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10-27-2018, 05:07 PM
Harasses me non stop. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Fills my inbox with rep comments. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Writes multiple walls of text about me. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Makes a post talking about me. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Writes poems about me. Says he's not obsessed with me.

Yeah, we totally get it, Methais. The people telling me I should look into getting a restraining order against you might be on to something.

Oh, more fake restraining orders. SIMU needs to take you guys out.

10-27-2018, 05:08 PM
Neveragain is the the most scared of all of the PC trash people, which is quite a feat. It's pathetic. I hope acting tough on the internet makes you feel better, King Coward.

10-27-2018, 05:18 PM
Neveragain is the the most scared of all of the PC trash people, which is quite a feat. It's pathetic. I hope acting tough on the internet makes you feel better, King Coward.

Scared, or just pointing out that Antifa rioted in the streets of Washington when the "peaceful transfer of power" is supposed to be taking place?

Stanley Burrell
10-27-2018, 05:31 PM
A) AndroidPK has always been cool peeps to me :shrug:

What is this shit about diethx??? She was my college friend, even though when I told her I was a jew, she said "Ew."

And WarriorBird would always call on my shit when I was quoting obscure hippa-to-the-hoppa hip-hop and putting it in my threads as if I had the ingenuity to come up with it all by myself. And where the hell is he?

Personally, I'm a bit jealous of you all, I pretty much envy your guys' ability to passionate about shit like this and other minutia. I'm fighting my own physical battles with IBD. I got to eat a radioactive egg sandwich yesterday to do more scans.

Peace yas negros.

10-27-2018, 05:38 PM
I'm fighting my own physical battles with IBD. I got to eat a radioactive egg sandwich yesterday to do more scans.

My IBD brother from another mother. Get some THC/CBD for that.

10-27-2018, 05:49 PM
Gotta do CBD quick because it's being scrutinized very hard recently.

10-27-2018, 05:54 PM
Gotta do CBD quick because it's being scrutinized very hard recently.


10-27-2018, 06:51 PM
Scared, or just pointing out that Antifa rioted in the streets of Washington when the "peaceful transfer of power" is supposed to be taking place?

Scared. Everything about your ideology is based on your fear.

10-27-2018, 07:21 PM
Scared. Everything about your ideology is based on your fear.

The only thing I can take from this is that you support using violence to force a political agenda and expect no blow back in return.

10-27-2018, 07:47 PM
The only thing I can take from this is that you support using violence to force a political agenda and expect no blow back in return.

Antifa is a boogeyman. Something conservatives/Nazis throw out there when their own cause violence or kill someone.

Total nonsense. Just like you.

As I understand Antifa, they oppose fascists, Nazi's, white supremacists and racists. If you're getting your ass kicked by Antifa, you're probably a piece of shit.

10-27-2018, 08:01 PM
Antifa is a boogeyman. Something conservatives/Nazis throw out there when their own cause violence or kill someone.

Total nonsense. Just like you.

As I understand Antifa, they oppose fascists, Nazi's, white supremacists and racists. If you're getting your ass kicked by Antifa, you're probably a piece of shit.

This looks real to me, I mean we all watched it on inauguration day.


Or is this your idea of peace? Rioting in the streets and destroying property when your ideology is rejected at the voting booth?

10-27-2018, 08:05 PM
Do what we say or we will kick your ass. You're a racist Nazi if you don't have the right license plate.


10-27-2018, 08:08 PM
13 murders + multiple bomb threats by radical right wingers this week alone.

But sure, Antifa are the real villians.. you fuck stain.

10-27-2018, 08:14 PM
13 murders + multiple bomb threats by radical right wingers this week alone.

But sure, Antifa are the real villians.. you fuck stain.


10-27-2018, 08:26 PM
13 murders + multiple bomb threats by radical right wingers this week alone.

But sure, Antifa are the real villians.. you fuck stain.

Like I said, you expect no blow back from how the left has acted over the past decade.

I have said multiple times I don't support this shit. Hell I said clear back at the start of the primaries in 2016 that this is exactly what would happen.

But no, please continue, it only promises to add fuel to the fire.

You don't get to act how the left acted on inauguration day and then cry foul. You don't get to try to assassinate a bunch of republican congressman and then cry a river when the extreme acts out in revenge. You really seem to have a hard time understanding why what happened on inauguration day was the match that lit the powder keg.

10-27-2018, 08:32 PM
Ahh yes, the typical response from a white supremacist.. "You made me do this!"

10-27-2018, 08:44 PM
Ahh yes, the typical response from a white supremacist.. "You made me do this!"

Were all the business owners who had their property damaged white supremacists? What about the black dude that had his limo set on fire, was he a white supremacist? Were the congressman all white supremacists? Are the 60+ million Americans that voted against your ideals all white supremacists?

Democrats broke the trust of the peaceful transfer of power, all bets are off at that point. Not because I want it so, it's because that is the reality of human nature.

"Great news, white people are dying off." The left should be happy, 13 white people are dead.

10-27-2018, 08:50 PM
Were all the business owners who had their property damaged white supremacists? What about the black dude that had his limo set on fire, was he a white supremacist? Were the congressman all white supremacists? Are the 60+ million Americans that voted against your ideals all white supremacists?

Democrats broke the trust of the peaceful transfer of power, all bets are off at the point. Not because I want it so, it's because that is the reality of human nature.

"Great news, white people are dying off." The left should be happy, 13 white people are dead.

FYI he's trollin you and you're taking the bait.

10-27-2018, 08:59 PM
And now it looks like the gunman was...wait for it...

a Trump hater.

10-27-2018, 09:26 PM
Harasses me non stop. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Fills my inbox with rep comments. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Has me quoted in his signature. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Writes multiple walls of text about me. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Makes a post talking about me. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Writes poems about me. Says he's not obsessed with me.

Yeah, we totally get it, Methais. The people telling me I should look into getting a restraining order against you might be on to something.

lol restraining order. Over posts on a forum where you’re anonymous and using an alias? Is it going to say “Androidpk” on it? Stop being a dumbass. And nobody’s telling you you should look into it either. Stop being a lying sack of fuck. Make sure to tell them about how the forum has an ignore feature too. Idiot.

Remember how this all started with you going all subpoena dox Antifa detective stalker on me over your Trump butthurt and then you kept making even more stupid shit up like death threats and you won’t stop deflecting when called out on any of your bullshit and instead say dumb shit like what’s quoted, all while you continue to keep making up even more bullshit after scrubbing a bunch of shitbag posts and pretending like those events never happened despite already being quoted all over the place because you’re an unstable cunt with severe mental issues who’s about to reply with your same retarded shit?

PC Farm remembers.

10-27-2018, 09:54 PM
13 murders + multiple bomb threats by radical right wingers this week alone.

But sure, Antifa are the real villians.. you fuck stain.

Pretty much. When antifa is responsible for attempted murder/murders hit me up.

These fucking people

10-27-2018, 10:04 PM
Yeah, we totally get it, Methais. The people telling me I should look into getting a restraining order against you might be on to something.


Don't forget that cwolff was willing to toss you some money for your lawsuit. You better hit him up for that.

10-27-2018, 11:04 PM
Nope, still an independent, though it has certainly been noted how much you're antagonized by the thought of someone not being a radical partisan like yourself.

You are about as independent as Lewis Farrakhan is Jewish.

10-27-2018, 11:06 PM
You are about as independent as Lewis Farrakhan is Jewish.

And you're about as informed as Nate Silver is bad at math.

10-27-2018, 11:06 PM
Again, do you see leftists having hate rallies, waving nazi flags and screaming about the jews?

They wave Antifa flags at riots and rallys and scream about white people while using the same style, speech and tactics as the Brown Shirts.

10-27-2018, 11:12 PM
Roses are red
PK thinks Trump hates Jews
Doesn’t change the fact
That PK stole from msconstrew

Your Haiku is bad
Is not traditional form
Still quite funny

10-27-2018, 11:20 PM
And you're about as informed as Nate Silver is bad at math.

You are so funny, have you helped your family member through naturalization yet or are you still committing a crime by assisting someone to evade authorities?

10-28-2018, 01:36 AM
Neveragain still crying about how scary the soyboys are.

10-28-2018, 02:15 AM
You guys are so afraid of your imaginary boogeymen. What is it about antifa soyboys do you find so frightening?

It's very clarifying though. The trash people of the PC are entirely motivated by fear.

Look at the leftist cretin downplay the violence Antifa spreads.

What an absolutely cowardly piece of shit.

10-28-2018, 02:16 AM
Alt right trolls: Antifa are dangerous, violent thugs!

Also alt right trolls: Antifa are overweight soy drinking cucks who always get their asses kicked.

Androidpk in 2016: Antifa are nothing but violent thugs.
Androidpk in 2018: Antifa are just misunderstood youths protecting us from fascists.

If you had any shame at all you would be embarrassed. Thank goodness you sold your soul to the far left where you know they don't care about shame.

10-28-2018, 02:18 AM
What is this shit about diethx???

Androidpk mooched off of her for a few months then bitched she wasn't a good enough roommate, this was while he was banging a married woman from the PC and stole shit from her in game, he now pretends none of this happened and deleted a lot of incriminating posts in hopes that people will forget.

10-28-2018, 02:20 AM
Pretty much. When antifa is responsible for attempted murder/murders hit me up.

Have you not heard about the Antifa fucker who whacked multiple people on the head with a bike lock? Now a normal person would say "Shit, you're right, my bad, Antifa is pretty fucked up."

A cowardly far leftist such as yourself will downplay it and pretend it never happened.

10-28-2018, 02:28 AM
So the synagogue shooter hated Trump. But I guess we're still spreading the bullshit theories that Trump's rhetoric caused him to shoot Jews, yes?

What a bunch of sad sacks of shit. Don't let facts get in the way of your blind rage. Gotta stick to your partisan shit to the very end!

10-28-2018, 02:35 AM
Androidpk mooched off of her for a few months then bitched she wasn't a good enough roommate, this was while he was banging a married woman from the PC and stole shit from her in game, he now pretends none of this happened and deleted a lot of incriminating posts in hopes that people will forget.

Slander much?

10-28-2018, 02:38 AM
Slander much?

Truth hurt much?

Honestly why do you even bother trying to convince the people who know what a piece of shit you are that you aren't a piece of shit? Just stick to trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the people who don't know enough about the situation that you aren't the piece of shit that you are. Oh also don't forget to yuck it up with the rest of the pieces of shit on the forum who know what a piece of shit you are but overlook that because they hate Trump more than they care about their own personal ethics.

10-28-2018, 02:40 AM
Truth hurt much?

Your lies don't hurt one bit. You on the other hand gotta continuously deflect from reality.

10-28-2018, 02:41 AM
Your lies don't hurt one bit. You on the other hand gotta continuously deflect from reality.

Hey I edited my post with more text, be sure to read it all like the good little bitch that you are.

10-28-2018, 02:44 AM
Hey I edited my post with more text, be sure to read it all like the good little bitch that you are.

