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09-26-2019, 07:57 PM
I am excited about electric cars, I really am. I want one when the range and charge times are better. This psychotic "world is ending in 12 years!" and "Become vegetarian or we all die!" BS though? Hell no.

Exactly. They made a push for people to switch to CFL light bulbs because it was better for the planet, so I switched all of my light bulbs out because it made sense. Then they pushed for LEDs for the same reasons and again I switched because again it made sense.

Then they started pushing people to buy electric lawn equipment like lawnmowers and trimmer because it was better for the planet compared to gas powered tools and I did because again it made a lot of sense.

But nothing is ever good enough for these people. Now they are calling for doing away with ACs and furnaces, increasing the costs of electricity and natural gas, restricting people eating meat or outlawing beef altogether, dramatically increasing our taxes so we can build more inefficient wind and solar farms. It's just fucking nuts and there seem to be no signs of their demands ever abating because they don't want to ever be satisfied, all they want is more and more power and you don't get that by being happy for once.

09-26-2019, 07:58 PM
I have an electric mower. It works good enough, but the cord is fucking annoying. It is basically vacuuming the yard. I want to cordless stuff, but knowing me I'll forget to charge it.

And I do like LEDs better than even the old lights. They are far superior. I like those type of advances.

09-26-2019, 08:31 PM
I have an electric mower. It works good enough, but the cord is fucking annoying. It is basically vacuuming the yard. I want to cordless stuff, but knowing me I'll forget to charge it.

And I do like LEDs better than even the old lights. They are far superior. I like those type of advances.

For sure LEDs are better than old fashioned incandescent bulbs, the only issue was the upfront cost but even that is hardly a problem anymore.

Also I wouldn't use an electric mower unless I had a very small yard (which unfortunately I do not), I do have a battery powered mower and it works awesome. I also switched to battery powered trimmer and edger and switched to an electric power washer. I have no more gas powered equipment, I'm doing my part!

But nnoOOooOOOooOOOo! I now have to give up beef and freeze my ass off in the winter and roast alive in the summer in my own house because these fuckers don't want to just admit that the US (both the government and its citizens) are more than doing their part in lowering their carbon footprint. We can't criticize China, India, or parts of Africa because that doesn't bode well with their white guild/white savior complexes. They must get the whities to save the world for the brown folk!

09-26-2019, 08:36 PM
Battery powered is electric you fool!

09-26-2019, 08:38 PM
Battery powered is electric you fool!

Your face is electric!

09-26-2019, 09:00 PM
Your face is electric!

Battery or corded?

09-26-2019, 09:01 PM
Battery or corded?

First one then the other.

09-26-2019, 09:06 PM
Battery or corded?

Neither. I am my own powerplant.

09-26-2019, 09:26 PM
I have an electric mower. It works good enough, but the cord is fucking annoying. It is basically vacuuming the yard. I want to cordless stuff, but knowing me I'll forget to charge it.

And I do like LEDs better than even the old lights. They are far superior. I like those type of advances.

I have a fiskars reel mower. It works well. Might try that.

09-26-2019, 09:30 PM
I have a fiskars reel mower. It works well. Might try that.


09-26-2019, 09:32 PM
Of course not. Except you do. You're just a liar.


How anyone on the left has a problem the following, I have no idea:

1) The president taking no salary
2) Badass economy
3) All time low unemployment across the board
4) Wages up
5) Illegal immigration down
6) Other countries ponying up
7) China getting pwned
8) ISIS getting pwned
9) Hillary getting pwned
10) Calling out the climate change hoax the left is pushing for what it is

Wait, I do know. It's called "pulling the blue blanket over your head."

Golly, that was easy.

Let's also not forget how the DNC rigged the primaries and tried (but failed) to rig the general election.

Seriously, we need to see Hunter Biden’s tax returns.

Common theme: BriarFox has no idea.

I'm shocked.


These are all correct.

09-26-2019, 09:33 PM
1) So Trump didn't say, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing" in July 2016, inviting them to hack the DNC? Even if you shrug that off, how about supporting stronger election protections so that foreign powers can't interfere? Any protests to that? Because McConnell has been stonewalling it until yesterday.
2) Trump didn't spend most of his efforts at the G7 trying to get Russia reinstated as a member? https://thinkprogress.org/trump-is-lobbying-hard-to-bring-russia-back-to-the-g8-ae70323028a8/
3) I don't know what you're referencing here. I'm referring to the use of his properties for public purposes.
4) I actually agree that China is abusive and our trade policies need to be revised, but Trump's handled it in an extremely erratic fashion.
5) So, you disagree with 99% of scientists? Even if you somehow do justify that, do you disagree that the temperatures are rising and that we need to do something about them so that human life across the globe isn't irrevocably changed?

1) I think Trump was serious, but I suppose that's a matter of opinion. However, at this direction, his campaign communicated in detail with Russia to get dirt on Clinton. The first section of the Mueller report details this situation in depth. Also, come on, trying somehow to deflect with "But Obama?!"
2) The economic situation with fuel doesn't offset Trump's support of Russia elsewhere
3) From your article: "Forbes attributed the decline of Trump's fortune to three main factors: e-commerce eating into the value of Trump's real estate holdings, the intrusion of heightened security at Trump's resorts, and Trump's own over-reporting of the size of his penthouse ..."Much as he's trying — and he's definitely trying — Donald Trump is not getting richer off the presidency," according to Forbes." None of that changes the fact that, as Forbes states in your article, Trump's been trying to enrich himself. I am glad to find out that overall it's a failure, but it doesn't excuse the attempt.
4) Sure, we can agree to disagree here.
5) I don't know where you come from in disagreeing with the entire scientific community, so I guess there's nothing to discuss here.

1. So you're saying that, despite the fact Trump encouraged Russia to help him, and Russia did, it's all Obama's fault for not forcing through better election security? Obama is to blame because he didn't stop Trump and Russia?
2. I accept that those things are happening, but they don't address the broader concern. You're fine with Trump's support of Russia in the G8, which was so strong that it led insiders to suspect he was either a Russian spy or a Russian dupe? https://www.businessinsider.com/spies-react-trump-g7-summit-russian-asset-2019-8
3. Ok, let's run with that. Even if every previous president enriched himself, for the sake of argument, should Trump?
5. So, what about taking a practical stance on a solution, then, regardless of the cause of climate change?

These are all retarded.

09-26-2019, 09:35 PM
For sure LEDs are better than old fashioned incandescent bulbs, the only issue was the upfront cost but even that is hardly a problem anymore.

Unfortunately not true. More efficient, longer lasting, yes. They still make loads more pollution to manufacture that we export to other countries since they aren't made in the US and the cost can be prohibitive to many still. Old plain bulbs were a buck for 4, LEDs are a good bit more than that and yes, that is still a choice some people have to make. Just another case of Leftist policies that are not thought through hurting the poorest among us. Just like the GM bailout, cash for clunkers (A massive payoff to the UAW) and Obamacare.

09-26-2019, 09:36 PM


09-26-2019, 09:57 PM
Reporter question: "The underlying problem here was of course Hunter Biden receiving $50,000 a month from a Ukrainian energy company. Do you think that that is evidence of corrupt behavior?"

Rep. Ted Lieu: "No. People sit on boards and they get monetary payments."

No shit people who sit on boards get monetary payments. The problem is Hunter Biden had exactly ZERO QUALIFICATIONS other than his father was VP at the time.

Holy shit the Democrats are nothing but a joke of a party now.

09-27-2019, 02:08 AM
There is talk of keeping the "whistleblower" anonymous.

So let me get this straight; a whistleblower with no firsthand knowledge of anything they are alleging, is going to be able to level charges against Trump and testify before Congress...all anonymously?

Yup, nothing shady going on here! Is this the new standard Democrats want to implement? Not only guilty before proven innocent but now the accused doesn't even get to face their accuser?

09-27-2019, 03:05 AM
They aren't trying to really impeach him. They want to make him look as bad as possible prior to the election.

09-27-2019, 07:34 AM
I don't think the Dems think the Senate will indict nor do they think Trump will be removed from office.

I think they're hoping for like the 1% chance he says 'fuck this' and resigns to go back to being a rich dude and doing whatever he wants (he won't do this)

Otherwise yes they're hoping it makes him look shitty enough to help them limp Brainworms Biden across the line in 2020. They also probably feel enough pressure to at least TRY to do something given how much of the party want Trump to ever face a consequence for anything. They have to look like they're trying. They're worried about their own seats more than they're worried about Trump.

09-27-2019, 07:48 AM
I don't think the Dems think the Senate will indict nor do they think Trump will be removed from office.

I think they're hoping for like the 1% chance he says 'fuck this' and resigns to go back to being a rich dude and doing whatever he wants (he won't do this)

Otherwise yes they're hoping it makes him look shitty enough to help them limp Brainworms Biden across the line in 2020. They also probably feel enough pressure to at least TRY to do something given how much of the party want Trump to ever face a consequence for anything. They have to look like they're trying. They're worried about their own seats more than they're worried about Trump.

No, they are doing this so they get access to the supposed "real" dirt on him. If they can impeach him they can get at his tax returns, business dealings, etc. They'll look for anything to make him look bad in time for the election, which is why this was magically timed now, about 1 year to go before the election.

09-27-2019, 07:55 AM
They aren't trying to really impeach him. They want to make him look as bad as possible prior to the election.


09-27-2019, 09:10 AM
I'm more of a fan of going back to whale oil. Only because of the nobility to be found in whaling.

Do you know how many Simucoins that will cost?

09-27-2019, 09:13 AM
The problem is Hunter Biden had exactly ZERO QUALIFICATIONS other than his father was VP at the time.

Nepotism should be illegal. Trump should get Ivanka (https://www.yahoo.com/news/jared-kushner-and-ivanka-trump-under-fresh-scrutiny-after-whistleblowers-account-on-security-clearances-002849083.html) to draft an executive order for him to sign outlawing it.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-27-2019, 09:15 AM
Nepotism should be illegal. Trump should get Ivanka (https://www.yahoo.com/news/jared-kushner-and-ivanka-trump-under-fresh-scrutiny-after-whistleblowers-account-on-security-clearances-002849083.html) to draft an executive order for him to sign outlawing it.

I agree.

09-27-2019, 09:47 AM

This is correct.

09-27-2019, 09:47 AM
Nepotism should be illegal. Trump should get Ivanka (https://www.yahoo.com/news/jared-kushner-and-ivanka-trump-under-fresh-scrutiny-after-whistleblowers-account-on-security-clearances-002849083.html) to draft an executive order for him to sign outlawing it.

FUCK THAT CHOCOLATE/VANILLA/STRAWBERRY 4 LYFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!43 566345345

09-27-2019, 12:03 PM
Trump-Ukraine ‘Bombshell’ Blows Up in Media’s Face — Forces Embarrassing Correction (https://pluralist.com/trump-ukraine-abc-correction)

ABC News added a major correction to a would-be bombshell report on Wednesday that said the Trump administration required Ukraine’s president to discuss Joe Biden as a precondition to meet with President Donald Trump.

The story would have been a huge development in the saga involving a whistleblower who filed a complaint regarding a July 25 phone call between Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian leader. The whistleblower asserted in the complaint that Trump pressured Zelensky to investigate Biden’s son’s Ukrainian business dealings.

A transcript of that phone call shows that Trump brought up concerns about the Bidens, but Trump denied pressuring Zelensky on the matter.

If true, the ABC story would have called that denial into question, and given Democrats more ammunition for their push to impeach Trump.

ABC News added a major correction to a would-be bombshell report on Wednesday that said the Trump administration required Ukraine’s president to discuss Joe Biden as a precondition to meet with President Donald Trump.

The story would have been a huge development in the saga involving a whistleblower who filed a complaint regarding a July 25 phone call between Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian leader. The whistleblower asserted in the complaint that Trump pressured Zelensky to investigate Biden’s son’s Ukrainian business dealings.

A transcript of that phone call shows that Trump brought up concerns about the Bidens, but Trump denied pressuring Zelensky on the matter.

MORE: Trump Whistleblower Admits in Newly Released Complaint That Claims Are ‘Mostly’ Hearsay

If true, the ABC story would have called that denial into question, and given Democrats more ammunition for their push to impeach Trump.

But ABC’s story has several problems.

The source for the report was Serhiy Leshchenko, a former member of Ukraine’s parliament who ABC inaccurately identified as a current adviser to Zelensky.

ABC quoted Leshchenko as confirming that Trump associates told Ukrainian officials that Biden had to be a topic of discussion in order for Trump to meet Zelensky.

