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Thread: What about the price of eggs?

  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    You seem even more entrenched these days than you were just 5 years ago. What's the deal?

    Do you no longer believe in compromise? Are there people outside of your political circle that you would ever consider working with to achieve a mutual goal?
    When the Dems are out of power... now they way to compromise.

    Sit down sweetie. We're fixing the mess you put us in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Besides, Republicans also block abstinence and contraceptives anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Regulating firearms to keep them out of the hands of criminals, the unhinged, etc. meets the first test of the 2nd amendment, 'well-regulated'.

    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    You show me a video of me typing that and Ill admit it. (This was the excuse he came up with when he was called out for a really stupid post)
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    3 million more popular votes. I'd say the numbers speak for themselves. Gerrymandering won for Trump.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    I find it odd that egg prices seem....wonky.

    The generic store brands are upwards of $7.50 for a dozen.

    The name brands and free ranged egg prices are between $4-5 a dozen, prices they have been for the past 12+ months. Why are the "cheap" eggs now 67% more expensive than what used to be the expensive eggs?

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    In amazement


    Quote Originally Posted by drumpel View Post
    I find it odd that egg prices seem....wonky.

    The generic store brands are upwards of $7.50 for a dozen.

    The name brands and free ranged egg prices are between $4-5 a dozen, prices they have been for the past 12+ months. Why are the "cheap" eggs now 67% more expensive than what used to be the expensive eggs?
    It's due to JIT inventory management, long term contracts and what's called "Loss Leaders." Lots of store brands try to buy only as much as they need and don't keep much stock in the supply line so they can adjust prices and keep profitable on a narrower margin. So, their prices adjust faster. Large store chains contract for ridiculous amounts of goods over years and lock in prices with slower price variation. Also, lots of stores and brands price things as "Loss Leaders". This means, they sell something at below cost in order to keep you buying their brand or coming into their store. Sam's and Costco are champions in this with their rotisserie chickens and hotdog meals. They lose money on each sale of those but those items keep you coming into the store and keep you happy so they make more money over all.
    I asked for neither your Opinion,
    your Acceptance
    nor your Permission.

    "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." Dante Alighieri 3
    "It took 2000 mules to install one Jackass." Diamond and Silk Watch the Movie

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    You seem even more entrenched these days than you were just 5 years ago. What's the deal?

    Do you no longer believe in compromise? Are there people outside of your political circle that you would ever consider working with to achieve a mutual goal?
    I'm not gonna bother going back to check, but there's a 99% chance that just 4 years ago you were like, "You lost get over it" and now suddenly you're pretending to be all about "compromise."

    Everything Trump is currently doing is what people voted for him to do. Everything he's doing right now he said he was going to do at most if not every campaign rally leading up to the election. And then he won the election. By a lot. Including the popular vote.

    The compromise is that you retards can still go cry in your Pedosky echo chamber and virtue signal up each others' asses because you can't handle the reality of the world slowly being restored back to normalcy while pretending that you just want everyone to "compromise" now. There was no "compromise" over the past 4 years.

    The majority of the country said fuck all that shit in November, and that you can go eat a bag of dicks. So go eat a bag of dicks with your "compromise" and stop being a pussy.

    EDIT: Trump's at 70% approval rating today
    Last edited by Methais; 02-09-2025 at 03:06 PM.
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  5. #65


    100,000 eggs stolen from truck as prices surge nationwide, police say
    Feb. 5, 2025 at 1:15 pm

    By Natalie Demaree
    McClatchy News

    Thousands of eggs were stolen from a truck in Pennsylvania, police said. The theft comes as egg prices continue to increase to record-high levels.

    Pennsylvania State Police responded to the theft report just after 8:30 p.m. Feb. 1 in Chambersburg, according to a report.

    Approximately 100,000 eggs — worth about $40,000 in retail value — were taken from the back of a Pete & Gerry’s distribution trailer, police said.

    Trump promised to lower prices on his first day in office. Did he try?

  6. #66


    Another one..

    SEATTLE - Hundreds of eggs are missing from a West Seattle restaurant in what police are calling a "breakfast heist."


  7. #67


    I hate to post another time about the egg theft, but this one was too good to pass up..

    “It is still an active investigation. There’s nothing that can be reported. If something breaks, we will let you know,” Brink said of the ongoing egg probe being conducted by state police in Chambersburg.


  8. Default

    People steal them because they are worth more than the soon to be discontinued pennies and nickels that you've been avidly reporting on. Please keep us updated on if these massive thefts are solved.
    Click the link above to see how much you owe the government.

    "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
    -Superracist, Joe Biden

    “If you don’t believe in free speech for people who you disagree with, and even hate for what they stand for, then you don’t believe in free speech.”
    -My favorite liberal

  9. #69


    Even as egg production recovered in 2023, prices did not come down. Between April and December 2023, national retail inventories of eggs each month exceeded the five-year average by as much as almost 13%. Yet the average egg price for consumers was higher than the five-year average each month.

    In one case, the country’s largest egg producer, Cal-Maine, boasted a sevenfold increase in gross profits in fiscal year 2023 compared with 2021, after increasing prices above rising costs – and despite its flocks not being affected by avian flu during that period.

    Cal-Maine, which produces one in every five eggs eaten in the US, issued shareholder dividends totaling $250m in fiscal year 2023 – 40 times more than the previous fiscal year. The Mississippi-based company sold 7% more eggs in 2024 compared with 2021 and tripled its profits over the same period, according to company filings.

  10. #70


    So you're saying Biden did nothing about this obvious price gouging while he was president? What a failure!

    Also whoever wrote that obviously doesn't understand even the very basics of economics: supply and demand. Just because Cal-Maine wasn't affected by the avian flu doesn't mean anything, they are going to sell their eggs for more money because the demand is there and the supply is lower because OTHER farms had to kill hundreds of millions of chickens because the government made them. Companies don't sell their products for less money just because they themselves don't have a supply issue, they sell their product for more because the market as a whole has a supply issue.

    And lastly, talk about spinning a narrative based on selective facts. National retail inventories in 2023 exceeded the five-year average by 13%? Why the hell is he talking about the five year average instead of comparing egg inventories in 2023 to egg inventories before the government made farms kill hundreds of millions of chickens?

    Look how easy this bit of information can mislead you.
    2019: 100 million eggs in inventory
    2020: 100 million
    2021: 30 million
    2022: 20 million
    2023: 70 million
    5 year average: 64 million

    ZOMG! Egg inventories in 2023 were almost 10% higher than the five-year average, despite the fact that egg inventories in 2023 are still lower than they were in 2020.

    Those aren't the real numbers, I just made them up to prove a point. Fake news articles are fake news. Maybe egg companies are ripping off consumers because they see no reason to lower prices since people are willing to pay these higher prices, but bullshit articles like this don't help the situation.

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