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05-03-2023, 10:20 AM

Seran will be along to defend this as soon as his TV tells him what to think.

05-03-2023, 10:25 AM
You mean discovered in a Louisville, Ky McDonald's?

Where the Mayor is a Democrat?

And the last 6 Mayors have been Democrats? All the way back to 1969?

Fucking crazy right? Who would imagine a Democrat run city would allow such horrendous child labor to occur.

Those Dems... getting back to their slavery roots I see..

Did you know that mayors don't investigate and enforce labor laws? If anything you could land the responsibility on Democrat Andy Beshear as its his agency which has jurisdiction.

05-03-2023, 11:55 AM
Did you know that mayors don't investigate and enforce labor laws? If anything you could land the responsibility on Democrat Andy Beshear as its his agency which has jurisdiction.

Who does the Chief of Police answer to in most cities?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-04-2023, 08:47 AM

Meanwhile... thank God NY is finally getting this under control!

Imagine a major city so overrun with rats... that they now have an appointed Rat Czar as a paid position... Whew.. some damn good work going on there.

The question is, when will the Rat Czar start trapping/poisoning and killing all the politicians?

05-04-2023, 09:39 AM
The question is, when will the Rat Czar start trapping/poisoning and killing all the politicians?

They'll have to get past these guys first:


05-04-2023, 10:47 AM
Did you know that mayors don't investigate and enforce labor laws? If anything you could land the responsibility on Democrat Andy Beshear as its his agency which has jurisdiction.

"A 10 year old should be able to decide to cut off their breasts or dick, but, a 10 year old working at McDonalds is where I draw the line. ~ Seran"


05-04-2023, 11:27 AM
"A 10 year old should be able to decide to cut off their breasts or dick, but, a 10 year old working at McDonalds is where I draw the line. ~ Seran"


According to Latrin's mom, Seran fantasizes about having a collection of severed little kid dicks.

05-04-2023, 11:30 AM
According to Latrin's mom, Seran fantasizes about having a collection of severed little kid dicks.

If Florida were blocking McDonalds from offering free sex changes for 10 year old's, Serans meltdown would be epic.

05-04-2023, 04:47 PM
Who does the Chief of Police answer to in most cities?

Labor laws are civil for the most part. The police, nor the mayor, really have much to do with them.

05-04-2023, 05:29 PM
https://spectrumlocalnews.com/tx/south-texas-el-paso/news/2023/05/01/el-paso-declares-state-of-emergency-ahead-of-title-42-expiration-#:~:text=EL%20PASO%2C%20Texas%20%E2%80%94%20Antici pating%20a,a%20news%20conference%20on%20Sunday.

"El Paso declares state of emergency ahead of Title 42 expiration"

Just par for the course... a major US city declaring a state of emergency due to an invasion of illegals...

I mean... most countries that have 7m+ people invade it illegally in the course of two years... you'd call that a war... but hey... all those good words and soft rhetoric get the morons to feel good about themselves.

Fucking amazing.... a US city having to declare a State of Emergency due to an invasion on our own soil... absolutely astounding. That's what... over 20+ State and City, States of Emergency declared since Biden took office due to illegals entering the country?

If you don't think this is on purpose, along with everything else occurring... I just don't know what to say at this point.

05-04-2023, 06:04 PM

The most serious, existential threat to humanity.. and we put the most ill prepared politician in modern history in charge of it.

Suppressed Poet
05-04-2023, 06:57 PM

The most serious, existential threat to humanity.. and we put the most ill prepared politician in modern history in charge of it.

Great. Skynet is for sure going to doom our species to extinction as soon as it hears Kamala overly repeating her word salads.

05-04-2023, 08:03 PM
Great. Skynet is for sure going to doom our species to extinction as soon as it hears Kamala overly repeating her word salads.

Well, she did take care of the southern border crisis...


05-05-2023, 07:56 AM

"'Rampant criminal activity': Nordstrom just shut down both of its San Francisco stores — follows big retailers like Whole Foods, Office Depot who've also fled the city. Here's why"

"Nordstrom joins a flock of retailers fleeing the coastal California city over similar issues, with many — including Whole Foods, H&M, Marshall's, Gap, Banana Republic, Anthropologie and Office Depot..."

This is just a picture of where the Left is leading the country... city by city... State by State... sure you've heard of the canary in the coal mine analogy...

But sure... keep supporting Leftist policies.

This is where the US as a whole is heading...

05-05-2023, 07:59 AM

"'Rampant criminal activity': Nordstrom just shut down both of its San Francisco stores — follows big retailers like Whole Foods, Office Depot who've also fled the city. Here's why"

"Nordstrom joins a flock of retailers fleeing the coastal California city over similar issues, with many — including Whole Foods, H&M, Marshall's, Gap, Banana Republic, Anthropologie and Office Depot..."

This is just a picture of where the Left is leading the country... city by city... State by State... sure you've heard of the canary in the coal mine analogy...

But sure... keep supporting Leftist policies.

This is where the US as a whole is heading...

And yet we have a Whole Foods in Shreveport that has a much worse crime rate per capita.

Hell, New Orleans has 2. The most dangerous city, according to Forbes, St Louis, Mo, has 2.

05-05-2023, 08:07 AM

"'Rampant criminal activity': Nordstrom just shut down both of its San Francisco stores — follows big retailers like Whole Foods, Office Depot who've also fled the city. Here's why"

"Nordstrom joins a flock of retailers fleeing the coastal California city over similar issues, with many — including Whole Foods, H&M, Marshall's, Gap, Banana Republic, Anthropologie and Office Depot..."

This is just a picture of where the Left is leading the country... city by city... State by State... sure you've heard of the canary in the coal mine analogy...

But sure... keep supporting Leftist policies.

This is where the US as a whole is heading...

Yeah, why don’t you share ALL the reasons, not just the one that fits whatever story you are specifically trying to paint?

The main reasons are also:
Shops in the area have struggled to regain the same levels of footfall that they enjoyed pre-pandemic — partly due to rising costs and the sustained popularity of remote work.

While crime is an issue, I love how you leave out important information that might make the point you are trying to make seem different.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-05-2023, 08:41 AM
Yeah, why don’t you share ALL the reasons, not just the one that fits whatever story you are specifically trying to paint?

The main reasons are also:
Shops in the area have struggled to regain the same levels of footfall that they enjoyed pre-pandemic — partly due to rising costs and the sustained popularity of remote work.

While crime is an issue, I love how you leave out important information that might make the point you are trying to make seem different.

Odd. It's not happening here. Do 100% of your friends literally agree with you?

05-05-2023, 08:43 AM
Odd. It's not happening here. Do 100% of your friends literally agree with you?

In his defense, he has a deficit of friends. Or a debt of friends... he can never keep those strange and obscure words straight.

05-05-2023, 08:43 AM
And yet we have a Whole Foods in Shreveport that has a much worse crime rate per capita.

Hell, New Orleans has 2. The most dangerous city, according to Forbes, St Louis, Mo, has 2.

New Orleans is a shithole.

And what do all these shitholes have in common?

Democrat mayors.

New Orleans: Dem since 1872
St. Louis: Dem since 1949
San Francisco: Dem since 1956

05-05-2023, 08:44 AM
Yeah, why don’t you share ALL the reasons, not just the one that fits whatever story you are specifically trying to paint?

The main reasons are also:
Shops in the area have struggled to regain the same levels of footfall that they enjoyed pre-pandemic — partly due to rising costs and the sustained popularity of remote work.

While crime is an issue, I love how you leave out important information that might make the point you are trying to make seem different.

Once again... do your own research...

I link bigger articles, but if you want to know what's going on in San Fran or other places... watch their local news programming as I do... You think I'm making this shit up?

Think what you will... meanwhile it will keep imploding.

05-05-2023, 08:58 AM

Oh come on...

Why are Babylon Bee quips starting to be actual headlines?

And seriously, who thought that having a drag queen as a recruiter would be a good idea for the Navy? They are already made fun of for being the most sensitive of all the military branches (not including Coast Guard).

05-05-2023, 09:06 AM
In his defense, he has a deficit of friends. Or a debt of friends... he can never keep those strange and obscure words straight.

I already told you, I was suffering from jet lag, flying from NYC to Raleigh.
You know jet lag right PB? Can you tell us again how Trump suffered from jet lag?

I do love how you keep avoiding it, what’s wrong? Can’t share with us, on how jet lag works? Or you still don’t know? Please tell us how Trump suffered from jet lag again when he never changed time zones.

Or maybe tell us the differences between “you’re” and “your”?

05-05-2023, 09:09 AM
I already told you, I was suffering from jet lag, flying from NYC to Raleigh.
You know jet lag right PB? Can you tell us again how Trump suffered from jet lag?

I do love how you keep avoiding it, what’s wrong? Can’t share with us, on how jet lag works? Or you still don’t know? Please tell us how Trump suffered from jet lag again when you never changed time zones.

Or maybe tell us the differences between “you’re” and “your”?

I never claimed to be in the airline business where I deal with jet lag on a daily basis.

Or an English teacher where I deal with apostrophes every day.

05-05-2023, 09:11 AM

The most serious, existential threat to humanity.. and we put the most ill prepared politician in modern history in charge of it.

The AI will probably implement its own suicide code and self destruct after listening to Kamala for 5 minutes.

Like this:


4D chess.

05-05-2023, 09:11 AM
I never claimed to be in the airline business where I deal with jet lag on a daily basis.

Or an English teacher where I deal with apostrophes every day.

Oh I know, BASIC information is difficult for you, and basic grammar is just as hard.


Fucking idiot.

You live in a fucking English speaking country, apostrophes are everywhere, you post here everyday and see them every day! You deal with them everyday. Just wow, how dumb can you be, and how much more of a retarded excuse can you come up with?

05-05-2023, 09:16 AM
The AI will probably implement its own suicide code and self destruct after listening to Kamala for 5 minutes.

Like this:


4D chess.

That’s how I feel every time she talks.

05-05-2023, 09:17 AM
Oh I know, BASIC information is difficult for you, and basic grammar is just as hard.


Fucking idiot.

You're letting your triggered retardation show again.

I was making a point... albeit looking back, probably doesn't work with someone with your limited "abilities"...

You claim to be in the financial sector.. yet you flippantly use terms like debt and deficit interchangeably.

Someone who is actually in the financial sector wouldn't make that mistake.

So either you aren't in the financial sector (I mean really in.. not cleaning the bank after hours) or you are really, really bad at your job.

05-05-2023, 09:21 AM
You're letting your triggered retardation show again.

I was making a point... albeit looking back, probably doesn't work with someone with your limited "abilities"...

You claim to be in the financial sector.. yet you flippantly use terms like debt and deficit interchangeably.

Someone who is actually in the financial sector wouldn't make that mistake.

So either you aren't in the financial sector (I mean really in.. not cleaning the bank after hours) or you are really, really bad at your job.

You claim to not be an idiot, but can’t even use the most BASIC of grammar correctly, or know basic information. And you come up with the most AMAZING EXCUSES! Only English teachers know how use apostrophes because they deal with them everyday! Only people in the airline business know what jet lag is!

I guess you are a fucking idiot. Actually I don’t need to guess, you are.

05-05-2023, 09:26 AM
Yeah, why don’t you share ALL the reasons, not just the one that fits whatever story you are specifically trying to paint?

The main reasons are also:
Shops in the area have struggled to regain the same levels of footfall that they enjoyed pre-pandemic — partly due to rising costs and the sustained popularity of remote work.

While crime is an issue, I love how you leave out important information that might make the point you are trying to make seem different.

Because that doesn't fit the dumb political rhetoric that Republicans have. 'Crime so bad, businesses close in Democrat ran city.' is a lot more click bait than, 'Major retailer closes store which hasn't turned a profit in five years amid an ongoing nationwide slump in sales.'

05-05-2023, 09:26 AM
You claim to not be an idiot, but can’t even use the most BASIC of grammar correctly, or know basic information. And you come up with the most AMAZING EXCUSES! Only English teachers know how use apostrophes because they deal with them everyday! Only people in the airline business know what jet lag is!

I guess you are a fucking idiot. Actually I don’t need to guess, you are.

I imagine you have this problem with most discussions here... but at least you try.


05-05-2023, 09:29 AM
I imagine you have this problem with most discussions here... but at least you try.


At least I have a basic level of education and know the differences between “you’re” and “your”, and guess what? I’m not an English teacher! I also have an understanding of the basic concepts of jet lag, and guess what? I’m not in the airline business!

EnGrIsH hArD, SkOoL hard!

Fucking hilarious, he really said, he’s not an English teacher so he doesn’t deal with apostrophes every day. Just ROFL!

I guess everyone else on these forums are English teachers, because they all manage to use apostrophes correctly!

05-05-2023, 09:35 AM
At least I have a basic level of education and know the differences between “you’re” and “your”, and guess what? I’m not an English teacher! I also have an understanding of the basic concepts of jet lag, and guess what? I’m not in the airline business!

PB: EnGrIsH hArD, SkOoL hard!

The lost and retarded Solkern

It's ok Solkern. No one with an IQ above 12 believes 96% of what you claim to do/be anyway.

05-05-2023, 09:39 AM
You claim to not be an idiot, but can’t even use the most BASIC of grammar correctly, or know basic information. And you come up with the most AMAZING EXCUSES! Only English teachers know how use apostrophes because they deal with them everyday! Only people in the airline business know what jet lag is!

I guess you are a fucking idiot. Actually I don’t need to guess, you are.

I imagine you have this problem with most discussions here... but at least you try.


05-05-2023, 09:40 AM
The lost and retarded Solkern

It's ok Solkern. No one with an IQ above 12 believes 96% of what you claim to do/be anyway.

I guess you believe everything I say, because an IQ of at least 12, is required to know the differences between “you’re” and “your”.

05-05-2023, 09:44 AM
I guess you believe everything I say, because an IQ of at least 12, is required to know the differences between “you’re” and “your”.


05-05-2023, 11:46 AM
That’s how I feel every time she talks.


05-05-2023, 09:59 PM

"AI is going to offer every student a personalized tutor, founder of Khan Academy says"

"The way we're going to do that is by giving every student on the planet an artificially intelligent, but amazing, personal tutor."

People will think this is a good idea... people are morons.

05-06-2023, 01:16 AM

"America is refusing to do the one simple thing that would solve the Great People Shortage"

With current young peoples dating trends, and the animosity fostered regarding "traditional relationships" and marriage in general... good luck.


And yea... if that doesn't show you the "ad campaign" isn't influencing Gen Z... not sure what to tell you... other than look at all of human history and take a statistics class.

05-06-2023, 01:32 AM

"Biden administration green lights nation’s first congestion pricing plan for New York"

"The news means the agency has been given the green light to start charging drivers entering central Manhattan at peak times in an effort to cut down on gridlock."

Bit by bit... and people don't yet see it...

How does it all play out... You tell me... simple exercise:

East coast NY: Bans gas stoves, bans gas cars, increases taxes, taxes you for travelling in your own personal vehicle.

West coast Cali: Bans gas cars, bans conventional trains, bans gas shipping trucks, institutes State controlled mechanisms to regulate housing temperatures, increases taxes..

So how does this play out again?

I'll make a comparison, and sure you'll say "what???"... these fucking people are literally creating districts... like you guessed it... The Hunger Games...

I know, I know... I'm crazy... but have fun trying to leave one of those States and get anywhere when the weather knocks out the electrical grid in winter, your car only makes it 200 miles, and there is nothing you can do about it... and oh, btw, no supplies are coming in because the trucks and trains that do transport those goods are outlawed in your State... and can't even pass through the State to other ones, because of the laws and surcharges restricting their use.

I'm not making it up... it's literally the laws they passed/are attempting to pass. Now put those laws into practical application...

I'm just babbling though. I mean what could be the worst that could happen right? You tell me.

05-06-2023, 01:34 AM

"AI is going to offer every student a personalized tutor, founder of Khan Academy says"

"The way we're going to do that is by giving every student on the planet an artificially intelligent, but amazing, personal tutor."

People will think this is a good idea... people are morons.

I've seen the movie I, Robot. No thanks.

05-06-2023, 02:11 AM
I've seen the movie I, Robot. No thanks.

But but but, a black man saves the day!

05-06-2023, 02:14 AM
But but but, a black man saves the day!

Man? I think you mean Karen.

05-06-2023, 02:16 AM
Man? I think you mean Karen.

Why are you taking away the accomplishments of an African-American? Reported.

05-06-2023, 03:10 AM

Only an example... but you get the picture, right?

05-06-2023, 08:29 PM

"Chinese Communist Party not 'contributing' to US fentanyl crisis, Biden ambassador says"

"President Biden's ambassador to the People's Republic of China told the press Thursday that the Communist Party is not pushing fentanyl into the U.S."

"Ambassador Nicholas Burns dismissed the idea that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is "contributing" to the fentanyl crisis in the U.S., saying the drug is actually arriving on American shores from private Chinese firms."

This is absolutely insane... this Administration is actively supporting the drug trade + killing of hundreds of thousands of people in the US and around the world... with such a public statement.

How stupid do you have to be to make such a statement, as if the CCP doesn't control it all.. hey, but the virus wasn't the CCPs fault either... so guess par for the course.