“Ukrainian officials were asking for a meeting with Trump for along time. As I remember, it was a clear fact that Trump wants to meet only if Biden case will be included,” Leshchenko told ABC.

“This issue was raised many times. I know that Ukrainian officials understood.”

Zelensky has since walked back his comments, saying that he did not tell ABC News that there were preconditions for a Trump-Zelensky meeting. Leshchenko later told a BBC reporter that he had learned of a possible precondition only through media reports.

ABC corrected the story to note that Leshchenko has also not been an adviser to Zelensky for months.

But ABC’s initial story left out several key details about Leshchenko that would have raised questions about his thoughts on U.S.-Ukraine relations, and of Trump.

Nellie Ohr testified to Congress on Oct. 19, 2018, that Leshchenko was a source of information for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that gathered dirt on Trump on behalf of the DNC and Clinton campaign. Ohr, who worked as a contractor for Fusion GPS, was unable to describe how the information made its way from Leshchenko to Fusion GPS.

Leshchenko told The Daily Caller News Foundation on Wednesday that he has no recollection of meeting anyone from Fusion GPS, but he could not rule out that he provided information to someone who worked for the firm without identifying their employer.

Representatives from Fusion GPS acknowledged receiving a request for comment about Leshchenko back in February, but did not respond with comment at the time.

Leshchenko is also no fan of Trump or Rudy Giuliani, who has led a one-man campaign to dig up dirt in Ukraine on the Bidens.

Leshchenko is best known for his role in pushing the controversial “black ledger” that purportedly shows illicit payments that Ukrainian officials made to Paul Manafort when he was a consultant for Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych.

Leshchenko helped publicize the document after it was reported by The New York Times in August 2016. That story led to Manafort’s ouster from the campaign, but the longtime political consultant has long claimed the document is a forgery.

Leshchenko has denied that the ledger is a fake, but its legitimacy still remains in limbo.

“A Trump presidency would change the pro-Ukrainian agenda in American foreign policy,” Leshchenko told the Financial Times days after the ledger was published.

“For me, it was important to show not only the corruption aspect, but that he is [a] pro-Russian candidate who can break the geopolitical balance in the world.”


Poor Alfster, he fell for it.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-27-2019, 12:15 PM
I wrote Pelosi and my congressional rep that I would be a single issue voter on this. While I did not vote for Trump in 2016, I damn sure am in 2020. I'm also going to vote down party lines against every democratic candidate that has supported impeachment, which would be my rep.

09-27-2019, 02:15 PM
I'm sure that'll sway their opinion entirely.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-27-2019, 02:18 PM
I'm sure that'll sway their opinion entirely.

Well I could organize a night to go scream at the sky, but I don't think that is very effective.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-27-2019, 02:26 PM

She STILL can't get over it.

09-27-2019, 03:32 PM

She STILL can't get over it.

She got beaten by Trump for President and it makes me laugh a lot.

09-27-2019, 03:34 PM
Trump mentions investigating Biden for corruption to Ukraine.
Democrats: OMG! Trump is trying to make one of his politician rivals look bad to give him a better chance at winning in 2020! IMPEACH!!
Almost every single Democrat candidate calls for Trump to be impeached, which would almost guarantee they win if he’s removed from office and they are the Democrat candidate.
Democrats: crickets

09-27-2019, 04:07 PM
Trump may turn out to not even be a 1 term president. Imagine achieving the highest office in the world then screwing up so badly you actually get thrown out. Talk about biggest loser. Trump's problem is he cheats because he thinks everyone else cheats then when he gets caught says well everybody cheats. Trump is wrong. Not everyone cheats. Not everyone is corrupt. Corrupt cheaters are losers.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-27-2019, 04:08 PM
Trump may turn out to not even be a 1 term president. Imagine achieving the highest office in the world then screwing up so badly you actually get thrown out. Talk about biggest loser. Trump's problem is he cheats because he thinks everyone else cheats then when he gets caught says well everybody cheats. Trump is wrong. Not everyone cheats. Not everyone is corrupt. Corrupt cheaters are losers.

Man I'm going to enjoy you crying through 2024.

09-27-2019, 04:14 PM
Trump may turn out to not even be a 1 term president. Imagine achieving the highest office in the world then screwing up so badly you actually get thrown out. Talk about biggest loser. Trump's problem is he cheats because he thinks everyone else cheats then when he gets caught says well everybody cheats. Trump is wrong. Not everyone cheats. Not everyone is corrupt. Corrupt cheaters are losers.

You're a complete idiot if you think he is going to not only be impeached, but also convicted by the Republican majority Senate.

09-27-2019, 04:28 PM
Trump may turn out to not even be a 1 term president. Imagine achieving the highest office in the world then screwing up so badly you actually get thrown out. Talk about biggest loser. Trump's problem is he cheats because he thinks everyone else cheats then when he gets caught says well everybody cheats. Trump is wrong. Not everyone cheats. Not everyone is corrupt. Corrupt cheaters are losers.

Dude. You shouldn't use terms like "Biggest Loser" when describing anyone but yourself.. it makes you look dumber than normal.

09-27-2019, 04:28 PM
The problem is that the republican party stopped being the party that serves the conservative voter and became the party that serves the corporate donor. The heads of the corporations, the 1%, want us fighting each other so we are distracted from exercising our democratic votes to level out the playing field which will mean less for their bottom line. They like not paying taxes and are willing to watch the world burn from their bunkers to keep that money.

09-27-2019, 04:30 PM
You're a complete idiot if you think he is going to not only be impeached, but also convicted by the Republican majority Senate.

Only way it happens is if somehow there’s so much dirt that the GOP senators decide they have to save their own skins. No sign of that so far, though there is talk of a bunch of different politically sensitive conversations hidden on that classified server improperly. Dems are going to go after that hard.

09-27-2019, 04:31 PM
The problem is that the republican party stopped being the party that serves the conservative voter and became the party that serves the corporate donor. The heads of the corporations, the 1%, want us fighting each other so we are distracted from exercising our democratic votes to level out the playing field which will mean less for their bottom line. They like not paying taxes and are willing to watch the world burn from their bunkers to keep that money.

Do you even understand what you regurgitate or does it just go in and out without any processing at all?

09-27-2019, 04:31 PM
Trump may turn out to not even be a 1 term president. Imagine achieving the highest office in the world then screwing up so badly you actually get thrown out. Talk about biggest loser. Trump's problem is he cheats because he thinks everyone else cheats then when he gets caught says well everybody cheats. Trump is wrong. Not everyone cheats. Not everyone is corrupt. Corrupt cheaters are losers.


09-27-2019, 04:34 PM
Only way it happens is if somehow there’s so much dirt that the GOP senators decide they have to save their own skins. No sign of that so far, though there is talk of a bunch of different politically sensitive conversations hidden on that classified server improperly. Dems are going to go after that hard.

TBH, I think the only way it happens is if Trump himself comes out and says he has committed treason or something along those lines. There'd have to be some extremely compelling evidence that he committed something a lot worse than some words on the phone.

09-27-2019, 04:36 PM
Only way it happens is if somehow there’s so much dirt that the GOP senators decide they have to save their own skins. No sign of that so far, though there is talk of a bunch of different politically sensitive conversations hidden on that classified server improperly. Dems are going to go after that hard.


09-27-2019, 04:53 PM
The problem is that the republican party stopped being the party that serves the conservative voter

Just fuck you already.

Trump is the one who got me excited to vote for the first time in my life. It was always "Different party, same shit." Sure little things changed here and there, but for the most part both parties just maintained the status quo.

Trump is the first president to actually do what he said he was going to do. He is the first president to actually care about the American people rather than the corporate overlords and "let's not hurt our allies' precious fee fees!"

This is why Democrats hate him so much and why the media tears him down every chance they get. They don't want a real successful president that is a REPUBLICAN! Can't have that now! Only Democrats can be successful presidents! Sure, find me one that cares as much for America as Trump does and will do they what they say they are gonna do then I'll vote for a Democrat.

09-27-2019, 05:00 PM
Just fuck you already.

Trump is the one who got me excited to vote for the first time in my life. It was always "Different party, same shit." Sure little things changed here and there, but for the most part both parties just maintained the status quo.

Trump is the first president to actually do what he said he was going to do. He is the first president to actually care about the American people rather than the corporate overlords and "let's not hurt our allies' precious fee fees!"

This is why Democrats hate him so much and why the media tears him down every chance they get. They don't want a real successful president that is a REPUBLICAN! Can't have that now! Only Democrats can be successful presidents! Sure, find me one that cares as much for America as Trump does and will do they what they say they are gonna do then I'll vote for a Democrat.

:rofl: You think Trump gives a shit about you or the American public? Trump ran for the presidency as a branding exercise, won through pure bullshit and obfuscation, convinced himself that it was due to his amazing genius, and has been bumbling around like a bull in a China shop ever since. The problem is that the China shop is full of things like a sustainable future, democratic principles, and human rights.

09-27-2019, 05:11 PM
:rofl: You think Trump gives a shit about you or the American public? Trump ran for the presidency as a branding exercise, won through pure bullshit and obfuscation, convinced himself that it was due to his amazing genius, and has been bumbling around like a bull in a China shop ever since. The problem is that the China shop is full of things like a sustainable future, democratic principles, and human rights.

You just repeat shit CNN shoves down your gullible throat.

A "branding" exercise? The Trump brand was already one of the most widely recognized all over the world, now thanks to self indulged morons such as yourself his brand has been tarnished as racist and homophobic.

Trump is the one talking about bringing back American jobs, drilling for more oil and gas so we can be energy independent for the first time in decades, is the first president to take on China a country that BOTH sides have said plays dirty but you wouldn't know that watching MSNBC for your news.

Trump sticks up for the military and police, this after 8 years of Obama doing everything in his power to shit all over the military and the police.

But yeah, some moron who doesn't even know the simplest of things in the Mueller report is gonna say :rofl: and convince me none of that is true.

He won through "pure bullshit and obfuscation"? What the fuck does that even mean? Do you know the words you use, or much like political topics you know nothing about you look up words in a thesaurus and think "That looks like a fancy word! I use that one!"

Bumbling around like a bull in a China shop? Let's see...

First president since CONGRESS voted to move our Israel embassy to Jerusalem to actually move our embassy.
Economy is on fire.
Unemployment is down.
Trump is sticking it to Russia and China.
He has managed to get parts of the wall built, this is with Paul Ryan stymying his efforts then the Democrats stonewalling his efforts afterwads.
Got a lot of our NATO allies to increase their military funding, again something that many presidents have tried and failed to do.
Cut back a lot on useless and costly federal regulations, which is partly what helped spur economic growth and job hiring.
Gave us two awesome supreme court justices.
Got us out of the worthless Paris accord.
Got us out of the useless TPP, something both Sanders AND Hillary wanted to do too, as well as major labor unions, but as soon as Trump does it then it's bad!

And that's all just off the top of my head.

But I get it, Briarfox, you're so used to failing in life that when you see success you don't know how to process it.

09-27-2019, 05:14 PM
You just repeat shit CNN shoves down your gullible throat.

A "branding" exercise? The Trump brand was already one of the most widely recognized all over the world, now thanks to self indulged morons such as yourself his brand has been tarnished as racist and homophobic.

Trump is the one talking about bringing back American jobs, drilling for more oil and gas so we can be energy independent for the first time in decades, is the first president to take on China a country that BOTH sides have said plays dirty but you wouldn't know that watching MSNBC for your news.

Trump sticks up for the military and police, this after 8 years of Obama doing everything in his power to shit all over the military and the police.

But yeah, some moron who doesn't even know the simplest of things in the Mueller report is gonna say :rofl: and convince me none of that is true.

He won through "pure bullshit and obfuscation"? What the fuck does that even mean? Do you know the words you use, or much like political topics you know nothing about you look up words in a thesaurus and think "That looks like a fancy word! I use that one!"

Bumbling around like a bull in a China shop? Let's see...

First president since CONGRESS voted to move our Israel embassy to Jerusalem to actually move our embassy.
Economy is on fire.
Unemployment is down.
Trump is sticking it to Russia and China.
He has managed to get parts of the wall built, this is with Paul Ryan stymying his efforts then the Democrats stonewalling his efforts afterwads.
Got a lot of our NATO allies to increase their military funding, again something that many presidents have tried and failed to do.
Cut back a lot on useless and costly federal regulations, which is partly what helped spur economic growth and job hiring.
Gave us two awesome supreme court justices.
Got us out of the worthless Paris accord.
Got us out of the useless TPP, something both Sanders AND Hillary wanted to do too, as well as major labor unions, but as soon as Trump does it then it's bad!

