View Full Version : Things that made you Facepalm today (Political Version)

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04-19-2022, 09:11 PM
The fat fuck...also known as rocktar

You forgot a D

04-20-2022, 09:16 AM
You forgot a D

The D is in your mouth and his sore ass.

04-20-2022, 12:55 PM
The D is in your mouth and his sore ass.

Thanks Rocktard, you never fail to deliver when baited.

04-20-2022, 01:58 PM
Thanks Rocktard, you never fail to deliver when baited.

That's not bait lol that's just you trying to call him Rocktard. You and Seran have no clue how anything works, even pointless dumb shit like this, and just blurt out random words not knowing what anything means.

Your lack of denial of said D being in your mouth and/or sore ass has been noted though.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

04-20-2022, 02:11 PM

Holy shit lol... watch towards the end... they set up the Easter Bunny to be Joe's handler outside during the event. Twice he gets right in front of him and waves him off to walk away... that is so fucking sad to see.

Imagine a person hired to play the Easter Bunny telling the President of the US to "stop"?

I can only imagine which staff (ie. handler) from the White House was in that suit.

04-23-2022, 06:07 PM
That's not bait lol that's just you trying to call him Rocktard. You and Seran have no clue how anything works, even pointless dumb shit like this, and just blurt out random words not knowing what anything means.

Your lack of denial of said D being in your mouth and/or sore ass has been noted though.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

methais what does baited mean

04-25-2022, 01:10 PM
Rising wages, employees demanding benefits and to collectively be represented, it's a nightmare for Republi..businesses.

Walmart meanwhile has seen a 5% growth in sales, 10% at Sam's Club and meanwhile internet sales continue to grow. Guess they'll just have to enjoy the return of employee strength.

Former Walmart CEO: Labor market has been turned 'completely upside down'

Former Walmart president and CEO Bill Simon argued that the labor market has been turned "completely upside down" and is being driven by more workers’ power and control.

"Where the employers are being vilified and…told that they're either greedy or corrupt or not paying their fair share," Simon told "Cavuto: Coast to Coast," Thursday. "That's just a real difficult environment to try to operate in."

Simon’s comments come on the heels of an Apple Store in Atlanta filing for a labor union election with the National Relations Board, becoming the first group of the tech giant’s workers to seek formal recognition.


04-25-2022, 04:04 PM
Rising wages, employees demanding benefits and to collectively be represented, it's a nightmare for Republi..businesses.

Walmart meanwhile has seen a 5% growth in sales, 10% at Sam's Club and meanwhile internet sales continue to grow. Guess they'll just have to enjoy the return of employee strength.


Don't unionize... mechanize.

It's far cheaper and far better.

04-25-2022, 04:31 PM
Don't unionize... mechanize.

It's far cheaper and far better.

I'm all for this actually. Robots don't need drug screening or paid leave and those laid off should get educated to make three times as much as mechanical engineers and automations engineers.

04-25-2022, 05:20 PM
I'm all for this actually. Robots don't need drug screening or paid leave and those laid off should get educated to make three times as much as mechanical engineers and automations engineers.

"Get educated"... If your job prospects were a minimum wage job at Walmart... How are you going to cover getting educated?

04-25-2022, 05:33 PM

We could do this but boomers, like you, become confused and start raising their fists at the sky.

04-25-2022, 05:47 PM
I'm all for this actually. Robots don't need drug screening or paid leave and those laid off should get educated to make three times as much as mechanical engineers and automations engineers.

Yes, yes.. because all the people who are stocking shelves should just get educated and become engineers................................

How fucking stupid are you?

04-25-2022, 05:48 PM
We could do this but boomers, like you, become confused and start raising their fists at the sky.

I know you really, really tried to insult me.. but as usual and like everything else you attempt in life.. you failed.

04-25-2022, 05:57 PM
"Get educated"... If your job prospects were a minimum wage job at Walmart... How are you going to cover getting educated?

Community College is free in a hell of a lot of states and made affordable by grants in others. Is this another, "I'm uneducated and don't know, so it doesn't exist" arguments from the Right?

04-25-2022, 06:07 PM
Community College is free in a hell of a lot of states and made affordable by grants in others. Is this another, "I'm uneducated and don't know, so it doesn't exist" arguments from the Right?

Do you believe that everyone that works at Walmart is capable of becoming an engineer?

Stop being stupid just to prove you are stupid.

We already know.

04-25-2022, 06:23 PM
Here's another bit of idiocy on behalf of the Republican party.


A Texas National Guardsman died while on deployment by Governor Abbott. The National Guard unit was being employed to engage in civilian law enforcement duties, in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.

Interestingly enough, Republicans are already trying to spin the death as being the fault of President Biden. You've got to admiring both the sheer lunacy and balls of Fox News for being so bold in their hiding the fact the Guardsman died while on duty by the order of Governor Abbott.

04-25-2022, 06:46 PM
Here's another bit of idiocy on behalf of the Republican party.


A Texas National Guardsman died while on deployment by Governor Abbott. The National Guard unit was being employed to engage in civilian law enforcement duties, in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.

Interestingly enough, Republicans are already trying to spin the death as being the fault of President Biden. You've got to admiring both the sheer lunacy and balls of Fox News for being so bold in their hiding the fact the Guardsman died while on duty by the order of Governor Abbott.

Where was he on deployment?

04-25-2022, 07:21 PM
Where was he on deployment?

Eagle Pass, TX if you bothered to read the article.

04-25-2022, 07:22 PM
Eagle Pass, TX if you bothered to read the article.

I didn't.

Why was he deployed to Eagle Pass, TX?

04-25-2022, 07:51 PM
I didn't.

Why was he deployed to Eagle Pass, TX?

basicly cause Abbot said if it wasnt going to be done on a national level texas will handle up on the migration issue.

04-25-2022, 08:13 PM
basicly cause Abbot said if it wasnt going to be done on a national level texas will handle up on the migration issue.

And then got a National Guardsman killed. Whomp Whomp.

04-25-2022, 08:18 PM
And then got a National Guardsman killed. Whomp Whomp.

12,877 saves of people stranded in the dessert or not able to cross the river... which party cares about human lives?

04-25-2022, 09:19 PM
12,877 saves of people stranded in the dessert or not able to cross the river... which party cares about human lives?

Well I imagine the reported drug smugglers were wanting to live, and I imagine the taxes Guardsman wanted to live, but Governor Abbott decided that an agency unqualified to do civil law enforcement should attempt to do so. Which directly lead to the death of a member of one of the two groups

04-26-2022, 08:39 AM
Question to Seran: Is it legal for someone to simply cross from Canada or Mexico and come into the US to live?

04-26-2022, 08:59 AM
Well I imagine the reported drug smugglers were wanting to live, and I imagine the taxes Guardsman wanted to live, but Governor Abbott decided that an agency unqualified to do civil law enforcement should attempt to do so. Which directly lead to the death of a member of one of the two groups

Ah yes, taxes, the Lone Star state.


04-26-2022, 09:06 AM
Community College is free in a hell of a lot of states and made affordable by grants in others. Is this another, "I'm uneducated and don't know, so it doesn't exist" arguments from the Right?

No states offer “free community college” straight up. 13/50 states have scholarships and grants that will cover tuition, but have very specific requirements and they still don’t pay for living expenses, food, or you know, all the stuff the person was working at Walmart to pay for. But yeah, just go “get educated”. Also, the jobs the degrees they’d want are likely 4 year degrees, which, aren’t offered at community college. And do you think there are the same number of jobs available? No it is going to be a tenth as many. Maybe less.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-26-2022, 09:17 AM
Community College is free in a hell of a lot of states

I've not heard this before. Where is community college free? How do they pay their staff, for the facilities, materials, etcs? I've always wanted to go to college for free.

04-26-2022, 10:12 AM
Ah yes, taxes, the Lone Star state.



04-26-2022, 10:45 AM
Well I imagine the reported drug smugglers were wanting to live, and I imagine the taxes Guardsman wanted to live, but Governor Abbott decided that an agency unqualified to do civil law enforcement should attempt to do so. Which directly lead to the death of a member of one of the two groups

So you don't even know what happened. You are just making up stupid bullshit in your head. Maybe you should go read up on this before you sound even dumber than you normally do.

04-26-2022, 10:58 AM
So you don't even know what happened. You are just making up stupid bullshit in your head. Maybe you should go read up on this before you sound even dumber than you normally do.

This is correct.

Well I imagine...

...and I imagine...

This is why you're always wrong and stupid.

04-26-2022, 11:00 AM
So you don't even know what happened. You are just making up stupid bullshit in your head. Maybe you should go read up on this before you sound even dumber than you normally do.

Being dumber than normal is his entire schtick on this forum.

What else does he have??

04-26-2022, 11:02 AM
So you don't even know what happened. You are just making up stupid bullshit in your head. Maybe you should go read up on this before you sound even dumber than you normally do.

Those are the facts outlined in the news article. Complain to them about not releasing more detail child.

04-26-2022, 11:05 AM
I've not heard this before. Where is community college free? How do they pay their staff, for the facilities, materials, etcs? I've always wanted to go to college for free.

Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, New York, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee Virginia, Washington.

You're gonna have to find out how it's paid for on your own, free tuition is what matters to folks and the opportunity to get ahead that presents.

04-26-2022, 11:25 AM
Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, New York, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee Virginia, Washington.

You're gonna have to find out how it's paid for on your own, free tuition is what matters to folks and the opportunity to get ahead that presents.

Looks like you missed a few critical details in your weak attempt to at best pass off a half truth, like massive limitations for who can use it (like having to be 21+), and what they can go to school for, the program not being live yet (article says registration could start as early as March 15, but you can follow up on that yourself to see if that got pushed back or not if it's that important to you), etc.

https://i.imgur.com/4j80zVt.png (https://www.wafb.com/2022/01/26/community-college-could-become-free-select-louisiana-students)


So weird how you always leave out important details in the rare instances that you're not flat out lying.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-26-2022, 12:24 PM
Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, New York, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee Virginia, Washington.

You're gonna have to find out how it's paid for on your own, free tuition is what matters to folks and the opportunity to get ahead that presents.

I own land in Missouri - where can I sign up for my free community college? I'm so excited to get free college!

04-26-2022, 12:25 PM
Looks like you missed a few critical details in your weak attempt to at best pass off a half truth, like massive limitations for who can use it (like having to be 21+), and what they can go to school for, the program not being live yet (article says registration could start as early as March 15, but you can follow up on that yourself to see if that got pushed back or not if it's that important to you), etc.

https://i.imgur.com/4j80zVt.png (https://www.wafb.com/2022/01/26/community-college-could-become-free-select-louisiana-students)


So weird how you always leave out important details in the rare instances that you're not flat out lying.

Oh no, guidelines and restrictions to getting access to critical services and benefits, the bane of existence of all (Republican) mankind. How dare they! Last time I checked, biting the hand that feeds you because they're not providing free tuition for underwater basket weaving or Jesuit studies has no relevance to the impact of free tuition to in demand fields. Free tuition is free tuition, take advantage of it or not is the choice of the applicant, not you.

04-26-2022, 12:52 PM
Oh no, guidelines and restrictions to getting access to critical services and benefits, the bane of existence of all (Republican) mankind. How dare they! Last time I checked, biting the hand that feeds you because they're not providing free tuition for underwater basket weaving or Jesuit studies has no relevance to the impact of free tuition to in demand fields. Free tuition is free tuition, take advantage of it or not is the choice of the applicant, not you.

The point of my whole post was calling you out for presenting it as "free college' and leaving out all the actual details and restrictions, because you're a dishonest twatbutter like that.

You're more than welcome to keep crying about things though.

04-26-2022, 01:01 PM
And obviously, according to Seran, if you don't live in one of thsoe states but get fired by Walmart, you should move to one of those states, wait 3 years to gain residency, and then get your free college. Oh, wait, sorry, a lot of them also require that you went to High School in that state too. Seran is so out of touch.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-26-2022, 01:15 PM
So I can't get free college? Big sad.

04-26-2022, 01:22 PM
So I can't get free college? Big sad.


04-26-2022, 01:27 PM
So I can't get free college? Big sad.

I got free college. I joined the military. You might be too old though.

04-26-2022, 02:13 PM
The point of my whole post was calling you out for presenting it as "free college' and leaving out all the actual details and restrictions, because you're a dishonest twatbutter like that.

You're more than welcome to keep crying about things though.

What part of free college was missing in my post or yours? Whether it's a universal tuition reimbursement in a state or free tuition for certain industry courses like your cherry picked example, it's still free. Stop your belly aching.

04-26-2022, 02:16 PM
And obviously, according to Seran, if you don't live in one of thsoe states but get fired by Walmart, you should move to one of those states, wait 3 years to gain residency, and then get your free college. Oh, wait, sorry, a lot of them also require that you went to High School in that state too. Seran is so out of touch.

How funny that you would choose such a specific example to undercut what is a phenomenal opportunity for young people to get free continued education in states which offer it. I'm sure you feel victimized that even though it's available in so many blue and red states, it may not be available in yours. I for one don't think the success of a program is demeaned by one state not forcing every state to universally offer the same opportunity. But then again I'm a glass is half full person and you apparently are a glass is half on fire person.

04-26-2022, 02:17 PM
So I can't get free college? Big sad.

Your assholish mockery aside, what state do you live in?

04-26-2022, 02:25 PM
What part of free college was missing in my post or yours? Whether it's a universal tuition reimbursement in a state or free tuition for certain industry courses like your cherry picked example, it's still free. Stop your belly aching.

lol @ "cherry picking" for looking up how it works in my own state. Don't be butthurt because you decided to leave out critical information that makes a huge difference and then got called out on it.

