View Full Version : Things that made you Facepalm today (Political Version)

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05-13-2019, 06:52 PM
They aren't French. They are Canadians.

That's a factual statement.

05-13-2019, 06:57 PM
That's a factual statement.

Canada is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Headed by Queen Elizabeth II. She is on their money.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-13-2019, 09:29 PM
Great time to invest, retard.


I invest all the time, which is why I feel like I'm ahead of the curve on my retirement.

I'm not an investing genius. I just believe in the market. I can ride the lows because I don't need that money to survive, and I'm very confident the market will keep growing, despite a trade war or any other event. I'm 48, I've got time.


05-20-2019, 11:34 AM
Illegal Alien Raped Dog to Death Before Being Released By Sanctuary State (https://kprcradio.iheart.com/featured/the-pursuit-of-happiness/content/2019-05-20-illegal-alien-raped-dog-to-death-before-being-released-by-sanctuary-state/)

You've probably heard of "sanctuary cities" - municipal governments who protect illegal immigrants from deportation - but Oregon technically qualifies as a "sanctuary state".

So what are the consequences of having an entire state protect illegal immigrants?

Fidel Lopez, 52, was convicted in April 2019 and sentenced to 60 days in jail for the crime of raping his girlfriend's dog to death. Strangely, 60 days is the maximum sentence for this crime in Oregon.

Following his sentence, the suspect was immediately released into Multnomah County in Oregon because the state of Oregon protects illegals from deportation.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requested the illegal alien be turned over for deportation after being released from prison but that request was ignored by the sanctuary state officials.

ICE spokeswoman Tanya J. Roman said, "Sanctuary policies not only provide a refuge for illegal aliens, but they also shield criminal aliens who prey on people in their own and other communities."

The suspect has since been captured and detained by ICE. They plan to deport him in the near future.

https://i.iheart.com/v3/re/new_assets/5ce2a86db2cedea4601e358a?ops=max(650,0),quality(80 )

These are the people the democrats protect and want in the country.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-20-2019, 11:39 AM
He should be killed. End of story.

05-20-2019, 11:53 AM
He should be raped to death. By Jeril. End of story.

Fixed. And this is correct.

05-20-2019, 04:14 PM
He should be killed. End of story.

Castration at the very least.

These are the people the democrats protect and want in the country.

You're an idiot if thats what you believe.

05-20-2019, 04:20 PM
Castration at the very least.

You're an idiot if thats what you believe.

Some Democrats running for president have already suggested tearing down our current border walls, not stopping illegal aliens at all and letting them walk right in, or scaling back on our border patrol budget.

Then we have sanctuary states and cities, all of which are Democrat, with the sole purpose of protecting criminal illegal aliens from deportation. How else are we supposed to view this other than they want to protect people such as this?

05-20-2019, 04:22 PM
You're an idiot if thats what you believe.

Your thoughts on this part then?

Following his sentence, the suspect was immediately released into Multnomah County in Oregon because the state of Oregon protects illegals from deportation.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requested the illegal alien be turned over for deportation after being released from prison but that request was ignored by the sanctuary state officials.

05-20-2019, 06:12 PM
Your thoughts on this part then?

Following his sentence, the suspect was immediately released into Multnomah County in Oregon because the state of Oregon protects illegals from deportation.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requested the illegal alien be turned over for deportation after being released from prison but that request was ignored by the sanctuary state officials.

You implying that democrats want to protect and harbor more dog rapists is what is stupid.

Technically, this guy was arrested and served his time for that crime. I agree with you and SHM that 60 days is trivial compared to the crime.

I believe the state decides if local law enforcement polices immigrant status. That is a debate we could have. I can see both sides. In this case though Oregon decided that their local law enforcement does not enforce immigration polices.

ICE did get this guy, but after he served his sentence. He had no other record. Now he goes somewhere else. Is it less bad if he does it again in Mexico? Honduras? Belize?

To your original post...

Not all immigrants are dog rapists. To believe so is idiotic. To say so is a lie.

05-20-2019, 06:20 PM
Technically, this guy was arrested and served his time for that crime.

And now he's back on the streets of the US for no apparent reason other than Democrats want to allow criminal illegal aliens to remain here.

I believe the state decides if local law enforcement polices immigrant status. That is a debate we could have. I can see both sides. In this case though Oregon decided that their local law enforcement does not enforce immigration polices.

That is not what's happening with sanctuary cities/states. The federal government enforces immigration laws because immigration is a federal thing. No one is asking states or cities to enforce immigration laws. All ICE does is ask the local police department to hold a criminal illegal alien for 48 hours to give ICE time to send an agent there to arrest them. This is the same courtesy local/state/federal police do for one another all of the time if a person is wanted for crimes committed in another jurisdiction; that is the second jurisdiction isn't asking the original jurisdiction to enforce their laws for the person they have in custody, but rather just hold the suspect for a couple of days until the second jurisdiction can take the suspect into custody and bring the suspect to their jurisdiction to await trial.

Does understanding how this actually works change your opinion at all?

ICE did get this guy, but after he served his sentence. He had no other record. Now he goes somewhere else. Is it less of a crime if he does it again in Mexico? Honduras? Belize?

No, but why do we want to be the dumping ground for the world's criminals? Let me put this into perspective for you. Let's say your neighbor's 3 year old son comes onto your property everyday and takes a massive shit on your car, forcing you to clean the massive shit up everyday. Would you say "Eh, either my car or my neigbhor's cars." Or would you ask your neighbor to keep a better eye on their son so he stops taking a massive shit on your car everyday?

We all know you would talk to the neighbor but since that would mean you agree we should be sending illegal aliens back home you are either going to say you would allow the massive shit taker to keep doing his thing on your car everyday or you're just going to avoid answering altogether.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-20-2019, 06:21 PM
All illegal immigrants are here illegally though, breaking the law and are thus, criminals.

05-20-2019, 06:29 PM
Does understanding how this actually works change your opinion at all?

It won't change his mind. He's been wallowing in ignorance his whole life.. why do you think suddenly there would be a turned on light over his head now?

He wishes to remain ignorant.
His party wishes him to remain ignorant.

It's all working as intended.

05-20-2019, 06:37 PM
It won't change his mind. He's been wallowing in ignorance his whole life.. why do you think suddenly there would be a turned on light over his head now?

I keep hoping one day Back will bang his head on something and knock some sense into him. I'm an optimist by nature.

05-20-2019, 07:29 PM
You implying that democrats want to protect and harbor more dog rapists is what is stupid.

That's literally what they did in the story when ICE wanted to deport him. Feel free to explain how this is an incorrect statement.

Technically, this guy was arrested and served his time for that crime. I agree with you and SHM that 60 days is trivial compared to the crime.

I believe the state decides if local law enforcement polices immigrant status. That is a debate we could have. I can see both sides. In this case though Oregon decided that their local law enforcement does not enforce immigration polices.


ICE did get this guy, but after he served his sentence. He had no other record. Now he goes somewhere else. Is it less bad if he does it again in Mexico? Honduras? Belize?

No thanks to the democrat run sanctuary state of Oregon helping out though. What are your thoughts of them shielding this guy from ICE after he raped a dog to death? Be specific.

To your original post...

Not all immigrants are dog rapists. To believe so is idiotic. To say so is a lie.

I never said all "immigrants" are dog rapists. That doesn't change the fact that democrats literally just intentionally protected a dog rapist from being deported, knowing that he just raped a dog to death a couple months prior. The fact that ICE found him later on is irrelevant.

Also, is there any specific reason why you always omit the "illegal" part of "illegal immigrant" and instead just refer to them as "immigrants?"

Please advise. And don't forget to put your helmet back on before you get up from the computer.

Stanley Burrell
05-20-2019, 07:33 PM
Illegal Alien Raped Dog to Death Before Being Released By Sanctuary State (https://kprcradio.iheart.com/featured/the-pursuit-of-happiness/content/2019-05-20-illegal-alien-raped-dog-to-death-before-being-released-by-sanctuary-state/)

This muh'fucka should be Handbanana'd.


05-21-2019, 12:54 PM
Watch: Hundreds of Undocumented Migrants Seize Airport (https://kprcradio.iheart.com/featured/the-pursuit-of-happiness/content/2019-05-21-watch-hundreds-of-undocumented-migrants-seize-airport/?fbclid=IwAR16Cd-sM0JGsIqOIO-_ZvFvLgh6nJ3D6TLj6gu6RwZchyIuV6sOuIy9gNc)

Yesterday over 500 illegal immigrants took control of a terminal at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris France.

“France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” one person can be heard yelling into a loudspeaker.
The protest was organized by the migrant support group “La Chapelle Debout,” which said their members call themselves “Black Vests.”
The group comes amid the country’s months-long “Yellow Vests movement” over tax reforms; French citizens are required to carry yellow vests in their vehicles for emergencies.

Here's the video.


Good job ruining France all by yourself, Backlash.

05-22-2019, 12:47 PM
That's literally what they did in the story when ICE wanted to deport him. Feel free to explain how this is an incorrect statement.

No thanks to the democrat run sanctuary state of Oregon helping out though. What are your thoughts of them shielding this guy from ICE after he raped a dog to death? Be specific.

I never said all "immigrants" are dog rapists. That doesn't change the fact that democrats literally just intentionally protected a dog rapist from being deported, knowing that he just raped a dog to death a couple months prior. The fact that ICE found him later on is irrelevant.

Also, is there any specific reason why you always omit the "illegal" part of "illegal immigrant" and instead just refer to them as "immigrants?"

Please advise. And don't forget to put your helmet back on before you get up from the computer.

You seem to be unable to differentiate between his dog rape crime and his entering the country illegally. These are two separate issues.

He served his time for his dog rape crime and was a free person according to the rule of law just like anyone who commits a crime, serves their sentence, and then is free to go about their business.

It is not in the authority of the municipality that he was in to detain him longer than his sentence. If people have an issue with that they can write the congress people of Oregon, or the local municipality, or vote in their elections to get it changed.

I agree that he should have been punished more for dog rape. Its awful. Castration comes to mind. But the law is the law as it was written.

No one is shielding him from the dog rape crime.

That is what I called you out on. You claimed democrats harbor and want more dog rapists. That is simply untrue and you are an idiot for implying it.