And that's all just off the top of my head.

But I get it, Briarfox, you're so used to failing in life that when you see success you don't know how to process it.

I get it, I get it. The media is out to get you and you’re persecuted but Trump’s your messiah. It’d be fucking hilarious if it weren’t just so sad. Heh.

09-27-2019, 05:15 PM
Just fuck you already.

Trump is the one who got me excited to vote for the first time in my life. It was always "Different party, same shit." Sure little things changed here and there, but for the most part both parties just maintained the status quo.

Trump is the first president to actually do what he said he was going to do. He is the first president to actually care about the American people rather than the corporate overlords and "let's not hurt our allies' precious fee fees!"

This is why Democrats hate him so much and why the media tears him down every chance they get. They don't want a real successful president that is a REPUBLICAN! Can't have that now! Only Democrats can be successful presidents! Sure, find me one that cares as much for America as Trump does and will do they what they say they are gonna do then I'll vote for a Democrat.

Sadly, you have been radicalized and can't see how backwards your statements are. Unfortunately you and many others like you have been tricked into believing false equivalencies by corporate hired con men using strawman arguments, distractions, distortions, doubts, and outright lies to tap into your fears to keep you doing their bidding.

Remember when everyone thought cigarettes had no connection to cancer because the tobacco companies hired people to say cigarettes had no connection to cancer? Same thing is happening now but with climate change, the economy, and social programs.

09-27-2019, 05:21 PM
I get it, I get it. The media is out to get you and you’re persecuted but Trump’s your messiah. It’d be fucking hilarious if it weren’t just so sad. Heh.

How did I know you would reply to my fact filled post with nothing but pure nonsensical drivel? You're worse than Back at this stage, I didn't even know that was possible. You're reaching new heights, Briarfox!

09-27-2019, 05:23 PM
Sadly, you have been radicalized and can't see how backwards your statements are. Unfortunately you and many others like you have been tricked into believing false equivalencies by corporate hired con men using strawman arguments, distractions, distortions, doubts, and outright lies to tap into your fears to keep you doing their bidding.

Remember when everyone thought cigarettes had no connection to cancer because the tobacco companies hired people to say cigarettes had no connection to cancer? Same thing is happening now but with climate change, the economy, and social programs.

I would ask you to clarify but something tells me whichever far left leaning podcast you listen to didn't give details or facts, they just said vague shit like you are now repeating.

09-27-2019, 05:36 PM
Democrats: This is a cover up! If Trump has nothing to hide then he should release the transcript!
Trump releases the transcript.
Democrats: Yeah, well, the transcript is meaningless! It doesn't prove anything! Trump is still engaging in a cover up because he won't release the whistleblower complaint!
Trump releases the whistleblower complaint.
Democrats: Still doesn't prove anything! What about the Ukrainian presid...
Ukrainian president: Trump did not pressure me, it was a normal phone call.
Democrats: Impeach the motherfucker anyway!!!
Back and Briarfox: All of the evidence is there! Trump is fucked!

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-27-2019, 05:36 PM
Here comes Backrash, going full retard.

09-27-2019, 05:43 PM
How did I know you would reply to my fact filled post with nothing but pure nonsensical drivel? You're worse than Back at this stage, I didn't even know that was possible. You're reaching new heights, Briarfox!

Your “fact-filled” post is full of bullshit and opinion. I would happily refute every point if I thought it would have any impact on you. As SMH noted yesterday, though, there’s no real point in that.

09-27-2019, 05:46 PM
Your “fact-filled” post is full of bullshit and opinion. I would happily refute every point if I thought it would have any impact on you.

Sure it would have an impact on me. But let's face it, the real reason you don't want to bother is because you know it's all true. It's okay, baby Briarfox. 90% of people aren't smart enough to understand how awesome Trump is.

09-27-2019, 06:00 PM
Sure it would have an impact on me. But let's face it, the real reason you don't want to bother is because you know it's all true. It's okay, baby Briarfox. 90% of people aren't smart enough to understand how awesome Trump is.

Lol. All you do is demand proof and more proof and then ignore it, and then claim that there’s no proof against you. It’s Trump cult syndrome.

09-27-2019, 06:03 PM
Lol. All you do is demand proof and more proof and then ignore it, and then claim that there’s no proof against you. It’s Trump cult syndrome.

You're the one who offered to refute my points but insisted you wouldn't because it would "have no impact" on me. When I say it would have an impact you do what Democrat shills do best, deflect like your life depended on it.

How much does CNN pay you to watch their shit and parrot back their talking points like a good little puppet? I can't imagine it's very much.

09-27-2019, 06:08 PM
You're the one who offered to refute my points but insisted you wouldn't because it would "have no impact" on me. When I say it would have an impact you do what Democrat shills do best, deflect like your life depended on it.

How much does CNN pay you to watch their shit and parrot back their talking points like a good little puppet? I can't imagine it's very much.
I like that CNN is your devil. It’s a hilarious image. OMG, the centrist news is coming!!1!

09-27-2019, 06:13 PM
I like that CNN is your devil. It’s a hilarious image. OMG, the centrist news is coming!!1!

"Centrist" news. Thanks for the laugh, Briarfox. It was getting stale laughing at Back and Seran all the time. Glad to see you have willingly trust yourself into the mix.

Still waiting for those refutations by the way.

09-27-2019, 06:21 PM
You're laughing, but I'm betting it's a lot closer to hysteria than amusement. The only accurate thing you cited was the major Unions backing the two big Democrats last year. Exactly what they feared would happen with an ultra conservative court happened, Union's were dealt a hammering blow with the opinion on dues.

Only now that we've seen the middle class disappear and no substantive movement on a national minimum wage, we'll see how that pans out for the backwoods Republicans.

09-27-2019, 06:27 PM
:rofl: You think Trump gives a shit about you or the American public? Trump ran for the presidency as a branding exercise, won through pure bullshit and obfuscation, convinced himself that it was due to his amazing genius, and has been bumbling around like a bull in a China shop ever since. The problem is that the China shop is full of things like a sustainable future, democratic principles, and human rights.

He won because of sensitive little flowers like you. Normal people knew how people like you would react and it motivated them to go vote.

Plus, people like you nominated the absolute worst person as the Democrat nominee... so that helped as well.

Thank you.

09-27-2019, 06:28 PM
The only accurate thing you cited was the major Unions backing the two big Democrats last year.

I don't know what's worse, Briarfox being your typical know-nothing liberal who likes to pretend he knows it all and when video evidence and recorded documents prove he's wrong he then suggests he's just smarter than 90% of the people who don't understand.

Or you who apparently can't even read a simple English sentence because that's not even close to what I said.

09-27-2019, 06:31 PM
Everyone knows that an impeachment of a president is an undoing of a national election. And one of the reasons we all feel so angry about what they are doing is that they are ripping asunder our votes. They are telling us our votes don't count, and that the election must be set aside.

09-27-2019, 06:31 PM
The global corporate overlords want us fighting each other so we don't call them out. They know climate change is real. They know it will impact millions of poor people. They want to secure borders all over the world so the millions of people affected by climate change will have no where to go and die off. All so they can live in their underground bunkers full of gold surrounded by people who have been fooled into protecting them.

09-27-2019, 06:36 PM
The global corporate overlords want us fighting each other so we don't call them out. They know climate change is real. They know it will impact millions of poor people. They want to secure borders all over the world so the millions of people affected by climate change will have no where to go and die off. All so they can live in their underground bunkers full of gold surrounded by people who have been fooled into protecting them.


09-27-2019, 06:41 PM
I don't know what's worse, Briarfox being your typical know-nothing liberal who likes to pretend he knows it all and when video evidence and recorded documents prove he's wrong he then suggests he's just smarter than 90% of the people who don't understand.

Or you who apparently can't even read a simple English sentence because that's not even close to what I said.

Heh. I feel vindicated by the fact that you think I know nothing. You know they call it the liberal elite for a reason, right? I’m going to give you one guess as to who’s going to write the history books and what will be the general opinion of Trump in 20 years. Rage around all you like about it.

09-27-2019, 06:48 PM
Heh. I feel vindicated by the fact that you think I know nothing. You know they call it the liberal elite for a reason, right? I’m going to give you one guess as to who’s going to write the history books and what will be the general opinion of Trump in 20 years. Rage around all you like about it.

You feel "vindicated" because you have proven time and time again in this thread alone you know nothing of which you speak?

You were wrong when you said the Mueller report didn't clear Trump of the Russian collusion nonsense.
You were wrong about the Mueller report stating the only reason they didn't charge Trump with a crime was because they couldn't, I even provided a video of Mueller explaining this in simple terms that an imbecile like you could understand and you still insisted you were right.
You sit here and claim you can easily refuse the many points I brought up a few posts back yet you won't. Why? Because you know nothing.

But sure, you'll throw around terms like "90% of people just don't understand", and "I'm part of the liberal elite" so maybe you can impress naive people such as Back and Seran and the your fellow "liberal elites" that sniff their own farts along with you, but that shit don't fly with me.

The fact that you brag that "liberal elites" are going to be the ones who shit all over Trump in history books just proves what I said about you earlier: the only reason you got your teaching job was because you insisted you were the biggest communist who hated America and Democracy more than any other candidate for the same position.

Nice self own, Briarfox.

09-27-2019, 06:56 PM
The global corporate overlords want us fighting each other so we don't call them out. They know climate change is real. They know it will impact millions of poor people. They want to secure borders all over the world so the millions of people affected by climate change will have no where to go and die off. All so they can live in their underground bunkers full of gold surrounded by people who have been fooled into protecting them.

I don't think anyone here has ever disputed climate change.

09-27-2019, 07:08 PM
You feel "vindicated" because you have proven time and time again in this thread alone you know nothing of which you speak?

You were wrong when you said the Mueller report didn't clear Trump of the Russian collusion nonsense.
You were wrong about the Mueller report stating the only reason they didn't charge Trump with a crime was because they couldn't, I even provided a video of Mueller explaining this in simple terms that an imbecile like you could understand and you still insisted you were right.
You sit here and claim you can easily refuse the many points I brought up a few posts back yet you won't. Why? Because you know nothing.

But sure, you'll throw around terms like "90% of people just don't understand", and "I'm part of the liberal elite" so maybe you can impress naive people such as Back and Seran and the your fellow "liberal elites" that sniff their own farts along with you, but that shit don't fly with me.

The fact that you brag that "liberal elites" are going to be the ones who shit all over Trump in history books just proves what I said about you earlier: the only reason you got your teaching job was because you insisted you were the biggest communist who hated America and Democracy more than any other candidate for the same position.

Nice self own, Briarfox.

Rage around all you like about it.

Like I said.

09-27-2019, 07:09 PM
Heh. I feel vindicated by the fact that you think I know nothing. You know they call it the liberal elite for a reason, right? I’m going to give you one guess as to who’s going to write the history books and what will be the general opinion of Trump in 20 years. Rage around all you like about it.

Delusions of grandeur much?

Jesus Christ.. the misplaced ego on this fuck.

09-27-2019, 07:11 PM
Only way it happens is if somehow there’s so much dirt that the GS community realizes I was part of the coraesine enchanting scam. No sign of that so far, though there is talk of a bunch of individuals wising up to how corrupt HoA really is. GMs are going to go after that hard.

This is correct.

09-27-2019, 07:11 PM
You feel "vindicated" because you have proven time and time again in this thread alone you know nothing of which you speak?

You were wrong when you said the Mueller report didn't clear Trump of the Russian collusion nonsense.
You were wrong about the Mueller report stating the only reason they didn't charge Trump with a crime was because they couldn't, I even provided a video of Mueller explaining this in simple terms that an imbecile like you could understand and you still insisted you were right.
You sit here and claim you can easily refuse the many points I brought up a few posts back yet you won't. Why? Because you know nothing.

But sure, you'll throw around terms like "90% of people just don't understand", and "I'm part of the liberal elite" so maybe you can impress naive people such as Back and Seran and the your fellow "liberal elites" that sniff their own farts along with you, but that shit don't fly with me.

The fact that you brag that "liberal elites" are going to be the ones who shit all over Trump in history books just proves what I said about you earlier: the only reason you got your teaching job was because you insisted you were the biggest communist who hated America and Democracy more than any other candidate for the same position.

Nice self own, Briarfox.

Holy shit.. Briarfox is a teacher?

LOL.. that makes 100% sense.

"Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach."

09-27-2019, 07:13 PM
Delusions of grandeur much?

Jesus Christ.. the misplaced ego on this fuck.

I didn't think anything could top his "this conclusion is too complex for 90% of people to follow" from yesterday, but now he comes along and refers to himself as part of the "liberal elite" who will be writing our history books in 20 years.