Or maybe you really are just this stupid and still can't comprehend what I'm saying.

We'll go with both, because that's the most likely answer.

The only one belly aching here is you. Because of your chronic butthurt from getting called out 24/7/365 over your dishonesty and stupidity.

It's still a good thing for the people who will make use of it. But don't pitch it as if it's "free college" for literally everyone (hay gais these states have free community college!) because that's either you being dishonest, or you being too dumb and/or lazy to check into anything before posting it as fact. Which you're notoriously both stupid and dishonest, so you should be used to this by now, at least if it weren't for your inability to learn and retain information.


This is also how I know you didn't do any actual research on it past the "free college" headlines, or you would have known that the majority of students are still paying tuition, which literally answers the "how it's paid for" part from this:

You're gonna have to find out how it's paid for on your own, free tuition is what matters to folks and the opportunity to get ahead that presents.

Dumbass. :rofl:

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-26-2022, 02:58 PM
Your assholish mockery aside, what state do you live in?

It doesn't matter what state it is, nothing is free. Someone is paying for it, and since I pay taxes, I suspect it's me.

I'm glad there are programs like those you've listed, even if they have very high bars to be eligible for them. They aren't free though, and it certainly isn't "free college". It's MAYBE tuition assistance, hardship scholarships. Still gotta buy books, food, a place to sleep, maybe even (gasp) work to have spending money.

04-26-2022, 03:32 PM
The worst part is how Seran is so dismissive. People losing their jobs and he is all “just go get educated.” Well, that becomes harder to do without an income, free college or not.

04-26-2022, 04:31 PM
The worst part is how Seran is so dismissive. People losing their jobs and he is all “just go get educated.” Well, that becomes harder to do without an income, free college or not.

Know who else says really stupid dismissive shit like that without a clue how anything works, along with no self awareness?


in b4 Seran white knights AOC

04-26-2022, 06:01 PM
The worst part is how Seran is so dismissive. People losing their jobs and he is all “just go get educated.” Well, that becomes harder to do without an income, free college or not.

To be fair to Seran.. he's probably never had a job before so that entire concept is pretty foreign to him.

04-26-2022, 07:40 PM
It doesn't matter what state it is, nothing is free. Someone is paying for it, and since I pay taxes, I suspect it's me.

I'm glad there are programs like those you've listed, even if they have very high bars to be eligible for them. They aren't free though, and it certainly isn't "free college". It's MAYBE tuition assistance, hardship scholarships. Still gotta buy books, food, a place to sleep, maybe even (gasp) work to have spending money.

Every state has grant programs, tuition assistance and financial aides. As my post also pointed out there are state programs that pay tuition outright as well. I understand 'free' is a misnomer for you since you're a taxpayer, but presumably the person whose college your state or federal taxes is helping subsidize is or will be taxpayer as well. Our system of taxation is busted as fuck in how it favors the wealthy and corporations, but we don't get to choose an ala carte of where our taxes go.

04-26-2022, 07:42 PM
The worst part is how Seran is so dismissive. People losing their jobs and he is all “just go get educated.” Well, that becomes harder to do without an income, free college or not.

Dismissive vs informed and supportive is a subjective POV.
From my perspective, you're just flat ignorant because you can't wrap your mind around free community college programs and are lashing out as a result.

04-26-2022, 09:20 PM
From my perspective, you're just flat ignorant because you can't wrap your mind around free community college programs and are lashing out as a result.

Jesus.. how do you manage to sound dumber and dumber the longer the thread lasts?

04-26-2022, 09:49 PM
Dismissive vs informed and supportive is a subjective POV.
From my perspective, you're just flat ignorant because you can't wrap your mind around free community college programs and are lashing out as a result.

No, you said the should go gewt more educated. Ignoring the reason they were working a minimum wage job in the first place. You are so shoved up your own asshole.

04-26-2022, 09:56 PM
No, you said the should go gewt more educated. Ignoring the reason they were working a minimum wage job in the first place. You are so shoved up your own asshole.

You gave a universal reason why someone works a minimum wage job? Let's hear it.

You also don't think college education is a gateway to higher paying jobs. Let's hear your inane explanation.

04-26-2022, 10:09 PM
You gave a universal reason why someone works a minimum wage job? Let's hear it.

You also don't think college education is a gateway to higher paying jobs. Let's hear your inane explanation.


Read what he said again. He never said "you don't think college education is a gateway to higher paying jobs"

Stop digging in your heels to defend a retarded post you made... you were wrong and stupid.

At this point, you should be used to it.

We are.

04-27-2022, 12:31 AM

"Male Inmate Convicted of Raping Female at Rikers Island’s Women’s Facility"

Never saw that coming.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-27-2022, 08:37 AM
But can he outswim the woman?

04-27-2022, 11:21 AM
CRT In math.

https://www.instagram.com/p/CcoBg0kgkxG/?fbclid=IwAR1K_AjVTIKLEAzQfmV_ZHHBIysaHqtsSFGqPj9r W1bIZOIbVGKucsvut1I

04-27-2022, 12:06 PM
You gave a universal reason why someone works a minimum wage job? Let's hear it.

You also don't think college education is a gateway to higher paying jobs. Let's hear your inane explanation.

I didn’t say any of that. Stop creating arguments in your head.

04-27-2022, 12:32 PM
I didn’t say any of that. Stop creating arguments in your head.

That’s the only argument Seran ever has is making arguments against things that he just made up on behalf of the other person.

Seran is this:


04-27-2022, 07:02 PM
I didn’t say any of that. Stop creating arguments in your head.

That's why you're such a waste of time. Denial, obstruct, complain, no solutions.

04-27-2022, 09:43 PM
That's why you're such a waste of time. Denial, obstruct, complain, no solutions.

Yea Gelston! Why do you have to deny that you didn't say something.. even though there is a record of you not saying anything!


04-28-2022, 12:17 PM
That's why you're such a waste of time. Denial, obstruct, complain, no solutions.

... Of course I'm going to deny something I didn't say. I absolutely believe college degree holder make more money on average than non holders.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-28-2022, 04:40 PM

Biden seeks $33 billion war chest to support Ukraine
How far would 33 billion go to protect the United States border? Well, it would nearly 9x the the US border patrol annual budget.


04-28-2022, 04:50 PM

Biden seeks $33 billion war chest to support Ukraine
How far would 33 billion go to protect the United States border? Well, it would nearly 9x the the US border patrol annual budget.


Just as long as Ukraine doesn't build any racist walls.

04-28-2022, 07:50 PM

Biden seeks $33 billion war chest to support Ukraine
How far would 33 billion go to protect the United States border? Well, it would nearly 9x the the US border patrol annual budget.


Write your congressional representative and tell them you oppose money to Ukraine. It might be marginally more effective then telling faceless strangers on a gaming message board.

04-28-2022, 10:29 PM
Write your congressional representative and tell them you oppose money to Ukraine. It might be marginally more effective then telling faceless strangers on a gaming message board.

Have you been writing your congressman?

04-28-2022, 10:31 PM
Have you been writing your congressman?

Stop being mean, you know he can't write, if it wasn't for talk to text his mom set up, he wouldn't be here either.

04-28-2022, 10:39 PM
Write your congressional representative and tell them you oppose money to Ukraine. It might be marginally more effective then telling faceless strangers on a gaming message board.

As a person with a face, I resent that.

04-29-2022, 09:46 AM
That's why you're such a waste of time. Denial, obstruct, complain, no solutions.

Project a little more why don't you?

04-29-2022, 09:49 AM

Biden seeks $33 billion war chest to support Ukraine
How far would 33 billion go to protect the United States border? Well, it would nearly 9x the the US border patrol annual budget.


wHy IsN't He UsIng ThAt To SoLvE wOrLd HuNgEr InStEaD!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!1111

As a person with a face, I resent that.

Your actual face:


05-03-2022, 11:45 PM

"ABC News’ Jonathan Karl Tests Positive For Covid After White House Correspondents’ Dinner"

Where is the outrage about this administrations actions during a pandemic??? Hosting a super-spreader event!!! Infecting others, not caring about human life, ignoring their own science and guidance???

Evil bastards!

Oh yea.. they got a (D) behind their name... fucking pathetic how blatant it is.

05-04-2022, 09:44 AM

"ABC News’ Jonathan Karl Tests Positive For Covid After White House Correspondents’ Dinner"

Where is the outrage about this administrations actions during a pandemic??? Hosting a super-spreader event!!! Infecting others, not caring about human life, ignoring their own science and guidance???

Evil bastards!

Oh yea.. they got a (D) behind their name... fucking pathetic how blatant it is.


05-09-2022, 03:31 AM

"The FDA has restricted the J&J COVID-19 vaccine. What you need to know about side effects"

Remember... 2+ years of being told you're evil, de-platformed, told you hate your fellow man, and all other types of nastiness... all for asking reasonable questions... while those in "authority" tried to demonize anyone questioning their actions to consolidate power...

Suppose the FDA is going to get cited as giving "misinformation" by the Tech overlords now... right? RIGHT? I mean... the tech overlords said you can't question the vaccine efficacy... and who the fuck does the FDA think it is... LOL

Now the backpedaling begins.

05-09-2022, 10:07 AM

"The FDA has restricted the J&J COVID-19 vaccine. What you need to know about side effects"

Remember... 2+ years of being told you're evil, de-platformed, told you hate your fellow man, and all other types of nastiness... all for asking reasonable questions... while those in "authority" tried to demonize anyone questioning their actions to consolidate power...

Suppose the FDA is going to get cited as giving "misinformation" by the Tech overlords now... right? RIGHT? I mean... the tech overlords said you can't question the vaccine efficacy... and who the fuck does the FDA think it is... LOL

Now the backpedaling begins.

This isn't new. They've said this risk has existed since the start, the news talked about it, but they wanted to get it out there because it occurs about 4/1000000 cases.

They were more concerned with stopping COVID.

05-09-2022, 10:24 AM

"The FDA has restricted the J&J COVID-19 vaccine. What you need to know about side effects"

Remember... 2+ years of being told you're evil, de-platformed, told you hate your fellow man, and all other types of nastiness... all for asking reasonable questions... while those in "authority" tried to demonize anyone questioning their actions to consolidate power...

Suppose the FDA is going to get cited as giving "misinformation" by the Tech overlords now... right? RIGHT? I mean... the tech overlords said you can't question the vaccine efficacy... and who the fuck does the FDA think it is... LOL

Now the backpedaling begins.

All medicines have side effects dude, why should a life saving vaccine be any worse? The odds of a serious side effect, well documented and disclosed, are far far more unlikely than a blood clot or deadly pneumonia from covid-19. Go back to bed.

05-09-2022, 11:26 AM


05-09-2022, 04:27 PM
This isn't new. They've said this risk has existed since the start, the news talked about it, but they wanted to get it out there because it occurs about 4/1000000 cases.

They were more concerned with stopping COVID.

The point isn't about the actual information... which any sane person knew, and should have been properly informed about for 2+ years... it's how those in power and the Tech community stifled any conversation on it... then demonized anyone for stating facts concerning it.

05-09-2022, 04:38 PM

I bet Seran agrees with this.

05-09-2022, 05:06 PM
The point isn't about the actual information... which any sane person knew, and should have been properly informed about for 2+ years... it's how those in power and the Tech community stifled any conversation on it... then demonized anyone for stating facts concerning it.

No. They deleted posts claiming vaccines caused autism, or fatal magnetism, or a debilitating infection of 5G. They deleted posts with fraudulent claims steering people to buy fake, snake oil products with no value whatsoever. It's not surprise the major Christian mega churches spurned vaccines so much, they were busy peddling Jesus Bleach and Pray Away.

Church's used to scorn science because reason made people questing why they'd have to pay for absolution from a Catholic priest. Those frauds knew Jesus gave absolution to any who but believed, yet they took everything they can to increase their personal wealth, power and control.

05-09-2022, 05:07 PM
The point isn't about the actual information... which any sane person knew, and should have been properly informed about for 2+ years... it's how those in power and the Tech community stifled any conversation on it... then demonized anyone for stating facts concerning it.

I didn't see them getting rid of the studies about thrombosis. I mean, I knew about it. I never really went out looking for news on it more than your average person.

05-09-2022, 05:56 PM
I didn't see them getting rid of the studies about thrombosis. I mean, I knew about it. I never really went out looking for news on it more than your average person.

They were blacklisting/shadow banning/etc. any comments or information regarding it - those in power and the tech companies. It's only recently that they couldn't keep a lid on it, that the "powers that be" are acknowledging it for the masses.

People can forget or gloss over what happened, but it did happen - and was prevalent, during the course of how the pandemic was managed. The smears against scientists who even brought up such information (as they are now acknowledging publicly) was severe.

05-09-2022, 06:27 PM
No. They deleted posts claiming vaccines caused autism, or fatal magnetism, or a debilitating infection of 5G. They deleted posts with fraudulent claims steering people to buy fake, snake oil products with no value whatsoever. It's not surprise the major Christian mega churches spurned vaccines so much, they were busy peddling Jesus Bleach and Pray Away.

Church's used to scorn science because reason made people questing why they'd have to pay for absolution from a Catholic priest. Those frauds knew Jesus gave absolution to any who but believed, yet they took everything they can to increase their personal wealth, power and control.

Setting aside your usual stupidity for a moment, would you please take 5 minutes and learn how to fucking use apostrophes and plurals instead of just throwing them out randomly, so we can at least assume your IQ is higher than 8, even if it's still below 12?

Now getting back to everything else you said...you're a giant tard.

05-18-2022, 11:21 AM
As it turns out, Russian puppet state Turkey is trying to hold up Sweden and Finlands membership in NATO. The organization needs to seriously review it's unanimous approval mechanism for membership, or consider drop kicking Turkey out.