Rage some more nazi.

10-28-2018, 02:59 AM
Rage some more nazi.

I see you read my edited post. Good bitch.

10-28-2018, 03:02 AM
I see you read my edited post. Good bitch.

Nope, though I'm sure it's really good.

10-28-2018, 03:02 AM
Look at the leftist cretin downplay the violence Antifa spreads.

What an absolutely cowardly piece of shit.

Look at the pathetic puppet manipulated by decades of divisive rhetoric to hate his fellow American because a talking head told them to.

How many people have Antifa ran over with a car, by the way?

10-28-2018, 03:24 AM
Look at the pathetic puppet manipulated by decades of divisive rhetoric to hate his fellow American because a talking head told them to.

Could you be anymore obvious, cwolff?

10-28-2018, 03:31 AM
Right, cwolff asked you to fix ;tpick because it was coded by someone who has no idea how to play a rogue.

10-28-2018, 03:32 AM
Right, cwolff asked you to fix ;tpick because it was coded by someone who has no idea how to play a rogue.


10-28-2018, 03:40 AM
Deflect some more about the violence caused by Trump supporters, though. It just proves that you're as Anti-American as they come.

10-28-2018, 03:53 AM
Deflect some more about the violence caused by Trump supporters, though. It just proves that you're as Anti-American as they come.

You're either cwolff or you two consume the same far left propaganda. Next you'll be telling me I'm not patriotic unless I hate Trump and that you are resisting white supremacy.

10-28-2018, 03:54 AM
You're either cwolff or you two consume the same far left propaganda. Next you'll be telling me I'm not patriotic unless I hate Trump and that you are resisting white supremacy.

Considering that Trump has called literal nazis "very fine people", yes, resisting Trump is resisting white supremacy.

10-28-2018, 04:04 AM
Considering that Trump has called literal nazis "very fine people", yes, resisting Trump is resisting white supremacy.

He actually never did that, good job proving you only consume far left propaganda. Let me guess, your "news" consists entirely of CNN?

10-28-2018, 04:06 AM
He actually never did that, good job proving you only consume far left propaganda. Let me guess, your "news" consists entirely of CNN?

No, I don't consume mainstream media.


Please, watch this video and read what you've just posted.

10-28-2018, 04:13 AM
Donald Trump also consorts with white supremacists, adding them to his staff (and then firing them when a public outcry occurs once someone outside of the organization does any sort of vetting).

"Emails showed that analyst Ian M. Smith had been in contact with known white nationalists, including Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer, and Jared Taylor, who founded the white nationalist publication, American Renaissance. Smith was included on emails organizing events, such as an “Alt Right Toastmasters” night in 2016."

It is blatantly obvious to anyone watching without Alex Jones-colored glasses that Trump cares about riling his base - racists, xenophobes, white supremacists and neo-nazis.

10-28-2018, 04:18 AM
No, I don't consume mainstream media.


Please, watch this video and read what you've just posted.

"You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were...very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very very important statue, and the renaming of a park from Robert E Lee to another name."

Yeah, thanks for providing the video evidence showing Trump never referred to Nazis as "very fine people."

He first identified the Neo-Nazis, the "very bad people in that group", he then went on to talk about a different group of people, the people that weren't Nazis that just wanted to protest the taking down of a statue.

Were there people there other than Nazis who just wanted to protest the removal of a statue? I honestly have no idea and it doesn't make a damn difference to this discussion. At worst you can get Trump for lying for claiming there was another group of people there who were not Nazis who wanted to protest the removal of the statue. But it's clear to anyone not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome that he never referred to Nazis as "very fine people."

The video evidence is right there, shit, YOU provided it. But in the age of Trump far leftists such as yourself will actually insist your eyes and ears are lying to you.

10-28-2018, 07:10 AM
Radicalized left now attempting to manufacture radioactive dirty bombs.


10-28-2018, 07:19 AM
Donald Trump also consorts with white supremacists, adding them to his staff (and then firing them when a public outcry occurs once someone outside of the organization does any sort of vetting).

"Emails showed that analyst Ian M. Smith had been in contact with known white nationalists, including Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer, and Jared Taylor, who founded the white nationalist publication, American Renaissance. Smith was included on emails organizing events, such as an “Alt Right Toastmasters” night in 2016."

It is blatantly obvious to anyone watching without Alex Jones-colored glasses that Trump cares about riling his base - racists, xenophobes, white supremacists and neo-nazis.

Soywolf confirmed

10-28-2018, 09:20 AM
Slander much?

It isn’t slander when it’s true. The posts are still there because unfortunately for you you can’t scrub diethx’s posts.

“Your honor I said and did a lot of super shitty things to people and I lie literally all the time and people call me out for it on an anonymous forum on the internet for a 30 year old text game give restraining order plz.” -You

Rage some more nazi.


You're either cwolff or you two consume the same far left propaganda. Next you'll be telling me I'm not patriotic unless I hate Trump and that you are resisting white supremacy.

If this isn’t cwolff, they both suck the same dicks for sure.

But I’m going with cwolff. The whining style is identical.

10-28-2018, 09:24 AM
You guys are so afraid of your imaginary boogeymen. What is it about antifa soyboys do you find so frightening?

It's very clarifying though. The trash people of the PC are entirely motivated by fear.

No one is saying anyone is scared by the Antifa soyboys. Nice strawman. Here's how the conversation went:

"The right has a bunch of hate groups"
"Both sides have their share of hate groups"
"You don't see left groups having rallys"
"What about antifa?"

10-28-2018, 09:28 AM
Harasses me non stop. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Fills my inbox with rep comments. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Has me quoted in his signature. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Writes multiple walls of text about me. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Makes a post talking about me. Says he's not obsessed with me.
Writes poems about me. Says he's not obsessed with me.

Yeah, we totally get it, Methais. The people telling me I should look into getting a restraining order against you might be on to something.

Jesus man.. you really are the victim here! I would love to be in the conversation with you and your "lawyer" that you "hired" to get a restraining order from someone on a text based roleplaying game forum. Can you record it for us?

"Yes, I would like to speak with you about issuing a restraining order for someone obsessed with me."
"Ok, name?"
"Last name"
"The Wizard I think"
"No idea, he moves around a lot. I THINK he has a god auction home though on Teras Island"
"United States?"
"No, stupid. Elanthia!"
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave now"

10-28-2018, 09:30 AM
As I understand..

Here's where you failed miserably.

10-28-2018, 09:32 AM
And now it looks like the gunman was...wait for it...

a Trump hater.

Still Trump's fault. His mean words hurt people's feelings.

10-28-2018, 09:34 AM
Slander much?


Cwolff will back you!

10-28-2018, 09:57 AM
"Ok, name?"
"Last name"
"The Wizard I think"


“Have you tried using the forum’s built in ignore feature?”
“I shouldn’t have to do that. I’m the real victim here just do something!!!”
“Please leave.”


10-28-2018, 10:03 AM

“Have you tried using the forum’s built in ignore feature?”
“I shouldn’t have to do that. I’m the real victim here just do something!!!”
“Please leave.”


Stand your ground internet laws.

10-28-2018, 11:02 AM
Slander much?

Actually, it would be Libel dumbass and it's only Libel if the statements are presented as facts and they are not true. Opinions and factually true statements are not Libel dumbass. Gods, even you can google, oh, wait, just for you:


10-28-2018, 03:22 PM
Jesus man.. you really are the victim here! I would love to be in the conversation with you and your "lawyer" that you "hired" to get a restraining order from someone on a text based roleplaying game forum. Can you record it for us?

"Yes, I would like to speak with you about issuing a restraining order for someone obsessed with me."
"Ok, name?"
"Last name"
"The Wizard I think"
"No idea, he moves around a lot. I THINK he has a god auction home though on Teras Island"
"United States?"
"No, stupid. Elanthia!"
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave now"

His name is Matt Capazzo (sp?). It's pretty obvious because he's the guy with the Quaker Oats avatar who posts bad WWF memes in the Gemstoners group.

10-28-2018, 03:50 PM
wait... I never see bad WWF memes... I see occasional D&D memes some of which are funny but i'm obviously missing out on WWF.

10-28-2018, 03:51 PM
So the synagogue shooter referred to Jews as "the children of Satan."

Louis Farrakhan often refers to Jews as Satan, often even referring to synagogues as the "Synagogue of Satan."

So when are the people who blamed Trump for the mail bombs going to blame Farrakhan, and by extension the Democrat leaders who support him, for Jews being murdered in a Synagogue? Or does your cowardly condemnation of people speaking words being responsible for someone doing horrible things only extend to Republicans? It's a rhetorical question because we all know the answer.

10-28-2018, 03:51 PM
His name is Matt Capazzo (sp?). It's pretty obvious because he's the guy with the Quaker Oats avatar who posts bad WWF memes in the Gemstoners group.

Most of us have known Methais' Power Word: Real Name for a while.

10-28-2018, 04:05 PM
His name is Matt Capazzo (sp?). It's pretty obvious because he's the guy with the Quaker Oats avatar who posts bad WWF memes in the Gemstoners group.

Apparently I’m a gym teacher or something too.

And my memes rule and don’t you forget it or you’ll be next on the subpoena list.


10-28-2018, 04:32 PM
no idea how anyone thought it was plausible for you to be a teacher

10-28-2018, 04:36 PM
no idea how anyone thought it was plausible for you to be a teacher

Because Pk is retarded. Also, Gym Teacher. Not a real teacher.

10-28-2018, 04:53 PM

10-28-2018, 05:00 PM
Because Pk is retarded. Also, Gym Teacher. Not a real teacher.


10-28-2018, 06:02 PM
no idea how anyone thought it was plausible for you to be a teacher

Let's be honest though: He's far more qualified to be one than you.

10-28-2018, 06:17 PM
Let's be honest though: He's far more qualified to be one than you.

He’s more qualified than Time4fun and her 82837272638299373737377383 PhDs.

10-28-2018, 07:32 PM
I feel inspired. I’m going to become a teacher now.

10-28-2018, 08:05 PM

10-28-2018, 08:22 PM
Let's be honest though: He's far more qualified to be one than you.

Perhaps to lead a seminar on how to fail as a hot dog vendor

10-28-2018, 08:39 PM

10-28-2018, 08:43 PM

10-28-2018, 09:05 PM

10-28-2018, 09:12 PM

We can tell you have no idea what it takes to buy a gun. You have to show valid ID, if a handgun live in the state where you are buying it. Fill out a Federal Form 4473 which includes a simple IQ test disguised as questions about you, citizenship, criminal history and drug use(lots of people fail the first time through). Pass a Federal Background check. You must meet all the state and local restrictions to purchase (even though they really should be illegal) for where you live. And you have to be able to pay for the firearm and the background check (which you must pay for even if you fail the background check).

To vote, at most you have to provide a valid state ID. So, let's keep spreading those lies moron.

