View Full Version : Merchants: IC or OOC?
11-04-2003, 07:31 PM
I've been wondering about this since the Artisan's Faire. I don't go to paid events to get alterations, I usually get lucky and get one or two, but I normally enjoy just the shopping.
What DOES bug me is that at the AF and this year at EG, I've come across two merchants (who I'm pretty sure are the same GM) that are GROSSLY OOC.
I know alterations aren't exactly IC (here's a black silk skirt, oh look, now it's a red leather one with silver fringe), and I don't expect all merchants to do actions (though it's fun when they do).
What I don't like is when merchants have poor grammar, spelling, and capitalization throughout their speech, and talk about 15/15/15 rules out loud (or have them posted on their signs).
Does this bug anyone else, or am I alone in this?
[Edited on 11-4-2003 by SpunGirl]
Dighn Darkbeam
11-04-2003, 07:53 PM
In the few merchants I have been lucky enough to interact with, I always RP what I want atleast for a moment or two before switching to whispers to hash out the details.
The merchant will often RP a situation if he/she feels effort is being put forth by that particular player.
WARNING: I have roleplayed myself out of atleast two alters. Unless you are the average Duddly DoRight character this is a very real possibility.
11-04-2003, 08:03 PM
You ever get anything done by Chavie, Dighn?
Acolyte Kurili
Dighn Darkbeam
11-04-2003, 08:13 PM
Dighn didnt bother to remember the names of any of the merchants he allowed to touch his equipment. He doesnt usually fraternize with the help.
11-04-2003, 08:23 PM
Umm...reason I asked, Chavie was so incredibly rude to my Plat Dhe'nari at Anfelt, I actually complained about it. Refused to even answer a question, in whispers. And since there were only Chavie, my char, and her Faendryl friend there, it wasnt screen scroll. After working for my friend, he ignored my char. And this happenned the previous day as well.
At Con, he told me, "Chavie doesnt work for Dhe'nari. He'll work for those just flagged Dhe'nari, but not one who RP's being Dhe'nari". Which is well and good. I would have been fine with that.
BUT....I'm wondering how Chavie knew she was RPd Dhe'nari? She did nothing overtly Dhe'narish, and was wearing no visible symbols. And was with a Faendryl.
Now Chavie's PLAYER/GM may have known my char was Dhe'nari. How did CHAVIE know it?
Acolyte Kurili
Dighn Darkbeam
11-04-2003, 08:32 PM
At Con, he told me, "Chavie doesnt work for Dhe'nari. He'll work for those just flagged Dhe'nari, but not one who RP's being Dhe'nari". Which is well and good. I would have been fine with that. >>>
Retarded. I have no other way to describe this way of thinking from the staff. Possibly, "Absolutely Retarded". That works too.
[Edited on 11-5-2003 by Dighn Darkbeam]
11-04-2003, 08:42 PM
<<He's doing alterations on the censers only for people who are aligned to certain Arkati. How he can explain knowing this in any IC way is beyond me. Yes, some people are wearing hints. But many are not.>>
He said he looked into your soul, which I believe was how they COVERT ed. It makes sense to me. He clearly stated that just because you are wearing items with god symbols on them meant nothing.
11-04-2003, 08:53 PM
I don't have a problem with Verrath or Chavie's actions, at least they try to have an IC merchant "persona."
What bugs me is the merchants who don't make any attempt whatsoever to distinguish between the MERCHANT character. It might as well be GM so-and-so sitting there doing work, the way some of them are.
11-04-2003, 08:54 PM
Yes, that would make sense. And looking into the soul is RP. Wouldnt have had a problem if a merchant said that and refused to work on her because of her alignment.
Acolyte Kurili
11-04-2003, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Kurili
And looking into the soul is RP.
Acolyte Kurili
Um... am I the only one who thinks its a tad on the silly side for a merchant, a MERCHANT, to say that he can see into my soul? I mean, if I were to walk around saying that, I don't think anyone would be too impressed with my RP awesomeness.
But I agree it's better than nothing.
11-04-2003, 11:33 PM
This is TOTALLY off-topic and I really hope you don't take offense to this, but can you tell me how to pronounce your BBS handle? Every time I see it I think of "Latrine Storm." I know there has to be another way.
