View Full Version : Things that made you Facepalm today (Political Version)

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11-09-2019, 01:40 AM
What was that confrontation like?

Security: "Sir, I can't let you up to the teller with a visible weapon."

Me: "Fuck alright." Went and dropped it off in my center console. Went back and cashed a check.

There was no crazy shenanigans. Dude was cool.

11-09-2019, 01:51 AM
Security: "Sir, I can't let you up to the teller with a visible weapon."

Me: "Fuck alright." Went and dropped it off in my center console. Went back and cashed a check.

There was no crazy shenanigans. Dude was cool.

I don't have anything against it, I'm just not a big fan of handguns personally. Not in the "OMFG AR-15" way, I just never really enjoyed shooting them and never wanted one in the house when the kids were young. I would consider conceal carry though, maybe. :shrug:

It would be nice to have when I go on my road trips.

11-09-2019, 02:02 AM
I don't have anything against it, I'm just not a big fan of handguns personally. Not in the "OMFG AR-15" way, I just never really enjoyed shooting them and never wanted one in the house when the kids were young. I would consider conceal carry though, maybe. :shrug:

Eh, self defense is self defense. I won't own a .22 though, fuck those pea shooters.

11-09-2019, 02:18 AM
Eh, self defense is self defense. I won't own a .22 though, fuck those pea shooters.

I think my mini 14 has been my favorite to shoot. I enjoy shooting skeet more than anything, well, besides pheasant and quail. Quail is fucking delicious.

11-09-2019, 02:50 AM
I think what bothers me most about this is, when one really thinks on the subject, you have to ask yourself "How long has this kind of cherry picked news been going on for?". It becomes far more heinous than Epstein and pedo's and that's an extremely difficult summit to surpass.

Probably a very long time. Remember Project Veritas' first big story about how Planned Parenthood was selling baby parts? The """""news""""" had probably received all sorts of tips about that, but what do they do instead? They wait until Project Veritas releases the story and then gaslights everyone into believing Project Veritas edited the clips in a way so as to be deceptive because of course they did! The media has been in the pocket of Democrats for years now, probably decades, of course they are going to cover for an abortion factory that donates a lot of money to the Democrats, the bonus being squashing a much smaller investigative journalist outlet. Can't let that competition become big and respected!

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-09-2019, 02:49 PM
Eh, self defense is self defense. I won't own a .22 though, fuck those pea shooters.

A 22 goes in, can't get out, so it bounces around inside. 22 kills as easily as any other caliber. Hell, 223 is just a fast 22.

11-09-2019, 03:47 PM
A 22 goes in, can't get out, so it bounces around inside. 22 kills as easily as any other caliber. Hell, 223 is just a fast 22.

Ummm, it can get out, depending on where the entry is. It is less likely than some. The .22 caliber is the most common killer of civilians according to the FBI. The .223 is a lot different than the regular .22 LR that people think of as .22 it is not just a "fast 22."

.22 is great for a lot of things outside of self defense even though more civilians die from it than anything else.

All that said, get a reliable modern firearm for self defense. Get modern training for self defense use of that firearm. Use modern, high quality ammo in that self defense firearm. Practice with that firearm regularly. Lastly, make sure you have it when you need it because the best firearm in the world won't do shit if it's not in someone's hand fighting back against an attacker.

11-09-2019, 11:10 PM
Antifa professor bashes people over the head with a bike lock, almost kills one man, sentenced to probation.
Antifa goons get into a fight with Proud Boys, Antifa goons are questioned and released, no charges.
Antifa thugs attack police officers at a rally and beat police horses with sticks, no arrests made.
Antifa gang members attack a female reporter and steal her camera equipment, police refuse to intervene or make any arrests.
A Trump supporter slashes a Trump baby balloon, charged with a felony.

Democrats and their enforces really are turning this country to complete shit.

11-10-2019, 06:49 PM
If there is any doubt left in your mind that Democrats are becoming more disgusting by the day because of their hatred of Trump then let this story remove the last remaining shred of doubt.

In 2016 Trump held a fundraiser to raise money for Veteran charities. Said fundraiser raised 2.8 million dollars.
Trump was sued in the state of NY because of reasons.
Trump got tired of defending himself against this bogus lawsuit so he decided to settle.
The judge in the case even recognizes that each and every single dime raised went to Veteran charities but since Trump and his family distributed the money this counted as a "campaign contribution" and thus Trump was ordered to pay 2 million dollars to the Veteran charities he had already given 2.8 million dollars to via the fundraiser he held for them.

Yes, you read that right. Democrats were so upset that Trump looked good by raising money for Veterans that they literally sued him in court and kept hounding him using state resources until he finally decided to settle the case. The judge then recognized that even though all of the money went to the charities Trump said they would go to that wasn't good enough and said Trump had to pay an additional 2 million dollars out of pocket just to make sure Trump looks bad a year out from the 2020 campaign. Oh yeah did I forget to mention that unlike most charities and fundraisers that take administration fees off the top to pay people's salaries that Trump and his family didn't take a dime out of the money raised and even used some of their own funds to help distribute that money? Not good enough!!!!!!

11-12-2019, 01:57 AM
Don Cherry, apparently a popular hockey sports caster in Canada, was fired for what is being described as a "racist" and "discriminatory" and "toxic" "rant".

The so called "toxic rant" in question:

I live in Mississauga. Very few people wear the poppy. Downtown Toronto, forget it. Nobody wears the poppy. Now you go to the small cities. You people that come here, whatever it is, you love our way of life. You love our milk and honey. At least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that. These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada. These guys paid the biggest price for that.

Such racism! Such intolerance! Must fire!

11-12-2019, 02:30 AM
A lot of discrepancy between these two articles on the exact same subject:


Left-wing says Trump used the Trump Foundation as a personal checkbook with no regard for the law.


Right-wing says he gave away every penny from the Trump Foundation to charities + millions more - even using his own money to do so.

Trump is a businessman - first and foremost. Very likely that he used the tax-exempt status of the Trump Foundation for personal gain. Also very likely that he donated a significant amount of money to charity through this organization.

As shrewd as Mr. Trump is, I believe his biggest downfall is a lack of awareness of the times. He doesn't appear to have a good handle on technology, or understand the level of scrutiny one of the highest profile politicians on the planet is capable of being subjected to.

Even the judge in the case recognized that all of the money went towards Veteran's charities. The left is no longer just spinning the news, they are literally fabricating it out of thin air.

11-12-2019, 10:45 AM
Don Cherry, apparently a popular hockey sports caster in Canada, was fired for what is being described as a "racist" and "discriminatory" and "toxic" "rant".

The so called "toxic rant" in question:

Such racism! Such intolerance! Must fire!

I don't understand.. what's the "poppy"? Is that code for something or does it have some alternative meaning?

11-12-2019, 11:54 AM
I don't understand.. what's the "poppy"? Is that code for something or does it have some alternative meaning?

I think it's a Canadian term for scissoring buttholes.

11-12-2019, 04:31 PM
Homeless Man Pours Bucket of Hot Diarrhea on California Woman: ‘It Was Running Down My Eyes’ (https://pluralist.com/homeless-diarrhea-california-woman/49999)


Ultimate shart.

11-12-2019, 05:18 PM
I don't understand.. what's the "poppy"? Is that code for something or does it have some alternative meaning?

It’s a tradition in Canada to wear a poppy to honor vets on Veteran’s day.

11-12-2019, 05:21 PM
Homeless Man Pours Bucket of Hot Diarrhea on California Woman: ‘It Was Running Down My Eyes’ (https://pluralist.com/homeless-diarrhea-california-woman/49999)


Ultimate shart.

Even before clicking the article I knew she was going to be a liberal who defended the guy who attacked her.

11-12-2019, 07:27 PM
So much bullshit happening lately that I can hardly keep up!

San Fransisco's newest DA, who is the son of convicted domestic terrorists, vows to no longer prosecute people for public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk,and more, claiming these issues "criminalize" being homeless, because apparently if you're homeless you have to piss and shit in the street and offer up your body for sex in exchange for money or something.

In other news the EU courts have decided that any products sold in the EU from "occupied" parts of Israel have to be labeled as such. Because you know all of the countries in the world who have captured land from natives or other countries is okay, but when those pesky Jews do it then it's bad and we have to shame them for it! It's not anti semitic at all, you bigot!

11-12-2019, 07:31 PM
offering or soliciting sex

I mean, if you want to pay or be paid for sex and both parties consent, and everything is on the level, let them?

11-13-2019, 01:04 AM
So much bullshit happening lately that I can hardly keep up!

San Fransisco's newest DA, who is the son of convicted domestic terrorists, vows to no longer prosecute people for public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk,and more, claiming these issues "criminalize" being homeless, because apparently if you're homeless you have to piss and shit in the street and offer up your body for sex in exchange for money or something.

In other news the EU courts have decided that any products sold in the EU from "occupied" parts of Israel have to be labeled as such. Because you know all of the countries in the world who have captured land from natives or other countries is okay, but when those pesky Jews do it then it's bad and we have to shame them for it! It's not anti semitic at all, you bigot!

Um, did the EU forget that they are the reason that the Jews are currently in Israel?

I wonder how many trillions in reparations the EU would have to pay back to all the countries (which would be pretty much every country outside of Europe) they have occupied over the centuries?

11-13-2019, 01:12 AM
I mean, if you want to pay or be paid for sex and both parties consent, and everything is on the level, let them?

If we're going to legalize prostitution it should be a heavily regulated industry so the government can make sure everyone is being tested and that the women aren't being trafficked in for sex. Otherwise pimps can abuse this and force women to be streetwalkers since apparently it's now okay in San Fransisco to offer to suck someone's dick on the street for 20 bucks.

11-13-2019, 01:13 AM
Um, did the EU forget that they are the reason that the Jews are currently in Israel?

I wonder how many trillions in reparations the EU would have to pay back to all the countries (which would be pretty much every country outside of Europe) they have occupied over the centuries?

The EU is too busy virtue signaling to Islamists and their defenders to worry about silly things like that.

11-13-2019, 01:25 AM
The EU is too busy virtue signaling to Islamists and their defenders to worry about silly things like that.

Let's be perfectly honest, when we say the EU, we're really talking about Germany. France is being France and once again GB is trying to get out of a deal they should have known better than to get involved in.

I honestly can't believe that EU shit was ever allowed to happen.

11-21-2019, 06:14 AM
A school board in Illinois passed a rule stating any student can use any locker room as long as they identify with that gender.

Basically this boy wanted to get dressed and undressed with the girls, and the boy was upset that he couldn't live every teenage boy's dream as seen in the documentary film "Porky's", so he actually took his case to the school board who agreed he should be able to watch girls get naked simply because he dyed his hair pink and says he's a girl.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-21-2019, 08:43 AM
I bet all the parents of the girls are ecstatic for this new rule.

11-23-2019, 06:49 PM
"Protesters" were shouting at Jewish students in Canada screaming "Go back to the ovens!"

Now if you're wondering why this hasn't made world headlines it's because they weren't white supremacists but rather Muslims "protesting" under the guise of they really just hate Israel's policies, they don't hate Jews. Because telling Jews to "go back to the ovens" totally says "I disagree with Israel's policies on this particular issue."

But if you're a piece of shit like Back and Seran you stick your fingers in your ears and scream "LALALALALALALAALA" while you go vote for a white as paste Democrat who tells you the real problem facing the world today is white supremacy.

11-23-2019, 07:27 PM
"Protesters" were shouting at Jewish students in Canada screaming "Go back to the ovens!"

Now if you're wondering why this hasn't made world headlines it's because they weren't white supremacists but rather Muslims "protesting" under the guise of they really just hate Israel's policies, they don't hate Jews. Because telling Jews to "go back to the ovens" totally says "I disagree with Israel's policies on this particular issue."

But if you're a piece of shit like Back and Seran you stick your fingers in your ears and scream "LALALALALALALAALA" while you go vote for a white as paste Democrat who tells you the real problem facing the world today is white supremacy.


11-23-2019, 07:32 PM


I saw the video on Twitter but it's not on that page apparently.

11-23-2019, 07:39 PM
"Protesters" were shouting at Jewish students in Canada screaming "Go back to the ovens!"

Now if you're wondering why this hasn't made world headlines it's because they weren't white supremacists but rather Muslims "protesting" under the guise of they really just hate Israel's policies, they don't hate Jews. Because telling Jews to "go back to the ovens" totally says "I disagree with Israel's policies on this particular issue."

But if you're a piece of shit like Back and Seran you stick your fingers in your ears and scream "LALALALALALALAALA" while you go vote for a white as paste Democrat who tells you the real problem facing the world today is white supremacy.

Let a person actually comment on an issue before you throw them out the window. Jeezus.

11-23-2019, 08:02 PM
Let a person actually comment on an issue before you throw them out the window. Jeezus.

We all know you by now, Back. You're not that deep.

11-23-2019, 08:19 PM
We all know you by now, Back. You're not that deep.

LOL. We? You mean you and all the strawmen you keep throwing out. Never claimed to be deep. I'm pretty simple actually. Do me the courtesy of letting me speak for myself. Thanks bro.