10-28-2018, 09:22 PM

To buy a gun:

Pass a federal background check.
Must have an ID.
Waiting period depending on state.
Wait until age 21 to buy certain types of guns.
Can't be a convicted felon.
Can't have a current restraining order against you.
Can never have been convicted of a domestic abuse crime.
Can never have had any criminal conviction where the sentence was 2+ years in jail.
Can never have been involuntarily committed.
Carry permit depending on state.
Can have gun rights taken away if person is suspected to be a danger to themselves or others, depending on state.
Must obtain registration.
Must take a safety training course depending on state.

To vote:
Must be 18.
Can't be a convicted felon depending on state.

The mean things Republicans want to do to make voting "harder":
Prove you are who you say you are.

Is this the same guy who told you Trump referred to Nazis as "very fine people"?

10-28-2018, 09:25 PM

10-28-2018, 09:26 PM
To buy a gun:

Pass a federal background check.
Must have an ID.
Waiting period depending on state.
Wait until age 21 to buy certain types of guns.
Can't be a convicted felon.
Can't have a current restraining order against you.
Can never have been convicted of a domestic abuse crime.
Can never have had any criminal conviction where the sentence was 2+ years in jail.
Can never have been involuntarily committed.
Carry permit depending on state.
Can have gun rights taken away if person is suspected to be a danger to themselves or others, depending on state.
Must obtain registration.
Must take a safety training course depending on state.

To vote:
Must be 18.
Can't be a convicted felon depending on state.

The mean things Republicans want to do to make voting "harder":
Prove you are who you say you are.

Is this the same guy who told you Trump referred to Nazis as "very fine people"?

Georgia secretary of state and gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp improperly purged more than 340,000 voters from the state’s registration rolls, an investigation charges.

Greg Palast, a journalist and the director of the Palast Investigative Fund, said an analysis he commissioned found 340,134 voters were removed from the rolls on the grounds that they had moved – but they actually still live at the address where they are registered.

10-28-2018, 09:33 PM

Why not just admit you're cwolff? I think even Andoridpk would agree with this assessment.

10-28-2018, 09:40 PM
Georgia secretary of state and gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp improperly purged more than 340,000 voters from the state’s registration rolls, an investigation charges.

Greg Palast, a journalist and the director of the Palast Investigative Fund, said an analysis he commissioned found 340,134 voters were removed from the rolls on the grounds that they had moved – but they actually still live at the address where they are registered.

So now you're engaging in conspiracy theories where a state's election commission engages in voter purging, as EACH AND EVERY SINGLE DAMN STATE IN THE COUNTRY DOES, and since it's Georgia clearly this means it's dem darn white racist Republicans purging black voters cause they don't want dem blacks to vote.

It's kind of pathetic how easily manipulated you are, cwolff. Maybe it's time you turned off CNN and tried thinking for yourself. Here's your first fact of the conspiracy theory you are engaging in; this bout of Georgia purging targeted people who haven't voted since 2014, they sent them a postcard asking them if they still lived at their current address and those people did not return the postcard, thus, they were purged from the rolls. This is all perfectly legal and happens every time, but people who want to make a name for themselves rely on simpletons such as yourself to not know any better and think this is a nefarious plan by the evil white men who call themselves Republicans.

Congratulations, you're about the most useful idiot I have ever seen in my entire life.

10-28-2018, 09:44 PM

Now you’re just being lazy. I can show you pictures of trump with all sorts of people.

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e118/shaft4783/7DC80CCD-E5EE-4925-829A-EF4C1AB14A32_zpszuaqw9lu.jpeg (http://s38.photobucket.com/user/shaft4783/media/7DC80CCD-E5EE-4925-829A-EF4C1AB14A32_zpszuaqw9lu.jpeg.html)

10-28-2018, 09:49 PM

28 shot, 8 fatally, in Chicago weekend shootings 10/22

11 wounded, 1 killed in Chicago shootings Saturday 10/28

Toddler among 2 killed in shootings Saturday that also wounded 8 others. 10/7

4 killed, 9 wounded Sunday in city gun violence 10/1

In September 2018, 42 murders were reported

Chicago recorded more than 1,400 homicides and 6,200 shooting incidents in 2016 and 2017.


10-28-2018, 09:51 PM

White people are terrifying. You won’t find me alone in an elevator with a 16-60 y/o white male.

I’d rather stroll down Crenshaw at 1am wearing red.

White people are the fucking worst.

10-28-2018, 09:54 PM






You’re lazy. And stupid.

All of those links are from the last month or so.

That tweet was referencing the past week. Get your shit together or stop posting.

10-28-2018, 09:56 PM
To buy a gun:

Pass a federal background check.
Must have an ID.
Waiting period depending on state.
Wait until age 21 to buy certain types of guns.
Can't be a convicted felon.
Can't have a current restraining order against you.
Can never have been convicted of a domestic abuse crime.
Can never have had any criminal conviction where the sentence was 2+ years in jail.
Can never have been involuntarily committed.
Carry permit depending on state.
Can have gun rights taken away if person is suspected to be a danger to themselves or others, depending on state.
Must obtain registration.
Must take a safety training course depending on state.

Or alternatively...visit a gun show and be a resident of the state in which the gun show takes place, and buy from an unlicensed dealer. Or go online and buy from an individual, where a background check is also not legally mandated. And hey, even where it is mandated, it's more "mandated". I remember taking the hunter safety course when I was a kid, for bow hunting. My father, being a police officer, didn't see any reason for me to take the firearms course. So he just walked into the gun store and came out with hunting licenses for me. Then I bought my first gun at the same store, 20 minutes later, and again it was no questions asked because my father was a police officer. I say bought, because it wasn't my first gun of course. I had three guns already - two hand me downs from my father when I was 9 and 10 for Christmas respectively, plus one air rifle where I forget where I got it.

I was actually trained pretty well in firearm safety, upkeep and usage because of my father's occupation and military history, but the fact is that there are a LOT of loopholes that make you just...not need to follow that procedure...It kind of sounds like the same argument made for illegal immigrants. It's a law on the books that "mandated" to follow, but isn't really being followed well.



10-28-2018, 09:59 PM
Or alternatively...visit a gun show and be a resident of the state in which the gun show takes place, and buy from an unlicensed dealer. Or go online and buy from an individual, where a background check is also not legally mandated. And hey, even where it is mandated, it's more "mandated". I remember taking the hunter safety course when I was a kid, for bow hunting. My father, being a police officer, didn't see any reason for me to take the firearms course. So he just walked into the gun store and came out with hunting licenses for me. Then I bought my first gun at the same store, 20 minutes later, and again it was no questions asked because my father was a police officer. I say bought, because it wasn't my first gun of course. I had three guns already, both hand me downs from my father when I was 9 and 10 for Christmas respectively, plus one air rifle where I forget where I got it.

I was actually trained pretty well in firearm safety, upkeep and usage because of my father's occupation and military history, but the fact is that there are a LOT of loopholes that make you just...not need to follow that procedure...It kind of sounds like the same argument made for illegal immigrants. It's a law on the books that "mandated" to follow, but isn't really being followed well.

The only one you can "circumvent" is the federal background check to buy a gun, the rest sure as shit are laws regarding people possessing a firearm. Not to mention some states require that if you want to do a private sale you have to take the gun to a federally licensed dealer who would then run a background check on the buyer, so in some states you can't even get around the background check.

10-28-2018, 10:02 PM
So now you're engaging in conspiracy theories where a state's election commission engages in voter purging, as EACH AND EVERY SINGLE DAMN STATE IN THE COUNTRY DOES, and since it's Georgia clearly this means it's dem darn white racist Republicans purging black voters cause they don't want dem blacks to vote.

So you think it's cool that the person in charge of purging voters is also running for Governor? There's no conflict of interest there?

10-28-2018, 10:05 PM
so in some states you can't even get around the background check.

Yes, and that's a good thing. They've closed the silly loopholes. Now the rest of states need to adopt that, or it needs to be adopted federally, because in the majority of states, even one with stricter laws, like New Jersey, where I'm from, there are some pretty insanely easy ways to acquire a gun that require zero of the things you've listed as mandated.

10-28-2018, 10:19 PM
So you think it's cool that the person in charge of purging voters is also running for Governor? There's no conflict of interest there?

I highly doubt he is personally purging those voters. And again they haven't voted since 2014 and were sent postcard stating they would be purged unless they responded to the postcard, it's not like 2 days ago they decided to just randomly start purging people.

Yes, and that's a good thing.

Sure, I have no problem with background checks.

there are some pretty insanely easy ways to acquire a gun that require zero of the things you've listed as mandated.

Again other than the background check those are all things that pertain to possessing a gun as well. If we're going with the argument that criminals aren't going to follow the law anyway then that's a whole other issue we can discuss when it comes to "common sense gun control."

10-28-2018, 10:25 PM
White people are terrifying. You won’t find me alone in an elevator with a 16-60 y/o white male.

I’d rather stroll down Crenshaw at 1am wearing red.

White people are the fucking worst.


10-28-2018, 10:42 PM
Or alternatively...visit a gun show and be a resident of the state in which the gun show takes place, and buy from an unlicensed dealer. Or go online and buy from an individual, where a background check is also not legally mandated. And hey, even where it is mandated, it's more "mandated". I remember taking the hunter safety course when I was a kid, for bow hunting. My father, being a police officer, didn't see any reason for me to take the firearms course. So he just walked into the gun store and came out with hunting licenses for me. Then I bought my first gun at the same store, 20 minutes later, and again it was no questions asked because my father was a police officer. I say bought, because it wasn't my first gun of course. I had three guns already - two hand me downs from my father when I was 9 and 10 for Christmas respectively, plus one air rifle where I forget where I got it.

I was actually trained pretty well in firearm safety, upkeep and usage because of my father's occupation and military history, but the fact is that there are a LOT of loopholes that make you just...not need to follow that procedure...It kind of sounds like the same argument made for illegal immigrants. It's a law on the books that "mandated" to follow, but isn't really being followed well.



So you are saying you can break the law and get a firearm. Yet requiring a valid ID is somehow too much or racist? Tell us more about your delusions.

Seriously, so much is wrong with your pile of manure that it's not even funny.

10-28-2018, 10:45 PM
I highly doubt he is personally purging those voters. And again they haven't voted since 2014 and were sent postcard stating they would be purged unless they responded to the postcard, it's not like 2 days ago they decided to just randomly start purging people.

Don't forget: Kemp is the one responsible for the Georgia election servers being wiped clean immediately after being subpoenaed in a lawsuit over the legitimacy of Georgia's special election, preventing an investigation into whether the server was hacked and results manipulated.

Definitely sounds like this guy wouldn't do shady shit to ensure he wins an election.

10-28-2018, 11:14 PM

As a white male, I can be racist towards other whites.

It's in the Geneva Convention. Look it up, dummy.

10-28-2018, 11:17 PM
Don't forget: Kemp is the one responsible for the Georgia election servers being wiped clean immediately after being subpoenaed in a lawsuit over the legitimacy of Georgia's special election, preventing an investigation into whether the server was hacked and results manipulated.

