Here's a special attention thread just for you to post all your mental illness in.
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Here's a special attention thread just for you to post all your mental illness in.
OMG ClydeR! Tell us more!
When Trump becomes President in November, he will be the most powerful man on the planet.
Just another example of not being dumb enough to just accept Wikipedia's word for things..
452 miles of new or improved wall were built during the Trump administration.
Why are you so retarded to not even check other sources?
Honestly, I'm more concerned about Jackson. She's been on the bench the shortest time, yet has more gifts than the 4 judges confirmed before her COMBINED.
Who's tracking and reporting the amount and number? If something was shady, do you expect it to be above board and easily investigated? I'd probably be more suspicious of all the other justices if I'm being honest.
What ClydeR “reads” in his spare time:
Literally not what he said. You even quoted him not saying that. He said he reduced insulin prices at $35.. and when he got into office, Biden did away with it... waited a little bit and pushed it in his ill fated Inflation Reduction Act that did nothing at all to address inflation.
Why do you have to be so dishonest? There are plenty of things to take issue with Trump on.. you don't have to make shit up just because you are retarded.
I'm starting to think that maybe we should reconsider that title shot you've been after. You've been working really hard lately to show everyone that you're the #1 contender for Seran's retard championship.
You still got a ways to go, but you're much closer than I thought.
You are once again, lying intentionally.
In May 2020, the Trump administration introduced a new Medicare Part D Senior Savings Model, which was set to start in 2021. This model aimed to cap the cost of insulin at $35 per month for Medicare beneficiaries. The Medicare Part D Senior Savings Model, which aimed to cap the cost of insulin at $35 per month, was expected to benefit a significant number of Medicare beneficiaries. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), this model had the potential to benefit over 1.6 million seniors who use insulin and are enrolled in Medicare Part D plans participating in the model. This initiative was part of a broader effort to make insulin more affordable and accessible for Medicare.
I second this. Doubt anyone can dethrone Seran as the PC Retard Champion, but lately ClydeR has been on that Rocky-style moronic training montage. He has earned his spot as a worthy challenger.
We need to host the PC Special Olympics this summer and let those two compete.
It's an election year and there is no "global pandemic" that can sway the election.
I mean, sure they are trying to imprison their political enemies.. but it's still not looking good for their old man.
cLyDeR is just trying to cope the best way he can right now.
I’m going to Destin in a few weeks. I’m with Trump. I’d choose being electrocuted every time over a shark bite. Fuck those prehistoric sea monsters.
Florida authorities on high alert after 3 shark attacks in a single day — including woman who lost her arm
Father’s Day advice from ClydeR:
ClydeR’s Daddy:
Couldn't agree more. A good father is very important to the welfare of a child's life.
Biden had 4 children.. 2 are dead, one is a felon and one is on social media.
Trump had 5 children.. all are alive.. none has been convicted of any crimes and have made something out of themselves.
A good father.. much like a good President.. is very important to the family and to the country.
In less than 5 months, we have the opportunity to right a very big wrong.
Yes, he means every single vaccine and not just covid-19... you mouth breathing retard.
But hey, don't take my word for it.. take his spokesman:
“If you actually listen to the entire section, and also if you’ve been following his speeches for the past year, he’s talking about COVID vaccines in addition to masks in the same breath. This isn’t anything new he hasn’t said,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said via email.
He even capitalized every letter in Covid so even the dumbest of all our people could figure it out with minimal help. You couldn't.. but that's what I'm here for.
It's a brain dead show for brain dead people, but it might be too intellectual for you.
You should probably stick to Blue's Clues.
Anything to bring more illegals into the country should be challenged at every level.Quote:
According to Wikipedia, current law allows someone who plans to marry a U.S. citizen to enter the country for 90 days, which is enough time to make marriage arrnagements.
Today, Biden plans to announce a rule change that will allow real long-term spouses of U.S. citizens permanent residency, which would seem to be an improvement over the current 90-day rule.
