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10-29-2019, 09:44 PM
Welcome to a Republican minority.

"But Republicans did!"
"Oh, well, tough shit!"

I see you're not really interested in discussing things like an adult or even interested in justice of fairness. Your TV told you to hate Trump and that's enough for you isn't it, Androidpk?

10-29-2019, 09:58 PM
I think you're confusing comeuppance with precedent established during the last impeachment and I'm entirely comfortable with the chair of a committee or subcommittee directing a witness to not answer a question which could be harmful to the anonymity of the whistleblower until that person authorizes the release.

10-29-2019, 10:15 PM
I think you're confusing comeuppance with precedent established during the last impeachment

Do you have a source you can share that states during the last impeachment inquiry the Democrats could only call witnesses that the Republicans approved of? Oh right, you don't do sources.

I'm entirely comfortable with the chair of a committee or subcommittee directing a witness to not answer a question which could be harmful to the anonymity of the whistleblower until that person authorizes the release.

What the hell are you talking about? This is all happening behind closed doors. So happening in secret is good because us mere mortals don't deserve to know what's going on, and at the same time happening in secret doesn't allow witnesses to speak openly? Huh? What?

GSIV Rogue
10-29-2019, 10:28 PM

10-29-2019, 11:20 PM
Do you have a source you can share that states during the last impeachment inquiry the Democrats could only call witnesses that the Republicans approved of? Oh right, you don't do sources.

The resolution authorizing the Clinton impeachment states exactly that.

What the hell are you talking about? This is all happening behind closed doors. So happening in secret is good because us mere mortals don't deserve to know what's going on, and at the same time happening in secret doesn't allow witnesses to speak openly? Huh? What?

Because you ignorant twat, Steve Scalise laid out exactly why he believes Schiff thwarted the minority member from asking his question. The question for the record, asked Vindman to name who he shared information from the Ukrainian call with in a poorly guised attempt to learn the identity of the whistleblower. Schiff did not allow it because it would reveal the identity of the complaintant before they authorized disclosure.


As always you spout sensationalist claims from your right wing conspiracy mongers without having the slightest clue as to fact.

10-29-2019, 11:28 PM
House rule (Rule XI, clause
2(j)(1)) defines the narrow ability of the minority to request witnesses to appear and give testimony during a committee hearing.

10-29-2019, 11:41 PM
The resolution authorizing the Clinton impeachment states exactly that.

That's a lot of shit to read. Since you apparently know where it states this can you just copy and paste it? Thanks.

Because you ignorant twat, Steve Scalise laid out exactly why he believes Schiff thwarted the minority member from asking his question. The question for the record, asked Vindman to name who he shared information from the Ukrainian call with in a poorly guised attempt to learn the identity of the whistleblower. Schiff did not allow it because it would reveal the identity of the complaintant before they authorized disclosure.

Look who finally got around to actually reading up about the "unattributed rumors", and of course your first source is apparently CNN or MSNBC. Why am I not surprised?

10-30-2019, 12:01 AM
Look who finally got around to actually reading up about the "unattributed rumors", and of course your first source is apparently CNN or MSNBC. Why am I not surprised?

I'm sorry that your reading ability is so poor you're reading The Federalist as another news outlet, but quite frankly I'm embarrassed by your poor attempt at spin.

10-30-2019, 12:06 AM
I'm sorry that your reading ability is so poor you're reading The Federalist as another news outlet, but quite frankly I'm embarrassed by your poor attempt at spin.

That's what you chose to link to because you knew I would laugh if you linked to CNN. Your "he had no choice but to tell the witness not to answer that question in order to protect the whistleblower!" is bullshit you got directly from CNN or MSNBC.

10-30-2019, 12:18 AM
I repeat:

Seran: Two Republicans standing before news cameras and saying Schiff isn't allowing witnesses to answer questions is just unattributed rumors.
Also Seran: It's brilliant that Democrats are actively suppressing Republicans from calling witnesses they want.

Are you Androidpk? You act exactly like him other than not getting into a fit of rage and threatening people every time they say something you don't like. Maybe this is your more even tempered persona?

Yes, Seran is PK.

10-30-2019, 09:50 AM
About those ellipses in the transcript..

Looks like the wpm analysis was right.

National Security Council adviser Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman testified Tuesday that the White House transcript of a call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's leader omitted key words and phrases, the New York Times reported Tuesday night. Vindman said he attempted to restore some of the omitted material but failed, the Times reported. Vindman testified behind closed doors Tuesday in the House impeachment inquiry. Vindman reportedly said two of the omissions were Trump talking about his belief that there were recordings of Joe Biden discussing Ukraine corruption, and a reference by Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky to Burisma Holdings, the energy company that Hunter Biden was on the board of and that Trump wanted investigated.

More... (https://www.marketwatch.com/story/vindman-said-white-house-transcript-of-ukraine-call-omitted-key-material-report-2019-10-29)

10-30-2019, 09:51 AM
Trump is signaling Republicans to change their talking points to substance, instead of process. Should be interesting to watch.



10-30-2019, 02:19 PM
You're not a real person are you? I refuse to believe it.

Word on the mean streets of Elanthia is that he has an affinity for crashing on other peoples’ couches.

EDIT: I see that you’ve already picked up on it. :lol:

10-30-2019, 03:04 PM
Do you have a source you can share that states during the last impeachment inquiry the Democrats could only call witnesses that the Republicans approved of? Oh right, you don't do sources.

What the hell are you talking about? This is all happening behind closed doors. So happening in secret is good because us mere mortals don't deserve to know what's going on, and at the same time happening in secret doesn't allow witnesses to speak openly? Huh? What?

They are currently following the rules of the house committees. What's that old saying that you love? Oh yes. Elections have consequences. 2015 the Republicans changed the committee rules, which schiff is following to the exact letter of.

10-30-2019, 03:55 PM
They are currently following the rules of the house committees. What's that old saying that you love? Oh yes. Elections have consequences. 2015 the Republicans changed the committee rules, which schiff is following to the exact letter of.

Once again we are not talking about committees we are talking about an impeachment, which the rules for have not been changed.

10-30-2019, 05:57 PM
It's being reported that the "whistleblower" is Eric Ciaramella, a registered Democrat who worked for Obama, worked with Joe Biden and John Brennan, and has been an outspoken critic of Trump.

Even Androidpk, I mean Seran, has got to admit this is all bullshit now.

No wonder the Democrats have been trying to keep his identity a secret and don't want him to testify now. Imagine someone with close ties to Trump's political rival in the presidential election pushing for impeachment of Trump. Talk about election interference.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-30-2019, 05:59 PM
The political affiliation of a whistle blower shouldn’t matter. It’s how it’s handled taking that into account is what matters, and Shitt fucked that up beyond recognition.

10-30-2019, 06:06 PM
The political affiliation of a whistle blower shouldn’t matter. It’s how it’s handled taking that into account is what matters, and Shitt fucked that up beyond recognition.

I think his political affiliation and who he worked for should matter. I'm not saying it instantly discounts all of his testimony, but it's something people should keep in mind when deciding if whether or not his account of things are accurate or maybe he's exaggerating things a bit, or just flat out lying.

The fact that Democrats have been trying to keep this a secret just proves what a shitshow this is.

It would be one thing if he were just some random no name person who happened to be a Democrat. But being a registered Democrat AND an outspoken critic of Trump? This just doesn't pass the sniff test.

10-30-2019, 06:09 PM
The political affiliation of a whistle blower shouldn’t matter.

Goes towards motive.

Chances are it's less about concerns and more about political opportunity.

10-30-2019, 06:17 PM
Political affiliation and such should matter only for the purposes of determining if the person has motivation to create false stories. If he is determined to be truthful, then it shouldn't matter anymore.

10-30-2019, 06:21 PM
Political affiliation and such should matter only for the purposes of determining if the person has motivation to create false stories. If he is determined to be truthful, then it shouldn't matter anymore.

I can get behind that.

But, doesn't the transcript show that the whistleblower wasn't truthful though?

10-30-2019, 06:22 PM
Political affiliation and such should matter only for the purposes of determining if the person has motivation to create false stories. If he is determined to be truthful, then it shouldn't matter anymore.

I can agree with that. That's why he should have been the first witness called in this sham process and Republicans should have been able to question him.

10-30-2019, 07:04 PM
At least three Democrats have signaled so far that they don't plan on voting for whatever it is they are voting on tomorrow.

10-30-2019, 10:01 PM
At least three Democrats have signaled so far that they don't plan on voting for whatever it is they are voting on tomorrow.

Are they in contested districts?

10-30-2019, 11:02 PM
Are they in contested districts?

All districts Trump won by a hefty margin. This could be a sign that this won't pass tomorrow without some Republican support because there are a lot of Democrats who won in Republican dominated districts or toss up districts.

Or it could be Pelosi chose some people and ordered them to vote for this thing, even if it meant costing them their seats, and she's allowing the others to not vote for it to help them keep their seats.

Or maybe she is hoping the never Trumpers in the Republican party will help her shore up the votes she needs.

Either way tomorrow should be interesting. There is even some talk they might not even hold the vote tomorrow.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-31-2019, 12:38 AM
Political affiliation and such should matter only for the purposes of determining if the person has motivation to create false stories. If he is determined to be truthful, then it shouldn't matter anymore.


10-31-2019, 01:39 AM
It's being reported that the "whistleblower" is Eric Ciaramella, a registered Democrat who worked for Obama, worked with Joe Biden and John Brennan, and has been an outspoken critic of Trump.

lol. You rag on CNN's bias and quote a conspiracy theorist from RealClearPolitics as fact. What a loser.

10-31-2019, 01:46 AM
lol. You rag on CNN's bias and quote a conspiracy theorist from RealClearPolitics as fact. What a loser.

Androidpk confirmed.

Might as well just come clean now.

10-31-2019, 01:56 AM
Androidpk confirmed.

Might as well just come clean now.

I honestly thought he was dead or in prison.

10-31-2019, 01:57 AM
I honestly thought he was dead or in prison.

It's possible he's out of prison now. He probably wasn't dead though.

10-31-2019, 04:59 AM
lol. You rag on CNN's bias and quote a conspiracy theorist from RealClearPolitics as fact. What a loser.

"Stop Calling John Bolton a ‘Hawk’ A hawk is a noble, useful bird. Bolton is a war criminal" ~ Rolling Stone

Judge: "So mister Hitler, did you hear the duly elected president use quid pro quo?"

Hitler: "Oh yes your honor, I cross my swastika and hope to die if I'm not telling the truth!"

Satan: "Hitler, it's time to shove a pineapple up your ass."

Hitler: "Your honor, I have business to attend to."

Judge: "Ummmm....."

10-31-2019, 10:19 AM
I honestly thought he was dead or in prison.

For all intents and purposes, he pretty much is.

He's borderline brain dead, and his "prison" is other peoples' couches.

Hey pk remember when you were like I'LL NEVER STOP POSTING HERE AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!!!? You forgot the part about where you were gonna hide behind an old alt account and hope that nobody catches onto your extreme retardedness. But much like macguyver, you simply can't help but showcase your stupidity and end up outing yourself.

What a stupid loser. :lol:

10-31-2019, 11:36 AM
Androidpk confirmed.

Might as well just come clean now.

Whatever your petty animus is with that person goes beyond me, I'm not them, it, they. That is all I'll say on the subject, whether you believe it or not is irrelevant.

Oh yeah, the impeachment resolution passed. Start greasing your butthole.

10-31-2019, 11:39 AM
Whatever your petty animus is with that person goes beyond me, I'm not them, it, they. That is all I'll say on the subject, whether you believe it or not is irrelevant.

Oh yeah, the impeachment resolution passed. Start greasing your butthole.

Whatever you say, Seranpk.

10-31-2019, 11:44 AM
Whatever your petty animus is with that person goes beyond me, I'm not them, it, they. That is all I'll say on the subject, whether you believe it or not is irrelevant.