NATO talks with Finland, Sweden falter but will continue

NATO envoys failed to reach a consensus on Wednesday about whether to start membership talks with Finland and Sweden, diplomats said, as Turkey renewed its objections to the two Nordic countries joining.

The envoys met at NATO headquarters in Brussels after Finland and Sweden’s ambassadors submitted written applications to join the military organization, in a move that marks one of the biggest geopolitical ramifications of Russia’s war on Ukraine — and which could rewrite Europe’s security map.

Lithuanian Ambassador Deividas Matulionis told Swedish and Finnish media that the envoys had exchanged views about their national security. “The discussion was about that, but it is up to Turkey to comment,” he said.

05-18-2022, 02:49 PM

Good to know there are such eloquent speakers advocating for abortions in the hearings.

05-18-2022, 02:53 PM

Good to know there are such eloquent speakers advocating for abortions in the hearings.

It's impossible to watch anything with Jerry Nadler in it without thinking of this:


05-22-2022, 04:00 PM

Dems can't just run on their policies because their policies are absolute garbage.. so they have to rig elections and rig census.

05-22-2022, 04:22 PM

Dems can't just run on their policies because their policies are absolute garbage.. so they have to rig elections and rig census.

Nnnngh, my Republican President ran a subpar census and the Republican states fucked up their counts. Conspiracies!

05-22-2022, 05:00 PM

LOL... so true.. 1st world to 3rd world..

05-22-2022, 06:27 PM

"CDC to investigate whether adenovirus is ‘incidental’ in children with mysterious hepatitis"

"The investigation—involving a study of adenovirus in children who don’t have liver disease—is a potential departure from the leading theory that adenovirus, a pathogen that usually causes cold- or flu-like symptoms, is solely responsible for the outbreak."

"As researchers examine the liver biopsies of affected children and fail to find adenovirus, “it does raise our suspicion that something else is going on here,” said Dr. Jay Butler, deputy director for infectious diseases at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, on a Friday media call."

Now I'm not saying it is or isn't... at all... I'm no doctor... but...


"Adenoviral vector vaccine platforms in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic"

"These successes and the urgency of the COVID-19 situation have resulted in a flurry of candidate adenoviral vector vaccines for COVID-19 from both academia and industry."

"Like mRNA vaccines, Ad vaccines are a relatively new technology, although Ads have been used as gene delivery vehicles since the earliest days of gene therapy."

Again.. I'm no doctor... but as the Deputy Director from the CDC said... "...something else is going on here"...

05-23-2022, 08:37 AM
I'm no doctor

That is all I gathered here.

05-23-2022, 10:33 AM
Nnnngh, my Republican President ran a subpar census and the Republican states fucked up their counts. Conspiracies!

You believe the President conducts the census.

That's adorable.

05-23-2022, 11:16 AM
Catholic Church, Falwell Ministries and now the Southern Baptists, all powerful, politically active religious organizations hiding sexual predators from the law. It's sickening that these religious leaders would use their faith to protect those amongst them from being prosecuted for heinous sex crimes. Clergy, corporate officers, political figures and everyone else must be held accountable for their actions equally or we have no rule of law.

Report: Top Southern Baptists stonewalled sex abuse victims

The report asserts that an Executive Committee staffer maintained a list of Baptist ministers accused of abuse, but there is no indication anyone “took any action to ensure that the accused ministers were no longer in positions of power at SBC churches.”

The most recent list includes the names of hundreds of abusers thought to be affiliated at some point with the SBC. Survivors and advocates have long called for a public database of abusers.


05-23-2022, 01:24 PM
That is all I gathered here.

Good thing you ask questions...

05-25-2022, 10:54 AM
Another mass shooting in Texas by assault weapons, weapons of war, this time killing most of a classroom of small children and their teenagers. Three police officers on scene didn't even bother to stop the shooter before he entered the school and begun his massacre. What a sad day for our country, another black eye for the idiots on the Right who believe gun control and background checks are wrong. And a horrible tragedy that the Texas police couldn't defend it's citizens.

05-25-2022, 11:37 AM

Stop acting like a partisan dipshit.. you don't care.. you just care about the talking points such an incident provides you.

Thankfully good men with "assault weapons" were able to stop the deranged, mentally insane man with an "assault weapon".


Yup.. "assault weapons" are the really, really dangerous ones.. They use the term "assault weapons" to create a fear in peoples minds, so they can first outlaw those.. then they'll go after the "handguns".. then the "shotguns".. then every type of gun..

If you don't care about statistics, facts, and can't compare and contrast actions.. then you are a partisan, uncaring, ignorant piece of shit... and your opinion doesn't matter one bit.

05-25-2022, 11:43 AM
Another mass shooting in Texas by assault weapons, weapons of war, this time killing most of a classroom of small children and their teenagers. Three police officers on scene didn't even bother to stop the shooter before he entered the school and begun his massacre. What a sad day for our country, another black eye for the idiots on the Right who believe gun control and background checks are wrong. And a horrible tragedy that the Texas police couldn't defend it's citizens.

What weapon did he use, specifically?

05-25-2022, 11:48 AM
Another mass shooting in Texas by assault weapons, weapons of war, this time killing most of a classroom of small children and their teenagers. Three police officers on scene didn't even bother to stop the shooter before he entered the school and begun his massacre. What a sad day for our country, another black eye for the idiots on the Right who believe gun control and background checks are wrong. And a horrible tragedy that the Texas police couldn't defend it's citizens.

Another teenager snapped after being criticized and bullied by peers because he didn't match the societal expectations of a false reality portrayed by the 24/7 media.

Stay tuned for your regularly scheduled programming.

05-25-2022, 02:45 PM

Stop acting like a partisan dipshit.. you don't care.. you just care about the talking points such an incident provides you.

Thankfully good men with "assault weapons" were able to stop the deranged, mentally insane man with an "assault weapon".


Yup.. "assault weapons" are the really, really dangerous ones.. They use the term "assault weapons" to create a fear in peoples minds, so they can first outlaw those.. then they'll go after the "handguns".. then the "shotguns".. then every type of gun..

If you don't care about statistics, facts, and can't compare and contrast actions.. then you are a partisan, uncaring, ignorant piece of shit... and your opinion doesn't matter one bit.

Firearm deaths are the highest cause of unnatural death by crime in the country. Preventing high capacity magazines, assault rifles, the mentally unstable, children and felons from owning firearms would reduce that dramatically. Look at the EU, Japan, Canada, they don't have a fraction of our firearm deaths. Stop being a witless NRA schill.

05-25-2022, 03:15 PM
Children / and felons from owning firearms / Stop being a witless NRA schill.

A. An 18 year old is not a child, maybe we shouldn't be treating them as such.

B. It's illegal for felons to own any firearm.

C. The NRA is funded by private individuals. Why is the anti-gun crowd unable to beat out the NRA with it's own private organization?

Look at the EU / Japan / Canada, they don't have a fraction of our firearm deaths.

A. Do you really want to compare the EU's history of mass genocide to America's gun laws? (There's literally a major war going on there now. Right on schedule.)

B. Do you really want to compare Japans history of fanatical violence?

C. Canada has 1/10th the population of the US.

05-25-2022, 03:51 PM
Preventing high capacity magazines

What is considered "high capacity magazines" currently?

Won't do shit.

assault rifles

More people are killed by handguns than assault rifles.

More people are killed by knives, fists and other weapons than assault rifles. Why is the focus on one of the least used weapons?

the mentally unstable

This is the one that would have the most impact... except who determines if someone is mentally stable or not?


You have to be 18 to own a gun in the US.

and felons from owning firearms would reduce that dramatically.

It is already illegal for most felons to own a firearm. Do you propose to make it SUPER ILLEGAL!!!!!?

05-25-2022, 03:59 PM
Preventing high capacity magazines, assault rifles, the mentally unstable, children and felons from owning firearms would reduce that dramatically.

Good news, high capacity magazines and assault rifles already can't own firearms.

05-25-2022, 04:41 PM
You can't legally own an assault rifle. The shooter did not have an assault rifle.

05-25-2022, 05:46 PM
Firearm deaths are the highest cause of unnatural death by crime in the country. Preventing high capacity magazines, assault rifles, the mentally unstable, children and felons from owning firearms would reduce that dramatically. Look at the EU, Japan, Canada, they don't have a fraction of our firearm deaths. Stop being a witless NRA schill.

It's called being an American, that understands the Constitution, and is able to understand why it was presented as the 2nd Amendment in a document that set the basis for a country... not an "NRA schill"...

By your logic, you are un-American. I suppose in that case I could say to you, stop being a communist piece of shit.

Just because you "claim" something, doesn't make you right. The fact you think "assault weapons" are to blame, doesn't make you right. The fact you ignore all other violence, unless it suits your political agenda, doesn't make you right.

You can say you are all you want... Facts don't give two fucks about your opinion.

All those other countries you mentioned, don't have the same freedoms enshrined in their Constitution that the US does... designed to ensure power resides with the populous, not the government... which is why the "Leftists" hate the US so much... they want power for themselves... not for the individual citizens.

05-25-2022, 05:56 PM
None of the freedoms you claim actually live within the Constitution. Surely you don't think that teen was acting on behalf of a "well-regulated militia" when he all Order 66 on that classroom full of children? Each state has a National Guard, whose training and armament were exactly what was enshrined in our Constitution to the letter.

You don't have a right to own firearms, you don't have a right to sell firearms to mentally disturbed people, you don't have a right to use firearms to murder innocents. Take a deep breath and realize that reality.

05-25-2022, 06:04 PM
I think you should be at least 21 to own a gun period. Also there shoudl be strick mental evaluations before allowing said guns to be bought. I know some people slip through of course. i think it would prevent some of this for sure. (if you bring up military starts at 18 then sure, however they are usually run through extreme tests and if they serve the country they shoudl be able to at 18) Noticed the govenor said the person didn't have any signs of mentail illness, yet seeing messages from the people that knew him, he defintely did

05-25-2022, 06:05 PM
The fact you don't realize every argument you're making, is already law, shows your ineptitude.

1. We do have the right to own firearms.
2. "Mentally disturbed" people/convicts/etc. are not supposed to own firearms.
3. Murder is already illegal.

Take a deep breath, and understand - you're a partisan moron that is not able to make a coherent argument. Literally everything you said is already Law.

Here's some FACTS for your dumbass...


"In 2020, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 45,222 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S., according to the CDC."

"In 2020, 54% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (24,292), while 43% were murders (19,384), according to the CDC."

So.. a country of 350 million + people... 1 year.. less than 20,000 murdered by guns. I'm not a math expert, but that's infinitesimally small. Every murder is horrible, but to ensure the populous is able to defend itself from Government overreach and oppression is reasonable.



Heart disease: 696,962
Cancer: 602,350
COVID-19: 350,831
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 200,955
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 160,264
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 152,657
Alzheimer’s disease: 134,242
Diabetes: 102,188
Influenza and pneumonia: 53,544
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 52,547

So.. how about you join a Weight Watchers support group, promote less sugar consumption, endorse stricter smoking laws... or you could just shut the fuck up... because everything you comment on is solely based on a political viewpoint which has no context or basis in reality.

TLDR: Just shut the fuck up you partisan piece of shit.

05-25-2022, 06:07 PM
I think you should be at least 21 to own a gun period. Also there shoudl be strick mental evaluations before allowing said guns to be bought. I know some people slip through of course. i think it would prevent some of this for sure. (if you bring up military starts at 18 then sure, however they are usually run through extreme tests and if they serve the country they shoudl be able to at 18) Noticed the govenor said the person didn't have any signs of mentail illness, yet seeing messages from the people that knew him, he defintely did

If the Government says 18 is the age of "adulthood" and right to vote.. then every legal protection should be afforded them. I disagree with the law saying you can only drink at 21, etc...

Either change the legal age of "adulthood" as it applies to the law to accommodate the discrepancies, or set everything as "legal" at 18 as it is currently the definition of an "adult".

That's my opinion on it.

The one thing that I think should be implemented... is every individual purchasing a weapon must be required to complete a minimum of an 80 hour firearms course/drills - or alternative "test-out" options (ie. shooting drills, assembly/disassembly, written test, etc). The fact we have licenses for vehicles, and not weapons is absurd.

I am 100% for people owning weapons, but requiring a safety/drills course to ensure proper handling is well within the respectable purview in my opinion.

05-25-2022, 06:07 PM
If taking guns away (banning) would help I would be all for it, however when's the last time you heard a criminal say oh I can't have one I will just forget to kill or hurt someone? Or it's against the law to steal then i just won't do it. Not going to happen. It's a PEOPLE problem

05-25-2022, 06:09 PM
If the Government says 18 is the age of "adulthood" and right to vote.. then every legal protection should be afforded them. I disagree with drinking at 21, etc...

Either change the legal age of "adulthood" as it applies to the law to accommodate the discrepancies, or set everything as "legal" at 18 as it is currently the definition of an "adult".

That's my opinion on it.

Understand what you are saying. I suppose if you are an adult you are an adult. Just sucks these things happen and there really isn't much they can do about it, till People start being better

05-25-2022, 06:20 PM
Understand what you are saying. I suppose if you are an adult you are an adult. Just sucks these things happen and there really isn't much they can do about it, till People start being better

100% agree with you.. it sucks. The guy that did this is a fucking horrific person, and thankfully he is dead - instead of him living and getting paid for interviews.

Because tragedy occurs though, and it may affect us emotionally... doesn't mean logic and how power/control is managed throughout history/future events should be disregarded.

People can hate the 2nd Amendment... but facts are facts... the 2nd Amendment is the only thing that keeps a Government from going full totalitarian over it's citizens.