11-04-2003, 11:46 PM
You know, I made that name way back when by re-arranging the letters to Lorminstra for my cleric. Needless to say, he immediately turned against Lorminstra, but that's besides the point. I can't tell you how many people have either spelled it "Latinsorm" "Latrinstorm" or "Latinstorm" or pointed out how it looks way too much like there's a "Latrine" in it. So, in truth, I don't know how it's pronounced. I'd much rather you not think of it as Latrine, tho. Although it would make for an interesting description of the morning following a night filled with yogurt and cheap vodka. I always thought of it with a short i, la TRIHN sorm.
(and no offense taken, thank you! :))
11-04-2003, 11:51 PM
Possibly higher cleric such as Duvalle and Weatherby can see into your soul through intervention of their dieties?
I know I was charged 20k for a bead alter, while certain sects were getting thrm free. But I passed the 20k, a 10k tip, thanked him for his time and passed the beads to my V'tull worshipping cleric....The man did see at least 5 more people than he said he would...
A strand of prayer beads formed of alternating crimson and ebon spheres.
Well worth it seeing as he drops diamonds at the V'tull statue whenever he's in Solhaven.
11-05-2003, 12:34 PM
And by the way, CT. CHAVIE never said a thing about not working for Dhe'nari. Never even indicated it. His PLAYER told me that at Simu-con. So at the time, I had no idea why Chavie refused to even answer a whisper about some armor sold in his shop. Which, whispers being not RP to begin with, would have been a good time to tell me WHY Chavie wouldnt respond. He did not.
Acolyte Kurili
11-05-2003, 12:51 PM
I'm going to have to agree with you there. It would have been polite to at least whisper a reason. Did you get a response on your complaint about it?
11-05-2003, 01:09 PM
Didnt formally complain, just bitched to the Plat Guru, who said he had no idea why he was like that, but that that particular GMs merchants had quirks.
My character DID walk around yelling "Boycott Chavie" for the remainder of Anfelt though.
Acolyte Kurili
11-05-2003, 03:08 PM
The fact that merchants are "roleplayed" as having the power of a god is what bothers me.
I did some controversial merchants in my time, but the simple fact was...every one of my merchants were designed just like the other players around me, and could just as easily be killed if you caught them with your guard down.
Merchants who throw lightning bolts from the sky at the snap of a finger...merchants who "look into your soul"...merchants who have never seen you before yet instantly know every minor detail about your character...and, especially, merchants who show favortism...all of this really has no place and needs to be handled swiftly and surely by the management.
There is more favortitism in GemStone than any other game out there combined, no matter how badly they swear there isn't. GM's have no business IMing people and telling them when and where they are about to open their merchant...yet it happens all the time.
[Edited on 11-5-2003 by LordSagan]
11-05-2003, 03:58 PM
I agree with you Lord Sagan, that's a bunch of bullshit and it shouldn't go on. But it does, and if there's one thing I've come to realize about GemStone, it's that there are some unwritten rules governing favoritism (or should I say, NOT governing it). You can either rail against it, choose not to care, or play along, but it's the way it is.
I can handle Balouga and her lightning bolts better than Bindi screaming, "That's not 15/15/15!"
11-05-2003, 04:07 PM
GM's have no business IMing people and telling them when and where they are about to open their merchant...yet it happens all the time.-LordSagan
Obviously you know a certain rogue who seems to be in the right place at the right time at every event also.
Not that I'm bitter, I just wish I could keep up with him while he was running around! ;)
I didnt get an alter because of this, because of that! bahh and the ones that go and join groups at these merchants and whisper your OOC!. Thats the worst!
Your all sheep!
11-05-2003, 07:01 PM
11-05-2003, 07:11 PM
Um, Rowi, I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, "Huh?"
::looks around for her "all sheep"::
hmm, maybe ill say it different.
Sheep....... a timid docile person; especially : one easily influenced or led.
People go to these merchants and join in groups at some of them and Bullshit OOC all over the place.
Some moron singing at elvarias caveren "Whip it! whip it good!." Most people in my opinion are followers AKA: Sheep! Most people that show up to merchants any more are OOC and suck at RP.
Just look at all the horrid alters out there. Dont like OOC at merchants? Dont go thats what I try to do.
As for the screaming 15/15/15? most people there dont understand what that means or anything else far as that goes. The signs or what the people say cause they suck at RP or ignorant of it, all of them.
Some merchants are good at RP, those i like. Stupid idea? BOOM dead. sleeping? Bling another room.
<join my group ive got ideas, im tired and have to go to work soon though, sure hope i get this alter!>
....WORK UNION...........SLEEP MORE~!
11-06-2003, 11:06 AM
Some merchants RP rather well, some don't. I find players often more OOC about it.
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