
You say, "Pray for peace."
Maliku says, "Psinet locate jamus."
>get skin
You feel the mind of Bisco touch yours, calling the memory of your location as you last saw it. You offer no resistance.

You pick up a tsark skin.
>put skin in back
You put a tsark skin in your black leather backpack.
>psinet locate jamus
You focus your mind in an attempt to draw the memory of Jamus through the PsiNet.

You feel the memory of Jamus blend with yours for a moment, and see their location as they last saw it:
[Woodland Glade, Pool]
A small pool dominates the clearing, casting reflections off its mirror-like surface. Trees arch over it, their boughs creating enough shade to define the light into bright beams, which strike the surface of the water like magical energy flowing down in a stream from above. Ferns crowd the water's edge, stretching in a lush green carpet from the bank, up to the doors of cabins built discretely within the trees around the glade. You also see a plain steel trunk, the Jamus disk, a badly damaged haon box, an enruned wooden coffer, an iron-bound tanik chest, a plain fel box, a scratched iron coffer, an engraved mithril strongbox, a badly damaged silver box, a badly damaged haon trunk, a corroded steel coffer, a rotting maoral trunk, a scratched monir box, a plain iron strongbox, a simple maoral box, a rotting modwir chest, a moldy bone, a rusty nail, a badly damaged iron chest, a corroded mithril strongbox, a sturdy wooden strongbox, a weathered modwir strongbox, a rotting thanot chest, an enruned silver trunk, an iron-bound tanik chest, a weathered modwir coffer, an iron-bound fel box, an engraved tanik coffer, a weathered wooden trunk, a sturdy haon box, a weathered maoral strongbox, a simple monir trunk, a badly damaged steel strongbox, an iron-bound fel chest, a badly damaged modwir strongbox, a corroded brass chest, an acid-pitted brass box, a badly damaged gold coffer, a sturdy thanot chest, a badly damaged iron strongbox, an enruned monir chest, a badly damaged fel coffer, a dented brass box, an engraved tanik trunk, a scratched monir coffer, an acid-pitted iron trunk, a sturdy iron trunk, a corroded silver coffer, a simple thanot coffer, a badly damaged monir strongbox, a scratched modwir box, an enruned mithril coffer, a corroded gold box, a rotting thanot strongbox, a simple monir chest, a plain brass box, a badly damaged silver box, a rotting thanot trunk, an engraved mithril chest, a scratched thanot strongbox, an iron-bound fel chest, an enruned iron coffer, an engraved tanik chest, an engraved steel chest, a sturdy maoral box, a scratched fel box, a weathered haon trunk, an enruned modwir strongbox, a simple haon coffer, a simple thanot trunk, a plain tanik coffer, a sturdy wooden box, an engraved wooden trunk, a scratched monir trunk, a rotting tanik trunk, a sturdy brass strongbox, a plain mithril box, an enruned tanik chest, an engraved haon coffer, an engraved maoral box, a sturdy tanik strongbox, a badly damaged modwir strongbox, a plain thanot coffer, a dented gold trunk, a badly damaged silver trunk, a plain silver box, a badly damaged iron chest, a plain maoral coffer, a rotting fel coffer, a plain haon chest, a badly damaged haon strongbox, a sturdy brass chest, a sturdy thanot chest, a plain wooden trunk, an iron-bound haon trunk, an iron-bound wooden trunk, a rotting thanot trunk and a bunch of other stuff.
Also here: Cancel, Carillia who is sitting, Most Awesomest Forneus who is sitting
Obvious paths: southwest, west, up, out

'You can't say PSINET out loud.
You say, "You can't say PSINET out loud."
>A fire elemental blazes in, leaving the ground scorched in its wake!
>'It's against policy.
You say, "It's against policy."
[Eye of V'Tull, Inner Circle]
The main passage heads north here, while a smaller one winds around a large pillar of rock to the northeast. The walls are covered with small crystals that reflect a little light through the ash filled air.
Obvious exits: north, southwest, northwest
Maliku followed.
Maliku says, "YEESH."

10-03-2006, 03:42 PM
OK I LOL'd IRL @ that.

10-03-2006, 03:53 PM
Hahahah. Chuckles, you're incorrigible.

10-06-2006, 02:25 AM
Keyvon intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Keyvon gestures at a grizzly bear.
CS: +317 - TD: +138 + CvA: +25 + d100: +99 == +303
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around a grizzly bear and he bursts into flame!
... 50 points of damage!
Right eye evaporates in a burst of flame. Death from shock follows.
The grizzly bear lets out a blood-curdling roar and dies.
Speaking to a grizzly bear, Keyvon says, "Only you can prevent forest fires."
Keyvon nods to the grizzly bear.
Alania begins chuckling at Keyvon!

Bad..but made me chuckle.

10-06-2006, 03:09 PM
Keyvon intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Keyvon gestures at a grizzly bear.
CS: +317 - TD: +138 + CvA: +25 + d100: +99 == +303
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around a grizzly bear and he bursts into flame!
... 50 points of damage!
Right eye evaporates in a burst of flame. Death from shock follows.
The grizzly bear lets out a blood-curdling roar and dies.
Speaking to a grizzly bear, Keyvon says, "Only you can prevent forest fires."
Keyvon nods to the grizzly bear.
Alania begins chuckling at Keyvon!

Bad..but made me chuckle.It'd have been better if he threw his voice :(

10-06-2006, 03:23 PM
Keyvon intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Keyvon gestures at a grizzly bear.
CS: +317 - TD: +138 + CvA: +25 + d100: +99 == +303
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around a grizzly bear and he bursts into flame!
... 50 points of damage!
Right eye evaporates in a burst of flame. Death from shock follows.
The grizzly bear lets out a blood-curdling roar and dies.
Speaking to a grizzly bear, Keyvon says, "Only you can prevent forest fires."
Keyvon nods to the grizzly bear.
Alania begins chuckling at Keyvon!

Bad..but made me chuckle.

Made me laugh at work. Actually sounds like something Mekthros would say...

10-09-2006, 12:35 AM
Shit ... hate this ...

[Filswolf (faint)]: "OOC Riyace that rather depends on what you want .. right now Fils barely maintains his own exsistance, and throws himself at the adventuerers guild with abandon ... if it was OOC advice, I am sure that I could help in some way or another."


10-09-2006, 09:10 AM
At least you weren't shoving your throbbing penis into him/her.