Quoted for posterity.


Oh yeah, the impeachment resolution passed. Start greasing your butthole.

I'm looking forward to your inevitable meltdown after your 48327032nd round of TDS disappointment happens when all this backfires.

Just don't try to dox me and get me fired this time. Not that it matters, since you suck at everything you do and all.

Idiot. :lol:

10-31-2019, 11:46 AM
I just read what this is. Basically nothing. Even two dems voted against it. It isn't an impeachment resolution, it is something setting rules for the on-going impeachment inquiry. Which still isn't an official impeachment inquiry.

10-31-2019, 11:51 AM
Whatever you say, Seranpk.

He was also a Ron Paul guy. I WONDER WHO ELSE WAS

10-31-2019, 11:59 AM
I just read what this is. Basically nothing. Even two dems voted against it. It isn't an impeachment resolution, it is something setting rules for the on-going impeachment inquiry. Which still isn't an official impeachment inquiry.

Nope, it’s all still basically bullshit, but at least all but 2 Democrats are now on record for this mess. I’m sure this alone is going to cost Democrats a few seats.

10-31-2019, 11:59 AM
I just read what this is. Basically nothing. Even two dems voted against it. It isn't an impeachment resolution, it is something setting rules for the on-going impeachment inquiry. Which still isn't an official impeachment inquiry.

That's some moon logic right there. Pelosi and the Democratic leadership were well aware that calling the administration's bluff in passing a formal impeachment resolution wouldn't affect the White House complying with their subpeonas. It's actually a much more strategic play highlighting obstruction of justice. The same obstruction that was almost the downfall of Bill Clinton.

10-31-2019, 12:00 PM
That's some moon logic right there. Pelosi and the Democratic leadership were well aware that calling the administration's bluff in passing a formal impeachment resolution wouldn't affect the White House complying with their subpeonas. It's actually a much more strategic play highlighting obstruction of justice. The same obstruction that was almost the downfall of Bill Clinton.

It isn't shit but posturing. Plus, Dems didn't control the Senate back then. Republicans do. All that is going to happen is Trump is reelected in 2020.

10-31-2019, 12:46 PM
Watch me have a meltdown again when this all leads to nothing just like everything else.

This is correct.

10-31-2019, 01:00 PM
Still awaiting goalpost location orders from Breitbart huh?

No, I don't read Breitbart. Is that what motherjones told you to come back with though?

I'm just awaiting your inevitable meltdown after this impeachment shit goes nowhere and Trump gets reelected in 2020 and probably takes back the House too because your side won't quit fucking up and being retarded.

Looking forward to your next meltdown, analsellstuff1.

10-31-2019, 01:13 PM
Oh yeah, the impeachment resolution passed. Start greasing your butthole.

I'm willing to bet not one conservative on these boards will lose their minds the way you (PK) and the rest of the lemmings have. In fact, this is how it will go if Trump is impeached "Well, that was fun. Pence will make a good president!".

It's getting hilarious, you could impeach Trump and Pence is still a 100x better than any of the candidates the Democrats will run, we already know the Dems are going to shred Tulsi as a Russian asset.

10-31-2019, 01:13 PM
Bullshit you don't. You live and breathe that shit.

Nope. Keep getting all worked up over it though while I laugh at your stupid face. I don't live and breathe politics like losers like you do, because I have better things to do when I'm not killing time at work.

How do you figure Trump is going to win re-election when he's rotting in a jail cell for treason?

Setting aside the fact for a minute that nothing is going to happen and Trump's not going to get thrown out of office, you also don't understand what treason means.

But please enlighten us as to your definition of this anyway.

How do you figure that you will have electoral control of either house after the president is impeached, especially after the blue wave in 2018?

You can't. Your little peanut brain can't fathom a future in which your self-proclaimed King of Israel isn't in charge.

Look how triggered you are.

Protip: Normal people across the spectrum (i.e. people who aren't chronically triggered sufferers of massive TDS like you and other retards like you) are getting sick of democrats stupid bullshit.

But since you're too stupid and/or full of shit to understand anything, you'll just come back with more foaming at the mouth butthurt.

I hope you're still posting after the 2020 election so we can remind you what a fucking dork you are.

You're only mad because you know I'm right and you're stupid. :lol:

10-31-2019, 01:19 PM
Bet you $1000 that Trump doesn't get re-elected.

As if you:

- Have $1000
- Would actually pay up

Thanks for admitting that Trump's not getting removed from office though, since you just accidentally admitted he'll be running in 2020.

10-31-2019, 01:22 PM
Bet you $1000 that Trump doesn't get re-elected.

I'll bet you the lint in my pocket that a Democrat will welsh on this bet, Time4fun.

10-31-2019, 01:23 PM
C'mon Matt Capozzo. If you're so sure, where's the risk in taking a friendly wager?


Know what you won't find though? $1000. Because you're a broke loser who aspires to work at Dollar General.

10-31-2019, 01:25 PM
C'mon Matt Capozzo. If you're so sure, where's the risk in taking a friendly wager?

This is the part where Time4fun tries to belittle you because she makes more than anyone on these forums. A $1000 is just a friendly wager to her but to the plebs it's half a months wages.

10-31-2019, 01:27 PM
This is the part where Time4fun tries to belittle you because she makes more than anyone on these forums. A $1000 is just a friendly wager to her but to the plebs it's half a months wages.

I like how anytime pk (Seran) shows up, Anal Lube (time4fun) is right there behind him with her dildo still lodged up his ass.

That must be a really comfortable couch.

10-31-2019, 01:27 PM

Know what you won't find though? $1000. Because you're a broke loser who aspires to work at Dollar General.

You're Matt?


10-31-2019, 01:34 PM
I like how anytime pk (Seran) shows up, Anal Lube (time4fun) is right there behind him with her dildo still lodged up his ass.

That must be a really comfortable couch.

Meh, Democrats really just hate poor people. Poor people are just a necessary evil to rich white liberals, just ask any black person what the Democrats have done for them over the past 60 years.

10-31-2019, 01:36 PM
You're Matt?


Yes. It's short for Alawishes. Alawishes Frederick Polawoski.

10-31-2019, 01:40 PM
Attorney Richard Painter, who served as the chief White House ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush administration, warned on Thursday that President Donald Trump appeared to be committing "felony bribery" by giving Republican senators fundraising cash ahead of an increasingly likely impeachment trial in the Senate.

The lawyer shared an article published by Politico on Thursday morning. Titled "Trump lures GOP senators on impeachment with cold cash," the article outlined how the president is turning to his large network of donors to raise funds for a few senators facing difficult re-election campaigns in 2020. All of those senators have also signed a resolution condemning the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry.

"This is a bribe. Any other American who offered cash to the jury before a trial would go to prison for felony bribery. But he can get away with it?" Painter, a law professor at the University of Minnesota, wrote on Twitter. "Criminal."


10-31-2019, 01:45 PM
Yeah, democrats passing the ACA proves that democrats hate poor people. Nice logic there, retard.

You mean the ACA that has left the lower middle class (meaning, those on the cusp of poverty but not eligible for assistance) uninsured, because the poor people you hate were already getting free healthcare. Retard.

10-31-2019, 01:45 PM

I've seen this probably 1000 times, I'm finally curious as to wtf is actually going on/happened in this .gif

10-31-2019, 01:48 PM
Hey guys, Matt Capozzo thinks that presidents should be able to bribe juries.

So any money distributed by the DNC is bribe money as well? Weird when logic is applied how this turns into a 2 way street.

10-31-2019, 01:53 PM
Attorney Richard Painter, who served as the chief White House ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush administration, warned on Thursday that President Donald Trump appeared to be committing "felony bribery" by giving Republican senators fundraising cash ahead of an increasingly likely impeachment trial in the Senate.

The lawyer shared an article published by Politico on Thursday morning. Titled "Trump lures GOP senators on impeachment with cold cash," the article outlined how the president is turning to his large network of donors to raise funds for a few senators facing difficult re-election campaigns in 2020. All of those senators have also signed a resolution condemning the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry.

"This is a bribe. Any other American who offered cash to the jury before a trial would go to prison for felony bribery. But he can get away with it?" Painter, a law professor at the University of Minnesota, wrote on Twitter. "Criminal."

So suddenly presidents can't fund raise for other candidates? Shit that was all Obama did for 8 years.

We really are living in a clown world.

10-31-2019, 01:58 PM
So suddenly presidents can't fund raise for other candidates? Shit that was all Obama did for 8 years.

We really are living in a clown world.

Now all of a sudden the Bush admin is a trusted voice.

Dude, I swear. Our universe has collided with an alternate universe where Democrats are war mongers and Republicans are the peace bringers.

10-31-2019, 02:03 PM
Now all of a sudden the Bush admin is a trusted voice.

Dude, I swear. Our universe has collided with an alternate universe where Democrats are war mongers and Republicans are the peace bringers.

The House says they want to impeach Clinton.
Clinton: I'm gonna attack Iraq as a distraction!
Democrats: Clinton is the best president ever!!!

The House says they want to impeach Trump.
Trump posts some pictures of dogs on Twitter.

10-31-2019, 02:03 PM
Hey guys, Matt Capozzo thinks that presidents should be able to bribe juries.

My name has been common knowledge for years and you're not actually accomplishing anything but being super late to the party while looking like a retard for thinking you have breaking news.

Dumbass. Do something useful with yourself, like invest in a second pair of underwear.

10-31-2019, 02:04 PM
You have an interesting definition of fundraising. Normal people call it bribery. But you're pretty far from normal.

the article outlined how the president is turning to his large network of donors to raise funds for a few senators facing difficult re-election campaigns in 2020.

That's exactly what fund raising is. But I know I shouldn't expect intellectual honesty from you. Heck, not even regular honesty.

10-31-2019, 02:09 PM
The House says they want to impeach Clinton.
Clinton: I'm gonna attack Iraq as a distraction!
Democrats: Clinton is the best president ever!!!

The House says they want to impeach Trump.
Trump posts some pictures of dogs on Twitter.

Clinton was two years out of office when BUSH invaded Iraq alongside an international force. Just as BUSH SR got us involved in the first Gulf War.

I swear to God, if your rewriting of history weren't so comical, I'd think you believed the GPC board was influencing national politics.

10-31-2019, 02:10 PM
Right, because it was the democrats who betrayed our Kurdish allies to get slaughtered, then brokered a "ceasefire" that lasted 8 hours before Turkey continued ethnically cleansing our former allies.

You mean the Kurdish allies that were attacked by our Turkish allies and Trump, smartly, pulled the fuck out of that fubr situation? Thanks for reminding us of another senseless war the Obama admin got us into.

Trump gets an A+ from me on this, because it's obvious Trump cares more for American soldiers than the people that have been killing each other for centuries. Not our business.

Some Rogue
10-31-2019, 02:11 PM
My name has been common knowledge for years and you're not actually accomplishing anything but being super late to the party while looking like a retard for thinking you have breaking news.

Dumbass. Do something useful with yourself, like invest in a second pair of underwear.

Damn, I thought it was Jamal McHotdogface all these years. :(

10-31-2019, 02:11 PM
Clinton was two years out of office when BUSH invaded Iraq alongside an international force. Just as BUSH SR got us involved in the first Gulf War.

I swear to God, if your rewriting of history weren't so comical, I'd think you believed the GPC board was influencing national politics.

Are you suggesting Clinton didn't attack Iraq? Or that it somehow just doesn't count because Bush invaded Iraq?

Talk about rewriting history.

10-31-2019, 02:13 PM
Clinton was two years out of office when BUSH invaded Iraq alongside an international force. Just as BUSH SR got us involved in the first Gulf War.

I swear to God, if your rewriting of history weren't so comical, I'd think you believed the GPC board was influencing national politics.

