Originally Posted by
Suppressed Poet
Come on Solkern. You’re smart and reasonable. We may not agree on everything but you understand that making it so that exercising a right more difficult & cumbersome is infringement. You answered it yourself when you acknowledged it’s more of a pain in the ass.
If some bureaucrats came up with a new rule that voting in a federal election requires physical voter registration to get a card, no mail in ballots, a literacy test, the requirement of some BS government mandated voter safety class, paying a tax, a waiting period, etc. in an effort to (possibly) prevent voter fraud…you would object. Why are you ok with those infringements on one constitutional right but not others?
I hate unspeakable acts of violence and mass shootings just as much as you do. We’re both parents. I’m all for keeping guns out of the hands of criminals & the mentally ill, but I WILL NOT sacrifice our God-given constitutionally protected rights. They need to find a way to accomplish keeping guns out of the hands of the bad guys (and actually prosecuting criminals when they do violate the law) instead of the answer always being to chip away at more of the good guys’ freedom.
A private individual selling some of his guns to another private individual (with no knowledge or reason to believe the buyer is a felon or mentally ill) doesn’t have the resources to do a NAICS check. They shouldn’t have to register as a FFL just to sell some of their personal property. Forcing them to do so is clearly an infringement and overstep. What is worse is that this is the ATF creating a new rule, not Congress.
To answer your question, you know what they can do? Chicago has double digit gun homicides by gang bangers every week. Instead of fucking with law abiding Americans, why don’t they do some real law enforcement work and bust those thugs engaged in criminal activity? Go confiscate their guns. You have my full support in that.