Is this a good policy? It will almost certainly be challenged in court as a form of executive overreach. Being announced at the 10th anniversary of DACA will draw significant attention to it, making it an almost certain topic for a question at the debate next week.
Want to become a US citizen? Do it the legal way.
Its almost like people would still have the option of getting the vaccines for their kids. Its only the school that cant FORCE everyone to get it.
ClydeR is interested in this show because he fantasizes about white knighting for this poor Filipino girl and saving her from the evil Ed. Allow me to bring you back to reality. Big Ed would beat your ass silly, and Rosemarie would have no sexual attraction to you because you have no balls. As repulsive as Big Ed is, she would rather be with him. Embrace your place in this world as an asexual triple mask wearing furry, and never deviate from that which you are.
We already pretty much can in Louisiana. You just check "religious reasons" and no one ever questions it. That said, other than COVID, we get everything else.
I honestly never get flu, and for the same reasons COVID, because I'm too lazy to go on my time off. If they brought it to my work environment I'd probably take it.
I have to assume at this point you absolutely know that you are being mocked, and still you choose to say in this specific instance that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
White actors would wear blackface and mock black people. Following your flawed logic, you would find this form of imitation to be the sincerest form of flattery. Therefore, ClydeR, you are truly a racist.
F is for faggot. P is for pussy.
Hey faggot, don’t forget to let me know when you are no longer a pussy and ready to get your ass schooled in a game of chess.
Tomorrow's post will be Big! B. I. G.
A nearly forgotten rule, which I will remind you of tomorrow, will send Trump, his lawyers, his opponents, the press, state and local prosecutors, and concerned citizens across the country scrambling to their law libraries.
No, you're in the right place. This is the place that was created just for you to showcase your extreme retardedness in place of desperately whoring for attention by creating 847392072304 new threads every week to dry hump headlines about anytime Trump farts.
It's because you're a gigantic socially inept loser and are reaching levels of stupid that are dangerously close to Seran's.
This is why you're the Intercontinental Retard Champion of the PC.
Fucking loser.
This one best represents you.. since you are such a gigantic pussy.
It’s almost as if Zuckerberg, the owner & operator of a giant social media conglomerate, admitted to Congress to censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop as “Russian disinformation” which substantially impacted the 2020 election… But that’s crazy right wing conspiracy talk, right ClydeR?
"Nobody is above the law!"
Are we starting to understand the panic and the "Threat to democracy!" message from the uniparty?
1 billion dollar settlement for Alex jones, 243 million for Boeing after killing 346 people.
Some people are more equal than others...
Also, Dorsey is coked out of his mind in the video.
The problem with Alex Jones is the same thing that landed Martha Stewart in jail. He was not nice and cowering to the jury. Martha Stewart was convicted of lying to the FBI (which is why you never talk to cops without a lawyer, ever), not insider trading which is what people think she was convicted of. Alex was fucked because juries are full of welfare women who are intellectually vapid and easily, emotionally swayed. It's BS and everyone knows it. The jury just felt bad and vulture lawyers get paid on settlement so they have unlimited reasons to seek collections from here to kingdom come. If only someone was as successful against Facebook and others for being at least as fucked up in their meddling as Alex Jones. Both got nailed because they were mean to people.
Neverminded that the Sandy Hook police ignored reports on the kid for a year, the Sandy Hook school people ignored reports on the kid for a year, Family services didn't do shit and ignored reports on the kid for a year despite the legally required actions that they didn't take which would have put him in confinement and his own mom ignored and covered for the kid up until he broke in to locked storage, got a weapon and killed her then went on to kill kids. But Alex Jones looked like a cash cow so it's all his fault.
Just for ClydeR
You should immediately come to the realization that they don’t know you exist nor would they ever entertain reading your plan.
So Clooney said he saw that same comatosed Biden 3 weeks before the debate debacle and was such a sniveling coward (something you can completely understand) that it took him until now to come out? What a gigantic pussy.