05-22-2019, 12:49 PM
Watch: Hundreds of Undocumented Migrants Seize Airport (https://kprcradio.iheart.com/featured/the-pursuit-of-happiness/content/2019-05-21-watch-hundreds-of-undocumented-migrants-seize-airport/?fbclid=IwAR16Cd-sM0JGsIqOIO-_ZvFvLgh6nJ3D6TLj6gu6RwZchyIuV6sOuIy9gNc)

Yesterday over 500 illegal immigrants took control of a terminal at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris France.

“France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” one person can be heard yelling into a loudspeaker.
The protest was organized by the migrant support group “La Chapelle Debout,” which said their members call themselves “Black Vests.”
The group comes amid the country’s months-long “Yellow Vests movement” over tax reforms; French citizens are required to carry yellow vests in their vehicles for emergencies.

Here's the video.


Good job ruining France all by yourself, Backlash.

Oh, look. More anti-immigrant propoganda from Methais. Big surprise.

Tell us, are you really afraid that brown people are going to take over the world because their birth rates are higher than whites?

05-22-2019, 01:14 PM
Oh, look. More anti-immigrant propoganda from Methais.

A bunch of illegal immigrants taking control of an airport terminal is acceptable? To me it just sounds like terrorism with extra steps.

05-22-2019, 01:19 PM
You seem to be unable to differentiate between his dog rape crime and his entering the country illegally. These are two separate issues.

He served his time for his dog rape crime and was a free person according to the rule of law just like anyone who commits a crime, serves their sentence, and then is free to go about their business.

It is not in the authority of the municipality that he was in to detain him longer than his sentence. If people have an issue with that they can write the congress people of Oregon, or the local municipality, or vote in their elections to get it changed.

I agree that he should have been punished more for dog rape. Its awful. Castration comes to mind. But the law is the law as it was written.

No one is shielding him from the dog rape crime.

That is what I called you out on. You claimed democrats harbor and want more dog rapists. That is simply untrue and you are an idiot for implying it.

Them not wanting people like that here must totally be the reason for this...

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requested the illegal alien be turned over for deportation after being released from prison but that request was ignored by the sanctuary state officials.


bUt He sErVeD hIs TiMe!!!!

Why are you against deporting violent criminals who are here illegally? Serious question.

Stop being a useful idiot.

05-22-2019, 01:24 PM
You seem to be unable to differentiate between his dog rape crime and his entering the country illegally. These are two separate issues.

He served his time for his dog rape crime and was a free person according to the rule of law just like anyone who commits a crime, serves their sentence, and then is free to go about their business.

It is not in the authority of the municipality that he was in to detain him longer than his sentence. If people have an issue with that they can write the congress people of Oregon, or the local municipality, or vote in their elections to get it changed.

I agree that he should have been punished more for dog rape. Its awful. Castration comes to mind. But the law is the law as it was written.

No one is shielding him from the dog rape crime.

That is what I called you out on. You claimed democrats harbor and want more dog rapists. That is simply untrue and you are an idiot for implying it.

He should have been deported... but instead the Democrats in this country shield people like this and keep them in this country. THAT is the point Methais is making.

05-22-2019, 01:26 PM
Oh, look. More anti-immigrant propoganda from Methais. Big surprise.

Tell us, are you really afraid that brown people are going to take over the world because their birth rates are higher than whites?

You keep doing that... combining immigration with illegal immigration.

You do realize there is a gigantic difference, right? Illegal immigration.. being illegal and all.

If you want there to be no borders, then just come out and say that. Don't pretend that immigration and illegal immigration are the same thing.

They aren't and as limited as you are mentally.. you know this.

05-22-2019, 01:26 PM
Oh, look. More anti-immigrant propoganda from Methais. Big surprise.

How is that propaganda?

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Please elaborate on what's misleading about those videos of that airport being overrun by a huge crowd of illegal immigrants. Or do you think that it's "biased" to expect people to follow laws?

Speaking of things that are misleading, why do you always omit "illegal" from "illegal immigrant" and instead just refer to them as "immigrants" as if they're law abiding citizens who went through the proper steps to enter the country legally?

Tell us, are you really afraid that brown people are going to take over the world because their birth rates are higher than whites?

Like I give a fuck. But aside from that, how can this possibly happen when the world is ending in 12 years anyway? Please advise.

05-22-2019, 01:44 PM
Them not wanting people like that here must totally be the reason for this...


Why are you against deporting violent criminals who are here illegally? Serious question.

Stop being a useful idiot.

I went to all the trouble of spelling it out for you, like you always need me to do, and you still don't get it.

If you have an issue with how Oregon conducts their business I suggest an email to the Oregon State Representative. Or move to Oregon and vote in their local election.

If you feel his penalty was too weak for the dog rape crime, as I and others do, write a letter.

One question I have is if they had him detained, and ICE knew, why didn't ICE go get him then? Or why weren't they there when he was released to nab him then? Why did ICE only make a call to ask to hold him a couple of days?

To say "democrats harbor and want more dog rapists in this country" is the issue here and you're an idiot for saying that.

05-22-2019, 01:50 PM
You claimed democrats harbor and want more dog rapists.

They do. This story is proof of that.


No, but why do we want to be the dumping ground for the world's criminals? Let me put this into perspective for you. Let's say your neighbor's 3 year old son comes onto your property everyday and takes a massive shit on your car, forcing you to clean the massive shit up everyday. Would you say "Eh, either my car or my neigbhor's cars." Or would you ask your neighbor to keep a better eye on their son so he stops taking a massive shit on your car everyday?

We all know you would talk to the neighbor but since that would mean you agree we should be sending illegal aliens back home you are either going to say you would allow the massive shit taker to keep doing his thing on your car everyday or you're just going to avoid answering altogether.

Did I call it or what?

05-22-2019, 01:58 PM
I went to all the trouble of spelling it out for you, like you always need me to do, and you still don't get it.

If you have an issue with how Oregon conducts their business I suggest an email to the Oregon State Representative. Or move to Oregon and vote in their local election.

If you feel his penalty was too weak for the dog rape crime, as I and others do, write a letter.

One question I have is if they had him detained, and ICE knew, why didn't ICE go get him then? Or why weren't they there when he was released to nab him then? Why did ICE only make a call to ask to hold him a couple of days?

To say "democrats harbor and want more dog rapists in this country" is the issue here and you're an idiot for saying that.

Let's set aside the idiots in office in Oregon for a minute and get to some very basic and easy to answer questions...

Do you personally believe that dog rapist guy should have been deported after he served that big 60 days for raping a dog to death?

Why do you always omit "illegal" from "illegal immigrant" and instead just refer to them as "immigrants" as if they came into the country legally?

In before you dodge both questions.

05-22-2019, 03:10 PM
Doubling down when you've been called out. I'm not surprised. But I am disappointed in you, Methais. When you need a lesson in deciphering what is news and what is political clickbait that taps into your deepest fears I'll be here to help point you in the right direction because I genuinely feel bad for you at this point.

05-22-2019, 03:11 PM
They do. This story is proof of that.

If thats what you think then you've become radicalized.

05-22-2019, 03:17 PM
If thats what you think then you've become radicalized.

1) Answer my question
2) How else is anyone’s supposed to take this? Oregon had a chance to get rid of a dog rapist forever by simply detaining him for 48 hours. They actively chose not to. They chose to keep a convicted dog rapist in their state.

If your roommate raped your dog to death and you had the option to move him tens of thousands of miles away from you you would do it in a heartbeat right? Of course you would because if you didn’t it means you actually want dog rapists in your house.

But be sure to ignore 90% of this post as well, it’s what useful idiots do best.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-22-2019, 03:50 PM
Bro's... Back is defending a person who raped a dog to death and arguing releasing him into the general public, even though he's guilty of other crimes (being here illegally). His defense is you are racist, and his solution is writing to the Oregon legislature. For real, that's his position and solution.

You may as well be debating with a rock. No amount of discourse will result in a change from a position so extreme even serial murderers would side with deporting him.

05-22-2019, 04:31 PM
Let's set aside the idiots in office in Oregon for a minute and get to some very basic and easy to answer questions...

Do you personally believe that dog rapist guy should have been deported after he served that big 60 days for raping a dog to death?

Why do you always omit "illegal" from "illegal immigrant" and instead just refer to them as "immigrants" as if they came into the country legally?

In before you dodge both questions.

Doubling down when you've been called out. I'm not surprised. But I am disappointed in you, Methais. When you need a lesson in deciphering what is news and what is political clickbait that taps into your deepest fears I'll be here to help point you in the right direction because I genuinely feel bad for you at this point.

Way to completely avoid the questions so much that you wouldn't even quote the post and instead went on some random tangent as a deflection tactic because you think everyone else is as stupid as you are. :lol:

Let's try again for lulz with two very simple and easy to answer questions:

1. Do you personally believe that dog rapist guy should have been deported after he served that big 60 days for raping a dog to death?

2. Why do you always omit "illegal" from "illegal immigrant" and instead just refer to them as "immigrants" as if they came into the country legally?

05-22-2019, 06:01 PM
Let's set aside the idiots in office in Oregon for a minute and get to some very basic and easy to answer questions...

Do you personally believe that dog rapist guy should have been deported after he served that big 60 days for raping a dog to death?

Why do you always omit "illegal" from "illegal immigrant" and instead just refer to them as "immigrants" as if they came into the country legally?

In before you dodge both questions.

Doubling down when you've been called out. I'm not surprised. But I am disappointed in you, Methais. When you need a lesson in deciphering what is news and what is political clickbait that taps into your deepest fears I'll be here to help point you in the right direction because I genuinely feel bad for you at this point.


05-22-2019, 07:51 PM


05-22-2019, 07:55 PM
We've officially gone from holding Central American children hostage to holding bridges and roads hostage.

"I don't do cover-ups" says the guy who paid off hush money to how many porn stars to stay quiet? If he doesn't do coverups, where are his tax returns?

Maybe for the 81st infrastructure week where republicans did nothing, we can get some of those billions of laundered mafia cash for some infrastructure. We know Donnie had his hands in those deals for decades, it's time to share.

05-22-2019, 08:26 PM
We've officially gone from holding Central American children hostage to holding bridges and roads hostage.

"I don't do cover-ups" says the guy who paid off hush money to how many porn stars to stay quiet? If he doesn't do coverups, where are his tax returns?

Maybe for the 81st infrastructure week where republicans did nothing, we can get some of those billions of laundered mafia cash for some infrastructure. We know Donnie had his hands in those deals for decades, it's time to share.


05-22-2019, 08:55 PM
I'm a huge butthurt tard.