Definitely sounds like this guy wouldn't do shady shit to ensure he wins an election.

Sure he can be shady, but I'm going to need more than the state of Georgia is purging voters, something every state has done since the beginning of time.

This is what really gets me about far leftists such as yourself. On one hand you'll scream that there is no voting fraud in the US, then on the other hand you decry shit like voter purging which is supposed to help with voter fraud. Same with the left's push to have same day voter registration or to do away with voting registration altogether, a system which is designed to help against voting fraud.

Almost as if you want to insist voting fraud is literally impossible in the US while at the same time you want to make it easier for people to commit voter fraud. Here's a newsflash, voting fraud isn't rare in the US because the US is filled with law abiding citizens, it's rare because we have laws on the books and checks to ensure it isn't a widespread problem.

10-28-2018, 11:24 PM
voter fraud isn't the problem, voter suppression is

10-28-2018, 11:25 PM
Continue prescribing my own political beliefs to me because Alex Jones told you that leftists are the devil.

10-28-2018, 11:28 PM
As a white male, I can be racist towards other whites.

It's in the Geneva Convention. Look it up, dummy.

This is true. Nazis aren't even people.

10-28-2018, 11:29 PM

10-28-2018, 11:29 PM
voter fraud isn't the problem, voter suppression is

The far leftist has spoken.

10-28-2018, 11:30 PM
Continue prescribing my own political beliefs to me because Alex Jones told you that leftists are the devil.

Right, you're another Androidpk "centrist" who wants to hold both parties accountable.

10-28-2018, 11:36 PM
The far leftist has spoken.

You can continue to stamp your feet and shout that and I'll continue to laugh at what a fucking moron you are.

10-28-2018, 11:45 PM
So you are saying you can break the law and get a firearm. Yet requiring a valid ID is somehow too much or racist? Tell us more about your delusions.

Seriously, so much is wrong with your pile of manure that it's not even funny.

...what? I literally said none of that.

10-29-2018, 02:03 AM
...what? I literally said none of that.

It's Rocktar, dude. He is the least sane of the trash people on here.

10-29-2018, 02:14 AM

The map really proves that the only sane people left in the US live in flyover country.

10-29-2018, 02:26 AM
The map really proves that the only sane people left in the US live in flyover country.

No, it proves you're irrationally scared of imaginary boogeyman.

10-29-2018, 02:33 AM
No, it proves you're irrationally scared of imaginary boogeyman.

Nothing to see here.


10-29-2018, 02:51 AM
Again posting the video of the scary soyboys. Amazing how you say all leftists are a bunch of pussies but you are deathly afraid of running into them in the streets. Even Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller confirmed that the vast majority of extremist murders were committed by right-wing terrorists.

10-29-2018, 03:02 AM
Again posting the video of the scary soyboys. Amazing how you say all leftists are a bunch of pussies but you are deathly afraid of running into them in the streets. Even Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller confirmed that the vast majority of extremist murders were committed by right-wing terrorists.

Again downplaying the violence perpetuated by Antifa.

I love how the far left's latest tactic is latching onto terrorist acts and which side of the political spectrum is committing most of them. Briarfox shared a link the other day that said terrorist acts in the US are up to a whole 60 per year, that includes left leaning terrorism, right leaning, and Islamic extremists.

A whole 60. Meaning your odds of being struck by lightning are 10 times greater than your odds of being involved in a terrorist attack in the US.

And you have the audacity to suggest he right is relying on boogeymen. What a joke.

You know what the difference is between terrorist acts committed by far right nutjobs and terrorist acts committed by other groups? The right typically denounces the terrorist attacks committed by the far right, the left not so much.

Case in point? You and so many other far left assholes downplaying and in some cases even praising Antifa.

Far left pieces of shit such as yourself who were quick to blame the Pulse Nightclub shooting on a gay man rather than face the reality that it was a Muslim extremist.

How far left douche bags such as yourself are quick to downplay any Muslim terrorist attack as quickly as possible. Shit, if 9/11 happened under Obama's watch instead of Bush's you all would probably be calling everyone a racist if they dared to suggest we had to hold the people responsible who carried out the attack.

10-29-2018, 03:09 AM
Again posting the video of the scary soyboys. Amazing how you say all leftists are a bunch of pussies but you are deathly afraid of running into them in the streets. Even Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller confirmed that the vast majority of extremist murders were committed by right-wing terrorists.

I'm not deathly afraid of running into them at all. As the map shows where I live is the last bastion of sanity in the country.

10-29-2018, 03:21 AM
How far left douche bags such as yourself are quick to downplay any Muslim terrorist attack as quickly as possible. Shit, if 9/11 happened under Obama's watch instead of Bush's you all would probably be calling everyone a racist if they dared to suggest we had to hold the people responsible who carried out the attack.

Yeah we sure did hold Saudi Arabia responsible for 9/11.

You're fucking delusional.

10-29-2018, 03:24 AM
Again downplaying the violence perpetuated by Antifa.

I love how the far left's latest tactic is latching onto terrorist acts and which side of the political spectrum is committing most of them. Briarfox shared a link the other day that said terrorist acts in the US are up to a whole 60 per year, that includes left leaning terrorism, right leaning, and Islamic extremists.

A whole 60. Meaning your odds of being struck by lightning are 10 times greater than your odds of being involved in a terrorist attack in the US.

And you have the audacity to suggest he right is relying on boogeymen. What a joke.

You know what the difference is between terrorist acts committed by far right nutjobs and terrorist acts committed by other groups? The right typically denounces the terrorist attacks committed by the far right, the left not so much.

Case in point? You and so many other far left assholes downplaying and in some cases even praising Antifa.

Far left pieces of shit such as yourself who were quick to blame the Pulse Nightclub shooting on a gay man rather than face the reality that it was a Muslim extremist.

How far left douche bags such as yourself are quick to downplay any Muslim terrorist attack as quickly as possible. Shit, if 9/11 happened under Obama's watch instead of Bush's you all would probably be calling everyone a racist if they dared to suggest we had to hold the people responsible who carried out the attack.

So let me get this straight. According to the Daily Caller, white wing extremists and white supremacists committed 92% of ideologically motivated homicides from 2007-2016, but you think it is audacious of me to suggest that you focus too much on boogeymen who commit a much smaller percentage of homicides? Again, these numbers were confirmed by one of your favorite right wing sources.

10-29-2018, 03:25 AM
I'm not deathly afraid of running into them at all. As the map shows where I live is the last bastion of sanity in the country.

So you admit you are scared of something you have an almost nil chance of ever encountering in your life? At least we are making progress here as you now admit you're not in real danger.

10-29-2018, 03:44 AM
So let me get this straight. According to the Daily Caller, white wing extremists and white supremacists committed 92% of ideologically motivated homicides from 2007-2016, but you think it is audacious of me to suggest that you focus too much on boogeymen who commit a much smaller percentage of homicides? Again, these numbers were confirmed by one of your favorite right wing sources.

Like I said you want to focus on acts that are classified as terrorism, why is that? Does an Antifa member whacking people on the head with a heavy bike lock not count to you? Closing down streets and harassing people who don't follow their illegal instructions? 12 members ganging up on someone, pushing them to the ground, and kicking them?

Right, those don't matter at all to you because they are far left fascists pretending to be fighting against fascism so you have to turn a blind eye to it.

I think anyone who commits violence against someone because of speech, or because of their gender, nationality, race, religion, etc, is absolute human garbage and if they murder someone in their actions then they should be given the death penalty.

But keep on being a pussy and downplaying Antifa because you know to condemn them would put you at odds with the other far left radicals of the forum. Can't risk upsetting the the outraged assholes!

10-29-2018, 04:01 AM
I think anyone who commits violence against someone because of speech, or because of their gender, nationality, race, religion, etc, is absolute human garbage and if they murder someone in their actions then they should be given the death penalty.

But keep on being a pussy and downplaying Antifa because you know to condemn them would put you at odds with the other far left radicals of the forum. Can't risk upsetting the the outraged assholes!

See, we can find common ground. I agree anyone who commits violence against someone because of speech, or because of their gender, nationality, race, religion, etc, is absolute human garbage. It's too bad the president is unable to make the same condemnation and instead insisted that "both sides" were at fault for Heather Heyers death in Charlottesville. It's too bad the president celebrates a congressman assaulting a reporter exercising his first amendment rights instead of condemning him.

Why can't the president say the words radical right-wing terrorism?

10-29-2018, 04:07 AM
It's too bad the president is unable to make the same condemnation and instead insisted that "both sides" were at fault for Heather Heyers death in Charlottesville.

I don't recall Trump blaming anyone other than the guy driving the car for murdering Heather Heyers.

10-29-2018, 04:25 AM
Here are some quotes from the press conference to jog your memory:

"What about the 'alt-left' that came charging them? Excuse me. What about the alt-left that came charging at the -- as you say, the alt-right? Do they have any semblance of guilt?

I watched those very closely, much more closely than you people watched it. And you have -- you had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent, and nobody wants to say that, but I'll say it right now. You had a group -- you had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit, and they were very, very violent.

"Well, I do think there's blame -- yes, I think there's blame on both sides. You look at -- you look at both sides. I think there's blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either. ... But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. ... You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

I think you'll be hard pressed to call those statements strong condemnation of the human garbage that killed Heather Heyer and instead can hopefully see that he was trying to paint "both sides" as equally responsible. Why is it so hard for the president to directly call out the people you yourself describe as human garbage?

10-29-2018, 04:40 AM
Here are some quotes from the press conference to jog your memory:

I think you'll be hard pressed to call those statements strong condemnation of the human garbage that killed Heather Heyer and instead can hopefully see that he was trying to paint "both sides" as equally responsible. Why is it so hard for the president to directly call out the people you yourself describe as human garbage?

Do you have more context? I'm pretty sure those statements were in response to the overall violence going on that day, not specifically blaming anyone other than the driver for murdering her.

I just watched the video last night because sellstuff1/cwolff was making a similar point yesterday and linked the video.

10-29-2018, 05:10 AM
Do you have more context? I'm pretty sure those statements were in response to the overall violence going on that day, not specifically blaming anyone other than the driver for murdering her.

I just watched the video last night because sellstuff1/cwolff was making a similar point yesterday and linked the video.

Why are you asking me for context when you just watched the video? Why don't you show me where Trump clearly condemns what you consider human garbage?

10-29-2018, 05:17 AM
Why are you asking me for context when you just watched the video? Why don't you show me where Trump clearly condemns what you consider human garbage?

You claimed he was blaming both sides for Heather's death, unless you have some context I'm unaware of showing those statements you quoted was him blaming both sides for Heather's death, otherwise from what I understand he was condemning both sides for contributing to the overall violence that day, not specifically for Heather's murder.

As far as Trump condemning the murderer:


Mr. Trump called the driver of the car who the authorities said crashed into the crowd, James Alex Fields Jr., 20, “a disgrace to himself, his family and this country. You can call it terrorism. You can call it murder. You can call it whatever you want.”