He really is an insufferable asshole.

09-27-2019, 07:14 PM
Everyone knows that an impeachment of a president is an undoing of a national election. And one of the reasons we all feel so angry about what they are doing is that they are ripping asunder our votes. They are telling us our votes don't count, and that the election must be set aside.

The Democrats got Carter elected after Nixon's VP left office, likewise the Republican's got Bush elected after Clinton's failed impeachment. Impeachment is a body blow for the party of the impeached President. For good reason too.

09-27-2019, 07:15 PM
Holy shit.. Briarfox is a teacher?

LOL.. that makes 100% sense.

"Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach."

This is what I recall him saying years ago. Not sure if I'm remembering right or if he's still a teacher, but that's my recollection.

Then again he might be pulling an Obama and by "teacher" he just means he was a TA that the professor allowed to teach a class or two or something.

09-27-2019, 07:15 PM
The Democrats got Carter elected after Nixon's VP left office, likewise the Republican's got Bush elected after Clinton's failed impeachment. Impeachment is a body blow for the party of the impeached President. For good reason too.

So you're saying Jerry Nadler is wrong?! Because those are his exact words.

Do your media overlords know you are disagreeing with their God and Savior Nadler?!?!

09-27-2019, 07:22 PM
So you're saying Jerry Nadler is wrong?! Because those are his exact words.

Do your media overlords know you are disagreeing with their God and Savior Nadler?!?!

Some of us get our information from sources other than the media. In the spirit of your ramblings and because I wasn't sure who Nadler was, FoxNews assured me he was a loser who was about to lose his committee chair.

09-27-2019, 07:26 PM
Some of us get our information from sources other than the media. In the spirit of your ramblings and because I wasn't sure who Nadler was, FoxNews assured me he was a loser who was about to lose his committee chair.

Democrats gained control of the Senate after Clinton's impeachment. Gore decided to distance himself from Clinton, which analyst say probably cost him the election.

09-27-2019, 07:27 PM
Some of us get our information from sources other than the media. In the spirit of your ramblings and because I wasn't sure who Nadler was, FoxNews assured me he was a loser who was about to lose his committee chair.

For a Democrat pushing this whole impeachment bullshit I would think you of all people would know who Jerry Nadler is.

09-27-2019, 07:39 PM
For a Democrat pushing this whole impeachment bullshit I would think you of all people would know who Jerry Nadler is.

I'm new at this whole Democrat thing, though that's not much of an excuse.

09-27-2019, 07:40 PM
I'm new at this whole Democrat thing, though that's not much of an excuse.

Oh yeah, you're another one of those "I'm really an Independent" just like Briarifox aren't ya?

I just don't understand, why is it so shameful to just admit you have political convictions and you aren't afraid of admitting it?

I feel no shame in saying I learn towards the conservative side of the aisle. Does this mean I agree with everything Republicans do and say? Of course not. Do I agree with them more than Democrats? Yup, especially since the left has gone completely crazy since they lost the 2016 election.

09-27-2019, 07:41 PM
For less than a year until Cheney became the Vice President since it was a 50/50 split. If you want to be more accurate and say Republicans lost 4 net seats following impeachment, well I'd say that's more accurate. However they also had 5 more seats in contention in far more competitive races.

09-27-2019, 07:43 PM
Nope, I'm a convert from the Republican party interestingly enough. George W and the social conservatism of the Tea Party was enough for me.

09-27-2019, 07:44 PM
Nope, I'm a convert from the Republican party interestingly enough. George W and the social conservatism of the Tea Party was enough for me.

Right ;)

At least you didn't claim Trump was when you decided to switch parties. So bonus points for that.

09-27-2019, 08:06 PM
Nope, I'm a convert from the Republican party interestingly enough. George W and the social conservatism of the Tea Party was enough for me.

So you've been a democrat for over 10 years, you come here wanting to discuss current events, and you have no idea who Nadler is?

09-27-2019, 08:08 PM
Right ;)

At least you didn't claim Trump was when you decided to switch parties. So bonus points for that.

Hard to fault a winning strategy like that. Turd sandwich wasn't the right candidate to run against le orange.

09-27-2019, 08:09 PM
So you've been a democrat for over 10 years, you come here wanting to discuss current events, and you have no idea who Nadler is?

Nadler's lost about 700 pounds since the late 90's. Maybe he didn't recognize him.

The fact there are people in office that have made lifetime careers in Congress should speak volumes to how badly we need Congressional term limits.

09-27-2019, 08:10 PM
11 months actually and yes. Is it requirement to memorize which committee or district is represented by whom? I don't believe it is.

09-27-2019, 08:11 PM
11 months actually and yes. Is it requirement to memorize which committee or district is represented by whom? I don't believe it is.

11 months? George W Bush and the Tea Party was a lot longer ago than that.

09-27-2019, 08:25 PM
11 months actually and yes. Is it requirement to memorize which committee or district is represented by whom? I don't believe it is.

No it's not a requirement but we're not just talking about some random Democrat in the House. Jerry Nadler has been the one spearheading almost all of these investigations into impeaching Trump. It just blows my mind that a Democrat who has been hanging on every word regarding impeachment and yet has no idea who Jerry Nadler is.

I guess you don't really care about the facts or who is even pushing for impeachment, just as long as someone is pushing for impeachment.

09-27-2019, 08:27 PM
11 months? George W Bush and the Tea Party was a lot longer ago than that.

Gee Dubbyah was a long time ago, but the 2016 primaries showed us just how strong Rubio, Rand Paul and Cruz were. It wasn't until their brand was thoroughly shut down in 2016 that their movement collapsed.

09-27-2019, 08:28 PM
11 months? George W Bush and the Tea Party was a lot longer ago than that.

Not once they're done rewriting those history books!

09-27-2019, 08:29 PM
Not once they're done rewriting those history books!

90% of people on the PC just can't understand how a liberal elite like Briarfox is going to rewrite history books.

09-27-2019, 08:32 PM
No it's not a requirement but we're not just talking about some random Democrat in the House. Jerry Nadler has been the one spearheading almost all of these investigations into impeaching Trump. It just blows my mind that a Democrat who has been hanging on every word regarding impeachment and yet has no idea who Jerry Nadler is.

I guess you don't really care about the facts or who is even pushing for impeachment, just as long as someone is pushing for impeachment.
If that helps you sleep at night, sure.

In reality there's not been feasible grounds for impeachment despite Mueller's less than subtle hints about Congress's role in checks and balances. Democrat's weren't going to be anymore successful with an obstruction of justice impeachment than the Republican's were against Clinton. Until now that is.

09-27-2019, 08:36 PM
If that helps you sleep at night, sure.

In reality there's not been feasible grounds for impeachment despite Mueller's less than subtle hints about Congress's role in checks and balances. Democrat's weren't going to be anymore successful with an obstruction of justice impeachment than the Republican's were against Clinton. Until now that is.

Republicans were 100% successful with Impeachment against Clinton though.

09-27-2019, 08:47 PM
Apparently the intelligence community made a change to whistleblower complaints within the last year. Before a whistleblower needed firsthand knowledge of what they are alleging if they wanted their complaints to reach Congress. The change no longer makes this a requirement, allowing anyone who "heard from a person who heard from a person" or who "read it in the news" to allege wrongdoing and testifying before Congress.

By any means necessary, right, Seran?

09-27-2019, 08:51 PM
Republicans were 100% successful with Impeachment against Clinton though.

Clinton's acquittal speaks differently.

09-27-2019, 08:55 PM
Apparently the intelligence community made a change to whistleblower complaints within the last year. Before a whistleblower needed firsthand knowledge of what they are alleging if they wanted their complaints to reach Congress. The change no longer makes this a requirement, allowing anyone who "heard from a person who heard from a person" or who "read it in the news" to allege wrongdoing and testifying before Congress.

Can you cite any statute or executive order which expressly limits whistleblower status to those with firsthand knowledge? I can't find one. Nor could I find any changes to said directives instituted. Enlighten me if you feel so inclined.

09-27-2019, 08:56 PM
Clinton's acquittal speaks differently.

You apparently don't understand the process for removing an official from office. The House impeached, like what happened to Clinton. The Senate then decides whether to convict or not. Conviction generally means removal from office. He wasn't convicted. He was impeached. Republicans were 100% effective in impeaching Bill Clinton. They were not successful in securing a conviction and removing him from office.

09-27-2019, 08:56 PM
Clinton's acquittal speaks differently.

Impeachment is basically just being indicted. Clinton was indeed indicted.

09-27-2019, 08:58 PM
Clinton's acquittal speaks differently.

And the plea bargain and private settlement to avoid criminal perjury charges tell a different story.

09-27-2019, 09:00 PM
And the plea bargain and private settlement to avoid criminal perjury charges tell a different story.

He didn't avoid everything. He was still disbarred in Arkansas and isn't allowed to present cases to the Supreme Court.

09-27-2019, 09:00 PM
You apparently don't understand the process for removing an official from office. The House impeached, like what happened to Clinton. The Senate then decides whether to convict or not. Conviction generally means removal from office. He wasn't convicted. He was impeached.
If the only goal was embarrassing the sitting president, then yes Republicans were 100% successful. If you look at the fact their own rank and file members of the Senate couldn't agree with the counts proposed by their House comrades, then you are 150% wrong. I'll be interested to see with the current impeachment inquiry how folks will vote once the evidence is presented.

09-27-2019, 09:02 PM
If the only goal was embarrassing the sitting president, then yes Republicans were 100% successful. If you look at the fact their own rank and file members of the Senate couldn't agree with the counts proposed by their House comrades, then you are 150% wrong. I'll be interested to see with the current impeachment inquiry how folks will vote once the evidence is presented.

You said they weren't successful with impeachment. House Republicans were 100% successful, they can't control what the Senate does however. I don't see Trump even getting to that phase though.

09-27-2019, 09:07 PM
If the only goal was embarrassing the sitting president, then yes Republicans were 100% successful. If you look at the fact their own rank and file members of the Senate couldn't agree with the counts proposed by their House comrades, then you are 150% wrong. I'll be interested to see with the current impeachment inquiry how folks will vote once the evidence is presented.

What evidence? We have literally seen everything already and there's nothing there. You poor deluded bastard.

09-27-2019, 09:09 PM
What evidence? We have literally seen everything already and there's nothing there. You poor deluded bastard.

I don't know if we've seen everything though. I keep thinking they are saying there is more somewhere.

09-27-2019, 09:14 PM
I don't know if we've seen everything though. I keep thinking they are saying there is more somewhere.

What else is left? Sure maybe Democrats keep saying there is more, but so far all they have talked about is the whistleblower complaint and the phone call, both of which we have seen.

Schiff (you know who that is, right Seran?) claimed for 3 years he had super duper secret evidence that Trump did collude, then as soon as the Mueller report dropped saying Trump didn't collude he just shrugged off his lies and immediately moved onto the next talking point.

09-27-2019, 09:17 PM
What else is left? Sure maybe Democrats keep saying there is more, but so far all they have talked about is the whistleblower complaint and the phone call, both of which we have seen.

Schiff (you know who that is, right Seran?) claimed for 3 years he had super duper secret evidence that Trump did collude, then as soon as the Mueller report dropped saying Trump didn't collude he just shrugged off his lies and immediately moved onto the next talking point.

Wasn't there talk of a second whistleblower?

09-27-2019, 09:26 PM
Nadler's lost about 700 pounds since the late 90's. Maybe he didn't recognize him.

The fact there are people in office that have made lifetime careers in Congress should speak volumes to how badly we need Congressional term limits.


09-27-2019, 09:28 PM
Wasn't there talk of a second whistleblower?

Yeah it seems that has already turned out to be bogus, or at least I haven't heard a single thing about it other than a couple of Democrats mentioning it in passing.

09-27-2019, 09:39 PM
What evidence? We have literally seen everything already and there's nothing there. You poor deluded bastard.

Hold on, let me ask that Nancy Pelosi lay out her entire impeachment case and inventory of evidence because you demand it.

09-27-2019, 09:40 PM
Hold on, let me ask that Nancy Pelosi lay out her entire impeachment case and inventory of evidence because you demand it.

I mean, honestly she should.

09-27-2019, 10:00 PM
Hold on, let me ask that Nancy Pelosi lay out her entire impeachment case and inventory of evidence because you demand it.

"We have to impeach Trump before you find out what he did!"

You are the literal definition of a useful idiot.

The American people SHOULDN'T know why our duly elected president is being impeached? Are you for real?

On a related note.

