View Full Version : The Griffin Sword Saga.
09-29-2003, 11:40 PM
Bitch and moan or ejaculate in ecstacy over this piece of history (or whatever you want to call it) here.
09-30-2003, 06:09 AM
Sadly, it seems a piece of history. The events team ought to get moving again.
09-30-2003, 04:07 PM
The people that have fucked things up in this quest, in game AND out, are the players. Players being idiots, players claiming proprietary rights to certain bits of knowledge that are completely useless to the actual quest.
It seems like the fighting over what was or wasn't fair, what was IC or OOC, and who was or wasn't being a quest hog or complete asshole eclipsed the fun of the entire thing.
I hate people (hel-LO, Kevralynn) who complain about not being able to get involved, not getting RPAs when there are NPCs around, shit like that.
I heavily dislike when people try to play both sides of the quest, have inexplicable knowledge that they're trasnporting between characters and then act all innocent about it.
Most of all, I hate when players think knowing some "secret" makes them special, and it's a reason to kick other players out. Few people would know what I'm talking about, and I really don't care to tell the tale. But I hate it.
This all has to do with the quest, on the players' end. I think the GMs came up with a great idea. I'd like to see it moved along too, I'm sure it will when the time is right.
[Edited on 9-30-2003 by SpunGirl]
09-30-2003, 04:35 PM
I've seen the good side and the bad side of it.
Now, I'm dealing with the backlash of Maimara having become heavily involved and my suddenly becoming a quest hog and all of that noise.
You'd be surprised the shit people make up when they're jealous of you.
The problem I ran into with the Griffin Sword Saga can be summed up in one word, Kadesha....
09-30-2003, 05:17 PM
You know, I had a huge problem with Kadesha, and she with me, until she and I had a talk and she started taking me seriously.
I haven't interacted with her lately, but she's not so bad. The whole Achillea thing is just something I've taught myself to forget about, because it makes my blood boil.
Kadesha and I will never see eye to eye. I tried talking to her about it, she just refuses to see any other position than her own. Prior to the Griffin Sword Saga, Kadesha and my character were friends, not really close, but certainly not the way things are now. What bothered me the most wasn't really the Achillea thing, but the way she threw her weight around, and attempted to block others from becoming involved. Add to that the way she tried bashing my character and the others who were recently Knighted on the official boards... She just really annoys me now.
09-30-2003, 05:35 PM
Haven't seen her around much, recently.
She's probably training up a replacement for Achillea.....
09-30-2003, 06:12 PM
I understand she's left Onior, not of her own choosing but to save face.
She seemed tolerant to me, but I caught her towards the end, where she had no choice but to be nice. After Achillea was outed, she suddenly became very accomodating and understanding, to those who would still speak to her.
I tried to get the full story on why she was forced out of Onoir, never could get anyone to tell me. All I know is that she left to avoid being kicked out. Rather funny I thought.
09-30-2003, 09:42 PM
We did roleplay a big trial out with her with Onoir at one point, though she didn't leave at that time. She actually attacked Sheka, and Ilvane testified against her, because she didn't attack really provoked, but rather rashly. She forgave me, but I still think sometimes she's mad at Ilvane.:grin: This was back when she was toying with Luukos though.
[Edited on 10-1-2003 by Ilvane]
10-01-2003, 08:47 AM
Hmm, never really bothered with quests. At Eveliths urging I tried to become involved with WON when the Demon Summoner guy was about. No dice. It just confirmed that the entire thing is pretty much a system of favourtism, as well as generally being pre-scripted, two things I read alot of on the boards. I don't really care, it doesn't effect me much. People play GS to hunt, socialize, gain attention etc. Whatever floats ya boat ;)
10-01-2003, 11:10 AM
Actually, hon..I totally don't see favoritism at all. Ilvane was involved in things when she was really small in trainings, as in 4 and 5 trainings. I was basically unknown before that.