Actually insane.

05-06-2023, 11:08 PM
Another mass shooting in the shoot'em up state.

Allen Premium Outlets Shooting: 8 victims killed, 7 injured; shooter 'neutralized'

ALLEN, Texas - Authorities responded to the Allen Premium Outlets to investigate a shooting Saturday afternoon that killed eight victims and sent others to hospitals, with a victim as young as 5 years old.

The Allen Police Department said one of its officers responded to the outlet mall for an unrelated call, when they heard gunshots just after 3:30 p.m.

That officer "engaged the suspect and neutralized the threat," police said.

There were nine people who died, including the shooter. Seven were pronounced dead on scene, while two others died at the hospital.

The Allen Fire Department transported nine victims, but others may have been transported by other agencies or driven to a hospital by friends or family.

The conditions of the other victims have not yet been released.

A spokesperson for Medical City Healthcare said eight victims ranging from 5 to 61 years old are being treated at their facilities.


05-06-2023, 11:09 PM

"Chinese Communist Party not 'contributing' to US fentanyl crisis, Biden ambassador says"

"President Biden's ambassador to the People's Republic of China told the press Thursday that the Communist Party is not pushing fentanyl into the U.S."

"Ambassador Nicholas Burns dismissed the idea that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is "contributing" to the fentanyl crisis in the U.S., saying the drug is actually arriving on American shores from private Chinese firms."

This is absolutely insane... this Administration is actively supporting the drug trade + killing of hundreds of thousands of people in the US and around the world... with such a public statement.

How stupid do you have to be to make such a statement, as if the CCP doesn't control it all.. hey, but the virus wasn't the CCPs fault either... so guess par for the course.

Actually insane.

Do you really not think it's possible that the triads push fentanyl to the US without the communist party involvement?

Are you really that stupid, or do you just think chinese = communist party, and think as one like some kind of borg hive mind?

05-07-2023, 12:25 AM
Do you really not think it's possible that the triads push fentanyl to the US without the communist party involvement?

Are you really that stupid, or do you just think chinese = communist party, and think as one like some kind of borg hive mind?

You morons just make it so easy for me... no idea how you morons are so easily made to expose your fucking ignorance.


"The following testimony was submitted to the House of Representatives Subcommittee on National Security, Illicit Finance, and International Financial Institutions on March 23, 2023, for the “Follow the Money: The CCP’s Business Model Fueling the Fentanyl Crisis” hearing."

-Congressional Testimony from March 23, 2023... meanwhile you have the Biden Administrations Ambassador trying to cover it up... and you buy it... They know fools like you aren't paying attention.

"Since 2020, China’s cooperation with U.S. counternarcotics efforts, never high, declined substantially. In August 2022, China officially announced that it suspended all counternarcotics and law enforcement cooperation with the United States."

"In the case of fentanyl and its precursors, Chinese triads – mafia-like organized crime groups — do not dominate drug production and trafficking."

"But in the case of fentanyl and its precursor chemicals, small and middle-level actors in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries also appear to be the key perpetrators of regulatory violations and source for Mexican criminal groups."

You fucking morons should have learned by now... I actually do my research.

How's it feel always being wrong and uninformed? Don't you get tired of being the Left's bitch? How's it feel knowing your President is playing cover-up for the poisoning of your fellow citizens, and you get used because you are so stupid?

05-07-2023, 12:29 AM
Do you really not think it's possible that the triads push fentanyl to the US without the communist party involvement?

So it's as simple as that? Just say "Oh no, it's not the Chinese government that is doing it! It's private Chinese companies! Therefore China is innocent! China number 1!"

Because I'm sure the US government would totally be off the hook if US companies were sending illegal and dangerous drugs all over the world that was killings hundreds of thousands of people every year. It's not like the US government wouldn't be pressured into finding these businesses and shutting them down permanently.

But useful fucking dumbass idiots like yourself just love the taste of Chinese boots. Keep licking that leather like the good Communist stooge that you are.

05-07-2023, 01:15 AM
So it's as simple as that? Just say "Oh no, it's not the Chinese government that is doing it! It's private Chinese companies! Therefore China is innocent! China number 1!"

Because I'm sure the US government would totally be off the hook if US companies were sending illegal and dangerous drugs all over the world that was killings hundreds of thousands of people every year. It's not like the US government wouldn't be pressured into finding these businesses and shutting them down permanently.

But useful fucking dumbass idiots like yourself just love the taste of Chinese boots. Keep licking that leather like the good Communist stooge that you are.

The chinese government is 99% likely to be behind anything, like 90% of all Chinese companies are SOE’s and the other 10% have chinese government official’s hands all over them. Nothing is done without the government being involved, or approving it.

05-07-2023, 02:15 AM
Texas congressman says people who think 'prayers aren't cutting it' as a solution to gun violence 'don't believe in an almighty god who is absolutely in control of our lives.' 9 people died in a mass shooting in his district today.


Reid: Many people argue that prayers aren't cutting it.
Self: Well, those are people that don't believe in an almighty god who has, who is absolutely in control of our lives.

Fucking hilarious.

05-07-2023, 03:28 AM
Texas congressman says people who think 'prayers aren't cutting it' as a solution to gun violence 'don't believe in an almighty god who is absolutely in control of our lives.' 9 people died in a mass shooting in his district today.


Reid: Many people argue that prayers aren't cutting it.
Self: Well, those are people that don't believe in an almighty god who has, who is absolutely in control of our lives.

Fucking hilarious.

nothing hilarious came out of that today. but for my .02 I believe that his intent was more to the likes of saying that those people/kids everyone involved were part of a bigger plan to help solve the situation. I just wonder when this stuff is going to come start to descend. I don't disagree with god has a plan as part of religion but.. i dunno what to say nothing hilarious though just a god man at a loss for words with that statement.

05-07-2023, 04:12 AM
nothing hilarious came out of that today. but for my .02 I believe that his intent was more to the likes of saying that those people/kids everyone involved were part of a bigger plan to help solve the situation. I just wonder when this stuff is going to come start to descend. I don't disagree with god has a plan as part of religion but.. i dunno what to say nothing hilarious though just a god man at a loss for words with that statement.

It’s the fact he said that people who don’t think prayers do enough, don’t believe in god, which is absolutely bullshit.
Praying isn’t going to stop mass shooting, or solve anything. What exactly does praying do? Does it stop mass shootings? Does it make those that were killed come back? Tell me what does praying do?

Dude said praying is a solution to gun violence. That is laughable, and hilarious.

05-07-2023, 05:23 AM
It’s the fact he said that people who don’t think prayers do enough, don’t believe in god, which is absolutely bullshit.
Praying isn’t going to stop mass shooting, or solve anything. What exactly does praying do? Does it stop mass shootings? Does it make those that were killed come back? Tell me what does praying do?

Dude said praying is a solution to gun violence. That is laughable, and hilarious.

Wasn't really interested in this, but because I couldn't find the full segment online... it got me looking into it.

1. The article is extremely misleading... He said the words, yes... but the minute of conversation before it for the interviewers lead in question (which she asked him about religion) is highly misleading.

-BTW... this is what some refer to as a "gotcha question"... She asked him, and introduced the topic of religion... blaming him for him providing an answer (Without providing the conversation/context of their discussion prior to the question) is simply to try to get an article like this circulating. Pretty dirty media trick, but done all the time.

-Until I see what they were discussing beforehand, this is just news hype to get people riled up.

They also don't focus on his comments after that regarding mental health, etc... they only focus on what they want you to focus on... all out of context.

2. The article itself doesn't even use his full quotes... they pick 5-10 words from a much longer statement, then write about it... then skip over to another 5-10 words, leaving out the connectors... then link it together with their commentary to make it appear a certain way.

3. The only long quote they put in the actual article, is the one where he is referencing Chicago... we don't know what in the conversation led to that, but he referenced multiple types/incidents of violence that concerned him, but they only highlighted what they wanted to.

I get most people are easily swayed... but if you don't know how to deconstruct information that is disseminated - you can make anything look the way you want.

If you watch his actual responses, and you're take away is that he's a mean dude hating on people... well... not sure what to tell you.

They also highlight at the end a very misleading statistic to further create the impression, or negative bias towards "the Right"... ""In 2020, per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump than those won by Joe Biden," according to Third Way's report."

See how they used the term "States"? That's because it's Democrat run "Cities" in those States that account for those extreme numbers 90% of the time... but they can't say that, because that would go against the narrative.

The media is good at getting ignorant people to be swayed one way or another... you should watch out for that.

We're in the start-up phase of the election cycles... they will take anything they can and try to make people mad at each other.

05-07-2023, 05:33 AM
I'll give you the perfect example of how they frame it....directly from this article.

"Self also said he wanted to avoid making the tragic incident political but then pointed to the violence in "big cities" after being asked if he was concerned about the rise of violent incidents across the US."

See what they did?

By crafting the paragraph the way they did, it infers a negative connotation - of how he was making it political. Watch how it will sound different if done this way:

"After being asked if he was concerned about the rise of violent incidents across the US, Self cited numerous incidents of violence that concerned him greatly, but did not want to treat such tragic incidents as political".

See the difference?

And if you watch the actual clip... that is more akin to what he said... but they flip it, to get the reaction that they want to produce.

It's tricky stuff... but if you have ever dealt with, or been trained to know what to look for... it's pretty blatant.

05-07-2023, 05:39 AM
BTW... not only does this style of designed speech, constructed sentence structure, inference, word association, etc. work in media...

These are basic principles of interrogation and subterfuge. Again, not the most common career fields or disciplines for the majority... but if you know, you know.

If you actually care (and most don't)... but if you do, and once you notice it... you won't be able to un-see it.

05-07-2023, 11:23 AM
Texas congressman says people who think 'prayers aren't cutting it' as a solution to gun violence 'don't believe in an almighty god who is absolutely in control of our lives.' 9 people died in a mass shooting in his district today.


Reid: Many people argue that prayers aren't cutting it.
Self: Well, those are people that don't believe in an almighty god who has, who is absolutely in control of our lives.

Fucking hilarious.

It's pretty sad that your average Christian honestly believes their choices don't matter because God makes all their choices, all the while listening to some uber-corrupt pastor whose stealing their earnings in the form of 'tithes' that fund a lavish lifestyle.

05-07-2023, 11:28 AM
I'll give you the perfect example of how they frame it....directly from this article.

"Self also said he wanted to avoid making the tragic incident political but then pointed to the violence in "big cities" after being asked if he was concerned about the rise of violent incidents across the US."

See what they did?

By crafting the paragraph the way they did, it infers a negative connotation - of how he was making it political. Watch how it will sound different if done this way:

"After being asked if he was concerned about the rise of violent incidents across the US, Self cited numerous incidents of violence that concerned him greatly, but did not want to treat such tragic incidents as political".

See the difference?

And if you watch the actual clip... that is more akin to what he said... but they flip it, to get the reaction that they want to produce.

It's tricky stuff... but if you have ever dealt with, or been trained to know what to look for... it's pretty blatant.

Deluded religious person says dumb thing, Shaps bends over backwards to reframe the dumb thing to be slightly less insane, but fails miserable.

God granted free will to Man to make their own choices, with only his Words meant to guide through life. The Texas Congressman is convinced himself that if it is God's will, then his only son Jesus Christ will come down and stop the perpetrator of the mass shooting to protect 'good Christians', only of course that is bullshit and obviously no one happens. Yet these wackadoo Christians take a big 'ole dose of copium and tell themselves that 'it was God's will they die' or better yet, 'If they had been firmer in their beliefs, God would have protected them." This is honestly the bullshit the clergy and religious political figures have deluded Republicans into believing.

05-07-2023, 11:31 AM
Not worth the time for a full response. Move along MAP.

05-07-2023, 11:32 AM
It's pretty sad that your average Christian honestly believes their choices don't matter because God makes all their choices, all the while listening to some uber-corrupt pastor whose stealing their earnings in the form of 'tithes' that fund a lavish lifestyle.

WOW!! First you are the lead leftist democrat. now you are the leader of Christians and what they all believe? Do we need to bow to you? are you god? No you aren't so in the words of everyone talking to Sheldon GO AWAY!!! Seriously though man get a life, do you just spend 24 hours aday in your parents basement (or are your parents in your basement) talking crap you have no idea about and just trying to act smart but being dumber everytime you open your hole?

05-07-2023, 12:35 PM
It's pretty sad that your average Christian honestly believes their choices don't matter because God makes all their choices, all the while listening to some uber-corrupt pastor whose stealing their earnings in the form of 'tithes' that fund a lavish lifestyle.

I don't believe that is how Christianity works... and I'm an Atheist..

The choice is your own to make.. but if you make the wrong choice, you get to go to Hell when you die.

05-07-2023, 12:45 PM
Christian honestly believes their choices don't matter because God makes all their choices

That's like the opposite of what Christians believe. They just believe without following a set of principles, people will use their free will to do stupid shit. Like killing humans in the womb because you deny science.

Suppressed Poet
05-07-2023, 12:52 PM
I don't believe that is how Christianity works... and I'm an Atheist..

The choice is your own to make.. but if you make the wrong choice, you get to go to Hell when you die.

We believe that while God is omnipotent, the greatest gift he bestowed upon humanity is free will. Thus you will hear man was created in God’s image. The choice is ours to make. Because we consistently fuck up and are our born carrying the weight of Original Sin (another topic for another day), God who loves us so much sent his only Son. Jesus is a perfect example of how to live our lives as well as gave us a new covenant of forgiveness. We don’t have to go to Hell when we inevitably fuck up if we genuinely seek forgiveness & atone for our sins.

I respect your choice of atheism and don’t wish to pursue a religious discussion. Seran (as usual) was beyond wrong about Christianity & determinism. You got it on the right track that Christians believe in free will, but I felt compelled to clarify the going to hell & forgiveness part as a core fundamental aspect of Christianity.

05-07-2023, 12:58 PM
We believe that while God is omnipotent, the greatest gift he bestowed upon humanity is free will. Thus you will hear man was created in God’s image. The choice is ours to make. Because we consistently fuck up and are our born carrying the weight of Original Sin (another topic for another day), God who loves us so much sent his only Son. Jesus is a perfect example of how to live our lives as well as gave us a new covenant of forgiveness. We don’t have to go to Hell when we inevitably fuck up if we genuinely seek forgiveness & atone for our sins.

I respect your choice of atheism and don’t wish to pursue a religious discussion. Seran (as usual) was beyond wrong about Christianity & determinism. You got it on the right track that Christians believe in free will, but I felt compelled to clarify the going to hell & forgiveness part as a core fundamental aspect of Christianity.

Meanwhile, me being Wiccan, I can make a simple argument that is absolutely bullet proof based on Christian assumption of Omnipotence and Omniscience that blows all of that out of the water. However, regardless the Divine is beyond our limited understanding and we have no way to know if there is active, passive or in fact ANY Divine action being taken in this world.

To stay on topic, Seran is still retarded and has no clue how any of this works.

If Seran was an old woman:


05-07-2023, 01:35 PM
Meanwhile, me being Wiccan, I can make a simple argument that is absolutely bullet proof based on Christian assumption of Omnipotence and Omniscience that blows all of that out of the water. However, regardless the Divine is beyond our limited understanding and we have no way to know if there is active, passive or in fact ANY Divine action being taken in this world.

To stay on topic, Seran is still retarded and has no clue how any of this works.

If Seran was an old woman:


From a purely science based view, free will hardly even exists, if at all.

For example. You are presently reading what is my past. Though, I am presently reading your past. What I'm typing is your future.

By the time you start bringing up observation effect, the NDT's of the world will start to try and change the subject.

05-07-2023, 03:17 PM
Even more prime Texas bullshit. Nut job decides to mow down innocents in front of a migrant shelter in his car.

7 dead, at least 11 injured after driver plows into crowd near migrant shelter

Seven people were killed and at least 11 were injured when a man crashed his vehicle into a crowd of pedestrians in Brownsville, Texas, on Sunday.

Lt. Martin Sandoval of the Brownsville Police Department said seven victims died at the scene and at least 11 others have been transported to area hospitals. The driver has been arrested and charged, but investigations are ongoing.

Authorities have yet to release any identifying information about the driver, but he is currently receiving medical treatment at an area hospital and is under 24-hour supervision. The suspect is also being tested for drugs and alcohol.

The incident took place outside Brownsville's Ozanam Center, a shelter for migrants and homeless people in the community. It is unclear whether the shelter had any relevance to the attack.

So far, the driver has only been charged with reckless driving, but the investigation is ongoing. Sandoval told local media that more charges are likely to be filed, adding that the attack appeared to be intentional.


05-07-2023, 03:54 PM
Even more prime Texas bullshit. Nut job decides to mow down innocents in front of a migrant shelter in his car.

Time to ban high capacity, black assault cars, you know, for the kids. </sarcasm>

05-07-2023, 03:54 PM
Even more prime Texas bullshit. Nut job decides to mow down innocents in front of a migrant shelter in his car.

Obviously we need to ban assault cars. Nobody needs a vehicle of war!

05-08-2023, 10:39 AM
Texas and a mass shooting, that a right wing extremist was involved is practically a given. Xenophobia and white nationalism runs rife in the far right of the Republican Party and under Trump we saw it used to try and overthrow our democracy.