Democrats: If Kavanaugh has nothing to hide he should welcome an investigation!
Democrats: If Trump has nothing to hide he should welcome an investigation!
Democrats: Biden is innocent! Investigating him is grounds for impeachment!

09-27-2019, 10:12 PM
Your sarcasm aside, you just named exactly how a criminals investigation works.

Prosecutors don't lay out their cases to anyone but the Grand Jury or a Judicial Officer to grant the scope of their investigation. Once the investigation is concluded, then charges are levied in a public indictment.

In an impeachment inquiry, evidence is gathered and the House acts as Grand Jury to vote on whether evidence is sufficient for prosecution.

I really shouldn't have to explain this, you should remember it from Government in highschool.

09-27-2019, 10:15 PM
We're not talking about a criminal investigation, we are talking about an impeachment process.

Maybe you have forgotten this during your transition from Republican to Democrat, but these are ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES. We elect them into office to represent us.

If they are talking about impeaching a duly elected president they damn well should be telling us what they have.

Why do you enjoy your liberal bukakke so much?

09-27-2019, 10:37 PM
We're not talking about a criminal investigation, we are talking about an impeachment process.

Maybe you have forgotten this during your transition from Republican to Democrat, but these are ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES. We elect them into office to represent us.

If they are talking about impeaching a duly elected president they damn well should be telling us what they have.

Why do you enjoy your liberal bukakke so much?

Yes you fool, part of the impeachment process involves an investigation. If you're capable of reading, I recommend research before you open your hole again.
Here's a good start-

09-27-2019, 10:44 PM
Yes you fool, part of the impeachment process involves an investigation. If you're capable of reading, I recommend research before you open your hole again.
Here's a good start-

Where did I say impeachment doesn't involve an investigation? I said this isn't a CRIMINAL investigation, it's an IMPEACHMENT process.

English shouldn't be this difficult for you.

09-28-2019, 06:59 AM
Hold on, let me ask that Nancy Pelosi lay out her entire impeachment case and inventory of evidence because you demand it.

63 million people selected Trump for president and you and the left think you should be able to keep them in the dark?

If this is the case, can we just start watering the tree of freedom at this point?

09-28-2019, 02:41 PM
Trump may turn out to not even be a 1 term president. Imagine achieving the highest office in the world then screwing up so badly you actually get thrown out. Talk about biggest loser. Trump's problem is he cheats because he thinks everyone else cheats then when he gets caught says well everybody cheats. Trump is wrong. Not everyone cheats. Not everyone is corrupt. Corrupt cheaters are losers.

Quoted because you’re a butthurt retard.

Start figuring out who you want in 2024 because 2020 s already done.

09-28-2019, 02:42 PM
Dude. You shouldn't use terms like "Biggest Loser" when describing anyone but yourself.. it makes you look dumber than normal.

According to old PC testimony, Back is the smallest loser.

09-28-2019, 02:45 PM
:rofl: You think Trump gives a shit about you or the American public? Trump ran for the presidency as a branding exercise, won through pure bullshit and obfuscation, convinced himself that it was due to his amazing genius, and has been bumbling around like a bull in a China shop ever since. The problem is that the China shop is full of things like a sustainable future, democratic principles, and human rights.

“i SeE mYsElF aS a MoDeRaTe” -BriarFail

09-28-2019, 02:49 PM
Sadly, you have been radicalized and can't see how backwards your statements are. Unfortunately you and many others like you have been tricked into believing false equivalencies by corporate hired con men using strawman arguments, distractions, distortions, doubts, and outright lies to tap into your fears to keep you doing their bidding.

Remember when everyone thought cigarettes had no connection to cancer because the tobacco companies hired people to say cigarettes had no connection to cancer? Same thing is happening now but with climate change, the economy, and social programs.

Remember how literally everyone on the PC including the leftist ones thinks you’re the absolute biggest retard to ever post here?

You have some new competition, but I have no doubt you’ll remain at the top of the bottom.

Keep posting because it’s funny, just don’t forget how much of a butthurt tard you are.

09-28-2019, 02:52 PM
I like that CNN is your devil. It’s a hilarious image. OMG, the centrist news is coming!!1!

Briarfox: CNN IS CENTRIST!!!

Also BriarFox: I’M A MODERATE!!!!

And you wonder why you’re basically Great Value Backlash these days.

09-28-2019, 02:56 PM
Heh. I feel vindicated by the fact that you think I know nothing. You know they call it the liberal elite for a reason, right? I’m going to give you one guess as to who’s going to write the history books and what will be the general opinion of Trump in 20 years. Rage around all you like about it.

gg accidentally admitting what we all already knew, that you’re a fraud who is butthurt because orange man bad. :lol:

Are you by any chance the cuck bf time4fun was always referring to?

09-28-2019, 02:59 PM
Nope, I'm a convert from the Republican party interestingly enough. George W and the social conservatism of the Tea Party was enough for me.

I didn’t know you were gay.

That’s very brave of you.

Some Rogue
09-28-2019, 02:59 PM

09-28-2019, 03:06 PM

BriarFox is very triggered, yes.

I’m just catching up from the past day or two.

I am, however, triggered at the lack of sausage dogs in your post, you monster.

Some Rogue
09-28-2019, 04:14 PM
BriarFox is very triggered, yes.

I’m just catching up from the past day or two.

I am, however, triggered at the lack of sausage dogs in your post, you monster.


09-28-2019, 04:28 PM

This is correct.

09-28-2019, 06:22 PM
Democrats: The president is a lawless hooligan and we must impeach him to save America and democracy!!!
2 days later.
Democrats: Okay we're bored with this, let's take a 2 week vacation!

Anyone still believing this shit is legit has to have some serious mental problems.

09-28-2019, 09:44 PM
Anyone else notice that every single liberal rag around the world that publishes an article on this story includes this byline? It's word for word, standalone between paragraphs in every single article. Found thus far in BBC, France24, CNN, CBC (Canada), DW (Germany), and more. Every story has this same conclusion stated after describing the so-called Trump 'allegations', but never a single sentence about how that conclusion was reached. Hmm.

"There is no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden."

Perhaps because that evidence requires an investigation in order to be found?

This information war is global.

09-28-2019, 09:51 PM
Anyone else notice that every single liberal rag around the world that publishes an article on this story includes this byline? It's word for word, standalone between paragraphs in every single article. Found thus far in BBC, France24, CNN, CBC (Canada), DW (Germany), and more. Every story has this same conclusion stated after describing the so-called Trump 'allegations', but never a single sentence about how that conclusion was reached. Hmm.

"There is no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden."

Perhaps because that evidence requires an investigation in order to be found?

This information war is global.

I noticed that too. Democrats and their media lapdogs just keep repeating that line as if there was an investigation and Biden was cleared. It's when MSNBC cut away from Trump speaking because Trump was talking about Biden's actions too and MSNBC anchor said "No no, Trump is lying! There is no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden!"

It's why it's laughable that people like Briarfox says the media isn't biased and CNN is "moderate."

09-28-2019, 10:06 PM
An unbiased, neutral media source would not state this:

"There is no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden."


"No evidence to suggest wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden has been found."

09-29-2019, 05:23 AM
This information war is global.

Basically because it's the globalists verses the nationalists.


09-29-2019, 08:21 AM
Basically because it's the globalists verses the nationalists.

Not sure you can label a kid as a "globalist". She's basically doing what her parents told her to do.

09-29-2019, 10:32 AM
Basically because it's the globalists verses the nationalists.

Your narrow sighted views are not going to get anyone anywhere.

Its us vs ourselves. The environment should matter to everyone.

09-29-2019, 01:17 PM
Your narrow sighted views are not going to get anyone anywhere.

Its us vs ourselves. The environment should matter to everyone.

You do know a "Globalist" has nothing to do with the environment, right?

Or are you just regurgitating talking points again with no real understanding of what you are saying?

09-29-2019, 01:38 PM
You do know a "Globalist" has nothing to do with the environment, right?

Or are you just regurgitating talking points again with no real understanding of what you are saying?

I’m actually a bit surprised that Back isn’t a huge Marianne Williamson supporter.

09-29-2019, 02:17 PM
Your narrow sighted views are not going to get anyone anywhere.

Its us vs ourselves. The environment should matter to everyone.

Wow you're retarded. This has nothing to do with environmentalism. LOL.

09-29-2019, 05:40 PM
Not sure you can label a kid as a "globalist". She's basically doing what her parents told her to do.

It wasn't an attempt to label the kid.

09-29-2019, 05:50 PM
Your narrow sighted views are not going to get anyone anywhere.

Its us vs ourselves. The environment should matter to everyone.

WTF are you raging about now?

I have always been environmentally conscious. I just don't believe that a think tank of unelected officials should be making policy I will be forced to adhere to.

09-29-2019, 06:13 PM
Scientists say the asteroid that slammed into the Earth that wiped out the dinosaurs was the equivalent of 10 billion atomic bombs going off.

And yet not only did the planet survive but there are still some animals around today that were around back then. But gullible fools like Back think humans are going to destroy the entire planet because we eat a cheeseburger.

09-29-2019, 06:35 PM
Since when do conservatives give a flying fuck what scientists say?

Since we still believe there are only two genders. Democrats are the ones running away screaming from scientists lately. You no longer get to play that card.

09-29-2019, 06:38 PM
Climate change.

Just remind me, how many genders are there again?

09-29-2019, 06:52 PM

Are you saying there are 3? It's a simple question to answer.

09-29-2019, 06:55 PM
A globalist is a term used to disparagingly refer to Jews, coined by conspiracy theorists that blame the Jews for everything wrong with the world. Nice casual anti-semitism there.

I didn't say anything about the worlds problems or the Jews. I'm for the the Jews having their own nation state, with their own government and it's people freely electing it's government. I don't blame the Jews for the worlds problems either. This still doesn't change that there's a going effort to create a global tax.

09-29-2019, 07:03 PM
When faced with a catastrophe that will spell disaster for every human on the planet, conservatives shout back, "BUT THERE'S ONLY TWO GENDERS!!!!!! THAT'S WHY I'M SMARTER THAN SCIENTISTS"

This has to do with your laughable claim that Democrats care what scientists say.

So again answer the question: How many genders are there?

09-29-2019, 07:05 PM
When faced with a catastrophe that will spell disaster for every human on the planet, conservatives shout back, "BUT THERE'S ONLY TWO GENDERS!!!!!! THAT'S WHY I'M SMARTER THAN SCIENTISTS"

You're retarded.

09-29-2019, 07:08 PM
When faced with a catastrophe that will spell disaster for every human on the planet, conservatives shout back, "BUT THERE'S ONLY TWO GENDERS!!!!!! THAT'S WHY I'M SMARTER THAN SCIENTISTS"

We're hurling through space at 448,000 mph, humanity is always faced with the constant threat of disaster. Stealing peoples labor isn't going to change this.

09-29-2019, 07:09 PM
A globalist is a term used to disparagingly refer to Jews, coined by conspiracy theorists that blame the Jews for everything wrong with the world.


Nice casual anti-semitism there.

Let's just say you were right for the first time ever.... what specifically did I say that was anti-Semitic?

09-29-2019, 07:12 PM
When faced with a catastrophe that will spell disaster for every human on the planet


09-29-2019, 07:14 PM
You're retarded.


09-29-2019, 07:20 PM
When faced with a catastrophe that will spell disaster for every human on the planet, conservatives shout back, "BUT THERE'S ONLY TWO GENDERS!!!!!! THAT'S WHY I'M SMARTER THAN SCIENTISTS"

Go away Carolanne...creep.

09-29-2019, 07:46 PM
There's as many genders as there are Trump appointees that have been fired/resigned/forced to resign since 2016.

So more than 2? Yeah, you don't care about scientists have to say anymore. The Democrats can no longer claim to be the party of facts or science, they are the party of feelings and hate.

09-29-2019, 08:01 PM

Why do you hate scientists so much?

09-29-2019, 08:19 PM
Looks like if Giuliani is going down he plans to take everyone else with him. It would be hilarious if it wasn't such a sad state of affairs for our country.

09-29-2019, 08:34 PM
Looks like if Giuliani is going down he plans to take everyone else with him. It would be hilarious if it wasn't such a sad state of affairs for our country.

What exactly is Guiliani "going down" for? You think he's somehow going to be impeached or go to jail or something?

Is it any wonder why I call the current left terrorists? Look at you, you're out for blood now and you also probably have no idea how many genders there are.

09-29-2019, 08:37 PM
"People who disagree with me are terrorists. Also, the social construct referred to as "gender" is determined entirely by the opinion of myself, a bottom-sucking beggar who lives with his parents and begs other people to support him while simultaneously denouncing socialism in all of its' forms"

Speaking of me begging for money, be sure to donate to my Patreon!