If the Bush admin did all these bad things, why the fuck would you take their words as doctrine now? (This is how you know 2016 triggered your mental illness)

10-31-2019, 02:16 PM
You're too retarded to live, honestly. You have zero grasp on timelines, or facts, or anything of the sort. Please do kill yourself. I'd tell you not to breed but your massive obesity has that more than covered.

Just reply to the following statement with a simple true or false:

Bill Clinton attacked Iraq just as the impeachment against him was ramping up.

10-31-2019, 02:16 PM
Wait people have 2 pairs of underwear?

Dumbass. Do something useful with yourself, like invest in a second pair of underwear.[/QUOTE]

10-31-2019, 02:18 PM
Wait people have 2 pairs of underwear?

Dumbass. Do something useful with yourself, like invest in a second pair of underwear.[/QUOTE]

I don’t believe in washing underwear so I only wear each pair once.

10-31-2019, 02:20 PM
i believe that i was actually serious in asking wtf is going on there... is that something real that happened? did he get like ultimate rug burn or some shit?

10-31-2019, 02:21 PM
And Trump unleashed Turkey to commit Genocide as news of his impeachment was announced - what the fuck is your point?

You said I was rewriting history. Did you finally get around to Googling “Clinton attacked Iraq”, found out I was right, and are not deflecting like there is no tomorrow because of climate change?

Funny how someone who knows so little about history and politics is here to lecture me on history and politics.

10-31-2019, 02:21 PM
Man you sure get triggered when I call you Matt Capozzo, Matt Capozzo.

If being triggered = laughing at you and what a retard you are for thinking that you're being clever when everybody here has already known my name for years, then sure.

Here's what I really see when you post though:


Which dildo will you be ravaging Seranpk's asshole with tonight though? Did you write up an official couch lease yet? Or is it still a day-by-day thing, dependent on how many dildos you manage to fit into his gaping anus that day?

10-31-2019, 02:22 PM
How much do the Russians pay you to gaslight people on the internet?

Please provide evidence that Trump cares more for American soldiers. Especially when he said he was "bringing them home" when he actually redeployed every single one of them?

Where did I say he brought them home? The fact is, those 50-100 soldiers are still alive today because of Trumps decision. I know those lives don't mean shit to you but I can imagine that there's 100's of friends and family members that are happy that their sons and daughters weren't treated as cannon fodder for Democrat political advancements.

10-31-2019, 02:22 PM
Damn, I thought it was Jamal McHotdogface all these years. :(


10-31-2019, 02:24 PM
i believe that i was actually serious in asking wtf is going on there... is that something real that happened? did he get like ultimate rug burn or some shit?

I was gonna answer you but I’m no sure what happened either :p

I’m assuming he fell on his ass or pulled something and that device is chilling the spot to help relieve inflammation or something.

Or it’s a skit from a tv show because it’s one of those things that doesn’t look real.

10-31-2019, 02:25 PM
i believe that i was actually serious in asking wtf is going on there... is that something real that happened? did he get like ultimate rug burn or some shit?

Anal Lube's anus is burning again and it's really upsetting him.

10-31-2019, 02:25 PM
Man you sure get triggered when I call you Matt Capozzo, Matt Capozzo.

Oh shit, Power Word: Real Name. Methais has more than 100 hit dice though, so it fails.

10-31-2019, 02:26 PM
Oh yeah, the impeachment resolution passed. Start greasing your butthole.

It isn't an impeachment resolution. And being a homosexual male is now something we can make fun of again?

Awesome.. because you are one of the biggest faggots on this forum.

10-31-2019, 02:27 PM
No, I didn't. But I can understand how someone so fat and so stupid would think that I was. Learn how to read, you colossal moron. That wasn't me.

Can’t possibly imagine how I mixed up Seran and Annahlee.

10-31-2019, 02:28 PM
Now a quid pro quo has been proven.

I'd ask you to offer a link to this.. but it'll be much like your "Russian collusion has been proven" which turned out to you just crying over and over again.

10-31-2019, 02:28 PM
Can’t possibly imagine how I mixed up Seran and Annahlee.

If Anal Lube isn't sellstuff1, then it's probably Seran (Androidpk)'s other personality.

They always post at the same time, are pretty much equally retarded in the same ways, etc.

Nice mental illness you got there, loser(s). :lol:

10-31-2019, 02:30 PM
I'm willing to bet not one conservative on these boards will lose their minds the way you (PK) and the rest of the lemmings have.

Seran was a dumb faggot liberal on these boards long before PK had his anal conversion therapy that changed him into a bleeding ass liberal.

10-31-2019, 02:31 PM
If Anal Lube isn't sellstuff1, then it's probably Seran (Androidpk)'s other personality.

They always post at the same time, are pretty much equally retarded in the same ways, etc.

Nice mental illness you got there, loser(s). :lol:

Superego has yet to make her appearance, but I have high hopes.

10-31-2019, 02:32 PM
Yeah, democrats passing the ACA proves that democrats hate poor people. Nice logic there, retard.

Sometimes you have to throw the suckers a bone now and then... it keeps them compliant.

10-31-2019, 02:33 PM
They're still in a combat zone, Trump used those troops as a political football which you gobbled right the fuck up. Please, do remind me which political party invaded Iraq causing the death of 4,400 of our troops and another 30,000 to be wounded. Then tell me which party systematically defunds the VA.

I didn't know a "political party" invaded Iraq, I do know Trump was against it long before entering the political arena. So is Trump bad now for not supporting the Iraq invasion?

According to a Gallup poll, support for the war was up to 72 percent on March 19, the day the fighting began. Positive opinion on the war was not only present, it was strong.

Looks like Trump made the right call before it was cool to be against the Iraq invasion. Almost like he can see into the future.

10-31-2019, 02:33 PM
Superego has yet to make her appearance, but I have high hopes.

We'll know for sure when "ROFL oh honey...." followed by fart sniffing starts happening.

I'm pretty sure she got tired of getting pwned nonstop on here due to her own stupidity though and fucked off. PK and sellstuff1 are too mentally ill to do the same.

10-31-2019, 02:35 PM
Sometimes you have to throw the suckers a bone now and then... it keeps them compliant.

Imagine thinking giving poor people government healthcare instead of helping them get good paying jobs proves they care about poor people.

It’s just more vote bribing.

10-31-2019, 02:39 PM
Imagine thinking giving poor people government healthcare instead of helping them get good paying jobs proves they care about poor people.

It’s just more vote bribing.

They literally handed the poor an empty box with the ACA and then forced those that have just left the plantation to pay for the empty box.

10-31-2019, 02:44 PM
They literally handed the poor an empty box with the ACA and then forced those that have just left the plantation to pay for the empty box.

As Nancy Pelosi would say, "It lowered healthcare costs! You know it did because it's called the AFFORDABLE Care Act."

10-31-2019, 02:46 PM
As Nancy Pelosi would say, "It lowered healthcare costs! You know it did because it's called the AFFORDABLE Care Act."

Is that anything like Politifact being real because it says FACT right there in the name?

What is it about San Francisco that turns people into retards?

10-31-2019, 02:46 PM
As Nancy Pelosi would say, "It lowered healthcare costs! You know it did because it's called the AFFORDABLE Care Act."

I wish they would have just been honest and told us they were bailing out the insurance companies.

10-31-2019, 02:48 PM
Is that anything like Politifact being real because it says FACT right there in the name?

What is it about San Francisco that turns people into retards?

Probably some disease not seen in first world countries for centuries but now has resurfaced because shitting in the streets is better for society than sanitation.

10-31-2019, 02:50 PM
I wish they would have just been honest and told us they were bailing out the insurance companies.

That's what pissed me off about Obamacare. I was actually on board with it until it became obvious it was just a big gift to insurance companies, the exact opposite of what Obama campaigned on and said it would be.

10-31-2019, 03:02 PM
That's what pissed me off about Obamacare. I was actually on board with it until it became obvious it was just a big gift to insurance companies, the exact opposite of what Obama campaigned on and said it would be.

I really have no problem with a voluntary public healthcare system but there can't be a single penny in tax increases to pay for it or it's a no from me.

See it's not the free government healthcare that bothers me, it's the plethora of behavioral control laws that are sure to follow. I sure the fuck don't want to pay for the healthcare of someone who drinks a handle of bourbon every day, etc, etc, etc............................................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................................................

10-31-2019, 03:25 PM

So he was right about Syria as well?

U.S. public opposes Syria intervention as Obama presses Congress.

Some 56 percent of those surveyed said the United States should not intervene in Syria, while only 19 percent supported action, the online poll found. Some 25 percent said they did not know what course of action the United States should take.

Obama totally went against what the people wanted and here we are. Can't pull out because Democrats will cry, 50-100 soldiers get slaughtered by an entire Turkish division and the Democrats blame Trump for leaving american soldiers to be slaughtered.

10-31-2019, 03:35 PM
If the Bush admin did all these bad things, why the fuck would you take their words as doctrine now? (This is how you know 2016 triggered your mental illness)

The Bush administration was about as competent as spreading misinformation as you are, hence the military occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What you're failing to distinguish between was Clinton acting upon a REPUBLICAN bill authorizing funds to destabilize the Hussein government by strategically bombing military targets and by a multi trillion dollar war including air, group and naval troops sent under false pretenses of removing WMD capabilities. As always, I'm happy to educate you.

10-31-2019, 03:35 PM
Trump tax ‘cut’ actually increased taxes for 10 million American families, report finds
A Center for American Progress estimate found that 10,260,263 families saw their taxes go up, thanks to the 2017 law.

My taxes didn't go up, I ended up keeping $170 more a month.

What's it like knowing that you support further enslavement of the individual.

I also don't want to pay for the healthcare of homosexuals, not that I hate homosexuals, rather that the statistic from the CDC shows that homosexual men in 2017 made up 70% of newly reported HIV infections. Not on my dime, bitch.

10-31-2019, 03:37 PM
You're quoting an online poll as fact, hold on while I laugh my fucking ass off.

Uh, yeah. Like, nobody wanted anything to do with Syria.

10-31-2019, 03:38 PM
The Bush administration was about as competent as spreading misinformation as you are, hence the military occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What you're failing to distinguish between was Clinton acting upon a REPUBLICAN bill authorizing funds to destabilize the Hussein government by strategically bombing military targets and by a multi trillion dollar war including air, group and naval troops sent under false pretenses of removing WMD capabilities. As always, I'm happy to educate you.

Isn't it amazing how when Republican presidents do something it's because they're evil but when Democrat presidents do something it's because the Republican congress was evil?

You're making it more and more obvious with each post, Seranpk.

10-31-2019, 03:41 PM
The Bush administration was about as competent as spreading misinformation as you are

Oh, I agree. So why is it now that you want to take the words from the Bush admin as the gospel truth?

Do I really need to lead you around by your nose once again to point this out?

10-31-2019, 03:45 PM
I also don't want to pay for the healthcare of homosexuals, not that I hate homosexuals, rather that the statistic from the CDC shows that homosexual men in 2017 made up 70% of newly reported HIV infections. Not on my dime, bitch.

Somehow I don't think this will result in Anal lube and Seranpk 69'ing each other any less.

10-31-2019, 03:50 PM
Isn't it amazing how when Republican presidents do something it's because they're evil but when Democrat presidents do something it's because the Republican congress was evil?

You're making it more and more obvious with each post, Seranpk.

It's becoming more and more obvious that the Democrats want to continue these wars for the simple reason that they can continue to say "See, look at the evil war mongers."

10-31-2019, 03:52 PM
Somehow I don't think this will result in Anal lube and Seranpk 69'ing each other any less.

And that's totally cool if they want to dipstick each others poop canal, I just don't want to receive the bill for what happens when poop meets blood system.

10-31-2019, 04:17 PM
It's okay, you can call them faggots. That's totally cool around here.

It's weird how you can call something anything and it doesn't change the reality of 70% of all new HIV infections were among homosexual men in 2017. And that's totally cool if they want to make those choices, but don't take away my choice to not pay for the high risk behavior by raiding my labor.