Texas gunman was wearing insignia associated with extremist groups

A gunman opened fire at an outlet mall in the Dallas suburb of Allen, Texas, Saturday — the latest mass shooting to shatter an American community.

More than a dozen victims: At least eight people were killed and seven more were wounded in the massacre, local officials said. A father who rushed to be with his son at the mall described the horror that awaited him there.

Police killed the gunman: An officer was already at the mall for an unrelated call when the gunfire broke out, the Allen police chief said Saturday. The officer followed the sound of gunshots, tracked down the shooter and killed him, according to the chief.

The shooter's background: The gunman, who dressed in tactical gear, has been identified as 33-year-old Mauricio Garcia, a senior law enforcement source told CNN. Garcia had been living in some kind of temporary housing in the Dallas area, the source said. He used to work as a security guard and had received firearms training in that role, according to an official database.

The weapons: The shooter was armed with an AR-15 style rifle and had at least one other weapon on him when he was gunned down by police, a senior law enforcement source told CNN. Police also found multiple weapons in his car.

Potential extremist ties: Authorities are investigating whether the shooter was motivated by right-wing extremism, a senior law enforcement source said. He was wearing an insignia that authorities believe may be associated with extremist groups, the source said. Investigators have unearthed an extensive social media presence, including neo-Nazi and White supremacist-related posts and images that authorities believe Garcia shared online, according to the source.

What we're still waiting for: More word directly from Texas officials. Authorities did not hold an official news conference Sunday, and have released little information about their investigation. The FBI told CNN Sunday the Texas Department of Public Safety is the lead agency in the mass shooting investigation.


05-08-2023, 10:43 AM
Texas and a mass shooting, that a right wing extremist was involved is practically a given. Xenophobia and white nationalism runs rife in the far right of the Republican Party and under Trump we saw it used to try and overthrow our democracy.

FINALLY! A mass shooting that fits the left's narrative!

Seran must be creaming in his brown streaked underoos.

05-08-2023, 10:43 AM
Seriously though man get a life, do you just spend 24 hours aday in your parents basement (or are your parents in your basement) talking crap you have no idea about and just trying to act smart but being dumber everytime you open your hole?

That's actually exactly what he does, literally.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-08-2023, 10:43 AM
Even more prime Texas bullshit. Nut job decides to mow down innocents in front of a migrant shelter in his car.

I'm trying to recall your outrage when Darrell Brooks drove through Christmas parade. Can't seem to find it though, how odd.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-08-2023, 10:44 AM
Texas and a mass shooting, that a right wing extremist was involved is practically a given. Xenophobia and white nationalism runs rife in the far right of the Republican Party and under Trump we saw it used to try and overthrow our democracy.

Edit to fix quote from the pedophile.

Strangely, I can't find your outrage over the recent birthday party mass shooting. It must be with your Darrell Brooks posts that I can't find either. It's almost like you have blinders on about people of color doing horrible things.

05-08-2023, 10:48 AM
Strangely, I can't find your outrage over the recent birthday party mass shooting. It must be with your Darrell Brooks posts that I can't find either. It's almost like you have blinders on about people of color doing horrible things.


Suppressed Poet
05-08-2023, 10:50 AM
FINALLY! A mass shooting that fits the left's narrative!

Seran must be creaming in his brown streaked underoos.

Except the shooter was Hispanic, but the radical left will conveniently use the term white-Latino.

05-08-2023, 10:52 AM
Except the shooter was Hispanic, but the radical left will conveniently use the term white-Latino.

And they will conveniently leave off the "latino" part to fit their narrative.

Suppressed Poet
05-08-2023, 10:55 AM
The Allen outlet mall is a 15 minute drive from my house. I wish I was there when it happened so I could have shot that murdering SOB dead. Glad a nearby cop heard the gunfire and did his job.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-08-2023, 11:00 AM

Was for Seran and I quoted the wrong post.

05-08-2023, 11:22 AM
Was for Seran and I quoted the wrong post.

I accept your heartfelt apology.

05-08-2023, 12:34 PM
Texas and a mass shooting, that a right wing extremist was involved is practically a given. Xenophobia and white nationalism runs rife in the far right of the Republican Party and under Trump we saw it used to try and overthrow our democracy.

You know what they say about the Anglo-Saxon?

They will take a lot of shit, until they don't. I suggest Democrats keep pushing the buttons.

05-08-2023, 01:03 PM
Except the shooter was Hispanic, but the radical left will conveniently use the term white-Latino.

Are you of the belief that non-Whites can't commit hate crimes? You really need to check back into reality if that is the case. Between this neo-Nazi and the leader of the Proud Boys, you should have figured out that extremism isn't limited to Caucasians. Moron.

05-08-2023, 01:18 PM
Are you of the belief that non-Whites can't commit hate crimes? You really need to check back into reality if that is the case. Between this neo-Nazi and the leader of the Proud Boys, you should have figured out that extremism isn't limited to Caucasians. Moron.

According to your own party's logic, only white people can be racist.

You might want to take that up with them instead of blindly carrying their water like an obedient NPC.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-08-2023, 01:20 PM
Are you of the belief that non-Whites can't commit hate crimes?

You are, because you never cry crocodile tears when they happen every day in Chicago.

05-08-2023, 01:23 PM
Are you of the belief that non-Whites can't commit hate crimes? You really need to check back into reality if that is the case. Between this neo-Nazi and the leader of the Proud Boys, you should have figured out that extremism isn't limited to Caucasians. Moron.

For years now extremists, like you, have been telling white people that only white people can be racist.

Now Democrats want to tax white business owners and give those funds to minority business owners:


This is todays Democrat party, the same as it has always been.

05-08-2023, 01:27 PM
Democrats, once again, taking their revenge out on their former slaves.


Suppressed Poet
05-08-2023, 01:55 PM
Are you of the belief that non-Whites can't commit hate crimes? You really need to check back into reality if that is the case. Between this neo-Nazi and the leader of the Proud Boys, you should have figured out that extremism isn't limited to Caucasians. Moron.

Damn we got a serious problem with these white supremacist Latinos in our country. What do you propose we do about that Seran?

05-08-2023, 02:03 PM

Our world is so fucking dumb...

A literal African, saying he's going to take the belt back to Africa... and his opponents say he's not African... all because he's a "cracker".

Watching peoples stupidity like this is just so tiring.

05-08-2023, 03:53 PM
Listen closely while the extremists try to bandy the opinions of individuals as the representative will of an entire party.

05-08-2023, 04:38 PM
Listen closely while the extremists try to bandy the opinions of individuals as the representative will of an entire party.

You do this literally every day that you post.


05-08-2023, 04:45 PM

"Man Accused of Killing 8 Outside Migrant Facility Has ‘Lengthy Rap Sheet’"

Well, that's the last we'll hear of that in the media.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-08-2023, 05:19 PM

"Man Accused of Killing 8 Outside Migrant Facility Has ‘Lengthy Rap Sheet’"

Well, that's the last we'll hear of that in the media.

I read some speculation he's illegal and had drugs on him as well. But haven't seen anything credible affirming that. I'm sure they'll release it when they release the mentally ill transgender mass murderer manifesto.

05-08-2023, 05:45 PM
Another Conservative with an anti-LGBT agenda turned out to be exactly what he claimed of others. Texas Congressman Bryan Slaton said trans people were groomers, all the while he plied an underaged aide with alcohol until he could rape her.

State Rep. Bryan Slaton resigns ahead of expulsion vote over inappropriate relationship with aide

Rep. Bryan Slaton resigned from the Texas House on Monday after an investigation determined that he had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a 19-year-old woman on his staff, providing her with enough alcohol before their encounter that she felt dizzy and had double vision.

Pressure had mounted on the Royse City Republican to resign since Saturday, when the House General Investigative Committee released a 16-page report finding Slaton, who is 45 and married, had engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct with his aide. The committee of three Republicans and two Democrats recommended that Slaton be the first state representative expelled from the body since 1927.

Slaton's resignation, however, may not stop a planned Tuesday vote on a House resolution expelling him from office.

“In light of recent reports and the findings of the Texas House General Investigating Committee, Texas Right to Life PAC has decided to formally revoke our endorsement of Representative Bryan Slaton and is praying for a biblical response for all those involved,” Kimberlyn Schwartz, a spokesperson for the group, wrote in a statement.

Slaton was among the most socially conservative lawmakers in the chamber and had been one of this session’s loudest voices for cracking down on drag shows and decrying drag artists as “groomers” who want to sexualize kids.

The committee report said Slaton had invited the 19-year-old woman to his Austin apartment late March 31 and gave her a large cup of rum and coke, then refilled it twice — rendering her unable to “effectively consent to intercourse and could not indicate whether it was welcome or unwelcome.”


Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-08-2023, 05:55 PM
Another Conservative with an anti-LGBT agenda turned out to be exactly what he claimed of others. Texas Congressman Bryan Slaton said trans people were groomers, all the while he plied an underaged aide with alcohol until he could rape her.

Hmmm. Even alleged criminals can be correct about transvestites grooming children. If he's found guilty by a jury of his peers he'll hopefully not be released on home arrest... oh wait, this is in Texas. He'll go to jail if found guilty. But transvestites are still grooming children and need to be stopped.

05-08-2023, 06:57 PM
Another Conservative with an anti-LGBT agenda turned out to be exactly what he claimed of others. Texas Congressman Bryan Slaton said trans people were groomers, all the while he plied an underaged aide with alcohol until he could rape her.

Just because he said something true and he did something wrong doesn't make what he said untrue.

We get it: You want the grooming of elementary children to continue unimpeded.

Sorry, normal people will never normalize pedophelia. I know this upsets you a great deal and that makes me extremely happy.

05-08-2023, 07:12 PM
Just because he said something true and he did something wrong doesn't make what he said untrue.

We get it: You want the grooming of elementary children to continue unimpeded.

Sorry, normal people will never normalize pedophelia. I know this upsets you a great deal and that makes me extremely happy.

There was nothing true about it in the first place. Meanwhile, he was doing exactly what he falsely accused others doing. A concept made popular by the governors of Tennessee and Florida

05-08-2023, 07:20 PM
There was nothing true about it in the first place. Meanwhile, he was doing exactly what he falsely accused others doing. A concept made popular by the governors of Tennessee and Florida

He was grooming elementary children?

You sure about that?

I know you are desperate to find something you are right about... anything...

Maybe on your next post, try to tell us something you can relate to and have experience with?

Here are some proposed topics:

Pedophelia is just an age thing.. stop being such a boomer!

10 great ways to avoid employment!

How to apply for disability and receive free money!

Good hygiene is just a way the government wants to control you.

05-08-2023, 08:10 PM
Another Conservative with an anti-LGBT agenda turned out to be exactly what he claimed of others. Texas Congressman Bryan Slaton said trans people were groomers, all the while he plied an underaged aide with alcohol until he could rape her.

Remember that fat pervy Democrat, that talked with a lisp, who was running a male prostitution ring out of his DC apartment and the Democrats didn't do shit? (Barney Frank and Beans)

Notice how the Texas Republicans kicked this guy to the curb, as well as the right to life group kicking him to the curb.?

Are any of us surprised by the Democrat hypocrisy?...No.

Remember when Clinton banged the intern in the oval office and Democrats still suckle Clinton dick like nothing happened...

05-08-2023, 08:49 PM
Remember that fat pervy Democrat, that talked with a lisp, who was running a male prostitution ring out of his DC apartment and the Democrats didn't do shit? (Barney Frank and Beans)

Notice how the Texas Republicans kicked this guy to the curb, as well as the right to life group kicking him to the curb.?

Are any of us surprised by the Democrat hypocrisy?...No.

Remember when Clinton banged the intern in the oval office and Democrats still suckle Clinton dick like nothing happened...

No such recollection, were they an elected official trying to pass legislation outlawing what they were practicing? I welcome you supporting your own argument but I'm sure it is another fabrication on your part. Hell, it says something pretty significant that the only Democrat that any Republican can cite is a president who had an affair more twenty years ago. Two governors, Madison Cawthorn, a Texas State Legislature, meanwhile they're either boning their subordinates, paying them six figure salaries for no work, or drafting legislation inspired by their own sordid and criminal behavior. This just in the last two years. Well done Republicans!

05-08-2023, 09:14 PM
No such recollection

That's because you're a fucking idiot.

"An elected official running a prostitution ring is totes OK, guys!"


05-08-2023, 09:53 PM
Why would anyone believe anything you say that you couldn't source?

05-08-2023, 09:56 PM
Except the shooter was Hispanic, but the radical left will conveniently use the term white-Latino.

Now that the news networks have pictures of the man's Right Wing Death Squad patches, his swastika and SS tattoos, are you going to claim he wasn't a an extremist right wing neo nazi?

Suppressed Poet
05-08-2023, 10:14 PM
Now that the news networks have pictures of the man's Right Wing Death Squad patches, his swastika and SS tattoos, are you going to claim he wasn't a an extremist right wing neo nazi?

If I were a Neo-Nazi, which I want to be very clear that I am not, I would say to you that this sick evil bushwhacking wetback chicano piece of brown shit belongs to your coalition tribe. He is considered DAS UNTERMENSCH by us of the pure Aryan blood of which is the source of white power.

05-09-2023, 12:15 AM
If I were a Neo-Nazi, which I want to be very clear that I am not, I would say to you that this sick evil bushwhacking wetback chicano piece of brown shit belongs to your coalition tribe. He is considered DAS UNTERMENSCH by us of the pure Aryan blood of which is the source of white power.

Gotcha, so yes. So people of color are all liberals, but people with Nazi symbolism and extremist right writings and emblems can't be a Neo-Nazi. That's a really interesting position to take, you must be a Texan.

05-09-2023, 04:04 AM
If I were a Neo-Nazi, which I want to be very clear that I am not, I would say to you that this sick evil bushwhacking wetback chicano piece of brown shit belongs to your coalition tribe. He is considered DAS UNTERMENSCH by us of the pure Aryan blood of which is the source of white power.

My cousin is Filipino, and he hates brown people. The world is funny.

05-09-2023, 09:10 AM
Why would anyone believe anything you say that you couldn't source?

Holy Hell....


05-09-2023, 09:13 AM
Now that the news networks have pictures of the man's Right Wing Death Squad patches, his swastika and SS tattoos, are you going to claim he wasn't a an extremist right wing neo nazi?

Well, we can all agree he's not a white supremacist like you claimed he was at first.

05-09-2023, 09:14 AM
Gotcha, so yes. So people of color are all liberals, but people with Nazi symbolism and extremist right writings and emblems can't be a Neo-Nazi. That's a really interesting position to take, you must be a Texan.

I believe that the vast majority of people who suffer mental illness are liberals.

It's one of the necessary traits.

Suppressed Poet
05-09-2023, 09:22 AM
My cousin is Filipino, and he hates brown people. The world is funny.

Indeed it is. Your cousin is missing out on some good food and great parties.

05-09-2023, 09:27 AM
California Defaults on $18.6 Billion Debt, Now Businesses Have to Pay

California borrowed approximately $20 billion from the federal government to cover unemployment benefits during the pandemic, and with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent decision to not pay it back, employers are now saddled with the expense, according to experts.


From that article:

Twenty-two states borrowed money for unemployment insurance from the federal government during the pandemic, with all but four—California, Colorado, Connecticut, and New York—paying back their debts.

Suppressed Poet
05-09-2023, 09:33 AM
Gotcha, so yes. So people of color are all liberals, but people with Nazi symbolism and extremist right writings and emblems can't be a Neo-Nazi. That's a really interesting position to take, you must be a Texan.

No I don’t think you comprehend what I’m telling you. Unless the Neo-Nazis have really lowered their racial purification standards, they would not welcome that dude into their club.

In any event, what does it matter and why is that so important to you? He is an indiscriminate murderer of innocent people. Fuck his cause and fuck him.

05-09-2023, 09:35 AM
No I don’t think you comprehend what I’m telling you. Unless the Neo-Nazis have really lowered their racial purification standards, they would not welcome that dude into their club.

In any event, what does it matter and why is that so important to you? He is an indiscriminate murderer of innocent people. Fuck his cause and fuck him.

Seran doesn't actually care about the shooting or any of the victims in any shootings. He only sees it as an opportunity to play party and identity politics. Even when the shooter is some mentally ill far lefty, it's still somehow republicans' faults.

In Seran's defense, he doesn't come up with these ideas on his own, he's just repeating what other people tell him to say and think, because he's not capable of any sort of independent thought at all.

TLDR: Seran is the perfect democrat voter

Suppressed Poet
05-09-2023, 09:52 AM
California Defaults on $18.6 Billion Debt, Now Businesses Have to Pay

California borrowed approximately $20 billion from the federal government to cover unemployment benefits during the pandemic, and with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent decision to not pay it back, employers are now saddled with the expense, according to experts.


From that article:

Twenty-two states borrowed money for unemployment insurance from the federal government during the pandemic, with all but four—California, Colorado, Connecticut, and New York—paying back their debts.

California was counting on the federal government to forgive that debt. Too bad for them it won’t happen now that Democrats no longer have complete control of Congress. That’s ok though. They are used to shitting on private business in Cali.