11-23-2019, 08:26 PM
I'm pretty simple actually.

Smartest thing you've ever said.

11-23-2019, 10:30 PM

I saw the video on Twitter but it's not on that page apparently.


11-24-2019, 01:18 AM
Fucking Democrats are losing their minds at an exponential rate.

Queerty, an online magazine that deals with, well that should be obvious, wrote this amazing article:

What you stand to lose by not having sex with people with HIV (https://www.queerty.com/stand-lose-not-sex-people-hiv-20191117)

In which they try to guilt trip you for not wanting to date and have sex with someone who is HIV positive.

No I shit you not. Remember just last year we had the whole #MeToo thing and how everyone should have the right to have sex with whoever they want? Well fuck that noise! Have sex with the men with HIV, you bigots!

11-24-2019, 01:48 AM


11-24-2019, 07:05 AM
Fucking Democrats are losing their minds at an exponential rate.

Queerty, an online magazine that deals with, well that should be obvious, wrote this amazing article:

What you stand to lose by not having sex with people with HIV (https://www.queerty.com/stand-lose-not-sex-people-hiv-20191117)

In which they try to guilt trip you for not wanting to date and have sex with someone who is HIV positive.

No I shit you not. Remember just last year we had the whole #MeToo thing and how everyone should have the right to have sex with whoever they want? Well fuck that noise! Have sex with the men with HIV, you bigots!




11-24-2019, 10:34 AM
Let a person actually comment on an issue before you throw them out the window. Jeezus.

So what is your comment on the issue?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2019, 12:05 PM
So what is your comment on the issue?

He's still trying to come up with 3 things Obama did that we'll be talking about in 50 years, from the other thread. Don't stress him out man, he's got lots of virtue signaling to do today.

11-24-2019, 12:42 PM
So what is your comment on the issue?

His comment is WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!


11-24-2019, 04:27 PM
Telling Jewish students they should go back to the ovens over a disagreement with their politics is fucked up.

Tgo's conflated strawmen are nothing more than his inability to see anything without a binary political lens. His wildly outrageous and false accusations are more harmful to the community at large and himself than they are to me personally. I'm concerned for his well-being because over the years he has really slipped down the slippery slope of right wing radicalization promoted by the so called right wing media.

11-24-2019, 04:29 PM
Telling Jewish students they should go back to the ovens over a disagreement with their politics is fucked up.

Now are you going to vote for a white Democrat who tells you white supremacy is the real problem in the world today?

Are you going to demand more of the news you consume (CNN, MSNBC, etc) to report on hateful speech such as this even if it comes from Muslims? Or are you going to go about business as usual while they too tell you the real problem facing the world today is white supremacy and Donald Trump?

Or is the extent of your "caring" just to denounce this on the PC so you can virtue signal and think you "won" this one against me?

Let's be real, Back, it's the last one.

11-24-2019, 04:50 PM
Now are you going to vote for a white Democrat who tells you white supremacy is the real problem in the world today?

Who I vote for and why is infinity more complex than your political binary brain can seemingly comprehend and I don't mean that as an insult either. If republicans would denounce that shit, show some actual inclusivity, open up the tent, instead of suppressing voters, gerrymandering, and protecting their rich buddies on Wall Street they may actually get an actual majority.

But lets talk about the recent resurgence of white supremacy issue.

Do we not agree that white supremacy is a negative thing and that anyone saying they will fight it is a positive thing?

Isn't it clear that if people do not fight it at every turn, in every instance, it will keep popping up again and again as history has shown?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2019, 04:57 PM
Who I vote for and why is infinity more complex than your political binary brain can seemingly comprehend and I don't mean that as an insult either. If republicans would denounce that shit, show some actual inclusivity, open up the tent, instead of suppressing voters, gerrymandering, and protecting their rich buddies on Wall Street they may actually get an actual majority.

But lets talk about the recent resurgence of white supremacy issue.

Do we not agree that white supremacy is a negative thing and that anyone saying they will fight it is a positive thing?

Isn't it clear that if people do not fight it at every turn, in every instance, it will keep popping up again and again as history has shown?

Like I said, this bitch has a lot of virtue signaling to do today, so don't concern him with real questions.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2019, 05:01 PM
And lets be real, Backrash voting for anyone not a dem isn't happening. Don't try and pretend you are open minded or anything. We all know you are a partisan bitch who'll virtue signal and snowflake all day long.

11-24-2019, 07:21 PM
I didn't see your edit until now.

Are you going to demand more of the news you consume (CNN, MSNBC, etc) to report on hateful speech such as this even if it comes from Muslims? Or are you going to go about business as usual while they too tell you the real problem facing the world today is white supremacy and Donald Trump?

First of all, you have no idea what news I consume. I know this because I've repeatedly told you yet you still make incorrect claims and are still coming to conclusions based on thse false assumptions. Right out of the gate, before I even get a chance to state an opinion, you've already written it out for me based on these imaginary things in your head that do not reflect reality. I suspect you're much more comfortable with me not ruining that diseased little stew of hatred in your head but I have no idea why it is that you need some mental construct to take your frustrations out on.

I do not feel the need to demand more news from any particular news source. Thats your issue. Thats your criticism of MSNBC or CNN or whoever. Its not my issue nor my criticism. And not because I don't want to know whats happening. There are tons of places to get information. So much so that it would be impossible for any one outlet to cover everything and for one person to consume it all. If I don't see something its not because I don't care about it. Its because I legitimately cannot see everything everywhere all the time.

White supremacy and its resurgence is an issue. I believe that because of the people who perpetrate it. Not because someone told me to be upset about it. If the idiots who keep pushing this bullshit would shut the fuck up and go away it would not be an issue. But guess what? They keep bringing it up. Not me. Not the media. No one is to blame but the assholes still pushing that bullshit.

Donald Trump is not doing anything to help the issue and is in fact in my opinion stoking that mentality with his anti-mulsim, anti-immigrant, anti-shit hold country, and anti-common decency.

Or is the extent of your "caring" just to denounce this on the PC so you can virtue signal and think you "won" this one against me?

Who the fuck am I virtue signalling to? You think my opinions on racism are me trying to be more popular here on the PC? THE FUCK YOU SMOKIN SON. If you knew as much about me as you think you do you'd know thats the biggest crock of shit anyone tried to sell around here. I'm not here for popularity.

Let's be real, Back, it's the last one.

I've been real this whole time. I think you need to get real.

11-24-2019, 07:41 PM
Back, you are so full of shit that the whites of your eyes have turned brown.

While it may be true that we don't know all the media you consume, we very well DO know the media that you regurgitate. If you use no other sources then your claim is only slightly more credible than the hearsay in all the televised testimony during the impeachment hearings. Until you demonstrate otherwise the perception is the reality that all you consume and regurgitate is MSM who have been proven repeatedly to have a deeply Leftist bias and who have repeatedly and maliciously fabricated complete pieces of fiction about the country, this administration and this President.

Of course you don't want any new sources because based on your posting, they might make you uncomfortable and force you to see how myopic and disingenuous your espoused views are.

White Supremacy is only on the rise due to our previous President inciting racial divide, his passive aggressive racism and his unwillingness to govern the country through the transition of power in his last months. It is not the most serious threat we face, it's not even in the top 10 and likely not in the top 100.

You are virtue signaling to anyone that might listen and always have since you come across as disingenuous, willfully ignorant and often play the victim, much like you are trying too now. I believe that you have adopted the modus operandi of virtue signaling so much that it is simply now an unconscious habit. I don't know if you can manage to be genuine and believable at the same time. Maybe face to face communication might provide clues to substantiate your claims however in text, you have come across as a plastic, shallow, vapid, Leftist shill.

11-24-2019, 07:56 PM
Back, you are so full of shit that the whites of your eyes have turned brown.

While it may be true that we don't know all the media you consume, we very well DO know the media that you regurgitate. If you use no other sources then your claim is only slightly more credible than the hearsay in all the televised testimony during the impeachment hearings. Until you demonstrate otherwise the perception is the reality that all you consume and regurgitate is MSM who have been proven repeatedly to have a deeply Leftist bias and who have repeatedly and maliciously fabricated complete pieces of fiction about the country, this administration and this President.

Of course you don't want any new sources because based on your posting, they might make you uncomfortable and force you to see how myopic and disingenuous your espoused views are.

White Supremacy is only on the rise due to our previous President inciting racial divide, his passive aggressive racism and his unwillingness to govern the country through the transition of power in his last months. It is not the most serious threat we face, it's not even in the top 10 and likely not in the top 100.

You are virtue signaling to anyone that might listen and always have since you come across as disingenuous, willfully ignorant and often play the victim, much like you are trying too now. I believe that you have adopted the modus operandi of virtue signaling so much that it is simply now an unconscious habit. I don't know if you can manage to be genuine and believable at the same time. Maybe face to face communication might provide clues to substantiate your claims however in text, you have come across as a plastic, shallow, vapid, Leftist shill.

Now this fucking guy. Noted. Enjoy the rest of your night.

11-24-2019, 08:09 PM
White supremacy and its resurgence is an issue.

"An issue" sure, the most pressing concern for the world at the moment? Not even close. The most pressing concern as far as just violence goes? Again not even close.

Radical Islamic terrorism remains by far the biggest threat to Western civilization, but like I said before you'll shove your fingers in your ears and listen to the likes of Elizabeth Warren tell you white supremacy is the biggest threat. People such as yourself like to pretend 9/11 was a hundred years ago or something and everyone involved is dead and buried, but it wasn't, an entire generation hasn't even passed yet. 9/11 alone was responsible for more deaths than white supremacy in the past 50 years. This says nothing about the two largest Islamic terrorist attacks in Iraq responsible for almost 3000 deaths, not to mention the hundreds of Islamic terrorist attacks that take place every year that amounts of tens of thousands murdered every year.

But tell me more about how white supremacy and its "resurgence" is an issue because some white racist said some mean things.

11-24-2019, 08:47 PM
Children as young as six are to be given compulsory self-touching lessons that will teach them about touching or ‘stimulating’ their own genitals.

What the fuck are Democrats doing to our society?

11-24-2019, 09:03 PM
"An issue" sure, the most pressing concern for the world at the moment? Not even close. The most pressing concern as far as just violence goes? Again not even close.

That does not invalidate the need to rebut it, even the smallest instance of it, all day every day.

Radical Islamic terrorism remains by far the biggest threat to Western civilization, but like I said before you'll shove your fingers in your ears and listen to the likes of Elizabeth Warren tell you white supremacy is the biggest threat.

I don't recall her ever saying one word about Islamic terrorism. I do hear white supremacists say that though. Its part of their cannon.

Domestic terrorists in America have killed more people here than Islamic terrorists since, and including, 9/11.

People such as yourself like to pretend 9/11 was a hundred years ago or something and everyone involved is dead and buried, but it wasn't, an entire generation hasn't even passed yet. 9/11 alone was responsible for more deaths than white supremacy in the past 50 years. This says nothing about the two largest Islamic terrorist attacks in Iraq responsible for almost 3000 deaths, not to mention the hundreds of Islamic terrorist attacks that take place every year that amounts of tens of thousands murdered every year.

It was almost 20 years ago. They were from Saudi Arabia. The world is a much different place now. I recognize the threat of people who want to attack America. Including the domestic terrorists, who in my opinion, are dirtier, more evil, and fucked up than foreign terrorists because they walk among us not saying anything while hiding behind the guise of being American or patriotic.

But tell me more about how white supremacy and its "resurgence" is an issue because some white racist said some mean things.

Turning a blind eye or ear to white racists saying mean things gets you a holocaust.

11-24-2019, 09:07 PM
I don't recall her ever saying one word about Islamic terrorism. I do hear white supremacists say that though. Its part of their cannon.

And here is where Back shoves his fingers in his ears and screams "LALALALALALALALALALALAALALALALA"

It was almost 20 years ago. They were from Saudi Arabia. The world is a much different place now.


11-24-2019, 09:25 PM
And here is where Back shoves his fingers in his ears and screams "LALALALALALALALALALALAALALALALA"



Virtue signaling is a form of masturbation. Back masturbates a lot.

11-24-2019, 09:27 PM
And here is where Back shoves his fingers in his ears and screams "LALALALALALALALALALALAALALALALA"


He's like a real life sock puppet.. only dumber.

11-24-2019, 09:28 PM

Virtue signaling is a form of masturbation. Back masturbates a lot.

What choice does he have at this point?

11-24-2019, 09:31 PM
Islamic terrorists murdered 300 Christians just 5 months ago.

Back: "The world is a much different place now."

Islamic extremists murdered 200 people in Nigeria just 8 months ago.

Back: "The world is a much different place now."

What an absolute waste of brain cells.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-25-2019, 08:03 AM
Domestic terrorists in America have killed more people here than Islamic terrorists since, and including, 9/11.

Source, and if you say Slate, DIAF.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-25-2019, 08:04 AM
In B4 Backrash never answers. He can't, because he's wrong.

11-25-2019, 09:35 AM
In B4 Backrash never answers. He can't, because he's wrong.