You're obviously too stupid to understand the shackles you want to place on every American citizen.

10-31-2019, 04:25 PM
Republicans: "We need transparency!"

House votes on increasing transparency far beyond what any previous president was afforded.

Republicans: all vote NO on increasing transparency.

Except it's not about increasing transparency, it's just to make the current bullshit seem more legit. Nothing is really changing other than the House got to vote on keeping the charade going.

10-31-2019, 04:26 PM
It's okay, you can call them faggots. That's totally cool around here.


10-31-2019, 04:26 PM
What does this homophobic tangent have to do with Trump getting impeached, exactly? Are you projecting?

No, we were just talking about forced government healthcare that you now want to distract from because it's very obvious to anyone with the I.Q. of retard and above that in doing so you hand over your body to the state.

So much for "My body, my choice!"

10-31-2019, 04:29 PM
No, we were just talking about forced government healthcare that you now want to distract from because it's very obvious to anyone with the I.Q. of retard and above that in doing so you hand over your body to the state.

So much for "My body, my choice!"

I'm sorry that scientific facts are considered homophobic to you.

10-31-2019, 04:32 PM
The President is getting impeached and you're mostly concerned with gays with HIV and how you have to pay taxes to support them.

Little hint, retard. Blue states pay for the governments of red states - they always have, and they always will, because red states are full of uneducated poverty-stricken trailer trash like yourself.

A. The president is not getting impeached.

B. Yes, I do find that forced health insurance is far more dire to our liberties than a fake impeachment proceeding.

C. Can we just start starving you guys now, I'm totally for this at this point.

10-31-2019, 04:37 PM
Hey it's Matt Capozzo here with another hot take!


10-31-2019, 04:56 PM
You were whining about transparency incessantly for the past week.

I ain't gonna repeat myself for the mentally challenged.

10-31-2019, 05:01 PM
Hey it's Matt Capozzo here with another hot take!

Don’t mess with Anusjuice guys or he’ll...HE’LL CALL YOU BY YOUR NAME!!!!!!!11


10-31-2019, 05:35 PM
A Center for American Progress

Dude... stop.

I can't make fun of you anymore for fear I'll be looked at for picking on an actual retard.


10-31-2019, 05:54 PM
Don’t mess with Anusjuice guys or he’ll...HE’LL CALL YOU BY YOUR NAME!!!!!!!11



10-31-2019, 06:24 PM

Your Jeff is no match for these Jeffs:


10-31-2019, 06:25 PM
Dude... stop.

I can't make fun of you anymore for fear I'll be looked at for picking on an actual retard.


He is an actual retard though. Proceed.

10-31-2019, 07:03 PM
Don’t mess with Anusjuice guys or he’ll...HE’LL CALL YOU BY YOUR NAME!!!!!!!11


I'm honestly trying to understand this. Granted I was a RR dweller for 99% of the 15 years I played GS so I don't really know much about the landing folk rumors, or RR folk rumors for that matter. It honestly sounds like something a 9 year old would say.

10-31-2019, 07:22 PM
Isn't it amazing how when Republican presidents do something it's because they're evil but when Democrat presidents do something it's because the Republican congress was evil?

You're making it more and more obvious with each post, Seranpk.

I don't think either was evil, or necessarily wrong, at least initially. I was correcting your misinformation trying to lay blame for the Iraq mess on Democrats.

War is a pretty pointless endeavor when the only thing that's come from it is crushing debt. At the very least the job could have been completed and we added Afghanistan and Iraq as US territories.

10-31-2019, 07:28 PM
A. The president is not getting impeached.

B. Yes, I do find that forced health insurance is far more dire to our liberties than a fake impeachment proceeding.

C. Can we just start starving you guys now, I'm totally for this at this point.

Forced health insurance isn't really a boon on society everyone makes it out to be, but what's the alternative you prefer? If someone gets sick and needs medical care without insurance, they usually are granted state paid medical assistant, which burdens us all. If someone doesn't qualify, they're landed with crushing debt for their lack of foresight. If they choose to ignore their condition, why I suppose they can die.

Is your path to success higher mortality or to put everyone on state sponsored treatment? If a) You must be from a third world country, b) You're a socialist.

10-31-2019, 07:30 PM
At the very least the job could have been completed and we added Afghanistan and Iraq as US territories.


10-31-2019, 07:31 PM
Forced health insurance isn't really a boon on society everyone makes it out to be, but what's the alternative you prefer? If someone gets sick and needs medical care without insurance, they usually are granted state paid medical assistant, which burdens us all. If someone doesn't qualify, they're landed with crushing debt for their lack of foresight. If they choose to ignore their condition, why I suppose they can die.

Is your path to success higher mortality or to put everyone on state sponsored treatment? If a) You must be from a third world country, b) You're a socialist.

Obamacare did nothing to make healthcare affordable.

In fact, it made it worse.

10-31-2019, 07:36 PM
I was correcting your misinformation trying to lay blame for the Iraq mess on Democrats.

All I did was say Clinton attacked Iraq shortly after the House announced progress in their impeachment inquiry/investigation, which is exactly what happened.

You didn't correct shit.

10-31-2019, 07:39 PM
At the very least the job could have been completed and we added Afghanistan and Iraq as US territories.

So you are in favor of endless war? Annexing Afghanistan and Iraq would lead to fighting as long as we remained there, whether it be 10 years or 100 years. I bet the world stage would be pretty pissed about it too, especially China given how close Afghanistan is to them.

10-31-2019, 07:54 PM
Forced health insurance isn't really a boon on society everyone makes it out to be, but what's the alternative you prefer? If someone gets sick and needs medical care without insurance, they usually are granted state paid medical assistant, which burdens us all. If someone doesn't qualify, they're landed with crushing debt for their lack of foresight. If they choose to ignore their condition, why I suppose they can die.

Is your path to success higher mortality or to put everyone on state sponsored treatment? If a) You must be from a third world country, b) You're a socialist.

If someone walks out of the grocery store with a 12 oz ribeye, it burdens us all, should the state make me pay for the grocery store owners insurance?

Should a gun owner pay a higher government health insurance cost?

10-31-2019, 08:14 PM
If someone walks out of the grocery store with a 12 oz ribeye, it burdens us all, should the state make me pay for the grocery store owners insurance?

Should a gun owner pay a higher government health insurance cost?

That's a pretty piss poor analogy, as a ribeye no matter the cut is going to equal the expense of a medical emergency. Moreover, you while you can put precautions in place to reduce the business cost of theft, the same can be said of requiring someone to maintain health insurance, or at least a share of cost associated state healthcare plan.

10-31-2019, 08:17 PM
So you are in favor of endless war? Annexing Afghanistan and Iraq would lead to fighting as long as we remained there, whether it be 10 years or 100 years. I bet the world stage would be pretty pissed about it too, especially China given how close Afghanistan is to them.

Taking over Alaska didn't put us in perpetual war with it's natives, Canada or Russia. The same could reasonably be said about Iraq or Afghanistan. Why go to war to free these countries from oppress of one government for the sake of the next when there's no economic benefit.

10-31-2019, 08:24 PM
Taking over Alaska didn't put us in perpetual war with it's natives, Canada or Russia. The same could reasonably be said about Iraq or Afghanistan. Why go to war to free these countries from oppress of one government for the sake of the next when there's no economic benefit.

You're honestly saying if we annexed Afghanistan or Iraq that there wouldn't be endless war with the local population? How many drug infused candies have you ingested today?

10-31-2019, 08:45 PM
That's a pretty piss poor analogy, as a ribeye no matter the cut is going to equal the expense of a medical emergency. Moreover, you while you can put precautions in place to reduce the business cost of theft, the same can be said of requiring someone to maintain health insurance, or at least a share of cost associated state healthcare plan.

On a daily basis, the need for a grocers services is in higher demand than any hospitals services.

In 2018, U.S. consumers, businesses, and government entities spent $1.71 trillion on food and beverages in grocery stores and other retailers and on away-from-home meals and snacks.

Loss of inventory from stores — due to causes including shoplifting and employee theft — cost the U.S. retail industry nearly $48.9 billion in 2016.

I agree, the business owner can take steps to prevent theft and it's to the business owners benefit. Should the government make me pay for his insurance? It's easily determined that food is a much greater necessity for sustaining ones life than insurance, shouldn't everyone get free food? Housing? Clothing?

10-31-2019, 08:47 PM
Uh oh!

NCS senior director Tim Morrison testified that the transcript released is accurate and that he heard nothing illegal on the call.

So far we have several witnesses giving conflicting testimony which means someone(s) is lying. Who is going to jail for lying before congress? The Never Trumpers who are obviously lying, or the ones telling the truth? If the House had the power to prosecute anyone it would be the ones telling the truth.

10-31-2019, 08:55 PM
On a daily basis, the need for a grocers services is in higher demand than any hospitals services.

I agree, the business owner can take steps to prevent theft and it's to the business owners benefit. Should the government make me pay for his insurance? It's easily determined that food is a much greater necessity for sustaining ones life than insurance, shouldn't everyone get free food? Housing? Clothing?

Charity in our country provides free clothing, food and sometimes shelter during times of need, but all of these are basic needs for survival. You can anticipate a shoe tearing or see that you're growing short on rice and dumplings. But can you say the same about a malignant cancer or an aortic aneurysm, can someone realistically anticipate this cost without medical insurance? No.

I get your point, it's well made, but I think you're trying to compare daily living expenses with catastrophic illness. It's not a good comparison.

10-31-2019, 09:06 PM
Uh oh!

NCS senior director Tim Morrison testified that the transcript released is accurate and that he heard nothing illegal on the call.

So far we have several witnesses giving conflicting testimony which means someone(s) is lying. Who is going to jail for lying before congress? The Never Trumpers who are obviously lying, or the ones telling the truth? If the House had the power to prosecute anyone it would be the ones telling the truth.

Comparatively, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., told reporters that Morrison had corroborated some of the earlier testimony.

That moment you wish you had not already completely destroyed your credibility.


10-31-2019, 09:33 PM
Charity in our country provides free clothing, food and sometimes shelter during times of need, but all of these are basic needs for survival. You can anticipate a shoe tearing or see that you're growing short on rice and dumplings. But can you say the same about a malignant cancer or an aortic aneurysm, can someone realistically anticipate this cost without medical insurance? No.

I get your point, it's well made, but I think you're trying to compare daily living expenses with catastrophic illness. It's not a good comparison.

So this is your insane policy.

Don't worry about the essentials to maintaining a long healthy life let's just insure it.

This completely defies any reasonable logic. That asside.

Healthcare is a service just like any other service. I'll use my daughter as an example as she just got her RN last year and is working on her PA. The last 5 years of her life have consisted of driving to her full time job (70 mile round trip), going to classes every day (60 mile round trip), being a mother to her 2 children and maintaining a marriage. She will get to do this for another 3 - 4 years.

And you assholes want those services for free?

Seriously, get the fuck out of here.

10-31-2019, 10:12 PM
Never said free and I think professionals should be compensated fully for their time and effort. My point is a mandatory insurance system not only ensures that folks have coverage to care for their long-term and emergent needs, but as all insurances work for everyone ten covered healthy persons you have one very ill person their premiums are compensating.

The idea of a single payer socialised system, or a national basic income makes me sick to my stomach. I too am a professional that has fought for and earned every dime and to think folks feel they deserve my income in exchange for their laziness is appalling.

10-31-2019, 10:15 PM
Never said free and I think professionals should be compensated fully for their time and effort. My point is a mandatory insurance system not only ensures that folks have coverage to care for their long-term and emergent needs, but as all insurances work for everyone ten covered healthy persons you have one very ill person their premiums are compensating.

The idea of a single payer socialised system, or a national basic income makes me sick to my stomach. I too am a professional that has fought for and earned every dime and to think folks feel they deserve my income in exchange for their laziness is appalling.