05-09-2023, 09:58 AM
California Defaults on $18.6 Billion Debt, Now Businesses Have to Pay

California borrowed approximately $20 billion from the federal government to cover unemployment benefits during the pandemic, and with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent decision to not pay it back, employers are now saddled with the expense, according to experts.


From that article:

Twenty-two states borrowed money for unemployment insurance from the federal government during the pandemic, with all but four—California, Colorado, Connecticut, and New York—paying back their debts.

But... wait I thought...


"California’s $100 billion surplus: What to know about Newsom’s spending plan" - May 12, 2022

"The massive windfall that the state is sitting on, coupled with the state’s progressive tax system is a sign of “the concentration of wealth and success in the hands of a few that are enjoying abundance in historic and unprecedented ways,” Newsom said. “I am proud of California’s progressive tax system…and we’re the beneficiary of that.”

Exactly one year ago they had nearly 100bn surplus?? What happened?? Oh yea, they left out they were being propped up by payoffs from their cronies in D.C.

Oh yea... Democrats... just a fucking money laundering scheme all the way around.

Can't make this shit up.

05-09-2023, 10:08 AM
Why would anyone believe anything you say that you couldn't source?

I know you are used to having to have someone constantly hold your hand, but, I'm not going to take the time to source common knowledge because you choose to be a dumb fuck.

05-09-2023, 10:24 AM
Well, we can all agree he's not a white supremacist like you claimed he was at first.

That just goes to show how ignorant you are. Someone posting a white supremecist manifesto, wearing white supremecist iconography and tattoos is clearly a white supremecist.

Suppressed Poet
05-09-2023, 10:27 AM
That just goes to show how ignorant you are. Someone posting a white supremecist manifesto, wearing white supremecist iconography and tattoos is clearly a white supremecist.


05-09-2023, 10:39 AM
California Defaults on $18.6 Billion Debt, Now Businesses Have to Pay

California borrowed approximately $20 billion from the federal government to cover unemployment benefits during the pandemic, and with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent decision to not pay it back, employers are now saddled with the expense, according to experts.


From that article:

Twenty-two states borrowed money for unemployment insurance from the federal government during the pandemic, with all but four—California, Colorado, Connecticut, and New York—paying back their debts.

Fake news from a disreputable source.

The California Unemployment Benefits Trust is a fully employer funded program through payroll tax deductions. When employees were laid off, it depleted the trust and required borrowing from the federal unemployment program to fund benefits. Now, employers must repay back the amounts owed. Simple as that. Your news organization falsely claimed the State of California owed the money, however it does not.

Since you're an ignorant pleb, here is the fact sheet for the program.


Background The UI is a unique federal-state program, created by federal law and administered under state and federal laws by state employees. It is financed by unemployment program tax contributions from employers. When the UI program was established as a part of the Social Security Act of 1935, it offered for the first time, an economic line of defense against the effects of unemployment, assisting not only the individual but also the local community. Through a system of payments made directly to unemployed workers, UI ensures that at least some of life’s necessities, most notably food, shelter, and clothing, can be met while an active search for new work takes place. For the most part, UI benefits are spent in the claimant’s local community, thereby helping sustain the economic well-being of local businesses.

Tax Provisions: The UI program is financed by employers who pay unemployment taxes on up to $7,000 in wages paid to each worker. The actual tax rate varies for each employer, depending in part on the amount of UI benefits paid to former employees. Thus, the UI tax works much like any other insurance premium. An employer may earn a lower tax rate when fewer claims are made on the employer’s account by former employees. In all states, employers contribute to similar federal-state UI programs, and the tax rate and other provisions vary from state to state. Part of the employer’s tax goes directly to the federal government to pay for the administration of the system. The greater portion goes into a special UI Trust Fund from which benefit payments are made to the workers who are unemployed.

05-09-2023, 10:41 AM
That just goes to show how ignorant you are. Someone posting a white supremecist manifesto, wearing white supremecist iconography and tattoos is clearly a white supremecist.

He's a Mexican national in a cartel.....


Seran, can you define what a white "supremecist" is?

Did you mean a "supremexist"?

05-09-2023, 10:58 AM
California Defaults on $18.6 Billion Debt, Now Businesses Have to Pay

California borrowed approximately $20 billion from the federal government to cover unemployment benefits during the pandemic, and with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent decision to not pay it back, employers are now saddled with the expense, according to experts.


From that article:

Twenty-two states borrowed money for unemployment insurance from the federal government during the pandemic, with all but four—California, Colorado, Connecticut, and New York—paying back their debts.

I'm sure they'll probably just want to tax white owned businesses eventually. That seems to be the way things go in these states.

05-09-2023, 11:01 AM
I'm sure they'll probably just want to tax white owned businesses eventually. That seems to be the way things go in these states.


05-09-2023, 11:13 AM
But... wait I thought...


"California’s $100 billion surplus: What to know about Newsom’s spending plan" - May 12, 2022

"The massive windfall that the state is sitting on, coupled with the state’s progressive tax system is a sign of “the concentration of wealth and success in the hands of a few that are enjoying abundance in historic and unprecedented ways,” Newsom said. “I am proud of California’s progressive tax system…and we’re the beneficiary of that.”

Exactly one year ago they had nearly 100bn surplus?? What happened?? Oh yea, they left out they were being propped up by payoffs from their cronies in D.C.

Oh yea... Democrats... just a fucking money laundering scheme all the way around.

Can't make this shit up.

Too lazy to go looking, but I'm 99.9999999999999999% sure that Seran was bragging about this "surplus" and what a great governor Newsom was at some point last year. :rofl:

05-09-2023, 11:14 AM
That just goes to show how ignorant you are. Someone posting a white supremecist manifesto, wearing white supremecist iconography and tattoos is clearly a white supremecist.

Can black people be white supremacists?

Since you're an ignorant pleb...

You sure have been doing a lot of projecting this week. Moreso than you usually are, that is.

05-09-2023, 11:16 AM
Can black people be white supremacists?

You sure have been doing a lot of projecting this week. Moreso than you usually are, that is.

On a serious note, why not? If a black person thinks white people are the superior race, and all other races are less, I guess he could be?

05-09-2023, 11:21 AM
Indeed it is. Your cousin is missing out on some good food and great parties.

I remember vividly my first week in Moscow, this guy heard me speaking English, and asked where I was from? I’m like the states, he then goes on about how america is evil and he hates everything from my country and about my country… turns around and orders a Big Mac combo. People are hilarious

Suppressed Poet
05-09-2023, 11:31 AM
On a serious note, why not? If a black person thinks white people are the superior race, and all other races are less, I guess he could be?

Sure he could, but let’s not pretend that so far removed from the norm.

I could have a Black Panther & NFAC (not fucking around crew) tattoo on my body, but doing so doesn’t automatically make me a member of their political organization / militia. What is a safe assumption though is that having those tattoos of conflicting radical ideology doesn’t make sense & would bring mental stability into question.

05-09-2023, 12:08 PM
Sure he could, but let’s not pretend that so far removed from the norm.

I could have a Black Panther & NFAC (not fucking around crew) tattoo on my body, but doing so doesn’t automatically make me a member of their political organization / militia. What is a safe assumption though is that having those tattoos of conflicting radical ideology doesn’t make sense & would bring mental stability into question.

What would be the point of getting a swastika tattoo for example? Getting ink on your body, with something like this in my opinion, means it represents how you feel, where your values lie, or something meaningful or important in your life. Not talking about the stupid tramp stamps or arm bands.

05-09-2023, 12:11 PM
What would be the point of getting a swastika tattoo for example? Getting ink on your body, with something like this in my opinion, means it represents how you feel, where your values lie, or something meaningful or important in your life. Not talking about the stupid tramp stamps or arm bands.

Reread the last sentence in his post for the most likely answer.

05-09-2023, 12:13 PM
Reread the last sentence in his post for the most likely answer.

Sorry, I should have been more clear, I’m guessing SP is white(I assume everyone is white, call me racist, until I can confirm otherwise, but based on his post about tattoos, that’s what I assumed), I mean if a white dude got a swastika tattoo.

Suppressed Poet
05-09-2023, 12:19 PM
What would be the point of getting a swastika tattoo for example? Getting ink on your body, with something like this in my opinion, means it represents how you feel, where your values lie, or something meaningful or important in your life. Not talking about the stupid tramp stamps or arm bands.

I don’t have any tattoos as it never appealed to me, but I get your point. However…if you were a Polish Jew in 1940 and happened to have tats of the Swastika & Blut und Boden (Blood and Soil) I don’t that would save you from the SS placing you in an extermination camp. Those tats wouldn’t make you a member of the Nazi party. It would just be a reflection that you are a crazy self-hating Jew.

05-09-2023, 12:26 PM
I don’t have any tattoos as it never appealed to me, but I get your point. However…if you were a Polish Jew in 1940 and happened to have tats of the Swastika & Blut und Boden (Blood and Soil) I don’t that would save you from the SS placing you in an extermination camp. Those tats wouldn’t make you a member of the Nazi party. It would just be a reflection that you are a crazy self-hating Jew.

Not dealing with tattoos, but that got me thinking if any Jews did help the Nazis, and seems like quite a few did!


05-09-2023, 12:26 PM
What would be the point of getting a swastika tattoo for example? Getting ink on your body, with something like this in my opinion, means it represents how you feel, where your values lie, or something meaningful or important in your life. Not talking about the stupid tramp stamps or arm bands.

One would assume getting hate symbols tattooed on your body is a clear adoption of what that means and your ideology as a person. Makes sense someone would couch such hateful rhetoric with a 'jk, I don't believe in the symbolism, but I like the way it looks.' when they're trying to (poorly) conceal their bigotry.

05-09-2023, 12:30 PM
I don’t have any tattoos as it never appealed to me, but I get your point. However…if you were a Polish Jew in 1940 and happened to have tats of the Swastika & Blut und Boden (Blood and Soil) I don’t that would save you from the SS placing you in an extermination camp. Those tats wouldn’t make you a member of the Nazi party. It would just be a reflection that you are a crazy self-hating Jew.

Yes and no, being accepted by others, doesn’t reflect on what you personally believe in.
A black guy could have the swastika tattoo and believe that white people are superior, then walk into a KKK meeting and get hung, that’s doesn’t change what he believed in the slightest.

Is he crazy and self hating? Maybe? I guess it depends on how he was brought up, or what he was taught.

05-09-2023, 12:31 PM
Not dealing with tattoos, but that got me thinking if any Jews did help the Nazis, and seems like quite a few did!


Schindler's List as a historical dramatization showed the involvement of Jewish leaders against their own community and people. More often than not they wound up facing the same fate as those they betrayed.

05-09-2023, 12:31 PM
Not dealing with tattoos, but that got me thinking if any Jews did help the Nazis, and seems like quite a few did!


Every group of people has their own Serans. We just happen to have the actual Seran as our Seran, which is the dumbest of all Serans.

05-09-2023, 12:33 PM
Schindler's List as a historical dramatization showed the involvement of Jewish leaders against their own community and people. More often than not they wound up facing the same fate as those they betrayed.

Never saw it, guess I know what I’m watching tonight! Thanks for this!

05-09-2023, 12:51 PM
Schindler's List as a historical dramatization showed the involvement of Jewish leaders against their own community and people. More often than not they wound up facing the same fate as those they betrayed.

This is kind of like how you would die in the gulag you're demanding to be built where you think you'll get to keep sitting around being an unemployed slob all day.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-09-2023, 12:53 PM
This is kind of like how you would die in the gulag you're demanding to be built where you think you'll get to keep sitting around being an unemployed slob all day.

Well... pedophiles do belong in prison.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-09-2023, 12:58 PM
On the topics of swastikas... I have honestly always thought they were pleasing to the eye. I knew they were used by the American Indians and large parts of Europe used them prior to Nazi Germany essentially ruining it forever, but didn't realize China/Japan and so many other religions and cultures used it.

The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been used for thousands of years by many different cultures around the world, including in India, China, Japan, and Europe. Before the Nazi regime in Germany adopted it as their emblem, the swastika had various meanings and associations depending on the culture in which it was used.

In Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, the swastika is known as the "sanskara" and represents good luck, prosperity, and the cycle of creation and destruction. In these religions, the symbol is still used today in religious ceremonies and as a decorative motif.

In pre-Christian Europe, the swastika was also a common symbol and was associated with the sun, life, and fertility. It was often used in designs on pottery, textiles, and jewelry.

In Native American cultures, the swastika was used by various tribes, such as the Navajo and Hopi, and was known as the "whirling log" or "hooked cross." It represented healing, harmony, and the four cardinal directions.

It's important to note that the adoption of the swastika by the Nazi regime has had a profound impact on its meaning and symbolism, and it is now primarily associated with the atrocities committed during World War II. As a result, the use of the swastika is often considered offensive and is banned in many countries.

Suppressed Poet
05-09-2023, 01:11 PM
Yes and no, being accepted by others, doesn’t reflect on what you personally believe in.
A black guy could have the swastika tattoo and believe that white people are superior, then walk into a KKK meeting and get hung, that’s doesn’t change what he believed in the slightest.

Is he crazy and self hating? Maybe? I guess it depends on how he was brought up, or what he was taught.

Somewhat unrelated and with all due respect, but I find that left leaning people tend to use extreme outlier examples in support of their argument.

Example: A woman could be raped & that fetus could be dead inside as situation used to support legalization of abortion up until birth. Well sure that could happen, but 99%+ of actual abortions are done by women who were not raped & for non-medically necessary reasons.

Example 2: A fraction of 1% of the population in our country identify as non-binary, therefore every po-dunk small business in the Midwest should accommodate their needs with gender neutral bathrooms.

There is an exception to almost any rule, but in general Mexican nationals are not white-supremacists for obvious reasons. That dude was crazy as fuck. The Army kicked him out after being in for 3 months for mental health reasons. See the pattern here? This wasn’t some planned attack for political reasons like the OKC bombing. This was a crazy fuckface that turned violent. That is what we need to focus on fixing & prevent those people from doing harm to society without trampling on everyone else’s rights or blaming your opposing political party.

05-09-2023, 01:17 PM
Somewhat unrelated and with all due respect, but I find that left leaning people tend to use extreme outlier examples in support of their argument.

Example: A woman could be raped & that fetus could be dead inside as situation used to support legalization of abortion up until birth. Well sure that could happen, but 99%+ of actual abortions are done by women who were not raped & for non-medically necessary reasons.

Example 2: A fraction of 1% of the population in our country identify as non-binary, therefore every po-dunk small business in the Midwest should accommodate their needs with gender neutral bathrooms.

There is an exception to almost any rule, but in general Mexican nationals are not white-supremacists for obvious reasons. That dude was crazy as fuck. The Army kicked him out after being in for 3 months for mental health reasons. See the pattern here? This wasn’t some planned attack for political reasons like the OKC bombing. This was a crazy fuckface that turned violent. That is what we need to focus on fixing & prevent those people from doing harm to society without trampling on everyone else’s rights or blaming your opposing political party.

Well, I mean you did bring up the holocaust, World War II, and Polish Jews :D I could say that’s a little extreme, couldn’t I?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-09-2023, 01:24 PM
Somewhat unrelated and with all due respect, but I find that left leaning people tend to use extreme outlier examples in support of their argument.

It's both parties, not just the left. Nothing is gray in politics, it's all black and white with no middle ground, otherwise how would you divide American's and keep two incredibly terrible parties?

Suppressed Poet
05-09-2023, 01:29 PM
Well, I mean you did bring up the holocaust, World War II, and Polish Jews :D I could say that’s a little extreme, couldn’t I?

Ha! Ok you got me…. I suppose I do often use dramatic examples to illustrate a point or sometimes for humor on the PC. I guess I’m just as guilty. In all fairness though, we got there because it was brought up this murderous bastard was a Neo-Nazi.

Point is, I don’t think we have to worry that the alt-right was behind this person based solely on the information we have available at this time. All signs point to this was a crazy mofo and the senseless murders were not politically motivated. If he was a Neo-Nazi, why would he choose H&M clothing and to shoot a bunch of white people?

05-09-2023, 01:30 PM
On the topics of swastikas... I have honestly always thought they were pleasing to the eye. I knew they were used by the American Indians and large parts of Europe used them prior to Nazi Germany essentially ruining it forever, but didn't realize China/Japan and so many other religions and cultures used it.

The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been used for thousands of years by many different cultures around the world, including in India, China, Japan, and Europe. Before the Nazi regime in Germany adopted it as their emblem, the swastika had various meanings and associations depending on the culture in which it was used.

In Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, the swastika is known as the "sanskara" and represents good luck, prosperity, and the cycle of creation and destruction. In these religions, the symbol is still used today in religious ceremonies and as a decorative motif.

In pre-Christian Europe, the swastika was also a common symbol and was associated with the sun, life, and fertility. It was often used in designs on pottery, textiles, and jewelry.

In Native American cultures, the swastika was used by various tribes, such as the Navajo and Hopi, and was known as the "whirling log" or "hooked cross." It represented healing, harmony, and the four cardinal directions.