I wasn't going to get involved in the GSS quest because I really thought I shouldn't after the Thurfel quest, mainly because I didn't want people to think I was a quest hog. Then I got a vision while I was could I resist, especially when Ilvane is a dreamer of Ronan?
I hope it continues, it had some of the best experiences of my time with Ilvane with this quest, including the second mark of Ronan for helping with summoning guardians to Illistim.
Edited to add--
I realize some people have experienced problems of favouritism, and I didn't post that to diminish that at all, I personally just have not seen it.:)
[Edited on 10-1-2003 by Ilvane]
10-01-2003, 01:51 PM
I think there are a select few people who could be classified as "quest hogs," but I'll have to agree with Maimara that most of it is shit people make up.
Like I said, the major problems with this quest have been issues the players create.
I have to disagree with you StrayRogue, I don't think the majority of things in Quests are scripted. But I haven't been on both sides of it, so that's just my perception.
10-01-2003, 01:57 PM
The whole Achillea/Kadesha thing was really a downer with the Griffin Sword drama. I know several people tried to speak to her about the OOCness, while others approached her about about the exclusionary tactics of pulling NPCs into sanctuaries or inn rooms that exclude dark elves. It is unfortunate the only side she could see was her own and she lost some friends because of it. She also obsessively stalked several people in the quest, which got to be annoying (and made you wonder about her real mental state). Achillea sort of disappeared after she converted from worshipping Lornon to worshipping Liabo (Ronan), and the GMs running the quest didn't jump on that and add it their storyline.
If a quest is GM-run, I wouldn't go so far to say it's scripted, but I would definitely say they have an outline to follow and a goal to reach, otherwise it would be chaos. I do know that if a nice twist comes from the people in the quest, and it fits into their plans, they'll incorporate it, but if you try to force something to happen around your character, forget it. I saw that first hand with the Vvrael quest and haven't really gotten involved in another since.
The Vvrael quest was really a nice piece of work, but several people got jealous and whined constantly. They attacked those "chosen" for a more visible role. With so little actual quests, you'd think that anyone involved on ANY level would just be happy for the chance to roleplay out something they didn't have to make up themselves! There were also cries of favoritism with this quest too, but I'm still a firm believer that you create your role in a quest, you don't wait for it to be created, and you don't stop because you aren't immediately accepted.
Another funny aspect of quests are the side stories that attention whores create because they need the drama of a quest every day in their lives. The two factions killing and kidnapping each other was just a bit too much. I don't see what it added to the visions and stories.
10-01-2003, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Another funny aspect of quests are the side stories that attention whores create because they need the drama of a quest every day in their lives. The two factions killing and kidnapping each other was just a bit too much. I don't see what it added to the visions and stories.
I agree with this totally.
10-01-2003, 05:07 PM
As I recall, Achillea was cast out of the Luukosian faith. She didn't 'switch'. She was thrown out by the Luukosian High Priest for passing information about the Alliance to the Resistance.
10-01-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
As I recall, Achillea was cast out of the Luukosian faith. She didn't 'switch'. She was thrown out by the Luukosian High Priest for passing information about the Alliance to the Resistance.
Oh but she did switch. After she was cast out she immediately changed her faith to Liabo/Ronan.
I'm sorry, but if my character had spent years worshipping one particular Arkati, I'd invest months roleplaying out my loss of faith and my subsequent change of faith.
Not conveniently move along to the next Arkati or alliance that was prominent in an ongoing quest! That's just wrong in so many ways.
10-01-2003, 05:22 PM
Didn't Klaive swear fealty to about four of the evil Gods throughout his "career"?
10-01-2003, 05:24 PM
Tierus did it, too. It's not uncommom to switch from one Arkati to t he next, based on who gives you th e most prestige/attention.
10-01-2003, 05:29 PM
Tierus is (like Tayre) a tool.
Seriously though... never have I watched someone scream for so much attention. I took great pleasure in ignoring him when he was trying to make me be impressed over him.