You're against a single payer/socialized system because you don't think others deserve your income, yet you're in favor of mandatory health insurance. This makes no sense.

10-31-2019, 10:42 PM
What confuses you? Mandatory insurance, whether it's through a PPO, HMO or private insurance put together by the state like HealthNet in California, they all require people with incomes to pay a share of the premium. Those premiums pay for the care reimbursements of the sick, which is exactly why ACA was such a major boon for insurers. More enrollees means less out of pocket expenses.

10-31-2019, 10:44 PM
What confuses you? Mandatory insurance, whether it's through a PPO, HMO or private insurance put together by the state like HealthNet in California, they all require people with incomes to pay a share of the premium. Those premiums pay for the care reimbursements of the sick, which is exactly why ACA was such a major boon for insurers. More enrollees means less out of pocket expenses.

You're right, I didn't ask you to specify.

Should insurance companies be able to charge people more if they are in bad health or make bad health choices (like smoking or drinking a lot)?

10-31-2019, 11:59 PM
(((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio

Verified account

Follow Follow @jasonrantz
Today on the House floor, @replouiegohmert ripped into Democrats on the "gross unfairness" and secrecy of the impeachment process. He calls the attempts to impeach @realDonaldTrump a "coup".


11-01-2019, 03:17 AM
You're right, I didn't ask you to specify.

Should insurance companies be able to charge people more if they are in bad health or make bad health choices (like smoking or drinking a lot)?

Bad health, no. Now what's going to get me in trouble is believing that someone should reasonably expect to pay higher premiums for smoking, excessive drinking, habitually abusing narcotics, etc., because yes it does cost a plan so much more for folks who are self abusing.

11-01-2019, 03:35 AM
Bad health, no.

Okay so how is this insurance? I know I know, "it's not their fault they are in bad health!" Firstly: That's not necessarily true. Secondly: It doesn't really matter because insurance is a risk game. If you are more likely to use the services of said insurance company than you are going to pay more than the person who is less likely to use said services.

We might as well just all pay a national tax to go towards health insurance costs, something you said you were against.

11-01-2019, 06:06 AM
Never said free and I think professionals should be compensated fully for their time and effort. My point is a mandatory insurance system not only ensures that folks have coverage to care for their long-term and emergent needs, but as all insurances work for everyone ten covered healthy persons you have one very ill person their premiums are compensating.

The idea of a single payer socialised system, or a national basic income makes me sick to my stomach. I too am a professional that has fought for and earned every dime and to think folks feel they deserve my income in exchange for their laziness is appalling.

All of a sudden it's not free healthcare anymore.

Though you think professionals should be fully compensated you are asking the government to decide what my daughters income will be. We really seem to be seeing a push to limit those professionals income who have spent their early adult lives learning to produce new medicines.

Here is another interesting tidbit that is kind of blowing my mind:

"The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation reports that there are over 968,000 practicing physicians in the United States."

How do you suggest we treat 350,000,000 with roughly 1 million physicians while more government involvement will only further disincentivise people from entering these fields?

Maybe it's best that people like you, the government, insurance companies, shut the fuck up, get out of these peoples way and let them work directly with their patients. All three of you are basically an impediment to these people who have invested massive amounts of time and money to be able to offer these services.

This is just one of many countless examples of how little the government fucking cares:

If you’re on Medicaid, it can be challenging to afford the extra expense of a cash-only doctor. Some cash-only doctors provide discounted or even free care to Medicaid recipients on a case-by-case basis. Currently, only one bill, H.R. 3315, has attempted to bridge the gap between Medicaid recipients and cash-only doctors by reimbursing monthly membership fees. However, the bill died in Congress and, thus far, no other bill has taken its place.

When I was out in Washington our employer had a rep. from one of these cash only "healthcare coops" meet with us. It was $100 a month for a family and basically covered everything but major medical care. The problem? This still didn't count as insurance so you still get your annual government lashing for not having insurance.

11-01-2019, 06:46 AM
Okay so how is this insurance? I know I know, "it's not their fault they are in bad health!" Firstly: That's not necessarily true. Secondly: It doesn't really matter because insurance is a risk game. If you are more likely to use the services of said insurance company than you are going to pay more than the person who is less likely to use said services.

We might as well just all pay a national tax to go towards health insurance costs, something you said you were against.

I would hope that these people are at least smart enough to understand that health insurance is basically a bet on when you're going to die and the insurance companies are setting the odds. Why this is even legal is beyond me, when we choke a guy out for selling loosies on the street corner.

11-01-2019, 08:48 AM
Taking over Alaska didn't put us in perpetual war with it's natives, Canada or Russia. The same could reasonably be said about Iraq or Afghanistan. Why go to war to free these countries from oppress of one government for the sake of the next when there's no economic benefit.

You do realize we purchased Alaska.. right? We didn't declare war on Alaska and then go in militarily.. then annex it... right?

Please tell me you do see the difference and that was probably the dumbest analogy of all time.. right?

Jesus Christ...

11-01-2019, 09:42 AM
Taking over Alaska didn't put us in perpetual war with it's natives, Canada or Russia. The same could reasonably be said about Iraq or Afghanistan. Why go to war to free these countries from oppress of one government for the sake of the next when there's no economic benefit.

You're a complete idiot if you think they are remotely the same. We bought it from Russia. Canada never had a claim on it, and the Natives had already accepted Russian colonization.

Afghanistan has thousands of years of history in fighting invaders and Iraq is a nation of millions that don't want us there.

11-01-2019, 10:17 AM
Taking over Alaska didn't put us in perpetual war with it's natives, Canada or Russia. The same could reasonably be said about Iraq or Afghanistan. Why go to war to free these countries from oppress of one government for the sake of the next when there's no economic benefit.

Probably because Alaska wasn't a conquest. We literally bought it from Russia. And like Canada would do shit anyway even if it was a conquest. :lol:

Knowing things is important. It helps you not look like a retardpk.

11-01-2019, 10:34 AM
At the very least the job could have been completed and we added Afghanistan and Iraq as US territories.

What the fuck am I reading? Is this an attempt at a thought experiment?

11-01-2019, 10:36 AM
What the fuck am I reading? Is this an attempt at a thought experiment?

I don't know if he is retarded or trolling.

11-01-2019, 11:06 AM
I don't know if he is retarded or trolling.


11-01-2019, 11:31 AM
What the fuck am I reading? Is this an attempt at a thought experiment?

LOL... I think he's trying to get his name pushed for a title shot against Backlash.

I hope he's just trolling.. but this isn't even a good attempt at that... so who knows.

11-01-2019, 10:29 PM
What the fuck am I reading? Is this an attempt at a thought experiment?

That would involve him thinking so no, it's not.

11-03-2019, 08:46 PM
After Tim Morrison, someone who was actually ON THE CALL when it happened, testified under oath that he wasn't concerned with anything he heard and didn't think anything illegal was said the original "whistleblower" suddenly doesn't want to testify under oath before congress.

Not only that but the second "whistleblower" that was going to vouch for everything the original "whistleblower" said seems to have completely disappeared as well.

Weird how that works.

Is this now enough for you Democrats and sufferers of TDS to admit you were tricked yet again by the Democrat party?

11-03-2019, 09:51 PM
After Tim Morrison, someone who was actually ON THE CALL when it happened, testified under oath that he wasn't concerned with anything he heard and didn't think anything illegal was said the original "whistleblower" suddenly doesn't want to testify under oath before congress.

Two people who were on the call, one says they were concerned about the details discussed and reported it, the other stated they weren't concerned. Neither are attorneys, however the one who was "not concerned that anything illegal was discussed." also corroborated the other's testimony about tying military aid to investigations benefiting the Trump re-elect. Democrats have to prove corruption, quid pro quo and/or campaign finance regulations sufficient enough to garner enough votes in the Senate to remove the President from office and that's the key.

Without a doubt, the House will pass formal articles of impeachment and on the flip-side, the Senate will not vote to ratify the impeachment at the two-thirds majority level.

11-03-2019, 10:05 PM
Two people who were on the call, one says they were concerned about the details discussed and reported it, the other stated they weren't concerned.

The whistleblower was NOT on the call, his information was all third hand.

To my knowledge Tim Morrison is the only person who has testified that was actually on the call. If you’re referring to someone else I would be interested in hearing who.

11-03-2019, 10:19 PM
The whistleblower was NOT on the call, his information was all third hand.

To my knowledge Tim Morrison is the only person who has testified that was actually on the call. If you’re referring to someone else I would be interested in hearing who.

Lt. Col Alexander Vindman was also a party on the call in question and his testimony is pretty damning. Which is exactly why there's so much conservative spin trying to discredit the gentleman.

11-03-2019, 10:20 PM
Excuse me. I said gentleman, but I meant War Hero.

11-03-2019, 10:42 PM
So clearly Vidman is lying if the whistleblower himself is too afraid to testify now.

11-03-2019, 11:11 PM
So clearly Vidman is lying if the whistleblower himself is too afraid to testify now.

That's a strange inference, but hell everyone's welcome to their opinion. Intelligence officers are guaranteed anonymity because their retaliation claims cannot be heard by a court of law.

11-03-2019, 11:47 PM
Excuse me. I said gentleman, but I meant War Hero.

I bet he'd be very upset at you calling him a war hero.

11-04-2019, 12:41 AM
So would Sean Hannity, or Alex Jones but for entirely reasons. Any soldier who served in combat and returned home is a hero and gets my praise.

11-04-2019, 01:44 AM
So would Sean Hannity, or Alex Jones but for entirely reasons. Any soldier who served in combat and returned home is a hero and gets my praise.

I very much doubt that. More like anyone who served in combat and just so happens to testify against a president you don't like you call a war hero in order to bolster said testimony and use his service as a cudgel against anyone who dared speak badly about his testimony.

Similar to how you probably think no one should disagree with that 16 year old "climate expert" because she's a "child" but you probably had little to no problem with almost every single major news network attacking the Covington kids. I just don't know why people like you can't at least be honest.

Only thing missing is you claiming to be a moderate or independent.

11-04-2019, 02:06 AM
That's a strange inference, but hell everyone's welcome to their opinion.

It doesn't concern you in the slightest that the two original "whistleblowers" aren't even going to testify? Just how partisan are you? This is honestly the most absurd miscarriage of justice I think I have ever seen.

Drag up some anonymous whistleblowers, lie about what the whistleblowers said in order to justify an investigation, get some very conflicting testimony from said witnesses, and then never hear from the original whistleblowers ever again? If this actually results in an impeachment it is the literal definition of someone being railroaded.

But Orange Man bad so who cares.

11-04-2019, 08:00 AM
They're up to seven whistleblowers, you're going to have to suck from more Breitbart dick so you can flagrantly discredit them as well, fascist.

Whistleblowers are like genders, you just make them up as you go along.

11-04-2019, 08:57 AM
They're up to seven whistleblowers. Speaking of blowers, I miss my old job as a porn fluffer.

This is correct.

Whistleblowers are like genders, you just make them up as you go along.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-04-2019, 09:07 AM
So would Sean Hannity, or Alex Jones but for entirely reasons. Any soldier who served in combat and returned home is a hero and gets my praise.


11-04-2019, 09:48 AM
It doesn't concern you in the slightest that the two original "whistleblowers" aren't even going to testify? Just how partisan are you? This is honestly the most absurd miscarriage of justice I think I have ever seen.

Drag up some anonymous whistleblowers, lie about what the whistleblowers said in order to justify an investigation, get some very conflicting testimony from said witnesses, and then never hear from the original whistleblowers ever again? If this actually results in an impeachment it is the literal definition of someone being railroaded.

But Orange Man bad so who cares.

They've actually not announced who'll be giving testimony for the public hearings, so I wouldn't rule out personal testimony. The great thing about our country is written, sworn testimony has the same Force and Effect as spoken testimony. As recently released, the original whistleblower has agreed to questions in writing in a written testimony or interrogatory. It doesn't bother me at all he or she is attempting to protect their career by making use of our legal system.