It's important to note that the adoption of the swastika by the Nazi regime has had a profound impact on its meaning and symbolism, and it is now primarily associated with the atrocities committed during World War II. As a result, the use of the swastika is often considered offensive and is banned in many countries.


05-09-2023, 01:31 PM
Ha! Ok you got me…. I suppose I do often use dramatic examples to illustrate a point or sometimes for humor on the PC. I guess I’m just as guilty. In all fairness though, we got there because it was brought up this murderous bastard was a Neo-Nazi.

Point is, I don’t think we have to worry that the alt-right was behind this person based solely on the information we have available at this time. All signs point to this was a crazy mofo and the senseless murders were not politically motivated. If he was a Neo-Nazi, why would he choose H&M clothing and to shoot a bunch of white people?

Oh, I don’t think he is alt-right or anything, I just think he’s a crazy mentally fucked up dude that didn’t get enough love from his parents.

05-09-2023, 01:32 PM

"Medicaid for undocumented immigrants? It’s Democrats who aren’t sure"

"“It frustrates me because it’s not based on any kind of policy decision other than dollars,” said Connecticut state Rep. Jillian Gilchrest, a Democrat who is spearheading a bill to expand Medicaid to all undocumented kids this year. “The budget document outlines your priorities as a state. As we’re looking at all the various things we need to fund, this should be top of mind.”

Out of everything in the State Budget... health care for illegal immigrants should be "top of mind"... good to see she has her priorities straight.

"The intra-party debate comes as the Biden administration and Democrats at the national level grapple with how to expand health care access for noncitizens — who make up just 6 percent of the U.S. population but 23 percent of the uninsured — in a divided Congress."

Good thing that's on their minds... not like anything else is going on.

They fucked up... and put in the %... currently, roughly 335m people in the US per metrics... 6% are ILLEGAL... That is 20m illegals.

Your tax dollars for illegals, over it's citizens... been happening awhile anyways but yea... let that sink in.

6% of a Nations people are here illegally... nothing could go wrong... and I'm sure it won't affect voting at all, considering the Democrats continue to try and do away with requiring an ID to vote... Huh, wonder why that is?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-09-2023, 01:34 PM
The US needs to bring back mental institutions is what needs to happen. Would solve a lot of issues if done correctly. i.e. lets not abuse people inside them, but instead confine them and help them through medicine and therapy if possible. If not possible, humanely keep them locked up and restrained from harming themselves and others. Would require lots of federal and or state monies, but that's something I'd get behind WAY before I'd pay for free needles to homeless camping on sidewalks.

05-09-2023, 01:55 PM
The US needs to bring back mental institutions is what needs to happen. Would solve a lot of issues if done correctly. i.e. lets not abuse people inside them, but instead confine them and help them through medicine and therapy if possible. If not possible, humanely keep them locked up and restrained from harming themselves and others. Would require lots of federal and or state monies, but that's something I'd get behind WAY before I'd pay for free needles to homeless camping on sidewalks.

I didn’t even know we got rid of them… when did this happen?

Suppressed Poet
05-09-2023, 01:58 PM
On the topics of swastikas... I have honestly always thought they were pleasing to the eye. I knew they were used by the American Indians and large parts of Europe used them prior to Nazi Germany essentially ruining it forever, but didn't realize China/Japan and so many other religions and cultures used it.

The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been used for thousands of years by many different cultures around the world, including in India, China, Japan, and Europe. Before the Nazi regime in Germany adopted it as their emblem, the swastika had various meanings and associations depending on the culture in which it was used.

In Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, the swastika is known as the "sanskara" and represents good luck, prosperity, and the cycle of creation and destruction. In these religions, the symbol is still used today in religious ceremonies and as a decorative motif.

In pre-Christian Europe, the swastika was also a common symbol and was associated with the sun, life, and fertility. It was often used in designs on pottery, textiles, and jewelry.

In Native American cultures, the swastika was used by various tribes, such as the Navajo and Hopi, and was known as the "whirling log" or "hooked cross." It represented healing, harmony, and the four cardinal directions.

It's important to note that the adoption of the swastika by the Nazi regime has had a profound impact on its meaning and symbolism, and it is now primarily associated with the atrocities committed during World War II. As a result, the use of the swastika is often considered offensive and is banned in many countries.

When I see photos and videos of Nazi Germany with their hypnotic symbols, propaganda imagery, the crisp dapper uniformity, the organized goose stepping soldiers…if I ignore for a moment their wickedness & horrific ideology, I find it to be quite beautiful. This was all very much intentional to project a powerful public image of the so-called myth of the nation. Goebbels was a propaganda genius. Hitler may well have been the best orator in human history if not at least the 20th century. Fuck those guys though. I can only hope they are burning in hell.

05-09-2023, 02:00 PM
When I see photos and videos of Nazi Germany with their hypnotic symbols, propaganda imagery, the crisp dapper uniformity, the organized goose stepping soldiers…if I ignore for a moment their wickedness & horrific ideology, I find it to be quite beautiful. This was all very much intentional to project a powerful public image of the so-called myth of the nation. Goebells was a propaganda genius. Hitler may well have been the best orator in human history if not at least the 20th century. Fuck those guys though. I can only hope they are burning in hell.

It’s actually really quite interesting to see how symbols and what not have changed in a meaning from what they originally were meant to symbolize.
I always find it fascinating How Christianity took a lot of their symbols, days of celebration and what not from the pagans.

05-09-2023, 02:01 PM
Somewhat unrelated and with all due respect, but I find that left leaning people tend to use extreme outlier examples in support of their argument.

Example: A woman could be raped & that fetus could be dead inside as situation used to support legalization of abortion up until birth. Well sure that could happen, but 99%+ of actual abortions are done by women who were not raped & for non-medically necessary reasons.

Example 2: A fraction of 1% of the population in our country identify as non-binary, therefore every po-dunk small business in the Midwest should accommodate their needs with gender neutral bathrooms.

There is an exception to almost any rule, but in general Mexican nationals are not white-supremacists for obvious reasons. That dude was crazy as fuck. The Army kicked him out after being in for 3 months for mental health reasons. See the pattern here? This wasn’t some planned attack for political reasons like the OKC bombing. This was a crazy fuckface that turned violent. That is what we need to focus on fixing & prevent those people from doing harm to society without trampling on everyone else’s rights or blaming your opposing political party.

Weren't you just pontificating on protecting minority rights in your somewhat deranged claims about being insulated by the will of the majority? Good to know that you limit the rights of the minority if you perceive they represent less than 1% of the population.

White supremecists are a cause, the foolish belief that if someone if other than White being unable to act on behalf of or in support of the neo-Nazi movement is just stupid. Nick Fuentes, Enrique Tarrio of the Proud Boys, the neo-Nazi tatted guy who just shot up a mall in Texas are all prime examples of extremists taking action under their dangerous beliefs. Not taking responsibility for the problem of people like Trump and Governor Abbott who are encouraging vigilante action against non-Whites is yet another example why the Republican party is dying.

05-09-2023, 02:04 PM

"Medicaid for undocumented immigrants? It’s Democrats who aren’t sure"

"“It frustrates me because it’s not based on any kind of policy decision other than dollars,” said Connecticut state Rep. Jillian Gilchrest, a Democrat who is spearheading a bill to expand Medicaid to all undocumented kids this year. “The budget document outlines your priorities as a state. As we’re looking at all the various things we need to fund, this should be top of mind.”

Out of everything in the State Budget... health care for illegal immigrants should be "top of mind"... good to see she has her priorities straight.

"The intra-party debate comes as the Biden administration and Democrats at the national level grapple with how to expand health care access for noncitizens — who make up just 6 percent of the U.S. population but 23 percent of the uninsured — in a divided Congress."

Good thing that's on their minds... not like anything else is going on.

They fucked up... and put in the %... currently, roughly 335m people in the US per metrics... 6% are ILLEGAL... That is 20m illegals.

Your tax dollars for illegals, over it's citizens... been happening awhile anyways but yea... let that sink in.

6% of a Nations people are here illegally... nothing could go wrong... and I'm sure it won't affect voting at all, considering the Democrats continue to try and do away with requiring an ID to vote... Huh, wonder why that is?

Why precisely are you using a proposed bill in the Connecticut State Legislature as an example of your froth in the mouth argument about the number of illegal immigrants being given Medicaid at the federal level? You understand Connecticut doesn't pass laws for the entire nation I hope?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-09-2023, 02:06 PM
I didn’t even know we got rid of them… when did this happen?

Most closed because they were horror shows and thus the public opinion (much like public opinion of nuclear power) swung overly towards let all the crazies out instead of actually addressing why they were horror shows. We still have some federally funded ones like National Institutes of Health Clinical Center that do clinical trials. There is of course the VA, but almost all of them have been deinstitutionalized. I'm suggesting going back to forced institutionalization of individuals who are a danger to themselves or others. Like the crazy people on the streets of SF and NYC. It's a slippery slope though, just like gun control and the border, because it'll easily be weaponized by our government to persecute people out of favor at the time. Tough problem to solve, so it'll never get solved by our government.

05-09-2023, 02:08 PM
White supremecists are a cause, the foolish belief that if someone if other than White being unable to act on behalf of or in support of the neo-Nazi movement is just stupid.

I'm just going to leave this here...

05-09-2023, 02:12 PM
Most closed because they were horror shows and thus the public opinion (much like public opinion of nuclear power) swung overly towards let all the crazies out instead of actually addressing why they were horror shows. We still have some federally funded ones like National Institutes of Health Clinical Center that do clinical trials. There is of course the VA, but almost all of them have been deinstitutionalized. I'm suggesting going back to forced institutionalization of individuals who are a danger to themselves or others. Like the crazy people on the streets of SF and NYC. It's a slippery slope though, just like gun control and the border, because it'll easily be weaponized by our government to persecute people out of favor at the time. Tough problem to solve, so it'll never get solved by our government.

Yeah we got some crazy people here in San Diego that definitely need to be locked up in a padded room.

Suppressed Poet
05-09-2023, 02:22 PM
Weren't you just pontificating on protecting minority rights in your somewhat deranged claims about being insulated by the will of the majority? Good to know that you limit the rights of the minority if you perceive they represent less than 1% of the population.

White supremecists are a cause, the foolish belief that if someone if other than White being unable to act on behalf of or in support of the neo-Nazi movement is just stupid. Nick Fuentes, Enrique Tarrio of the Proud Boys, the neo-Nazi tatted guy who just shot up a mall in Texas are all prime examples of extremists taking action under their dangerous beliefs. Not taking responsibility for the problem of people like Trump and Governor Abbott who are encouraging vigilante action against non-Whites is yet another example why the Republican party is dying.

Please never stop posting on the PC. Life would be so much more mundane without you as my source for endless entertainment.

05-09-2023, 02:34 PM
Weren't you just pontificating on protecting minority rights in your somewhat deranged claims about being insulated by the will of the majority? Good to know that you limit the rights of the minority if you perceive they represent less than 1% of the population.

White supremecists are a cause, the foolish belief that if someone if other than White being unable to act on behalf of or in support of the neo-Nazi movement is just stupid. Nick Fuentes, Enrique Tarrio of the Proud Boys, the neo-Nazi tatted guy who just shot up a mall in Texas are all prime examples of extremists taking action under their dangerous beliefs. Not taking responsibility for the problem of people like Trump and Governor Abbott who are encouraging vigilante action against non-Whites is yet another example why the Republican party is dying.

Let's hear these quotes, with sources, of Trump and Abbott encouraging vigilante action against non-whites.

100% chance of crickets from you.

Suppressed Poet
05-09-2023, 02:35 PM
Yeah we got some crazy people here in San Diego that definitely need to be locked up in a padded room.

The legal requirements necessary to involuntary commit someone to long term psychiatric care are set very high. It probably needs some reform but I am still an advocate for due process and all the afforded constitutional protections.

05-09-2023, 02:37 PM
Please never stop posting on the PC. Life would be so much more mundane without you as my source for endless entertainment.

His words salad walls of text, especially the ones where he arrogantly tries to insult the other person's intelligence without a shred of self awareness for how monumentally stupid and full of shit he is, are gloriously entertaining.

And that's before factoring in the nonstop projection and gaslighting.

05-09-2023, 03:50 PM
Please never stop posting on the PC. Life would be so much more mundane without you as my source for endless entertainment.


I fucking love his never ending stupidity.. mixed with some sort of weird arrogance which makes zero sense at all.

It's a rare thing for people to be entertained like this every single day.

Cherish these moments.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-09-2023, 04:04 PM

I fucking love his never ending stupidity.. mixed with some sort of weird arrogance which makes zero sense at all.

It's a rare thing for people to be entertained like this every single day.

Cherish these moments.

Agreed, and it's so much fun to easily debunk him and expose his idiocy. I mean, I've even got an AI that trashes him repeatedly. It's so awesome.

05-09-2023, 04:06 PM
Riiight, so white supremacy doesn't exist because brown people and all of their hate crimes being committed don't count because the far right only counts those who commit atrocities if they're Caucasians. Funny.

05-09-2023, 04:12 PM
Riiight, so white supremacy doesn't exist because brown people and all of their hate crimes being committed don't count because the far right only counts those who commit atrocities if they're Caucasians. Funny.

I wanted to see what chatgpt says about this. I asked if the sentence makes any sense and this is the result:

No, this sentence does not make sense. It is a false and harmful statement that promotes white supremacy and denies the experiences and realities of marginalized communities. White supremacy is a system of oppression that privileges and empowers white people over people of color, and it exists regardless of who commits hate crimes. All forms of hate crimes, regardless of the race or ethnicity of the perpetrator, should be condemned and addressed. Denying or minimizing the impact of hate crimes committed by people of color perpetuates harmful stereotypes and ignores the real harm and trauma experienced by victims of these crimes.

05-09-2023, 04:24 PM
Riiight, so white supremacy doesn't exist because brown people and all of their hate crimes being committed don't count because the far right only counts those who commit atrocities if they're Caucasians. Funny.

The entirety of the internet, along with this community, know you're a full fledged racist POS.

05-09-2023, 04:35 PM
Most closed because they were horror shows and thus the public opinion (much like public opinion of nuclear power) swung overly towards let all the crazies out instead of actually addressing why they were horror shows. We still have some federally funded ones like National Institutes of Health Clinical Center that do clinical trials. There is of course the VA, but almost all of them have been deinstitutionalized. I'm suggesting going back to forced institutionalization of individuals who are a danger to themselves or others. Like the crazy people on the streets of SF and NYC. It's a slippery slope though, just like gun control and the border, because it'll easily be weaponized by our government to persecute people out of favor at the time. Tough problem to solve, so it'll never get solved by our government.

A large part of the problem is families turning a blind eye to family members that display signs of mental illness. It can be a tough pill to swallow, admitting that you have a family member that needs turned over to the state and actually taking action.

Suppressed Poet
05-09-2023, 04:42 PM
Riiight, so white supremacy doesn't exist because brown people and all of their hate crimes being committed don't count because the far right only counts those who commit atrocities if they're Caucasians. Funny.

Shame on you.

05-09-2023, 04:42 PM
I wanted to see what chatgpt says about this. I asked if the sentence makes any sense and this is the result:

No, this sentence does not make sense. It is a false and harmful statement that promotes white supremacy and denies the experiences and realities of marginalized communities. White supremacy is a system of oppression that privileges and empowers white people over people of color, and it exists regardless of who commits hate crimes. All forms of hate crimes, regardless of the race or ethnicity of the perpetrator, should be condemned and addressed. Denying or minimizing the impact of hate crimes committed by people of color perpetuates harmful stereotypes and ignores the real harm and trauma experienced by victims of these crimes.

ROFL... is that really what ChatGpt put out??

Man screw the writer's strike... just input Chappelle Show, In Living Color, Monty Python, some old George Carlin + Richard Pryor + Kaufmann and let's get back to good Tv + Movies!

05-09-2023, 05:16 PM
Sorry Conservatives, Saturday Night Live has already called you guys out for blaming others for your racism.


05-09-2023, 05:22 PM
Sorry Conservatives, Saturday Night Live has already called you guys out for blaming others for your racism.


I really missed Spicer when he left, 100% because I wanted Melissa McCarthy to keep playing this role.

05-09-2023, 05:34 PM
I really missed Spicer when he left, 100% because I wanted Melissa McCarthy to keep playing this role.

No joke, Melissa McCarthy and Kate McKinnon had some serious magic on that shower. Tina Fey as Sarah Palin was also dead on.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-09-2023, 10:19 PM
No joke, Melissa McCarthy and Kate McKinnon had some serious magic on that shower. Tina Fey as Sarah Palin was also dead on.

So odd we never see skits of democrat first wives or lets face it, Kamala. Like Kamala skits would be off the fucking chain hilarious, but liberal Hollywood would NEVER make fun of say, the outfits that "Dr" Biden wears, or Obama's incredibly ugly wife. But yeah, open season on a super model, yeah that makes sense.

05-09-2023, 11:02 PM
So odd we never see skits of democrat first wives or lets face it, Kamala. Like Kamala skits would be off the fucking chain hilarious, but liberal Hollywood would NEVER make fun of say, the outfits that "Dr" Biden wears, or Obama's incredibly ugly wife. But yeah, open season on a super model, yeah that makes sense.

