View Full Version : Wanted
- WANTED: 4x + Sancted Morning Star, 5x + Shield
- 2lb LA or VLA worn container (not a cloak)
- WTB: 3400 Premium Points
- resistance shield
- 2x items
- THW enhancives
- 2x flaring razorpaws
- Fusion UAC Gloves or Boots
- 4x OHB Blessable - Morning Star highest preferred
- Looking for T4/T5 Ensorcell
- 6x or 7x maul
- Simu Coin
- WTB 4x-5 nag with fire flares
- Splitting OHE or OHB
- Ranged AS Enhancives
- max light/deep backworn/cloakworn containers
- wisdom/aura orbs and enhancives
- Perfect Maul
- Will-o'-wisp
- Cobbling Supplies
- Looking for spell aim orbs, aura orbs
- 10x Lance/FullPlate
- A vaalin-veined black mithril warsword with a solid veniom hilt
- "an eahnor neckchain"
- *Wanted* Sephwir Longbow or better!
- call familiar items
- EG 13' Male Armor Racial Zest Brig
- Climatewear Coat or Cloak
- Triton Hides
- T2 to T5 Ensorcell
- Basic 4x full plate
- Fusion Enchanting
- *wanted* 6-7x Runestaff
- T1 ensorcell
- *Wanted* thick leather wrist guard
- Estrion's Key, a red laen key
- looking for 4x or better acuity runestaff that is ensorcelled
- hurling bando
- Highly scripted prayerbook unlocked at EG a few years back.
- CoL Master Items
- 4x+ blessable or sancted 2HW?
- *Wanted* Padded Doubles
- barbed wire laces
- High End New Style Katana/Old Style
- T1 and T2 ensorcell
- +WIS bonus enhansives
- 8x-10x Perfect Lance
- 4x-5x hcp fulls and fusion dagger
- A cheap fixskill
- Unpoison/Undisease Ring
- Golvern Slabs
- 7x-8x UAC gloves flaring and blessable!
- Returning weapon
- Sephwir Short Bow
- Vultite Beheading Sword
- Xygon's Shop
- EG '13 Chrism-Holder Ivas Symbol
- HCW Gladius
- HCW blunt
- +6 to STR bonus orb
- Fireworks Press
- WTB: Capped Rogue
- 4x-5x Full Plate
- LF nice MBP
- Musical Stand
- +10 strength stat or higher orb
- Lookin for a 3x Claidhmore
- Also, looking for a 4x-5x crit weighted mattock.
- Fixstats potion
- PP stacks 3600-4600
- WTB Eonake Brigandine
- inky black potion
- Blessable 4x spiked tower shield
- *wanted* Level 60-70 Human Wizard
- 5-6x chainmail or brig (Voln a plus)
- 6X Composite bow
- WTB Scrolls w/ Sneaking(617)
- LF that 6x disintegration flaring plate
- Light containers that hold a lot!
- WTB: T1, T2 and T3 ensorcells for 8x full plate
- 2 alteration scrolls
- WTB 6x/7x handaxe, 6x brigandine
- OHE Katana, Perfect Shortsword/Wakizashi
- Another fixstats potion
- Wanted: 6200PP
- Wanted: 6200/7200PP
- Polearm Ranks orb fodder
- Icemule shop
- WTB 2920 PP
- Lookin for a 1.5x Claid
- WTB padding slot at CCF
- Festival Wins
- CCF wanted!
- CCF needs: TD slot, magic crit bane
- permanent scroll cutter box
- 60m budget - Nice morning star, other one hand or spear/javelin considered
- WTB - Zested Sheath
- WTB - logic enhansive
- T4 Voln armor slot/rolaren plate
- WTB: T5 Flare Slot (CCF)
- WTB 7x+ HCP+ Augmented Chain
- Wearable pipe
- 6200pp
- WTB 2x-3x claidh, 5x-6x fusion runestaff, and various 5x-6x fusion armors
- Wanted: 4x Limb Cleaver, Khopesh, death axe, executioners axe, etc.
- Wanted: CCF Resistance
- Epic deepening for cash.
- T3 ensorcell on a 7x fusion item.
- Illusion trainer access
- Yet another fixstats potion
- 70+ Cleric Master Alchemist
- DB slot from CCf
- lookin for 5x doubles or brig
- Self Mana or Spell Knowledge 102 and 120
- Consolation Cloak from Foehn's Promise
- +WIS bonus orbs
- Wearable Runestaff
- Call Familiar
- Augmented chain
- High End Brigandine
- Fire flaring UAC gear
- WTB: 4x+ blessable Shurley Gloves and Gizwizit Boots
- 6x longbow max l/d backpack/cloak FGB and wearable ranged enhancives
- rolaren full plate
- Silk gloves
- Perfect dagger
- Falcon's Outfitting
- 8 Silver Wands!