Speaking bluntly about an ongoing investigation in a way that presidents rarely do, Mr. Trump said Mr. Fields, who is being held without bail on charges of murder and malicious wounding in the death of Heather Heyer, is “a murderer.”

“What he did was a horrible, horrible, inexcusable thing,” Mr. Trump said.

10-29-2018, 05:30 AM
You claimed he was blaming both sides for Heather's death, unless you have some context I'm unaware of showing those statements you quoted was him blaming both sides for Heather's death, otherwise from what I understand he was condemning both sides for contributing to the overall violence that day, not specifically for Heather's murder.

As far as Trump condemning the murderer:


Amazing. The entire article you linked is about how he immmediately undercut his condemnation and blamed both sides for the violence that led to Heather Heyer's death. He was asked if it was domestic terrorism and couldn't bring himself to say the words radical white supremacist terror.

10-29-2018, 05:48 AM
Amazing. The entire article you linked is about how he immmediately undercut his condemnation and blamed both sides for the violence that led to Heather Heyer's death. He was asked if it was domestic terrorism and couldn't bring himself to say the words radical white supremacist terror.

Yes, he blamed both sides for the violence but didn't blame anyone but the murderer for the actual murder.

Why is this such an outrageous position to take? Did you actually see some of the videos that came out of that? Those weren't peaceful "counter protesters" that showed up, they were violent thugs who showed up.

Mr. I agree with you that attacking someone for speech is bad! But yet you can't bring yourself to admit that both sides were contributing to violence that day and that the murderer is the only person responsible for murdering someone that day.

10-29-2018, 07:44 AM
I'd point out to tgo that map and numbers represents homicide and not terrorist attacks but he knows this already and is just trying to downplay it. Right wing violence is also the leading cause of terrorism in this country. Ideology speaking white right wing terrorism is the biggest threat in this country.

10-29-2018, 09:04 AM
So much for unity


10-29-2018, 09:45 AM
So much for unity


Accuracy and fairness are great goals for the media. They're also why Trump is so pissed off. It's a lot harder to hoodwink people when the media is on your ass.

10-29-2018, 10:05 AM
Accuracy and fairness are great goals for the media. They're also why Trump is so pissed off. It's a lot harder to hoodwink people when the media is on your ass.


10-29-2018, 11:32 AM
Prior to the tweet about the media, CNN sent a memo that it had received another suspicious package....

10-29-2018, 12:46 PM
Jimmy Carter thinks Kemp shouldn't oversee his own election, by the way.


10-29-2018, 01:02 PM
Prior to the tweet about the media, CNN sent a memo that it had received another suspicious package....

And Conway said Trump was trying to heal the country. Gimme a break.

10-29-2018, 01:24 PM
And Conway said Trump was trying to heal the country. Gimme a break.

Subpoena subpoena

10-29-2018, 02:09 PM
So much for unity


The media and the far left didn't want unity. Minutes after the bomb story broke the media and Democrats started crafting stories about how this was all the fault of Trump and Republicans.

Maybe your problem is you're TOO impartial, pk. You're just so gosh darn impartial you've wrapped all the way over to being biased. Try toning down your impartiality a bit to see if that helps.

10-29-2018, 02:10 PM
Accuracy and fairness are great goals for the media.

Those sure are great goals, if only the media could ever actually attain those goals.

10-29-2018, 02:19 PM
The media and the far left didn't want unity. Minutes after the bomb story broke the media and Democrats started crafting stories about how this was all the fault of Trump and Republicans.

Maybe your problem is you're TOO impartial, pk. You're just so gosh darn impartial you've wrapped all the way over to being biased. Try toning down your impartiality a bit to see if that helps.


What a lucky guesser!

10-29-2018, 02:24 PM
Yes, he blamed both sides for the violence but didn't blame anyone but the murderer for the actual murder.

Why is this such an outrageous position to take? Did you actually see some of the videos that came out of that? Those weren't peaceful "counter protesters" that showed up, they were violent thugs who showed up.

Mr. I agree with you that attacking someone for speech is bad! But yet you can't bring yourself to admit that both sides were contributing to violence that day and that the murderer is the only person responsible for murdering someone that day.

I condemn Antifa or anyone else who attacks peaceful demonstrators exercising their first amendment rights. With all the videos from that day, prosecutors had ample evidence to charge many people with crimes, but as far as I can tell, Trump's DOJ has only charged the murderer and right-wing rioters. If both sides were equally responsible for the violence, why are only right-wing extremists being prosecuted by Trump's DOJ? I do think some counter protesters were charged with local misdemeanors, but even locally only right-wing extremists have been charged with any felonies. While Trump could pretend to not know the facts when he made his initial statements, at this point you must be intentionally ignoring facts to try to say that the level of violence was equal on "both sides".

10-29-2018, 02:30 PM
Prior to the tweet about the media, CNN sent a memo that it had received another suspicious package....

They probably sent it to themselves for sympathy.

10-29-2018, 02:32 PM
I condemn Antifa or anyone else who attacks peaceful demonstrators exercising their first amendment rights. With all the videos from that day, prosecutors had ample evidence to charge many people with crimes, but as far as I can tell, Trump's DOJ has only charged the murderer and right-wing rioters. If both sides were equally responsible for the violence, why are only right-wing extremists being prosecuted by Trump's DOJ?

I have no idea, but is this why you're suggesting both sides weren't committing violence that day?

Here's what I found from just a quick Google search:


One group doing nothing but marching down the street and the "counter protesters" start throwing punches.

10-29-2018, 02:37 PM
I have no idea, but is this why you're suggesting both sides weren't committing violence that day?

Here's what I found from just a quick Google search:


One group doing nothing but marching down the street and the "counter protesters" start throwing punches.

Are you saying that Nazi's and white supremacists shouldn't have fists and clubs upside their heads?

10-29-2018, 02:39 PM
Are you saying that Nazi's and white supremacists shouldn't have fists and clubs upside their heads?


10-29-2018, 02:43 PM

Sympathizing with Nazi's, the KKK, and white supremacists is not a good look. Not for you or anyone.

I'm not shocked, though.

If Antifa shows up to a KKK rally and whoops some KKK/Nazi ass, I'm cool with that.

10-29-2018, 02:46 PM
If Antifa shows up to a KKK rally and whoops some KKK/Nazi ass, I'm cool with that.

Of course you are.

Do you think black supremacists such as the 85 year old Louis Farrakhan should be beat up by a bunch of thugs wearing masks?

10-29-2018, 02:55 PM
I have no idea, but is this why you're suggesting both sides weren't committing violence that day?

Here's what I found from just a quick Google search:


One group doing nothing but marching down the street and the "counter protesters" start throwing punches.

Stop embarrassing yourself. It's not clear to me what triggered the initial violence in this video, but some things are clear in the video. This is a screenshot from it:


Did this woman start the violence with that alt-right man? Sure looks like she is keeping her hands to herself when the pussy-ass NPC in the black shirt throws a punch at her. This is the best you can come up with to show that both sides were equally responsible for the violence? A man violenting attacking a woman for being in the street? This is exactly the behavior you claim to condemn.

10-29-2018, 02:56 PM
Of course you are.

Do you think black supremacists such as the 85 year old Louis Farrakhan should be beat up by a bunch of thugs wearing masks?

I wouldn't have an issue with it if he was marching in the streets, spouting hate.

If someone ran up on Farrakhan and threw a fist upside his head as he was giving a hate-filled speech against Jews, I wouldn't have an issue.

10-29-2018, 03:02 PM
Stop embarrassing yourself. It's not clear to me what triggered the initial violence in this video, but some things are clear in the video. This is a screenshot from it:


Did this woman start the violence with that alt-right man? Sure looks like she is keeping her hands to herself when the pussy-ass NPC in the black shirt throws a punch at her. This is the best you can come up with to show that both sides were equally responsible for the violence? A man violenting attacking a woman for being in the street? This is exactly the behavior you claim to condemn.

Nice deflection and downplaying. So much for the "I don't believe in attacking people for their speech."

I guess what you really meant was "I don't believe in attacking people for speech I agree with."

10-29-2018, 03:04 PM
I wouldn't have an issue with it if he was marching in the streets, spouting hate.

If someone ran up on Farrakhan and threw a fist upside his head as he was giving a hate-filled speech against Jews, I wouldn't have an issue.

You have issues.

10-29-2018, 03:07 PM
You have issues.

I don't like bigots, Nazi's, and racists. If that's an issue to you...

10-29-2018, 03:08 PM
You have issues.

Fighting nazis is as American as baseball and apple pie.

10-29-2018, 03:09 PM
Nice deflection and downplaying. So much for the "I don't believe in attacking people for their speech."

I guess what you really meant was "I don't believe in attacking people for speech I agree with."

Please, grab a screenshot of what started the violence. The video is only 60 seconds long. You can't do it because your video doesn't show it. You just posted a video and made a claim it supported your position, but the only thing it shows clearly is an alt-right rioter attacking a woman peacefully demonstrating. Congratulations, you played yourself.

10-29-2018, 03:10 PM
I don't like bigots, Nazi's, and racists. If that's an issue to you...

I don't like them either, doesn't mean I'm going to go around punching them in the head for saying words.

10-29-2018, 03:12 PM
I don't like them either


10-29-2018, 03:17 PM

He doesn't like them, he loves them.

10-29-2018, 03:19 PM
Wouldn't be surprised if he's a low ranking member of either the patriot prayer/proud boy groups.

10-29-2018, 03:20 PM
Please, grab a screenshot of what started the violence.

You're being pathetic at this point. At around 22 seconds you can clearly see the guy in front of the march with the flag had his flag grabbed and the "peaceful protesters" start throwing punches at him and the guy next to him.

Here you go you worthless piece of shit, this one a little more clear as to who started it?


Again just from a quick Google search. It's pretty clear you didn't watch any videos at all from this clusterfuck and instead got your "news" from the likes of CNN who told you to believe it was a bunch of white supremacists who attacked a small group of "peaceful protesters" and ended up murdering someone.

There was plenty of violence on both sides and Trump called out the violence on both sides while the left insisted their side get a free pass for the violence.

10-29-2018, 03:23 PM
He doesn't like them, he loves them.


Far leftist turds resorting to slander when their narrative begins falling apart?! I never saw that coming.

10-29-2018, 03:25 PM
https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/44969697_184320165815451_1508380917943500800_n.png ?_nc_cat=108&_nc_eui2=AeGebRpU9NEWnCFZXQADnIM4cKPnL01_Gv67brT8V DzEdpjWYtQmANyjXr6NuQX3shgbynWXXLeiPXNEgf7lw4F1CFB hlxahzMq5jMzpJntBCg&_nc_ht=scontent.fbtr1-1.fna&oh=f603a3d8278398d223bbccee2e9978e8&oe=5C7BC098

10-29-2018, 03:29 PM
I don't like them either, doesn't mean I'm going to go around punching them in the head for saying words.

But if you did I wouldn't hold it against you.

Nazi's = punched in the head

10-29-2018, 03:31 PM
Far leftist turds resorting to slander when their narrative begins falling apart?! I never saw that coming.

You might want to learn what a far leftist actually is. Hint, it isn't someone that simply criticizes Trump and white supremacists/nazis.

10-29-2018, 03:35 PM
But if you did I wouldn't hold it against you.

Nazi's = punched in the head

So is it open season on Antifa too? Since all they do is spew hate speech?

At least you're the only leftist so far who claims to be consistent with his beliefs, how far does your consistency go?

10-29-2018, 03:39 PM
You're being pathetic at this point. At around 22 seconds you can clearly see the guy in front of the march with the flag had his flag grabbed and the "peaceful protesters" start throwing punches at him and the guy next to him.

Here you go you worthless piece of shit, this one a little more clear as to who started it?


Again just from a quick Google search. It's pretty clear you didn't watch any videos at all from this clusterfuck and instead got your "news" from the likes of CNN who told you to believe it was a bunch of white supremacists who attacked a small group of "peaceful protesters" and ended up murdering someone.

There was plenty of violence on both sides and Trump called out the violence on both sides while the left insisted their side get a free pass for the violence.

What punches bro? This is a screenshot from 22 seconds into the video:


I don't see anyone being punched. Are you really trying to describe what is happening at 22 seconds as equivalent to a murder? You are doing an absolutely terrible job of showing "both sides" are equally responsible for deadly violence.

10-29-2018, 03:40 PM
Condemning nazis and fascism isn't hate speech.

10-29-2018, 03:53 PM
What punches bro? This is a screenshot from 22 seconds into the video:


I don't see anyone being punched. Are you really trying to describe what is happening at 22 seconds as equivalent to a murder? You are doing an absolutely terrible job of showing "both sides" are equally responsible for deadly violence.

22 seconds in the original video I posted, just actually try watching the second video I posted. Your deflection job is bad by the way.

Also I never once said anything else that happened at Charlottesville was equivalent to murder. Nice strawman though.

I also never said both sides were "equally responsible for deadly violence." Doubly nice strawman.

I said both sides were responsible for violence and the murderer is responsible for his murder.

10-29-2018, 04:31 PM
But if you did I wouldn't hold it against you.

Nazi's = punched in the head

Using this logic.

Communists = punched in the head

The fact is, communists have killed far more people than the Nazi's ever did.

10-29-2018, 04:31 PM
So is it open season on Antifa too? Since all they do is spew hate speech?

At least you're the only leftist so far who claims to be consistent with his beliefs, how far does your consistency go?

Am I leftist? I haven’t voted democrat since 2004.

Does being anti-kkk/Nazi make me a leftist?

I couldn’t give a shit about antifa. Like I said earlier; antifa is a boogeyman.

10-29-2018, 04:32 PM
What punches bro? This is a screenshot from 22 seconds into the video:


I don't see anyone being punched. Are you really trying to describe what is happening at 22 seconds as equivalent to a murder? You are doing an absolutely terrible job of showing "both sides" are equally responsible for deadly violence.

You seem ok, worm. Engaging tgo only leads to despair. Beware the vortex...

10-29-2018, 04:40 PM
Fighting nazis is as American as baseball and apple pie.

As is destroying communists.

10-29-2018, 04:52 PM
Am I leftist? I haven’t voted democrat since 2004.

Does being anti-kkk/Nazi make me a leftist?

I couldn’t give a shit about antifa. Like I said earlier; antifa is a boogeyman.

Doesn't matter, according to Tgo anyone that criticizes Trump is a far leftist, though he can't actually define what a far leftist is.

10-29-2018, 04:55 PM
Doesn't matter, according to Tgo anyone that criticizes Trump is a far leftist, though he can't actually define what a far leftist is.

Just stop. You use more left wing talking points than actual leftists do. I'm not even sure how that's possible.

10-29-2018, 05:02 PM
Just stop. You use more left wing talking points than actual leftists do. I'm not even sure how that's possible.

Tgo is so stupid that he thinks leftists should be labeled criminals and terrorists for criticizing Trump and white supremacists.

10-29-2018, 05:03 PM
Tgo is so stupid that he thinks leftists should be labeled criminals and terrorists for criticizing Trump and white supremacists.

Subpoena subpoena

10-29-2018, 05:04 PM
Tgo is so stupid that he thinks leftists should be labeled criminals and terrorists for criticizing Trump and white supremacists.

Pk is so stupid he thinks scrubbing his old shitbag posts means those events never happened.

10-29-2018, 05:07 PM
Pk is so stupid he thinks scrubbing his old shitbag posts means those events never happened.

No, I don't think that, not at all. Try again you creepy obsessed stalker.

10-29-2018, 05:12 PM
No, I don't think that, not at all. Try again you creepy obsessed stalker.

Then why did you go back and delete so many really stupid posts then, creepy piece of shit?

10-29-2018, 05:14 PM
I do love how I guess calling someone a racist or sexist just isn't enough for the brainless leftist bots now. Now, you are a Nazi and a white supremacist!

This from the Party who gave you the KKK...

10-29-2018, 05:17 PM
Then why did you go back and delete so many really stupid posts then, creepy piece of shit?

Says the creepy piece of shit.

10-29-2018, 05:35 PM
Says the creepy piece of shit.


10-29-2018, 05:43 PM
No, I don't think that, not at all. Try again you creepy obsessed stalker.

Says the creepy loser who literally stalked me irl over his hurt feelings on a message board.

But ok I’ll play along just to see how stupid your response/deflection is.

If that isn’t why you scrubbed your old shitbag posts, then why did you scrub them? What was the actual reason? Because you legit seemed to think it erased the actual events too.

10-29-2018, 05:47 PM
Says the creepy loser who literally stalked me irl over his hurt feelings on a message board.

Says the creepy loser who literally stalked me irl over his hurt feelings on a message board because someone was criticizing Trump and Nazis.

10-29-2018, 05:50 PM
Says the creepy loser who literally stalked me irl over his hurt feelings on a message board because someone was criticizing Trump and Nazis.

Hahahaha do give the full details about how I stalked you irl.

Oh wait I get it now...you’re one of those retards that thinks the PC is real life, aren’t you?

But regardless, let’s hear the details of this me stalking you irl stuff.

You’re the most uncreative NPC to date. Even by NPC standards you suck.

And I thought this whole time it was just a meme but you really are an NPC.

10-29-2018, 05:50 PM
22 seconds in the original video I posted, just actually try watching the second video I posted. Your deflection job is bad by the way.

Also I never once said anything else that happened at Charlottesville was equivalent to murder. Nice strawman though.

I also never said both sides were "equally responsible for deadly violence." Doubly nice strawman.

I said both sides were responsible for violence and the murderer is responsible for his murder.

Why did you another video when I asked you to find a screenshot in the first one you posted, then complain I looked in the wrong video? If it is as clear as you say, it should be trivial to find screenshots. You're just grasping at straws and scrambling but failing to find any evidence that supports your position.

So what is your position here? Both sides are equally responsible for deadly violence, even though only one murder took place and it was committed by the right-wing?

10-29-2018, 05:54 PM
Hahahaha do give the full details about how I stalked you irl.

Oh wait I get it now...you’re one of those retards that thinks the PC is real life, aren’t you?

But regardless, let’s hear the details of this me stalking you irl stuff.

You’re the most uncreative NPC to date. Even by NPC standards you suck.

And I thought this whole time it was just a meme but you really are an NPC.

Says the person who called me a stalker irl. Was I hanging outside your trailer park keeping tabs on you? Maybe you should just admit you have a pk fetish and that's why you can't stop obsessing over me.

10-29-2018, 05:54 PM
Hahahaha do give the full details about how I stalked you irl.

Oh wait I get it now...you’re one of those retards that thinks the PC is real life, aren’t you?

So you're saying that you're a stalker, but you only do it online which is not "real life"? And this somehow shows you're not a creepy loser?

10-29-2018, 05:59 PM
Says the creepy loser who literally stalked me irl

Hilarious. Goebbels ain't got shit on your style of propaganda.

10-29-2018, 06:01 PM
Why did you another video when I asked you to find a screenshot in the first one you posted, then complain I looked in the wrong video?

I told you the timestamp of the first video then posted another video since you seemed to think the first one was ambiguous. Why you complaining that I am providing more videos to back up my claims? How odd.

So what is your position here? Both sides are equally responsible for deadly violence, even though only one murder took place and it was committed by the right-wing?

You literally just quoted where I explained my position. Here it is again.

I said both sides were responsible for violence and the murderer is responsible for his murder.

10-29-2018, 06:02 PM
Says the person who called me a stalker irl. Was I hanging outside your trailer park keeping tabs on you? Maybe you should just admit you have a pk fetish and that's why you can't stop obsessing over me.

Since you called me a stalker over mean words and Trump butthurt on a forum and literally nothing else, then your own logic would indicate that you trying to look me up irl to try to go after my job and threatening to dox me to Antifa (lol) is indeed stalking me irl.

It’s amazing how dumb you are that you need these things spelled out for you.

So you're saying that you're a stalker, but you only do it online which is not "real life"? And this somehow shows you're not a creepy loser?

If you’ve ever done either of the following on this forum, then you’re also a stalker according to pk’s logic:

- Called someone out on here for acting like a fucking idiot
- Sent someone on here negative rep for acting like a fucking idiot

Grats BigWorm, you are now an online stalker too!

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTUCxkjAqk3BeGb_vXLeGYnTlsyEfj9o FQS6qRYA1ucjNLXmJr_

10-29-2018, 06:02 PM
So you're saying that you're a stalker, but you only do it online which is not "real life"? And this somehow shows you're not a creepy loser?

No, Androidpk and cwolff have this notion that if you respond to too many of their posts you are "stalking" them on the PC.

By their logic you are stalking me.

10-29-2018, 06:04 PM
No, Androidpk and cwolff have this notion that if you respond to too many of their posts you are "stalking" them on the PC.

By their logic you are stalking me.

BigWorm is stalking me too! #ResistStalking

10-29-2018, 06:13 PM
I told you the timestamp of the first video then posted another video since you seemed to think the first one was ambiguous. Why you complaining that I am providing more videos to back up my claims? How odd.

You literally just quoted where I explained my position. Here it is again.

Do you concede that only right wing extremists committed violence on the level of a first-degree murder or felony malicious wounding? If so, can you explain how "both sides" are equally culpable for deadly violence? From the videos you have posted, it seems that in your view that touching a fascist's flag or a woman defending herself after a man instigates a fight with her is an equal level of violence to murder and felony assault, which I do not agree with.

Both sides were not equally culpable. Only one person was killed, and it was an right-wing extremist who did the murder.

10-29-2018, 06:15 PM
No, Androidpk and cwolff have this notion that if you respond to too many of their posts you are "stalking" them on the PC.

If that were the case, and it isn't, I'd be calling you a stalker since you're always responding to my posts. But I don't call you a stalker because I don't think you're stalking me. Methais and PB, on the other hand, have some serious issues.

10-29-2018, 06:15 PM
Do you concede that only right wing extremists committed violence on the level of a first-degree murder or felony malicious wounding?

Of course.

If so, can you explain how "both sides" are equally culpable for deadly violence?

I never made such a claim, I said both sides are responsible for violence. Did you not even watch the second video? Let's just for the sake of argument say the first video isn't clear. Sure, fine, you win. My bad! Now watch the second video and tell me who started the violence.

10-29-2018, 06:17 PM
If that were the case, and it isn't, I'd be calling you a stalker since you're always responding to my posts. But I don't call you a stalker because I don't think you're stalking me. Methais and PB, on the other hand, have some serious issues.

you're retarded

10-29-2018, 06:26 PM
Of course.

I never made such a claim, I said both sides are responsible for violence. Did you not even watch the second video? Let's just for the sake of argument say the first video isn't clear. Sure, fine, you win. My bad! Now watch the second video and tell me who started the violence.

You really don’t understand qualitative differences on a systemic level.

10-29-2018, 06:26 PM
Oh hey look Republicans gaslighting America again:


10-29-2018, 06:27 PM
Oh hey look Republicans gaslighting America again:



10-29-2018, 06:27 PM
When Jewish people don't blame Trump but PK does, he just may be using mass murder to gain political points.


10-29-2018, 06:28 PM

10-29-2018, 06:32 PM

Oh okay.


10-29-2018, 06:32 PM
You really don’t understand qualitative differences on a systemic level.

Explain it to me then.

10-29-2018, 06:33 PM
When Jewish people don't blame Trump but PK does, he just may be using mass murder to gain political points.

Trump ‘not welcome in Pittsburgh’ until he denounces white nationalism, Jewish community leaders say.


10-29-2018, 06:33 PM
Explain it to me then.

Why bother? You're incapable of independent thought. You can't have an original idea without a talking head giving you an earworm.

10-29-2018, 06:34 PM
Why bother? You're incapable of independent thought. You can't have an original idea without a talking head giving you an earworm.

cwolff speaks again. How long before you start blocking everyone on this account until you only have your echo chamber to keep you company?

10-29-2018, 06:37 PM
Of course.

I never made such a claim, I said both sides are responsible for violence. Did you not even watch the second video? Let's just for the sake of argument say the first video isn't clear. Sure, fine, you win. My bad! Now watch the second video and tell me who started the violence.

So you really do think that touching a fascist's flag or a woman defending herself after a man instigates a fight with her is an equal level of violence to murder and felony assault? If not, then do you think it's responsible of you to say that "both sides are responsible for violence" when the levels of violence are so disproportionate? This is why the continuous harping on "both sides" is so disgusting. You and Trump are both using minor, unchargeable transgressions to undercut your condemnation of the truly deadly violence.

Real condemnations don't end in "but". People who willingly associate with murders are not fine people. This isn't complicated.

10-29-2018, 06:40 PM
So you really do think that touching a fascist's flag or a woman defending herself after a man instigates a fight with her is an equal level of violence to murder and felony assault?

I'm not going to fall for your strawmans or deflections bullshit so you might as well just stop.

Let's do this again: just for the sake of argument I'll concede the first video isn't very clear. MY BAD, DAWG! Now look at the second video I posted which is an entirely different incident and tell me who the aggressor is there.

I also never said anything else that happened at Charlottesville was of equal level of violence as the murder that happened so you can go ahead and drop this strawman already.

10-29-2018, 06:50 PM
If that were the case, and it isn't, I'd be calling you a stalker since you're always responding to my posts. But I don't call you a stalker because I don't think you're stalking me. Methais and PB, on the other hand, have some serious issues.

Please explain how me calling out how stupid and full of shit you are on here is different than Tgo or anyone else on here doing the exact same thing.

Then explain how the above is somehow worse than you looking me up irl trying to go after my job and dox me to Antifa.

10-29-2018, 06:50 PM
Shooter: Trump is a globalist and loves those Jews too much!
Trump: This evil, anti-Semitic attack is an assault on all of us. It is an assault on humanity. It must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its ugly head. We must stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti-Semitism and vanquish the forces of hate.


Obama: Hate is bad, okay? Oh yeah let's ban all guns too!

10-29-2018, 06:50 PM
I'm not going to fall for your strawmans or deflections bullshit so you might as well just stop.

Let's do this again: just for the sake of argument I'll concede the first video isn't very clear. MY BAD, DAWG! Now look at the second video I posted which is an entirely different incident and tell me who the aggressor is there.

I also never said anything else that happened at Charlottesville was of equal level of violence as the murder that happened so you can go ahead and drop this strawman already.

Would you say that murder and felonious wounding are....qualitatively different levels of violence from what is in your second video? You are labelling things that are hugely different as the same thing in order to use petty offences to excuse murders and felonies. It's disgusting.

BTW, do you know if the second video was taken before or after Heather Heyer's murder?

10-29-2018, 06:53 PM
Would you say that murder and felonious wounding are....qualitatively different levels of violence from what is in your second video?

Yes. Are you going to concede that both sides were engaging in violence NOT ON PAR WITH MURDER?

BTW, do you know if the second video was taken before or after Heather Heyer's murder?

I have no idea, does it matter?

10-29-2018, 06:54 PM
When Jewish people don't blame Trump but PK does, he just may be using mass murder to gain political points.


I’m surprised they didn’t have “technical difficulties” during that interview.

10-29-2018, 06:55 PM
Why bother? You're incapable of independent thought. You can't have an original idea without a talking head giving you an earworm.

lol soywolff

10-29-2018, 06:57 PM
lol soywolff

He's not even hiding it anymore.

10-29-2018, 06:59 PM
He's not even hiding it anymore.

I bet he still thinks he’s being a smooth operator though.

It’s nice to see the old gang getting back together again...


10-29-2018, 07:12 PM
This is like when time4fun stopped posting here for awhile yet you fuck stains wouldn't stop harping about her. Obsessive creeps gonna be obsessive.

10-29-2018, 07:14 PM
This is like when time4fun stopped posting here for awhile yet you fuck stains wouldn't stop harping about her. Obsessive creeps gonna be obsessive.

time4fun? Isn't she the one you called a racist and a sexist then went back and deleted that post because you're such a far leftist now?

10-29-2018, 07:16 PM
Yes. Are you going to concede that both sides were engaging in violence NOT ON PAR WITH MURDER?

Ok, since you are trying to be deliberately obtuse, let's walk through this step by step. Do you concede that only one side included people who committed felony levels of violence?

The incident in your second video ended when they ran into a group of police officers. If such grievous harm was done why wasn't anyone charged with a felony? A police officer witnessing a felony or misdemeanor has probable cause to arrest that person. Do you think the police officers witnessing this incident made a misjudgement about who was responsible for the violence? If you think they did, pretty much all of the people in your second video have their faces visible at some point. If you are able to point at any prosecutable crimes they committed, you should consider sharing that evidence with the authorities.

I have no idea, does it matter?

It seems relevant if you are trying to say they are responsible for instigating violence but it took place after any of these people were almost run over by a car.

10-29-2018, 07:17 PM
I tried to warn, Worm.

10-29-2018, 07:19 PM
time4fun? Isn't she the one you called a racist and a sexist then went back and deleted that post because you're such a far leftist now?

Is this you finally acknowledging that you're an alt-right extremist? Good for you!

10-29-2018, 07:27 PM
Ok, since you are trying to be deliberately obtuse, let's walk through this step by step. Do you concede that only one side included people who committed felony levels of violence?

I already said I'm not going to fall for your deflection shit or strawman nonsense.

Simple yes/no question:

Do you concede BOTH sides were engaging in violence, even violence that is not on par with murder?

What happened to you condemn violence against people for speech? What you really meant was you condemn violence against people for speech you agree with, right?

It seems relevant if you are trying to say they are responsible for instigating violence but it took place after any of these people were almost run over by a car.

Your ability to not hold yourself accountable to your own values is truly awe inspiring.

10-29-2018, 07:30 PM
Says the person who called me a stalker irl. Was I hanging outside your trailer park keeping tabs on you? Maybe you should just admit you have a pk fetish and that's why you can't stop obsessing over me.

Dude.. you are the only one here that started stalking people in real life in a poorly planned attempt to "get them" in trouble with their employer.

You're WAY the fuck past creepy.

You're full blown pathetic, scumbag sociopath level now.

Grats. It's the first time you've been #1 at anything in your life.

10-29-2018, 07:33 PM
Dude.. you are the only one here that started stalking people in real life in a poorly planned attempt to "get them" in trouble with their employer.

It's called talk shit get hit. You guys think you can stalk and harass posters on here for years on end with impunity. Get a life grandpa.

10-29-2018, 07:35 PM
It's called talk shit get hit. You guys think you can stalk and harass posters on here for years on end with impunity. Get a life grandpa.

Another reason pk has embraced the far left. They think physical violence is okay for the "right" reasons.

You really have found your people, pk! Never let them go!

10-29-2018, 07:35 PM
It's called talk shit get hit. You guys think you can stalk and harass posters on here for years on end with impunity. Get a life grandpa.

You're retarded.

10-29-2018, 07:36 PM
It's called talk shit get hit. You guys think you can stalk and harass posters on here for years on end with impunity. Get a life grandpa.

How precisely did you "hit" him? You didn't even get the right guy, because let's be honest: You're a fucking retard.

And seriously.. you should be the L-A-S-T person to E-V-E-R say 'get a life', given your hobo lifestyle.

Who's couch you crashing on this week? Do they know you are a fucking pathetic sociopath?

10-29-2018, 07:38 PM
How precisely did you "hit" him? You didn't even get the right guy, because let's be honest: You're a fucking retard.


10-29-2018, 07:40 PM
Dude.. you are the only one here that started stalking people in real life in a poorly planned attempt to "get them" in trouble with their employer.

You're WAY the fuck past creepy.

You're full blown pathetic, scumbag sociopath level now.

Grats. It's the first time you've been #1 at anything in your life.

Someone posted one of his PM's where he is warning of a revolution as well.

Then of course we have the "Great news, white people are dying." from Cwolff

And the knee slapping happiness that poor white peoples lives were destroyed by a natural disaster.

It's like there's only one side that has wanted loss of life for a peoples skin color.

10-29-2018, 07:42 PM
How precisely did you "hit" him? You didn't even get the right guy, because let's be honest: You're a fucking retard.

And seriously.. you should be the L-A-S-T person to E-V-E-R say 'get a life', given your hobo lifestyle.

Who's couch you crashing on this week? Do they know you are a fucking pathetic sociopath?

Get a life grandpa.

10-29-2018, 07:45 PM
Someone posted one of his PM's where he is warning of a revolution as well.

This one?


It was a joke about how easy it is to fake rep comments/screen shots.

It's a quote from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, btw.

10-29-2018, 07:46 PM
This one?


It was a joke about how easy it is to fake rep comments/screen shots.

Ah yes, there it is. :(

10-29-2018, 07:46 PM
Get a life grandpa.


10-29-2018, 07:52 PM
I tried to warn, Worm.

Too many of my communities are being poisoned by shitbags, but it's a hard problem to solve. I figured it made sense to practice on a low-level NPC like Tgo01 before taking on someone of consequence.

10-29-2018, 07:56 PM
Too many of my communities are being poisoned by shitbags, but it's a hard problem to solve. I figured it made sense to practice on a low-level NPC like Tgo01 before taking on someone of consequence.

Don't worry, I knew all along you would "agree" with SHAFT's stance once you were backed into a corner. It's a typical far leftist strategy. First you have to run the gamut of accusing the other person of defending white supremacy/Nazis, then you have to deflect as much as possible, then setup as many strawmen as possible. When all of that fails you go for the "You're just not worth my time anyways" comeback.

Classic useful idiot. What's weird is all I asked you to do was agree with yourself that violence against people for speaking words is bad, but you couldn't do it. Why? Because you, like most far leftists, don't really have ideals or principles, you're just "Trump bad" 24/7.

10-29-2018, 07:56 PM
It's called talk shit get hit. You guys think you can stalk and harass posters on here for years on end with impunity. Get a life grandpa.

Calling you out for lying nonstop and doing piece of shit things to people while you double down repeatedly on your lying and piece of shittery isn’t harassing, and it certainly isn’t stalking, especially when you have a built in ignore tool at your disposal that can be used at any time on anyone.

But then that might interfere with your “I’m a victim” thing, so naturally you’re not interested.

10-29-2018, 07:59 PM
Calling you out for lying nonstop and doing piece of shit things to people while you double down repeatedly on your lying and piece of shittery isn’t harassing, and it certainly isn’t stalking, especially when you have a built in ignore tool at your disposal that can be used at any time on anyone.

But then that might interfere with your “I’m a victim” thing, so naturally you’re not interested.

Oh I know I can put you douchebags on ignore. Too bad that doesn't stop you from blowing up my inbox with rep or populating thread tags with shit like "androidpk sucks dick". But like I said, you guys are unhinged, obsessed pieces of shit with nothing better to do than bring your toxic BS to this community.

10-29-2018, 08:00 PM
I already said I'm not going to fall for your deflection shit or strawman nonsense.

Simple yes/no question:

Do you concede BOTH sides were engaging in violence, even violence that is not on par with murder?

What happened to you condemn violence against people for speech? What you really meant was you condemn violence against people for speech you agree with, right?

Your ability to not hold yourself accountable to your own values is truly awe inspiring.

So you can't point to any specific examples of criminal violence in any of the videos you posted? But you still demand that I agree with you that "both sides" are responsible for deadly violence and physically harming their political opponents?

It's pretty clear you already made up your mind about who was responsible for the violence before you had any actual examples to prove it. Your first video actually only clearly showed a counterexample to your position. Take a step back and you'll agree you can't truthfully back up your claim that both sides share responsibility for the violence in Charlottesville.

10-29-2018, 08:11 PM
So you can't point to any specific examples of criminal violence in any of the videos you posted?

Are you for real? Did you not watch the second video? You're really telling me with a straight face you saw no evidence of criminal violence in that video?

It's like I said the other day to sellstuff1/cwolff, it's amazing to watch far leftists insist their eyes and ears are lying to them.

10-29-2018, 08:11 PM
Don't worry, I knew all along you would "agree" with SHAFT's stance once you were backed into a corner. It's a typical far leftist strategy. First you have to run the gamut of accusing the other person of defending white supremacy/Nazis, then you have to deflect as much as possible, then setup as many strawmen as possible. When all of that fails you go for the "You're just not worth my time anyways" comeback.

Classic useful idiot. What's weird is all I asked you to do was agree with yourself that violence against people for speaking words is bad, but you couldn't do it. Why? Because you, like most far leftists, don't really have ideals or principles, you're just "Trump bad" 24/7.

You do realize that you are like the textbook definition of an NPC, right? You're just an edgelord on the internet who has achieved nothing but needs named protagonists to blame it on. Your best contribution is literally turning your characters into NPC bots so that people can use you for services without having to actually interact with the troll behind the keyboard.

10-29-2018, 08:12 PM
Are you for real? Did you not watch the second video? You're really telling me with a straight face you saw no evidence of criminal violence in that video?

It's like I said the other day to sellstuff1/cwolff, it's amazing to watch far leftists insist their eyes and ears are lying to them.

Why haven't those people been convicted of the many crimes you can allude but not point to?

10-29-2018, 08:14 PM
You do realize that you are like the textbook definition of an NPC, right? You're just an edgelord on the internet who has achieved nothing but needs named protagonists to blame it on. Your best contribution is literally turning your characters into NPC bots so that people can use you for services without having to actually interact with the troll behind the keyboard.

Look at BigWorm over here thinking I discuss politics and real world shit in game. Did you forget what GS is supposed to be about? What a retard.

10-29-2018, 08:16 PM
Why haven't those people been convicted of the many crimes you can allude but not point to?

Oh so people who aren't convicted of a crime haven't committed any crimes? Awesome. Can you please tell pk, cwolff, time4fun, et al to stop calling Trump a criminal since he hasn't been convicted of any crimes? Thanks.

What an absolute toolbag. I almost feel bad for picking on you now, I was jokingly referring to you as a retard but now I'm beginning to wonder.

10-29-2018, 08:18 PM
Oh so people who aren't convicted of a crime haven't committed any crimes? Awesome. Can you please tell pk, cwolff, time4fun, et al to stop calling Trump a criminal since he hasn't been convicted of any crimes? Thanks.

What an absolute toolbag. I almost feel bad for picking on you now, I was jokingly referring to you as a retard but now I'm beginning to wonder.

Show me the crimes, Tgo01. Don't post a video and say "figure it out". Take a screenshot of violence being committed like I was able to do trivially with the first video you posted. You keep claiming the violence is obvious but can't show any examples.

10-29-2018, 08:25 PM
Show me the crimes, Tgo01. Don't post a video and say "figure it out". Take a screenshot of violence being committed like I was able to do trivially with the first video you posted. You keep claiming the violence is obvious but can't show any examples.

Before I "show you the crimes" can you just answer one simple question first? Did you actually watch the second video I posted? Here it is again in case you forgot:


Tell me you have watched this video, at least starting from the 1 minute mark, and come back and ask me to point out the crimes to you.

10-29-2018, 08:29 PM
I did. Remember how I said it ended with them running into the police who choose not to arrest anyone?

10-29-2018, 08:30 PM

The alt-right narrative is a pathetic attempt at re-branding mainstream conservatism. Did you even read the ADL's definitions? They are extremist in nature because they are...extreme views held by a minority of people. I know that might be difficult for you to comprehend but supporting Trump doesn't mean you're an extremist. Many democrats voted for Trump in 2016 - are they somehow Nazi's now for doing so? You're time4logic would say yes.

Also putting it on a continuum is dumb. You don't "progress" toward Nazism the more right you go nor do you "progress" towards communism if you head left. That's like saying you'll become a Muslim terrorist for being too Muslim. That's dumb.

But I know what you're doing and it's pretty pathetic...but everyone on this board already knows that.

10-29-2018, 08:32 PM
You do realize that you are like the textbook definition of an NPC, right? You're just an edgelord on the internet who has achieved nothing but needs named protagonists to blame it on. Your best contribution is literally turning your characters into NPC bots so that people can use you for services without having to actually interact with the troll behind the keyboard.


10-29-2018, 08:33 PM
The alt-right narrative is a pathetic attempt at re-branding mainstream conservatism. Did you even read the ADL's definitions? They are extremist in nature because they are...extreme views held by a minority of people. I know that might be difficult for you to comprehend but supporting Trump doesn't mean you're an extremist. Many democrats voted for Trump in 2016 - are they somehow Nazi's now for doing so? You're time4logic would say yes.

Also putting it on a continuum is dumb. You don't "progress" toward Nazism the more right you go nor do you "progress" towards communism if you head left. That's like saying you'll become a Muslim terrorist for being too Muslim. That's dumb.

But I know what you're doing and it's pretty pathetic...but everyone on this board already knows that.

Yes, Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller is well known for being just another liberal stooge of the ADL.

10-29-2018, 08:34 PM
It's called talk shit get hit. You guys think you can stalk and harass posters on here for years on end with impunity. Get a life grandpa.

Motive confirmed. A couple of things:

1) Quoted before you scrub it
2) Quoted showing that you're triggered on an anonymous gaming forum for a 30 year old text-based game

10-29-2018, 08:38 PM
You do realize that you are like the textbook definition of an NPC, right? You're just an edgelord on the internet who has achieved nothing but needs named protagonists to blame it on. Your best contribution is literally turning your characters into NPC bots so that people can use you for services without having to actually interact with the troll behind the keyboard.

LOL - someone's jealous and has never been to a Dreavening before.

There's a couple of awesome coders who have advanced the utility of GS. Tgo is one of them. But then again, that's the typical mantra of the left - get mad at people who accomplish something and demand a free handout.

10-29-2018, 08:39 PM
I did. Remember how I said it ended with them running into the police who choose not to arrest anyone?

Wow. Okay.

15 second mark, dude has his hat stolen. Assault and petty theft.
19 second mark, chick in glasses pushes dude. Assault.
23 second mark, douchebag tries to steal dude's shield, assault.
46 second mark, dipshit in black wife beater shoves dude with shield, assault.
50 second mark, chick in glasses pushes dude again. Assault.
53 second mark, dipshit in black wife beater pushes dude with shield again, assault.
1:06, asshole in orange shirt punches dude with shield in the face, battery.
1:07 chick in glasses hits dude with shield in the back of the head with some sort of object, battery.
1:08 hipster looking fuckface hits the dude with a flag on the top of his head, battery.
1:10 yellow shirted moron punches the dude, battery.
1:12 another moron with a flag hits dude in the head, battery.

Are you done being retarded now?

10-29-2018, 09:01 PM
Wow. Okay.

15 second mark, dude has his hat stolen. Assault and petty theft.
19 second mark, chick in glasses pushes dude. Assault.
23 second mark, douchebag tries to steal dude's shield, assault.
46 second mark, dipshit in black wife beater shoves dude with shield, assault.
50 second mark, chick in glasses pushes dude again. Assault.
53 second mark, dipshit in black wife beater pushes dude with shield again, assault.
1:06, asshole in orange shirt punches dude with shield in the face, battery.
1:07 chick in glasses hits dude with shield in the back of the head with some sort of object, battery.
1:08 hipster looking fuckface hits the dude with a flag on the top of his head, battery.
1:10 yellow shirted moron punches the dude, battery.
1:12 another moron with a flag hits dude in the head, battery.

Are you done being retarded now?

1:06 is the only possible violence of all the examples you pretended to find, but its unclear whether the guy is doing a Nazi salute or taking a swing at the orange guy who hits him. Love that the best case scenario for you is that the guy was doing a Nazi salute. You are now literally defending Nazis.