What Qualifications Do You Need to Work at a Daycare?
"The qualifications needed to get a job in daycare vary depending on the type of job you are seeking and the state in which you live. If you want to get a job in a daycare facility or nursery, you need a high school diploma at a minimum.
If you want to work in a daycare that provides preschool education, your employers may require that you have training or formal education in early childhood development. In nearly all positions working with children, there are certain certifications you should obtain, including first aid, CPR, and fire safety. There may also be training required for child abuse detection and prevention."
If I had to guess, the highlighted part is probably what he was referring to.
Gone are the days of letting neighborhood kids looking after other neighborhood kids.
Of course, the term "latch-key" kid is how I grew up. Starting at about 10 I looked after myself until my mother got home.
Somehow, humans have survived tens-of-thousands of years without "daycare"... yet somehow we've become so weak as a species, and designed our societies in such a way... taking care of children is somehow more "difficult" than in the past.