I sometimes wonder what it's like to see the world from BacKKKlash's perspective, being an effeminate frail soy based scarf hipster whose stupidity reaches gargantuan levels yet always insisting that he's the smartest and most informed person in the room.

I wonder if it's physically painful, or if it's ust pure bliss from being so fucking clueless about literally everything on the planet.

Basically I wonder if it's like this:

Or this:

11-25-2019, 09:37 AM
Source, and if you say Slate, DIAF.

Holy shit, I didn’t even read that abortion of a comment of his. Hey, Back, there’s a reason hack “experts” always go by AFTER 9/11 when pushing this agenda of theirs, it’s because that one act of terrorism dwarfs everything else by comparison, even when you start adding years worth of other crimes and terrorist acts combined.

More since and including 9/11 my ass. If you shoved your fingers in your ears any farther you would poke your brain.

11-25-2019, 09:37 AM
When have I ever said terrorism in general isn't an issue? Of course it is. Domestic terrorism falls under that category. I think its much more insidious. My opinion.

This all started with Tgo saying I condone Islamic terrorism. I'm simply trying to set him straight. He wants to apply his lunatic binary political confusion to try to tie my concern over white supremacy (domestic terrorism) to my not being concerned with any other terrorism. Sorry pal. Totally incorrect.

11-25-2019, 09:41 AM
This all started with Tgo saying I condone Islamic terrorism.

No, this all started with me saying you would turn a blind eye to this type of shit happening all over the world and that’s exactly what you’ve done.

“Oh it’s so terrible they said Jews should go back in the oven! Now let me tell you how the world is a different place now and Muslims are peaceful and loving and it’s them damn honkeys terrorizing everyone!”

11-25-2019, 09:44 AM
No, this all started with me saying you would turn a blind eye to this type of shit happening all over the world and that’s exactly what you’ve done.

“Oh it’s so terrible they said Jews should go back in the oven! Now let me tell you how the world is a different place now and Muslims are peaceful and loving and it’s them damn honkeys terrorizing everyone!”

Dude, have some self respect. You know I never said those things and you know I don't believe that. Grow up already.

11-25-2019, 09:54 AM
When have I ever said terrorism in general isn't an issue? Of course it is. Domestic terrorism falls under that category. I think its much more insidious. My opinion.

This all started with Tgo saying I condone Islamic terrorism. I'm simply trying to set him straight. He wants to apply his lunatic binary political confusion to try to tie my concern over white supremacy (domestic terrorism) to my not being concerned with any other terrorism. Sorry pal. Totally incorrect.

The fact that you think "white supremacy," which is usually some random retard from Alabama or something waving a Confederate flag around or posting mean tweets or some shit, is "the most pressing issue in America," and a more pressing issue than Islamic terrorism, where they run people over, throw acid in their face, blow shit up, show up at Frozen 2 with machetes, etc. shows what a fucking dumbass self loathing retard you are.

You are the jack of all asses.

We get it, you hate white people because you think it will score you SJW points and one day some feminist might let you touch her hairy armpit.

11-25-2019, 10:19 AM
The fact that you think "white supremacy," which is usually some random retard from Alabama or something waving a Confederate flag around or posting mean tweets or some shit, is "the most pressing issue in America," and a more pressing issue than Islamic terrorism, where they run people over, throw acid in their face, blow shit up, show up at Frozen 2 with machetes, etc. shows what a fucking dumbass self loathing retard you are.

You are the jack of all asses.

We get it, you hate white people because you think it will score you SJW points and one day some feminist might let you touch her hairy armpit.

Except you will never find a post of me saying all that because you lie.

White supremacy is serious. It is on the rise. Its not just some hillbilly with a confederate flag, its dudes marching in North Carolina where one ran his car into a crowd of peaceful protesters murdering one of them. Its a guy shooting up a Walmart in broad daylight because he hates immigrants. Its a guy shooting up a synagogue, and the list goes on.

Turning a blind eye to white supremacy is what caused the holocaust. No one that I know has ever advocated to turning a blind eye to terrorism of any kind domestically or around the world because thats fucking crazy and stupid.

But you sure as hell are starting to sound like you want to downplay domestic terrorism and your twisted logic, like Tgo's, means you think there is some direct opposite of your way of thinking, that your misguided belief means that there must be a political opponent to you, that must mean everyone you disagree with is trying to downplay global terrorism? You're embarrassing yourselves here.

11-25-2019, 10:22 AM
Except you will never find a post of me saying all that because you lie.

White supremacy is serious. It is on the rise. Its not just some hillbilly with a confederate flag, its dudes marching in North Carolina where one ran his car into a crowd of peaceful protesters murdering one of them. Its a guy shooting up a Walmart in broad daylight because he hates immigrants. Its a guy shooting up a synagogue, and the list goes on.

Turning a blind eye to white supremacy is what caused the holocaust. No one that I know has ever advocated to turning a blind eye to terrorism of any kind domestically or around the world because thats fucking crazy and stupid.

But you sure as hell are starting to sound like you want to downplay domestic terrorism and your twisted logic, like Tgo's, means you think there is some direct opposite of your way of thinking, that your misguided belief means that there must be a political opponent to you, that must mean everyone you disagree with is trying to downplay global terrorism? You're embarrassing yourselves here.

I'm too lazy to explain again why you're such a retard, so I'll just ask one question:

Which is the bigger threat overall -- Islamic terrorism, or "white supremacy"? Please clarify.

11-25-2019, 10:25 AM
I'm too lazy to explain again why you're such a retard, so I'll just ask one question:

Which is the bigger threat overall -- Islamic terrorism, or "white supremacy"? Please clarify.

This illustrates your problem. You think in this binary way and the real world does not work like that. Both are equally important, both are equally a threat. The fuck is wrong with you?

11-25-2019, 10:30 AM
This illustrates your problem. You think in this binary way and the real world does not work like that. Both are equally important, both are equally a threat. The fuck is wrong with you?

You're fucking stupid.

Which is the greater overall threat? It's an easy fucking question. Which do you consider a bigger threat to the world?

One being a bigger overall threat than the other doesn't mean the other isn't also a threat/issue, fucking idiot.

We've already established that both are bad, so you can stfu with those deflections.

So let's try again...which do you consider the bigger overall threat?


You can always tell when Back learns a new word because he uses it all the time for like a week.

Grats on learning your new word buddy!

11-25-2019, 10:56 AM
Dude, have some self respect.


11-25-2019, 10:59 AM
Except you will never find a post of me saying all that because you lie.

White supremacy is serious. It is on the rise. Its not just some hillbilly with a confederate flag, its dudes marching in North Carolina where one ran his car into a crowd of peaceful protesters murdering one of them. Its a guy shooting up a Walmart in broad daylight because he hates immigrants. Its a guy shooting up a synagogue, and the list goes on.

Turning a blind eye to white supremacy is what caused the holocaust. No one that I know has ever advocated to turning a blind eye to terrorism of any kind domestically or around the world because thats fucking crazy and stupid.

But you sure as hell are starting to sound like you want to downplay domestic terrorism and your twisted logic, like Tgo's, means you think there is some direct opposite of your way of thinking, that your misguided belief means that there must be a political opponent to you, that must mean everyone you disagree with is trying to downplay global terrorism? You're embarrassing yourselves here.

Here's the problem: You dilute the real problem by grouping every white (and sometimes black) people into this category that you disagree with politically. Like Trump. What specifically has Trump done that makes him a white supremacist?

11-25-2019, 10:34 PM
This illustrates your problem. You think in this binary way and the real world does not work like that. Both are equally important, both are equally a threat. The fuck is wrong with you?

What is wrong with you? You are a fucking moron. You learned a new word and have applied it to nearly every other post you make trying to sound all enlightened. When you have to pick between two items in a comparison of which is bigger A or B it IS A FUCKING BINARY decision. You are such a pussy and afraid to offend some Islamic radical along with being overly impressed at learning a new word that you can't even made an honest decision.

Get the fuck out you useless fuck. No one can approach your retard crown title, no one.

Here is another binary question you won't answer:

Which is Back, a fucking moron or are moronic cuck?

11-26-2019, 09:34 AM
What is wrong with you? You are a fucking moron. You learned a new word and have applied it to nearly every other post you make trying to sound all enlightened.

This is correct.

When have I ever said terrorism in general isn't an issue? Of course it is. Domestic terrorism falls under that category. I think its much more insidious. My opinion.

This all started with Tgo saying I condone Islamic terrorism. I'm simply trying to set him straight. He wants to apply his lunatic binary political confusion to try to tie my concern over white supremacy (domestic terrorism) to my not being concerned with any other terrorism. Sorry pal. Totally incorrect.

Telling Jewish students they should go back to the ovens over a disagreement with their politics is fucked up.

Tgo's conflated strawmen are nothing more than his inability to see anything without a binary political lens. His wildly outrageous and false accusations are more harmful to the community at large and himself than they are to me personally. I'm concerned for his well-being because over the years he has really slipped down the slippery slope of right wing radicalization promoted by the so called right wing media.

Who I vote for and why is infinity more complex than your political binary brain can seemingly comprehend and I don't mean that as an insult either. If republicans would denounce that shit, show some actual inclusivity, open up the tent, instead of suppressing voters, gerrymandering, and protecting their rich buddies on Wall Street they may actually get an actual majority.

But lets talk about the recent resurgence of white supremacy issue.

Do we not agree that white supremacy is a negative thing and that anyone saying they will fight it is a positive thing?

Isn't it clear that if people do not fight it at every turn, in every instance, it will keep popping up again and again as history has shown?

I think the issue you have is you politicize everything and try to fit it all into a false binary. Truth and lies are not provenances of the left or right. Strip away the politics and its just truth and lies. As he says in the video, lies travel faster than truth, and these media outlets are indifferent to what they spread as long as it makes them money. The algorithms they use appeal to people's base instincts so they supply a steady stream of material to engage their viewers emotions while supporting their fears.

You ought to watch it. He says some really cool stuff. Let it roll in the background.

We're really proud of you that you learned a new word, Back. Who taught it to you? Is "binary" the buzz word of the week at MSNBC or something? Maybe one day you'll be able to speak to moisture vaporators.

When you have to pick between two items in a comparison of which is bigger A or B it IS A FUCKING BINARY decision. You are such a pussy and afraid to offend some Islamic radical along with being overly impressed at learning a new word that you can't even made an honest decision.

Get the fuck out you useless fuck. No one can approach your retard crown title, no one.

This is correct.

Here is another binary question you won't answer:

Which is Back, a fucking moron or are moronic cuck?

EDIT: Being a real cuck would actually require having a woman. Pretty sure Beth/Maimara from the PC was the last person who Back touched, at least with consent.

Barring that though...

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-26-2019, 09:53 AM
I just did Principal Component Analysis, Random Forest modeling and KMeans Clustering of client data using binary data points of over 700M records.

11-26-2019, 09:56 AM
I just did Principal Component Analysis, Random Forest modeling and KMeans Clustering of client data using binary data points of over 700M records.

Nary a person thinks back isn't retarded and binary I mean "not one".

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-26-2019, 09:58 AM
Nary a person thinks back isn't retarded and binary I mean "not one".


I see what you did there.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-26-2019, 10:49 AM
Dude... was reading about Biden's Latina chairperson leaving his campaign... ran across the word LatinX... thought it was a typo, but they used it several times so I google it.

Latinx is a gender-neutral neologism, sometimes used instead of Latino or Latina to refer to people of Latin American cultural or racial identity in the United States. The ⟨-x⟩ suffix replaces the standard ⟨-o/-a⟩ ending of nouns and adjectives, typical of grammatical gender in Spanish. Its plural is Latinxs.




Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-26-2019, 10:50 AM



I bet Backrash uses it.

11-26-2019, 11:07 AM



I bet Backrash uses it.

I'm about 50% certain he already has used it here before.

11-26-2019, 07:37 PM
Dude... was reading about Biden's Latina chairperson leaving his campaign... ran across the word LatinX... thought it was a typo, but they used it several times so I google it.

Latinx is a gender-neutral neologism, sometimes used instead of Latino or Latina to refer to people of Latin American cultural or racial identity in the United States. The ⟨-x⟩ suffix replaces the standard ⟨-o/-a⟩ ending of nouns and adjectives, typical of grammatical gender in Spanish. Its plural is Latinxs.




From what I understand most "Latinx" people think it's absolutely dumb and are proud to be referred to as a "Latino" or "Latina." It should come as no surprise that "Latinx" is an American dreamed up word.

11-26-2019, 07:41 PM
From what I understand most "Latinx" people think it's absolutely dumb and are proud to be referred to as a "Latino" or "Latina." It should come as no surprise that "Latinx" is an American dreamed up word.

As I'm dating a half-Latina, I am an expert on all these things now, and they hate it.

Seriously though, one of my buddies said it was fucking retarded and disrespectful to his culture.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-26-2019, 10:24 PM
I'm HIV positive Latinx is as retarded as backrash.

11-27-2019, 12:49 AM
Speaking of HIV positive, New Zealand opened the world's first HIV positive sperm bank.