09-29-2019, 08:45 PM
Democrats: Looking into Trump's actions is called an "investigation."
Also Democrats: Looking into Biden's actions is called "digging up dirt."
All sane and normal people: The fuck is wrong with these people?

09-29-2019, 08:53 PM

"sane and normal people"

Aren't you the asshole who was hurling racial insults left and right on your other account? So calling someone a moron means they aren't "sane and normal", what does that make a racist such as yourself? Nothing but absolute gutter trash?

09-29-2019, 09:03 PM
Trump asks Ukraine to investigate Biden and his son for possible crimes committed.
Democrats: That's digging up dirt and trying to influence our elections!!!!
Biden demands the media stops booking Giuliani because he's saying mean things about him.
Democrats: crickets

09-29-2019, 09:08 PM
You got so triggered by a video you made up an identity for me to assume. It's like if you don't go five seconds without strawmanning a liberal you start molesting kids.


09-29-2019, 09:57 PM
Anyone else notice that every single liberal rag around the world that publishes an article on this story includes this byline? It's word for word, standalone between paragraphs in every single article. Found thus far in BBC, France24, CNN, CBC (Canada), DW (Germany), and more. Every story has this same conclusion stated after describing the so-called Trump 'allegations', but never a single sentence about how that conclusion was reached. Hmm.

"There is no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden."

Perhaps because that evidence requires an investigation in order to be found?

This information war is global.

Perhaps because its true that there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden?

People are looking for things that aren't there. Thats called a witch hunt.

09-29-2019, 10:12 PM
Perhaps because its true that there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden?

People are looking for things that aren't there. Thats called a witch hunt.

Sometimes I wonder if Back is really a genius and he's just trolling the shit out of us.

But I don't think so.

09-29-2019, 10:15 PM
Perhaps because its true that there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden?

People are looking for things that aren't there. Thats called a witch hunt.

Except that Joe admitted on video that the threatened to withhold foreign aid if the prosecutor investigating his son was not fired. That is clearly and unequivocally some quid pro quo.

From a couple months ago state funded media bringing it up:

09-29-2019, 10:17 PM
And here is from his own lips.


09-29-2019, 10:20 PM
Let's remember the position the Ukraine was in at this time. Invaded by Russia. Why in the hell should our top elected officials be making millions and engaging in nepotism? Nice kickbacks.

09-29-2019, 10:30 PM
Let's remember the position the Ukraine was in at this time. Invaded by Russia. Why in the hell should our top elected officials be making millions and engaging in nepotism? Nice kickbacks.

It's called corruption.

09-30-2019, 12:06 AM
For this being the thing that is going to finally bring down Trump things sure have been pretty silent since Trump released the transcript and the whistleblower complaint.

Oh yeah, Democrats needed to take a 2 week vacation and let the dictator in the White House continue his lawless behavior while they party it up. I sometimes forget how things work!

09-30-2019, 08:40 AM
Since when do conservatives give a flying fuck what scientists say?

Since when does the party of 482370947239042370 made up genders give a flying fuck what science says?

Golly, that was easy.


An anomaly isn't its own gender. That's why it's called an anomaly.

Do you know what anomaly means?

09-30-2019, 08:48 AM
Looks like if Giuliani is going down he plans to take everyone else with him. It would be hilarious if it wasn't such a sad state of affairs for our country.

Do you just put random words together when you post now? Because lately your posts have just been random words put together pretending to have a point.


"sane and normal people"


Perhaps because its true that there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden?

People are looking for things that aren't there. Thats called a witch hunt.

You realize Biden is literally on video bragging about it right?


And here is from his own lips.


Hey Back, what's your opinion on the Biden mess after watching this video?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-30-2019, 10:06 AM
Someone is triggered.

09-30-2019, 10:19 AM

TGO posting fake news again? Because it's the only thing he knows how to post, since he's just a brainwashed muppet subsisting on his parent's allowance and suckering idiots playing text-based games into donating to him while consuming Breitbart 18 hours a day? Say it ain't so.

Since you only read news from other cocksucking worms that lack the facility for critical thinking, here's the news cycle that you willfully choose to ignore:

Utter Bulls*t’: Former Ambassador to Ukraine Calls Out Trump for False Claim About Bidens

Whistleblower in Ukraine scandal under federal protection

Trump withheld Ukraine military aid despite 'unanimous' support from his government, Fox News reports


Trump lashes out at whistleblower and renews attack on House intelligence chair

Whistleblower's Lawyers Say Trump Has Endangered Their Client as President Publicly Threatens 'Big Consequences'; "Threats against a whistleblower are not only illegal, but also indicative of a cover-up."

Most Americans now support Trump impeachment inquiry after Ukraine revelations, poll shows

Trump Seeks Treason Inquiry Into House Impeachment Leader

Report: Rudy Giuliani Worked With Fox News Legal Guests on Secret Project to Dig Up Ukraine Dirt on Joe Biden

Schiff says he plans to subpoena Giuliani for documents

Trump reportedly worked with 2 'off the books' lawyers to pressure Ukraine for damaging information about Joe Biden, in addition to Giuliani


09-30-2019, 10:51 AM
"People who disagree with me are terrorists. Also, the social construct referred to as "gender" is determined entirely by the opinion of myself, a bottom-sucking beggar who lives with his parents and begs other people to support him while simultaneously denouncing socialism in all of its' forms"

A globalist is a term used to disparagingly refer to Jews, coined by conspiracy theorists that blame the Jews for everything wrong with the world. Nice casual anti-semitism there.

"Anyone who doesn't agree with me is literally Hitler "

09-30-2019, 11:07 AM
Except that Joe admitted on video that the threatened to withhold foreign aid if the prosecutor investigating his son was not fired. That is clearly and unequivocally some quid pro quo.

While the story Biden told is true, those words in the video and your summary are not. To clarify, I mean the chyron, those words explaining, falsely, what they want you to believe but is not true.

The video comes from RT, the Russian Times, a well known state run pro-government media outlet. You've been duped by people who do not have your best interests at heart.

09-30-2019, 11:09 AM
Someone is triggered.

Is it that loser pretending they aren't Sellstuff1 again?

It's a shame he never accepted my invite to meet up and settle our differences at Simucon.

09-30-2019, 11:46 AM
While the story Biden told is true, those words in the video and your summary are not. To clarify, I mean the chyron, those words explaining, falsely, what they want you to believe but is not true.

The video comes from RT, the Russian Times, a well known state run pro-government media outlet. You've been duped by people who do not have your best interests at heart.


09-30-2019, 12:24 PM
While the story Biden told is true, those words in the video and your summary are not. To clarify, I mean the chyron, those words explaining, falsely, what they want you to believe but is not true.

The video comes from RT, the Russian Times, a well known state run pro-government media outlet. You've been duped by people who do not have your best interests at heart.


I hope you use velcro laces for your sneakers... because God help anyone trying to teach you how to tie your shoes.

09-30-2019, 12:49 PM
Full video and transcript directly from the Council on Foreign Relations:


09-30-2019, 01:34 PM
While the story Biden told is true, those words in the video and your summary are not. To clarify, I mean the chyron, those words explaining, falsely, what they want you to believe but is not true.

The video comes from RT, the Russian Times, a well known state run pro-government media outlet. You've been duped by people who do not have your best interests at heart.

How do you manage to do things like dress yourself or breathe on your own? Serious question. Please advise.

09-30-2019, 02:28 PM
Full video and transcript directly from the Council on Foreign Relations:


You're confusing the diplomacy utilized by Biden on behest of the President in this document with the self-dealing and quid pro quo alleged by the House in it's impeachment inquiry.

09-30-2019, 02:36 PM
You're confusing the diplomacy utilized by Biden on behest of the President in this document with the self-dealing and quid pro quo alleged by the House in it's impeachment inquiry.

This is what it looks like when you push a political agenda that hands more power over to the government and you can't find an honest political figure to showcase.

09-30-2019, 02:54 PM
You're confusing the diplomacy utilized by Biden on behest of the President in this document with the self-dealing and quid pro quo alleged by the House in it's impeachment inquiry.

Much like it is an “investigation” to look into the actions of Trump but “digging up dirt” when looking into the actions of Biden, it’s an illegal “quid pro quo” when Trump supposedly threatens to withhold aid (even though aid was never discussed on the phone call in question) but merely “diplomacy” when Biden does the same thing. The spin from the left is amazing. Zero shame.

09-30-2019, 03:30 PM
You're confusing me with people who aren't retarded.

This is correct.

09-30-2019, 05:59 PM
In other news, looks like Trump has been trying to pressure Australia to help him out politically too: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/30/us/politics/trump-australia-barr-mueller.html

09-30-2019, 06:37 PM
In other news, looks like Trump has been trying to pressure Australia to help him out politically too: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/30/us/politics/trump-australia-barr-mueller.html

Get back to doing what you do best, Briarfox: mocking a small child for enjoying Star Wars. Because you're a liberal elite!

09-30-2019, 06:38 PM
Get back to doing what you do best, Briarfox: mocking a small child for enjoying Star Wars. Because you're a liberal elite!

Dude, I’m pretty sure your head is going to explode soon from all the logical knots you’re tying.

09-30-2019, 06:41 PM
Dude, I’m pretty sure your head is going to explode soon from all the logical knots you’re tying.

Did you or did you not post in the smile thread the tweet from Mark Hamill mocking a small child for enjoying Star Wars?

Is part of being a liberal elite meaning you never have to face your sins and instead you just deflect, deflect, deflect? Don't bother, it's a rhetorical question.

09-30-2019, 06:58 PM
In other news, looks like Trump has been trying to pressure Australia to help him out politically too: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/30/us/politics/trump-australia-barr-mueller.html

So again when Trump wants to investigate things it's "digging up dirt", a "quid pro quo", or "helping him out politically", but when we investigate Trump it's done in the name of justice?

Is this what they teach you over at elite liberal school?

09-30-2019, 07:46 PM
No one reads that giant paragraphs of stupid shit you post, clairette.

09-30-2019, 07:54 PM
No one reads that giant paragraphs of stupid shit you post, clairette.

This is correct.

09-30-2019, 09:35 PM
Bill Clinton meets privately with the AG who is investigating his wife while she is running for president. A few days (or weeks whatever) later it was determined that no charges would be filed.
Democrats: Stop with the conspiracy theories! Clearly they were just talking about grand kids and golf!

Trump has private phone calls with his counterparts from other countries and is getting tired of leaks so he puts them in a secure file where only a few people have access to them.
Democrats: This is proof Trump is up to no good! We need to impeach!!!!!

09-30-2019, 09:43 PM
In other news, looks like Trump has been trying to pressure Australia to help him out politically too: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/30/us/politics/trump-australia-barr-mueller.html

Do you read the articles you cite? Attorney General Barr has publicly stated that there is an active investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation. This is taken directly from your cited article:

"The report by the special counsel who completed the Russia investigation, Robert S. Mueller III, confirmed that Australia played a central role in the origins of the original F.B.I. inquiry."

Seems prudent to me that Australian assistance should be sought as part of this process.

09-30-2019, 09:59 PM
Do you read the articles you cite? Attorney General Barr has publicly stated that there is an active investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation. This is taken directly from your cited article:

"The report by the special counsel who completed the Russia investigation, Robert S. Mueller III, confirmed that Australia played a central role in the origins of the original F.B.I. inquiry."

Seems prudent to me that Australian assistance should be sought as part of this process.

As the article points out, what Trump is doing is using Barr to try to drum up evidence of a conspiracy in the "deep state" against him. This is a counter-narrative that he's trying to spin to protect himself. There's no evidence for any of it, but that hasn't stopped him from trying, or his supporters, like Papadopoulos, from advancing it on news shows.

09-30-2019, 10:02 PM
As the article points out, what Trump is doing is using Barr to try to drum up evidence of a conspiracy in the "deep state" against him. This is a counter-narrative that he's trying to spin to protect himself. There's no evidence for any of it, but that hasn't stopped him from trying, or his supporters, like Papadopoulos, from advancing it on news shows.

Except you've been once again taken in by the far left media lapdogs of the Democrats.

Back in May Australia offered to help in the investigation, this didn't all happen recently as your laughable article pointed out.

Once again: Investigating Trump is all about justice. Trump doing any sort of investigation is "digging up dirt."

So what do you think about hooded goons known as Antifa blocking an old woman from crossing the street and screaming in her face that she's a Nazi? I need the piece of shit opinion of a "liberal elite" on this one. Please advise.

