Last edited by Methais; 09-16-2024 at 09:41 AM.
lol my favorite is when Methais posts something really stupid and then I make fun of him and then he has nothing to say back so he cries about it
hey Methais remember that time I made fun of you so bad that you whined about it and told me never to internet forum talk to you again? lol that was funny. really pathetic but also funny
Remember how you've been obsessed with me for close to 10 years now and still nobody knows why?
Remember how you get even more upset when I don't pay attention to you? Because for some reason you're desperate as fuck for my attention on any given day?
Did I kill you in GS a long time ago and you can't get over it?
Are you mad because your dream job of being a gay porn fluffer didn't pan out as you hoped?
Are you mad because your posts are even more mouthbreathing than shaft's and nobody gives a fuck about you so much that no one even bothers trolling you, because you somehow manage to make ClydeR and Seran look normal and almost smart by comparison?
Or are you just extra mad because you're about to get 4 more years of Trump and not even sucking 12 dicks by noon like you do daily is enough to get you through your emotional trauma and mental illness?
Either way, keep it up. We're kind of in need of a new retard champion around here. Seran hasn't been pulling his weight ever since Biden dropped out, and ClydeR just doesn't have what it takes, despite his efforts.
Bonus points if you can articulate why you've been chronically obsessed with me for at least the past decade or so. People who don't shit their pants and suck cock simultaneously want to know.