Nancy Pelosi said Biden should make a decision soon.. yet Biden has already made the decision. What? Pelosi should gtfo of public office.
I love the Democrat vs. Democrat feeding frenzy going on. I really hope Biden does well in tonight's "Big Boy" press conference.. and let all the Democrats say "Look! HE IS SO ON TOP OF HIS GAME!"
James Carville hit the nail on the head when he said the Democrats are a Party of gigantic pussies... again cLyDeR, something you can completely relate to.
Equally entertaining is all the comments on MSNBC: Stop talking about Biden and go back to hating Trump! Project 2025!! ZOMG!!!
PROJECT 2025!!!
ClydeR, do you want to hear all the devious details of his plan? Here it goes:
The real important one that can unite the country is no more fat chicks in Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. Nobody wants to see Lizzo that way.
Did you notice how there wasn't a single mention of Project 2025 (the new Democrat boogieman) in the clip you posted?
Please stop being such a fucking retard begging for attention every day.
No one likes you.. especially your mom. She wanted a boy that she thought would grow up to be a man someday. She didn't get that... she got a fucking loser.
Thing is.. if you wanted to tie Trump to something he already posted.. tie him to Agenda 47.. it's on his own website:
But Democrats can't do that.. ZOMG HE IS GOING TO FOLLOW PROJECT 2025!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
Because Democrats are cowardly little pussies.
I did some research on Project 2025.
Multiple sources are reporting that it's a top secret Trump program to hide Jupiter's near transition into a new star and the beginning of a neighboring solar system. It's said that Baron Trump is in place to the supreme emperor of the new system.
Here is some footage that has been leaked:
Project 2025 will revoke your driver’s license if you drive alone with a mask.
project 2025 will make gun ownership as difficult as the ability to vote. So everyone will receive a gun in the mail.
Why do you think Trump started Space Force?
Stop being an ageist prick.
OH, and you still remind me of this every time you start another ridiculous thread.,075,f.u2.jpg
And yet, the Republican nominee is still 3 years younger than the presumptive Democrat nominee & sitting president. More important, the Republican nominee has control over his mental faculties & was deemed cognitively fit for the job of President by a medical professional. Let that sink in.
The complete breakdown in security was a collosal failure and the head of the Secret Service should lose her job.
This is what happens when you worry too much about being woke and counting the number of minorities and women you have instead of hiring the best people to do a job.
I've never seen so many women on a service detail before and it wasn't a good look to see them throwing their bodies around Trump to protect him.
And for fuck sake.. if you are going to have people do that.. at least have them tall enough to actually take a bullet for the person they are guarding.
Trump is 6'3" and his detail should have people that are at least that tall.
I would think a job requirement of a Secret Service agent would be that you are able to physically carry the President (in this case a large man) something like 25 yards all by yourself. If that’s not a requirement today, it absolutely should be. Can a woman do it? Perhaps some could, and good on those that can & they shouldn’t be barred from the job if so, but the overwhelming majority of women cannot. I seriously doubt that one woman standing in front of Trump after he was shot could carry him away to safety alone.
Edit: One of the many reasons we don’t have women serving in combat roles in the military is they can’t carry/walk/fight with a 150+ pound rucksack.
Here's a video of her talking about prioritizing diversity and hiring women:
So far she's blamed a sloped roof being "unsafe to post snipers on because they might fall" despite it being mostly flat and having other snipers posted on other roofs that are even more sloped, and she also blamed local police for her being a colossal loser and a failure.
"...of making sure that we need to, uh, attract diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce. Um, and particularly women."
I don't disagree with her comment here, but if these diverse candidates and women do not meet the required expectations that are needed for the job then those people do NOT get hired just because they check a box for the "diversity" and "women" aspect only.
Since the Secret Service also investigates counterfeiting and so on, there are plenty of things suitable for all kinds of agents. The visible POTUS detail just isn't one of them IMO. To be honest, most agents of any kind likely aren't cut out for that detail. Now, undercover, probably could be good assets but the suits with sunglasses need to be good sized burly ass kickers.
