View Full Version : Why Leveling Services Sucks

12-31-2004, 05:59 AM
Okay if we got to.....

Originally posted by Eiderfleur
I don't understand why someone would pay subscription fees for a game to have someone else play it.

Interesting idea but definitly not my thing. Don't really trust anyone here enough to give them my account details. Mebbe the same guys who AFK script instead of play it. And remember when GS went to the web and they had that 3x EXP for a few weeks? Guys were going mental begging folks to play their PCs 24 hours a day for cash.

I wouldn't trust it myself though.

12-31-2004, 06:00 AM
Yowza, I just made the 1000th complaint topic!


12-31-2004, 07:13 AM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
Okay if we got to.....

Originally posted by Eiderfleur
I don't understand why someone would pay subscription fees for a game to have someone else play it.

Interesting idea but definitly not my thing. Don't really trust anyone here enough to give them my account details. Mebbe the same guys who AFK script instead of play it. And remember when GS went to the web and they had that 3x EXP for a few weeks? Guys were going mental begging folks to play their PCs 24 hours a day for cash.

I wouldn't trust it myself though.

Wow I get quoted in the first post on this thread?!?!?! WHAT I EVER DO TO YOU GALLEAZZO?!?!?! BASTARD!!! (hehehe I am kiding of course)

OK back to topic. Well I don't remember when GS went to the web as I simply haven't been playing that long. Also I guess I can understand WHY people AFK script. but paying subscription fees for a game...... AND paying someone else to play it for you, that is something I simply don't get!

I'd rather people PAY someone else to level their character than AFK script though I guess because at least there is someone there. Personally I wouldn't do either.

I play games because I enjoy them not because I want to be all powerful with no work at all myself. If that were the case I would have bought a character.

I greatly enjoyed levelling Eider and the RP that went with it. :)

12-31-2004, 07:34 AM
Some people just want to have the biggest dick, even if they have to use someone else's to have it.

You'll find it's a universal mentality in most forms of recreation. When I'm goofing around with my "grease monkey" buds, we joke about the people that pay out the nose to have "the hottest car". Sure, the car is nice and you like to show it off, but what did you do to it .... oh, you paid someone else to do it.

Now with a car it's a little different. Not everyone knows how to tear a drive train apart or do body work, so it is almost expected that people will pay bucks to have their slice of that pie. It's the folks that show case the cars they didn't build that get our chuckles.

Games aren't really any different. Some people want the biggest and the baddest, yet they don't want to go through what some of the biggest and baddest (the original owners) did. Now there are those people that just don't have the time to invest and they get rather bored with logging in for a few hours a week to just to do a repeat of what they did the week before.

Let's face it, the tangible in game rewards go to those that have more time to dedicate for game play. Which always struck me as an odd way for a business to run. Why reward the people that add more your overhead? The people that suck up more bandwidth, take up more staff time, etc etc? It made more sense with pay to play, but with monthly subscription .... oy. If you have 40 hours a week to sit in front of the PC and play GS ... you're gold in game. Feel sorry for your ass though.

[Edited on 12-31-2004 by Tsa`ah]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-31-2004, 09:11 AM
Well Tayvin is 69 and it's near 9 years getting there, and I wouldn't have it any other way (except I wish he was 100 but I don't have the time!).

Like you said Tsa`ah, if he was 100, but I paid someone else to do it, I'm a poser really. At least I can say every level Tayvin made was made by me and I know I haven't "cheated" to get there.

12-31-2004, 09:13 AM
For myself, I came to the point where the whole dully grind through the same critters for many levels in a row got boring. My response was cutting back and finally quitting GS. I could understand why others decide to have people level for them however. I could definitely understand in my current job, where I work about 80 hours a week.

12-31-2004, 09:04 PM
The mere fact that peopl ebuy characters at various levels means this service is useful. Think about the difference between buying some 6x armor and paying an enchanter to make your armor 6x. Subtle difference despite the end result being mechanically the same.

I wouldn't buy a level 60 character online for fear that its name would be Biggnife, or Poodood, but the character I've played and leveled there is a difference.

Actually I have no interest in it at all, and a major flaw seems to be that its being handled like dry cleaning, drop it off and come by next week. Which means I can't use the character during that time. I mean I'm sure I could but the details would get hairy if I do any hunting or just sit around when this person is supposed to be leveling it.

12-31-2004, 09:22 PM
Well there is no way a levelling service is going to be a good value because of the time involved to do it. I guess if someone had enough money though, and they wanted to pay someone else an insane amount of money to do it then why not. The thing is it will be so damn expensive because of the time involved.

Buying another character would be sooo much better and cheaper imo. But face it, there are alot of people out there with more dollars than sense. If they want to fork up the cash to pay someone hundreds of dollars to get their toon to level 20 then more power too em. Apparently they have more money to burn than I do. And if someone is advertising the service, I'm willing to bet that there are people willing to pay to have it done.

PS: THANKS Galleazzo for starting this thread :p