05-22-2019, 09:39 PM
Trump is willing to proclaim his love for dictators like Kim Jong-un but is unwilling to sit down with democrats to work on America's decaying infrastructure. Instead, he throws a temper tantrum like a child, storms out and spreads fake news during a press conference.

05-22-2019, 09:46 PM
Trump is willing to proclaim his love for dictators like Kim Jong-un but is unwilling to sit down with democrats to work on America's decaying infrastructure. Instead, he throws a temper tantrum like a child, storms out and spreads fake news during a press conference.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-22-2019, 10:46 PM
Trump is willing to proclaim his love for dictators like Kim Jong-un but is unwilling to sit down with democrats to work on America's decaying infrastructure. Instead, he throws a temper tantrum like a child, storms out and spreads fake news during a press conference.

Yeah, cause a sitting president should put up with being told he's being impeached and covering up crimes every day. Fuck the dems and you for supporting such bullshit. Impeach or don't, but get the fuck over it.

05-22-2019, 11:19 PM
Trump is willing to proclaim his love for dictators like Kim Jong-un but is unwilling to sit down with democrats to work on America's decaying infrastructure. Instead, he throws a temper tantrum like a child, storms out and spreads fake news during a press conference.

Shy is our infrastructure decaying after all those "Shovel ready" jobs from the Obama stimulus?

PS: Thank you for bringing humor back . . .

05-22-2019, 11:29 PM
Yeah, cause a sitting president should put up with being told he's being impeached and covering up crimes every day. Fuck the dems and you for supporting such bullshit. Impeach or don't, but get the fuck over it.

Maybe a sitting president shouldn't be covering up crimes every day. HMMMMM.

05-22-2019, 11:30 PM
Maybe a sitting president shouldn't be covering up crimes every day. HMMMMM.


05-23-2019, 09:12 AM
We've officially gone from holding Central American children hostage to holding bridges and roads hostage.

"I don't do cover-ups" says the guy who paid off hush money to how many porn stars to stay quiet? If he doesn't do coverups, where are his tax returns?

Maybe for the 81st infrastructure week where republicans did nothing, we can get some of those billions of laundered mafia cash for some infrastructure. We know Donnie had his hands in those deals for decades, it's time to share.


05-23-2019, 09:33 AM
Maybe I shouldn't be sucking so many strange cocks every day. HMMMMM.

This is correct.

05-23-2019, 05:29 PM

A "very stable genius" can't even spell accomplishments, roflmao

This is your president. This is who you staunchly defend every day.

05-23-2019, 05:30 PM

A "very stable genius" can't even spell accomplishments, roflmao

This is your president. This is who you staunchly defend every day.


05-23-2019, 05:32 PM
Trump using his privilege to fake a disability to gain deferments to prevent going to Vietnam


05-23-2019, 05:32 PM
GOP senator spells out case for Trump's impeachment


05-23-2019, 05:33 PM
Trump mocked globally for hissy fit to avoid infrastructure meeting


05-23-2019, 05:34 PM
Trump, who appointed Tillerson as secretary of state, refers to him as "dumb as a bag of rocks".


05-23-2019, 05:35 PM
US beer industry blames tariffs for 40,000 layoffs


05-23-2019, 05:36 PM
Faked videos of Pelosi spread across internet, intentionally slowed to make her appear drunk


05-23-2019, 05:37 PM
Trump administration breaks campaign promise, purges 200,000 VA healthcare applications


05-23-2019, 05:44 PM
Sellstuff1 continues to be unhinged.


05-23-2019, 05:51 PM
Sellstuff1 continues to be unhinged.


I see as an ex-soldier you're firmly in favor of preventing veterans from gaining access to healthcare. Good on you. Got yours, fuck everyone else.

05-23-2019, 05:52 PM
Republicans: Every life is sacred, that's why we must prevent abortion at all costs.

Also Republicans: Kill every migrant child


05-23-2019, 06:00 PM
Trump's golf outings have cost American Tax Payers 100 million dollars, with much of that going to Trump's own businesses. https://amp.businessinsider.com/trump-golf-outings-cost-tax-payers-100-million-report-2019-5?utm_source=reddit.com

05-23-2019, 06:01 PM
Bank CEO Stephen M. Calk Charged With Corruptly Soliciting A Presidential Administration Position In Exchange For Approving $16 Million In Loans


The borrower in the text of the indictment is Paul Manafort:

Bank CEO Stephen Calk has been indicted by a federal grand jury and charged in connection with a plan to exchange $16 million in loans to Paul Manafort for his help in getting Caulk a Trump administration position.

05-23-2019, 06:04 PM
CEO of small Florida bank loaned Trump millions in 2018, then got Federal Reserve post


05-23-2019, 06:06 PM
FBI has seen significant rise in white supremacist domestic terrorism in recent months


05-23-2019, 06:09 PM
Trump Admits Donald Trump Jr Called Him Before the Trump Tower Meeting With Russian Lawyer


Lets see if that audio can be made sense of:

Trump talking about Trump Tower meeting with Russians

Trump says Fusion GPS set up said meeting

Trump talking about 3 other unknown phone calls.

Trump mentions 1 to real estate developer 2 to NASCAR

Trump back to rambling about Russia

Trump says Jr. called him before meeting then had meeting

It’s hard to follow but I think that’s what happened there.

Can someone help?

05-23-2019, 06:15 PM
Republicans: Every life is sacred, that's why we must prevent abortion at all costs.

Also Republicans: Kill every migrant child


Can you show me a quote of Republicans wanting to "kill every migrant child"?

You're so triggered right now, Clown. Please continue.

05-23-2019, 06:16 PM
Can you show me a quote of Republicans wanting to "kill every migrant child"?

You're so triggered right now, Clown. Please continue.


05-23-2019, 06:17 PM
Trump using his privilege to fake a disability to gain deferments to prevent going to Vietnam



05-23-2019, 06:18 PM
I knew Trump had broke sellstuff1, but damn.

05-23-2019, 06:21 PM
The US tariffs on China have been paid almost entirely by US importers: IMF study


"Trade wars are good! And easy to win!"

Another thing to add to Trump's long list of accomhlishments

05-23-2019, 06:24 PM

05-23-2019, 06:36 PM
I knew Trump had broke sellstuff1, but damn.

He's trying to catch up on all the time he missed.

05-23-2019, 06:37 PM

Are you blaming this on Trump too?

05-23-2019, 06:43 PM
I see as an ex-soldier you're firmly in favor of preventing veterans from gaining access to healthcare. Good on you. Got yours, fuck everyone else.

Was never a soldier, thx.

05-23-2019, 07:04 PM
Was never a soldier, thx.

Lock it up, troop.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-23-2019, 08:01 PM
Wow, talk about snowflake soyboy triggered flaming liberal.

05-23-2019, 08:06 PM
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders hasn’t held a press briefing in 72 days, but since then she’s appeared on Fox 12 times


05-23-2019, 08:06 PM
Are you blaming this on Trump too?

No, I'm just laughing that your kids will die due to climate change, and you still spent every fibre of your being denying it.

05-23-2019, 08:15 PM
Wow, talk about snowflake soyboy triggered flaming liberal.

I see that the extent of your political discourse, much like every other poster here, is "lol libruls bad". Well done.

05-23-2019, 08:16 PM
Treasury Sec. Mnuchin struggles when asked if he ordered IRS to defy Congress


"I uh, uhm. No. But yes. But no."

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-23-2019, 08:17 PM
I see that the extent of your political discourse, much like every other poster here, is "lol libruls bad". Well done.

It's good you are aware enough to know I was talking about you.

05-23-2019, 08:21 PM
It's good you are aware enough to know I was talking about you.

Great signature you've got there. Glad to see you've been supporting Trump's excessive spending and tax cuts for the wealthy elite. You're a perfect facsimile of a modern republican. A walking, inbred case of cognitive dissonance.

05-23-2019, 08:35 PM
Thread: Things that made sellstuff1 butthurt today

SURPRISE! It's Trump.

05-23-2019, 08:41 PM
Thread: Things that made sellstuff1 butthurt today

SURPRISE! It's Trump.

Even when you were obsessed with Obama you couldn't find two dozen articles of shady fucking business by Obama and his associates in a single 24-hour period.

05-23-2019, 08:45 PM
Even when you were obsessed with Obama you couldn't find two dozen articles of shady fucking business by Obama and his associates in a single 24-hour period.

I'm glad you recognize this as an obsession with Trump.

The first step is admitting the problem.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-23-2019, 08:45 PM
It's almost like you don't believe the mueller report which found nothing to charge him with.

05-23-2019, 08:48 PM
It's almost like you don't believe the mueller report which found nothing to charge him with.

"The report further states that Congress can decide whether Trump obstructed justice, as Congress has the authority to take action against a president in reference to potential impeachment proceedings."

Oh look the inbred retard is spreading fake news. Who could've seen this coming?

05-23-2019, 08:49 PM
I'm glad you recognize this as an obsession with Trump.

The first step is admitting the problem.

Let's talk about that time that you posted a WaPo article as a source and then called WaPo fake news 30 minutes later.

05-23-2019, 08:59 PM
Let's talk about that time that you posted a WaPo article as a source and then called WaPo fake news 30 minutes later.

Let's talk about your admitted obsession with Trump. Why exactly are you obsessed with Trump? Did he touch you in your naughty place?

05-23-2019, 09:10 PM
Even when you were obsessed with Obama you couldn't find two dozen articles of shady fucking business by Obama and his associates in a single 24-hour period.

Well the 2016 surveillance investigation documents have just been ordered to be declassified. So let's just see who ordered what, shall we?

05-23-2019, 09:55 PM
No, I'm just laughing that your kids will die due to climate change, and you still spent every fibre of your being denying it.


Dude.. you're on the wrong side as usual.

05-23-2019, 10:25 PM
Well the 2016 surveillance investigation documents have just been ordered to be declassified. So let's just see who ordered what, shall we?

Haven't seen this sort of spying since... Nixon...

05-23-2019, 11:28 PM
Oh look the day isn't over yet and Trump's using a loophole to declare an emergency so he can sell arms to Saudi Arabai.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is considering an emergency declaration that would allow it to make an arms shipment to Saudi Arabia without the approval of Congress, two U.S. officials and lawmakers opposed to the move said Thursday.


05-23-2019, 11:30 PM
Where is the Republican out cry of an out of control potus acting as a king?

05-23-2019, 11:37 PM
No, I'm just laughing that your kids will die due to climate change, and you still spent every fibre of your being denying it.

Nah, they are already dead from net neutrality and the stock market collapse from a Trump win.

05-24-2019, 01:12 AM
Where is the Republican out cry of an out of control potus acting as a king?

Acting like a king huh? Like when Obama said he was going to go around Congress and do things himself? He literally said that.

05-24-2019, 07:09 AM
Oh look the day isn't over yet and Trump's using a loophole to declare an emergency so he can sell arms to Saudi Arabai.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is considering an emergency declaration that would allow it to make an arms shipment to Saudi Arabia without the approval of Congress, two U.S. officials and lawmakers opposed to the move said Thursday.



05-24-2019, 07:22 AM
Acting like a king huh? Like when Obama said he was going to go around Congress and do things himself? He literally said that.

Hey now that's different!

05-24-2019, 08:10 AM
Let's talk about your admitted obsession with Trump. Why exactly are you obsessed with Trump? Did he touch you in your naughty place?

Who among us hasn't been inappropriately touched by Trump?

05-24-2019, 09:36 AM
President Trump has made requests for the paperwork of four individuals, who have been accused or convicted of war crimes, for the purpose of pardoning them on Memorial Day.

One is for Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, a Navy Seal who is scheduled to stand trial at the end of May for shooting unarmed civilians – specifically, a young woman and an unarmed elderly man, as well as killing a 15-year-old captive with a knife while deployed to Iraq in 2017. Second is Major Mathew Golsteyn, an Army Green Beret convicted of killing an unarmed Afghan in 2010. Third, a group of Marine Corp snipers who urinated on the corpses of dead Taliban fighters. Fourth, a Blackwater contractor convicted of shooting dozens of unarmed civilians.

05-24-2019, 10:32 AM
Lawyer for Navy SEAL accused of war crimes also works for Trump Organization

An attorney for Navy SEAL chief Edward "Eddie" Gallagher also represents the Trump Organization, CNN has learned, just days after reports surfaced indicating the President is considering pardoning Gallagher of charges that could constitute war crimes.

Gallagher faces a slew of accusations connected to violations of military law while he was deployed to the Iraqi city of Mosul in 2017, including premeditated murder in the stabbing death of an injured person in Iraq. He has pleaded not guilty.


05-24-2019, 11:19 AM

A "very stable genius" can't even spell accomplishments, roflmao

This is your president. This is who you staunchly defend every day.

Trump using his privilege to fake a disability to gain deferments to prevent going to Vietnam


GOP senator spells out case for Trump's impeachment


Trump mocked globally for hissy fit to avoid infrastructure meeting


Trump, who appointed Tillerson as secretary of state, refers to him as "dumb as a bag of rocks".


US beer industry blames tariffs for 40,000 layoffs


Faked videos of Pelosi spread across internet, intentionally slowed to make her appear drunk


Trump administration breaks campaign promise, purges 200,000 VA healthcare applications


I see as an ex-soldier you're firmly in favor of preventing veterans from gaining access to healthcare. Good on you. Got yours, fuck everyone else.

Republicans: Every life is sacred, that's why we must prevent abortion at all costs.

Also Republicans: Kill every migrant child


Trump's golf outings have cost American Tax Payers 100 million dollars, with much of that going to Trump's own businesses. https://amp.businessinsider.com/trump-golf-outings-cost-tax-payers-100-million-report-2019-5?utm_source=reddit.com

Bank CEO Stephen M. Calk Charged With Corruptly Soliciting A Presidential Administration Position In Exchange For Approving $16 Million In Loans


The borrower in the text of the indictment is Paul Manafort:

Bank CEO Stephen Calk has been indicted by a federal grand jury and charged in connection with a plan to exchange $16 million in loans to Paul Manafort for his help in getting Caulk a Trump administration position.

CEO of small Florida bank loaned Trump millions in 2018, then got Federal Reserve post


FBI has seen significant rise in white supremacist domestic terrorism in recent months


Trump Admits Donald Trump Jr Called Him Before the Trump Tower Meeting With Russian Lawyer


Lets see if that audio can be made sense of:

Trump talking about Trump Tower meeting with Russians

Trump says Fusion GPS set up said meeting

Trump talking about 3 other unknown phone calls.

Trump mentions 1 to real estate developer 2 to NASCAR

Trump back to rambling about Russia

Trump says Jr. called him before meeting then had meeting

It’s hard to follow but I think that’s what happened there.

Can someone help?


The US tariffs on China have been paid almost entirely by US importers: IMF study


"Trade wars are good! And easy to win!"

Another thing to add to Trump's long list of accomhlishments


White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders hasn’t held a press briefing in 72 days, but since then she’s appeared on Fox 12 times


Treasury Sec. Mnuchin struggles when asked if he ordered IRS to defy Congress


"I uh, uhm. No. But yes. But no."

I remember my first time using a message board too.


05-24-2019, 11:32 AM
I remember my first time using a message board too.


Tell me about some of your accomhlishments Methais, I'm super curious about the accolades of such a stable genius like yourself.

05-24-2019, 11:35 AM
Trump all too eager to execute his opponents for treason. "opponents" = liberals. Encouraging his supporters to assassinate his enemies.


Hey remember that thread where every conservative poster on these forums said that the MAGABOMBER hadn't committed any crimes for mailing bombs to democrats?

On March 21, 2019, Sayoc pleaded guilty to 65 felony counts, including using weapons of mass destruction in an attempted domestic terrorist attack. He is set to be sentenced on September 12, 2019.[4]

05-24-2019, 11:53 AM
Tell me about some of your accomhlishments Methais, I'm super curious about the accolades of such a stable genius like yourself.

I've never accomhlished anything.

05-24-2019, 12:45 PM

"That's treason. That's treason. They couldn't win the election, and that's what happened. And that's what's happening right now because.. without the treason word, I guess.. but that's what's happening now."
~A very stable genius

05-24-2019, 12:48 PM

"That's treason. That's treason. They couldn't win the election, and that's what happened. And that's what's happening right now because.. without the treason word, I guess.. but that's what's happening now."
~A very stable genius

18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


18 hours ago

Trump Officials Prepare to Bypass Congress to Sell Weapons to Gulf Nations


05-24-2019, 12:53 PM

"That's treason. That's treason. They couldn't win the election, and that's what happened. And that's what's happening right now because.. without the treason word, I guess.. but that's what's happening now."
~A very stable genius

18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


18 hours ago

Trump Officials Prepare to Bypass Congress to Sell Weapons to Gulf Nations



05-24-2019, 12:56 PM
Trump has reportedly raged at aides over headlines calling him quick-tempered and angry

When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the President Trump's aides and family "should stage an intervention for the good of the country" and suggested he wasn't in control of the White House on Thursday, she was deliberately trying to provoke an angry reaction from the president, people close to Pelosi tell The New York Times and The Washington Post. And provoke she did.

On Thursday afternoon, Trump lashed out at Pelosi, insisted he had been calm and angry when he walked out of a Wednesday meeting after three minutes, declared himself an "extremely stable genius," and had five aides — one of whom hadn't been in the room — attest that he had been "calm" during his brief time in the meeting.

Having aides describe him as calm during a press conference about a farm aid package is "vintage Trump," Asawin Suebsaeng and Sam Stein write at The Daily Beast: "The policy push of the day overwhelmed by internal insecurities and grievances with press coverage bursting into public view. And it underscored the degree to which his warfare with Nancy Pelosi has gone from political to psychological." If Pelosi was looking for a soft spot, they add, she struck gold.

05-24-2019, 12:56 PM
18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


18 hours ago

Trump Officials Prepare to Bypass Congress to Sell Weapons to Gulf Nations



05-24-2019, 12:56 PM
Few recurring characterizations bother President Trump more than the (largely accurate) narrative that he has a hair-trigger temper behind the scenes, and that he can easily and frequently be sent into vulgar, sometimes volcanic hissy fits when he doesn't get his way.

In the middle of last year, Trump once sat in the White House and angrily listed various words in headlines and cable-news chyrons he'd seen recently that described his mood — "fuming," "raged," "furious," and so forth — decrying them as inaccurate reporting, according to a source who was present for this. The president sounded increasingly irate as he rattled off headline after headline, the source said, noting the irony.

05-24-2019, 12:59 PM

18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Trump on Kim Jong-un: 'We fell in love'

The Very Stable Genius In Chief professes his love for a murderous fascist regime exhibiting absolute control over its' people. This is literally closer to treason than "investigating a criminal that just so happens to be in the Oval Office".

05-24-2019, 01:03 PM
Rudy Giuliani shared the shittily manipulated video of Pelosi talking to make it appear like she was drunk on his fucking twitter.

Republicans slip further and further everyday into madness.

05-24-2019, 01:06 PM
Oh, Trump also shared the doctored video of Pelosi. You'd think that they would find someone more capable than Trump Jr to doctor videos to make your political opponents appear drunk. Something other than just slowing the video down by 30% and leaving the vocal artifacts intact.

Mr. Trump tweeted a separate video of Ms. Pelosi, from Fox Business, which spliced together moments from a 20-minute news conference to emphasize points where she had stumbled on her words. “PELOSI STAMMERS THROUGH NEWS CONFERENCE,” the president tweeted.

05-24-2019, 01:06 PM
I am the most massive of all massive gaylords. I am the lord of gaylords. You can call me Lord of Gay.

Shut up Lord of Gay.

05-24-2019, 01:42 PM
Jesus... 2 day meltdown. That might be the record for snowflakiness...

05-24-2019, 02:44 PM

05-24-2019, 02:49 PM

This is correct.

05-24-2019, 03:07 PM
This is correct.

How's it feel to be complicit with child rape victims being forced to give birth?

05-24-2019, 03:22 PM
How's it feel to be complicit with child rape victims being forced to give birth?

How's it feel to suck at reading?


05-24-2019, 03:25 PM
How's it feel to be complicit with child rape victims being forced to give birth?


Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-24-2019, 03:50 PM
Jesus... 2 day meltdown. That might be the record for snowflakiness...

hey now, no more microaggressions or we'll have to send him to his safe spot.

05-24-2019, 07:53 PM
PS - I actually agree that there should be circumstances for abortion... anytime before the 1st trimester, rape, incest and that .0003% chance the mother could die.

But, let's be honest: The liberals have forced this pendulum so far right by saying a woman can abort up to and including the end of the 3rd trimester.

05-24-2019, 08:09 PM
PS - I actually agree that there should be circumstances for abortion... anytime before the 1st trimester, rape, incest and that .0003% chance the mother could die.

This used to be my stance but Democrats have gone from "it's a rare medical procedure that is a discussion between a woman and her doctor" to "LOL! Abortions for all! Baby about to be born? Not too late for an abortion!"

They have made a complete mockery of this.

The Democrats have pushed me so far in the other direction with their ghoulishness. Now I just believe abortions if the mother's life is in danger, I'm still on the fence about rape and incest but it's not as clear cut for me as it was. And Democrats love the danger one because they think it's a good excuse for abortions after the second trimester, but I have yet to hear a single Democrat explain to me how the mother's life can be in danger after the second trimester where abortion is the only answer as opposed to a C-section or inducing labor.

05-24-2019, 08:11 PM
Romania’s prohibition of the procedure was disproportionately felt by low-income women and disadvantaged groups, which abortion-rights advocates in the United States fear would happen if the Alabama law came into force. As a last resort, many Romanian women turned to home and back-alley abortions, and by 1989, an estimated 10,000 women had died as a result of unsafe procedures. The real number of deaths might have been much higher, as women who sought abortions and those who helped them faced years of imprisonment if caught. Maternal mortality skyrocketed, doubling between 1965 and 1989


05-24-2019, 08:24 PM
Romania’s prohibition of the procedure was disproportionately felt by low-income women and disadvantaged groups, which abortion-rights advocates in the United States fear would happen if the Alabama law came into force. As a last resort, many Romanian women turned to home and back-alley abortions, and by 1989, an estimated 10,000 women had died as a result of unsafe procedures. The real number of deaths might have been much higher, as women who sought abortions and those who helped them faced years of imprisonment if caught. Maternal mortality skyrocketed, doubling between 1965 and 1989


1965 Romania is no comparison to 2019 US. Birth control is more readily available, as are condoms, not to mention social safety nets and families willing to adopt. There are some bad mothers out there popping out 8 and 9 kids and they get by via government assistance.

05-24-2019, 08:36 PM
1965 Romania is no comparison to 2019 US. Birth control is more readily available, as are condoms, not to mention social safety nets and families willing to adopt. There are some bad mothers out there popping out 8 and 9 kids and they get by via government assistance.

Americans will do what they always do, if you make it illegal, they will find it in a back alley...

Also feel free to actually read the whole article

05-24-2019, 08:42 PM
1965 Romania is no comparison to 2019 US. Birth control is more readily available, as are condoms, not to mention social safety nets and families willing to adopt. There are some bad mothers out there popping out 8 and 9 kids and they get by via government assistance.

Hold up.

You want abortion to be illegal then turn around and criticize women for having children?

05-24-2019, 08:48 PM
Hold up.

You want abortion to be illegal then turn around and criticize women for having children?

Where did I criticize women for having children? You having another stroke?

05-24-2019, 08:52 PM
Americans will do what they always do, if you make it illegal, they will find it in a back alley...

Also feel free to actually read the whole article

So.. you hold the same stance on gun control.. if you make it illegal, they will find it in a back alley.. so why bother with it?


05-24-2019, 08:53 PM
Hold up.

You want abortion to be illegal then turn around and criticize women for having children?


05-24-2019, 09:00 PM
So.. you hold the same stance on gun control.. if you make it illegal, they will find it in a back alley.. so why bother with it?


Are you comparing abortion to gun control ironically?


05-24-2019, 10:21 PM
Are you comparing abortion to gun control ironically?


No. I'm literally using your retarded "logic" and illustrating why you are a raging hypocrite.

05-24-2019, 10:26 PM
I had interpreted it as, if someone is desperate enough, they can have an abortion. Just like they can buy a gun. Though I'm not sure where exactly on the price scale a back alley abortion is.

Figure that out on your own.

05-24-2019, 10:34 PM
No. I'm literally using your retarded "logic" and illustrating why you are a raging hypocrite.

What exactly do you think you know about me that gives you the idea I'm a hypocrite? I'm not being sarcastic.

05-24-2019, 10:47 PM
What exactly do you think you know about me that gives you the idea I'm a hypocrite? I'm not being sarcastic.

Your excuse for being an abortion supporter is 'If you make it illegal, they will just get it in the back alley"

You somehow do not hold this "logic" when it comes to gun control.. which is 100000x easier to "get in a back alley"

05-24-2019, 10:59 PM
My stance is women should have access for safe legal abortions and planned parenthood. If that fails, those without means or options will have worse options.

When it comes to gun control, that's unrelated, but citizens should have access.

Your excuse for being an abortion supporter is 'If you make it illegal, they will just get it in the back alley"

You somehow do not hold this "logic" when it comes to gun control.. which is 100000x easier to "get in a back alley"

05-24-2019, 11:21 PM
Trump all too eager to execute his opponents for treason. "opponents" = liberals. Encouraging his supporters to assassinate his enemies.


Hey remember that thread where every conservative poster on these forums said that the MAGABOMBER hadn't committed any crimes for mailing bombs to democrats?

On March 21, 2019, Sayoc pleaded guilty to 65 felony counts, including using weapons of mass destruction in an attempted domestic terrorist attack. He is set to be sentenced on September 12, 2019.[4]

LOL as opposed to Obama saying people were justified in fighting back against cops? Seriously twisted bit of rationalization here. Also, I didn't say the bomber hadn't committed crimes, just that we should wait for investigations, evidence and the justice process before taking him out back and shooting him.

05-24-2019, 11:27 PM
My stance is women should have access for safe legal abortions and planned parenthood. If that fails, those without means or options will have worse options.

When it comes to gun control, that's unrelated, but citizens should have access.


05-25-2019, 07:49 AM
My stance is women should have access for safe legal abortions and planned parenthood. If that fails, those without means or options will have worse options.

When it comes to gun control, that's unrelated, but citizens should have access.

So you literally support murder.

05-25-2019, 08:07 AM
Romania’s prohibition of the procedure was disproportionately felt by low-income women and disadvantaged groups, which abortion-rights advocates in the United States fear would happen if the Alabama law came into force. As a last resort, many Romanian women turned to home and back-alley abortions, and by 1989, an estimated 10,000 women had died as a result of unsafe procedures. The real number of deaths might have been much higher, as women who sought abortions and those who helped them faced years of imprisonment if caught. Maternal mortality skyrocketed, doubling between 1965 and 1989


In 2015, the most recent year for which data is available, a total of 638,169 abortions were reported

I'll take your 10,000 women and raise it by 305,000 murdered women in just one year and not 24 years. (that's 7.3 million women in 22 years, just in case your math is as terrible as your logic)

05-25-2019, 08:42 AM

05-25-2019, 08:45 AM
Here comes day three of mr triggeredaf

05-25-2019, 08:47 AM
Here comes day three of mr triggeredaf

How's it going, supports child rape victims giving birth to their rape-babies?

05-25-2019, 08:48 AM

05-25-2019, 08:54 AM
How's it going, supports child rape victims giving birth to their rape-babies?

Hows it feel supporting child murder?

05-25-2019, 08:55 AM
How's it going, supports child rape victims giving birth to their rape-babies?

How's it going, supports murdering children because they don't believe in personal responsibility?

05-25-2019, 09:00 AM
Hows it feel supporting child murder?

A fetus isn't a child. Only an idiot would consider a fetus to be a child. A fetus represents the potential for a child. Why do you give so many fucks about potential, and so little fucks about actual children?

05-25-2019, 09:01 AM
How's it going, supports murdering children because they don't believe in personal responsibility?


05-25-2019, 09:02 AM
Republicans just cry crocodile tears over literal clumps of forming cells because they can't get off unless they're actively subjugating women and their right to have control over their own bodies. It's absolutely pathetic.

05-25-2019, 09:04 AM
Hows it feel supporting child murder?

U.S. Government Admits Another Migrant Child Died Under Its Care—8 Months After the Fact

Your political party is actively killing migrant children - not fetuses, but children. Do you give a single fuck about that? Nope. It's super easy to see through your cognitive dissonance, because you've all got the same Fox News brand of it.

05-25-2019, 09:05 AM
U.S. Government Admits Another Migrant Child Died Under Its Care—8 Months After the Fact

Your political party is actively killing migrant children - not fetuses, but children. Do you give a single fuck about that? Nope. It's super easy to see through your cognitive dissonance, because you've all got the same Fox News brand of it.

rofl, they aren't stabbing them to death with coat hangers, they are following a policy that was created by the Obama administration.

BTW, that kid was already sick when he came here. The US Government didn't kill shit.

How else would you like to deflect today, child murderer?

05-25-2019, 09:14 AM
rofl, they aren't stabbing them to death with coat hangers, they are following a policy that was created by the Obama administration.

BTW, that kid was already sick when he came here. The US Government didn't kill shit.

How else would you like to deflect today, child murderer?

Nah, they're just separating them from their parents, putting them in cages, feeding them shitloads of narcotics to get them to stop crying and leave them in a cage to rot. You've totally got the moral high ground here, retard.

Oh also, abortion clinics don't use coat hangers. That's the back-alley and self-abortions that parents will now be turning to in Alabama and Missouri. Your political party did this, by the way, not mine.

05-25-2019, 09:15 AM
Nah, they're just separating them from their parents, putting them in cages, feeding them shitloads of narcotics to get them to stop crying and leave them in a cage to rot. You've totally got the moral high ground here, retard.

Oh also, abortion clinics don't use coat hangers. That's the back-alley and self-abortions that parents will now be turning to in Alabama and Missouri. Your political party did this, by the way, not mine.

All I hear from you is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Keep it up. I've never seen anyone this unhinged.

05-25-2019, 09:16 AM

05-25-2019, 09:17 AM

05-25-2019, 09:17 AM
All I hear from you is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Keep it up. I've never seen anyone this unhinged.

I wish your mother aborted you with a coat hanger. World would've been a much better place.

05-25-2019, 09:18 AM

05-25-2019, 09:20 AM

05-25-2019, 09:22 AM

05-25-2019, 09:23 AM

As information compiled by Michael Medved producer Greg Tomlin shows, in the years 2016 and 2017, at K-12 schools in America, of the 51 million students enrolled, there were seven children killed.

In 2015, 638,169 induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas.

Why are these people so bad at math and science?

05-25-2019, 09:25 AM
Why are these people so bad at math and science?

The Republican Party, the keystone of math and science.


05-25-2019, 09:26 AM

Dude.. it's Saturday. You should do something today instead of trolling the Internet to find things that trigger you even more.

05-25-2019, 09:26 AM

05-25-2019, 09:27 AM

Dude.. it's Saturday. You should do something today instead of trolling the Internet to find things that trigger you even more.