09-30-2019, 10:11 PM
Except you've been once again taken in by the far left media lapdogs of the Democrats.

Back in May Australia offered to help in the investigation, this didn't all happen recently as your laughable article pointed out.

Once again: Investigating Trump is all about justice. Trump doing any sort of investigation is "digging up dirt."

So what do you think about hooded goons known as Antifa blocking an old woman from crossing the street and screaming in her face that she's a Nazi? I need the piece of shit opinion of a "liberal elite" on this one. Please advise.

Reasonable and logical people need some evidence of wrongdoing before investigating. Hopeless conspiracy theorists demand investigations based on moonbeams.

Next time a cop pulls you over in your beater, I'll assume that you're fine with him arresting you because the voice in his head told him to.

09-30-2019, 10:14 PM
Reasonable and logical people need some evidence of wrongdoing before investigating.

Over half the country has been saying the same thing for the past 2.5 years.

09-30-2019, 10:23 PM
Over half the country has been saying the same thing for the past 2.5 years.

There's plenty of evidence Russia helped Trump win, and that his team met with them on multiple occasions. You don't think that's enough to warrant an investigation?

09-30-2019, 10:28 PM
There's plenty of evidence Russia helped Trump win, and that his team met with them on multiple occasions. You don't think that's enough to warrant an investigation?

Biden makes millions in Ukraine, puts his own son on the board of Burisma with a 600k salary, and brags publicly about threatening to withhold aid in order to block any scrutiny. You don't think that's enough to warrant an investigation?

One done by the other side, that is. You know, you call it oversight, right?

09-30-2019, 10:28 PM
Reasonable and logical people need some evidence of wrongdoing before investigating.

Biden literally bragging that he withheld a billion dollars to get Ukraine to fire their prosecutor that was investigating the company his son worked at = no suspicion of wrongdoing.
Second hand and third hand information from a "whistle blower" with no direct knowledge of ANYTHING they are alleging = evidence of wrongdoing.

More of that liberal elitism that 90% of us are too dumb to understand I suppose.

Oh yeah also:

So what do you think about hooded goons known as Antifa blocking an old woman from crossing the street and screaming in her face that she's a Nazi? I need the piece of shit opinion of a "liberal elite" on this one. Please advise.

Come on, Briarfox. You usually have an opinion on all things fucked up the left does. Give us your expertise on this one.

09-30-2019, 10:29 PM
Biden literally bragging that he withheld a billion dollars to get Ukraine to fire their prosecutor that was investigating the company his son worked at = no suspicion of wrongdoing.
Second hand and third hand information from a "whistle blower" with no direct knowledge of ANYTHING they are alleging = evidence of wrongdoing.

More of that liberal elitism that 90% of us are too dumb to understand I suppose.

Oh yeah also:

So what do you think about hooded goons known as Antifa blocking an old woman from crossing the street and screaming in her face that she's a Nazi? I need the piece of shit opinion of a "liberal elite" on this one. Please advise.

Come on, Briarfox. You usually have an opinion on all things fucked up the left does. Give us your expertise on this one.

What if she was a Nazi. Maybe she was Hitler's secretary. YOU DON'T KNOW SHE WASN'T.

09-30-2019, 10:31 PM
Biden makes millions in Ukraine, puts his own son on the board of Burisma with a 600k salary, and brags publicly about threatening to withhold aid in order to block any scrutiny. You don't think that's enough to warrant an investigation?

Right? That's fucking nuts.

09-30-2019, 10:33 PM
Biden makes millions in Ukraine, puts his own son on the board of Burisma with a 600k salary, and brags publicly about threatening to withhold aid in order to block any scrutiny. You don't think that's enough to warrant an investigation?

One done by the other side, that is. You know, you call it oversight, right?

The problem is that things aren't the way you're suggesting. Biden was delivering an internationally approved message when he asked for the prosecutor to be removed, and that prosecutor's removal made it more likely, not less, that Burisma might be investigated. Shokin had already stymied an investigation into the company in 2014.

09-30-2019, 10:33 PM
What if she was a Nazi. Maybe she was Hitler's secretary. YOU DON'T KNOW SHE WASN'T.

Well you got me there.


09-30-2019, 10:34 PM
So what do you think about hooded goons known as Antifa blocking an old woman from crossing the street and screaming in her face that she's a Nazi? I need the piece of shit opinion of a "liberal elite" on this one. Please advise.

Come on, Briarfox. You usually have an opinion on all things fucked up the left does. Give us your expertise on this one.

I think Antifa is full of dipshits. Now, what do you think about rightwingers shouting that a 16-year-old Swedish girl who wants to save the planet should be raped to shut her up?

09-30-2019, 10:38 PM
The problem is that things aren't the way you're suggesting. Biden was delivering an internationally approved message when he asked for the prosecutor to be removed, and that prosecutor's removal made it more likely, not less, that Burisma might be investigated. Shokin had already stymied an investigation into the company in 2014.

"Internationally approved message."

You know what normal people do when a possible conflict of interest might make them look like they are letting their personal feelings cloud their judgement? They let someone else take over the actions. What do Democrats do though? They just keep plowing through and hope useful idiots like you will run cover for them.

As far as your bullshit claim that him being fired increased the chances of Burisma being investigated, how do you square this one away with the fact that the prosecutor in question himself said he was forced to resign because of his investigation into Burisma?

Let me guess; he's lying. The president of Ukraine saying he wasn't pressured and there was no quid pro quo is also lying right?

Everyone defending Trump or attacking Biden are just liars and conspiracy theorists, but a "whistleblower" who in part got their information from the news we can all consume, is legit and proof that Trump is corrupt.

You are literally just the worst. The absolute worst.

At least Back just seems completely ignorant about the things he talks about. Like he just doesn't know any better. But not you. You seem perfectly aware of the bullshit you spout but you willingly do so because you don't want to let your fellow "liberal elites" down.

09-30-2019, 10:39 PM
I think Antifa is full of dipshits. Now, what do you think about rightwingers shouting that a 16-year-old Swedish girl who wants to save the planet should be raped to shut her up?

What do you think about far left terrorists such as yourself threatening to kill and rape Kavanaugh, his wife, and 2 children simply because Kavanaugh wants to do his job?

Hopefully the same way I feel about anyone who threatens to rape and kill anyone, they are pieces of shit.

It's hilarious you deflect to anonymous trolls on the internet in comparison to actual terrorists caught on actual video verbally harassing an old woman and preventing her freedom of movement.

09-30-2019, 10:40 PM
Your tinfoil hat gets more crinkles hourly, I see.

09-30-2019, 10:42 PM
Your tinfoil hat gets more crinkles hourly, I see.

To be fair 90% of liberal elites can't possibly begin to comprehend the things I am saying.

09-30-2019, 10:45 PM
To be fair 90% of liberal elites can't possibly begin to comprehend the things I am saying.

True. It's because they're nonsensical.

09-30-2019, 10:47 PM
The problem is that things aren't the way you're suggesting. Biden was delivering an internationally approved message when he asked for the prosecutor to be removed, and that prosecutor's removal made it more likely, not less, that Burisma might be investigated. Shokin had already stymied an investigation into the company in 2014.

The problem is, the same threat you are accusing Trump of making to Zelensky, was actually made and boasted about by Biden. That threat being: you do what we want, or you don't get the aid money. Is it not the threat that is now the basis for this impeachment inquiry?

09-30-2019, 10:49 PM
The problem is, the same threat you are accusing Trump of making to Zelensky, was actually made and boasted about by Biden. That threat being: you do what we want, or you don't get the aid money. Is it not the threat that is now the basis for this impeachment inquiry?

It's the intent behind it. Biden was trying to help clear up corruption in Ukraine, with the support of Ukrainians, the IMF, and so forth. Trump was asking for a personal favor to help smear his potential political opponent in an upcoming election.

09-30-2019, 10:49 PM
https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4818165/joe-biden-confesses-bribery&fbclid=IwAR1V6tqY3O6WWsE0cmsBexX3ihwoGqHzMmZ7gNtY2 DInb5GjJWvOwrut98w

I mean, Biden literally confesses to bribery right here on video.

09-30-2019, 11:01 PM
It's the intent behind it. Biden was trying to help clear up corruption in Ukraine, with the support of Ukrainians, the IMF, and so forth.

Oh that's very interesting. Can you please link to the investigation that arrived to this conclusion?

09-30-2019, 11:01 PM
It's the intent behind it. Biden was trying to help clear up corruption in Ukraine, with the support of Ukrainians, the IMF, and so forth. Trump was asking for a personal favor to help smear his potential political opponent in an upcoming election.

This is unfortunately just conjecture, as conclusions on intent often are. This was not done at a time where 'clearing up corruption' in Ukraine was of foremost concern of US policy. The War in Donbass, essentially a civil war, was raging and the country was facing Russian invasion. This aid was absolutely critical and there was no reasonable expectation that the Ukrainian government could refuse any request that would delay delivery of that aid.

The media argues its the hidden message, the implication of Trump asking a 'favor'. The message is far less subtle when you threaten to withhold aid from such a war-torn, desperate recipient.

09-30-2019, 11:14 PM
Nancy Pelosi apparently said she knew what was said on the phone call before Trump declassified and unredacted the call for public consumption.

Gee whiz, I'm no CIA agent or anything, but how the hell did she know that?

Sure smells like there is a spy in the White House working on behalf of the Democrats.

09-30-2019, 11:20 PM
Democrats are now pushing for Trump to release MORE private phone calls he has had with world leaders because he has them locked away in an electronic file. The same electronic file Obama locked away private phone calls with world leaders.

What the fuck is wrong with Democrats? Talk about fucking up our relationships with our allies. Democrats already badgered Trump to release one private phone call with a world leader, imagine if they get Trump to release even more? World leaders are going to think twice before discussing anything with the president, Trump or otherwise.

This is how it has played out so far:

Trump has private conversations with world leaders.
At least 2 of those private conversations were "leaked" to the press.
Trump says "Okay fuck this shit, lock these conversations up and make it so only certain people have access to them."
Yet another phone call was "leaked" (this is the Ukraine one.)
Democrats now say "Since you have the audacity to secure these phone calls it's proof you are corrupt, release more."

And useful idiots like Briarfox thinks this is all perfectly normal.

Sounds like a miserable existence being part of the "liberal elite." Having to defend shit night and day you know is wrong and then laughing when a Hollywood "celebrity" mocks a small child for enjoying Star Wars. I just picture Briarfox coming home to an empty house every day and eating left over Chinese over a sink.

09-30-2019, 11:56 PM
Democrats are now pushing for Trump to release MORE private phone calls he has had with world leaders because he has them locked away in an electronic file. The same electronic file Obama locked away private phone calls with world leaders.

What the fuck is wrong with Democrats? Talk about fucking up our relationships with our allies. Democrats already badgered Trump to release one private phone call with a world leader, imagine if they get Trump to release even more? World leaders are going to think twice before discussing anything with the president, Trump or otherwise.

This is how it has played out so far:

Trump has private conversations with world leaders.
At least 2 of those private conversations were "leaked" to the press.
Trump says "Okay fuck this shit, lock these conversations up and make it so only certain people have access to them."
Yet another phone call was "leaked" (this is the Ukraine one.)
Democrats now say "Since you have the audacity to secure these phone calls it's proof you are corrupt, release more."

And useful idiots like Briarfox thinks this is all perfectly normal.

Sounds like a miserable existence being part of the "liberal elite." Having to defend shit night and day you know is wrong and then laughing when a Hollywood "celebrity" mocks a small child for enjoying Star Wars. I just picture Briarfox coming home to an empty house every day and eating left over Chinese over a sink.

You have got your timeline entirely backwards. Trump locked the transcripts onto the ultra-secure server long before he became aware of the whistleblower and his biggest mistake was giving into his own massive ego and voluntarily releasing the Ukraine transcript. It confirmed /exactly/ what the whistleblower's complaint alleged.

Trump has done exactly what the population feared- he's compromised the integrity of the office, the national security of his nation and has betrayed the American people all in the name of self-interest and trying to hide his own criminal behavior.

Fucking up the relationships with our allies? LOL. Trump started that boulder rolling downhill the moment he dissolved NAFTA.

10-01-2019, 12:01 AM
You have got your timeline entirely backwards. Trump locked the transcripts onto the ultra-secure server long before he became aware of the whistleblower

That's exactly what I just got finished saying. Honestly how hard is the English language for you? Maybe I'm being overly harsh and English is your second language? Please advise.