10-01-2003, 05:30 PM
Atleast he doesn't RP the goof. Nor shoot of warns left and right.
10-01-2003, 05:50 PM
I think that's an amazingly understated and uninformed comment about Tierus's religious preferences. During the course of 8 years of game time, he spent about 2 weeks as a Sheruvian (when I first started.) This was followed by over half a decade of playing a Ronanite, during which I felt I explored every aspect of the religion that I could with that character.
When Eryael came around, I had already been flirting with Mularos for quite some time (note that I'd had a Mularos symbol made for me by Luire during the first Dhu Gillywack, which demonstrates a heavy period of pre-planning) but he provided me with a vehicle through which I might effect the change.
To say that Tierus's religious transformation was done for prestige is ludicrous. I got more crap and continue to get it daily, both IC and OOC, from the religious change, over a year after it was accomplished. While Ronanite Tierus was a respected member of the Icemule community despite his problems, Mularosian Tierus wears a major yoke of distrust from both Liabo and Lornon characters.
Attention? Okay, I'll spring for that. Yeah, I'll fully admit to enjoying that Eryael took interest in Tierus, but I will say that anyone who joins in a quest should feel free to interact when the means are provided. People who know me will vouch that I do not favor GM interaction over normal player interactions, and I've been involved in a hell of a lot more player roleplay than I have ever been involved in staff-induced RP.
Maimara, this response is primarily to you. I'm not sure why Tayre dislikes me, as I've really no clue as to who she or he is.
P.S. Bets on Kevralynn!
10-01-2003, 05:53 PM
You do act like a fop though, don't you ;)
10-01-2003, 06:11 PM
I hope it gets going when GSIV comes on and stabilizes. It pretty much died for me when it went to the EN.
10-02-2003, 02:29 PM
"Another funny aspect of quests are the side stories that attention whores create because they need the drama of a quest every day in their lives. The two factions killing and kidnapping each other was just a bit too much. I don't see what it added to the visions and stories. "
Gosh. I'm sorry that some folks have to only RP with GM NPCS.
Comments like that make me sick.
10-02-2003, 09:39 PM
Me too. I bear despisal for this quote, already. Its as if it were to say " i didn't like how they stole the event away from me."
Note that in most cases where people pass up a critic about something like this, they're using 'they' to accuse 'someone else'. But when you get to think to it, from another perspective, you realize how many players there is in this frickin game and thus how utterly lucridous this statement is, since it vomits the responsability onto someone else - anybody else-, those who 'admittedly gets all the attention'. But if everyone else blames everyone else, who's the real culprits? The staff? Psh.
Now. About getting attention. I know many players - and their characters- who do tend to attract a lot of attention. But i'm wondering if it's really attention they're seeking, or simply playing expressive characters? I'm wondering if the claimants (the "gah-they're-getting-all-the-attention-from-me-people" ) aren't to blame as well for their lack of activity?
I'm not criticizing about the way they (see, i use it too!) roleplay their character, but simply about the slightly obscurly hidden perversive desire to get attention-or-something-else (admit it: that person quoted said that with a reason. She hoped for something good she lost.) that they just leave dormant. And once it's 'taken' away from them, they criticize, they voice their concern. But they never really did anything about it to prevent it. I'm sure those who are getting 'all' the attention who be -glad- to have their place stolen under well-roleplayed circumstances.
Of course, being an RP-ogre can be pissy at times. But if it pisses you, just play on an equal level.
And as for side-quests, i see nothing wrong with them. I find the hunting-spelling-money mongering side of the game a tad boring, so i tend to involved myself into a lot of those. And if people can't make up side-quests because it's fun and because they're getting 'way too much attention', well i'll start asking why the hell did they bothered with this quest in the first place.
And personnally, would it that i'd never had involved myself into side-quests, i'd only have roleplayed about two or three times in my life. The amount if time my Character gotten direct GM-NPC attention.