Take your own advice you inbred retard.

05-25-2019, 09:29 AM

05-25-2019, 09:29 AM

05-25-2019, 09:31 AM

05-25-2019, 09:31 AM
I don't think Viagra should be funded either, btw.

05-25-2019, 09:32 AM

05-25-2019, 09:32 AM
The Republican Party, the keystone of math and science.


Remember when Clinton raided the SSI fund to the tune of 3 trillion dollars?


05-25-2019, 09:33 AM

05-25-2019, 09:33 AM
Remember when Clinton raided the SSI fund to the tune of 3 trillion dollars?


It's 2019, by the way. I know you haven't logged off Gemstone in 30 years, but it's still 2019.

05-25-2019, 09:34 AM

05-25-2019, 09:35 AM

05-25-2019, 09:36 AM
It's 2019, by the way. I know you haven't logged off Gemstone in 30 years, but it's still 2019.

Yeah, it is all cool because it happened in the past!

05-25-2019, 09:37 AM
It's 2019, by the way. I know you haven't logged off Gemstone in 30 years, but it's still 2019.

I have played GS a total of 5 hours in 3 months. But since that happened in the past it didn't happen ~ Sellstuff logic.

05-25-2019, 09:54 AM
I don't think Viagra should be funded either, btw.

It's not. The DHA provides healthcare to veterans and this is just part of that.

It's a retarded argument put forth by really, really stupid people like sellstuff1.

05-25-2019, 10:34 AM
typical sellstuff post

05-25-2019, 11:02 AM

That's what happens when you are convicted of any felony and domestic violence misdemeanors dumb fuck.

It's 2019, by the way. I know you haven't logged off Gemstone in 30 years, but it's still 2019.

So by that logic your retarded party should give up on the whole slavery meme and reparations, get over women's rights since equality is already the law, get over the gender pay gap myth and so many other things. Amirite?

05-25-2019, 12:00 PM
LOL - enjoying the meltdown.


05-25-2019, 12:29 PM
I wish your mother aborted you with a coat hanger. World would've been a much better place.

You admit abortions are violent procedures that end the life of someone you don’t like. Was that so hard?

05-25-2019, 03:28 PM
You admit abortions are violent procedures that end the life of someone you don’t like. Was that so hard?

Yeah this faux outrage over "murdering children" has got to be on the top ten list of Virtue Signaling's Greatest Hits. If not number 1.

Its easier to show compassion over non-existent children than it is real children and women's rights. Real children are the ones who need the compassion and real women need access to healthcare without some panel of men making decisions for them. If you don't like abortion, don't get one. Mind your own business.

05-25-2019, 03:32 PM
Yeah this faux outrage over "murdering children" has got to be on the top ten list of Virtue Signaling's Greatest Hits. If not number 1.

NOTHING beats your "RESIST WHITE SUPREMACY!" signature line. Not even your "READ GREEN NEW DEAL" you are currently using.

Its easier to show compassion over non-existent children than it is real children and women's rights. Real children are the ones who need the compassion and real women need access to healthcare without some panel of men making decisions for them. If you don't like abortion, don't get one. Mind your own business.

Tell us what your abortion plan would be. Would it be up to and including birth or would it be like 1st trimester, 2nd trimester, first heartbeat, up to 3 years after birth... you tell us what you believe is a normal abortion policy.

05-25-2019, 03:38 PM
NOTHING beats your "RESIST WHITE SUPREMACY!" signature line. Not even your "READ GREEN NEW DEAL" you are currently using.

Tell us what your abortion plan would be. Would it be up to and including birth or would it be like 1st trimester, 2nd trimester, first heartbeat, up to 3 years after birth... you tell us what you believe is a normal abortion policy.

I'll amend my previous post. Mind your own damn business and stay out of mine.

05-25-2019, 03:42 PM
I'll amend my previous post. Mind your own damn business and stay out of mine.

Ok fuckwit, you post on a message board, if you can't take the attention or defend your posts then maybe the internet isn't for you. So, man up and defend yourself or go home.

05-25-2019, 03:43 PM
Yeah this faux outrage over "murdering children" has got to be on the top ten list of Virtue Signaling's Greatest Hits. If not number 1.

Its easier to show compassion over non-existent children than it is real children and women's rights. Real children are the ones who need the compassion and real women need access to healthcare without some panel of men making decisions for them. If you don't like abortion, don't get one. Mind your own business.

Where did Democrats come up with this false dichotomy that if someone cares about unborn children in the womb then they don’t care about children out of the womb?

05-25-2019, 03:52 PM
I'll amend my previous post. Mind your own damn business and stay out of mine.

Your uterus, your decision?

So, if it doesn't affect you personally, you cannot have an opinion about it?

You're a fucking joke.

Always have been.


05-25-2019, 03:56 PM
Where did Democrats come up with this false dichotomy that if someone cares about unborn children in the womb then they don’t care about children out of the womb?

It's an old excuse...

"You don't want more gun control? OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN!"

"You don't want to sign up for 100 trillion dollars to "fight" Global Warming?? OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN!"

"You don't support never ending welfare and other handout programs!? OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN!"

They are literally a 1 trick pony and only the dumbest of people would walk lock step with these idiots.

05-25-2019, 04:00 PM
There is no such thing as an "unborn child". The definition of child is a human being between the ages of birth and below legal age of maturity. Abortion is not murdering children. People use their words wrong and confuse themselves. If anything abortion is closer to amputation.

05-25-2019, 04:19 PM
There is no such thing as an "unborn child". The definition of child is a human being between the ages of birth and below legal age of maturity. Abortion is not murdering children. People use their words wrong and confuse themselves. If anything abortion is closer to amputation.

Why are you so afraid to tell us what your abortion beliefs are?

I'll tell you mine:

Abortions available to the end of the first trimester.

Abortions available to the end of the 2nd trimester for rape or incest.

Abortion available anytime when the life of the mother is in real danger due to the pregnancy.

05-25-2019, 04:21 PM
There is no such thing as an "unborn child". The definition of child is a human being between the ages of birth and below legal age of maturity. Abortion is not murdering children. People use their words wrong and confuse themselves. If anything abortion is closer to amputation.

Hey good point. I just read about someone getting their leg cut off and they found a heart, a brain, and unique DNA inside of the leg. You so smart.

05-25-2019, 04:54 PM
Why are you so afraid to tell us what your abortion beliefs are?

I'll tell you mine:

Abortions available to the end of the first trimester.

Abortions available to the end of the 2nd trimester for rape or incest.

Abortion available anytime when the life of the mother is in real danger due to the pregnancy.

Pretty much exactly my stance, but what about planned parenthood supplying minors with contraceptive options and healthcare?


05-25-2019, 04:59 PM
Pretty much exactly my stance, but what about planned parenthood supplying minors with contraceptive options and healthcare?

I don't believe our government should be in the abortion business.. if that is what you are trying to say.

05-25-2019, 05:24 PM
I don't believe our government should be in the abortion business.. if that is what you are trying to say.

I don't understand what you mean by the government being in the abortion business. Do you mean only people with private doctors or insurance should have access?

05-25-2019, 05:33 PM
There is no such thing as an "unborn child". The definition of child is a human being between the ages of birth and below legal age of maturity. Abortion is not murdering children . People use their words wrong and confuse themselves. If anything abortion is closer to amputation.


05-25-2019, 05:34 PM
I don't understand what you mean by the government being in the abortion business. Do you mean only people with private doctors or insurance should have access?

No. Planned Parenthood is a a tax exempt, non-profit charity that doesn't need to get additional federal money to pay for abortions.

That's what I mean.

05-25-2019, 05:36 PM
Pretty much exactly my stance, but what about planned parenthood supplying minors with contraceptive options and healthcare?


Abstinence as birth control is fucking stupid.

05-25-2019, 06:07 PM
Abstinence as birth control is fucking stupid.

This is correct.

05-25-2019, 06:20 PM
It's an old excuse...

"You don't want more gun control? OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN!"

"You don't want to sign up for 100 trillion dollars to "fight" Global Warming?? OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN!"

"You don't support never ending welfare and other handout programs!? OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN!"

They are literally a 1 trick pony and only the dumbest of people would walk lock step with these idiots.

You have entrenched yourself so deeply, doubled down out of pride so often, that you have completely lost perspective on what is important. Everything you listed is very important to society and should be done not just for our own sake but the sake of generations to come.

Claiming that making society a better place for ourselves and our children is some sort of excuse for political upmanship authored by idiots has to be some new sort of psycological syndrome of some kind. Or we can call it what it is. Just plain stupid.

05-25-2019, 06:34 PM
Claiming that making society a better place for ourselves and our children is some sort of excuse for political upmanship authored by idiots has to be some new sort of psycological syndrome of some kind.

Saying you want to make society better for our children is fine, using it as an excuse to unironically push for birth control is absurd.

Same thing with the Green New Deal, we can do things to help the environment that doesn't involve destroying our economy and getting rid of cows and airplanes.

05-25-2019, 07:15 PM
Saying you want to make society better for our children is fine, using it as an excuse to unironically push for birth control is absurd.


Same thing with the Green New Deal, we can do things to help the environment that doesn't involve destroying our economy and getting rid of cows and airplanes.

I guess you haven't read the Green New Deal. It does none of those things. You are repeating something someone told you or you read somewhere other than the actual proposal.

05-25-2019, 07:16 PM

I guess you haven't read the Green New Deal. It does none of those things. You are repeating something someone told you or you read somewhere other than the actual proposal.

You're extremely stupid. It proposed those things, then they took them out when it was pointed out how retarded they were. Not as retarded as you, but still retarded. You've been told this, but keep ignoring it like the willfully stupid retard you are.

05-25-2019, 07:26 PM
You're extremely stupid. It proposed those things, then they took them out when it was pointed out how retarded they were. Not as retarded as you, but still retarded. You've been told this, but keep ignoring it like the willfully stupid retard you are.

Not true. You can't show us a copy of the actual Green New Deal Resolution that listed eliminating cows or planes because it never did.

Taking care of the environment has never been the sole providence of liberals. Its the wealthy oil barons who are trying to sell that narrative.

05-25-2019, 07:27 PM
You're extremely stupid. It proposed those things, then they took them out when it was pointed out how retarded they were. Not as retarded as you, but still retarded. You've been told this, but keep ignoring it like the willfully stupid retard you are.