Jason Sudeikis impersonated Biden for a long time and he was pretty good. Now he's got too much energy to impersonate pre-dementia old dude. Their renditions of Kamala during the debates were also incredibly accurate and harsh. As far as 'Hollywood' Cartoon President did a pretty great job of trashing them all, though obviously Trump was the main target.


05-10-2023, 12:22 AM
Jason Sudeikis impersonated Biden for a long time and he was pretty good. Now he's got too much energy to impersonate pre-dementia old dude. Their renditions of Kamala during the debates were also incredibly accurate and harsh. As far as 'Hollywood' Cartoon President did a pretty great job of trashing them all, though obviously Trump was the main target.


I do love how Trump always complained about it. Like he was the only one, everyone gets shit on, on TV, he just made himself an easy target, much like Biden and Harris have done.

05-10-2023, 11:16 AM

"Trans minors protected from parents under Washington law"

"Minors seeking gender-affirming care in Washington will be protected from the intervention of estranged parents under a measure Gov. Jay Inslee signed into law Tuesday."

"Licensed shelters and host homes in Washington had generally been required to notify parents within 72 hours when a minor came into their care. Under the new law, facilities can instead contact the state Department of Children, Youth and Families, which could then attempt to reunify the family if feasible. Youths will also be allowed to stay at host homes — private, volunteer homes that temporarily house young people without parental permission."

They use nice words... but they just signed into law the Governments ability to legally kidnap, house, and operate on peoples children.

I'm the crazy one though... let it keep happening. Keep ignoring it. Slowly but surely, it will come for you too.

05-10-2023, 11:33 AM
I don't think Shaps understands the entirety of the foster care and child protective services systems in the United States doesn't require parental permission for placement. Makes sense though if you only paid attention to the bolder part and ignored the relevant language:

Under the new law, facilities can instead contact the state Department of Children, Youth and Families, which could then attempt to reunify the family if feasible.

You'll shut gave to get over that sometimes bad parents have their parental rights terminated to protect children they've harmed.

05-10-2023, 11:35 AM
That just goes to show how ignorant you are. Someone posting a white supremecist manifesto, wearing white supremecist iconography and tattoos is clearly a white supremecist.

So... a Mexican cartel member who has Nazi stuff tattooed all over him goes and kills all white people... because he is a white "supremecist"?

This might be your greatest masterpiece as the Retard Champion.

Well done.

05-10-2023, 11:36 AM
I don't think Shaps understands the entirety of the foster care and child protective services systems in the United States doesn't require parental permission for placement. Makes sense though if you only paid attention to the bolder part and ignored the relevant language:

You'll shut gave to get over that sometimes bad parents have their parental rights terminated to protect children they've harmed.

So denying your 8 year old elective surgery, while they are still developing and growing, and which is irreversible... is now child abuse?

Keep outing yourself, you fucking Pedo. It's disgusting how warped your brain is.

05-10-2023, 11:36 AM
You'll shut gave to get over that

Yea Shaps. I hope you learned your lesson here..

05-10-2023, 11:51 AM
So... a Mexican cartel member who has Nazi stuff tattooed all over him goes and kills all white people... because he is a white "supremecist"?

This might be your greatest masterpiece as the Retard Champion.

Well done.

First of all, show me in the photo of the victims which leads you to believe they were all "white people"


Second, as you now come to realize your stupidity now that you realize the white supremecist murdered three Asians, three Hispanics, a middle eastern woman, and a single 'white person' in acting out his pre-planned hate crime. please explain to me why someone who has posted a white supremecist manifesto, wears white supremecist paraphernalia and bears Neo-Nazi tattoos still isn't a white supremacist?

05-10-2023, 11:52 AM
So denying your 8 year old elective surgery, while they are still developing and growing, and which is irreversible... is now child abuse?

Keep outing yourself, you fucking Pedo. It's disgusting how warped your brain is.

People who do not have parental rights do not have the right to dictate the safety and well being of their victims. Stop supporting child abuse and neglect.

05-10-2023, 12:07 PM
People who do not have parental rights do not have the right to dictate the safety and well being of their victims. Stop supporting child abuse and neglect.

You're fucking disgusting. 100% done with your insanity. Supporting the Government to "legally" hide, relocate, house, and operate on a families child is the last straw for me.

Been fun mocking your insanity the past few years... but the utter disgust and vitriol I have towards you right now will never subside. You should consider mental health options. And until such time, anyone around you should be warned.

You are not healthy. You are not correct. You are not on the right side of history. You are a fucking monster.

Having to converse with someone like you, after having exposed yourself like this - especially on this topic regarding the well being of children - is just to much.

Suppressed Poet
05-10-2023, 01:11 PM
First of all, show me in the photo of the victims which leads you to believe they were all "white people"


Second, as you now come to realize your stupidity now that you realize the white supremecist murdered three Asians, three Hispanics, a middle eastern woman, and a single 'white person' in acting out his pre-planned hate crime. please explain to me why someone who has posted a white supremecist manifesto, wears white supremecist paraphernalia and bears Neo-Nazi tattoos still isn't a white supremacist?

Seran, what exactly are you getting at by making this crazy fuck out to be a white supremacist and that his motivation was ultra-MAGA whatever reasons? Why don’t you just be direct and say you really don’t give a damn who gets murdered or why as long as you can repeat a narrative that places all the blame on the Republican Party?

05-10-2023, 01:37 PM
Waaaaa, please stop refuting our attempts to paint this white supremacist's hate crime as being the fault of liberal immigration policies.

I'll tell you, the echo chamber you've got going on with the more nutty right wing conservatives on this board is fair game. When you post off the wall, insane theories trying to blame others for the extremism propagated by the policies of your Conservative leadership and lax gun control, people respond. If you guys want to go create a discord channel hitching about your theories, go ahead, but stop crying about people responding to your crackpot posts.

Suppressed Poet
05-10-2023, 03:36 PM
I'll tell you, the echo chamber you've got going on with the more nutty right wing conservatives on this board is fair game. When you post off the wall, insane theories trying to blame others for the extremism propagated by the policies of your Conservative leadership and lax gun control, people respond. If you guys want to go create a discord channel hitching about your theories, go ahead, but stop crying about people responding to your crackpot posts.

I do my best to refrain from crackpot theories as you describe and projecting the blame for a mass shooting on an entire political party.

I’ve been consistent in saying that it doesn’t matter the motivations of these sick mofos out there indiscriminately murdering people. They don’t speak or represent any group and they should be universally condemned. We obviously have different ideas of how to prevent & solve the problem.

05-11-2023, 09:00 AM
I don't think Shaps understands the entirety of the foster care and child protective services systems in the United States doesn't require parental permission for placement. Makes sense though if you only paid attention to the bolder part and ignored the relevant language:

"Feasible" to them = "Will the parents help him cut off his dick? No? He stays here then and we will cut off his dick."

And you, Seran, a giant pedo groomer, are like:


You'll shut gave to get over that sometimes bad parents have their parental rights terminated to protect children they've harmed.


Setting aside your inability to communicate for a moment, what defines "harmed" in this situation? The fact that the parents won't let their kid cut off his dick or chemically castrate himself?

Tell us specifically what this "harm" consists of.

Suppressed Poet
05-11-2023, 09:14 AM

05-11-2023, 09:28 AM
I'll tell you, the echo chamber you've got going on with the more nutty right wing conservatives on this board is fair game. When you post off the wall, insane theories trying to blame others for the extremism propagated by the policies of your Conservative leadership and lax gun control, people respond. If you guys want to go create a discord channel hitching about your theories, go ahead, but stop crying about people responding to your crackpot posts.

No, SP is 100% correct. You don't give a shit about anything to do with any shootings other than "There must be a way to blame this on Trump!"

People who do not have parental rights do not have the right to dictate the safety and well being of their victims. Stop supporting child abuse and neglect.

Parents typically have parental rights over their kids.

Know who doesn't? The government.

Stop supporting pedophilia and child mutilation you greasy unwashed slob.

05-11-2023, 10:36 AM
I do my best to refrain from crackpot theories as you describe and projecting the blame for a mass shooting on an entire political party.

I’ve been consistent in saying that it doesn’t matter the motivations of these sick mofos out there indiscriminately murdering people. They don’t speak or represent any group and they should be universally condemned. We obviously have different ideas of how to prevent & solve the problem.

You've probably been one of the most even keeled members of the Conservative team on the forum, even if your childish antics and name-calling have severely weakened your credibility. It's hard to find support for one party that blocks reasonable gun controls in the light of so many deadly attacks by people sporting extremist right wing ideology. It would be far simpler to I say 'oh but that is just the extreme flank of our party' which was true, before Donald Trump. Now though? Your Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Green, Boebert and others champion that extremism and have held hostage the same moderate portion of the Republican Party.

Stop It
05-11-2023, 10:43 AM
Stop supporting pedophilia and child mutilation you greasy unwashed slob.

Name calling instead of reasonable arguments and your fixation on pedophilia makes you look bad.

Stop it.

05-11-2023, 11:01 AM
You've probably been one of the most even keeled members of the Conservative team on the forum, even if your childish antics and name-calling have severely weakened your credibility. It's hard to find support for one party that blocks reasonable gun controls in the light of so many deadly attacks by people sporting extremist right wing ideology. It would be far simpler to I say 'oh but that is just the extreme flank of our party' which was true, before Donald Trump. Now though? Your Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Green, Boebert and others champion that extremism and have held hostage the same moderate portion of the Republican Party.

What gun controls would you like to see added?

Suppressed Poet
05-11-2023, 11:32 AM
You've probably been one of the most even keeled members of the Conservative team on the forum, even if your childish antics and name-calling have severely weakened your credibility. It's hard to find support for one party that blocks reasonable gun controls in the light of so many deadly attacks by people sporting extremist right wing ideology. It would be far simpler to I say 'oh but that is just the extreme flank of our party' which was true, before Donald Trump. Now though? Your Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Green, Boebert and others champion that extremism and have held hostage the same moderate portion of the Republican Party.

Thank you for the backhanded compliment. I’ll own the childish antics and name calling part. It’s the PC and all in good fun. I don’t think you & I could be anymore politically different though. I say with true sincerity that as much as I may call you a retard and such, in reality I harbor you no ill will. You are OUR retard, and I do actually enjoy our conversations.

The problem I have with what you call reasonable gun control is I find it very unreasonable. I’m an adamant supporter of individual liberties, our constitution, and the limits they impose on government…not just the 2nd but all of them. The proposed gun control legislation of “assault weapons” ban, magazine capacity limits, red flag laws that bypass due process, “universal background checks” aka a gun registry, mandatory waiting periods, and a government permission slip to exercise God-given rights are in violation of the Constitution. To add insult to injury, it’s dubious at best thinking that any of those measures would do anything to actually prevent insane people hell-bent on violence from acting on their intent.

As to your comment about Republican extremism and House members like MTG, Matt Gaetz, Boebert, and some others…those people are idiots. The Republican Party has always had its small share of far right. I do somewhat agree that the party as a whole has had more influence from that group & those kind of people than the past, but I would counter to say that it a reactionary movement in response to the Democrat Party moving further and further to the left. Extremism breeds more extremism. Are you too blind and partisan to not acknowledge the Democrat Party has more extremism than it did say 10 years ago? These include in the House: AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, and more. I don’t see you pointing to those people as extremist or condemning them.

Suppressed Poet
05-11-2023, 11:49 AM
Name calling instead of reasonable arguments and your fixation on pedophilia makes you look bad.

Stop it.

Stop this

05-11-2023, 12:48 PM
Thank you for the backhanded compliment. I’ll own the childish antics and name calling part. It’s the PC and all in good fun. I don’t think you & I could be anymore politically different though. I say with true sincerity that as much as I may call you a retard and such, in reality I harbor you no ill will. You are OUR retard, and I do actually enjoy our conversations.

The problem I have with what you call reasonable gun control is I find it very unreasonable. I’m an adamant supporter of individual liberties, our constitution, and the limits they impose on government…not just the 2nd but all of them. The proposed gun control legislation of “assault weapons” ban, magazine capacity limits, red flag laws that bypass due process, “universal background checks” aka a gun registry, mandatory waiting periods, and a government permission slip to exercise God-given rights are in violation of the Constitution. To add insult to injury, it’s dubious at best thinking that any of those measures would do anything to actually prevent insane people hell-bent on violence from acting on their intent.

As to your comment about Republican extremism and House members like MTG, Matt Gaetz, Boebert, and some others…those people are idiots. The Republican Party has always had its small share of far right. I do somewhat agree that the party as a whole has had more influence from that group & those kind of people than the past, but I would counter to say that it a reactionary movement in response to the Democrat Party moving further and further to the left. Extremism breeds more extremism. Are you too blind and partisan to not acknowledge the Democrat Party has more extremism than it did say 10 years ago? These include in the House: AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, and more. I don’t see you pointing to those people as extremist or condemning them.

Oh no, I fully acknowledge that my party is filled with the sort of liberalism that has weakened the nation and will point out that I do not support the socialism, immigration and law enforcement meant changes that they've championed. You need only look at San Francisco and Los Angeles to see the results of those policies: collapsing home values, rampant crime, a glut of homelessness brought on by free money and camping weather. The Democrat party was held hostage by them for awhile, just as Republicans are currently held hostage by their own extreme examples.

Difference being, that brand of liberalism doesn't spur the violent overthrow of a democracy. If Joe Biden makes the same play at remaining in office and a repeat of January 6th occured, the party would impeach him without fail. He wouldn't be shielded from the ramifications of his actions, nor would be remain the standard bearer and likely candidate for reelection as is happening with the Republicans and Trump.

Yes, you can say, 'but Black Lives Matter protests have resulted in crime and property damage.' and you'd be right, it has. No one can honestly say though that Democrats have conspired to organize such protests for a criminal ulterior motive and none have ever reached the level of chaos and long term damage to our credibility as a democracy as did January 6th.

Suppressed Poet
05-11-2023, 01:26 PM
Oh no, I fully acknowledge that my party is filled with the sort of liberalism that has weakened the nation and will point out that I do not support the socialism, immigration and law enforcement meant changes that they've championed. You need only look at San Francisco and Los Angeles to see the results of those policies: collapsing home values, rampant crime, a glut of homelessness brought on by free money and camping weather. The Democrat party was held hostage by them for awhile, just as Republicans are currently held hostage by their own extreme examples.

Difference being, that brand of liberalism doesn't spur the violent overthrow of a democracy. If Joe Biden makes the same play at remaining in office and a repeat of January 6th occured, the party would impeach him without fail. He wouldn't be shielded from the ramifications of his actions, nor would be remain the standard bearer and likely candidate for reelection as is happening with the Republicans and Trump.

Yes, you can say, 'but Black Lives Matter protests have resulted in crime and property damage.' and you'd be right, it has. No one can honestly say though that Democrats have conspired to organize such protests for a criminal ulterior motive and none have ever reached the level of chaos and long term damage to our credibility as a democracy as did January 6th.

And yet, I distinctly remember you hoping for Gavin Newsom to win the Democrat nomination who fully supports those progressive policies that has caused harm in cities like LA & San Francisco.

I do at least understand what your concern is over Trump & January 6th though I have a much different opinion of those events. I actually had a similar conversation with my wife last night defending how I could morally & ethically vote for Trump if it comes down to (and looking ever more likely it will be) a rematch between Biden & Trump. Truth is, like most all other presidential elections I have voted in, I’m presented with two candidates that I at minimum don’t particularly care for. Trump is a mighty mighty bastard. He is in my opinion as corrupt as any other presidential candidate…no more and no less. While I think that yes he would have loved to see the last election change in anyway possible & he is a extreme sore loser…he didn’t organize a violent insurrection like the liberal media has you believing. After years of investigation there is simply no evidence that he orchestrated one. He said what he said in that speech which was right up to the line but still legal. Fact is, for the most part I liked his policies and that’s really what matters to me. Furthermore, I can not in good conscience vote for Joe Biden for a number of reasons related to his incompetence & harmful policies. I would prefer a different candidate for the Republican Party and will most likely be voting for someone else in the primaries, but if it comes down to Trump vs Biden the choice is an easy one for me to make.

Edit: Also on immigration Title 42 ended today I believe. We shall see how well that works out…

05-11-2023, 01:31 PM
Name calling instead of reasonable arguments and your fixation on pedophilia makes you look bad.

Stop it.

Gosh, I wonder who could be behind this account.

But anyway, there's no reasoning with retards like Seran, even if he and his retardation were anything more than just entertainment, because he has no independent thought of his own. He's a mindless NPC who just regurgitates whatever the current leftist narrative is, and in the rare instances he actually understands the counter points being made, he either just calls you a Nazi or moves the goalposts all over the place.

Seran also...

- Supports child mutilation
- Doesn't shower
- Is a slob
- Supports pedophilia

It sounds like calling that out upsets you. Why is that?

And speaking of zero self awareness...

...even if your childish antics and name-calling have severely weakened your credibility.

Let me guess...you never do any of this when you post, right? :rofl:

Either stop being a liar or stop having no self awareness.

Stop being retarded too.

And stop supporting pedophilia.

Getting a job wouldn't hurt you either.