Maybe some people just like being told what to do by their Government... others, like myself, think the Government is supposed to do what their People want them to do.

05-25-2022, 06:31 PM

05-25-2022, 06:35 PM

Think you meant... "fix the mental health issue"... The gun laws are just fine... Crazy people just don't follow them.

And ignorant mother fuckers like you don't understand the difference... so you post memes like the above.

05-25-2022, 06:44 PM
If the Government says 18 is the age of "adulthood" and right to vote.. then every legal protection should be afforded them. I disagree with the law saying you can only drink at 21, etc...

Either change the legal age of "adulthood" as it applies to the law to accommodate the discrepancies, or set everything as "legal" at 18 as it is currently the definition of an "adult".

That's my opinion on it.

The one thing that I think should be implemented... is every individual purchasing a weapon must be required to complete a minimum of an 80 hour firearms course/drills - or alternative "test-out" options (ie. shooting drills, assembly/disassembly, written test, etc). The fact we have licenses for vehicles, and not weapons is absurd.

I am 100% for people owning weapons, but requiring a safety/drills course to ensure proper handling is well within the respectable purview in my opinion.

If the "king" can put a gun in your hands and send you off to kill, you're an adult.

Oddly, we can spend 50 billion with the stroke of a pen, for a foreign war, but we can't protect our schools or offer mental health facilities for our citizens.

How can you expect those being lead to act any better than those that lead?

05-25-2022, 06:57 PM
Apparently the school was in lockdown, but their doors were just weak af and he was able to breech one classroom. Border Patrol officer stopped him as he was trying to get into a second classroom. It would have been a lot worse.

05-25-2022, 07:12 PM
Let's go over all of the other recent mass shootings that used AR-15 style rifles, in addition to the murder spree against elementary school students this week.

- The Las Vegas slaughter of 58 people last October.

- The Sutherland Springs, Texas, church shooting that claimed 26 lives in November.

- The Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla., that left 49 dead in 2016.

- The San Bernardino, Calif., shooting that killed 14 people in 2015.

- The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that took 27 lives in 2012.

This just in the last decade. There's no reason for Americans to own semiautomatic rifles and there's sure as shit no reason bump stocks and large capacity clips should be so easy to get a hold of.

NRA fanatics, Right wingers and my personal favorite, survivalists, all feel owning armaments with absolutely purpose for ownership beyond bragging is a right of passage. Only they're also ending up in the hands of gang bangers, mentally ill people, Republicans, and other criminals and as we see are used more often for murder than home defense or some of you may be hunting with them, but really you're an idiot if you are. As our favorite President would say, "C'mon man!"

05-25-2022, 07:15 PM
If the "king" can put a gun in your hands and send you off to kill, you're an adult.

Oddly, we can spend 50 billion with the stroke of a pen, for a foreign war, but we can't protect our schools or offer mental health facilities for our citizens.

How can you expect those being lead to act any better than those that lead?

Fifty billion dollars to Ukraine to defend itself from a foreign invader is a drop in the bucket to what it'd take to revolutionize our schools into fortified bunkers, register all firearms, track each and every bullet sale from shelf to corpse and to institute a national background and red flag check system.

All because the Red states insist our nation is more secure with there being more deadly weapons than population.

05-25-2022, 07:25 PM
Let's go over all of the other recent mass shootings that used AR-15 style rifles, in addition to the murder spree against elementary school students this week.

- The Las Vegas slaughter of 58 people last October.

- The Sutherland Springs, Texas, church shooting that claimed 26 lives in November.

- The Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla., that left 49 dead in 2016.

- The San Bernardino, Calif., shooting that killed 14 people in 2015.

- The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that took 27 lives in 2012.

This just in the last decade. There's no reason for Americans to own semiautomatic rifles and there's sure as shit no reason bump stocks and large capacity clips should be so easy to get a hold of.

NRA fanatics, Right wingers and my personal favorite, survivalists, all feel owning armaments with absolutely purpose for ownership beyond bragging is a right of passage. Only they're also ending up in the hands of gang bangers, mentally ill people, Republicans, and other criminals and as we see are used more often for murder than home defense or some of you may be hunting with them, but really you're an idiot if you are. As our favorite President would say, "C'mon man!"

What you don't understand SERAN is that it doesn't matter if they are outlawed. CRIMINALS and Mentally Ill people will get them if they want them. It's a lack of humanity problem.

05-25-2022, 07:39 PM
You don't have a right to own firearms

The US Constitution and 200+ years of case law disagrees with you.

05-25-2022, 07:41 PM

This cartoon really speaks to your stupidity on the issue. What specific gun law would have prevented this from occurring?

05-25-2022, 07:42 PM
None of the freedoms you claim actually live within the Constitution. Surely you don't think that teen was acting on behalf of a "well-regulated militia" when he all Order 66 on that classroom full of children? Each state has a National Guard, whose training and armament were exactly what was enshrined in our Constitution to the letter.

You don't have a right to own firearms, you don't have a right to sell firearms to mentally disturbed people, you don't have a right to use firearms to murder innocents. Take a deep breath and realize that reality.

Fortunately, your opinion on the Constitution means nothing. Now, what does abstinence mean and how are Republicans trying to block it?

05-25-2022, 07:44 PM
What you don't understand SERAN is that it doesn't matter if they are outlawed. CRIMINALS and Mentally Ill people will get them if they want them. It's a lack of humanity problem.

You are trying to be reasonable with someone who is clearly mentally ill.

He doesn't understand.

05-25-2022, 07:44 PM
Let's go over all of the other recent mass shootings that used AR-15 style rifles, in addition to the murder spree against elementary school students this week.

- The Las Vegas slaughter of 58 people last October.

- The Sutherland Springs, Texas, church shooting that claimed 26 lives in November.

- The Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla., that left 49 dead in 2016.

- The San Bernardino, Calif., shooting that killed 14 people in 2015.

- The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that took 27 lives in 2012.

This just in the last decade. There's no reason for Americans to own semiautomatic rifles and there's sure as shit no reason bump stocks and large capacity clips should be so easy to get a hold of.

NRA fanatics, Right wingers and my personal favorite, survivalists, all feel owning armaments with absolutely purpose for ownership beyond bragging is a right of passage. Only they're also ending up in the hands of gang bangers, mentally ill people, Republicans, and other criminals and as we see are used more often for murder than home defense or some of you may be hunting with them, but really you're an idiot if you are. As our favorite President would say, "C'mon man!"


Chicago homicides...

Mass shootings are not the culprit for the gun deaths you are so vainly trying to sensationalize with specific events. The fact you never address any event, other than the ones that suit your political agenda is very telling.

Again.. less than 20,000 homicides by firearm a year... 350m+ people. You do not take away 350m+ peoples rights, because 20,000 insane people use a gun to harm others.

Every loss of life is sad, but loss of day to day personal governance is as well.

05-25-2022, 07:57 PM
Fifty billion dollars to Ukraine to defend itself from a foreign invader is a drop in the bucket to what it'd take to revolutionize our schools into fortified bunkers, register all firearms, track each and every bullet sale from shelf to corpse and to institute a national background and red flag check system.

All because the Red states insist our nation is more secure with there being more deadly weapons than population.

Ah yes, we can spend 50 billion to defend against killers 6 thousand miles away but we can't spend anything on defending against killers a couple blocks down the street.

You're making an excellent argument for personal firearms possession.

You're making it even more clear that the murdered children really don't mean a fucking thing to you. They're not even worth our tax dollars.

05-25-2022, 08:05 PM
You are trying to be reasonable with someone who is clearly mentally ill.

He doesn't understand.

point taken

05-25-2022, 08:20 PM
Apparently the school was in lockdown, but their doors were just weak af and he was able to breech one classroom. Border Patrol officer stopped him as he was trying to get into a second classroom. It would have been a lot worse.

Republicans: "We can't spend money on our schools."

Democrats: "Defund the police"

Republicans and Democrats:


05-25-2022, 08:27 PM
Republicans: "We can't spend money on our schools."

Democrats: "Defund the police"

Republicans and Democrats:


And socialists are just "I don't want to work, I need the government to take care of me!!"

05-25-2022, 08:28 PM
The US Constitution and 200+ years of case law disagrees with you.

About twenty years, yes, under a conservative court.

05-25-2022, 08:30 PM
What you don't understand SERAN is that it doesn't matter if they are outlawed. CRIMINALS and Mentally Ill people will get them if they want them. It's a lack of humanity problem.

Criminals can't buy firearms legally. Mentally ill shouldn't be able to, but can in a lot of Red states. By reducing the number of legally owned firearms capable of mass murder, then you reduce the gray market or straight black market resale of once legally owned firearms by first party owners or who wind up in the hands of criminals by theft. Duh.

05-25-2022, 08:33 PM
And socialists are just "I don't want to work, I need the government to take care of me!!"

Schools are literally falling apart.

Parkbandit "Fucking socialists!"

05-25-2022, 08:38 PM
Criminals can't buy firearms legally. Mentally ill shouldn't be able to, but can in a lot of Red states. By reducing the number of legally owned firearms capable of mass murder, then you reduce the gray market or straight black market resale of once legally owned firearms by first party owners or who wind up in the hands of criminals by theft. Duh.

Mentally ill people can’t. He was never admitted into an institution.

05-25-2022, 08:58 PM
How terribly frightening it must be for a child to grow up in a society where adults argue about having the right to kill children before they are born, and only focus on the tools used to do so when it is done after they are born.

05-25-2022, 09:02 PM
If the Government says 18 is the age of "adulthood" and right to vote.. then every legal protection should be afforded them. I disagree with the law saying you can only drink at 21, etc...

Either change the legal age of "adulthood" as it applies to the law to accommodate the discrepancies, or set everything as "legal" at 18 as it is currently the definition of an "adult".

That's my opinion on it.

The one thing that I think should be implemented... is every individual purchasing a weapon must be required to complete a minimum of an 80 hour firearms course/drills - or alternative "test-out" options (ie. shooting drills, assembly/disassembly, written test, etc). The fact we have licenses for vehicles, and not weapons is absurd.

I am 100% for people owning weapons, but requiring a safety/drills course to ensure proper handling is well within the respectable purview in my opinion.

What other Constitutional rights do we have to have the government's permission or authorization to exercise?

05-25-2022, 09:16 PM
About twenty years, yes, under a conservative court.

No. US citizens have had the legal right to own firearms since forever in this country.

05-25-2022, 09:17 PM
Schools are literally falling apart.

Parkbandit "Fucking socialists!"

You know what helps schools? Tax money from working people.

Maybe you should sit this one out... as usual.

05-25-2022, 09:23 PM
What other Constitutional rights do we have to have the government's permission or authorization to exercise?

I get what you're saying, but I'm reasonable when it comes to laws - instituted by our elected officials, in compliance with the Constitution. Requiring mandatory training/certification in weapons handling seems like a very reasonable metric... as opposed to banning weapon systems.

I personally think a minimum of 160 hours for full training/repetitive tasks.. but 80, IMO, is minimum for safe handling/employment procedures to ensure an owner is capable to handle their firearm.

The idea of banning weapon systems - even military grade weapons, even though I get why they do it - is something I dislike all together... but again I'm reasonable to accommodate properly written laws/safety measures to ensure firearm safety.

The ironic part is... for some reason in the past 20+ years people hate the NRA... when the NRA actually provided all of these services to ensure people were safe and properly trained to respect weapons...

I think of it like the whole "defund the police" movement - respect for police erodes... "defund NRA" - respect for weapons erodes...

05-25-2022, 09:34 PM
I get what you're saying, but I'm reasonable when it comes to laws - instituted by our elected officials, in compliance with the Constitution. Requiring mandatory training/certification in weapons handling seems like a very reasonable metric... as opposed to banning weapon systems.

I personally think a minimum of 160 hours for full training/repetitive tasks.. but 80, IMO, is minimum for safe handling/employment procedures to ensure an owner is capable to handle their firearm.

The idea of banning weapon systems - even military grade weapons, even though I get why they do it - is something I dislike all together... but again I'm reasonable to accommodate properly written laws/safety measures to ensure firearm safety.

The ironic part is... for some reason in the past 20+ years people hate the NRA... when the NRA actually provided all of these services to ensure people were safe and properly trained to respect weapons...

I think of it like the whole "defund the police" movement - respect for police erodes... "defund NRA" - respect for weapons erodes...

There is no "reasonable" with unreasonable people. Any kind of requirement is simply an opening and a stepping stone for total loss of Rights. We have seen these abuses with the ATF and changing regs constantly, idiocy about taxes on weapons and ammo and so on and every other kind of backhanded ban or limit. Training is another gateway for them to cause defacto bans so no, it's not reasonable or responsible or allowable.

This is all without regard to the cost, anything mandated will increase in cost, the lack of quality and the loss of life for people in need of defense that can't get it because of the training requirement. How many people get hurt or die due to waiting periods? More than 0. How about the people in cities that needed help in a crisis like the riots in 2016 or 2020?

No such limit is acceptable and the current limits are already over reach and being abused to the harm of the people.

Responsibility belongs solely on the criminal and partially on all the whiners that didn't press charges at the many times the police were called for his previous violent episodes. Any one of which would have made him ineligible to buy.

05-25-2022, 09:35 PM
Mentally ill people can’t. He was never admitted into an institution.

And yet if the ar-15 is were still illegal as it was at their federal level some 20+ years ago, then the likelihood of the event would have decreased significantly

05-25-2022, 09:40 PM
The totality of the EU has a population larger than ours, has most rifles, semi automatics and all automatic rifles outlawed and has a gun death rate of 0.9 per 100,000

The United States, with minimal gun control and more civilian guns than population, has a gun death rate of nearer that is 10.5 per 100,000.