Even if the roof slope was so severe to the point of it being like a classic Whataburger location (pic below for reference) that is still no excuse. At minimum place officers and/or agents on the ground near that building <150 yards from the stage so that a threat that doesn’t care about their own safety uses a ladder to climb the roof. Create an emergency comms channel between the local police and Secret Service. That didn’t happen.
Politicians and bureaucrats face little to no repercussions for blatant lies or diverting the blame to subordinates. I believe most Americans would prefer honest accountability. “We fucked up bad. As the leader I am ultimately responsible. This is what we know, lessons learned, and what I’m doing about it to make certain this fuck up is never repeated.” I for one would respect the person that took that approach of accountability instead of denying or making excuses.
We need to do something so that lying to media & shifting blame when in a leadership role in public service has more severe consequences vs. being honest with the public & owning the issue. Biden repeatedly blames his staff for his own mistakes or just outright fails to acknowledge serious problems, and that style of leadership has been adopted by anyone that reports to the President.
I feel this way about voters in general too.
Like for example, it would be much more respectable if retards like Seran were just like, "I don't care about the facts and the math, I just really really hate Trump!!!!!!!!!!" instead of bending over backwards to be as retarded as possible like he does every time he posts.
To be fair though, Seran isn't capable of thinking for himself, so it's not entirely his fault because he was born retarded, but you get the idea.
So much truth to this. I saw a video of some streamer "Destiny" and Piers Morgan and Destiny was the living embodiment of Seran. No logic or common sense at all, just hatred. People like him are why I say conservatives need to step up the actions against them. You can't debate crazy or hatred.
That Destiny guy is a brainwashed vile piece of human shit. To disagree with or dislike Trump is one thing. He is a polarizing figure and roughly half the country does, so whatever. To wish for his assassination is another. That’s fucked up and the person likely hasn’t thought about all the downstream negative impacts and consequences that would have on America. To celebrate the killing of an honorable innocent family man serving his community as a firefighter that was at a Trump rally to support his choice of politics as a +1 to the other political party… There is a special place in hell for that clout chasing spineless loser.
That loser went and got himself banned from Kick and demonetized on Twitter.
And yeah he's basically Seran, and pretty much sounds like what I would imagine Seran sounds like too, with his whiny loser insect voice.
Full episode:
Apparently he's a cuck too. Like an actual cuck, not just some pussy that people call a cuck because he's a pussy.
He's trending today and shit's hilarious as fuck:
Every post these days, this is all we see:
Weak minded fools like ClydeR are easily manipulated. There is a reason to this day he hides under his parent’s basement and needs his mommy to buy cold cuts for him.
This is the whole speech. At around 35 minutes he talks about Christians, and how a lot of them don’t vote. He goes on to say how the stakes are so high in this election he needs their vote. In 4 years he will fix the problems of this country, then they can go back to not voting again just as they have been.
ClydeR, you are such a pussy.
SP already pwned ClydeRetard about the video, so I'll just reiterate that ClydeR is a ginormous unwashed unshaved gaping vagina.
Also, this:
I hate to agree with Clyder on something, but I think Trump choosing Vance was a massive mistake, especially now that the Democrats decided to "save" democracy by dumping Biden.
Sure Harris could just be enjoying a honeymoon period at the moment and she might take a massive dive in the polls like Biden did, but she also has the DNC coming up and her announcing her VP pick which will probably give her a boost in the polls, especially if she chooses someone who has different policies than her and can appeal to other demographics.
Choosing Vance as his running mate was probably Trump's biggest mistake, and if (God forbid) he does lose it will be because he chose Vance instead of choosing someone who could appeal to other demographics. Trump basically chose a clone of himself who isn't really going to help him appeal to different voters.
I don't think anyone was sitting around saying "Gee, I was on the fence about Trump, but JD Vance? Call me a Trump voter!"
Don't feed the troll.