10-01-2019, 12:11 AM
Trump has private conversations with world leaders.
At least 2 of those private conversations were "leaked" to the press.
Trump says "Okay fuck this shit, lock these conversations up and make it so only certain people have access to them."
Yet another phone call was "leaked" (this is the Ukraine one.)
Democrats now say "Since you have the audacity to secure these phone calls it's proof you are corrupt, release more."

Unless you don't speak English, when you list a series of events from top to bottom are beginning to end. The only lack of understanding in the language is you having absolutely no idea how to pull your head out of your own butthole long enough to acknowledge your own lack of understanding. At least you and the Executive have that in common.

10-01-2019, 12:12 AM
Unless you don't speak English, when you list a series of events from top to bottom are beginning to end.

Yes, exactly.

Trump says "Okay fuck this shit, lock these conversations up and make it so only certain people have access to them."

Was first on my list.


Yet another phone call was "leaked" (this is the Ukraine one.)

Was next.

10-01-2019, 12:23 AM
Trump says "Okay fuck this shit, lock these conversations up and make it so only certain people have access to them."

Which is his right. As it is the responsibility of the whistleblower to have reported Trump's obvious illegal activity.

10-01-2019, 12:26 AM
Which is his right. As it is the responsibility of the whistleblower to have reported Trump's obvious illegal activity.

Yes it is Trump's right, so why are they using him doing that as evidence of his corruption?

10-01-2019, 12:27 AM
Trump started that boulder rolling downhill the moment he dissolved NAFTA, that is the giant sucking sound of blue collar jobs going over seas.

Why people laugh when Democrats talk about a $15 minimum wage.

10-01-2019, 12:33 AM
In other news, looks like Trump has been trying to pressure Australia to help him out politically too: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/30/us/politics/trump-australia-barr-mueller.html

This narrative fell apart for the NYT in just a couple of hours.

Trump publicly told the world he was going to ask Australia for help in this investigation and Australia in turn said they would willingly help in any way they can because this is what allied countries do: they help one another in their lawful investigations.

The PM of Australia has said no pressure was applied to them because they would gladly help in any investigation.

You've been fooled by the liberal so called news yet again, Briarfox. What you gonna do next?

10-01-2019, 12:36 AM
Kamal Harris says Trump should be banned from Twitter.

Trump has a normal and cordial phone call with Ukraine PM.
Democrats: OMG! Trying to influence an election! We need to see ALL of his private phone calls AND he needs to be impeached!

Biden says the news should stop giving Giuliani a platform.
Kamala Harris says Twitter should stop giving Trump a platform.
Democrats: crickets

10-01-2019, 12:44 AM
Kamal Harris says Trump should be banned from Twitter.

Trump has a normal and cordial phone call with Ukraine PM.
Democrats: OMG! Trying to influence an election! We need to see ALL of his private phone calls AND he needs to be impeached!

Biden says the news should stop giving Giuliani a platform.
Kamala Harris says Twitter should stop giving Trump a platform.
Democrats: crickets

And this is why it's not illegal for politicians to block people on twitter.


10-01-2019, 12:57 AM
NAFTA didn't cause American jobs to be lost, it prevented our trading partners from adding unbalanced tariffs which would make it too expensive for US manufacturers to sell overseas. What's sad is having to mis-quote someone because you're incapable of intellectual honesty. That giant sucking sound? Look behind you.

10-01-2019, 01:07 AM
NAFTA didn't cause American jobs to be lost, it prevented our trading partners from adding unbalanced tariffs which would make it too expensive for US manufacturers to sell overseas. What's sad is having to mis-quote someone because you're incapable of intellectual honesty. That giant sucking sound? Look behind you.

Um, yes it did. It also created a trade deficit with Mexico.

10-01-2019, 01:09 AM
NAFTA didn't cause American jobs to be lost, it prevented our trading partners from adding unbalanced tariffs which would make it too expensive for US manufacturers to sell overseas. What's sad is having to mis-quote someone because you're incapable of intellectual honesty. That giant sucking sound? Look behind you.

NAFTA rekt the timber industry.

10-01-2019, 01:22 AM
Thing is, trade agreements like NAFTA would work if they included labor laws in the framework.

Honestly. From the moment NAFTA went into effect, blue collar jobs that paid good middle class wages fucking vanished or the wages stagnated.

10-01-2019, 01:47 AM
Um, yes it did. It also created a trade deficit with Mexico.

The trade surplus two years prior to NAFTA ratification was anomalous according to statistical. Out of the last 60 years of trade with Mexico, there were only 10 years of a surplus trade balance. According to the Office of the United States Trade Representative, NAFTA created jobs, established small and medium sized businesses and spurned almost 290% increase in trade with NAFTA countries.

10-01-2019, 01:49 AM
Thing is, trade agreements like NAFTA would work if they included labor laws in the framework.

Honestly. From the moment NAFTA went into effect, blue collar jobs that paid good middle class wages fucking vanished or the wages stagnated.

Wages stagnated because of the Republican presidents falsely promising that corporate tax cuts would result in wage growth for employees. Read the CBO report on the impact of the Bush and Trump corporate tax rate cuts which HURT the middle class.

10-01-2019, 08:09 AM
Wages stagnated because of the Republican presidents falsely promising that corporate tax cuts would result in wage growth for employees. Read the CBO report on the impact of the Bush and Trump corporate tax rate cuts which HURT the middle class.

But there has been wage growth under Trump. Why no wage growth since the early 90's?

Let me guess, Democrats had to wait until Trump became president to start concerning themselves with middle class wage growth? So quick to blame republicans when democrats were in control for half the time.

The fact is, NAFTA killed middle class blue collar jobs and replaced them with low income service industry jobs.

10-01-2019, 08:27 AM
I think Antifa is full of dipshits. Now, what do you think about rightwingers shouting that a 16-year-old Swedish girl who wants to save the planet should be raped to shut her up?

What rightwing group is actually promoting that idea?

10-01-2019, 08:30 AM
It's the intent behind it. Biden was trying to help clear up corruption in Ukraine, with the support of Ukrainians, the IMF, and so forth. Trump was asking for a personal favor to help smear his potential political opponent in an upcoming election.

So, in your head, Biden had no bad intentions and Trump did.. and you know this because you've read their mind.

It's like if you had any self awareness at all, you would see that you are being a flaming hypocritical dumbass at this point.

But you don't.. so I'm just here to help: You're being a flaming, hypocritical dumbass.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-01-2019, 09:26 AM
The trade surplus two years prior to NAFTA ratification was anomalous according to statistical. Out of the last 60 years of trade with Mexico, there were only 10 years of a surplus trade balance. According to the Office of the United States Trade Representative, NAFTA created jobs, established small and medium sized businesses and spurned almost 290% increase in trade with NAFTA countries.

Yeah... link any of that?

10-01-2019, 12:26 PM
Yeah... link any of that?

Bet it's a Buzzfeed article...

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-01-2019, 01:45 PM
and the response from my Congresswoman.

"Thank you for contacting me to express your views about impeachment.
I appreciate hearing your views on this incredibly important subject and having the chance to talk with you about it in more detail. Listening to you, whether we agree on every issue or not, is very important to me and always helps me do better. My job is to serve everyone in our district and make a difference for Kansas.

Kansans expect our leaders to be thoughtful, to work hard, and to make sure they have all the facts before they act. That’s an ethos that informs all my decisions - whether it’s co-sponsoring a bill, or making a decision as consequential as whether to invoke Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution to pursue impeachment.

And it especially includes my sworn oath as a member of Congress to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.

After careful deliberation, I am supporting the House of Representatives taking the first step in an impeachment process, beginning an impeachment inquiry.

Here’s why.

On Monday, September 23rd, I called on the Administration to turn over the transcript of a phone call between President Trump and the Ukrainian government. That Wednesday, the White House released an approximation of that call, clearly showing that President Trump abused his power and invited foreign interference into our elections - the very basis of our democracy - for his own political gain. And this was all according to the version his Administration was willing to release to the public.

While these developments are alarming enough on their own, it was also confirmed by the President that he was withholding military aid from Ukraine at the time of that call.

Congress later received a report from a whistleblower who was alarmed by the president’s actions. A non-partisan government watchdog, the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community, found the whistleblower’s account urgent and credible.

I’ve long said that I trust my House colleagues on the committees of jurisdiction as they conduct oversight and investigate the Trump Administration. But these new allegations need to be investigated separate and apart from any other oversight being conducted by the House of Representatives.

This leaves the House with no other option than to begin an impeachment inquiry, which allows us to use the full power of our chamber and all the tools at our disposal to uncover the truth. We must follow the facts, wherever they lead.

I did not arrive at this decision lightly, or without full deliberation of the information currently available. I’ll continue to weigh all the facts objectively as this investigation continues, and will do my utmost to fairly and impartially consider any possible articles of impeachment if they later come before me for a vote in the House of Representatives.

Ultimately, this is about the rule of law. Our country has laws to protect whistleblowers and to protect the security of our elections, both of which are fundamental to our democracy. It’s my responsibility as a member of Congress to uphold those laws and to protect the Constitution.

It also remains my responsibility to deliver results for the people of Kansas - focusing on health care, infrastructure, constituent services like helping Veterans’ with backlogged benefits or seniors with their Social Security, and the issues that Kansans talk about at the kitchen table each night. I can, and will, continue my work in these areas while upholding my constitutional duties.

Let’s be clear: being compelled to open an impeachment inquiry is also nothing to celebrate. This is a sad moment for our country, but it is the right thing to do.

Thank you again for contacting me. My job is to serve everyone and make a difference for all Kansans, whether we agree on this specific subject or not. I hope you’ll never hesitate to reach out in the future – please visit davids.house.gov/survey (https://iqconnect.lmhostediq.com/iqextranet/iqClickTrk.aspx?&cid=KS03SD&crop=14408QQQ7441825QQQ5088809QQQ7336129&report_id=&redirect=https%3a%2f%2fdavids.house.gov%2fsurvey&redir_log=576608788798223)to continue our conversation.

My warmest regards,
https://ecp.yusercontent.com/mail?url=https%3A%2F%2Fiqconnect.lmhostediq.com%2F iqextranet%2FCustomers%2FKS03SD%2FDavids_Signature _2.png&t=1569951783&ymreqid=e166acac-16aa-d0f3-2f6d-ec0009010000&sig=bJiDcfugsDwjM3jiXmJqsA--~C
Sharice L. Davids
Member of Congress

You’re always welcome to contact me again on any issue. And if you ever need help with the federal government – anything from backlogged Veterans’ benefits to stalled tax refunds – please contact my office in Overland Park at (913) 621-0832 or in Kansas City at (913) 766-3993. We’re here to help you cut through government red tape and make sure you get the services you deserve."

10-01-2019, 02:00 PM
Reasonable and logical people need some evidence of wrongdoing before investigating. Hopeless conspiracy theorists demand investigations based on moonbeams.

Next time a cop pulls you over in your beater, I'll assume that you're fine with him arresting you because the voice in his head told him to.

What about the old people crossing the street though?

Some Rogue
10-01-2019, 02:09 PM
What about the old people crossing the street though?

Only worth 10 points. Too easy of a target.

10-01-2019, 02:10 PM
Only worth 10 points. Too easy of a target.

10-01-2019, 02:14 PM

"Just because it is old, doesn't mean it is valuable." - Antique Roadshow guy.

10-01-2019, 02:20 PM
You are literally just the worst. The absolute worst.

At least Back just seems completely ignorant about the things he talks about. Like he just doesn't know any better. But not you. You seem perfectly aware of the bullshit you spout but you willingly do so because you don't want to let your fellow "liberal elites" down.

This is correct.

10-01-2019, 02:27 PM
Something I think that is funny, on FB a bunch of tards are circulating a "petition" for Pelosi to resign. She is constantly winning her district by 80% or more. Her constituents love her. She doesn't care what anyone outside of there thinks.

10-01-2019, 02:27 PM
Only worth 10 points. Too easy of a target.


10-01-2019, 02:45 PM
Pelosi is a lich and if GS taught me anything it's that someone needs to find and kill her phylactery

10-01-2019, 04:41 PM
Conservatives love asking for sources, never providing their own sources, and calling any source that isn't a red-hat "fake news". Why even bother engaging them at this point?

Good question, why are you still here?

10-01-2019, 04:53 PM
Because Breitbart will say a trigger word and you'll go shoot up a school to "own the libs" one of these days.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-01-2019, 06:25 PM
Conservatives love asking for sources, never providing their own sources, and calling any source that isn't a red-hat "fake news". Why even bother engaging them at this point?

So, no. Gotcha.

10-01-2019, 09:24 PM
Yeah... link any of that?



10-01-2019, 10:27 PM
Tomorrows going to be fun in this thread.