The thing is, and everyone knows this including far leftists such as Clyder, is if Biden didn't go after 1000+ people who were mostly grannies just walking around the capitol, and instead they focused on just the couple of dozen who supposedly attacked police officers, that no one would have cared and Trump wouldn't have pardoned them.
But when Biden made it so obvious that he was just weaponizing the Depart of "Justice" to prosecute Americans who disagreed with him then it forced Trump's hand to pardon all of them and none of us give a single shit about him doing so.
In other words: "Thanks, Biden!"
Everyone that rushed the Capitol is a hero. People don't just wake up and suddenly decide to do that shit. 2 trillion dollars stolen from SS trust, 30+ years of inept leadership, lies to get us into wars.These politicians should be on their hands and knees thanking the all mighty that they weren't swinging from lamp posts by the end of the day, because, they kind of deserve it.
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius“It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
― George Orwell, 1984
“The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984
This is at least the third J6 rioter to be arrested since the pardons two weeks ago and, according to the article, the second to be arrested on child sex charges.
A January 6 rioter who was pardoned by the president has been arrested on child sex charges.
More...Taake is the second pardoned January 6 rioter to be arrested on child sex charges.
Last edited by Parkbandit; 02-07-2025 at 08:51 AM.
No, not yet.
I guess whether or not you approve of a pardon depends on what you believe should be the primary purpose of imprisonment. If you are primarily concerned about punishment, then you would not release a jailed killer, even if you were convinced that the killer had reformed his life. If you are primarily concerned about deterrence, then you might release a jailed killer if you were convinced that the killer had reformed his life.
Trump flatly stated that he did not undertake a case-by-case analysis of the pardoned prisoners because it would have been a "cumbersome" undertaking. Clearly, then, the Trump pardons were not based on any belief that the prisoners had reformed. Instead, the pardons appear to have been based on a belief that punishment was not warranted.
Although I am not familiar with the Biden pardon you are referring to, perhaps because you have not provided a link, I do not believe Biden would pardon a killer without making his own determination that the killer had reformed his ways and was no longer a threat to society.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam