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View Full Version : Quest/Events and Merchant Complaints

  1. People whining about pickpockets in DR? (14 replies)
  2. Rumor Woods Nonsense (16 replies)
  3. Rachishells (3 replies)
  4. Ebon Gate and Microtransactions (214 replies)
  5. Ithzir unlocking? (7 replies)
  6. EG Price. (34 replies)
  7. A thread to bitch about your Droughtman's wins (23 replies)
  8. Stupid women at merchants who take 30 minutes b/c they don't know what they want. (22 replies)
  9. any chance of gladiator games? (6 replies)
  10. Shadowdeath weapons? (41 replies)
  11. digging (6 replies)
  12. Ebon Gate Merchants (2 replies)
  13. Deepening consistentcy (11 replies)
  14. AG boxes (8 replies)
  15. X-post from my post on the officials (52 replies)
  16. AD's Raffle and Merchanting Style (32 replies)
  17. Caro, et al. (313 replies)
  18. Endless Swarm of Merchants!? (88 replies)
  19. Spinners (119 replies)
  20. FWI Fest (26 replies)
  21. Flower Quest = Scripter Sting Operation? (15 replies)
  22. Ebon's Gate Alteration Scrolls (6 replies)
  23. Monkia's Shop. Very Very odd. (18 replies)
  24. Ebon Gate (68 replies)
  25. It's just not fair... (23 replies)
  26. "Out of Towners" (15 replies)
  27. Drogur in Illistim (10 replies)
  28. The Lust Boat (14 replies)
  29. Led Zepplin vs. Wavedancer - You make the call (28 replies)
  30. Ashrim and other quest "Running" doesn't always pay (25 replies)
  31. Signature Verbs (14 replies)
  32. Solhaven and the Griffin Quest. (31 replies)
  33. My roleplaying capabilities (The fall of Nieninque!) (28 replies)
  34. Mickey Mouse Bull Squash (Brauden). (117 replies)
  35. NPC's cheat. (41 replies)
  36. Why Leveling Services Sucks (7 replies)
  37. Simu hits the jackpot with the Winddancer (0 replies)
  38. WTF? (1 replies)
  39. Katana Quest (128 replies)
  40. Anyone give me a clue or anyone else see this? (22 replies)
  41. Annoyance with the money for quest/etc.. (19 replies)
  42. Vaalor - Running for their life (1 replies)
  43. How much longer will the GSS last? (10 replies)
  44. Thorne Maze Tokens (2 replies)
  45. Cathedral Weddings (18 replies)
  46. Way to go Simu (39 replies)
  47. Merchants: IC or OOC? (23 replies)
  48. Ebons gate blows goats. (25 replies)
  49. Hatchling Globes (17 replies)
  50. Ebon Gate (grrr) (52 replies)
  51. The Griffin Sword Saga. (49 replies)
  52. Your bad Experience with merchants (26 replies)
  53. Feature alterations. (106 replies)
  54. This is what the hell they're thinking... (58 replies)
  55. Chavie. (2 replies)