The problem is the guns. The argument that somehow Europeans are different and less mentally ill or has less I've a criminal element is a straight up lie to misdirect from the shocking reality that our murder rate with Firearms is 10 times higher

05-25-2022, 09:51 PM
Seems no matter which solutions are offered the Democrats just don't want to hear it. Their only response to school shootings is "How many more kids must die before we ban all guns?"

I'm beginning to think that's a threat from Democrats now.

05-25-2022, 09:52 PM
The totality of the EU has a population larger than ours, has most rifles, semi automatics and all automatic rifles outlawed and has a gun death rate of 0.9 per 100,000

The United States, with minimal gun control and more civilian guns than population, has a gun death rate of nearer that is 10.5 per 100,000.

The problem is the guns. The argument that somehow Europeans are different and less mentally ill or has less I've a criminal element is a straight up lie to misdirect from the shocking reality that our murder rate with Firearms is 10 times higher

Be straightforward, do you want to ban gun sales, completely criminalize them, or outright seize them?

The problem is so complex yet 99% of people want to entrench themselves in a Twitter length, MSNBC or Fox news prescribed solution or statement that doesn't come close to what needs to be done to come together make hard decisions, and solve the problem.

The way this is shaking out already in the media, Might as well offer our thoughts and prayers...

05-25-2022, 10:04 PM
The governor of Texas was holding a press conference about this tragedy and Beto interrupted the event to make it all about him instead.

Why are far leftists such as Beto and Seran such bad people?

05-25-2022, 10:17 PM
And yet if the ar-15 is were still illegal as it was at their federal level some 20+ years ago, then the likelihood of the event would have decreased significantly

Only new ones were banned under that act, and it only lasted ten years. Speaking of which, what is abstinence and how are Republicans trying to block it?

05-25-2022, 10:20 PM
The governor of Texas was holding a press conference about this tragedy and Beto interrupted the event to make it all about him instead.

Why are far leftists such as Beto and Seran such bad people?

It's even more embarrassing than I originally thought. Even a CBS reporter said this was very clearly staged by Beto:

@JanetShamlian reports on Beto O’Rourke confronting Gov. Abbott during presser: "There were two people across the aisle from me and a moment before the press conference started, they got up from their seats when Beto walked in ... This seems something very clearly staged."

So Beto sent people to the event to hold seats in the front row and right as the presser started they got up from their seats when Beto walked in and he then sat down in the front row, this way he could attend the presser unnoticed and sit in the front row to make sure all of the cameras had a good view of him as he made this tragedy all about him and his disgusting political agenda.

Good news for you, Seran! I no longer think you are the most disgusting person in the history of the world! Beto got you beat here with this performance! You're gonna have to kick it up a notch.

05-25-2022, 11:15 PM
Seems no matter which solutions are offered the Democrats just don't want to hear it. Their only response to school shootings is "How many more kids must die before we ban all guns?"

I'm beginning to think that's a threat from Democrats now.

That's been the consistent line Republicans have been scaring the poor and downtrodden into voting Republican for decades.

05-25-2022, 11:18 PM
That's been the consistent line Republicans have been scaring the poor and downtrodden into voting Republican for decades.

How many more kids must die before Democrats engage in common sense school safety laws? How many more, Seran?

"This is a gun free zone" <-- This has been the extent to which Democrats have provided "safety" to schools.

05-25-2022, 11:18 PM
Be straightforward, do you want to ban gun sales, completely criminalize them, or outright seize them?

The problem is so complex yet 99% of people want to entrench themselves in a Twitter length, MSNBC or Fox news prescribed solution or statement that doesn't come close to what needs to be done to come together make hard decisions, and solve the problem.

The way this is shaking out already in the media, Might as well offer our thoughts and prayers...

Ban sales of any and all semi automatic rifles, combat shotguns and of course reinforce fully automatic sales. Make bump stocks and extended, high capacity clips a felony to possess, transport or sale.

Basically what the EU has, with ownership of semi automatic weapons to be a privilege which may be granted for specific reasons.

Bolt action rifles and other hunting or sports weapons a shall issue, but still following a background check and safety training.

05-25-2022, 11:19 PM
The governor of Texas was holding a press conference about this tragedy and Beto interrupted the event to make it all about him instead.

You mean that presser he was blaming Biden for brown people? Yeah he deserved the opposition from Beto

05-25-2022, 11:20 PM
How many more kids must die before Democrats engage in common sense school safety laws? How many more, Seran?

"This is a gun free zone" <-- This has been the extent to which Democrats have provided "safety" to schools.

Hard to have fun free zones when Republicans make ownership of semi automatic rifles practically a voting requirement.

05-25-2022, 11:21 PM
Hard to have fun free zones when Republicans make ownership of semi automatic rifles practically a voting requirement.

How many more kids have to die before Democrats do more to secure schools than just slapping a sign down, Seran? It's a rather simple question.

05-25-2022, 11:38 PM
Hard to have fun free zones when Republicans make ownership of semi automatic rifles practically a voting requirement.

Fun free zone huh?

05-25-2022, 11:40 PM
Fun free zone huh?

I'm beginning to think Seran gets really drunk before he logs onto the PC to spew his bullshit.

05-25-2022, 11:47 PM
I'm beginning to think Seran gets really drunk before he logs onto the PC to spew his bullshit.

Either he is drunk all the time or it's really brain damage though I think it's more likely brain absence.

05-26-2022, 12:17 AM
You know what helps schools? Tax money from working people.

Maybe you should sit this one out... as usual.

So bitter. Keep grinding boomer, maybe you will catch up.

I doubt it though.

05-26-2022, 12:17 AM
How many more kids have to die before Democrats do more to secure schools than just slapping a sign down, Seran? It's a rather simple question.

Not a legitimate one, go try and gaslight someone else Suzi Qanon

05-26-2022, 12:20 AM
Seran just admitted he doesn't want increased security at schools because he wants children to continue being murdered until his political agenda has been realized.

05-26-2022, 12:29 AM
Seth Meyers has it exactly right.


05-26-2022, 12:48 AM
None of the freedoms you claim actually live within the Constitution. Surely you don't think that teen was acting on behalf of a "well-regulated militia" when he all Order 66 on that classroom full of children? Each state has a National Guard, whose training and armament were exactly what was enshrined in our Constitution to the letter.

You don't have a right to own firearms, you don't have a right to sell firearms to mentally disturbed people, you don't have a right to use firearms to murder innocents. Take a deep breath and realize that reality.

Seran thinks “well organized militia” is referring to the government. And doesn’t understand clip vs. magazine. :rofl:

05-26-2022, 01:05 AM
Seth Meyers has it exactly right.


All I hear is "I'm Seth Meyers, I gat paid a ridiculous amount of money and have my own security detail, fuck you plebs."

05-26-2022, 02:45 AM
All I hear is "I'm Seth Meyers, I gat paid a ridiculous amount of money and have my own security detail, fuck you plebs."

I watched the clip, and saw that Senator knows how to define literally as well as Seran defines abstinence. I don't watch any of these programs but some of his skits were funny despite not agreeing.

05-26-2022, 08:16 AM
So bitter. Keep grinding boomer, maybe you will catch up.

I doubt it though.

Catch down you mean?

Sorry, I'm still participating in society.

Someone has to help the people who won't..

05-26-2022, 08:17 AM
Seth Meyers has it exactly right.

Said no one with an IQ above 12 ever.

05-26-2022, 08:31 AM
Ban sales of any and all semi automatic rifles, combat shotguns and of course reinforce fully automatic sales. Make bump stocks and extended, high capacity clips a felony to possess, transport or sale.

Basically what the EU has, with ownership of semi automatic weapons to be a privilege which may be granted for specific reasons.

Bolt action rifles and other hunting or sports weapons a shall issue, but still following a background check and safety training.

Banning semi-automatic rifles would do very little given that there are so many out there now and they are used in less than 10% of all homicides.

What the fuck is a "combat shotgun" since all shotguns can be used in combat? Also, very few shotguns are used to murder people.

Reinforce automatic sales? How many automatic rifles have been used to commit homicides in the past decade?

Do you believe that someone who is going to commit murder really cares if he has a high capacity mag or a bump stock?

Most gun homicides in the US are with a pistol. Why are you not addressing the biggest portion of the gun issue?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-26-2022, 08:53 AM
Ban sales of any and all semi automatic rifles, combat shotguns and of course reinforce fully automatic sales. Make bump stocks and extended, high capacity clips a felony to possess, transport or sale.

Basically what the EU has, with ownership of semi automatic weapons to be a privilege which may be granted for specific reasons.

Bolt action rifles and other hunting or sports weapons a shall issue, but still following a background check and safety training.

I'm for common sense gun laws, so would love to get your answers on the below;

Define semi automatic rifles. Please include where the sporting/hunting rifles that short of bolt actions are virtually all semi automatic fall. Please give examples of guns you'd outlaw and guns that are "ok" to have.
Define combat shotguns. Please include where the sporting/hunting shotguns that are semi-auto fall. Please give examples of guns you'd outlaw and guns that are "ok" to have.
Define extended, high capacity clips - especially since you JUST said BAN semi automatic rifles which again, short of bolt actions and single shot, mostly use magazines/clips. Hell, even some bolt actions use magazines. So is it 3, 5, 10, 15? What's the magic number? Most modern day double stack 9mm handguns hold 10 or more rounds. Please give examples of guns you'd outlaw and guns that are "ok" to have.

05-26-2022, 08:54 AM
Not a legitimate one, go try and gaslight someone else Suzi Qanon

It's always funny when Seran tries to sling insults because he tries so hard to repeat weak boomer sounding shit that he heard someone else say, but just comes off as even more of a retarded NPC than he already is instead.

05-26-2022, 08:55 AM
Seran just admitted he doesn't want increased security at schools because he wants children to continue being murdered until his political agenda has been realized.

Seth Meyers has it exactly right.

Tgo01's name isn't Seth.

05-26-2022, 09:02 AM
I'm for common sense gun laws, so would love to get your answers on the below;

Define semi automatic rifles. Please include where the sporting/hunting rifles that short of bolt actions are virtually all semi automatic fall. Please give examples of guns you'd outlaw and guns that are "ok" to have.
Define combat shotguns. Please include where the sporting/hunting shotguns that are semi-auto fall. Please give examples of guns you'd outlaw and guns that are "ok" to have.
Define extended, high capacity clips - especially since you JUST said BAN semi automatic rifles which again, short of bolt actions and single shot, mostly use magazines/clips. Hell, even some bolt actions use magazines. So is it 3, 5, 10, 15? What's the magic number? Most modern day double stack 9mm handguns hold 10 or more rounds. Please give examples of guns you'd outlaw and guns that are "ok" to have.

Good luck getting an answer. He'll dodge your post even harder than he's dodging having to tell us what abstinence means and how republicans are trying to block it.

Hey Seran, what is abstinence and how are republicans trying to block it?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-26-2022, 09:15 AM
Criminals can't buy firearms legally. Mentally ill shouldn't be able to, but can in a lot of Red states. By reducing the number of legally owned firearms capable of mass murder, then you reduce the gray market or straight black market resale of once legally owned firearms by first party owners or who wind up in the hands of criminals by theft. Duh.

Define "mentally ill". Give examples. Is taking anti-depressants mentally ill? Sleeping pills? How about alcoholics? Drug addicts? What if you see a psychologist? Psychiatrist? What if you see a therapist because you friend/dog/relative died? How would you track any of it?

05-26-2022, 09:19 AM
Wish we could figure this out. Wish we could cast off this 2 party system how political parties stifle thought and logic and turn us against each other. See Geo. Washington opinion on political party.

Need to come up with wholesale solution, need prevention and response. Dems need to realize getting rid of guns and demonizing gun owners is infeasible barring constitutional amendment revoking the second amendment. Fund SROs or vets - best practices/data show that single SRO not enough to fight a shooter . Keep in mind how all of these events end - don't fall into fallacy of "more guns=more carnage". Fund school infrastructure to prevent/mitigate. I have seen tech like bulletproof curtains etc.

Republican need to realize 2ad is not a suicide pact and can have reasonable restrictions like 1ad (time/place) restrictions. Need to keep these things out of the hands of mentally ill. Red flag laws allowing for constitutional due process hearings to prevent wrongful taking. Social media/school flagging for suicidal/homicidal ideation. Mental screening for purchase, excluding ownership from mentally ill conforms with 2ad because those with mental illness were historically and currently excluded from "militia" service. Cannot totally discount preventative measures in favor of SROs unless we go to Israeli style schools, which I think is universally disfavored.

Outside of that, need cultural change. How can we move away from violence centered culture? Need more grace, treat people with dignity and respect, shun culture of "owning libs/republitards", support children/youth programs, parenting programs.

Wonder if anyone here will agree with me, I have a feeling not! If we can't find common ground and figure something out within our legal/constitutional system, might as well just bag it, complain on social media, and send thoughts and prayers per usual...

(Btw I am not against praying, because I would hope those that do can open their hearts to take action to their deities calling for peace since nearly every religion compels peace and cooperation)

05-26-2022, 09:45 AM
Wish we could figure this out. Wish we could cast off this 2 party system how political parties stifle thought and logic and turn us against each other. See Geo. Washington opinion on political party.

Need to come up with wholesale solution, need prevention and response. Dems need to realize getting rid of guns and demonizing gun owners is infeasible barring constitutional amendment revoking the second amendment. Fund SROs or vets - best practices/data show that single SRO not enough to fight a shooter . Keep in mind how all of these events end - don't fall into fallacy of "more guns=more carnage". Fund school infrastructure to prevent/mitigate. I have seen tech like bulletproof curtains etc.