05-11-2023, 01:34 PM
Yes, you can say, 'but Black Lives Matter protests have resulted in crime and property damage.' and you'd be right, it has. No one can honestly say though that Democrats have conspired to organize such protests for a criminal ulterior motive and none have ever reached the level of chaos and long term damage to our credibility as a democracy as did January 6th.

Remember when a bunch of democrats, including our current VP Kamala Harris, were soliciting donations to bail out those same violent BLM protesters?

05-11-2023, 02:09 PM
Remember when a bunch of democrats, including our current VP Kamala Harris, were soliciting donations to bail out those same violent BLM protesters?

You mean PEACEFUL protesters, don't you?


05-11-2023, 03:05 PM
And yet, I distinctly remember you hoping for Gavin Newsom to win the Democrat nomination who fully supports those progressive policies that has caused harm in cities like LA & San Francisco.

I do at least understand what your concern is over Trump & January 6th though I have a much different opinion of those events. I actually had a similar conversation with my wife last night defending how I could morally & ethically vote for Trump if it comes down to (and looking ever more likely it will be) a rematch between Biden & Trump. Truth is, like most all other presidential elections I have voted in, I’m presented with two candidates that I at minimum don’t particularly care for. Trump is a mighty mighty bastard. He is in my opinion as corrupt as any other presidential candidate…no more and no less. While I think that yes he would have loved to see the last election change in anyway possible & he is a extreme sore loser…he didn’t organize a violent insurrection like the liberal media has you believing. After years of investigation there is simply no evidence that he orchestrated one. He said what he said in that speech which was right up to the line but still legal. Fact is, for the most part I liked his policies and that’s really what matters to me. Furthermore, I can not in good conscience vote for Joe Biden for a number of reasons related to his incompetence & harmful policies. I would prefer a different candidate for the Republican Party and will most likely be voting for someone else in the primaries, but if it comes down to Trump vs Biden the choice is an easy one for me to make.

Edit: Also on immigration Title 42 ended today I believe. We shall see how well that works out…

If I'd said it once, I've said it a million times- there is a difference between a politician who nods in support to the spirit of policies to get elected, and there are the politicians who actually write the policies. Newsom is the former, you need only look at his immediately back away from the hundred billion or so cost the reparations committee came up with to see he's a realist. The sort of liberals that ruin the party are the idealists who care nothing for practicality, cost, and who fail to recognize the political capital expended even debating it.

I'm not really surprised about your vote for Trump, it's sort of expected that even between the lesser of two evils, some Republicans still vote Cheeto.

Suppressed Poet
05-11-2023, 03:25 PM
If I'd said it once, I've said it a million times- there is a difference between a politician who nods in support to the spirit of policies to get elected, and there are the politicians who actually write the policies. Newsom is the former, you need only look at his immediately back away from the hundred billion or so cost the reparations committee came up with to see he's a realist. The sort of liberals that ruin the party are the idealists who care nothing for practicality, cost, and who fail to recognize the political capital expended even debating it.

I'm not really surprised about your vote for Trump, it's sort of expected that even between the lesser of two evils, some Republicans still vote Cheeto.

It’s really a shame that California got so screwed up, because it has so many good qualities that I genuinely admire.

The way I see it, the elites in Silicon Valley made an unholy alliance with the poor. The poor are manipulated to vote for policies & tax exemptions that benefit the rich elites, and in return they receive wealth redistribution via taxing the fuck out of the middle class. There is a reason why so many have left that state and their government is on the verge of bankruptcy. What will remain is the few modern nobility vs the poor unwashed masses. Isn’t that wealth gap something you deeply care about?

05-11-2023, 04:46 PM
It’s really a shame that California got so screwed up, because it has so many good qualities that I genuinely admire.

The way I see it, the elites in Silicon Valley made an unholy alliance with the poor. The poor are manipulated to vote for policies & tax exemptions that benefit the rich elites, and in return they receive wealth redistribution via taxing the fuck out of the middle class. There is a reason why so many have left that state and their government is on the verge of bankruptcy. What will remain is the few modern nobility vs the poor unwashed masses. Isn’t that wealth gap something you deeply care about?

.. I hope you're trolling with that second paragraph, because that is legitimately a truly zany conspiracy theory. Meanwhile, wealth redistribution did occur, but it migrated to the top 10%.

https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/dataviz/dfa/distribute/table/#quarter:133;series:Net%20worth;demographic:networ th;population:all;units:shares

Suppressed Poet
05-11-2023, 04:58 PM
.. I hope you're trolling with that second paragraph, because that is legitimately a truly zany conspiracy theory. Meanwhile, wealth redistribution did occur, but it migrated to the top 10%.

https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/dataviz/dfa/distribute/table/#quarter:133;series:Net%20worth;demographic:networ th;population:all;units:shares

Not trolling at all and it’s more than a conspiracy theory. I believe the link you referenced is for the US as a whole. I’m specifically talking about California. The wealthy elite are definitely getting richer. The poor really don’t gain wealth no matter how much you throw at them, but there are several social programs / policies / and benefits exclusive to California that support the poor & homeless. The middle class has and is leaving in droves and population is on the decline in that state.

Both the super wealthy & the poor despise the middle class. This is what left doesn’t seem to be able to grasp.

05-11-2023, 04:59 PM
.. I hope you're trolling with that second paragraph, because that is legitimately a truly zany conspiracy theory. Meanwhile, wealth redistribution did occur, but it migrated to the top 10%.

https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/dataviz/dfa/distribute/table/#quarter:133;series:Net%20worth;demographic:networ th;population:all;units:shares

Wealth redistribution is where your welfare checks are coming from.

You should consider getting a job.

Suppressed Poet
05-11-2023, 05:19 PM
30% of all homeless people in the US live in California and that number continues to increase:
https://www.ppic.org/blog/homeless-populations-are-rising-around-california/#:~:text=As%20of%202022%2C%2030%25%20of,of%20the%2 0nation's%20homeless%20population.

California is the biggest welfare state BY A HUGE AMMOUNT:

Population in California continues to decline, and the reasons are not because of birth rates but rather a mass exodus:

I encourage you Seran to really ask yourself why that is happening. The next question to ask is if these economic policies are not working for the state of California, why in the world would we want that for the United States as a whole?

05-11-2023, 07:20 PM
30% of all homeless people in the US live in California and that number continues to increase:
https://www.ppic.org/blog/homeless-populations-are-rising-around-california/#:~:text=As%20of%202022%2C%2030%25%20of,of%20the%2 0nation's%20homeless%20population.

California is the biggest welfare state BY A HUGE AMMOUNT:

Population in California continues to decline, and the reasons are not because of birth rates but rather a mass exodus:

I encourage you Seran to really ask yourself why that is happening. The next question to ask is if these economic policies are not working for the state of California, why in the world would we want that for the United States as a whole?

Great weather.

05-11-2023, 07:22 PM
Though really, weather conducive to street life is a component, it's largely due to the abundance of space, lax policing in the major metropolitan areas, massive outreach programs that bring food and medicine to your tent, not to mention fairly generous Cal Works and CalFresh programs that make finding food even easier which is often sold for drugs and alcohol.

Suppressed Poet
05-11-2023, 07:57 PM
Though really, weather conducive to street life is a component, it's largely due to the abundance of space, lax policing in the major metropolitan areas, massive outreach programs that bring food and medicine to your tent, not to mention fairly generous Cal Works and CalFresh programs that make finding food even easier which is often sold for drugs and alcohol.

Great weather is certainly part of the equation as well as the other things you mentioned & more. You think those Silicon Valley folks pay for all that? Perhaps they fund a small portion of it. The real tax burden rests on those just over the poverty line to the living comfortably category. Middle class are the backbone of America and an absolute necessity for stability. Those people, and most especially small business owners in this group who get further taxed / regulated to death / shut down by Covid lockdowns / victims of theft & lawlessness / etc., have been raped & pillaged to the point it’s no longer sustainable to continue living there. Thus I say California is starting to resemble a society of feudalism with a few nobles & a lot of serfs.

It’s a shame too, because California is such a beautiful place with a vast amount of industry & natural resources. There is no reason for it to be that way.

05-11-2023, 09:32 PM
Great weather is certainly part of the equation as well as the other things you mentioned & more. You think those Silicon Valley folks pay for all that? Perhaps they fund a small portion of it. The real tax burden rests on those just over the poverty line to the living comfortably category. Middle class are the backbone of America and an absolute necessity for stability. Those people, and most especially small business owners in this group who get further taxed / regulated to death / shut down by Covid lockdowns / victims of theft & lawlessness / etc., have been raped & pillaged to the point it’s no longer sustainable to continue living there. Thus I say California is starting to resemble a society of feudalism with a few nobles & a lot of serfs.

It’s a shame too, because California is such a beautiful place with a vast amount of industry & natural resources. There is no reason for it to be that way.

I think, it’s the main part, if you put New York weather there, there would be a mass exodus of homeless to a warmer place.

05-11-2023, 09:52 PM
Great weather is certainly part of the equation as well as the other things you mentioned & more. You think those Silicon Valley folks pay for all that? Perhaps they fund a small portion of it. The real tax burden rests on those just over the poverty line to the living comfortably category. Middle class are the backbone of America and an absolute necessity for stability. Those people, and most especially small business owners in this group who get further taxed / regulated to death / shut down by Covid lockdowns / victims of theft & lawlessness / etc., have been raped & pillaged to the point it’s no longer sustainable to continue living there. Thus I say California is starting to resemble a society of feudalism with a few nobles & a lot of serfs.

It’s a shame too, because California is such a beautiful place with a vast amount of industry & natural resources. There is no reason for it to be that way.

Whoooa there, I think you're pretty damn off base with who you think pays the majority of taxes in California. The state has a largely progressive tax system, as a result more than 50% of the income taxes in the state of California comes from those earning more than 500k, 40% alone is from personal income taxes on earnings over $1M. People making over 500k a year being described as just 'living comfortably' naww. Only 8-9% of the state income taxes come from people making between 50-100k and less than 50k earnings contribute just 2%.

The concentration of wealth in the United States is top heavy due to massively regressive tax changes in this country. California has a progressive tax structure and is one of the largest economies in the world solely as a result of it's policies, resources, beauty and governance.

Suppressed Poet
05-11-2023, 10:25 PM
Whoooa there, I think you're pretty damn off base with who you think pays the majority of taxes in California. The state has a largely progressive tax system, as a result more than 50% of the income taxes in the state of California comes from those earning more than 500k, 40% alone is from personal income taxes on earnings over $1M. People making over 500k a year being described as just 'living comfortably' naww. Only 8-9% of the state income taxes come from people making between 50-100k and less than 50k earnings contribute just 2%.

The concentration of wealth in the United States is top heavy due to massively regressive tax changes in this country. California has a progressive tax structure and is one of the largest economies in the world solely as a result of it's policies, resources, beauty and governance.

You are not factoring in exemptions. The higher up in income you go, the more that income earner will pay and lobby for creative accounting exemptions. Progressive taxation is a lie.

The concentration of wealth will always gravitate to be top heavy. The poor and lower middle class receive more in government welfare / aide than they pay in taxes. That’s the way of the world, and it’s been that way since the dawn of civilization. What matters are policies and tax rates that encourage a good standard of living for the middle class.

You don’t have to believe me and I’m sure you won’t, but that part doesn’t matter... If high progressive taxation works so well, why is the state of California on the verge of bankruptcy & they have all the problems that we agreed they have? The elites are manipulating the poor to vote for their agenda, and they are not subjected to that progressive taxation & consequences of those policies like you think they are. You are being played.

Suppressed Poet
05-11-2023, 10:30 PM
I think, it’s the main part, if you put New York weather there, there would be a mass exodus of homeless to a warmer place.

Ehh…I’ll agree that if I was homeless (my absolute worst nightmare by the way) I’d much rather live in LA for the weather than NY. It’s tough to say how much of a factor that is, but it’s got to be a big one. Where it doesn’t hold water though is that NYC is having similar problems with huge spikes in homelessness & a mass exodus of the middle class too.

05-11-2023, 11:12 PM
not that there is ever a good place to be homeless, but 10 years ago DFW wouldn't have been a bad place.. but since nobody can afford to live anywhere else, ya'll came here and nobody affording houses. You can still find some good deals on homes, but it does require a 2 hour commute to where your job is in most cases.

05-11-2023, 11:14 PM
I think, it’s the main part, if you put New York weather there, there would be a mass exodus of homeless to a warmer place.

New York isn't as welcoming to the homeless as CA either. NY has been installing anti-comfort designs to benches and grates. Basically pointy shit that makes it uncomfortable to lie down on.

Way back in the day, London started installing piss deflectors on the sides of buildings to prevent public pissing. They have been mostly removed but some still remain in place around the London bridge area.

05-11-2023, 11:29 PM
New York isn't as welcoming to the homeless as CA either. NY has been installing anti-comfort designs to benches and grates. Basically pointy shit that makes it uncomfortable to lie down on.

Way back in the day, London started installing piss deflectors on the sides of buildings to prevent public pissing. They have been mostly removed but some still remain in place around the London bridge area.

If I were ever homeless I think I could find a pisser somewhere.. or at least not do it on a bridge. Playing loud music at night as been used as a tactic in some places i suppose.. Either way the piss reflection paint stuff was probably not from homeless folks just lazy drunks.. on my speculation.

05-12-2023, 12:38 AM
New York isn't as welcoming to the homeless as CA either. NY has been installing anti-comfort designs to benches and grates. Basically pointy shit that makes it uncomfortable to lie down on.

Way back in the day, London started installing piss deflectors on the sides of buildings to prevent public pissing. They have been mostly removed but some still remain in place around the London bridge area.

I have no clue, I’m just mentioning weather, if I were homeless, SoCal, would be the ideal place.

05-12-2023, 12:41 AM
If I were ever homeless I think I could find a pisser somewhere.. or at least not do it on a bridge. Playing loud music at night as been used as a tactic in some places i suppose.. Either way the piss reflection paint stuff was probably not from homeless folks just lazy drunks.. on my speculation.

The piss guards were 45 degree skirting, basically making the piss run down all over the pisser. They started removing them because it didn't seem to stop the pissers from pissing all over themselves anyway.

The London bridge used to have low income block houses attached to it. It was the equivalent to New Yorks 5 points district in the 1800's.

05-12-2023, 01:52 AM
You are not factoring in exemptions. The higher up in income you go, the more that income earner will pay and lobby for creative accounting exemptions. Progressive taxation is a lie.

The concentration of wealth will always gravitate to be top heavy. The poor and lower middle class receive more in government welfare / aide than they pay in taxes. That’s the way of the world, and it’s been that way since the dawn of civilization. What matters are policies and tax rates that encourage a good standard of living for the middle class.

You don’t have to believe me and I’m sure you won’t, but that part doesn’t matter... If high progressive taxation works so well, why is the state of California on the verge of bankruptcy & they have all the problems that we agreed they have? The elites are manipulating the poor to vote for their agenda, and they are not subjected to that progressive taxation & consequences of those policies like you think they are. You are being played.

That's nonsense about tax exemptions. The amount collected by the seat of California is reflective of tax write-offs and exemptions, the number still factor in and the poor people aren't paying the most as you claim. Simply put the state of California has a lot of bills. You claim they are almost bankrupt, really? That's a dumb claim the state of California could at any time issue debt if they needed to in the form of bonds

05-12-2023, 09:32 AM

"Free speech or hate speech: Middleboro student sent home for second time may sue school"

"School staff pulled Morrison from class and sent him home in March when he wore a black T-shirt to class reading, "There are only two genders."

"Morrison covered part of the message on his T-shirt with white tape and wrote "censored," so the shirt said, "There are censored genders." The school sent him home again."

This is where we are as a country... utter insanity... Apparently saying "There are only two genders" is now "hate speech".

Have to love socialism/communism... not to mention the utter lack of rational thought.

05-12-2023, 09:43 AM

"Free speech or hate speech: Middleboro student sent home for second time may sue school"

"School staff pulled Morrison from class and sent him home in March when he wore a black T-shirt to class reading, "There are only two genders."

"Morrison covered part of the message on his T-shirt with white tape and wrote "censored," so the shirt said, "There are censored genders." The school sent him home again."

This is where we are as a country... utter insanity... Apparently saying "There are only two genders" is now "hate speech".

Have to love socialism/communism... not to mention the utter lack of rational thought.

And at the same time he needs to accept and deal with the gay pride flag, and other people’s views, but his view is considered hate speech. Fucking hilarious. Could he not just say, all these gay pride flags they got are offensive to me, remove them!

05-12-2023, 09:44 AM
And at the same time he needs to accept and deal with the gay pride flag, and other people’s views, but his view is considered hate speech. Fucking hilarious. Could he not just say, all these gay pride flags they got are offensive to me, remove them!

School board used the excuse that the LGBTQ+ community is a "protected class"... if that type of talk doesn't set off alarms, not sure what will.

"According to Whiting, the school said that the message on Morrison's T-shirt qualifies as bullying and harassment, and the staff told Morrison that his shirt was targeting a "protected class" of students in the school."

Suppressed Poet
05-12-2023, 09:48 AM
not that there is ever a good place to be homeless, but 10 years ago DFW wouldn't have been a bad place.. but since nobody can afford to live anywhere else, ya'll came here and nobody affording houses. You can still find some good deals on homes, but it does require a 2 hour commute to where your job is in most cases.