I shit you not. What is the left doing to the world?

11-29-2019, 03:36 PM
Several people were killed today in Britain in a terrorist attack. Authorities so far have refused to release the identity of the attacker. Gee, I wonder what the odds are the terrorist is a Muslim? "But the world is a different place and Islamic extremism is no longer a danger but white supremacy is!" - Back

12-01-2019, 11:32 AM
Wacko "environmentalists" believe it's using the words "Climate Change" for their social and economic movement is the reason it hasn't taken off like they had hoped. It has nothing to do with their 40+ years of being wrong.. and everything to do with using a bad phrase.

So "Climate Change" is going to be changed to "Global Meltdown" or "Global Melting".... except when the polar ice is building up.. then it'll probably be called "Man Made Ice Age" or something equally "frightening".


12-01-2019, 12:14 PM
Wacko "environmentalists" believe it's using the words "Climate Change" for their social and economic movement is the reason it hasn't taken off like they had hoped. It has nothing to do with their 40+ years of being wrong.. and everything to do with using a bad phrase.

So "Climate Change" is going to be changed to "Global Meltdown" or "Global Melting".... except when the polar ice is building up.. then it'll probably be called "Man Made Ice Age" or something equally "frightening".


Full circle. Just proof that we are doomed since our education system has failed us deeply.

12-02-2019, 01:07 PM
https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/79128226_2576947719189794_9174451418755497984_n.jp g?_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=ubWU2jLohVIAQnJCkyW-Ic3nrpyYI9drQOswN44Zg3ThHcgqoPWMpfm5w&_nc_ht=scontent.fbtr1-1.fna&oh=8c39a4c1d4f85668ceb82fe290587e21&oe=5E892472

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-02-2019, 01:36 PM

Great response to Bloomberg, and completely valid IMO.

"President Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign will no longer issue credentials to Bloomberg News (https://www.foxnews.com/media/bloomberg-news-not-investigating-bloomberg-democrats) because of its decision to investigate Trump, but not his political opponents, campaign manager Brad Parscale announced Monday.Bloomberg News announced last week that it wouldn’t investigate its namesake owner, Mike Bloomberg (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michael-bloomberg-officially-enters-2020-democratic-presidential-primary-race), while he runs for president, or any other Democratic presidential candidate for that matter, but would continue to investigate President Trump.

“The decision by Bloomberg News to formalize preferential reporting policies is troubling and wrong,” Parscale wrote in a statement. "Bloomberg News has declared that they won’t investigate their boss or his Democrat competitors, many of whom are current holders of high office, but will continue critical reporting on President Trump.”"

12-02-2019, 03:11 PM

Great response to Bloomberg, and completely valid IMO.

"President Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign will no longer issue credentials to Bloomberg News (https://www.foxnews.com/media/bloomberg-news-not-investigating-bloomberg-democrats) because of its decision to investigate Trump, but not his political opponents, campaign manager Brad Parscale announced Monday.Bloomberg News announced last week that it wouldn’t investigate its namesake owner, Mike Bloomberg (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michael-bloomberg-officially-enters-2020-democratic-presidential-primary-race), while he runs for president, or any other Democratic presidential candidate for that matter, but would continue to investigate President Trump.

“The decision by Bloomberg News to formalize preferential reporting policies is troubling and wrong,” Parscale wrote in a statement. "Bloomberg News has declared that they won’t investigate their boss or his Democrat competitors, many of whom are current holders of high office, but will continue critical reporting on President Trump.”"

Bloomberg doesn't have a prayer anyway unless poor people want to be taxed even more because nanny state...


12-02-2019, 04:36 PM
Sometimes democrats tell the truth by accident.


12-03-2019, 10:14 AM
Sometimes democrats tell the truth by accident.


At least he's being honest.

Global Warming... er I mean Climate Change... er I mean GLOBAL MEEEEEEEELLLLLTTTTTINNGGGGGG is less about the climate and mostly about transforming the economic and social structure of countries.

12-03-2019, 10:38 AM
Last edited by Parkbandit; 12-03-2019 at 09:15 AM. Reason: Added bigger font, bold, italics and underlines to make it more ASHLIANA


12-03-2019, 10:41 AM
https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/78587324_2577889422428957_8318936625367220224_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&_nc_ohc=BOr1uReokG0AQmtGV4tzxY5EX0WE4D6JhfUuAxMJRn gF3i7R-zzfYqonw&_nc_ht=scontent.fbtr1-1.fna&oh=aba9a44b92f5a899b2c4529f8bec43d4&oe=5E7E1550

12-03-2019, 10:58 PM
A reporter asked Trudeau why Canada was falling behind on its NATO obligations, here was his response to that specific question:

“We’re engaged in substantive ways but also ways that reflect our leadership. Three of our top NATO leaders that are Canadians are actually women, incredibly qualified women, both in Rome, in the maritime fleet, and leading in Iraq. This is, these are the kinds of things that Canada does by stepping up.”

Canada's idea of "stepping up" to meet it's military funding obligation is apparently promoting more women generals or something.

12-04-2019, 08:33 AM
A reporter asked Trudeau why Canada was falling behind on its NATO obligations, here was his response to that specific question:

“We’re engaged in substantive ways but also ways that reflect our leadership. Three of our top NATO leaders that are Canadians are actually women, incredibly qualified women, both in Rome, in the maritime fleet, and leading in Iraq. This is, these are the kinds of things that Canada does by stepping up.”

Canada's idea of "stepping up" to meet it's military funding obligation is apparently promoting more women generals or something.

Trudeau is like Backlash if Backlash was successful at something.

12-09-2019, 05:25 AM

So a racist white liberal attacked a black conservative on a college campus as the black conservative was filming the attack. The racist also shouted at the black man "You're going to wind up fucking dead!" Meanwhile the black student remains calm, doesn't fight back, and continues to record the white racist liberal.

How did the college president refer to the unprovoked and one sided attack and threat?

"I am deeply disturbed and appalled to learn that there was a fistfight on campus today between two students."

12-09-2019, 09:31 AM

So a racist white liberal attacked a black conservative on a college campus as the black conservative was filming the attack. The racist also shouted at the black man "You're going to wind up fucking dead!" Meanwhile the black student remains calm, doesn't fight back, and continues to record the white racist liberal.

How did the college president refer to the unprovoked and one sided attack and threat?

"I am deeply disturbed and appalled to learn that there was a fistfight on campus today between two students."

Why does that little bitch look like a Backlash relative? That wasn't a "fistfight", that was a pansy ass liberal closing his eyes right before he went to slap someone else.

This is just another example of how it has nothing at all to do with skin color, sexual preference or anything else.. and 100% because of politics.

12-09-2019, 10:26 AM
Why does that little bitch look like a Backlash relative? That wasn't a "fistfight", that was a pansy ass liberal closing his eyes right before he went to slap someone else.

This is just another example of how it has nothing at all to do with skin color, sexual preference or anything else.. and 100% because of politics.

This is exactly how I imagine BacKKKlash trying to punch someone.

It's like watching Obama pitching a baseball, but with unhinged butthurt fueled violence.

I wonder who his Plat character is.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-09-2019, 10:43 AM
OMG the impeachment bullshit is a political CIRCUS.

Nadler is getting walked on, repubs and dems both look like children who got their toys taken away.

12-09-2019, 10:59 AM
https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/78838332_2584237428460823_6048375934971543552_n.jp g?_nc_cat=1&_nc_ohc=dI-GTxg_EvoAQne2g9jAsq0BNYakaTsDOc0-mWQQ5ODs6OhK_Rw3uBM7A&_nc_ht=scontent.fbtr1-1.fna&oh=92b58350ba8acc11407797db853696b0&oe=5E858FA4

12-09-2019, 12:28 PM
https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/78838332_2584237428460823_6048375934971543552_n.jp g?_nc_cat=1&_nc_ohc=dI-GTxg_EvoAQne2g9jAsq0BNYakaTsDOc0-mWQQ5ODs6OhK_Rw3uBM7A&_nc_ht=scontent.fbtr1-1.fna&oh=92b58350ba8acc11407797db853696b0&oe=5E858FA4

The plan wasn't really to integrate them into male troops. Girl Scouts is mostly garbage and Scouts BSA saw an opportunity to increase its size and profits.

12-09-2019, 12:37 PM
Girl Scouts is just a cookie racket.

Fixed. And correct.

12-09-2019, 12:49 PM
Fixed. And correct.

It really is. The individual troops see very little from their efforts. Meanwhile, Boy Scouts were going out and doing stuff. Camping and all that. A lot of girl scout troops weren't doing shit. Of course they wanted in there. All Girl and Boy troops were, from the beginning, going to be segregated though. I don't get why people are being such triggered snowflakes about this.

12-13-2019, 11:45 AM
Mall Santa ‘Fired’ After Someone Complained Because He Wore a Pro-Trump Hat (https://pluralist.com/mall-santa-fired-trump-hat/49999)


A Georgia man says he was fired from his job as a shopping mall’s Santa Claus after a manager complained about his wearing of a pro-Trump hat.

“It really was an innocent thing. It really was,” Frank Skinner, a supporter of President Donald Trump who has nearly five decades of experience as a mall Santa, told First Coast News.

Skinner, who worked at the Mall at Waycross Shopping Center, shared a post to Facebook on Tuesday describing his account of the controversy.

MORE: Family Says Boy Being Brutally Beaten in Viral Video Was Targeted Because He Wore a Trump Hat (https://pluralist.com/trump-hat-school-bus-video/)

He said he put on the hat while the mall was closing and no children were nearby. Someone snapped a photo, which he uploaded to his Facebook account “for laughs.”

Skinner believes someone saw the photo and passed it along to mall management and the media.

According to a post shared by Skinner on Facebook, mall management initially told him they’d received a request for him to stop wearing the Trump hat.

First Coast News contacted the mall and asked for a statement.

“The statement the mall received claimed I would be replaced and from that point on this all became a massive controversy,” Skinner said in the Facebook post.

“When I spoke to the Mall management they advised me that I would be removed from rotation for a few days to investigate. Then I read the statement made by the Mall Management to the news and gathered I had actually been fired,” he added.

Skinner said he is “still waiting for an official communication.”

“Together we trying to discern what’s appropriate going forward. There has been no official action at this point,” Skinner said.

“I just felt like my constitutional rights were being taken away,” he told First Coast News.

Skinner has received an outpouring of support from members of the public who believe his support of the president should be uncontroversial.

https://i.imgur.com/DlGfkV7.png (https://www.facebook.com/flynwood.skinner/posts/600114277464466)

“This is a disgrace. Any citizen should be allowed to support the current president and leader of the country. All future Santas must supply and display their voter registration card. Anyone labeled liberal or Democrat is automatically disqualified as it hateful against America,” said one commenter replying to a post on Skinner’s Facebook page.

Skinner said he “in no way meant to cause anyone discomfort” by wearing the hat.

“Obviously it did offend some folks. I can assure everyone that was not my intent. I have learned a lot from this. Going forward I will keep this in mind,” he said.

Skinner also apologized to RCG Ventures, the real estate company that owns the Mall at Waycross.

“[I]n closing lets all remember this is the Christmas Season lets put aside our differences and LET’S CELEBRATE IN KEEPING CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS !!!!” Skinner said in his Facebook post.

12-13-2019, 11:57 AM
“[I]n closing lets all remember this is the Christmas Season lets put aside our differences and LET’S CELEBRATE IN KEEPING CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS !!!!” Skinner said in his Facebook post.

rofl this guy

p.s. Georgia is an at-will state

12-13-2019, 12:02 PM
rofl this guy

Everything in that article and that's what you got out of it?

Reported to the North Pole police.

12-13-2019, 12:09 PM
Everything in that article and that's what you got out of it?

Reported to the North Pole police.

Yeah pretty much. People would have been just as pissed if it were a Clinton or Obama hat or something, it IS Georgia after all.

12-13-2019, 12:21 PM
Yeah pretty much. People would have been just as pissed if it were a Clinton or Obama hat or something, it IS Georgia after all.

Confirmed Taernath is mall management.

12-14-2019, 08:50 PM
A bunch of morons on Twitter are losing their minds over "white supremacist hand symbols" being displayed by cadets at the Army/Navy football game.

The "white supremacist hand symbol" was of course the okay hand symbol. These morons never learn.

12-14-2019, 09:54 PM
The communists, I mean Democrats, in VA are working overtime in order to destroy the freedoms of VA citizens. On election night they were already talking about going through with gun confiscation so some sheriffs said they wouldn't comply with the law and some counties and cities also said they wouldn't comply with the law. A Democrat congressman has already suggested the use of force via employing the VA National Guard. Why do Democrats hate America and freedoms so much?

12-15-2019, 07:37 AM
The communists, I mean Democrats, in VA are working overtime in order to destroy the freedoms of VA citizens. On election night they were already talking about going through with gun confiscation so some sheriffs said they wouldn't comply with the law and some counties and cities also said they wouldn't comply with the law. A Democrat congressman has already suggested the use of force via employing the VA National Guard. Why do Democrats hate America and freedoms so much?