Republican need to realize 2ad is not a suicide pact and can have reasonable restrictions like 1ad (time/place) restrictions. Need to keep these things out of the hands of mentally ill. Red flag laws allowing for constitutional due process hearings to prevent wrongful taking. Social media/school flagging for suicidal/homicidal ideation. Mental screening for purchase, excluding ownership from mentally ill conforms with 2ad because those with mental illness were historically and currently excluded from "militia" service. Cannot totally discount preventative measures in favor of SROs unless we go to Israeli style schools, which I think is universally disfavored.

Outside of that, need cultural change. How can we move away from violence centered culture? Need more grace, treat people with dignity and respect, shun culture of "owning libs/republitards", support children/youth programs, parenting programs.

Wonder if anyone here will agree with me, I have a feeling not! If we can't find common ground and figure something out within our legal/constitutional system, might as well just bag it, complain on social media, and send thoughts and prayers per usual...

(Btw I am not against praying, because I would hope those that do can open their hearts to take action to their deities calling for peace since nearly every religion compels peace and cooperation)

The biggest issue with violence in the country is that people aren't taught how to handle their emotions. They aren't taught how to control the violence we need in order to survive, Instead we are told violence is wrong and try to pretend that it isn't present and part of our every day lives. Some people are also just terrible with their words because while they say violence is wrong what they really mean is unnecessarry violence between people is wrong. Others are also just idiots and think if you have perfectly valid reasons or "justifications" for violence then you can justify any of it so all of it should be condemned. It would probably go a long way to stop violence if people were taught that there are very specific situations where it is justified and the petty emotional upheaval they experience in life isn't one of them.

05-26-2022, 10:18 AM
Catch down you mean?

Sorry, I'm still participating in society.

Someone has to help the people who won't..

Such a bitter old man, you sound like you need a hug.

05-26-2022, 10:23 AM
Such a bitter old man, you sound like you need a hug.

Truth hurts.

You are just one of the many leeches that complain that they don't want "their" tax money going to this or that.. but pays next to nothing in actual taxes.

Typical white trash.

I know, I know.. you make more with one click of your mouse than I make in a year.... lol.

Get back in your single wide and keep pretending.

05-26-2022, 10:24 AM
The biggest issue with violence in the country is that people aren't taught how to handle their emotions. They aren't taught how to control the violence we need in order to survive, Instead we are told violence is wrong and try to pretend that it isn't present and part of our every day lives. Some people are also just terrible with their words because while they say violence is wrong what they really mean is unnecessarry violence between people is wrong. Others are also just idiots and think if you have perfectly valid reasons or "justifications" for violence then you can justify any of it so all of it should be condemned. It would probably go a long way to stop violence if people were taught that there are very specific situations where it is justified and the petty emotional upheaval they experience in life isn't one of them.

This person was a troubled person from a broken home that was very well known to law enforcement officials. All the teaching of emotions wasn't going to fix what was ailing him.

05-26-2022, 10:31 AM
I haven't kept up too much with the shooting so far. Has the media tried to make the shooter white yet? Or did they accept that he's not and this story will then get buried by the weekend?

05-26-2022, 10:36 AM
I haven't kept up too much with the shooting so far. Has the media tried to make the shooter white yet? Or did they accept that he's not and this story will then get buried by the weekend?

Now why would the media try and make the shooter appear to look more white???

05-26-2022, 10:39 AM
I haven't kept up too much with the shooting so far. Has the media tried to make the shooter white yet? Or did they accept that he's not and this story will then get buried by the weekend?

He is a hispanic trannsexual so you probably won't see a lot about him.

05-26-2022, 10:44 AM
He is a hispanic trannsexual so you probably won't see a lot about him.

Nope. The focus has solely been on the fact that it was a school shooting. The left loves school shootings because it means they can push for more gun control.

If this mass shooting didn't take place at a school I doubt it would have lasted more than 24 hours in the news cycle and Seran never would have mentioned it in the first place.

05-26-2022, 10:55 AM
Imagine supporting partial birth abortions... then claiming you care about children being killed.

Some sick people out there.

05-26-2022, 11:14 AM
Wish we could figure this out. Wish we could cast off this 2 party system how political parties stifle thought and logic and turn us against each other. See Geo. Washington opinion on political party.

Need to come up with wholesale solution, need prevention and response. Dems need to realize getting rid of guns and demonizing gun owners is infeasible barring constitutional amendment revoking the second amendment. Fund SROs or vets - best practices/data show that single SRO not enough to fight a shooter . Keep in mind how all of these events end - don't fall into fallacy of "more guns=more carnage". Fund school infrastructure to prevent/mitigate. I have seen tech like bulletproof curtains etc.

Republican need to realize 2ad is not a suicide pact and can have reasonable restrictions like 1ad (time/place) restrictions. Need to keep these things out of the hands of mentally ill. Red flag laws allowing for constitutional due process hearings to prevent wrongful taking. Social media/school flagging for suicidal/homicidal ideation. Mental screening for purchase, excluding ownership from mentally ill conforms with 2ad because those with mental illness were historically and currently excluded from "militia" service. Cannot totally discount preventative measures in favor of SROs unless we go to Israeli style schools, which I think is universally disfavored.

Outside of that, need cultural change. How can we move away from violence centered culture? Need more grace, treat people with dignity and respect, shun culture of "owning libs/republitards", support children/youth programs, parenting programs.

Wonder if anyone here will agree with me, I have a feeling not! If we can't find common ground and figure something out within our legal/constitutional system, might as well just bag it, complain on social media, and send thoughts and prayers per usual...

(Btw I am not against praying, because I would hope those that do can open their hearts to take action to their deities calling for peace since nearly every religion compels peace and cooperation)

A full disclosure of assets and mandatory registration would be the key first step and likely the biggest hurdle to jump, running against the opposition of both the NRA, gun industry lobbyists and Republicans. This step would go a long way to make sure weapons don't transfer from the hands of responsible owners to criminals and the mentally ill. This paired with with a manufacturing database and distribution tracking system will also put a huge emphasis on keeping weapons only in the hands of those who are responsible and have a reasonable need.

Speaking of which, there is nothing wrong with a handgun or shotgun for home protection. There is nothing wrong with being equipped for the purpose of sports hunting, both of which are a tradition in my family I hold dear. (Not deer, they're food.). But there is no legitimate reason for semi automatic rifles, for handguns with clips larger than ten rounds or shotguns whose stock holds more than 4-5 shells. This is the same limitations in the EU charter and I think the US could go a long way to making itself safer by adopting it.

People found committing crimes with illegal weapons need to have the books thrown at them, hard. Each and every firearm in their domicile needs to then be confiscated until proceedings complete and kept of found guilty. Each and every illegal seller, transporter or illicit manufacturer should face an upwards of 20 years in prison and immediate confiscation of all firearms and with a ownership ban lasting years or life to follow. This would also reduce the number of illicit firearms in the possession of dangerous people.

Lastly, anyone here on a visa or illegally who is found to be in possession of a firearm needs to be locked up pending deportation. If they're also found to have commuted a crime with a firearm, their deportation would be permanent and any subsequent attempts to enter illegally met with instantaneous deportation, with no hearing or appeal.

05-26-2022, 11:15 AM
He is a hispanic trannsexual so you probably won't see a lot about him.

That is a disgusting lie. Please go to hell.

05-26-2022, 11:18 AM
Wish we could figure this out. Wish we could cast off this 2 party system how political parties stifle thought and logic and turn us against each other. See Geo. Washington opinion on political party.

Need to come up with wholesale solution, need prevention and response. Dems need to realize getting rid of guns and demonizing gun owners is infeasible barring constitutional amendment revoking the second amendment. Fund SROs or vets - best practices/data show that single SRO not enough to fight a shooter . Keep in mind how all of these events end - don't fall into fallacy of "more guns=more carnage". Fund school infrastructure to prevent/mitigate. I have seen tech like bulletproof curtains etc.

Republican need to realize 2ad is not a suicide pact and can have reasonable restrictions like 1ad (time/place) restrictions. Need to keep these things out of the hands of mentally ill. Red flag laws allowing for constitutional due process hearings to prevent wrongful taking. Social media/school flagging for suicidal/homicidal ideation. Mental screening for purchase, excluding ownership from mentally ill conforms with 2ad because those with mental illness were historically and currently excluded from "militia" service. Cannot totally discount preventative measures in favor of SROs unless we go to Israeli style schools, which I think is universally disfavored.

Outside of that, need cultural change. How can we move away from violence centered culture? Need more grace, treat people with dignity and respect, shun culture of "owning libs/republitards", support children/youth programs, parenting programs.

Wonder if anyone here will agree with me, I have a feeling not! If we can't find common ground and figure something out within our legal/constitutional system, might as well just bag it, complain on social media, and send thoughts and prayers per usual...

(Btw I am not against praying, because I would hope those that do can open their hearts to take action to their deities calling for peace since nearly every religion compels peace and cooperation)

Israel has the right and most effective approach. They had a massive school shooting nearly 50 years ago, they live in a war zone. They put armed guards at schools, like really armed, not just a beat cop with a sidearm, we are talking like European airport security armed guards. They armored schools with strong doors, restricted access and so on. They then offered training to staff who volunteered in order so that they could be armed, trained and equipped to defend kids in the case of attack. They haven't had a school shooting since. End "Gun Free Zones"

The rest of the crap you outlined is a suicide pact of restrictions rife with abuse that will get even more people killed and has already with red flag laws and so on. Acquiescence, laws and disarmament doesn't and hasn't worked even in countries where it's basically impossible to own a gun. Vigilance, responsibility and emotional strength in the never ending battle against evil has proven the only effective means of prevention/deterrence. To say otherwise is to ignore the facts yet here we are again with people arguing that some law will make up for their lack of moral courage and emotional maturity.

The only thing that stops a bad guy from committing violence is a good guy willing to commit violence on behalf of the innocent and if needs be lay down his life in the defense of others. Nothing else has ever protected people and society effectively and it's time we as a society re-learn that.

05-26-2022, 11:20 AM
That is a disgusting lie. Please go to hell.

Which part? The fact that he is a Hispanic transsexual or the fact that the media won't talk about him at all other than how he is a victim and a poor troubled youth and how they will only push the gun control narrative? Both of which are absolute facts in evidence right now.

BTW, what is abstinence and how are Conservatives going to regulate or ban it? Thinking people want to know.

05-26-2022, 11:41 AM
That is a disgusting lie. Please go to hell.

It isn't though, and I've never told you to die for the stupid shit you said. Perhaps you are mentally ill.

05-26-2022, 11:56 AM
Acquiescence, laws and disarmament doesn't and hasn't worked even in countries where it's basically impossible to own a gun. Vigilance, responsibility and emotional strength in the never ending battle against evil has proven the only effective means of prevention/deterrence. To say otherwise is to ignore the facts yet here we are again with people arguing that some law will make up for their lack of moral courage and emotional maturity.

Hasn't worked? That is a bold face lie, considering European Union as a whole has gun deaths a tenth of our 10.6 per 100,000, at only 0.9 per 100,000. Gun violence in the EU is the rare event BECAUSE OF GUN CONTROL. Whereas in our country it's a daily occurrence with mass shootings seemingly every couple of weeks at least. It's been shown time and time again that gun violence is purely a result of our lax gun control measures.

05-26-2022, 11:58 AM
Which part? The fact that he is a Hispanic transsexual or the fact that the media won't talk about him at all other than how he is a victim and a poor troubled youth and how they will only push the gun control narrative? Both of which are absolute facts in evidence right now.

BTW, what is abstinence and how are Conservatives going to regulate or ban it? Thinking people want to know.

He wasn't a transsexual. That was a 4chan created lie brought mainstream by Rep Gosar and since debunked and removed. Of course your party would try to shift the dialog to LGBT instead of the gun violence and mass murder perpetuated by Republicans

05-26-2022, 12:02 PM
It isn't though, and I've never told you to die for the stupid shit you said. Perhaps you are mentally ill.

Seran clearly shouldn't own a gun.

05-26-2022, 12:03 PM
Nominees for PC member most likely to commit a mass shooting:


05-26-2022, 12:22 PM
Aside from the smoke screens put up by the Right to protect their rights to put guns in the hands of killers let's look at the facts.

Salvador Ramos was an 18 year old man, and Uvalde resident.

Salvador purchased two assault rifles on his 18th birthday, in a state with no age restrictions to gun ownership and which allows permitless open carry.

Robb Elementary School in Uvalde had only a partial perimeter fence, was not kept locked during school hours and their security officer failed to prevent entry into the school. The side entrance was not secure, unsurprising for an underfunded Texas public school.

Uvalde Police waited more than forty minutes before attempting to stop the gunman who'd barricaded himself in a classroom, having been allowed to go on a killing spree by their cowardice.

The shooter wasn't stopped until Federal agents, with the Customs and Border Patrol who were begged for backup, stormed the barricade and stopped the Texas man from getting into another classroom.

Legal gun ownership caused the problem and legal gun ownership of others did nothing to prevent the massacre. The second in four years for the state of Texas.

Suppressed Poet
05-26-2022, 12:37 PM
Aside from the smoke screens put up by the Right to protect their rights to put guns in the hands of killers let's look at the facts.

Salvador Ramos was an 18 year old man, and Uvalde resident.

Salvador purchased two assault rifles on his 18th birthday, in a state with no age restrictions to gun ownership and which allows permitless open carry.

Robb Elementary School in Uvalde had only a partial perimeter fence, was not kept locked during school hours and their security officer failed to prevent entry into the school. The side entrance was not secure, unsurprising for an underfunded Texas public school.

Uvalde Police waited more than forty minutes before attempting to stop the gunman who'd barricaded himself in a classroom, having been allowed to go on a killing spree by their cowardice.