11-04-2019, 02:45 PM
Apparently Republican Senator's Grassley and Ernst both agree that whistleblower anonymity needs to be preserved.

Senator Grassley on Whistleblower Protections (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/trump-impeachment-inquiry/another-gop-senator-breaks-trump-defend-ukraine-whistleblower-n1062226)

11-04-2019, 03:51 PM
The great thing about our country is written, sworn testimony has the same Force and Effect as spoken testimony.

The fuck you smoking? Written testimony is almost never allowed in a real legal setting, nor are anonymous witnesses. You have to be fearing for your life because you think the mob is going to kill you or something in order to be able to testify anonymously, and even then written statements aren't typically allowed. And the reasons are very simple: you can't cross examine a written document, you can't look for clues such as the person being nervous when answering questions, not to mention everyone is entitled to face their accusers in this country. Well everyone was allowed to face their accusers until the Democrats in the House took over and pretended they were judge, jury, and executioner.

You are nothing but a political hack to be okay with all of this shit because this person is supposedly "protecting their career." Fuck his career. Real law and order and justice is a billion times more important than some random wannabe hero's career.

11-04-2019, 03:59 PM
The fuck you smoking? Written testimony is almost never allowed in a real legal setting, nor are anonymous witnesses. You have to be fearing for your life because you think the mob is going to kill you or something in order to be able to testify anonymously. And the reasons are very simple: you can't cross examine a written document, you can't look for clues such as the person being nervous when answering questions, not to mention everyone is entitled to face their accusers in this country. Well everyone was allowed to face their accusers until the Democrats in the House took over and pretended they were judge, jury, and executioner.

You are nothing but a political hack to be okay with all of this shit because this person is supposedly "protecting their career." Fuck his career. Real law and order and justice is a billion times more important than some random wannabe hero's career.

Not to mention the absolute absurdity of even thinking anonymous, written testimony is acceptable. Would you be okay if hundreds of letters rolled into the "investigation" that were all anonymous and pro Trump and said Trump has never done anything illegal in his life? Of course not, you would probably laugh your ass off at Trump trying to pull a stunt like that, but you're perfectly fine with Democrats doing this. Shit this is exactly what Trump needs to do now, since anonymous, written testimony apparently has the same weight as in person testimony then he just needs to get everyone who works for him or who has ever worked for him to start writing them letters. Let's make a complete mockery of our justice system.

Some Rogue
11-04-2019, 04:15 PM
Refresh my memory on how Trump "testified" with Mueller.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-04-2019, 04:37 PM
Refresh my memory on how Trump "testified" with Mueller.

HAHAHA, I was thinking the exact same thing. Can't have it both ways!

11-04-2019, 06:10 PM
Refresh my memory on how Trump "testified" with Mueller.

It's like one of the central tenets of our justice system, defendants don't have to testify. I guess this is yet another part of our justice system Democrats and TDS sufferers want to do away with because Orange Man bad.

It's not just a central tenet, it's one of our constitutional rights.

Also what does that even have to do with anything I am discussing here?

Some Rogue
11-04-2019, 06:53 PM
Written testimony is almost never allowed in a real legal setting

Your words.


It's also longstanding policy that whistleblowers remain anonymous but I guess we can throw that out too.

11-04-2019, 07:04 PM
Written testimony is almost never allowed in a real legal setting

Your words.


Not in setting where the witness will be cross examined, I thought that was pretty obvious what I was getting at considering this is exactly what I said in my post. Once again the reasoning is simple, you can't cross exam a written statement. A written statement is going to provide one narrative and one narrative only and sure as shit that narrative is either going to be in favor of the defendant or against the defendant, depending on who is providing said statement. That's why there better be some extenuating circumstances for why a written statement will be allowed as opposed to the person providing oral statements, like the witness is now dead.

Also again a defendant doesn't have to testify against himself at all so if all Trump wanted to provide was a written statement then Mueller is lucky he even got that.

You can hate Trump all you want but that doesn't mean our constitution and our system of justice goes to shit along with your unbridled hatred.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-04-2019, 07:21 PM
Dude I'm gonna vote for Trump and I think whistleblowers should be able to remain anonymous. They need to be vetted, for sure, but they should be able to remain anonymous.

11-04-2019, 07:27 PM
Dude I'm gonna vote for Trump and I think whistleblowers should be able to remain anonymous. They need to be vetted, for sure, but they should be able to remain anonymous.

They can remain anonymous and still be questioned in person. Again it's not unheard of for people to provide anonymous testimony in a court of law, but typically the person still provides testimony in person so they can be cross examined.

If Schiff is worried about leaks then perhaps that's just further proof that this entire thing is a sham.

Heck the person doesn't even have to be in the same room as the congresspeople, they can video teleconference this shit...well audio teleconference this shit. The whole point is the witness can be cross examined and not just provide written answers. That's nuts.

That's if you're for some reason in favor of anonymous testimony, which like I said you usually need a pretty damn good reason for wanting to remain anonymous, like you think the mob is going to put a hit out on you or something.

11-04-2019, 07:34 PM
I'd be a bit more worried about the whistleblower related to Khashoggi. That's the juicy one now.

The allegation is kushner greenlight the arrest of the journalist on a phonecall to bin salman, and turkey intercepted the phone call. They then claim Trump was blackmailed by Erodgan into removing troops from Syria. That will not go over well in the public space. Again, it's an allegation at this point, but juicy for sure. So much for the party of national security...if true.

11-04-2019, 07:40 PM
Refresh my memory on how Trump "testified" with Mueller.

The double standard is sharp enough to leave wounds.

11-04-2019, 07:50 PM
The fuck you smoking? Written testimony is almost never allowed in a real legal setting, nor are anonymous witnesses. You have to be fearing for your life because you think the mob is going to kill you or something in order to be able to testify anonymously, and even then written statements aren't typically allowed. And the reasons are very simple: you can't cross examine a written document, you can't look for clues such as the person being nervous when answering questions, not to mention everyone is entitled to face their accusers in this country. Well everyone was allowed to face their accusers until the Democrats in the House took over and pretended they were judge, jury, and executioner.

You are nothing but a political hack to be okay with all of this shit because this person is supposedly "protecting their career." Fuck his career. Real law and order and justice is a billion times more important than some random wannabe hero's career.

You're so absolutely triggered now, it's hilarious.

It's also clear you have absolutely no concept of the American legal system. Depositions and written testimony are done under oath or at the very least under penalty of pergury. How astute of you to figure out you cannot ask a document questions. This is why written testimony, it's review and supplementary written questions are all handled in advance of a hearing during DISCOVERY.

Written testimony, such as what's being offered by the whistleblowers legal counsel is conducted by a series of approved questions, then supplementary questions once the answers are received. They are the full force and effect of spoken testimony. Just like testimony, a question which isn't answered can be compelled by threat of perjury charge or by compelling an in person or likely telephonic appearance. This would be granted at the pleasure of Adam Schiff.

Next time you make a long post while completely ignoring recent precedent from your Commander and Thief, I'd recommend changing your panties afterwards. Because you smell like shit.

11-04-2019, 07:50 PM
Dude I'm gonna vote for Trump and I think whistleblowers should be able to remain anonymous. They need to be vetted, for sure, but they should be able to remain anonymous.

Also vetted by whom exactly? The only person that is confirmed to know who the whistleblower is is Schiff, the guy who couldn't be trusted not to blab to the world that the US was going to lead a raid to take out the ISIS head piece of shit.

11-04-2019, 07:52 PM
The double standard is sharp enough to leave wounds.

Another Democrat suffering from TDS who can't appreciate the nuances of what I am discussing. Don't worry, I'm not the slightest bit shocked that you and Some Rogue are buddy buddy. Maybe soon enough you two will be hanging out talking about how awesome it is that whites in South Africa being targeted by the government is okay because whities deserved it.

11-04-2019, 08:05 PM
You're so absolutely triggered now, it's hilarious.

Here comes the projection.

It's also clear you have absolutely no concept of the American legal system. Depositions and written testimony are done under oath or at the very least under penalty of pergury. How astute of you to figure out you cannot ask a document questions. This is why written testimony, it's review and supplementary written questions are all handled in advance of a hearing during DISCOVERY.

Blah blah blah. Are you saying you believe the whistleblower will provide oral testimony after "discovery" or something? Because if you believe that then do I have a wonderful deal on a bridge to sell you.

This would be granted at the pleasure of Adam Schiff.

It's funny you keep saying this as if it makes it okay. How did you even fit yourself AND a laptop inside of Adam Schiff's colon? That's quite impressive.

Every single time you do this dumb ass shit. "It all good because Adam Schiff has to sign off on it." Like Adam Schiff is some moral authority figure or something. I almost feel bad for calling you Androidpk now, because Androidpk isn't this blatant in his hypocrisy and stupidity. He at least pretends to be objective and isn't just like "I put my full and complete faith in this complete partisan hack." Never thought the day would come where I would have to apologize to Androidpk for a comparison between him and another person, but yet here we are. Seran, the guy who thinks Clyder is a real person.

Next time you make a long post while completely ignoring recent precedent from your Commander and Thief, I'd recommend changing your panties afterwards. Because you smell like shit.

For the third fucking time, it is every defendant's constitutional right to remain silent. Trump didn't have to provide a single bit of testimony, oral, written, or otherwise. And you have the absolute audacity to tell me that I don't know how the legal something works? Holy fucking shit. I honestly feel bad now conversing with you because I legit feel like I'm picking on the mentally retarded kid at school.

Let's just imagine this absolute shit in any other scenario.

Let's say someone was accused of rape, we'll call this asshole Seran.

Seran is accused of rape, the person accusing them of rape isn't the one he raped, but rather it's someone who heard from someone who heard from the person who was raped. The judge meets with the accuser then the judge releases a statement and completely lies about what the accuser said. The piece of shit Seran is then forced to be a witness against himself while his defense lawyer is unable to question his accuser because the accuser wants to remain anonymous. The jury hears the written statement read out loud and Seran's defense lawyer can't question the document or really say much of anything.

Seran goes to jail based on third hand information, was never able to face his accuser, and the accuser was never even questioned in a court of law.

If this sounds like bullshit that's because it is. Even a piece of shit like Seran deserves a fair trial in court for rape. But Orange Man bad so I guess we ignore these miscarriages of justice because we are so blinded by our own partisan hatred that we don't care about fairness anymore, just as long as we somehow put Hillary Clinton in the White House!

Where do you Never Trumpers come from anyways? As soon as one of you gets embarrassed off of these forums another one takes their place. Like some sort of disgusting scourge.

11-04-2019, 08:06 PM
Also vetted by whom exactly? The only person that is confirmed to know who the whistleblower is is Schiff, the guy who couldn't be trusted not to blab to the world that the US was going to lead a raid to take out the ISIS head piece of shit.

You know. The inspector general.

11-04-2019, 08:09 PM
You know. The inspector general.

So no one in Congress except Schiff? You know, the ones who are going to be voting on impeachment if it comes to that. You're okay with that?

11-04-2019, 08:53 PM
So no one in Congress except Schiff? You know, the ones who are going to be voting on impeachment if it comes to that. You're okay with that?

TGO is swole, from moving those goal posts.

11-04-2019, 08:59 PM
TGO is swole, from moving those goal posts.

I've been pretty consistent actually. I don't even know if the Inspector General knows who the whistleblower is or "vetted" him, I'm just taking Alfter at his word for it here because it doesn't really matter. Clearly I am talking about congress here because I have always been talking about congress here. Just like I'm not talking about Trump or Mueller, I'm not talking about depositions, or anything else people want to try and deflect to. But I'm not surprised Archigeek comes along and decides I'm the one deflecting and moving goalposts and not everyone else in here with their TDS up to 11. The only thing that could make this more perfect is for Back to come charging in here with Androidpk riding on his shoulders to call me a racist a white supremacist. Then the PC will have truly peeked and we could all go back to our regular lives.