I live in VA and I'm pretty pissed at this. They just won both sides for the first time in a while and if they push this crap thru they won't get it back for a long time after this. The republicans will win it back next election and everything will get tossed out and put back to how it was.

Not to mention the proposed ban is unconstitutional.

12-16-2019, 11:38 PM
They are actually conducting an investigation into a couple of cadets at the Army/Navy football game because they were playing the circle game because of course Democrats screamed it was really a white power symbol.

Remember a couple of years ago when 30 black female cadets in uniform were literally doing the black power fist and no one cared and the military said no big deal? I wonder if they will reach the same conclusion here or offer up those white cadets on the altar of the always angry Democrats on social media.

12-19-2019, 06:41 PM
Antifa "professor" nearly kills several people by bashing them over the head with a bike lock.
Punishment? Probation.

Antifa thug hits a man over the head with a baton, sending him to the hospital with serious head injuries.
Punishment? 6 years in prison.

Antifa goons attack Proud Boys and get into a street brawl with them.
Punishment for the Antifa goons? None, not even an arrest.

A man burns a gay pride flag.
Punishment? 16 years in prison.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-19-2019, 06:57 PM
Dude��, he did a LOT more than burn a gay flag. Read the whole article.

12-19-2019, 06:59 PM
Dude��, he did a LOT more than burn a gay flag. Read the whole article.

I did read the article, he stole a flag and burned it. That really deserves 16 years in prison? Child rapists don't even get 16 years in prison.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-19-2019, 07:16 PM
Going from memory... he threatened to burn do n the whole strip club with everyone in it. Also a serial repeat offender.

12-19-2019, 07:21 PM
Going from memory... he threatened to burn do n the whole strip club with everyone in it. Also a serial repeat offender.

That's not mentioned in the article (nor the article linked inside of this article) at all but I suppose that's entirely possible.

This is what the prosecutor stated was the reasoning for hate crime charges:

Story County Attorney Jessica Reynolds said hate crime charges were added because Martinez is suspected of criminal mischief against someone's property because of "what it represents as far as sexual orientation."

He was charged with a hate crime because of "what it (the flag) represents as far as sexual orientation."

I didn't even know it was possible to be charged with a hate crime because of "criminal mischief" you conduct against an inanimate object but here we are. They don't even state here it's because he threatened anyone or made implied threats or anything, just simply because of "what it represents as far as sexual orientation."

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-19-2019, 07:24 PM
I was with you til I read a bit more about it. Dude belongs in prison.

12-19-2019, 07:29 PM
I was with you til I read a bit more about it. Dude belongs in prison.

For sure he belongs in prison, but 16 years?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-19-2019, 07:40 PM
For sure he belongs in prison, but 16 years?

I dunno... I think they should summarily execute animal abusers. Probably not a good judge of how long someone like this belongs in jail.

I'm 100% serious btw. Animal abusers should be hung in public, immediately.

12-20-2019, 12:09 AM
A man burns a gay pride flag.
Punishment? 16 years in prison.

So I figured this cannot possibly be true, so I researched it with the goal of proving Tgo wrong so I could poke him about verifying his sources.

Problem is, Tgo is right. Here's another link: https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/iowa-man-sentenced-15-years-after-burning-church-s-lgbtq-n1105131

12-20-2019, 12:16 AM
So I figured this cannot possibly be true, so I researched it with the goal of proving Tgo wrong so I could poke him about verifying his sources.

Problem is, Tgo is right. Here's another link: https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/iowa-man-sentenced-15-years-after-burning-church-s-lgbtq-n1105131

To be fair I did find one source that mentioned he threatened to burn down a gay club, but it made no mention that the threat had anything to do with the hefty jail sentence and it was literally mentioned in one sentence in the article as if it were an afterthought. The fact that I read at least a dozen articles that made no mention of the threat leads me to believe that either all of these news outlets didn't feel it was that important to mention, or it played a minor role in the entire criminal process. I'm guessing it didn't play much of a role because just saying stupid shit typically isn't considered an actual threat, it's only when the threat is credible or someone makes it directly towards the person they are threatening, this sounded more like he was just talking shit after the whole flag burning.

So yes it does seem he received 16 years in jail for stealing a flag and burning it.

You also know the guy isn't white because this story wasn't the top national news story for weeks.

12-20-2019, 09:05 AM
Matt Shea...report highlighting him being involved in domestic terrorism. Unsurprisingly tgo silent on that.

12-20-2019, 09:43 AM
I dunno... I think they should summarily execute animal abusers. Probably not a good judge of how long someone like this belongs in jail.

I'm 100% serious btw. Animal abusers should be hung in public, immediately.

This is correct. Even if the animal in question was a chihuahua.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-20-2019, 01:21 PM
Matt Shea...report highlighting him being involved in domestic terrorism. Unsurprisingly tgo silent on that.

Not a ton is known at this moment, is there?

if true, he should resign when the VA Governor, AG and Canadian PM resign.

12-20-2019, 03:29 PM
Not a ton is known at this moment, is there?

if true, he should resign when the VA Governor, AG and Canadian PM resign.

Recent domestic terrorism is way worse than a 50 year old photo.

12-20-2019, 03:35 PM
Not a ton is known at this moment, is there?

Shea was suspended from the state House Republican Caucus Thursday evening, advised by members of both parties to resign and will be removed from his committee assignments.

Sounds like there was plenty.

12-20-2019, 04:44 PM
Matt Shea...report highlighting him being involved in domestic terrorism. Unsurprisingly tgo silent on that.

I literally have no idea who that even is, I only read important news, like Trump saying mean things at a rally.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-20-2019, 04:53 PM
Sounds like there was plenty.

So he's been tried and found guilty in a court of law? Because... innocent until proven guilty and all, amirite?

Or is that only applicable to liberal snowflakes?

12-20-2019, 05:07 PM

The Republican House leadership immediately called for Shea’s resignation, suspended him from the party caucus and removed him from his ranking position on the House Environment and Energy Committee.


12-20-2019, 05:23 PM
I literally have no idea who that even is, I only read important news, like Trump saying mean things at a rally.

Just looked this guy up, apparently this news just broke today.

Since I'm apparently supposed to report on all of the Republicans accused of wrong doing you must be in charge of reporting on all of the wrong doings of Democrats, and boy are you behind!

Namely there are about a half dozen Democrats within the past couple of years accused of embezzlement, stealing from a charity (actual stealing from a charity and not bullshit like in Trump's case but the media accused him of stealing anyways), bribery, or other assorted graft crimes.

The Lt Gov of Virginia is a rapist.

Or how about the Virginia state senator who is a convicted sex offender for having sex with a minor and lost his law license due repeated ethical violations.

That's all just off the top of my head.

You're way behind on your reporting, Alfster! Get to it!

12-20-2019, 05:48 PM


So.. sounds like Republicans hold their caucus responsible for their actions while Democrats only do it if it's absolutely necessary.. and even then.. if it results in a loss of any power... then maybe not...

12-20-2019, 05:59 PM
So.. sounds like Republicans hold their caucus responsible for their actions while Democrats only do it if it's absolutely necessary.. and even then.. if it results in a loss of any power... then maybe not...

This is correct.

I heard a local democrat politician did something bad. Unsurprisingly Alfster’s silent about that.

12-20-2019, 09:43 PM
They are actually conducting an investigation into a couple of cadets at the Army/Navy football game because they were playing the circle game because of course Democrats screamed it was really a white power symbol.

Remember a couple of years ago when 30 black female cadets in uniform were literally doing the black power fist and no one cared and the military said no big deal? I wonder if they will reach the same conclusion here or offer up those white cadets on the altar of the always angry Democrats on social media.

The investigation concluded the cadets were indeed playing the circle game.

Your tax dollars at work.

12-21-2019, 09:42 AM
The investigation concluded the cadets were indeed playing the circle game.

Your tax dollars at work.


12-21-2019, 09:50 AM

No, his face is a dog.

12-21-2019, 11:24 AM
The investigation concluded the cadets were indeed playing the circle game.

Your tax dollars at work.

The circle game is clearly racist then.

12-23-2019, 09:16 AM
The investigation concluded the cadets were indeed playing the circle game.

Your tax dollars at work.

West Point stated the cadets involved will receive "appropriate administrative and/or disciplinary actions." Given the embarrassment that this whole thing has caused, I expect some of the cadets won't be cadets much longer.

12-23-2019, 10:45 AM
West Point stated the cadets involved will receive "appropriate administrative and/or disciplinary actions." Given the embarrassment that this whole thing has caused, I expect some of the cadets won't be cadets much longer.

How is it embarrassing though? It SHOULD be embarrassing for the people who fell for the 4Chan troll.

Some Rogue
12-23-2019, 11:16 AM
“I never understood wind,” Trump said. “I know windmills very much, I have studied it better than anybody. I know it is very expensive. They are made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here, almost none, but they are manufactured, tremendous — if you are into this — tremendous fumes and gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right?”“So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right spewing, whether it is China or Germany, is going into the air,” he continued.

“A windmill will kill many bald eagles,” Trump continued. “After a certain number, they make you turn the windmill off, that is true. By the way, they make you turn it off. And yet, if you killed one, they put you in jail. That is OK. But why is it OK for windmills to destroy the bird population?”
Trump has frequently brought up eagles when bashing windmills, with PolitiFact finding he has inflated (https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/may/31/donald-trump/trump-exaggerates-wind-turbine-eagle-deaths/) figures of eagles getting killed by wind turbines.


12-23-2019, 12:38 PM
“I never understood wind,” Trump said. “I know windmills very much, I have studied it better than anybody. I know it is very expensive. They are made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here, almost none, but they are manufactured, tremendous — if you are into this — tremendous fumes and gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right?”“So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right spewing, whether it is China or Germany, is going into the air,” he continued.

“A windmill will kill many bald eagles,” Trump continued. “After a certain number, they make you turn the windmill off, that is true. By the way, they make you turn it off. And yet, if you killed one, they put you in jail. That is OK. But why is it OK for windmills to destroy the bird population?”
Trump has frequently brought up eagles when bashing windmills, with PolitiFact finding he has inflated (https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/may/31/donald-trump/trump-exaggerates-wind-turbine-eagle-deaths/) figures of eagles getting killed by wind turbines.


Confirmed SR is racist against bald eagles.

12-23-2019, 01:12 PM
“I never understood wind,” Trump said.

He is the initial snowflake of a snowball of ignorance.

12-23-2019, 01:25 PM
I am a blizzard of ignorance.

This is correct.

12-23-2019, 02:08 PM
He is the initial snowflake of a snowball of ignorance.



12-23-2019, 10:21 PM
Just looked this guy up, apparently this news just broke today.

Since I'm apparently supposed to report on all of the Republicans accused of wrong doing you must be in charge of reporting on all of the wrong doings of Democrats, and boy are you behind!

Namely there are about a half dozen Democrats within the past couple of years accused of embezzlement, stealing from a charity (actual stealing from a charity and not bullshit like in Trump's case but the media accused him of stealing anyways), bribery, or other assorted graft crimes.

The Lt Gov of Virginia is a rapist.

Or how about the Virginia state senator who is a convicted sex offender for having sex with a minor and lost his law license due repeated ethical violations.

That's all just off the top of my head.

You're way behind on your reporting, Alfster! Get to it!

Gotta add another Democrat to the list. Cheryl Diane Glenn, a Democratic lawmaker from Maryland, is accused of accept bribes.

12-25-2019, 05:23 PM
Democrats in VA, you know the party of "But there are too many people in jail!!!!" have just increased the state's correctional budget in anticipation of enforcing their gun confiscation scheme and jailing gun owners who don't abide by the law.

Something tells me this won't be met with the usual "Stop jailing people!!!!" rhetoric from main stream Democrats. Who knew Democrats were against mass incarceration unless it was being carried out by a racist governor who dresses in black face, a rapist Lt Gov, a state attorney general who also likes to dress in black face, and at least one state lawmaker who literally spent time in jail for having sex with a minor.

Guess Democrats really haven't changed much since the 40's and 50's.

12-25-2019, 06:27 PM
Democrats in VA, you know the party of "But there are too many people in jail!!!!" have just increased the state's correctional budget in anticipation of enforcing their gun confiscation scheme and jailing gun owners who don't abide by the law.

Something tells me this won't be met with the usual "Stop jailing people!!!!" rhetoric from main stream Democrats. Who knew Democrats were against mass incarceration unless it was being carried out by a racist governor who dresses in black face, a rapist Lt Gov, a state attorney general who also likes to dress in black face, and at least one state lawmaker who literally spent time in jail for having sex with a minor.

Guess Democrats really haven't changed much since the 40's and 50's.


12-25-2019, 09:23 PM

Only if they won't give up their guns.

01-07-2020, 09:43 AM
Illinois City Will Use Weed Taxes to Pay Reparations for Black Residents (https://merryjane.com/news/illinois-city-will-use-weed-taxes-to-pay-reparations-for-black-residents)

lol @ black people buying weed in Illinois and paying their own reparations in the process. Was Illinois even a slave state?