The shooter wasn't stopped until Federal agents, with the Customs and Border Patrol who were begged for backup, stormed the barricade and stopped the Texas man from getting into another classroom.

Legal gun ownership caused the problem and legal gun ownership of others did nothing to prevent the massacre. The second in four years for the state of Texas.

You have to be 18 years old to buy a rifle and 21 years old to buy a handgun. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about on the subject of firearms or the state of Texas.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-26-2022, 12:38 PM
Not going to answer any of my questions?

05-26-2022, 12:46 PM
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about

This is the only constant on this message board.

05-26-2022, 12:54 PM
Not going to answer any of my questions?

Of course he isn't. He's a big pussy like that and has no thoughts of his own. Like Backlash, but somehow worse.

Same reason he won't answer this:

Hey Seran, what does abstinence mean and how are republicans trying to block it?

05-26-2022, 01:01 PM
You have to be 18 years old to buy a rifle and 21 years old to buy a handgun. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about on the subject of firearms or the state of Texas.

To purchase, yes. But Texas has no laws regarding possession of any firearm regardless of age which is what my post should have said.

05-26-2022, 01:02 PM
Not going to answer any of my questions?


Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-26-2022, 01:23 PM

I figured you were just posturing, thanks for confirming.

Suppressed Poet
05-26-2022, 01:26 PM
To purchase, yes. But Texas has no laws regarding possession of any firearm regardless of age which is what my post should have said.

And that has absolutely nothing to do with this tragedy.

MSNBC and other liberal media sources are feeding you this kind of nonsense to help “Beta” O’Rourke get elected. It’s absolutely shameful that he, Biden, and the media are grandstanding with gun control before the bodies of these children even went cold or facts of this case are known.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-26-2022, 01:28 PM
And that has absolutely nothing to do with this tragedy.

MSNBC and other liberal media sources are feeding you this kind of nonsense to help “Beta” O’Rourke get elected. It’s absolutely shameful that he, Biden, and the media are grandstanding with gun control before the bodies of these children even went cold or facts of this case are known.

You are wasting your time with him. He's not arguing in good faith, or debating. He's preaching with his fingers in his ears.

Suppressed Poet
05-26-2022, 01:42 PM
You are wasting your time with him. He's not arguing in good faith, or debating. He's preaching with his fingers in his ears.

I’m aware.

Usually I find it entertaining going back and forth on topics with Seran and other leftists. This week and everything that has happened I’m just sad and pissed off. God help those families and God help us all…

05-26-2022, 01:43 PM
Schumer blocks Senate GOP school safety bill (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/schumer-blocks-senate-gop-school-safety-bill-angering-republicans?intcmp=tw_fnc)

How many more children have to die before Democrats will increase safety in our schools, Seran?

05-26-2022, 01:50 PM

What about telling us what abstinence is and how republicans are trying to block it, like you claimed?

Not gonna answer that either?

05-26-2022, 02:10 PM
I figured you were just posturing, thanks for confirming.

And I figured you were trolling, thanks. I provided all the information relevant, if you feel desperate for validation, I recommend going to Starbucks.

05-26-2022, 02:15 PM
And that has absolutely nothing to do with this tragedy.

MSNBC and other liberal media sources are feeding you this kind of nonsense to help “Beta” O’Rourke get elected. It’s absolutely shameful that he, Biden, and the media are grandstanding with gun control before the bodies of these children even went cold or facts of this case are known.

Sure it does. Texas has one of the biggest gun problems in the country and is 26th for overall gun mortality in the nation. Now Texas had had a second mass shooting event at a school in four years and just like the last one, the shooter was a victim of bullying and chose evil and violence. Access to firearms + motive = tragedy.


05-26-2022, 02:19 PM
To purchase, yes. But Texas has no laws regarding possession of any firearm regardless of age which is what my post should have said.

But it didn’t because you’re an idiot, and it didn’t matter in this instance anyways.

05-26-2022, 02:26 PM
And I figured you were trolling, thanks. I provided all the information relevant, if you feel desperate for validation, I recommend going to Starbucks.

There was nothing trolling about his questions. You're just full of shit and don't have a clue wtf you're talking about, like always, because literally all you do is mindlessly repeat what MSNBC tells you to think.

Also, what does "abstinence" mean and how are republicans trying to block it? Do you remember when you made that claim and have bent over backwards to avoid responding to being called out for how stupid you are? :lol:

05-26-2022, 02:32 PM
Maybe the Senate Republicans should creaming themselves over nonsense, year old legislation to create toothless databases, like the Luke and Alex School Safety Act that provides no money for security, no requirements for security standards and obviously aren't being followed by schools like the ones in Uvalde and Santa Fe.

Funny how the same Senate Republicans just blocked legislation in the Senate, namely the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021, Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022, and Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021.

Republicans want to be seen wringing their hands but not accomplish anything. Instead of actually stopping gun violence.

05-26-2022, 02:35 PM
Maybe the Senate Republicans should creaming themselves over nonsense, year old legislation to create toothless databases, like the Luke and Alex School Safety Act that provides no money for security, no requirements for security standards and obviously aren't being followed by schools like the ones in Uvalde and Santa Fe.

Funny how the same Senate Republicans just blocked legislation in the Senate, namely the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021, Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022, and Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021.

Republicans want to be seen wringing their hands but not accomplish anything. Instead of actually stopping gun violence.

Tell us more about how republicans blocked abstinence too.

Also, what is abstinence?

I bet almost anyone here could predict what you're going to say next at any given time simply by turning on MSNBC.

05-26-2022, 03:12 PM
Seran apparently thinks guns work like enchanted weapons in game. "Oh you're not old enough to possess that gun so you can't touch it."

05-26-2022, 03:18 PM
Seran apparently thinks guns work like enchanted weapons in game. "Oh you're not old enough to possess that gun so you can't touch it."

He also doesn't know the difference between a magazine and a clip, but still wants to lecture other people about guns.

05-26-2022, 03:49 PM
He also doesn't know the difference between a magazine and a clip, but still wants to lecture other people about guns.

Since when do liberals care about actually knowing stuff.. as long as they can Karen... or in this case Saren...

05-26-2022, 04:28 PM
Since when do liberals care about actually knowing stuff.. as long as they can Karen... or in this case Saren...


Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-26-2022, 04:38 PM
Since when do liberals care about actually knowing stuff.. as long as they can Karen... or in this case Saren...

But he's comfortable with wholesale gun seizure and felony penalties... just nothing specific though. Don't ask him how they'll implement or define anything either. So it's all an act with no actual thought to the problem and don't engage him because then you are trolling.

If my position was ban everything, I'd probably not want rational conversation either.

05-26-2022, 05:08 PM
When I was in high school it was pretty common for kids to show up in the morning with their shotguns mounted in their truck during the fall and winter, not once did we have a school shooting.

This is not a gun problem, this is a social fabric problem. I have yet to hear a single politician or a media talking head question this guys family background. Why was he living with his grandparents, where was his parents?

05-26-2022, 05:18 PM
When I was in high school it was pretty common for kids to show up in the morning with their shotguns mounted in their truck during the fall and winter, not once did we have a school shooting.

This is not a gun problem, this is a social fabric problem. I have yet to hear a single politician or a media talking head question this guys family background. Why was he living with his grandparents, where was his parents?

By all means, let's detract from the fact he gunned down a bunch of children with a semiautomatic purchased easier than a can of spray paint, and question the parents.

05-26-2022, 05:22 PM
By all means, let's detract from the fact he gunned down a bunch of children with a semiautomatic purchased easier than a can of spray paint, and question the parents.

Have you ever purchased a firearm before? He was of age, had the money, and he didn't have anything hit on his background check.

I mean, you recently wished death upon me, so in your eyes you should be disqualified from owning a firearm now too right?

05-26-2022, 05:33 PM
By all means, let's detract from the fact he gunned down a bunch of children with a semiautomatic purchased easier than a can of spray paint, and question the parents.

While you detract from the actual causation that causes a human being to reach a level of desensitization that murdering children doesn't set off every moral alarm in ones conscious?

Maybe we should discuss the "it's just a clump of cells" angle and go from there.


05-26-2022, 05:54 PM
When I was in high school it was pretty common for kids to show up in the morning with their shotguns mounted in their truck during the fall and winter, not once did we have a school shooting.

This is not a gun problem, this is a social fabric problem. I have yet to hear a single politician or a media talking head question this guys family background. Why was he living with his grandparents, where was his parents?

so, mass shootings happen because....this dude was raised/lived with his grandparents, a thing that never happened pre 2000

05-26-2022, 05:54 PM
But he's comfortable with wholesale gun seizure and felony penalties... just nothing specific though. Don't ask him how they'll implement or define anything either. So it's all an act with no actual thought to the problem and don't engage him because then you are trolling.

If my position was ban everything, I'd probably not want rational conversation either.

Limp wristed liberals believe they can seize guns from law abiding citizens...

Good luck infringing on the 2nd amendment...

05-26-2022, 05:56 PM
so, mass shootings happen because....this dude was raised/lived with his grandparents, a thing that never happened pre 2000

No, he asked why was he being raised by his grandparents.. not that the reason he murdered 20+ people was because he lived with his grandparents.


05-26-2022, 06:02 PM
No, he asked why was he being raised by his grandparents.. not that the reason he murdered 20+ people was because he lived with his grandparents.


lol he literally says in his post "This is not a gun problem, this is a social fabric problem.", then goes on to mention how he was living with his grandparents and asking where his parents are, implying this is a breakdown in the social fabric that he claims is the issue of school shootings.

so, what i said is implied in his post and you are a fucking idiot who can't read or contextualize. you are old and stupid and your brain is filled with holes. stop posting you fucking retard

05-26-2022, 06:04 PM
so, mass shootings happen because....this dude was raised/lived with his grandparents, a thing that never happened pre 2000

Had I been living with my grandparents during my teen years it would have been a free for all. He literally killed his grandmother over a cell phone. The grandfather said he had no idea that his grandson had purchased weapons.

Show me a teenager that lives with their grandparents and I'll show you total disfunction.

05-26-2022, 06:10 PM
Had I been living with my grandparents during my teen years it would have been a free for all. He literally killed his grandmother over a cell phone. The grandfather said he had no idea that his grandson had purchased weapons.

Show me a teenager that lives with their grandparents and I'll show you total disfunction.

this is completely anecdotal and you're making a ton of assumptions. firstly, that parents are always better suited to raise a child then anyone else, like grandparents. this is unequivocally untrue. some people have extremely fucked up parents and are better off being raised by anyone else.

secondly, just because you don't know any examples of someone being raised by their grandparents who isn't a fuck up doesn't mean that is the case always, but i know you know that.

the issue here has nothing to do with this kid living with his grandparents.

05-26-2022, 06:19 PM
lol he literally says in his post "This is not a gun problem, this is a social fabric problem.", then goes on to mention how he was living with his grandparents and asking where his parents are, implying this is a breakdown in the social fabric that he claims is the issue of school shootings.

so, what i said is implied in his post and you are a fucking idiot who can't read or contextualize. you are old and stupid and your brain is filled with holes. stop posting you fucking retard

He asked why was he. Did his parents die? Did his parents just abandon him? Did he harm them and the grandparents took him?

You went straight to "Mass shootings happen because this dude was raised by his grandparents" which was dumb as fuck.

But you being dumb as fuck is the only thing you have going for you.

Don't stop posting though.. you remind parents that they should keep their children in school.


05-26-2022, 06:21 PM
Limp wristed liberals believe they can seize guns from law abiding citizens...

Good luck infringing on the 2nd amendment...

lol this is such a stupid, idiotic take. gun culture and people giving a shit about the 2nd amendment in this country is literally a result of racism and wouldn't be a thing if fragile white people like your little pussy ass weren't scared of black people.

05-26-2022, 06:23 PM
some people have extremely fucked up parents and are better off being raised by anyone else.

the issue here has nothing to do with this kid living with his grandparents.

Pretty sure the point being implied is questioning if the kid had extremely fucked up parents, and if that's why he was living with his grandparents.

05-26-2022, 06:24 PM
lol this is such a stupid, idiotic take. gun culture and people giving a shit about the 2nd amendment in this country is literally a result of racism and wouldn't be a thing if fragile white people like your little pussy ass weren't scared of black people.

This is what happens when you combine an IQ of about 11 and racism.... "People only want guns cause they racist!"

Thank you for your insight, really.

Seran is probably pretty happy that this might be the first thread where he isn't the biggest retard in the thread.

Well done.

05-26-2022, 06:26 PM
He asked why was he. Did his parents die? Did his parents just abandon him? Did he harm them and the grandparents took him?

You went straight to "Mass shootings happen because this dude was raised by his grandparents" which was dumb as fuck.

But you being dumb as fuck is the only thing you have going for you.

Don't stop posting though.. you remind parents that they should keep their children in school.


the only thing remarkable about you is how you could be this fucking stupid yet live to the ripe old age of 73 or however old you are.

yes, he asked what happened to his parents and why he is living with his grandparents, after he mentions how these school shootings happen due to a breakdown in the social fabric. you see, when you read, you take in the whole sentence and that forms an idea.

shut the fuck up and stop trying to save face because you once again were shown to be a blue haired fucking moron who has his browser font on 45 because your cataract encrusted eyes are too fucking decrepit to serve any normal function. stop posting

05-26-2022, 06:27 PM
This is what happens when you combine an IQ of about 11 and racism.... "People only want guns cause they racist!"

Thank you for your insight, really.

Seran is probably pretty happy that this might be the first thread where he isn't the biggest retard in the thread.