I moved from the Lake Highlands area to Far North Dallas 8 years ago. Even back then housing had insane demand. I found the right place at the right time, and was very lucky. Property values in my neighborhood have more than doubled since then. From my garage to my office in Plano / Frisco it’s under 20 minutes taking the tollway. I’m not moving again until I retire. There are tons of people at my work that commute 1-2 hours…eff that.

Suppressed Poet
05-12-2023, 09:58 AM
And at the same time he needs to accept and deal with the gay pride flag, and other people’s views, but his view is considered hate speech. Fucking hilarious. Could he not just say, all these gay pride flags they got are offensive to me, remove them!

Honestly, I’d prefer kids don’t have any political messages at all on their school attire but it’s not up to me. You have to go to private school if you want that which is prohibitively expensive these days. As such, the rules should be universally enforced. If a pride flag is ok, so too should be a Confederate flag. There is no such thing as hate speech.

05-12-2023, 10:42 AM
Honestly, I’d prefer kids don’t have any political messages at all on their school attire but it’s not up to me. You have to go to private school if you want that which is prohibitively expensive these days. As such, the rules should be universally enforced. If a pride flag is ok, so too should be a Confederate flag. There is no such thing as hate speech.

if you want to wear the pride flag, cool, you do you. If I want to wear there’s only two genders shirt, I expect the same treatment, if you can’t do that? Than neither should be allowed. Everything seems to be political these days, I guess people will be coming to school with nothing but a smile on! Lol

Suppressed Poet
05-12-2023, 10:51 AM
if you want to wear the pride flag, cool, you do you. If I want to wear there’s only two genders shirt, I expect the same treatment, if you can’t do that? Than neither should be allowed. Everything seems to be political these days, I guess people will be coming to school with nothing but a smile on! Lol

True and good point. Actually I’m sure a smile could be made political.

When I was a child and even through high school, I really didn’t give a fuck about politics. My motivation behind my preference and liking the idea of school uniforms is to keep the focus on education and avoid such unnecessary distractions. Our children are growing up in a much different world though. I’m just trying to raise my kids to have a good core value system and be tolerant of others.

05-12-2023, 11:01 AM
There is no such thing as hate speech.

There certainly is such a thing as hate speech.

Suppressed Poet
05-12-2023, 11:07 AM
There certainly is such a thing as hate speech.

I should clarify. I mean that if it is not expressly & directly incite violence, I don’t think it should be labeled hate speech and be made illegal or censored. Too often these days do people label speech they simply disagree with or that is offensive in nature hate speech.

05-12-2023, 11:12 AM
We should wrap our little angels in Cellophane and bubble wrap and make them wear earplugs that intuitively block speech their parents or the child disagree with.

Better yet, lets just school our little retards, err i mean angels, from home and never let them meet their peers in person!

05-12-2023, 11:12 AM
I should clarify. I mean that if it is not expressly & directly incite violence, I don’t think it should be labeled hate speech and be made illegal or censored. Too often these days do people label speech they simply disagree with or that is offensive in nature hate speech.

I don't disagree... but there are plenty of examples of actual hate speech.

Problem is: The left has diluted everything down with their "OMG U R RACIST!" or "OMG U R SEXIST!" or "OMG U R GENDERIST!" so things that are actually racist/sexist are just shrugged off as "there goes the unhinged left again"

05-12-2023, 11:20 AM
School board used the excuse that the LGBTQ+ community is a "protected class"... if that type of talk doesn't set off alarms, not sure what will.

"According to Whiting, the school said that the message on Morrison's T-shirt qualifies as bullying and harassment, and the staff told Morrison that his shirt was targeting a "protected class" of students in the school."

Massachusetts law recognizes LGBT+ a protected class in discrimination, stop crying and educate yourself.

05-12-2023, 11:56 AM
Honestly, I’d prefer kids don’t have any political messages at all on their school attire but it’s not up to me. You have to go to private school if you want that which is prohibitively expensive these days. As such, the rules should be universally enforced. If a pride flag is ok, so too should be a Confederate flag. There is no such thing as hate speech.

The fact that "There are only 2 genders" is seen as political at all + this whole gender debate in general being an actual thing just means we're doomed as a society.

05-12-2023, 11:57 AM
if you want to wear the pride flag, cool, you do you. If I want to wear there’s only two genders shirt, I expect the same treatment, if you can’t do that? Than neither should be allowed. Everything seems to be political these days, I guess people will be coming to school with nothing but a smile on! Lol

He should wear a rainbow LGBT shirt but still have the same message.

Throw in "I'm trans and there are only 2 genders." just for fun. The school won't know how to handle their own warped logic when they start crying about it. And since he says he's trans, he's now a protected class and they cant prove that he isn't.

05-12-2023, 12:02 PM
The fact that "There are only 2 genders" is seen as political at all + this whole gender debate in general being an actual thing just means we're doomed as a society.

Basic biology has become the forefront of political battles for the years to come!

He should wear a rainbow LGBT shirt but still have the same message.

Throw in "I'm trans and there are only 2 genders." just for fun. The school won't know how to handle their own warped logic when they start crying about it.

I would fucking pay to see that.

05-12-2023, 12:31 PM
Massachusetts law recognizes LGBT+ a protected class in discrimination, stop crying and educate yourself.

Just shut up you Pedo Nazi. We get it... you like diddling kids and don't want anything to stand in the way of it. Can only hope people around you are aware of your sick predilections.

05-12-2023, 12:40 PM
Massachusetts law recognizes LGBT+ a protected class in discrimination, stop crying and educate yourself.

So who gets priority when a gay dude doesn't buy into gender ideology and says that there are only two genders?

There are plenty of gay people out there who will tell you that LGB are all the letters and that the TQIA+ bullshit can go fuck itself.

Suppressed Poet
05-12-2023, 01:23 PM
So who gets priority when a gay dude doesn't buy into gender ideology and says that there are only two genders?

There are plenty of gay people out there who will tell you that LGB are all the letters and that the TQIA+ bullshit can go fuck itself.

Whoever is the smallest minority and has the greatest perceived victim status wins. You can never be woke enough to satisfy the hard left, and in the end they always end up cannibalizing their own.

05-12-2023, 02:40 PM
Massachusetts law recognizes LGBT+ a protected class in discrimination, stop crying and educate yourself.

Wearing a shirt that says "There are only 2 genders" is just stating a fact.

If some mentally ill "protected class" person gets offended, they should be sent to a safe space room or go home.

05-12-2023, 03:11 PM
Wearing a shirt that says "There are only 2 genders" is just stating a fact.

If some mentally ill "protected class" person gets offended, they should be sent to a safe space room or go home.

Subjectivity isn't a fact and if that person identifies as something other than male or female, that shirt is in fact harassment. Harassment against a protected class. The school did the right thing under Massachusetts law.

05-12-2023, 03:18 PM
The Court is going to recognize both the school dress code against offensive material and state law, then tell the parents that they shouldn't use their middle school child as a billboard for their opinions.

Suppressed Poet
05-12-2023, 03:39 PM
Subjectivity isn't a fact and if that person identifies as something other than male or female, that shirt is in fact harassment. Harassment against a protected class.

Ok, but hear me out… Say you self identify as a genius but in reality your mental capacity is biologically the equivalent to a shit-slinging monkey. Is it considered harassment for us to call you a retard?

05-12-2023, 05:41 PM
Subjectivity isn't a fact and if that person identifies as something other than male or female, that shirt is in fact harassment. Harassment against a protected class. The school did the right thing under Massachusetts law.

It's not subjective.

It's science.

You are nothing but a science denier and a mental illness enabler.

05-12-2023, 09:39 PM
Subjectivity isn't a fact and if that person identifies as something other than male or female, that shirt is in fact harassment. Harassment against a protected class. The school did the right thing under Massachusetts law.

This is where I disagree with you. In 200 years, when that person is dead, and some scientists digs up their body, and do some scans/test, what gender will they find? Their biological gender. I don’t care what you identify as, doesn’t change the fact that there are indeed only two genders. People shouldn’t have to be forced to recognize you, as what you want to be recognized as. That’s it.

This gender shit has gone too far, and it just makes me facepalm regarding my party.
What you ID as, that’s your choice, if you wanna think you are a damn honey badger? Cool! Have fun, if you want to think you are some cisgender that is asexual and you think there are 917462 genders? Cool, want a cookie? You want to be referred to as they/them? That’s your problem, I don’t have to do what you want, and that’s MY right, I don’t give two shits about your feelings. No one cares, we only care when you try to force your views on others that follow basic god damn science, that there are only TWO genders.

Where does it end? I ID as your fucking god, if you don’t respect that, that’s harassment? That’s just ridiculous.

Suppressed Poet
05-12-2023, 10:59 PM
This is where I disagree with you. In 200 years, when that person is dead, and some scientists digs up their body, and do some scans/test, what gender will they find? Their biological gender. I don’t care what you identify as, doesn’t change the fact that there are indeed only two genders. People shouldn’t have to be forced to recognize you, as what you want to be recognized as. That’s it.

This gender shit has gone too far, and it just makes me facepalm regarding my party.
What you ID as, that’s your choice, if you wanna think you are a damn honey badger? Cool! Have fun, if you want to think you are some cisgender that is asexual and you think there are 917462 genders? Cool, want a cookie? You want to be referred to as they/them? That’s your problem, I don’t have to do what you want, and that’s MY right, I don’t give two shits about your feelings. No one cares, we only care when you try to force your views on others that follow basic god damn science, that there are only TWO genders.

Where does it end? I ID as your fucking god, if you don’t respect that, that’s harassment? That’s just ridiculous.

I actually do care about their feelings. I’ve witnessed people suffering for not knowing or being able to accept who they are as a person, and having a defeatist victim mentality that is preventing them from having any true joy in their lives. It must be awful to live that way. I sincerely hope they find inner peace and receive the spiritual & mental help that they need.

Agree with you on all the rest.

05-12-2023, 11:08 PM
I actually do care about their feelings. I’ve witnessed people suffering for not knowing or being able to accept who they are as a person, and having a defeatist victim mentality that is preventing them from having any true joy in their lives. It must be awful to live that way. I sincerely hope they find inner peace and receive the spiritual & mental help that they need.

Agree with you on all the rest.

Let me clarify, if you are going to cause drama like this because of your feelings, I don’t care, for example this situation.


Starbucks fires trans barista screaming at customer to 'get out' after being misgendered: 'Let go of me'
I don’t give a shit about your feelings regarding situations like this.

On top of that, does that kid’s feelings matter? The one that wore the two gender shirt?

If I walk up to someone and I refer to him as a male, and he says I ID as a female, that’s cool, his choice and I respect that, but if they cross the line and cause drama because of it, I don’t give two shits about your feelings anymore. I won’t cause a scene for example like I won’t say: I don’t care you ID as a female, I’ll call you what I want!

05-13-2023, 12:32 AM

"Free speech or hate speech: Middleboro student sent home for second time may sue school"

"School staff pulled Morrison from class and sent him home in March when he wore a black T-shirt to class reading, "There are only two genders."

"Morrison covered part of the message on his T-shirt with white tape and wrote "censored," so the shirt said, "There are censored genders." The school sent him home again."

This is where we are as a country... utter insanity... Apparently saying "There are only two genders" is now "hate speech".

Have to love socialism/communism... not to mention the utter lack of rational thought.

I agree with the schools decision. These are not adults and kids can be emotional terrorists. The parents should be ashamed for allowing their kid to wear that knowing it was an obvious attempt to belittle classmates.

This is where the mental illness starts and how you end up with school shootings.

05-13-2023, 02:16 AM
No more opinions at schools! Won't someone think of the children?!

For the longest time I wondered why Democrats were so against school choice and home schooling. But Democrats have really opened my eyes these past few years. Slowly but surely public schools have been turning into breeding grounds for Democrat voters, much like colleges have been for decades now, but Democrats have really ripped the mask off these last few years and have accelerated the rate at which they want to brainwash kids and demand they conform to Democrat ideals.

No wonder they have been against school and home schooling. They want your children to be "educated" by their preferred sycophants.

05-13-2023, 07:51 AM
Over the years I've posted stuff like this, and sure... it may make me seem a bit crazy...

But as I've said... it will come for everyone. It's not to "big" of a concept to happen... Bit by bit, logic is eroded... Bit by bit, societal norms are forcefully changed... Bit by bit, individual rights are stripped and marginalized.

The Leftists just figured out about 50 years ago they had to do it under the guise of "compassion"... They're still the same racist, subjugating, and Socialist Party they always were... they just changed their methodologies.

I referenced it once before years back, but if you understand UW and a few other concepts... it is easy to do what is being done to our country. We train our own people to do it to other countries all the time... why people think it can't happen here astounds me.

Keep thinking it's all a joke. Keep thinking there is no way it can go that far. Because it is...

05-13-2023, 10:41 AM
Subjectivity isn't a fact and if that person identifies as something other than male or female, that shirt is in fact harassment. Harassment against a protected class. The school did the right thing under Massachusetts law.

How many genders are there?

05-13-2023, 10:44 AM
I agree with the schools decision. These are not adults and kids can be emotional terrorists. The parents should be ashamed for allowing their kid to wear that knowing it was an obvious attempt to belittle classmates.

This is where the mental illness starts and how you end up with school shootings.

Untreated and/or undiagnosed mental illness is how you end up with school shootings.

Hard to diagnose mental illness these days when just calling out its existence causes people to try to cancel you.

School bullying used to consist of things like people having their heads stuffed in toilets, being stuffed into lockers, flat out having the shit kicked out of them, etc., way before things like school shootings were a thing, way before Columbine, etc.

Pretty sure that actual physical bullying/assault is worse than a shirt that factually says "There are only 2 genders" because some mentally ill retard whose mental illness is literally celebrated now, got his feelings hurt over it due to extremely retarded brainwashing by leftist pedos.

05-13-2023, 10:49 AM
No more opinions at schools! Won't someone think of the children?!

For the longest time I wondered why Democrats were so against school choice and home schooling. But Democrats have really opened my eyes these past few years. Slowly but surely public schools have been turning into breeding grounds for Democrat voters, much like colleges have been for decades now, but Democrats have really ripped the mask off these last few years and have accelerated the rate at which they want to brainwash kids and demand they conform to Democrat ideals.

No wonder they have been against school and home schooling. They want your children to be "educated" by their preferred sycophants.

And also because with home schooling, parents can see and hear everything that's happening in the classroom. Leftists despise parental supervision because it gets in the way of them grooming someone's kids.

05-13-2023, 12:47 PM
This is where I disagree with you. In 200 years, when that person is dead, and some scientists digs up their body, and do some scans/test, what gender will they find? Their biological gender. I don’t care what you identify as, doesn’t change the fact that there are indeed only two genders. People shouldn’t have to be forced to recognize you, as what you want to be recognized as. That’s it.

This gender shit has gone too far, and it just makes me facepalm regarding my party.
What you ID as, that’s your choice, if you wanna think you are a damn honey badger? Cool! Have fun, if you want to think you are some cisgender that is asexual and you think there are 917462 genders? Cool, want a cookie? You want to be referred to as they/them? That’s your problem, I don’t have to do what you want, and that’s MY right, I don’t give two shits about your feelings. No one cares, we only care when you try to force your views on others that follow basic god damn science, that there are only TWO genders.

Where does it end? I ID as your fucking god, if you don’t respect that, that’s harassment? That’s just ridiculous.

You're getting hung up on an opinion. If someone wants to call themselves a boy, girl, them, they, or whatever that is their business. Meanwhile, all those people who spend their waking moment trying to punish, vilify, intimidate, or harass others for it are the problem. Freedom of speech isn't a freedom to bully and harass others through your children's attire. More simply said, your freedom of speech isn't a right to force change on others.

05-13-2023, 01:07 PM
You're getting hung up on an opinion. If someone wants to call themselves a boy, girl, them, they, or whatever that is their business. Meanwhile, all those people who spend their waking moment trying to punish, vilify, intimidate, or harass others for it are the problem. Freedom of speech isn't a freedom to bully and harass others through your children's attire. More simply said, your freedom of speech isn't a right to force change on others.

Hey Seran, how many genders are there?

05-13-2023, 01:17 PM
You're getting hung up on an opinion. If someone wants to call themselves a boy, girl, them, they, or whatever that is their business. Meanwhile, all those people who spend their waking moment trying to punish, vilify, intimidate, or harass others for it are the problem. Freedom of speech isn't a freedom to bully and harass others through your children's attire. More simply said, your freedom of speech isn't a right to force change on others.

Wearing a shirt that says there are only two genders, isn’t harassment or bullying. That is a basic biological fact. Stating a basic fact we learn in school, is now considered harassment and bullying?
What his shirt said is not harassment or bullying in any way. Did his shirt in any way force a change on anyone? Did his shirt target anyone? No it didn’t. The people who got “offended” forced change on that boy, and you are ok with that?

That’s like calling the police because some girl wore a “girl power” shirt and someone got offended because it was bullying boys. Or a shirt that says “blondes are the most fun!” That could offend people with other color hair.

It’s fucking ridiculous.