They changed it and removed that crap. It also doesn't have the "money for people who can't or are unwilling to work" part too. It is still mostly a "do this!" without saying how or what to do though.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-25-2019, 07:33 PM
Is Sellstuff just Back posting his twitter feed?

05-25-2019, 07:36 PM
Is Sellstuff just Back posting his twitter feed?

Sellstuff seems even more emotionally unhinged than Back. Back is just sad.

05-25-2019, 08:21 PM
I guess you haven't read the Green New Deal. It does none of those things. You are repeating something someone told you or you read somewhere other than the actual proposal.

It was in her own FAQ that she released to the media. She then had someone from her campaign do the cable news circuit and claim those were just lies that "some Republican" made up to make her look bad. Also the part about providing for people UNWILLING to work was in there too, but again was chalked up as a lie. The mainstream media then ran cover for her and went with the narrative that some nefarious Republican made up those lies about her FAQ. Eventually she had to recognize that it wasn't the works of an evil Republican, but rather it was an "early draft" of her FAQ, which begs the question, WHY were those things even discussed to begin with?

I can just imagine the utter shit storm that would come about had a Republican went with such a lame excuse. "Yeah, uhh, we did originally discuss taking away everyone's cars at gunpoint in an effort to save the planet, but we changed our mind." I'm sure the media would be like "OH! He changed his mind. It all good then."

The media you consume is no longer interested in providing you with the facts and details of stories and allowing you to arrive at your own conclusion. Instead they want to control what you see, what you hear, and what you think.

For example remember when the media was pushing the narrative that Jim Acosta never touched that female intern and instead the video was "doctored"? Yeah except that explanation was bullshit because Jim Acosta DID touch that intern. You can sit there and downplay it and claim it was no big deal, but the media actually went with the narrative that the video was doctored.

Now they're doing the same thing with a video from Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi gave a press conference where she was slurring her words, stuttering as if she were having a stroke, and completely forgetting words. Trump shared an EDITED (as in edited for time, NOT doctored) version of this video on his Twitter and the media once again started to spread false information, telling you what to think. They found another video of Pelosi that was doctored to make her look like she was slurring her words, said that video was doctored, and implied that ALL videos of Pelosi slurring her words were doctored, some news outlets just flat out said all of the videos of Pelosi slurring her words were doctored and fake.

You are actively being lied to and manipulated by the companies you trust to bring you the news. Why aren't you furious and angry about this? Instead you ignore it when this is pointed out to you and continue to willingly be lied to manipulated. I just have one simple question: Why?

05-25-2019, 09:06 PM
You have entrenched yourself so deeply, doubled down out of pride so often, that you have completely lost perspective on what is important. Everything you listed is very important to society and should be done not just for our own sake but the sake of generations to come.

Claiming that making society a better place for ourselves and our children is some sort of excuse for political upmanship authored by idiots has to be some new sort of psycological syndrome of some kind. Or we can call it what it is. Just plain stupid.


It was just a very simple question: What is YOUR abortion stance.

And you literally turned it into you being retarded once again with your "upmanship" and your "psycological" issues.

Dude... you are the fucking champion and quite honestly, there's no one left to really challenge you. You can stop being stupid just for the sake of proving it every post.

05-26-2019, 09:30 AM
You have entrenched yourself so deeply, doubled down out of pride so often, that you have completely lost perspective on what is important. Everything you listed is very important to society and should be done not just for our own sake but the sake of generations to come.

Claiming that making society a better place for ourselves and our children is some sort of excuse for political upmanship authored by idiots has to be some new sort of psycological syndrome of some kind. Or we can call it what it is. Just plain stupid.

It's extremely difficult to believe in a future envisioned by those that include the willing extermination of the most valuable building block in the construction of that future.

05-26-2019, 09:53 AM
It's extremely difficult to believe in a future envisioned by those that include the willing extermination of the most valuable building block in the construction of that future.

Abortion rates have gone down steadily all on their own since the 80s and 90s. But don't worry about not having enough "building blocks". There are plenty more where that came from.


05-26-2019, 10:02 AM
It was just a very simple question: What is YOUR abortion stance.


05-26-2019, 10:18 AM
It was in her own FAQ that she released to the media. She then had someone from her campaign do the cable news circuit and claim those were just lies that "some Republican" made up to make her look bad. Also the part about providing for people UNWILLING to work was in there too, but again was chalked up as a lie. The mainstream media then ran cover for her and went with the narrative that some nefarious Republican made up those lies about her FAQ. Eventually she had to recognize that it wasn't the works of an evil Republican, but rather it was an "early draft" of her FAQ, which begs the question, WHY were those things even discussed to begin with?

From my recollection the only "media sites" that talked about any of that were alt-right media sites. What I saw on the major news networks was coverage of Ocasio-Cortez and Markey introducing it to Congress. Any comments about cow farts, banning planes, and all that crap came from right-wing pundits, no one else.

I can just imagine the utter shit storm that would come about had a Republican went with such a lame excuse. "Yeah, uhh, we did originally discuss taking away everyone's cars at gunpoint in an effort to save the planet, but we changed our mind." I'm sure the media would be like "OH! He changed his mind. It all good then."

Dude, really?

The media you consume is no longer interested in providing you with the facts and details of stories and allowing you to arrive at your own conclusion. Instead they want to control what you see, what you hear, and what you think.

I would agree with you but amend the statement to say SOME media. You bet your ass there are media outlets out there that are nothing more than instigators for corporate interests. I believe that the wealthy need the middle class and the poor to grow to fortify their positions, so they spend a fraction of their vast wealth on media meant to keep the middle and poor classes fighting among each other, programming them to be good consumers, and promoting their wars that we die in.

I believe there are still actual journalists dedicated to doing actual journalism. Our country has a Constitution that protects the freedom of the press. It is vitally important that we have that to question those in authority. Part of what those bad media outlets are doing to keep us fighting is claiming that all media is lying which is just not true.

For example remember when the media was pushing the narrative that Jim Acosta never touched that female intern and instead the video was "doctored"? Yeah except that explanation was bullshit because Jim Acosta DID touch that intern. You can sit there and downplay it and claim it was no big deal, but the media actually went with the narrative that the video was doctored.

It was also a scene where the wannabe dictator president had a baby tantrum and tried to shut down the Constitutionally protected press for the horrific crime of... asking a question.

Now they're doing the same thing with a video from Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi gave a press conference where she was slurring her words, stuttering as if she were having a stroke, and completely forgetting words. Trump shared an EDITED (as in edited for time, NOT doctored) version of this video on his Twitter and the media once again started to spread false information, telling you what to think. They found another video of Pelosi that was doctored to make her look like she was slurring her words, said that video was doctored, and implied that ALL videos of Pelosi slurring her words were doctored, some news outlets just flat out said all of the videos of Pelosi slurring her words were doctored and fake.

Can you post links to back this up? Like a link to what Trump tweeted, a link to the non-doctored clip, and everything else you are claiming here?

You are actively being lied to and manipulated by the companies you trust to bring you the news. Why aren't you furious and angry about this? Instead you ignore it when this is pointed out to you and continue to willingly be lied to manipulated. I just have one simple question: Why?

Let the buyer beware. Its a tenet of our capitalist society. I look at many sources and make my own conclusions.

05-26-2019, 10:44 AM
From my recollection the only "media sites" that talked about any of that were alt-right media sites.



What I saw on the major news networks was coverage of Ocasio-Cortez and Markey introducing it to Congress.

This is where you went off the tracks. "What I saw" is clearly clouded with bias and stupidity.

Any comments about cow farts, banning planes, and all that crap came from right-wing pundits, no one else.

Wrong again.


Dude, really?

Really. And you would probably agree if your head weren't shoved up your own ass.

I would agree with you but amend the statement to say SOME media. You bet your ass there are media outlets out there that are nothing more than instigators for corporate interests. I believe that the wealthy need the middle class and the poor to grow to fortify their positions, so they spend a fraction of their vast wealth on media meant to keep the middle and poor classes fighting among each other, programming them to be good consumers, and promoting their wars that we die in.

I believe there are still actual journalists dedicated to doing actual journalism. Our country has a Constitution that protects the freedom of the press. It is vitally important that we have that to question those in authority. Part of what those bad media outlets are doing to keep us fighting is claiming that all media is lying which is just not true.

It's not "freedom of the press" if the media only questions one side of the political aisle and then gives cover to the stupidity of the other.

That's literally Fake News.

It was also a scene where the wannabe dictator president had a baby tantrum and tried to shut down the Constitutionally protected press for the horrific crime of... asking a question.

And you only see what you want to see. Both parties were wrong. And in this specific case, Trump actually behaved like a 17 year old instead of his typical 12 year old self.

Can you post links to back this up? Like a link to what Trump tweeted, a link to the non-doctored clip, and everything else you are claiming here?

These are available to everyone with an intelligence over 100, access to the Internet and a device to access said Internet. If you just want to wallow in ignorance, then pretend they don't.

Let the buyer beware. Its a tenet of our capitalist society. I look at many sources and make my own conclusions.

Horse shit. You view the same 2-3 sources that you agree with and draw your own conclusions from there. That's not "many sources".

This is illustrated perfectly in your regurgitation of said sources that you claim is your opinion.

05-26-2019, 11:45 AM
Abortion rates have gone down steadily all on their own since the 80s and 90s. But don't worry about not having enough "building blocks". There are plenty more where that came from.


Abortion rates have gone down only because science has advanced enough to show us what people with a brain already knew, it's a human being you're killing and that abortion is anti-human rights.

It's amazing to listen to a person that preaches about the importance of bettering society for children who is so completely obtuse to believe that a mind is indeed a good thing to waste.

But to be honest, society needs people like you Back. So we can point and say "See, that is why we still have flat earthers."

05-26-2019, 12:11 PM
Abortion rates have gone down only because science has advanced enough to show us what people with a brain already knew, it's a human being you're killing and that abortion is anti-human rights.

Thats a bunch of bloviating without actually saying anything. You think the general population got less abortions because science showed us what now? Abortion is anti-human rights? What about the rights of the woman?

Abortion rates are down because more people have better access to birth control. And its not a human being. Learn your words. You are confusing yourself. We are talking about fertilized eggs, embryos, and fetuses.

It's amazing to listen to a person that preaches about the importance of bettering society for children who is so completely obtuse to believe that a mind is indeed a good thing to waste.

But to be honest, society needs people like you Back. So we can point and say "See, that is why we still have flat earthers."