Well done.

hi my name is parkbandit and i'm old and stupid and have no idea what i'm talking about, ever

05-26-2022, 06:32 PM
Pretty sure the point being implied is questioning if the kid had extremely fucked up parents, and if that's why he was living with his grandparents.

yep. he was saying how he thinks the reason this shooting happened is the breakdown of social fabric. this kid not living with his parents, but his grandparents. where are they and why is he living with them?

and that's exactly what i responded to. i'm saying that before mass shootings were a thing, people still had fucked up parents, so i don't think that's the cause.

thank you for agreeing that parkbandit is stupid.

05-26-2022, 06:45 PM
yep. he was saying how he thinks the reason this shooting happened is the breakdown of social fabric. this kid not living with his parents, but his grandparents. where are they and why is he living with them?

and that's exactly what i responded to. i'm saying that before mass shootings were a thing, people still had fucked up parents, so i don't think that's the cause.

thank you for agreeing that parkbandit is stupid.

Another alt-leftist that can't admit that the breakdown of the nuclear family has fucked our society.

We know for certain that the vast majority of mass murderers come from broken families, and more often than not, were parented by abusive mothers.

05-26-2022, 07:04 PM
Another alt-leftist that can't admit that the breakdown of the nuclear family has fucked our society.

We know for certain that the vast majority of mass murderers come from broken families, and more often than not, were parented by abusive mothers.

when do you think, culturally on a whole, the breakdown of the nuclear family started? like what decade

05-26-2022, 07:53 PM
Was best said by one of the parents: I hope this doesn't turn into a 2A debate, because nothing will get done. The problem with the anti gun people is that they begin the discussion with a 2A debate. There is no debate. It's settled law. Guns are here to stay. Now faced with that reality, the best course is to figure things out from there. Insisting that the 2A doesn't protect individual rights, or the bullshit about it being about the National Guard is not only wrong, but also serves to shut down discussion on a practical way forward.

BAN GUNS = Thoughts and prayers.

05-26-2022, 08:01 PM
Was best said by one of the parents: I hope this doesn't turn into a 2A debate, because nothing will get done. The problem with the anti gun people is that they begin the discussion with a 2A debate. There is no debate. It's settled law. Guns are here to stay. Now faced with that reality, the best course is to figure things out from there. Insisting that the 2A doesn't protect individual rights, or the bullshit about it being about the National Guard is not only wrong, but also serves to shut down discussion on a practical way forward.

BAN GUNS = Thoughts and prayers.

Practical way forward? One side wants deadly weapons controlled, with background checks, wait periods and further red flag control. The other believes that will destroy society outright, that the government is trying to get them and any and all existing restrictions must be lifted. Just where is the compromise in /your/ opinion. Bear in mind, more innocents die here by gun violence than any other first world country with the status quo as it exists now.

05-26-2022, 08:05 PM
Another alt-leftist that can't admit that the breakdown of the nuclear family has fucked our society.

We know for certain that the vast majority of mass murderers come from broken families, and more often than not, were parented by abusive mothers.

While our upbringing and environment plays a part in our development, each of us is responsible for our own actions and using the upbringing of a murderer or psychotic as an excuse for their actions is abhorrent.

The Right only has one thing correct in their argument, guns are a tool and neither good nor evil. But they're used in increasingly more common acts of senseless violence and evil, for that they need to be controlled and perpetrators several punished.

05-26-2022, 08:27 PM
Practical way forward? One side wants deadly weapons controlled, with background checks, wait periods and further red flag control. The other believes that will destroy society outright, that the government is trying to get them and any and all existing restrictions must be lifted. Just where is the compromise in /your/ opinion. Bear in mind, more innocents die here by gun violence than any other first world country with the status quo as it exists now.

It's a wicked hard problem for sure. Based on the current set of facts, it's unlikely any of those measure you mentioned would have stopped this particular individual. People thought he was a weirdo but that alone does not meet the threshold for a red flag. Though I am fairly sure even a low level mental health screen would have red flagged this guy. I'm pro 2A and would be willing to talk mental health screen but that would be a bridge too far for many.

A broad mental health crisis is definitely part of this odd conundrum, and not having insane asylums where society could lock up weirdos and throw away the key. I'd lean towards hardening schools as targets, mental health treatment availability. "Universal background checks" is a nice sound byte but wouldn't have stopped this guy or most of the other mass shooters, many of whom had clean records prior to their crimes.

05-26-2022, 09:23 PM
Was best said by one of the parents: I hope this doesn't turn into a 2A debate, because nothing will get done. The problem with the anti gun people is that they begin the discussion with a 2A debate. There is no debate. It's settled law. Guns are here to stay. Now faced with that reality, the best course is to figure things out from there. Insisting that the 2A doesn't protect individual rights, or the bullshit about it being about the National Guard is not only wrong, but also serves to shut down discussion on a practical way forward.

BAN GUNS = Thoughts and prayers.

this is right. nothing will be done even if another 100 Sandy Hooks happen, we'd still be waging this stupid fucking gun culture war.

it's all terrible and this is the dumbest country on the planet. both sides are worthless and there is no good solution.

05-26-2022, 09:26 PM
this whole thing is also a good illustration of how completely fucking useless cops are and they in no way exist to protect you or your children

05-26-2022, 09:40 PM
It's a wicked hard problem for sure. Based on the current set of facts, it's unlikely any of those measure you mentioned would have stopped this particular individual. People thought he was a weirdo but that alone does not meet the threshold for a red flag. Though I am fairly sure even a low level mental health screen would have red flagged this guy. I'm pro 2A and would be willing to talk mental health screen but that would be a bridge too far for many.

A broad mental health crisis is definitely part of this odd conundrum, and not having insane asylums where society could lock up weirdos and throw away the key. I'd lean towards hardening schools as targets, mental health treatment availability. "Universal background checks" is a nice sound byte but wouldn't have stopped this guy or most of the other mass shooters, many of whom had clean records prior to their crimes.

No waiting would have definitely given this person sometime between purchasing the guns and when he actually took possession, there's a high likelihood that that amount of time could have tamed his impulse for Destruction. Maybe even a small chance is worth the world. Besides any person who needs a gun so desperately that they have to have it that very same day, probably shouldn't have it.

05-26-2022, 09:41 PM
this whole thing is also a good illustration of how completely fucking useless cops are and they in no way exist to protect you or your children

Any law enforcement officer worth his or her salt knows their role is not to stop crime. They are essentially a deterrent prior and an apprehender after. When they are able to actually stop a crime from occurring it's almost always pure chance.

They are also there to give people the illusion of safety. If people realized that their own safety is mostly their own responsibility, many would not be able to handle it.

05-26-2022, 09:43 PM
No waiting would have definitely given this person sometime between purchasing the guns and when he actually took possession, there's a high likelihood that that amount of time could have tamed his impulse for Destruction. Maybe even a small chance is worth the world. Besides any person who needs a gun so desperately that they have to have it that very same day, probably shouldn't have it.

I'd agree with that generally. he did buy his first rifle a week before the shooting though, on the 17th.

05-26-2022, 09:55 PM
I'd agree with that generally. he did buy his first rifle a week before the shooting though, on the 17th.

Two week waiting period, bam. Maybe he would have done it before, maybe not, but something so simple as divorcing desperation or seeing a firearm as a solution to problems is a massive first step.

The second would be changing the way that politicians and the media point to Representatives on the other side as the devil incarnate. You should not lead by acting as if you're the only thing standing in between your political rivals enacting the final Purge against your constituents. To me that is high treason and yet increasingly common in today's political climate, which only leads to increased fear, desperation, and a belief that violence is the only way out.

05-26-2022, 10:35 PM
Two week waiting period, bam. Maybe he would have done it before, maybe not, but something so simple as divorcing desperation or seeing a firearm as a solution to problems is a massive first step.

It's pretty obvious that you don't have any understanding of psychology. When someone is suffering from mental illness at this level, they are constantly replaying the "plan" in their mind. This can go on for months or years before they act out. Top that off with the hormonal changes that are taking place in the teen years, societal pressure to fit in with ones peers (which has been exasperated by social media) and a dysfunctional family life.

At this point if I still had kids in their teens I would ban them from using any social media and limit their cell phone usage to when they are out to the movies with their friends or whatever the case may be. I probably wouldn't allow them to have a smart phone, just a simple flip phone.

The second would be changing the way that politicians and the media point to Representatives on the other side as the devil incarnate. You should not lead by acting as if you're the only thing standing in between your political rivals enacting the final Purge against your constituents. To me that is high treason and yet increasingly common in today's political climate, which only leads to increased fear, desperation, and a belief that violence is the only way out.

You need to look in the mirror.

05-26-2022, 10:49 PM
when do you think, culturally on a whole, the breakdown of the nuclear family started? like what decade

Late 70's to early 80's. Prior to the financial crisis at that time it was less common that both parents were working full time jobs, when the shit hit the fan nearly everyone's parents went full time. We literally have a term for that generation of kids "key latch kids". This is also when divorces started to skyrocket.

05-26-2022, 11:27 PM
It's pretty obvious that you don't have any understanding of psychology. When someone is suffering from mental illness at this level, they are constantly replaying the "plan" in their mind. This can go on for months or years before they act out. Top that off with the hormonal changes that are taking place in the teen years, societal pressure to fit in with ones peers (which has been exasperated by social media) and a dysfunctional family life.

At this point if I still had kids in their teens I would ban them from using any social media and limit their cell phone usage to when they are out to the movies with their friends or whatever the case may be. I probably wouldn't allow them to have a smart phone, just a simple flip phone.

You need to look in the mirror.

Yeah, I didn't expect any common sense from you whatsoever. Thanks for trying.

05-26-2022, 11:30 PM
Yeah, I didn't expect any common sense from you whatsoever. Thanks for trying.


Seran talking about common sense, that's special.

05-26-2022, 11:52 PM
As more and more details about the Uvalde school shooting come out, their local police is appearing worse and worse. Despite officers being engaged with the shooter for twelve minutes outside the school, per Texas Department of Public Safety, the shooter was allowed unobstructed access to the school. Twelve minutes and a police officer, or school resource officer was able to stop one untrained teen with a semiautomatic rifle. Imagine if that community had braver officers, or instead of simple handguns, they weren't out armed by a kid who bought a rifle at a local shop without a waiting period. Sad.

The real heroes were the United States Border Patrol who as soon as they arrived on scene, stormed the school and stopped the killer before he harmed anyone else. Republicans, especially Governor Abbott need to realize the next time they're bloviating about people crossing the border, that the federal government and border patrol officers were the only thing keeping more from dying.

05-27-2022, 01:55 AM
By all means, let's detract from the fact he gunned down a bunch of children with a semiautomatic purchased easier than a can of spray paint, and question the parents.

You’re the same fucker who cheered the fact that the white school shooter’s parents were arrested and charged with multiple counts of manslaughter, but now we can’t ask questions about the brown school shooter’s parents, or how his grandparents supposedly didn’t notice he had guns in the house?

You’re such a disgusting racist.

05-27-2022, 02:39 AM
Yeah, I didn't expect any common sense from you whatsoever. Thanks for trying.

The FBI has been researching the psyche of mass murders for nearly 50 years. This is information directly from the mouths of the most renowned killers in US history.

It's already been reported that this kid was torturing\killing pets. Yet another common profile of mass murders.

By the time this is all sorted out, I promise that we will find out that he had been profiling that school months ahead of committing the atrocity. A two week waiting period would have already been factored into his thoughts.

I don't have anything against a waiting period, I just know it won't prevent the next mass murder.

05-27-2022, 03:46 AM
So now they're saying the murderer was firing his gun outside at the school for 12 MINUTES before he entered the school unobstructed (before the police claimed the school resource officer tried to stop him), and that he was in the room shooting up kids for ALMOST AN HOUR while the police waited outside and handcuffed parents until the Border Patrol showed up and ended this piece of shit's life.

What the ever fucking fuck?

And Democrats want to take away YOUR guns and tell you to rely on the police to protect you. Fuck that shit. Allow teachers to conceal carry. Don't make schools a soft target and tell teachers and students "Don't worry! Just survive for an hour and maybe the police will finally send in help!"

At an hour of unhindered carnage the psycho didn't even need a gun, he could have slaughtered those kids with a crossbow while the police were standing outside waiting.

05-27-2022, 09:30 AM
Practical way forward? One side wants deadly weapons controlled, with background checks, wait periods and further red flag control. The other believes that will destroy society outright, that the government is trying to get them and any and all existing restrictions must be lifted. Just where is the compromise in /your/ opinion. Bear in mind, more innocents die here by gun violence than any other first world country with the status quo as it exists now.

Per your own words, you want all sorts of shit banned, so shut the fuck up.

Ban sales of any and all semi automatic rifles, combat shotguns and of course reinforce fully automatic sales. Make bump stocks and extended, high capacity clips a felony to possess, transport or sale.

And "high capacity clips" :rofl:

You fucking doorknob.

05-27-2022, 09:44 AM
So now they're saying the murderer was firing his gun outside at the school for 12 MINUTES before he entered the school unobstructed (before the police claimed the school resource officer tried to stop him), and that he was in the room shooting up kids for ALMOST AN HOUR while the police waited outside and handcuffed parents until the Border Patrol showed up and ended this piece of shit's life.

What the ever fucking fuck?

And Democrats want to take away YOUR guns and tell you to rely on the police to protect you. Fuck that shit. Allow teachers to conceal carry. Don't make schools a soft target and tell teachers and students "Don't worry! Just survive for an hour and maybe the police will finally send in help!"

At an hour of unhindered carnage the psycho didn't even need a gun, he could have slaughtered those kids with a crossbow while the police were standing outside waiting.

Supposedly, some of those same cops ran inside to get their own kids out first.

This particular shooting should be centered around police malice/incompetence, instead of a gun debate. If they're too chicken shit to run inside and do the job they're paid to do, don't stop the parents from doing so. Dumbasses.