Meh. I thought Vance was a mistake as soon as I heard Trump say his name.
I don’t think JD Vance really adds much to the ticket, but I also don’t view him as a liability. The VP really doesn’t do squat. Vance is a Trump mini-me on policies, so if something happened to Trump while in office I’d feel ok about Vance taking the job until the next Republican primary.
ClydeR is literally this:
Just to clarify: I don't think Vance hurt Trump's chances, I just don't think he helped.
Harris is going to choose someone who is going to give her a boost in the polls in swing states, probably by choosing a relatively popular sitting governor from a swing state. There are definitely people out there who would vote for whatever ticket Whitmer is on, just look at the child predator known as Keller.
Trump didn't even choose someone who had some support during the primary which could have possibly convinced some people to vote for Trump simply because their preferred candidate is on the ticket.
He chose someone who brings nothing new to the ticket.
I also posted about this almost immediately after Trump announced his pick. This wasn't some recent revelation for me.
I agree. Trump likely picked Vance as someone to help him govern the country, but he does little to attract new voters & benefit him in his campaign now that Harris is the presumptive nominee.
I also think it would likely hurt more than help to choose someone else at this point. If for instance Trump were to drop Vance and select Haley as VP (that won’t happen but let’s pretend for just a moment), I’d be extremely disappointed.
Just to clarify.. I don't consider you a sensitive little soy drinking femboy.. so I hope you know I wasn't talking about you.
I don't believe there is anyone who would help Trump win. You can make the argument that if he picked someone like Nikki Haley it would have hurt him, but even then I doubt it would hurt him where he loses a swing state.
Harris is just in the middle of a media hyped honeymoon.. but she's the same flawed candidate she was in 2020 and the same flawed politician that had worst approval rating than Joe Biden. She's a socialist to the left of Bernie.. and Trump just needs to pound home that she has been a failure as VP (border czar), her super left voting record, her promises and proposals during the 2020 race, her nonsense word salads, her being unprepared at every turn, her abysmal interviews, etc...
She must suck a mean dick to get where she's gotten on her terrible record and always being ill prepared for anything..
Yeah. The worst thing Trump could do now is replace Vance. Democrats are just trolling him because they know he chose poorly.
I just think Trump made a mistake from the beginning and now he has to live with it. Although to be fair when he chose his VP he didn't realize Democrats were going to "save" democracy by ditching Biden after he already won the primary and install Harris.
I mostly agree. VPs typically don’t matter at all and have very little impact on why anyone chooses to vote for someone for President. It matters a little more with Trump on account of his age and that Many Men wish death upon him, but still a small consideration at best.
This election we don’t have Covid lockdowns or Twitter & Facebook censoring news deemed by them to be Russian disinformation. I have no doubt the Dems will still try to wherever and however they can, but they won’t be able to in the same way & scope as 2020. We’re also now aware of and onto their shit, so the counting is going to be closely monitored.
You're falling for the same game the Republicans have given into over to for the past 30 years. Allowing the opposition to dictate your candidates, it may win you the election, but, you won with their chosen candidate.
Democrats are extreme because they know it shifts the center just a little more in their direction in the long term. They have completely taken over the culture by doing this.
Notice we didn't need "universal daycare" when people had large families.
Yeah, not sure how other parents on here feel but if it’s government sponsored/regulated and paid for by taxpayers like public school, no thank you. We can assume the quality will then be trash.
I’ll make my own choice for early child care. There is bipartisan agreement to be found for increasing the child tax credit and perhaps some other form of relief for low income families, but Stalin’s daycare club is not the answer.
I’m fortunate that my wife takes care of the children while I work. She works from home, but her business is about restructuring municipal bonds and that’s just not happening right now with 22 year high interest rates. Nothing beats the care of parents because they will always care the most.