And i like to spend my money onto something else than the usual mundane hack-slash-gather. Quests and side-quests are good to me for that. If i wanted any hack-slash-gather, i'd play fucking Diablo, or Morrowind.
But I'm being a little Pissy. And i hate pissy people, so i'll stop before i start hating myself.
[K e e p]
PS.: I know both Tierus and Maimara. And personnally, if they get attention it's because of 2 things: 1- They're both good. And 2- they're both lucky. Period. They had luck, they reacted to it, nicely, and the GMs remembered them for that.
10-05-2003, 04:58 AM
Go back and read the quote again.
It addressed those people that NEED to create SIDE STORIES to a quest, to fill their drama quota for the day. This usually happens during quest downtime, or because suddenly they're not the center of attention 24/7 anymore because the quest focus has shifted or, imagine this, the focus might actually be on someone else for a change!
My quote did not say that the only good RP is with GM NPCs or discourage RPing at any time. It was a comment directed to the attention whores, not the general population.
10-05-2003, 05:03 AM
One pondering thought I just had in my post-beer, pre-hangover daze...why are they not doing this shit now? Why no kidnappings? No drama? No whoring?
Because they know the GM's aren't watching? Or...?
Or IS it going on, but they are just keeping it to their little "group" of GSSers? Please fill me in here.
[Edited on 5-10-03 by StrayRogue]
10-06-2003, 01:58 AM
It's hardly going on, from what I know. Things have died down and other stuff is happening, althought there might be little side skirmishes here and there. It was really intense in EN for the two-three months things were happening there, I think everyone needed a break?
10-06-2003, 02:00 AM
I'm sorry if some might feel that RPing something while something isn't going on is bad. I mean, we are playing a roleplaying game, no?
There's nothing wrong with a little drama to make things interesting.;)
10-06-2003, 03:55 AM
Well..this is something I've always wondered about personally.
Thus far, most of the RP's that have popped up have never been in line with the char I'm playing at that time, so I'm never really involved.. (save for the Bregan invasion in landing..but I won't go into that ::cough::), So I've mostly kept on the "side lines" with the big story line stuff. Its not that friends have not tried to get me involved..Naessi dragged my butt all the way to EN. Alyxandria tried to introduce me to Thurfel during one of his stints in Mule.
But, most, if not all the RP's have hit off the Gods in the game. Which, if anyone knows Adredrin, does not flow well with him. That, and I'm actually pretty quiet around big RP's, I'm always afraid I'm going to screw something up. (I tried and tried and TRIED to just WATCH the going ons in EN, but damn Sraven would NOT let me watch it quietly while invisible..and thats another whole different can of worms that really pissed me off..).
I honestly don't feel I'm that great of an RP'er..though some people tell me differently. *shrug* I dono. I'd like to get involved..but I'm one of those people that feels..if the GM's wanted Adredrin's ideas, thoughts, or plans..they woulda givin him a "vision" too.
10-06-2003, 07:55 AM
If it makes sense for your character to be involved, the more power to you.
If you make up reasons to get involved... that's pretty lame, if it's a lame reason.
10-06-2003, 08:22 AM
I got involved for only alittle bit of the quest this wench named Harith had a thing for seeking me out and making my life hell heh. Always sending critters to kill me. I'd kill the first few and she would get pissed and send some uber banshee or just explode my ass via thought.
I got real busy IRL so I wasn't able to spend enough time in the quest to make my part worth it to myself and others and me just popping in once a week to do something in a quest wouldn't make any sense. So the short of the long of it I just faded out of the quest and watched the happenings as best I could without getting involved again.
If quests are your thing and you have the time to give the quest the attention it deserves more power to you. Rarely do I have the time to give the quest justice so I just watch for the most part. I don't get cool titles, gifts, or anything like that but such is life.
10-07-2003, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by Lady Daina I just wish some people would stop trying to jump into EVERY quest, with ALL their characters.