At least we can say racism is over now right?

01-07-2020, 10:23 AM
I am a tard.


01-09-2020, 12:01 PM
Paul Krugman, leftist "economics" "expert" claims it wasn't him.. it was hackers that was using his IP address to download child porn.



01-09-2020, 12:08 PM
Paul Krugman, leftist "economics" "expert" claims it wasn't him.. it was hackers that was using his IP address to download child porn.



In before Back believes him.

because pedos stick together

01-09-2020, 01:38 PM
Paul Krugman, leftist "economics" "expert" claims it wasn't him.. it was hackers that was using his IP address to download child porn.



As far as I can tell the story is actually that a scammer called him claiming that's what was going on, and he believed them. He didn't actually get involved with child porn.


Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist, professor at the City University of New York, and New York Times columnist, experienced a chain of what appear to be Internet scam mishaps based on posts to Twitter that he later deleted. Initially, Krugman claimed to be "on the phone with my computer security service, and as I understand it someone compromised my IP address and is using it to download child pornography."

This is a common phone scam trope, and it appears that Krugman finally realized it was a scam—with the New York Times security team responding to assist him. But that wasn't until he tweeted again in confusion about another scam in the form of a spam email regarding a deposit to a nonexistent Bitcoin wallet.

01-09-2020, 01:43 PM
As far as I can tell the story is actually that a scammer called him claiming that's what was going on, and he believed them. He didn't actually get involved with child porn.


This is why old people should not internet without supervision.

01-09-2020, 02:13 PM
This is why old people should not internet without supervision.

I guess the Anthony Weiner story didn't scare him enough.

Or Larry Craig being anti gay while getting his fill at public washrooms.

For some reason, even when they are caught red handed, they still try to pretend it's not them.

01-09-2020, 02:32 PM
Are we just not reading the articles, or...?

01-09-2020, 10:12 PM
This is why stupid people should not internet without supervision.


It's not his age.. it's his lack of common sense.

01-16-2020, 06:31 AM
Governor blackface: LOL! Let's ban all guns!
Gun owners: We're gonna hold a rally to show you communists how much we care about the second amendment!
Governor blackface: Well I'm just gonna declare a state of emergency then!

This is how it all happened too, word for word, and the names are all 100% spot on.

What is wrong with Democrats that they are now declaring states of emergency because of rallies?

01-19-2020, 10:43 PM
Remember how Trump supposedly hated brown people because he wasn't doing enough to help Puerto Rico a couple of years ago after the hurricane?

They have now found at least two warehouses filled with aid that was delivered to the territory but was purposefully never distributed to the citizens and at least 1 person has already been fired for this.

Here we have at least one evil official who purposefully didn't send out aid and let people starve to death in an attempt to make Trump and the federal government look bad. Which story do you think got more news coverage, this story, or the original "Orange Man Bad" story?

Hint, it's the latter.

Apparently we're up to at least 3 officials have been fired so far.

01-19-2020, 11:02 PM
You've got a boner for the news

01-19-2020, 11:03 PM
You've got a boner for the news

The guy who buys the fake news 100% of the time is now complaining that I'm pointing out the fake news and the real corrupt government officials.

Who saw that one coming?

01-19-2020, 11:30 PM
You've got a boner for the news

You've got a boner for the fake news.

01-20-2020, 09:08 AM

01-20-2020, 09:09 AM
You've got a boner for the fake news.

Don't you mean lugenpresse?

01-20-2020, 09:41 AM
Don't you mean lugenpresse?

Here we have an example of the media literally engaging in fake news and coverups for corrupt politicians and all Back can do is say “oh the poor mistreated media!

How does it feel to be the most useless person to ever live?

01-20-2020, 10:55 AM
You've got a boner for the news

I mean...most political threads in general are pretty news based. What is it that you were expecting to be different?

01-20-2020, 11:02 AM


01-20-2020, 11:03 AM
Don't you mean lugenpresse?

Uh oh, looks like BacKKKlash learned a new word.

Expect to see it 4823704 times in every post he makes this week.

Hey fuckface, what's your opinion on this?


01-20-2020, 11:15 AM

https://i.imgur.com/wD8PQ8I.png (https://twitter.com/gabegutierrez/status/1219271317242945540)

They're literally just reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and nothing else.

I bet BacKKKlash will still insist that the tweet is accurate.

01-20-2020, 07:52 PM

https://i.imgur.com/wD8PQ8I.png (https://twitter.com/gabegutierrez/status/1219271317242945540)

They're literally just reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and nothing else.

I bet BacKKKlash will still insist that the tweet is accurate.

It’s apparently mean now to point out when journalists are literally being fake news.

01-20-2020, 08:00 PM
Uh oh, looks like BacKKKlash learned a new word.

Expect to see it 4823704 times in every post he makes this week.

Hey fuckface, what's your opinion on this?

Schumer's letter was over 20 years ago about a different president impeached over a different issue. You saw the word impeach and thought there was some equivilancy where there is absolutely none. That whole thing blew up in the republican's faces. Just like everything they do. Iraq war. Endless war. Lowering taxes on the wealthy. Creating market crashes. But democrats will clean it up like they always do.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-20-2020, 08:36 PM
democrats will clean it up like they always do.

Just suck a bag of dicks, faggot short dicked pedophile.

01-20-2020, 10:28 PM
Schumer's letter was over 20 years ago about a different president impeached over a different issue. You saw the word impeach and thought there was some equivilancy where there is absolutely none. That whole thing blew up in the republican's faces. Just like everything they do. Iraq war. Endless war. Lowering taxes on the wealthy. Creating market crashes. But democrats will clean it up like they always do.

Why are you this retarded?

01-21-2020, 09:11 AM
Schumer's letter was over 20 years ago about a different president impeached over a different issue. You saw the word impeach and thought there was some equivilancy where there is absolutely none. That whole thing blew up in the republican's faces. Just like everything they do. Iraq war. Endless war. Lowering taxes on the wealthy. Creating market crashes. But democrats will clean it up like they always do.

20 years of hypocrisy all wrapped up in 1 letter.

I get how you don't see it... you don't even see your own hypocrisy, how would we expect you to see it in someone like Schumer?

Go back to sniffing glue.

01-21-2020, 09:19 AM
Schumer's letter was over 20 years ago about a different president impeached over a different issue. You saw the word impeach and thought there was some equivilancy where there is absolutely none. That whole thing blew up in the republican's faces. Just like everything they do. Iraq war. Endless war. Lowering taxes on the wealthy. Creating market crashes. But democrats will clean it up like they always do.

Remember how the left loves to ruin peoples' lives by digging up some controversial shit they (or sometimes just that person's parents) said like 20-30+ years ago and then unleashing cancel culture on them?

You don't get to play the "That was a long time ago" card anymore. This applies 100000x with politicians who were and still are in office.

You cannot dispute this, because these are your rules. So go drink from an AIDS dick. Again. For probably the 5th time this morning.

01-21-2020, 10:32 AM
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed were “almost no police officers” at Monday’s Second Amendment rally outside the Virginia Capitol and suggested this proves America is racist. (https://pluralist.com/aoc-gun-rights-racist-virginia-black-lives-matter-baltimore/49999)


01-21-2020, 04:27 PM
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed were “almost no police officers” at Monday’s Second Amendment rally outside the Virginia Capitol and suggested this proves America is racist. (https://pluralist.com/aoc-gun-rights-racist-virginia-black-lives-matter-baltimore/49999)


AOC really is a piece of shit.

01-21-2020, 10:49 PM
Trump: I think planting 1 trillion trees is a great idea! The US is in on this goal!

This bitch is getting annoying now. Oh my bad, is she still too young to criticize even though she wants to totally control my way of life?

01-22-2020, 08:27 AM
Trump: I think planting 1 trillion trees is a great idea! The US is in on this goal!

This bitch is getting annoying now. Oh my bad, is she still too young to criticize even though she wants to totally control my way of life?

I do enjoy how the left has embraced a 16 year old girl as their spokesperson and expert.

01-24-2020, 03:32 AM
If pretty much everyone has already seen this video (the incident occurred in May 2019), I apologize. I just discovered it myself this morning.

The concept that your personal beliefs do not allow you to break the law seems to be completely beyond the comprehension of way too many liberals.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-24-2020, 08:19 AM
"Is there something else I can do?"

lol, like what?

01-24-2020, 09:33 AM

No but really, what a child. Instead of ghosting them like everyone else she decides to take it upon herself to be a brat.

01-24-2020, 09:49 AM
If pretty much everyone has already realized that I'm a flaming tard, I apologize. I just discovered it myself this morning.


01-25-2020, 09:29 AM
"Is there something else I can do?"

lol, like what?


01-25-2020, 10:15 AM
If pretty much everyone has already seen this video (the incident occurred in May 2019), I apologize. I just discovered it myself this morning.

The concept that your personal beliefs do not allow you to break the law seems to be completely beyond the comprehension of way too many liberals.


This was in related videos. If this was only audio I'd think this was taken from 2nd grade recess.

Cool horn you got there too. If I thought he'd ever leave his keyboard I'd think that was BacKKKlash. :lol:


01-27-2020, 02:51 AM
Watching the left call everyone a racist for bitching about China's lack of food regulation which apparently caused this latest coronavirus outbreak.

The left wants government regulation of literally everything but apparently when that regulation is weak in a "POC" majority country then it's racist to point this out.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-27-2020, 03:29 PM

Can you imagine being charged by the city to clean out homeless people from YOUR property?

These folks in CA can. 20K shared by the HOA. How Newsome has spent billions and still done nothing is beyond me, but he shouldn't be reelected.

Oh wait, he will, because the virtue signalers aren't having to pay for it, just the middle class.

01-27-2020, 03:47 PM

Can you imagine being charged by the city to clean out homeless people from YOUR property?

These folks in CA can. 20K shared by the HOA. How Newsome has spent billions and still done nothing is beyond me, but he shouldn't be reelected.

Oh wait, he will, because the virtue signalers aren't having to pay for it, just the middle class.

In before they build a wall around their neighborhood while still calling Trump racist for also building a wall.

EDIT: Nevermind, this was northern California where people are mostly normal.

01-28-2020, 02:56 AM
So, yet another solar power company started by Obama has turned out to be a BILLION dollar ponzi scheme, that cheated investors, consumers and the US Treasury says the Dep't of Justice. It is the largest such case in history in the eastern district of CA, resulting in asset seizures of 120 million dollars recovered to go to the victims of this company, and 500 million to go back to the Treasury. They basically sold solar powered generators that did not exist.


01-28-2020, 03:18 AM
So, yet another solar power company started by Obama has turned out to be a BILLION dollar ponzi scheme, that cheated investors, consumers and the US Treasury says the Dep't of Justice. It is the largest such case in history in the eastern district of CA, resulting in asset seizures of 120 million dollars recovered to go to the victims of this company, and 500 million to go back to the Treasury. They basically sold solar powered generators that did not exist.


But it's green energy and is saving the planet, you bigot!

01-28-2020, 08:19 AM
So, yet another solar power company started by Obama has turned out to be a BILLION dollar ponzi scheme, that cheated investors, consumers and the US Treasury says the Dep't of Justice. It is the largest such case in history in the eastern district of CA, resulting in asset seizures of 120 million dollars recovered to go to the victims of this company, and 500 million to go back to the Treasury. They basically sold solar powered generators that did not exist.


Strange...I don't see this story on the liberal TV news networks.

01-28-2020, 09:33 AM
But it's green energy and is saving the planet, you bigot!


Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-28-2020, 07:20 PM

This is bullshit. You either take all the reporters, even the shitty ones, or none. I'm 100% good with no WH pressers, that's their prerogative. I an NOT in favor of selective journalists participating. Jim Acosta is a fool and an idiot, but he ask questions with everyone else unless he's out of line (then he gets his credentials removed).

01-28-2020, 09:05 PM

This is bullshit. You either take all the reporters, even the shitty ones, or none. I'm 100% good with no WH pressers, that's their prerogative. I an NOT in favor of selective journalists participating. Jim Acosta is a fool and an idiot, but he ask questions with everyone else unless he's out of line (then he gets his credentials removed).

I dunno, if what Pompeo is alleging I think it's fair game to exclude that reporter.

There is a big difference between legitimate journalism and activist reporters, and unfortunately in the age of Trump almost all reporters are just activist reporters now.

Again this is if what Pompeo is alleging is true, if Pompeo just decided this out of nowhere then I would agree it's bullshit.

01-29-2020, 05:45 AM
He’s saving tax dollars.

01-29-2020, 08:34 AM

This is bullshit. You either take all the reporters, even the shitty ones, or none. I'm 100% good with no WH pressers, that's their prerogative. I an NOT in favor of selective journalists participating. Jim Acosta is a fool and an idiot, but he ask questions with everyone else unless he's out of line (then he gets his credentials removed).

And when Acosta did get his credentials revoked for being a fool and an idiot, every other "journalist" demanded that he get them back and CNN sued to get them reinstated.

So.. when is it really appropriate for the WH to remove a journalist from a presser or trip?