You say preach, I say advocating for positive social change. Flat earthers turn their backs on science. Science has shown us that better access to healthcare is lowering the abortion rate. Someone posted an article about how a country that banned abortions had major problems. You are the one turning your back on these things in your misguided crusade to protect imaginary children.

05-26-2019, 12:35 PM
Thats a bunch of bloviating without actually saying anything. You think the general population got less abortions because science showed us what now? Abortion is anti-human rights? What about the rights of the woman?

Abortion rates are down because more people have better access to birth control. And its not a human being. Learn your words. You are confusing yourself. We are talking about fertilized eggs, embryos, and fetuses.

When you are taking away a humans right to life, the rest of the rights don't matter. It's about as anti-human rights as one can possibly be.

"What about the rights of the woman?" That's what I'm asking, what about the rights of the 325,000 females that were aborted last year?

"We are talking about fertilized eggs, embryos, and fetuses." Exactly, we are talking about a human being in a stage of human life. Please go back to 5th grade biology.

It's sad to see an "adult" believe that a rabbit being pulled from a hat actually is magic.

05-26-2019, 12:54 PM
Abortion rates have gone down steadily all on their own since the 80s and 90s. But don't worry about not having enough "building blocks". There are plenty more where that came from.


You know what has risen since the 80s and 90s? The availability and usage of birth control and condoms. Almost as if birth control works. So weird.

05-26-2019, 02:13 PM
When you are taking away a humans right to life, the rest of the rights don't matter. It's about as anti-human rights as one can possibly be.

"What about the rights of the woman?" That's what I'm asking, what about the rights of the 325,000 females that were aborted last year?

"We are talking about fertilized eggs, embryos, and fetuses." Exactly, we are talking about a human being in a stage of human life. Please go back to 5th grade biology.

It's sad to see an "adult" believe that a rabbit being pulled from a hat actually is magic.

Got to love the Left, if you don't believe the extremist climate change agenda of world wide wealth redistribution then you are anti "science" but if you believe science and want to prevent the murder of viable children in the womb then it's a case of cast science aside for whatever they want.

So glad they are the "rational" party.

05-26-2019, 05:52 PM

05-26-2019, 08:11 PM

They can alter any video of Trump and he'll still be your president.

05-26-2019, 08:36 PM
They can alter any video of Trump and he'll still be your president.

You know he's in a very frail state right now!!

Don't give him additional trigger points!


05-26-2019, 08:38 PM

The media has gaslighted Back and sellstuff1 hard.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-26-2019, 10:26 PM
I wanna know why Back hasn't responded to PB's posts of liberal media like NYP and NPR posting facts on the New Green Deal cow farts and airplanes.

And I wanna know if Back and Sellstuff are the same people, one account just posts liberal memes and his twitter feed, the other posts liberal propaganda.

05-26-2019, 11:24 PM
I wanna know why Back hasn't responded to PB's posts of liberal media like NYP and NPR posting facts on the New Green Deal cow farts and airplanes.

And I wanna know if Back and Sellstuff are the same people, one account just posts liberal memes and his twitter feed, the other posts liberal propaganda.

Did you read those two links? NYT reported on the first FAQ that was accidentally published. NPR just reported on the actual substance of the resolution with nothing to say about cow farts or banning planes. So there really is nothing for me to respond to. My original point still stands that Shartbringers was lying when he said the resolution contained those things at first before people said it was stupid and they changed it.

I have no idea who sellstuff is but I suspect hes been lurking around from the early days causing havoc like this. Conspiratorial minds see conspiracies everywhere.

05-27-2019, 01:09 AM
Accidentally published. So you’re buying the spin that it was just a draft huh.

05-27-2019, 01:20 AM
Accidentally published. So you’re buying the spin that it was just a draft huh.

That should make it much more worrisome. After all, if this is what they are thinking on initial pass, you have to worry about these idiots.

05-27-2019, 01:32 AM
Even if it was "accidentally" published. It means she was thinking of it. Her head is going in that direction.

Back, do you want to fund people who refuse to work? No people that can't, not people that are injured, disabled, whatever... People that can work, but don't want to work? That was her original thoughts on it. Do you want to fund that?

05-27-2019, 04:43 AM
Did you read those two links? NYT reported on the first FAQ that was accidentally published. NPR just reported on the actual substance of the resolution with nothing to say about cow farts or banning planes. So there really is nothing for me to respond to. My original point still stands that Shartbringers was lying when he said the resolution contained those things at first before people said it was stupid and they changed it.

I have no idea who sellstuff is but I suspect hes been lurking around from the early days causing havoc like this. Conspiratorial minds see conspiracies everywhere.

You're willfully ignorant. And stupid. Those retarded things were in the plan, then removed after it was publicized. Those are the facts. Just because you put your fingers in your ears and scream LALALALALALALALA doesn't change those facts. Idiot.

05-27-2019, 10:33 AM
Hold up.

You want abortion to be illegal then turn around and criticize women for having children?

We only criticize your mom for this.

05-27-2019, 10:55 AM

How's it going, supports child rape victims giving birth to their rape-babies?


A fetus isn't a child. Only an idiot would consider a fetus to be a child. A fetus represents the potential for a child. Why do you give so many fucks about potential, and so little fucks about actual children?


Republicans just cry crocodile tears over literal clumps of forming cells because they can't get off unless they're actively subjugating women and their right to have control over their own bodies. It's absolutely pathetic.

U.S. Government Admits Another Migrant Child Died Under Its Care—8 Months After the Fact

Your political party is actively killing migrant children - not fetuses, but children. Do you give a single fuck about that? Nope. It's super easy to see through your cognitive dissonance, because you've all got the same Fox News brand of it.

Nah, they're just separating them from their parents, putting them in cages, feeding them shitloads of narcotics to get them to stop crying and leave them in a cage to rot. You've totally got the moral high ground here, retard.

Oh also, abortion clinics don't use coat hangers. That's the back-alley and self-abortions that parents will now be turning to in Alabama and Missouri. Your political party did this, by the way, not mine.



I wish your mother aborted you with a coat hanger. World would've been a much better place.




The Republican Party, the keystone of math and science.



Take your own advice you inbred retard.






It's 2019, by the way. I know you haven't logged off Gemstone in 30 years, but it's still 2019.




lolololololololololol @ sellstuff spending his whole weekend being triggered on a 30 year old text game forum.

This is even better than that time when time4fun spent an entire Friday typing up huge walls of text showcasing how retarded she is.

Cool life dude.

05-27-2019, 10:56 AM
lolololololololololol @ sellstuff spending his whole weekend being triggered on a 30 year old text game forum.

This is even better than that time when time4fun spent an entire Friday typing up huge walls of text showcasing how retarded she is.

Cool life dude.

So true...so sad.

05-27-2019, 11:00 AM
Yeah this faux outrage over "murdering children" has got to be on the top ten list of Virtue Signaling's Greatest Hits. If not number 1.

Its easier to show compassion over non-existent children than it is real children and women's rights. Real children are the ones who need the compassion and real women need access to healthcare without some panel of men making decisions for them. If you don't like abortion, don't get one. Mind your own business.

The vast majority of abortions are done on black people.

Why do you hate black babies?

Confirmed Back wants to cull the black population via abortion.

What a racist.



I'll amend my previous post. Mind your own damn business and stay out of mine.

Do you have a uterus? If not, then per your own side, you're not allowed to have an opinion on abortion, so kindly obey your own party and stfu.

05-27-2019, 11:01 AM
So true...so sad.

Sad for him, laughs for us.

05-27-2019, 12:52 PM

05-27-2019, 12:54 PM


05-27-2019, 01:09 PM
I wanna know why Back hasn't responded to PB's posts of liberal media like NYP and NPR posting facts on the New Green Deal cow farts and airplanes.

He also hasn't explained his stance on abortion because like all far left liberals, they don't want to tell you what they are for, they can only tell you what they are against.

05-27-2019, 01:17 PM
https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/61094306_600228880473939_8193715303369146368_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=111&_nc_oc=AQkBB9pvcWge9dx4xe-tF54v_S1jIwriDIxRZi6P26kJwMRscfR5rCyuo2By7IPFgUc&_nc_ht=scontent.fbtr1-1.fna&oh=b9ef8177450167f853a186a74e30241d&oe=5D9C0D04

Back is part of that 67%.

05-27-2019, 02:02 PM
You losers are really spending your holiday weekend string quoting and replying to each other?


05-27-2019, 02:12 PM
You losers are really spending your holiday weekend string quoting and replying to each other?


I'm at work today making double time while I play GS and troll the PC because it's dead here and there isn't shit to do in regards to actual work.

They're pretty stupid for even having us come in today, but I'm cool with it.

Why are you on the PC for Memorial Day while not getting paid though? :facepalm:


05-27-2019, 02:16 PM
I went fishing at 4 AM and caught some catfish. Spotted a few monsters break the surface but they largely ignored me.


05-27-2019, 02:28 PM
You losers are really spending your holiday weekend string quoting and replying to each other?


Says the person replying to a thread and emoting.

05-27-2019, 02:42 PM
I went fishing at 4 AM and caught some catfish. Spotted a few monsters break the surface but they largely ignored me.


I hope you reported them.

05-27-2019, 02:45 PM
I hope you reported them.

I reported the one that broke my net.

05-27-2019, 02:52 PM
I reported the one that broke my net.

Is it enjoying its ban?

05-27-2019, 02:59 PM
Is it enjoying its ban?

Probably just shit posting elsewhere.

05-27-2019, 03:03 PM
We used to set out lines in the morning, come back around 3pm, and catch all the catfish from the river.

05-27-2019, 03:06 PM
We used to set out lines in the morning, come back around 3pm, and catch all the catfish from the river.


05-27-2019, 03:11 PM
I went fishing at 4 AM and caught some catfish. Spotted a few monsters break the surface but they largely ignored me.:[

We used to set out lines in the morning, come back around 3pm, and catch all the catfish from the river.


You people will awaken Ashliana with this type of talk.

Stop it.

05-27-2019, 03:12 PM
You people will awaken Ashliana with this type of talk.

Stop it.


05-27-2019, 03:17 PM
You people will awaken Ashliana with this type of talk.

Stop it.


Fixed better.

05-27-2019, 03:18 PM
You losers are really spending your holiday weekend string quoting and replying to each other?


We haven't forgotten that you're better than everyone else since the last time you told us, Keller.

05-27-2019, 03:39 PM
We haven't forgotten that you're better than everyone else since the last time you told us, Keller.

I like how he's oblivious to the irony of his fart sniffing post.