Bravo, Bravo, Bravo. You echo the sentiments of many.
Same for creating a reason for your character to be involved. Your arkati not involved in the Quest? Conversion time! (No, T, I am not talking to you).
But on a whole it disgusts me.
10-08-2003, 12:10 AM
Just be like me and don't get involved in worthless quests that mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Especially those quests requiring $$$.
10-08-2003, 04:18 PM
Quests like H4H that require a ticket are totally different than things like the WoN mess or the GSS. Ticketed quests usually don't have much of an effect on the people who didn't pay.
10-08-2003, 04:29 PM
Totally agree with Spungirl. Sick of all the same people being in all the quests, different characters and all, then kissing each others asses on the boards.
12-08-2004, 09:08 PM
Same old same old for the past 2 plus years on this one.
12-08-2004, 09:55 PM
Is there a group or a third party that doesn't align themselves with the arkatis ( either one ) who are involved in this quest? Let me know please. Or wants to form a group?
12-08-2004, 10:05 PM
There seem to be 3 parties, The Resistance or Elantian Alliance, The Dark Alliance, and those that want to see the Sword destroyed.
That third is what you seek I think. there are many about, trust me on that.
Ask alot of questions and you should find out all you need to know.
12-08-2004, 11:36 PM
Will this quest ever end?
12-08-2004, 11:38 PM
The ending is already written. Just a matter of time for the GM's to get it together.
12-08-2004, 11:57 PM
Will this quest ever end?
__________________________________________________ __
If you have been apart of this Quest from the start, or from any point actually, will it ever end? Will the mass go back to being friends after all is said and done?
Or will the fight Continue even after the sword is returned to what ever place that may be?
12-09-2004, 12:14 AM
I bet the ending winds up a total anticlimax suckfest. With a whimper not a bang.
12-09-2004, 01:00 PM
Kind of like the sucktastic ending to the Thurfel Quest.
Naomi Chan
12-17-2004, 03:14 PM
I couldn't take this quest seriously after the first phase (the Wehnimer's part) when everyone re-aligned with a different god and migrated with the GM activity. That was just silly.
My character doesn't read the boards, so like, I had no way of knowing what was happening at Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim. People I would talk to out of game felt awkward in discussing this, but the search for GM attention overrode their sense of roleplaying fairness and honor. I am not personally angry at all, but I can see why others feel upset about it. Fortunately my Arkati was not involved with this particular quest, because I feel if a quest for Andelas ever pops up, people will be under much greater scrutiny when they go chasing for that GM attention.
It really was the poor character of some of the players, and not the GM's who were at fault.
Despite this, GSS was probably one of the most fun GM driven quest instances I ever had with Sayori, with what little I saw of it. I can see why others could not resist going for a little more.
Naomi Chan
12-19-2004, 12:39 AM
Ok as an afterthought, because he always takes stuff personal, no Tierus, I am not referring to you....I know you work very hard at your roleplay.
[Edited on 12-19-2004 by Naomi Chan]
12-23-2004, 10:31 PM
I agree with the statement that it was the Players who ruined this entire storyline. I refused to become involved, even after several opportunities were thrown my way; after every BillyBob, JoeBilly, and MaryBob converted religion to try to become a "big player" in the quest. One day you got a guy who was caught speaking l337 speak over the amunet. The next you got the super roleplayer, who is never in character unless an NPC is around. The next you got a Luukosian who switches to Ronan in a day and a half....etc etc etc.
Plain and simple, people who can't RP shouldn't complain when they don't get included in a quest. You want to be included in a quest, RP CONSISTENTLY on a DAILY basis. If you don't find it to be FUN, the quest won't be FUN either. 99% of the time, no one gets any uber equipment from these events, and the only thing tangible they walk away with is a few deeds lost and their names in the history books.
Of course, on the other hand, you could do what people have been doing for years. Find a GM's character, befriend it...and then you will magically be involved in most every quest. Magically.
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