Sorry, I have zero sympathy for most "journalists" these days.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-29-2020, 09:16 AM
And when Acosta did get his credentials revoked for being a fool and an idiot, every other "journalist" demanded that he get them back and CNN sued to get them reinstated.

So.. when is it really appropriate for the WH to remove a journalist from a presser or trip?

Sorry, I have zero sympathy for most "journalists" these days.

I'm saying remove the credentials and give a reason for it. That's all. I agree they are all MSM, but do it with a process, not arbitrarily.

01-29-2020, 01:37 PM
I'm saying remove the credentials and give a reason for it. That's all. I agree they are all MSM, but do it with a process, not arbitrarily.

They did that. They were sued by CNN and the ACLU to get them reinstated.

It's a known fact that Acosta is a blithering idiot.. and is only there to promote himself... so if they can't revoke his credentials, what does it take?

01-29-2020, 02:29 PM

This is bullshit. You either take all the reporters, even the shitty ones, or none. I'm 100% good with no WH pressers, that's their prerogative. I an NOT in favor of selective journalists participating. Jim Acosta is a fool and an idiot, but he ask questions with everyone else unless he's out of line (then he gets his credentials removed).

That's just Pompeo being a whining baby because a reporter wanted to talk about Ukraine. Was he expecting a reporter to not want to talk about Ukraine? The emails between his staff and the reporter clearly indicate that the conversation would start with Iran but that Ukraine was not off the table. If his staff didn't communicate that to Pompeo properly that's not Mary Louise Kelly's fault. Bottom line is that Pompeo should have no expectation that a reporter wouldn't ask him about the hottest topic in the news. That's the reporter's job.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-29-2020, 03:10 PM
They did that. They were sued by CNN and the ACLU to get them reinstated.

It's a known fact that Acosta is a blithering idiot.. and is only there to promote himself... so if they can't revoke his credentials, what does it take?

And they conditioned his return to being respectful and one question at a time I believe. Seems to me it worked out.

01-29-2020, 05:25 PM
Bottom line is that Pompeo should have no expectation that a reporter wouldn't ask him about the hottest topic in the news.

Why would he be asking Pompeo about Kobe?

01-29-2020, 06:10 PM
Lol. Shoddy craftmanship caused a section of the new border wall to fall over today. Super effective use of tax dollars guys.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-29-2020, 06:18 PM
Lol. Shoddy craftmanship caused a section of the new border wall to fall over today. Super effective use of tax dollars guys.

because Mexico paid for it...

01-29-2020, 07:15 PM
because Mexico paid for it...

That's what happens when you take the lowest bids possible.

01-29-2020, 07:31 PM
Lol. Shoddy craftmanship caused a section of the new border wall to fall over today. Super effective use of tax dollars guys.

One whole section out of hundreds of miles?!? Might as well just tear down all border walls and fences.

01-29-2020, 07:45 PM
One whole section out of hundreds of miles?!? Might as well just tear down all border walls and fences.

It was a 130 foot section that was still in the process of being built, the concrete had not yet cured and high winds knocked it over.

If it weren’t for fake news then Democrats would have no news to report at all.

01-29-2020, 07:55 PM
Lol. Shoddy craftmanship caused a section of the new border wall to fall over today. Super effective use of tax dollars guys.

You really need to stop getting all your information from www.ihatedonaldtrumpsomuchicantthinkstraight.com


01-30-2020, 08:52 AM
Lol. Shoddy craftmanship caused a section of the new border wall to fall over today. Super effective use of tax dollars guys.

Did the article you read bother to give the details as to what caused it? Or were they just like LOL WALL FELL OVER TRUMP DUMB and you were like



01-30-2020, 10:59 AM
Lol. Shoddy craftmanship caused a section of the new border wall to fall over today. Super effective use of tax dollars guys.

The thing that made me shake my head was watching the video of the guy trying to add a concrete weight to the panel brace in the middle of high winds. Construction accidents happen. No point in turning yourself into a statistic by trying to save the already damaged panel in the middle of a storm. Dumb contractor doing a dumb thing.

01-30-2020, 02:24 PM
It was a 130 foot section that was still in the process of being built, the concrete had not yet cured and high winds knocked it over.

If it weren’t for fake news then Democrats would have no news to report at all.

Whopping 37 mph winds are high winds to you?

What part of what I said was false? Me. Fake news guy over here. Wall falls over. You claim fake. So are you claiming it didn't fall over?

01-30-2020, 02:26 PM
Whopping 37 mph winds are high winds to you?

Are you intentionally ignoring the part where the concrete wasn't cured yet?

01-30-2020, 02:31 PM
I like all the potential metaphors about winds knocking down border walls.

01-30-2020, 02:36 PM
Are you intentionally ignoring the part where the concrete wasn't cured yet?

No. I'm not.

01-30-2020, 02:43 PM
No. I'm not.

I'm guessing you've never put up a fence then.

01-30-2020, 02:49 PM
NFL Commissioner Says What the League Needs Is More Diversity (https://pluralist.com/nfl-diversity-roger-goodell/49999)

MIAMI, Jan 29 – The National Football League needs to do better when it comes to minority hiring, Commissioner Roger Goodell said on Wednesday in his Super Bowl state of the league address, but he stood by the league’s efforts to improve player safety.

Despite the fact that 70 percent of NFL players are African American over the last three years, only two of 19 head coaching jobs have gone to black candidates.

During the most recent hiring cycle to fill five head coaching vacancies, only one went to a minority when Ron Rivera was hired by the Washington Redskins.

“Clearly we are not where we want to be on this level,” conceded Goodell. “We need to change, do something different.

“There’s no reason to expect we are going to have a different outcome next year without those kind of changes and we have already begun engaging in those changes. It is clear we are all committed to doing that and we have to make those changes.”

Goodell, however, refused to concede any ground over criticism that the league is not doing enough to improve player safety, downplaying statistics that show concussions are up this past season.

The debate over player safety has increased with the NFL looking at the possibility of adding a 17th regular season game to the schedule, which would be included in the next Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiations.

“Safety has been at the forefront and our number one priority of our players,” said Goodell. “Over the last 10-to-15 years we have made over 50 rule changes to make our game safer.

“Concussions are up but they are up only slightly, statistically insignificant from a very low last year.”

Goodell also confirmed that the NFL will return to Mexico for games in the 2020 and 2021 seasons. Last November the Kansas City Chiefs and Los Angeles Chargers played in Mexico City in front on 76,252 fans.

The commissioner also said the NFL would continue to play games in London, but said there was no timeline for a franchise there.

Goodell also said the league plans to honor 18-time NBA All-Star Kobe Bryant during Sunday’s Super Bowl between the San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs as the sporting world mourns the death of Los Angeles Lakers star in a helicopter crash on Sunday.

The Rooney Rule
The NFL’s adoption of the Rooney Rule in 2003 hasn’t had the expected effect of increasing the number of black head coaches, critics say.

“It’s very discouraging that this continues to happen,” Richard Lapchick, the director of The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport at Central Florida, told the Associated Press. “It’s not like there are no qualified candidates. These people are out there and ready.”

But others have pointed out that discrepancies regarding racial representation in the NFL cut in more than one direction.

https://i.imgur.com/Db8l01g.png (https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1214920163809734657)

Daily Wire contributor Matt Walsh noted that there has as yet been no uproar about the lack of white cornerbacks in the league.

MORE: Trump Supporter Pulls Gun on Man Who Tried to Knock Off His MAGA Hat — Police Say He Was Justified

“Racism? Why does the racial bean counting only ever go one way?” he tweeted earlier in the month.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-30-2020, 03:22 PM
I also, would like to know where the white cornerbacks are.

01-30-2020, 03:54 PM
Dear Alfster:

I would quote your post, but it's still fucked up with a firewall or something, so I'll type this all out.

Winds are considered "high" when they are approximately 40 mph.. so yes, 37 mph winds are considered "high".

You also claimed that the reason the wall fell over was due to "Shoddy craftsmanship" which is a far cry from uncured cement in a high wind condition.

You're being purposely obtuse at this point and it's not a good look on you. A symptom of severe TDS.

Stop it.

01-30-2020, 04:06 PM


This came on TV the other day so I felt compelled.

Some Rogue
01-30-2020, 05:24 PM

This came on TV the other day so I felt compelled.


01-30-2020, 06:00 PM
Are you intentionally ignoring the part where the concrete wasn't cured yet?

The walls are braced with temporary bracing. The sequence is normally like this: foundations are poured, as are the brace attachment points. After the foundation is cured, the walls are stood up with a crane and fastened to the foundation AND to the temporary braces (you can see one in the video). With building walls, you would leave the braces in place until the rest of the structure (roof framing and any floor level wall connections) are in place. In this case, they might be pouring concrete around the walls and then backfilling. That's the only concrete that might not have been cured, but that is no excuse. The bracing is supposed to be designed by a structural engineer and certified by them. It's clear in the video that some Yahoo with a piece of equipment is desperately trying to weigh down the brace connection with a large block of concrete, a very unsafe thing to be trying to do in high winds. That wall, and the bracing, should be designed to withstand much higher winds than those indicated.

01-30-2020, 06:03 PM
The walls are braced with temporary bracing. The sequence is normally like this: foundations are poured, as are the brace attachment points. After the foundation is cured, the walls are stood up with a crane and fastened to the foundation AND to the temporary braces (you can see one in the video). With building walls, you would leave the braces in place until the rest of the structure (roof framing and any floor level wall connections) are in place. In this case, they might be pouring concrete around the walls and then backfilling. That's the only concrete that might not have been cured, but that is no excuse. The bracing is supposed to be designed by a structural engineer and certified by them. It's clear in the video that some Yahoo with a piece of equipment is desperately trying to weigh down the brace connection with a large block of concrete, a very unsafe thing to be trying to do in high winds. That wall, and the bracing, should be designed to withstand much higher winds than those indicated.

It is being built by illegal Mexicans so the construction probably isn't super great.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-30-2020, 06:10 PM
The real question I have around this whole thing?.... how will libs do mental gymnastics to blame it all on Trump? Like construction never has issues, unless it’s something associated with Trump.

01-30-2020, 06:13 PM
The real question I have around this whole thing?.... how will libs do mental gymnastics to blame it all on Trump? Like construction never has issues, unless it’s something associated with Trump.

It is more a "lol trump is so stupid lol!" type thing.

01-30-2020, 06:20 PM
Whopping 37 mph winds are high winds to you?

What part of what I said was false? Me. Fake news guy over here. Wall falls over. You claim fake. So are you claiming it didn't fall over?

37 mph wind is strong. Do you know what strong wind is? Not mention how strong the gusts must have been.

As far as which part of your comment was fake news, the part where you said it fell over due shoddy work and implied it just fell over on its own.

01-30-2020, 08:42 PM
This is an actual headline and article from CNN:

Coronavirus task force another example of Trump administration's lack of diversity (https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/30/politics/donald-trump-coronavirus-diversity-obama/index.html?utm_content=2020-01-30T19%3A28%3A03&utm_term=image&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twCNNp&fbclid=IwAR0Vh1I2T83e3tpOF7UltH70UPKkA7cKUTkYMOEK0 EIgETuih3vUEgKFQbQ)

I was wonder how the Democrats and media were going to spin this virus as somehow being bad on Trump's fault and dammit if Fake News Network themselves didn't come through with flying colors.

01-30-2020, 10:31 PM
37 mph wind is strong. Do you know what strong wind is? Not mention how strong the gusts must have been.

As far as which part of your comment was fake news, the part where you said it fell over due shoddy work and implied it just fell over on its own.

Design wind gust speed for California is 100 miles per hour for the least restrictive building class, with sustained wind of 45 miles per hour. The winds are reported to have been gusts up to 37mph, or about 1/3rd the required design wind speed. In other words, not a strong wind. Sounds like shoddy workmanship to me. Dumbasses out there trying to fix it in the middle of the winds further reinforces that maybe they should hire a different contractor. That sort of unnecessary risk taking is a good sign of a shoddy contractor. Now I'm curious about what contractor is dumb enough to do that on a federal project. They should expect an OSHA fine.

01-30-2020, 11:53 PM
Design wind gust speed for California is 100 miles per hour for the least restrictive building class, with sustained wind of 45 miles per hour. The winds are reported to have been gusts up to 37mph, or about 1/3rd the required design wind speed. In other words, not a strong wind. Sounds like shoddy workmanship to me. Dumbasses out there trying to fix it in the middle of the winds further reinforces that maybe they should hire a different contractor. That sort of unnecessary risk taking is a good sign of a shoddy contractor. Now I'm curious about what contractor is dumb enough to do that on a federal project. They should expect an OSHA fine.

I don't know what to tell you. 40 mph wind is strong, it can potentially knock over trees and rip siding off of houses, I'm sure it can knock over a 30 foot tall free standing wall that is anchored to concrete that hasn't had time to cure yet. Even the local weather was warning people that the wind is strong enough to cause damage when this happened. If these sections of wall had been finished then I would say yeah, that's pretty bad that 40 mph wind can knock it over.