That being said, I’m not blind to the challenges that we live mainly in a dual parent income world & there are many single parent households. Not everyone has the option to care for their own young children during work hours. I’d be open to raising child tax credit for low income families or some other means to help those families struggling to afford private childcare (which could also include grandparents or extended family). I just don’t see the answer as a government sponsored child care like the public school system. The goal should be to give parents a choice and make quality childcare more accessible & affordable for families if that is what they choose.
Edit: Child tax credit is bipartisan and is seen as a good investment for government as you are incentivizing future tax payers. We have a demographic problem and don’t want to end up like Japan.
Did you know that Orwell was a student of Aldous Huxley?
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She would have been my #2 choice.
Never heard of JD Vance until he was picked.
I only knew of Lance Vance.
Let's go through it...
"Crooked Joe Biden" - Well that goes without saying. Made his millions on access to our government.
"Worst President in the history" - I agree. I used to believe it was Carter, but the damage Biden has done is even worse.
"Unconstitutionally stolen" - Not sure it was unconstitutional.. but it was most certainly stolen... or at least bribed/coerced/forced through his legacy destroying blackmail.
"Kamabla" - I liked Kamala Chaos better
"Barack Hussein Obama" - That is his name, no?
"Crazy Nancy Pelosi" - Bro.. she said Biden belongs on Mount Rushmore. That's batshit crazy.
"Shifty Adam Shift" - That boy be so shifty... and not in a good way. Beedie eyed mother fucking scumbag.
"Crying Chuck Schumer" - I can see it.. though I don't remember him crying.
As far as the other thing.. I highly doubt it. I'm not even sure he realizes what happened.. how he was outmaneuvered and forced out though one of the most successful political coups in this country.
That's a great troll by Trump. But I wish he'd slow the name calling rhetoric and be more measured in his thoughts.
So far as Biden goes I think he was getting pushed out and some small part of his remaining cognitive powers realized it, so he gave a big FU to the party by letting them pick Kamala.
So, he's said he doesn't have anything to do with Project 2025... he had no say in what they put in.. he literally has his own website where he espouses his platform....
Please stop being wrong every fucking day.
Here, if you want to really get a good cry out today, why don't you visit his actual platform?
Alternatively you could go to or and read up on their policies.
Opsie, there are none (granted harriswalz is owned by a url troll who bought it in 2020).
Amazing she still doesn't have a written policy or even stance on anything.
It's an ever changing platform.
So, before... she was against fracking. Now, she's for fracking because she needs PA.
She was for defunding the police... now she's not because she's seen what people are concerned about.
She was the border czar... now she was never actually given that title!
She was for open borders.. now she's not!
She was in favor of eliminating private insurance and having medicare for all.... now she's against it.
She wanted to abolish the terrorist group known as ICE.. now she's against it.
She wanted to have a mandatory gun buy back program... now she's against it.
If she were to actually put her policy down on a website.. she would have to hire a full time IT team to change stuff in real time.
I believe Trump and Slick Willie were on that helicopter together back in the day.
A preview of things to come:
You clearly have difficulties with the English language.
When you start off saying "What are the chances"... you aren't making a prediction... you aren't saying Biden plans to....
He's illustrating how utterly undemocratic the nomination process is with Democrats... because they know what's best for everyone.. you don't need to vote we will take care of it for you.
And retarded sheep like yourself are all:
Because you literally require someone to make decisions for you.. be it the Democrat Party or your babysitter.
I didn’t watch it. Did he say anything about being ashamed of the damning impeachment report detailing his family’s corruption & being pushed out of the White House by his own party? Did he speak in complete coherent sentences or was his speech like a Seran post?
Much like looking at the "national polls".. it's literally meaningless.
Unless you believe that the President is now elected by viewership of their convention on the "teevee" you fucking "reetardd"
Nobody gives a fuck what you believe... We know the truth. Bill Clinton did have sexual relations with that woman, and Epstein didn’t kill himself. Bill the child molesting murderer Clinton is your flex?
Did you expect anything different from our MSM?
Even the far left Washington Post literally made fun of this "stat".
But you didn't understand it.. so you are just:
And literally, this is how I see you..