11-04-2019, 09:10 PM
Written diarrhea ...

You're sitting here ranting and raving like a lunatic but you're forgetting Adam Schiff is acting exactly as the Constitution designated. I know you have absolutely no concept of checks and balances, but the Founders and Framers granted this authority to Congress and as Nancy Pelosi has designated her authority to Adam Schiff for this impeachment inquiry, all of your pissing and moaning amounts to a fart in the wind.

11-04-2019, 09:17 PM
You're sitting here ranting and raving like a lunatic but you're forgetting Adam Schiff is acting exactly as the Constitution designated. I know you have absolutely no concept of checks and balances, but the Founders and Framers granted this authority to Congress and as Nancy Pelosi has designated her authority to Adam Schiff for this impeachment inquiry, all of your pissing and moaning amounts to a fart in the wind.

What "authority" do you think Pelosi has exactly?

And look, dipshit, I have no problem with congress's "checks and balances", I just expect something fair. I would have been embarrassed if the Republicans tried this kind of stunt with Obama, but you and your ilk have sold your soul and humanity to the Democrat party so you're all too happy to say stupid shit like Pelosi has designated her "authority" to Adam Schiff and therefore you're perfectly okay with Schiff running this thing like a complete kangaroo court.

I know this retarded deflection shit and sucking Pelosi's and Schiff's cocks at the same time goes over like gangbusters in whatever echo chamber Facebook groups you hang out in, but that shit only works with roughly half of the people of the PC, and I ain't one of them so spare the bullshit.

11-04-2019, 09:55 PM
What "authority" do you think Pelosi has exactly?

And look, dipshit, I have no problem with congress's "checks and balances", I just expect something fair. I would have been embarrassed if the Republicans tried this kind of stunt with Obama, but you and your ilk have sold your soul and humanity to the Democrat party so you're all too happy to say stupid shit like Pelosi has designated her "authority" to Adam Schiff and therefore you're perfectly okay with Schiff running this thing like a complete kangaroo court.

I know this retarded deflection shit and sucking Pelosi's and Schiff's cocks at the same time goes over like gangbusters in whatever echo chamber Facebook groups you hang out in, but that shit only works with roughly half of the people of the PC, and I ain't one of them so spare the bullshit.

Quite simply the power to impeach the President as an enumerated power. If you're confused about Congressional oversight, I suggest you read the Supreme Court's opinion McGrain v. Daugherty, 273 U.S. 135, 177

11-04-2019, 09:57 PM
Quite simply the power to impeach the President as an enumerated power. If you're confused about Congressional oversight, I suggest you read the Supreme Court's opinion McGrain v. Daugherty, 273 U.S. 135, 177

She doesn't have the power to impeach the President. Congress does. She isn't all of Congress.

11-04-2019, 09:59 PM
Quite simply the power to impeach the President as an enumerated power. If you're confused about Congressional oversight, I suggest you read the Supreme Court's opinion McGrain v. Daugherty, 273 U.S. 135, 177

I didn't ask you about congressional oversight or the power of the House to impeach the president. I very specifically asked you what authority you think Pelosi as speaker of the House has?

This is the point where you Google it, find out no authority at all is mentioned in the constitution, so you call me a racist and deflect to your next talking point.

11-04-2019, 10:23 PM
I answered your question, I'm sorry your English comprehension is so bad. Thank goodness for scripts.

11-04-2019, 10:26 PM
I answered your question, I'm sorry your English comprehension is so bad. Thank goodness for scripts.

So you really think Pelosi has the power to impeach the president?

Holy shit you're fucking dumb.

11-05-2019, 09:06 AM
So you really think Pelosi has the power to impeach the president?

Holy shit you're fucking dumb.

pk is really stupid

11-05-2019, 09:42 AM
Speaking at a Trump rally in Kentucky, Rand Paul came out against nepotism. It shouldn't be allowed!

"Hunter Biden made $50,000 a month. That's the definition of corruption. We know he got it only because of his family connections."

More... (https://www.cnsnews.com/article/washington/susan-jones/sen-rand-paul-subpoena-hunter-biden-and-subpoena-whistle-blower)

It's like rain on your wedding day. Or a free ride when you've already paid. Nepotism.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-05-2019, 09:46 AM
I'm totally for nepotism.

11-05-2019, 09:52 AM
So you really think Pelosi has the power to impeach the president?

Holy shit you're fucking dumb.

Yes, the Constitution Grant's the House the power of Impeachment and the Senate the power of trial. There are specific, enumerated powers you silly cockroach.

11-05-2019, 10:46 AM
Speaking at a Trump rally in Kentucky, Rand Paul came out against nepotism. It shouldn't be allowed!

It's like rain on your wedding day. Or a free ride when you've already paid. Nepotism.

FUCK THAT, CHOCOLATE VANILLA AND STRAWBERRY 4 LYFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!11111111111111111111111111CLYDERBANGSLITTLEBOYS 111111111111111111111111111111222

11-05-2019, 12:16 PM
Yes, the Constitution Grant's the House the power of Impeachment and the Senate the power of trial. There are specific, enumerated powers you silly cockroach.

You said Pelosi has that power. She doesn't have that power. The House does. She is not the House, she is a single member of it.

11-05-2019, 01:44 PM
It's like rain on your wedding day. Or a free ride when you've already paid. Nepotism.

Rand Paul is not alone in calling for an end to nepotism. Ronna Romney-McDaniel and Donald Trump, Jr. have joined Rand Paul's criticism of Hunter Biden. Although not as critical as Romney-McDaniel and Trump, Jr., Meghan McCain also thinks Hunter Biden should not have taken the job.


It's good advice that he just didn't take.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-05-2019, 02:18 PM
I know you are trolling, but for real, I'm 100% in support of nepotism. Why work hard to establish a brand/name if not to exploit it?

11-05-2019, 05:17 PM
Sondland testified days before Taylor. One of the two committed perjury.

(CNN)In a significant reversal, a top US diplomat revised his testimony to impeachment investigators to admit there was a quid pro quo linking US aid to Ukraine with an investigation into President Donald Trump's political rivals.

More... (https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/05/politics/gordon-sondland-kurt-volker-transcripts-impeachment-inquiry/index.html)

Sondland said he had just forgotten about it so that his first testimony wasn't really perjury.

11-05-2019, 06:18 PM
Another major player in the Trump adminstration has acknowledged quid pro quo. I can only imagine the fear inside the White House now.

11-05-2019, 06:22 PM
Another major player in the Trump adminstration has acknowledged quid pro quo. I can only imagine the fear inside the White House now.

There is no fear. The "quid pro quo" he acknowledged was that Trump wanted Ukraine to vow to fight corruption. You know, the exact same thing you sucked Obama's and Biden's dicks over when they did the exact same thing to Ukraine.

How much did you get for your soul when you sold it to the Democratic party? I'm guessing you gave it away for free.

11-05-2019, 06:48 PM
I can't wait till the recording of this phone call shows up. I wonder how many recordings there are? The White House probably recorded it, one or two of the many underlings who were tasked with listening in, the Ukrainians? The eves dropping Russians? Who knows how many copies are out there? And the way Washington leaks, it's just a matter of time.

11-05-2019, 07:19 PM
I can't wait till the recording of this phone call shows up. I wonder how many recordings there are? The White House probably recorded it, one or two of the many underlings who were tasked with listening in, the Ukrainians? The eves dropping Russians? Who knows how many copies are out there? And the way Washington leaks, it's just a matter of time.

I can't wait either. Going to be awesome to see a few inconsequential words like "the" or "um" were omitted in the official transcript and then watch the media and Democrats go crazy by saying this proves Trump omitted words from the transcript.

If there were recordings of this call and it would prove the transcript wasn't accurate don't you think it would have been leaked by now?

11-05-2019, 10:12 PM
I can't wait till the recording of this phone call shows up. I wonder how many recordings there are? The White House probably recorded it, one or two of the many underlings who were tasked with listening in, the Ukrainians? The eves dropping Russians? Who knows how many copies are out there? And the way Washington leaks, it's just a matter of time.

And if it turns out to be yet another bullshit thing like "ZOMGRUSSIANCOLLUSION" will you finally be like "Wtf are you doing Democrats?!" or will you be like "ZOMGIHATETRUMPTOOSTILL!!"?

11-05-2019, 10:53 PM
Firm Hired by Ukraine’s Burisma Tried to Use Hunter Biden as Leverage, Documents Show (https://www.wsj.com/articles/firm-hired-by-ukraines-burisma-tried-to-use-hunter-biden-as-leverage-documents-show-11573009615?mod=e2tw)

WASHINGTON—A consulting firm hired by Burisma Group mentioned that former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s son served on the Ukrainian gas company’s board so the firm could leverage a meeting with the State Department, according to documents and a former U.S. official.

11-05-2019, 11:02 PM
Firm Hired by Ukraine’s Burisma Tried to Use Hunter Biden as Leverage, Documents Show (https://www.wsj.com/articles/firm-hired-by-ukraines-burisma-tried-to-use-hunter-biden-as-leverage-documents-show-11573009615?mod=e2tw)


11-05-2019, 11:06 PM


11-05-2019, 11:25 PM
If there were recordings of this call and it would prove the transcript wasn't accurate don't you think it would have been leaked by now?

If there were recordings of this call and it would prove the transcript was accurate don't you think it would have been loudly proclaimed by Trump by now? According to him it was a perfect call after all. A strange turn of phrase to describe a phone call.

It's hard to imagine that no one recorded it. If so, the truth will come out whatever it may be.

11-05-2019, 11:28 PM
If there were recordings of this call and it would prove the transcript was accurate don't you think it would have been loudly proclaimed by Trump by now?

I'm not the one claiming there is a recording in the first place. Also Trump refers to everything as either "perfect/terrific" or a "failure/bad." He's very two dimensional in that regard.

11-06-2019, 12:00 AM
Ahhh, a rehash of the Burisma conspiracy theory. Surprised there's not a link to something on Seth Rich also.

When I click on the "newly released memos" link, it goes to a broken link. Weird. Have a working link to these memos?

11-06-2019, 12:12 AM
Ahhh, a rehash of the Burisma conspiracy theory. Surprised there's not a link to something on Seth Rich also.

When I click on the "newly released memos" link, it goes to a broken link. Weird. Have a working link to these memos?

It's not a rehash, these are newly released documents.

11-06-2019, 12:15 AM
I tried to go look at them, but the link doesn't work.

11-06-2019, 12:25 AM
And? That literally means nothing. I've been trying to leverage Mark Wahlberg for a reach around for a long time, it doesn't imply he's gay.

11-06-2019, 12:29 AM
I tried to go look at them, but the link doesn't work.

Have you tried turning your internet off and on again?

11-06-2019, 12:35 AM
No, not sure if Al Gore intended it to work that way.

11-06-2019, 12:37 AM
And? That literally means nothing. I've been trying to leverage Mark Wahlberg for a reach around for a long time, it doesn't imply he's gay.

Burisma, the company Hunter Biden worked for making almost 1 million dollars a year, asks the Obama administration for a meeting to discuss the corruption allegations against the company. Burisma specifically invokes Hunter Biden's name as to why the Obama administration should grant them a meeting. A representative from Burisma has a meeting with a lower official and apparently with the at the time Secretary of State. Less than a month after these meetings Biden literally threatens Ukraine by withholding a billion dollars of aid until Ukraine agrees to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma.

And this results in an "and" from you but Orange Man needs to go to jail?

11-06-2019, 12:43 AM
This stuff has been debunked so many times....but if Biden did something illegal, lock his ass up. He can share the cell next to Trump.

11-06-2019, 12:47 AM
This stuff has been debunked so many times....but if Biden did something illegal, lock his ass up. He can share the cell next to Trump.

Debunked by whom? The Obama administration? It's not like there was an investigation.