I do agree though that trying to fix the damage while the wind was still strong was pretty stupid. Were they trying to fix it or was Mexico like get your fucking wall off our land and they were trying to remove it? I don't know.

01-31-2020, 05:26 AM
I don't know... a bunch of proof that this statement is correct... I don't know.

I explained how a wall is temporarily braced and the wind speed it should be designed for by law in the state of California. Your description of a 37 mph wind as strong is irrelevant when the wall should have been designed to withstand 100 mph winds. Fortunately people who do know write the standards.

01-31-2020, 05:40 AM
I explained how a wall is temporarily braced and the wind speed it should be designed for by law in the state of California. Your description of a 37 mph wind as strong is irrelevant when the wall should have been designed to withstand 100 mph winds. Fortunately people who do know write the standards.

Granted I'm not an expert so I'll defer to your expertise here; if the wall is built on the border (judging from the pictures it looks like less than a foot from the border with Mexico, I'm just guessing it's even closer than that), and the wall fell over onto the Mexican side, wouldn't they need to brace the wall from the Mexican side and wouldn't there not be enough room for the bracing? I find it hard to believe Mexico is allowing anything built on their side of the border but I suppose anything is possible.

I also don't think the federal government has to conform to California's laws when it comes to building a security border wall. If that were the case the state of California would create some crazy ass regulations to ensure the wall could never be built in their state.

01-31-2020, 05:59 AM
Granted I'm not an expert so I'll defer to your expertise here; if the wall is built on the border (judging from the pictures it looks like less than a foot from the border with Mexico, I'm just guessing it's even closer than that), and the wall fell over onto the Mexican side, wouldn't they need to brace the wall from the Mexican side and wouldn't there not be enough room for the bracing? I find it hard to believe Mexico is allowing anything built on their side of the border but I suppose anything is possible.

I also don't think the federal government has to conform to California's laws when it comes to building a security border wall. If that were the case the state of California would create some crazy ass regulations to ensure the wall could never be built in their state.

You are correct that the federal government doesn't have to comply with state regulations, but the wind design speeds come from the International Code Council, (that's the name, but it's really US code), which in turn gets them from a standards testing organization, I forget which one. Bottom line is that no engineer of record worth their salt would ignore those standards,but it's likely that someone did, which lead to shoddy design.

In answer to the bracing side question, you can brace from either side, in fact you don't design for prevailing wind direction so much as the load of the wind in general.

At the end of the day it's a screw up, and screw ups happen. The real sign of a good contractor is how quickly and correctly they fix mistakes and keep the project moving forward.

01-31-2020, 06:05 AM
You are correct that the federal government doesn't have to comply with state regulations, but the wind design speeds come from the International Code Council, (that's the name, but it's really US code), which in turn gets them from a standards testing organization, I forget which one. Bottom line is that no engineer of record worth their salt would ignore those standards,but it's likely that someone did, which lead to shoddy design.

In answer to the bracing side question, you can brace from either side, in fact you don't design for prevailing wind direction so much as the load of the wind in general.

At the end of the day it's a screw up, and screw ups happen. The real sign of a good contractor is how quickly and correctly they fix mistakes and keep the project moving forward.

Fair enough. Thanks for providing an answer on the bracing question. I was picturing giant poles or something on either side holding it up while the concrete cured.

01-31-2020, 10:19 AM
The walls are braced with temporary bracing. The sequence is normally like this: foundations are poured, as are the brace attachment points. After the foundation is cured, the walls are stood up with a crane and fastened to the foundation AND to the temporary braces (you can see one in the video). With building walls, you would leave the braces in place until the rest of the structure (roof framing and any floor level wall connections) are in place. In this case, they might be pouring concrete around the walls and then backfilling. That's the only concrete that might not have been cured, but that is no excuse. The bracing is supposed to be designed by a structural engineer and certified by them. It's clear in the video that some Yahoo with a piece of equipment is desperately trying to weigh down the brace connection with a large block of concrete, a very unsafe thing to be trying to do in high winds. That wall, and the bracing, should be designed to withstand much higher winds than those indicated.

Confirmed wind energy is bad for the environment.

01-31-2020, 10:53 AM
or was Mexico like get your fucking wall off our land and they were trying to remove it? I don't know.


01-31-2020, 11:56 AM
Fair enough. Thanks for providing an answer on the bracing question. I was picturing giant poles or something on either side holding it up while the concrete cured.

That's what they do. You can see the poles in the video. The little horizontal cross pieces on the Mexican side of the wall are the top connections to the wall, and the guy with the lift appears to be trying to way down a pole anchor with a block of concrete.

What you can't see, is that somewhere under ground there's a concrete footing that was cured, and the wall was also anchored to that. Those anchor points are now compromised, and should be excavated and redone.

02-03-2020, 03:38 AM
The crazy left: OMG! Trump hates the planet! He wants to sit by and do nothing as climate change kills us all in 12 years!!!!!!
Trump: I want to help plant 1 trillion trees!
The crazy left: Planting 1 trillion trees might not actually be a good idea (https://www.theverge.com/2020/1/31/21115862/davos-1-trillion-trees-controversy-world-economic-forum-campaign)

This is just getting sad now.

02-03-2020, 03:53 AM
The crazy left: OMG! Trump hates the planet! He wants to sit by and do nothing as climate change kills us all in 12 years!!!!!!
Trump: I want to help plant 1 trillion trees!
The crazy left: Planting 1 trillion trees might not actually be a good idea (https://www.theverge.com/2020/1/31/21115862/davos-1-trillion-trees-controversy-world-economic-forum-campaign)

This is just getting sad now.

I can't believe I get to top this already.

The crazy left: OMG! So many blacks are in prison! This is racism! We need criminal justice reform!
Trump: Here is some criminal justice reform.
The crazy left: But criminal justice reform makes Trump look good! BAD! (https://twitter.com/IamGMJohnson/status/1224121380603645955?s=20)

02-03-2020, 06:21 AM
So, a guy serving time in prison for molesting 15 kids between the ages of 1 (!!!) and 15 has been released, not because he served his time, but because he now identifies as a woman and is taking estrogen, so of course he is now incapable of molesting kids anymore because it no longer has a “male sex drive”, and of course that “an offender’s hormone levels are an important part of substantiating an offender’s likelihood of recidivism.”

Right, so molest a bunch of kids, say your a female, and hey, the progressives will just give you a get out of jail free card from now on. So, I curious, the next time some pedo goes to trial, do they just declare him not guilty if he says he's female now and is on estrogen? And how long till some scumbag kiddy rapist decides to use this as a defense in his trial?

Seriously, the progressive left has literally lost their shit. I've got an idea, why doesn't the states attorney general have Ms. Josie Smith move in with him and watch his kids because he's no longer a threat. Fucking idiot.


02-03-2020, 06:29 AM
So, a guy serving time in prison for molesting 15 kids between the ages of 1 (!!!) and 15 has been released, not because he served his time, but because he now identifies as a woman and is taking estrogen, so of course he is now incapable of molesting kids anymore because it no longer has a “male sex drive”, and of course that “an offender’s hormone levels are an important part of substantiating an offender’s likelihood of recidivism.”

Right, so molest a bunch of kids, say your a female, and hey, the progressives will just give you a get out of jail free card from now on. So, I curious, the next time some pedo goes to trial, do they just declare him not guilty if he says he's female now and is on estrogen? And how long till some scumbag kiddy rapist decides to use this as a defense in his trial?

Seriously, the progressive left has literally lost their shit. I've got an idea, why doesn't the states attorney general have Ms. Josie Smith move in with him and watch his kids because he's no longer a threat. Fucking idiot.


I feel like I live in a completely different world now than I did just 12 years ago. The left is getting more crazy on an exponential rate on a daily basis.

02-03-2020, 09:21 AM
I feel like I live in a completely different world now than I did just 12 years ago. The left is getting more crazy on an exponential rate on a daily basis.

To be fair, they've always been this crazy.. they just hid it better.

02-03-2020, 09:56 AM
The crazy left: OMG! Trump hates cancer patients! He wants to sit by and do nothing as cancer kills us all!!!!!!
Trump: I want to cure cancer!
The crazy left: Curing cancer might not actually be a good idea (https://www.theverge.com/2020/1/31/21115862/davos-1-trillion-trees-controversy-world-economic-forum-campaign)

This is just getting sad now.

This would also be correct.

02-03-2020, 10:54 AM
So, a guy serving time in prison for molesting 15 kids between the ages of 1 (!!!) and 15 has been released, not because he served his time, but because he now identifies as a woman and is taking estrogen, so of course he is now incapable of molesting kids anymore because it no longer has a “male sex drive”, and of course that “an offender’s hormone levels are an important part of substantiating an offender’s likelihood of recidivism.”

Right, so molest a bunch of kids, say your a female, and hey, the progressives will just give you a get out of jail free card from now on. So, I curious, the next time some pedo goes to trial, do they just declare him not guilty if he says he's female now and is on estrogen? And how long till some scumbag kiddy rapist decides to use this as a defense in his trial?

Seriously, the progressive left has literally lost their shit. I've got an idea, why doesn't the states attorney general have Ms. Josie Smith move in with him and watch his kids because he's no longer a threat. Fucking idiot.


Well the *left are a bunch of pedos in general, so there's that.

*Except Taernath

02-05-2020, 06:54 PM
Yet the right is connected with the Catholic faith. Lol

02-06-2020, 10:24 AM
Yet the right is connected with the Catholic faith. Lol

Catholics are democrats too. 44% of Catholics lean democrat, while 37% lean Republican.

02-06-2020, 02:18 PM
Catholics are democrats too. 44% of Catholics lean democrat, while 37% lean Republican.

Pelosi recently got done reminding us that she's a Catholic as well.

Yet the right is connected with the Catholic faith. Lol


02-07-2020, 08:09 PM
Trump invites a wife and her children to the SOTU and reunites her with her husband, who was serving overseas, by surprising her by being at the SOTU as well.
CNN: Why "military reunion porn" is a bad thing. (https://twitter.com/realJoshuaHall/status/1225857182450753536?s=20)

I'm not even making this up. How much lower can CNN sink?

Honestly what's next?

Illegal alien murders a family of 4 in cold blood.
CNN: Why peacefully bringing a family of 4 to an eternal rest is actually a good thing.

At this rate it wouldn't even surprise me.

02-13-2020, 07:00 AM
Apparently Black History Month is now being used as an excuse to celebrate black on white violence, gee who could have seen that coming?


02-13-2020, 07:34 AM
Apparently Black History Month is now being used as an excuse to celebrate black on white violence, gee who could have seen that coming?


I'm ok with ignorant racists getting their asses beat. I don't know what that first one was about but there are plenty of people dropping hard R's in those.

02-13-2020, 07:38 AM
I'm ok with ignorant racists getting their asses beat. I don't know what that first one was about but there are plenty of people dropping hard R's in those.

The first one was about a white woman getting slapped because she dared to have dreadlocks from I can tell.

Also I don't think saying words automatically makes one a racist, and even if they were a racist I don't think that entitles someone to attack them.

If that were the case then it would be open season on Black Hebrew Israelites from just about every group of people out there, including other black people.

02-13-2020, 09:32 AM
Trump invites a wife and her children to the SOTU and reunites her with her husband, who was serving overseas, by surprising her by being at the SOTU as well.
CNN: Why "military reunion porn" is a bad thing. (https://twitter.com/realJoshuaHall/status/1225857182450753536?s=20)

I'm not even making this up. How much lower can CNN sink?

Honestly what's next?

Illegal alien murders a family of 4 in cold blood.
CNN: Why peacefully bringing a family of 4 to an eternal rest is actually a good thing.

At this rate it wouldn't even surprise me.

I'll be honest, the military reunion shit has always been max cringe to me.

02-13-2020, 09:56 AM
The first one was about a white woman getting slapped because she dared to have dreadlocks from I can tell.

Also I don't think saying words automatically makes one a racist, and even if they were a racist I don't think that entitles someone to attack them.

If that were the case then it would be open season on Black Hebrew Israelites from just about every group of people out there, including other black people.

If that's true it's funny. Dreads aren't a black thing or a white thing. They are a part of a lot of cultures, its basically just having ratty hair.

02-13-2020, 10:07 AM
If that's true it's funny. Dreads aren't a black thing or a white thing. They are a part of a lot of cultures, its basically just having ratty hair.


02-13-2020, 11:06 AM
I'm ok with ignorant racists getting their asses beat. I don't know what that first one was about but there are plenty of people dropping hard R's in those.

Did I miss something in the first video, the one Tgo linked? All I could hear was stupid bitch speak from both of them.

02-13-2020, 11:13 AM
I'm ok with ignorant racists getting their asses beat. I don't know what that first one was about but there are plenty of people dropping hard R's in those.

"I think it's OK to start with one state. I also think we should rotate them and I also think they should be diverse. Look at the populations of both Iowa and New Hampshire, there's barely any people of color."


This is the party of the Confederates admitting that they want to pick and choose who gets to vote first solely based on an undefinable number of people and their skin color.

I honestly can't believe I'm hearing this shit.