- ethereal string
- dagger hiding shirts.
- 1000lbs sack or something similar
- CCF tiers
- mana-flaring runestaff
- haste imbeds and ranger fire resistance
- CCF Epic Deepening slot
- 50mil @ 15 per
- Higher-End MBP
- High Acuity Runestaff
- Gem cutter
- grimswarm bane at ccf
- 4x Runstaff
- River Raevlin piercing jewelry
- list of climate coats/jackets sold at a FWI Festival
- Seeking arm greaves that added to TWC and strength
- weighting,padding & undead bane spot
- Wanted: medium-end augmented chain
- Paying 15m for a 7x perfect lance
- CCF Epic Deepens, Enchants, Padding. and Extraplanar Bane. Also T4 Voln x2!
- CCF Ticket Holder to make me an Orb
- Uncut Emeralds
- ccf enchant spot
- T3-T5 Ensorcell
- leather wrist guards(+4 ranged), ranged orbs, 5x+ longbow
- high end weapon post CCF
- Looking for scripted dress
- T2 & T3 Ensorcelling wanted for 8x fusion flared plate
- Climatewear
- Spear/Trident 4x Lightning/Fire Flare
- warm attuned amulet holding jewelry
- Anyone with at 1612 self knowledge? - Not trying to buy, want to ask about imbeds
- Logic Orbs
- 2x +4 Ranged Bracers
- Medium Hidden Wrist Sheath
- Leather...But Not
- 4x Double Leather Armor
- Fixstat potion
- one of those highly enhancive polearm or spellaim cloaks
- Fixstat (x2) at 15m
- Ta'Vaalor/Ta'Illistim Bulk Gems
- Old school elven gear
- 6 con 4 strength pinworn
- +15 OHE orb|fodder, +13-15 TWC orb|fodder
- Looking for some items for a Rogue
- Looking for Black veniom gem pouch
- acuity runestaff 4x/4x+
- Who has the impure coraesine longsword?
- +40 Logic Enhancive Set
- mithril or ora claid
- Tart Kiln
- MA Neckpouch
- true black ora short sword
- light fusion armor
- Gem Chisel
- BSC group
- Forging services OHE
- bear crested tower shield
- WTB scrolls with Sneaking(617) and Foraging(603)
- Owner of Dwarven Discoveries in Ta'Illistim
- WTB Bandolier (handaxe,dagger,spear, maybe discus)
- WTB OHB and STR orbs
- Ronan Prayerbeads
- Capped (Lvl 100) Wizard with 8-9 million exp.
- Wanted: 5-6x Fusion Bow
- Prophecy/Scrying Mask
- WTB 100 Ranger rods
- T2 ensorcell on 7x pike. Offering 2.25m
- 5x or 6x reinforced or full leathers
- WTB orb gems used for recharging items.
- Gambling Kit
- 3-4 slot LBP
- t3 ensorcell cast
- 8x-10x perfect spear, or other interesting high enchant one handed polearms
- Ranged enhansives
- 5x - Full, Reinforced, or Robes
- bard singin
- Wanted 7x Small Shield or Comparable
- Wanted: a sylvan recurve bow
- Concealing ankle or wrist sheath
- 6x-7x (7x preferred) full leathers to buy or trade with 6x fire flaring doubles
- Capped warrior
- T5 ensorcel
- 7x+ Runestaff (prefer fire flaring, but plain is OK too)
- Slocan's Shop - Landing
- 6x Leathers - full, reinforced, or double
- Pickpocketing enhancives.
- WTB T3 Ensorcell
- Info about an item in slocan's shop
- 5x+ fusion runestaff
- Wisdom, Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Ranged Bonus.
- Veniom threaded gear
- +95% fire resists on 2 fusion robes
- 10 Spider Backpacks\Bags, and a VLA belt worn.
- perfect maul
- Regallis or Darqwolf contact
- WTB 4x Flaring Main Gauche
- Spider Pouch/Bag
- 4x - 7x Altered Leathers
- wanted - fire flaring leg greaves
- Looking for a 5x-7x perfect lance
- Chrism-quality gems
- Looking for 4x-7x augmented chain
- 5x/6x MBP, light is great
- T1 ensorcell
- elven crafted boots,pants,shirt and 4x elven crafted ohe weapons
- veniom clothing items
- Belt worn sack
- Somewhat Tricky T3 Ensorcell
- 3 slot fusion MBP, flaring sais.
- WTB 7x+ Chain Hauberk
- A Player Shop (prefer Mist Harbor)
- WTB 4x+ sanctified battle axe
- Looking to buy multiple ensorcell's.
- 2 bows: Long Bow, Composite Bow
- old style claid
- OK I would like a cool claid under 15 mill if possible lol, send me some love!
- List of all Armor Concealers
- Need a few things!
- T3 ensorcell, 7x lance, offering 3.5m
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