11-06-2019, 12:51 AM
Righties are so keen on saying the Ukrainian president said there was no QPQ well The office on corruption in the Ukrainian parliament said the investigation into Burisma was over before hunter Biden joined the company.

Like I said though, throw Joe’s ass in jail if he broke the law.

11-06-2019, 01:10 AM
Righties are so keen on saying the Ukrainian president said there was no QPQ well The office on corruption in the Ukrainian parliament said the investigation into Burisma was over before hunter Biden joined the company.

That doesn't seem to be true if these documents are accurate.

I'm not even necessarily saying I think Biden committed a crime, it's just interesting that Trump asking Ukraine to investigate a possible crime is somehow reason enough to impeach him.

Just for shits and giggles let's say Joe Biden really did commit a crime and Trump had good reason to believe Joe Biden did, how do we move forward? Should Trump and his administration be absolutely forbidden from asking Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden's alleged misconduct? Do Democrats go from "No one is above the law" to "Well as long as you're running for office as a Democrat then you are indeed above the law"?

11-06-2019, 01:50 AM
That doesn't seem to be true if these documents are accurate.

I'm not even necessarily saying I think Biden committed a crime, it's just interesting that Trump asking Ukraine to investigate a possible crime is somehow reason enough to impeach him.

Just for shits and giggles let's say Joe Biden really did commit a crime and Trump had good reason to believe Joe Biden did, how do we move forward? Should Trump and his administration be absolutely forbidden from asking Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden's alleged misconduct? Do Democrats go from "No one is above the law" to "Well as long as you're running for office as a Democrat then you are indeed above the law"?

Meh, I don't know. Not sure how involved you have gotten in politics, meaning, have you really got down in the trenches? Like given speeches at caucus's or the like?

It really doesn't take long to discover how corrupt it all is, Democrat or Republican. People that seek that level of power are rarely good people. It would probably be best for all of us if we could find a way to remove these people from our lives.

11-06-2019, 09:04 AM
You start by not making properly appropriated aid contingent on an investigation. You also don’t send your personal attorney and his two illegally contributing goons to investigate. Then when the goons get arrested for campaign violations, you don’t pretend you don’t know them...especially with Al Gore’s internet around.

Then you be transparent about it. You don’t stick the call on a server used for classified material, not try and line up the talking points with your donor diplomats, or order people not to comply with congressional subpoenas.

That’s just what I probably would have done if it was all legit and above board.

11-06-2019, 09:14 AM
Amen, it's time to get them all out, enact term limit and campaign finance reform, and ban lobbying.

11-06-2019, 09:27 AM
You start by not making properly appropriated aid contingent on an investigation. You also don’t send your personal attorney and his two illegally contributing goons to investigate. Then when the goons get arrested for campaign violations, you don’t pretend you don’t know them...especially with Al Gore’s internet around.

Then you be transparent about it. You don’t stick the call on a server used for classified material, not try and line up the talking points with your donor diplomats, or order people not to comply with congressional subpoenas.

That’s just what I probably would have done if it was all legit and above board.

An honest person would hold everyone to the same accountability. Biden is literally on camera bragging about withholding aid to force foreign hands.

To me personally it's all bullshit, the fact that we use taxpayers dollars to aid these countries. Trying to think if I can ever remember a foreign country handing us their money in such a fashion on an annual basis.

Now if I was innocent of all these accusations, I would be the biggest fucking dick in the world. I would make the accusers exhaust every ounce energy in the process. I would put the phone call on that server so I could later laugh my fucking ass off at the embarrassment of my accusers. I would not release my tax returns, I would make my opponent exhaust their treasure in the legal system and then again laugh my fucking ass off as my opponents become less trustworthy in the public's eye.

11-06-2019, 09:29 AM
ban lobbying.

I have 0 problems with lobbying, it's how we get our stolen tax dollars back.

enact term limits

Speaking of term limits.....

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQMygDBHqAGOd72Eln7LDdLIOkEYlio zg3vbeUl7WOJxc70Go&s

Why the holdout?

11-06-2019, 09:34 AM
And? That literally means nothing. I've been trying to leverage Mark Wahlberg for a reach around for a long time, it doesn't imply he's gay.

Sorry about your 69'ing buddy Anal Lee getting pwned.

Looks like you're gonna be dildoing yourself for a while.

11-06-2019, 09:44 AM
An honest person would hold everyone to the same accountability. Biden is literally on camera bragging about withholding aid to force foreign hands.

To me personally it's all bullshit, the fact that we use taxpayers dollars to aid these countries. Trying to think if I can ever remember a foreign country handing us their money in such a fashion on an annual basis.

Now if I was innocent of all these accusations, I would be the biggest fucking dick in the world. I would make the accusers exhaust every ounce energy in the process. I would put the phone call on that server so I could later laugh my fucking ass off at the embarrassment of my accusers. I would not release my tax returns, I would make my opponent exhaust their treasure in the legal system and then again laugh my fucking ass off as my opponents become less trustworthy in the public's eye.

At the behest of a lot of people other than himself or the last administration. If you research it, you will find the Ukraine's own parliament wanted Biden to do what Biden said. The International Monetary Fund, the EU. He wasn't saying don't investigate, he was saying if you don't investigate.

I will respectfully disagree with the way to handle it, especially when breaking the law is a part of the solution.

11-06-2019, 10:00 AM
The International Monetary Fund

Hey, if you want to totally fuck up your country you barrow money from these guys and put all your natural resources down as collateral.

The EU is a council of unelected officials.

OK, so again he used tax payer dollars to force a foreign nations hand. Using the "rest of the world wanted us to do it" makes this sound a little bit worse.

Honestly, if Biden is elected, I would be seeking impeachment immediately. The same goes for Warren for lying about her heritage to gain access. As well as Kamala for her acts in CA. And Bernie for his illegal campaign violations he has already been found guilty of. (See where we have arrived?)

11-06-2019, 10:02 AM
It really is amazing how the conservatives are shifting their unshakable confidence in this corrupt president each time there is a new revelation confirming the Impeachment allegations. "No quid pro quo" has shifted to, quid pro quo is not illegal. The perfect call where the president was only asking for a favor and not directly requesting investigations now confirmed as false has become "the President is entitled to do anything he wants"

The loyalty is staggering, but I wonder if they've come to realize the damage being done to their party and the confidence being lost in their electorate. The chances of their keeping the Senate are fading fast and if the Democrats could stop chewing on one another for a moment and focus on propping up a single candidate, Trump will easily be replaced next November.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-06-2019, 10:06 AM
It really is amazing how the conservatives are shifting their unshakable confidence in this corrupt president each time there is a new revelation confirming the Impeachment allegations.

It's kind of like... collusion, corruption, obstruction, qpq... right?

11-06-2019, 10:10 AM
Hey, if you want to totally fuck up your country you barrow money from these guys and put all your natural resources down as collateral.

The EU is a council of unelected officials.

OK, so again he used tax payer dollars to force a foreign nations hand. Using the "rest of the world wanted us to do it" makes this sound a little bit worse.

Honestly, if Biden is elected, I would be seeking impeachment immediately. (See where we have arrived?)

The EU has elections every five years. The president is elected by the electorate every two years.

11-06-2019, 10:13 AM
Amen, it's time to get them all out, enact term limit and campaign finance reform, and ban lobbying.

You finally said something I can agree with... as long as your "campaign finance reform" isn't paid for by taxes.

11-06-2019, 10:18 AM
I have 0 problems with lobbying, it's how we get our stolen tax dollars back.

Speaking of term limits.....

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQMygDBHqAGOd72Eln7LDdLIOkEYlio zg3vbeUl7WOJxc70Go&s

Why the holdout?

Lobbying is a dirty business full of quid pro quo, nepotism, good ol'boy networking, etc... It's time to find a better way.

And I'm 100% on board for SCOTUS term limits as well. In the 1800's, the life expectancy was like what.. 50? 55 maybe? Now, every one of them are over the age of 50 and the life expectancy in the US is like 80 years.

11-06-2019, 10:19 AM
It really is amazing how the conservatives are shifting their unshakable confidence in this corrupt president each time there is a new revelation confirming the Impeachment allegations. "No quid pro quo" has shifted to, quid pro quo is not illegal. The perfect call where the president was only asking for a favor and not directly requesting investigations now confirmed as false has become "the President is entitled to do anything he wants"

The loyalty is staggering, but I wonder if they've come to realize the damage being done to their party and the confidence being lost in their electorate. The chances of their keeping the Senate are fading fast and if the Democrats could stop chewing on one another for a moment and focus on propping up a single candidate, Trump will easily be replaced next November.

You should go back to when you literally said Nancy Pelosi has the authority to impeach the President.

Because stupidity like that makes me laugh a lot.

Some Rogue
11-06-2019, 10:59 AM
Lobbying is a dirty business full of quid pro quo, nepotism, good ol'boy networking, etc... It's time to find a better way.

And I'm 100% on board for SCOTUS term limits as well. In the 1800's, the life expectancy was like what.. 50? 55 maybe? Now, every one of them are over the age of 50 and the life expectancy in the US is like 80 years.

Life expectancy was only that low due to the number of children that died young, Once you made it out of childhood, the life expectancy wasn't that much different than today.

11-06-2019, 11:14 AM
Life expectancy was only that low due to the number of children that died young, Once you made it out of childhood, the life expectancy wasn't that much different than today.

It was shorter than today, but yes, life expectancy went up dramatically once you reached 20.

Some Rogue
11-06-2019, 11:39 AM
I just randomly picked a few of the Founding Fathers and many of them lived into their 80's.

They were dying of shit like TB and stuff we have cures for now, Now we just all get cancer.

11-06-2019, 11:43 AM
I just randomly picked a few of the Founding Fathers and many of them lived into their 80's.

They were dying of shit like TB and stuff we have cures for now, Now we just all get cancer.

Those were rich dudes that had white collar jobs. We have blue collar living into that now. Rich people have always had long lives. Romans lived into the 80s.

11-06-2019, 11:53 AM
Life expectancy was only that low due to the number of children that died young, Once you made it out of childhood, the life expectancy wasn't that much different than today.

Good point.

I'm still for term limits for all appointed and elected positions in government.

Some Rogue
11-06-2019, 11:56 AM
Good point.

I'm still for term limits for all appointed and elected positions in government.


11-06-2019, 12:49 PM

Term limits for who on these boards though?

Reported for reasons.

11-06-2019, 01:41 PM


Some Rogue
11-06-2019, 02:13 PM
Term limits for who on these boards though?

Reported for reasons.

Bathtub installers.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-06-2019, 02:25 PM
Bathtub installers.

Do we look down on bathtub installers?

11-06-2019, 04:41 PM
Do we look down on bathtub installers?

Androidpk was trying to dox me.. and decided I had to be a bathtub installer who was divorced but was cheating on my wife with a girl who worked at McDonalds.

He literally wasn't good at anything... which is why his mom called him a "Good for nothing loser".

11-06-2019, 05:18 PM
You start by not making properly appropriated aid contingent on an investigation.

That's what Trump was accused of but all signs point to at worst he said he wanted Ukraine to openly declare they would fight corruption, exactly what the Obama administration did to Ukraine.

11-06-2019, 05:21 PM
"No quid pro quo" has shifted to, quid pro quo is not illegal.

The hell you talking about? DEMOCRATS have been saying that ever since this Ukraine bullshit popped up. Remember how it was okay for Biden to threaten to withhold aid until the US received something in return? It's like talking to an automaton programmed directly by Hillary Clinton.

11-06-2019, 05:23 PM

If there was no comment it was a positive rep. Neg reps require at least a '.' or something.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-06-2019, 05:31 PM
Androidpk was trying to dox me.. and decided I had to be a bathtub installer who was divorced but was cheating on my wife with a girl who worked at McDonalds.

He literally wasn't good at anything... which is why his mom called him a "Good for nothing loser".

rofl. I fucking love this place.